Danny Choo Akiba Report Translations
Danny appeared on Technorati’s BlogTV again! It seems like he’s hosting a section called “Danny Choo Akiba Report” now.
Mirai-chan, dannychoo.com’s new mascot
Illustration by Yuuko Azami
I want one too…
You can view the episode on YouTube: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
I translated the portions of the show that feature him. You can take a look after the jump.
~ on-screen text.
// translator notes
BlogTV Episode 30 Part 1/3
(Danny appears at around the 2-minute mark)
Tokyo, Akihabara. Here walks a living urban legend.
Good evening to everyone watching BlogTV. I am reporter Danny Choo.
~ Danny Choo
~ Possesses indepth knowledge of anime, manga and otaku culture.
~ Revered as a god-like figure by Western fans.Today I shall bring you into depths of Akihabara.
The legendary cosplayer: The God, Danny Choo.
~ Danny Choo Akiba Report
~ Illustration: Yuuko AzamiDanny, with his huge collection of figures, is creating waves across the net.
The first store we are visiting is called Kotobukiya.
~ Hobby Shop Kotobukiya (Radio Kaikan)
~ Tokyo-to Chiyoda-ku Sotokanda 1-15-16 Akihabara Radio Kaikan 1F2FThey sell many different figures and they have a lot of the latest stuff.
You can find many types of figures inside, such as Star Wars, Gundam and anime ones.
I just bought this one this week.
It’s a figure of Mikuru-chan from an anime called Haruhi.
Isn’t she cute?
I think she’ll look perfect on my desk at work.
You can even consider giving it as a gift to your superior.And next we have Mirei-san.
It’s a Kotobukiya-exclusive figure.
A lot of my blog readers are awaiting her release.
I want her too.Here we have various mecha models.
Like Armored Core and things like that.
These are pretty cool.
BlogTV Episode 30 Part 2/3
(Danny appears at around 5:41)
~ Danny Choo Akiba Report
~ Exclusive to Akihabara
~ Akiba Cookies
~ 800 yenWell, the next shop is Asobit City.
~ Asobit Character City
This particular branch focuses on figures and toys.
// ZOMG Younha‘s Houkiboshi playing in the background!
~ Danny greeting a pair of girls who have come for interviews to be Akiba maids.
Why don’t you introduce yourself?
I came from England, my name is Danny.
Right now, I am studying the Way of Otaku.
That’s why I am learning about cosplay, figures and maid cafes.~ Danny walking to the maid cafe with the two girls.
This is my regular outfit.
Show us your face.
Oh! Umm, I’ll take it off later.// ZOMG Mai:lish. I love that place!
~ It seems that filming isn’t allowed inside.
Danny told me that although there are still more footages left unaired, he isn’t sure if they will be shown in next week’s episode. We’ll see. Maybe Danny Choo Akiba Report will even become a regular section of BlogTV… LOL.
February 4th, 2007 at 9:34 am
To DM,
Nice one! I saw this but only got 25% of what he said. Now I can get all of what he said.
Domo arigatou gozaimasu! (^^)b
February 4th, 2007 at 2:46 pm
Sooner or later, Danny is gonna host his own show or something.
February 4th, 2007 at 4:10 pm
erm…..you link to part 3 is broken…..pls fix…thx
February 4th, 2007 at 5:50 pm
sry for the double posting: but, when is gonna be your turn, DM?
February 4th, 2007 at 7:05 pm
T.T I have missed so much and I cant watch the video because I have limited time on the computer this entire year… will probably watch the video after my O lvls if its still there
February 4th, 2007 at 11:40 pm
oh boy he really lives a life so many people want to live. me too…
but never will… >_> he has the money, he has fame he has tons of figures and he has a frikkin StormTrooper uniform xD
February 4th, 2007 at 11:58 pm
>>>when is gonna be your turn, DM?
Yes, I too want to see DM embarrass himself on TV.
February 5th, 2007 at 6:05 am
Thanks for the translations. I appreciate them
February 5th, 2007 at 7:05 am
Thanx for the translation DarkMirage !
February 5th, 2007 at 6:35 pm
>>>Yes, I too want to see DM embarrass himself on TV.
why embarras? Danny choo has a well payed job, a big house a wife (afaik) and lives his hobby to the fullest. this isn’t something to feel emarressed for.
February 6th, 2007 at 4:33 am
>>>why embarras? Danny choo has a well payed job, a big house a wife (afaik) and lives his hobby to the fullest. this isn’t something to feel emarressed for.
I was performing a social stunt known as “bantering”. The success of this stunt wholly depends on people not taking it seriously. It seems I failed.
February 6th, 2007 at 4:49 am
>>>I was performing a social stunt known as “bantering”.
oh you were kidding?
i would have been serious.
DM embarassing himself on tv is _just too good_ to be true. ;)
uh. im kidding.
no. really. i am.
February 6th, 2007 at 2:15 pm
I bet he will become a meijin out in public viewers soon! LOL Although he is a celebrity or some sort on the net already.
Must get better my Japanese Lang… A_A