Status Report
I’m still alive. Yay. I just kept forgetting to blog. _| ̄|O Here’s what happened in the week that has passed since my last update…
I watched Nana the movie finally. In fact I was writing quite a lengthy review on it but I stopped halfway due to my laziness and now it’s saved as an invisible private entry on this page until the time comes when I feel like finishing it. Mika Nakashima <3<3<3<3<3 The story is quite good although the ending is somewhat… short. I’m somewhat tempted to start collecting the manga but I’ll decide after I watch the upcoming anime series.
I also rewatched Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure and the first few episodes of Kimagure Orange Road… Nostalgia overflow~ Madoka Ayukawa <3<3<3<3<3
I think I’ll be preordering Da Capo II…
Anyway, I was in Funan DigitalLife Mall today and I noticed this peculiar sight…
Someone tell me what the hell is happening here.
Yes, you see that right. There’s a fricking Xbox 360 booth located inside an official Apple store. And the HD monitor isn’t even made by Apple. (It’s LG) I know that almost every store in Funan is promoting Xbox 360 but this is just too weird. Maybe the Apple staff thought that the white colour case matches the iPod display? And before you know it Microsoft will be bundling iPods with 360 premium packs…
Oh well, more blogging tomorrow… possibly. (At least I hope to finish that Nana review.)
March 24th, 2006 at 11:46 pm
zomg you actually rewatched an old series!
March 25th, 2006 at 12:40 am
I think the Apple Store guys bought an XBox360 for themselves, and decided to draw Microsoft people in by playing it on demo mode. :D
March 25th, 2006 at 1:48 am
Well, Apple did give up on having their own OS a few years back, and now gave up working on only their proprietary platform… with rumors on how they may even add right click one day, perhaps trhey’re planning on becoming MS partners :P
March 25th, 2006 at 5:25 pm
quick go rewatch nadesico, its its 10th year soon
March 26th, 2006 at 4:56 pm
God.. Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure, that was nice.. and I seen it several times.. on cable no less. And yes.. Mika Nakashima is really the best thing in the movie.