Da Capo II Playable Demo
Da Capo II (or as I like to call it, “The Nanaka Game”) playable demo is up for download from the official site!
A short introduction: The main character is Yoshiyuki Sakurai. He lives with his two foster sisters, Yume Asakura (younger) and Otome Asakura (elder). Somehow, he possesses the exact same powers as Jun’ichi did, which are snack-conjuring and seeing the dreams of other people. Koko Tsukishima is the shy introverted childhood friend, Minatsu Amakase is the banana-hating tsuntsun girl (i.e. complete opposite of her namesake), Akane Hanasaki is the over-developed classmate, Anzu Yukimura is the creepy under-developed classmate (think Ichigo from Onegai series except less cool) and…
Nanaka Shirakawa is the campus idol + hands down the best character in the game. Good genes from Kotori. *wub*
More stuff and screenshots after the jump.
So anyway, nothing much has changed since the first game. The art feels somewhat different due to the lack of Naru Nanao (original character designer for D.C.) but it’s still of good quality. Especially Nanaka. Moving on…
The game system is still the same old stuff. Well, there is a slight change in that the creators seem to be using character portrait size and angle to indicate the positions of the onscreen characters in relation to one another. It’s not perfect considering all the stuff are in 2D, but it achieves its effects.
Yoshiyuki, don’t go to the dark side!
Anyway, Yume sounds somewhat like Nemu. Otome sounds quite different from what I imagined (which was closer to Moe’s voice from the original D.C.). Yume calls you “nii-san” and Otome calls you “otouto-kun”. *shudders*
To get to Nanaka’s events, all you have to do is to select the option with 「渉のクラス」 in it for two times. :P There’s nothing much to talk about for the short demo, so I shall leave you with some Nanaka pics. ^_^
“un. nigeru~”
“konnichiwa kuma-san~”
Here you can see how her portrait is placed closer to the screen.
“au~ tabetai na……”
April 19th, 2006 at 12:27 am
Living with his 2 foster sisters?!? What happened to their parents? Is jun’ichi and nemu also dead?
To little info about them, especially about nanaka. So if you got more info, please post them.
April 19th, 2006 at 12:47 am
Junichi’s the grandfather and very much alive. In fact he was the one who made Yoshiyuki to move to the Yoshino house next door. That occurs at the end of this demo so I suppose the actual game will begin from there.
April 19th, 2006 at 3:20 am
Who is Yoshino, searched the site, but couldn’t find anyone called like that.
April 19th, 2006 at 6:49 am
Sakura Yoshino
April 19th, 2006 at 3:40 pm
can someone tell me more about the beginstory, for example:
- what happened to they guy parents and family
- why does he have to move to sakura house
- how is it that he has 2 foster sisters (shouldn’t he be the foster child)
- what happened to the 2 sisters family
- is the guy related to jun’ichi
- are the 2 sisters living with jun’ichi etc.
thanks for answering, still so much unclear for me. they must explain something in the demo, i hope.
April 19th, 2006 at 7:59 pm
There is no hope DM will be able to explain all that -properly-… without messing it up with his own comments.
There is no mention of Sakurai’s past in the demo, except that he arrived about 10 years ago, and the sakura was already in full-bloom all-year round again by then.
At that time it was intended that he stayed with Yoshino, but Sakura was not in at that time and he was taken in with Asakura. For those 10 or so years he grew up with Otome and Yume like siblings.
There was no mention of their parents, nor Nemu, but it is mentioned that Junichi stays with them, as their grandfather.
It was not mentioned where Sakurai had his powers of seeing others’ dreams came from, but his ability to create wagashi was taught by Junichi. There was no mention of his past and as such there is no way to tell of what relation is he to the island, the Yoshino’s and the Asakura’s otherwise.
At the end of the demo Junichi told him to move out, since he’s about age. Of course, all he’s moving to is where he was originally intended to be staying, at the Yoshino’s next door to the Asakura’s.
About another n things I can go on about which DM can’t since almost all he concerns about in D.C. was Kotori and Tamaki, and all he cares about in D.C.II is Nanaka
April 19th, 2006 at 9:10 pm
April 19th, 2006 at 11:29 pm
Is their an other character other than Nanaka that is interesting, Otaru?
Or is DarkMirage right and the rest of the characters are boring!
Is their someone who has a good backstory like Moe, she had the best story of everone.
April 20th, 2006 at 8:40 pm
It’s just him. I personally prefer Yume. But to be honest, I can’t say if the others stories are any more interesting since I haven’t played them, and DM can’t say if the lines other than Nanaka are any more interesting since he hasn’t played them >_>
Of course, he’d then argue otherwise that there is no need to play the others to know that Nanaka is better -_-;
April 20th, 2006 at 9:38 pm
Seriously, Nanaka’s lines are gold. :D
Yume fails and you know it.
April 20th, 2006 at 9:46 pm
Your reply made me laugh, Otaru. But your right, DM cann’t know if nanaka story is better if he didn’t play ALL the other stories.
But if DM says that Yume fails, i assume that he has played Yume!?!
So DM, prove Otaru wrong and play all the other girls and give us their pro’s and con’s. I would do it myself but i cann’t read japanese.
And DM, give me some lines of nanaka that are gold.
April 20th, 2006 at 10:46 pm
I don’t have to justify Nanaka’s greatness to anyone.
But seriously,
NemuYume is EXACTLY like Nemu, which is probably the only reason why Otaru likes her.When I get the full game I’ll consider playing through Otome, Minatsu and Koko. Heck maybe even Anzu, Mayu and Akane.
But there’s just no way that I’m going to ever touch Yume’s path. Not even over my dead body.
April 21st, 2006 at 12:36 am
You don’t have to justify Nanaka’s greatness to anyone, but you can share Nanaka’s greatness to everyone. So give me some lines of Nanaka.
And I have to admit seeing how yume seems exactly like nemu, also gave me the shivers. I cann’t help it, i just don’t like nemu!
Never have and never will.
April 22nd, 2006 at 12:15 pm
… *palms his face and sighs*
April 22nd, 2006 at 8:04 pm
*pat pats the Nemu fanboy*
April 22nd, 2006 at 10:18 pm
*gives tissues to nemu fanboy*
I am sorry, but that’s the way it is. It has nothing to do with that jun’ichi chose her (i would still dislike her even if she was a side character). It’s her personality.
And come on DM, i am waiting ages for nanaka’s golden lines. Where are they? Cheer me up, please.
August 28th, 2007 at 9:57 am
Man,I’d like to play this game so much! And the anime version will start in just 30,40,50 days. I just can’t wait.