D.C.S.S. Episode 21
Summary: Sakura almost manages to convince Aisia to stay away from the path to Kotori’s doom (as predicted by me), but Aisia grows too smart for her own good and runs away (presumably to the magic sakura tree again).
It’s futile Aisia. Your power is far too weak
However, there’s still a hope for my prediction to not come true, as Sakura mentions here that Aisia’s magical power is too n00b to revive the tree with on her own.
Aisia attempts to think. Realizes that she lacks a brain
After listening to Sakura’s explanation on why magic isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, Aisia is a little confused, but she sort of accepts Sakura’s words and it seems like we won’t get the ending I predicted after all…
Hey wait a minute! Sakura, you tricked me!
But suddenly, one of the few moments of realizations in her entire miserable life takes place and she realizes that her beliefs are not wrong. She sticks it to Sakura and runs out of the house. This part makes me feel very conflicted. Although I am very happy with Aisia for putting that stupid pedo jailbait in her place, I am also very certain that if Aisia successfully manages to revive the sakura tree, it will become the plot focus and Kotori will be marginalized once again.
Oh crap
On the other hand, it seems very likely based on the preview for episode 22 and the Newtype spoilers for 23 that the revival of the sakura tree itself may be the thing that will cause Kotori to come back into the game. It which case it could be a killer blow to Kotori’s chance, because the only plot device that is supposed to bring her back into the race is also going to marginalize her for the grand finale between Aisia, Sakura, Nemu and Jun’ichi.
This looks like it will be a tough road for Kotori ahead.
Of course, this forecast is based on the assumption that Nemu will once again fall sick due to the revival of the magic sakura tree. If she doesn’t, then the focus for the climax could very well be on Kotori, Jun’ichi and Nemu instead. I believe that the spoilers for episode 24 should be enough to reveal the final ending. We’ll just have to wait for the next issue of Newtype.
Oh man, I really got to stop analyzing the D.C.S.S. story.
November 21st, 2005 at 12:42 am
If the producers are going to marginalize kotori’s any more she will be least notacible “major” character ever! If kotori doesn’t play a major role in the last eps, then i would like to know the definitation of “major” from the producers.
Why should nemu get sick again when the tree revives? I thought she got sick because of what sakura wished?
When does the spoilers for eps24 get out?
November 21st, 2005 at 2:09 am
Well… It seems to me that her being marginalized is a very huge possibility at this point of time.
Because Sakura likes Jun’ichi, her most inner thoughts will always wish for Nemu to be gone and the tree will respond to that. Well, at least that’s what I think. The other possibility is that the tree will pick up from where it left off, in which case the result is the same.
Uh, around 10th of December I suppose. Come to think of it, I’ll probably end up watching the episode 24 preview at the end of 23 before I get my hands on a copy of Newtype Jan…
Basically it comes down to this: if Nemu falls sick, then bye bye Kotori. If Nemu doesn’t fall sick, it still can go either way. Bah.
November 21st, 2005 at 8:26 pm
your right, if nemu gets sick than kotori’s role is over, the story will resolve around nemu/jun’chi/sakura.
But I don’t think that will happen, accoording to the producer kotori is a main character. Giving kotori a small and insignificant role in the end will mean that his lifespan will get shorter.
And if the story will be about nemu/jun’ichi/sakura, then it will be a season1 rerun. Pretty boring to say the least.