To Heart 2 vs Xbox 360
It’s the question that has haunt men since the dawn of time: Would more people queue for a PC port of a PS2 game or a next-gen console made by Microsoft? (At least in Japan)
Clash of the titans. *roar*
In one corner, we have To Heart 2 XRATED, a PC port of a popular PS2 visual novel from the fine folks at Leaf who brought us Comic Party and the original To Heart. This release adds adult content, new characters and two minigames to the overall experience, but it is otherwise identical to the PS2 version. The stories have their highs and lows and the characters range from “feh” to “ZOMG! <3″. To its advantage, an anime adaption came out earlier this season, bringing more recognition to the franchise. Also, me love Tamaki for long time. To its disadvantage, the anime sucked donkey ass. Also, visual novels aren’t the most exciting/popular games in the world, even Japan.
In the other corner, we have the Xbox 360, a next-gen console evolved from the original Xbox, Microsoft’s first step towards regaining US dominance over the console market, 20 years since Atari lost it to Japan and shamed the 50 great states of America. This release adds better HDTV support, wireless controllers, improved Xbox Live, Halo 3 and customizable face plates (ZOMG!) to the overall experience, but it is otherwise identical to the original Xbox. Xbox 360 chose to abandon black in favour of iPod white and slimmed itself down slightly at the cost of a huge ugly ass external power adaptor. To its advantage, the original Xbox sold more poorly than PSOnes in Japan, so there’s nowhere to go but up. Also, Dead or Alive 4 might be released soon. To its disadvantage, the original Xbox sold more poorly than PSOnes in Japan. Also, PS3 (the mere mention of which can make a grown Japanese man jump for joy) is just on the horizon.
And the winner is…
To Heart 2 XRATED!
To Heart queue to the left of the yellow divider and 360 queue to the right.
Only in Japan, folks. The otaku have spoken.
Before people start flaming, I do realize that two samples don’t give the most accurate scientific results in the world. But hey, it’s supposed to be funny. ;)
Original source image.
December 19th, 2005 at 2:51 am
hey, what can i say. i’d rather go for To Heart x-rated
December 19th, 2005 at 7:00 am
wait until ps3 release next spring… microsoft will sick because of that XD … anyway what really interesting me in XBOX360 is the triple core cpu
Custom IBM PowerPC-based CPU
: 3 symmetrical cores running at 3.2 GHz each
: 2 hardware threads per core – 6 hardware threads total
: 1 VMX-128 vector unit per core – 3 total
: 128 VMX-128 registers per hardware thread
: 1 MB L2 cache
This look amazing… since even current Hi-End Desktop PC still on DualCore [2 Combined core that running 2 Ghz each]
but somewhat Xbox360 still not listed in top 50 SuperComputer with this kind of power…. on otherhand, PS3 Cell listed on it so can you imagine how advanced cell is ^^
anyway speaking of Super Compyuta [gomen abit OOT]… IBM Blue Gene still ownz, here link for everyone interested more in Super Compyuta :
December 19th, 2005 at 11:51 am
Why? Did To Heart Xrated Come out the same day as Xbox 360?? Tama nee is scary…she can lift pple up from the face with one hand >_
December 19th, 2005 at 12:04 pm
Actually only one of the three cores is available to game developers right now. And the third core is dedicated to copyright protection and anti-hacking functions, so it’s effectively only two cores.
December 20th, 2005 at 8:45 am
Mircosoft should start releasing h games on xbox 360.That might improve their sales a little XD
January 1st, 2008 at 12:48 pm
meh imma going with To Heart=)
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Randomness (IV) « ~nothingMarch 2nd, 2008 at 2:35 am
[...] remember similar thing happen to the first ToHeart 2 xrated release too… Kind of [...]