Gundam 00 — Episode 3
Episode 3 just aired in Japan about four hours ago. It mainly focuses on plot development and background information, so there isn’t much fighting going on, despite what the end of episode 2 might have led you to believe.
Still, I find it to be quite an interesting episode that reveals yet more tenderizing politics from the world of Gundam 00 which I like to read too much into.
Anyway the highly anticipated fight scene between Setsuna’s Exia and Acre’s Flag turns out to be nothing but a cock tease and ends before the opening credits even started to roll. LOL.
Intelligence agencies of various countries scramble to locate Celestial Being by looking for clues in Aeolia Schenberg’s past records without much success.
Celestial Being launches its third mission: destroying causes for conflicts such as mineral mines maintained by militias (alliteration ahoy) in Africa and drug fields in South America. Lockon (Gundam Dynames) attacks a mineral mine located in South Africa.
Meanwhile, Allelujah (Gundam Kyrios) drops bombs over drug-producing fields in a fictional South American country called “Talivia” (タリビア). Interestingly, the bombs that it drops look like the unguided gravity bombs used in WW2 carpet bombing… Also, it seems that the entire narcotics production capability of the country is concentrated in a single valley.
Most internet commentators seem to agree that Talivia is probably modern day Bolivia (currently the world’s third largest producer of illicit drugs). But it may also possibly be Colombia (número uno drug producer), or even neither.
According to Newtype’s spoilers, the episode 4 will be about Talivia’s declaration of independence from the Union and the fighting that follows. Apparently, Talivia has some sort of control over the solar energy production process which gives them sufficient confidence to pull off such a feat. This can mean that either the space elevator is located in Talivia (making it most definitely Colombia since Bolivia is nowhere near the equator) or that it simply controls a major pipeline of some kind, like the one that passes under the sea off the eastern coast of Ceylon Island (making Bolivia a more likely candidate).
Since Japanese katakana transliterates both “via” and “bia” as “ビア”, it’s entirely possible that the name is actually Talibia (or Taribia?), which sort of links it to Colombia (but not really).
And in episode 3, it seems that MSWAD (Union’s military HQ) is not in Talivia, despite being located in/near South America. Since it makes sense for Union to place their base near the space elevator, then it’s logical to say that the elevator is probably not in Talivia.
Well it’s all my speculation at this point… We’ll need more information (which Sunrise may never give) to figure out just where exactly Talivia is.
Another interesting titbit is that the Protestants and Catholics are apparently still fighting in Northern Ireland up to the point of Gundam 00. In reality, the IRA formerly laid down its arms in 2005, so I find this future development highly unlikely.
The anime does not go into details, but from what I gather, a radical group called “Real IRA” continued to conduct armed attacks in Northern Ireland after IRA proper peacefully disarmed. I thought the name sounded stupid, but surprisingly, Real IRA is an actual extremist faction that broke off from the Provisional IRA. However, they appear to be a very tiny and obscure minority, so I think Sunrise is stretching it a little there.
All that doesn’t matter anyway, since even this hardcore extremist group has decided to lay down its arms and disband, presumably because they were scared shitless by Celestial Being’s worldwide broadcast. LOL.
This episode also taught us the Achilles’ heel of Celestial Being. Apparently, Ptolemaios’ operating range is very limited without its four Gundams onboard. This is because it uses the Gundams like battery packs and draws energy off their GN Drives.
This is a really stupid design decision (why not just equip Ptolemy with a GN drive too?), but I suppose it’s only fair to give the world superpowers a fighting chance so that they don’t cry too hard at night for failing so badly. There, there. *pats*
Because of this, Tieria (Gundam Virtue) has to return to Ptolemaios via Human Reform League‘s space elevator located in South-East Asia. Though GN Particles may allow Gundams to fly, jam radar and perform atmospheric re-entry, they are just not powerful enough to launch Gundams into orbital flight. Aww…
To end off…
League’s flying mobile suit with stupid-looking wings!
I want episode 4 now. T_T
October 20th, 2007 at 10:02 pm
I read some info somewhere that Lockon was actually from Ireland, but I’m not sure what part.
October 20th, 2007 at 10:06 pm
Looks like the producers have done plenty of homework for this one. Social Studies textbooks never said anything about Provisionals and Reals…
October 20th, 2007 at 10:25 pm
Yeah, actually there are tons of groups known by the name IRA throughout Ireland’s history. Generally, when we talk about IRA we are talking about the Provisional IRA.
October 21st, 2007 at 12:21 am
Yup agree with AK. Also, I never knew there were alot of groups know as IRA. Oh well, I failed Social Studies, not a surprise that I don’t know much. It’s fun to know but not write it out on paper. I’m just waiting for the subs and hope you know which company doesn’t license it just yet. At least till the series ends. XD
October 21st, 2007 at 12:36 am
i cant wait for the subs~ XD
October 21st, 2007 at 12:53 am
I’m voting for a maid costume for Mei Mei next episode.
October 21st, 2007 at 2:06 am
That winged mobile suit got me laughing XD; I’m surprised it could fly at all…
I wonder how many years older it is than the flag…?
October 21st, 2007 at 3:06 am
Though IRA formally laid down arms in 2005, some sub-factions have not done so (similar to every single bloody anti-government militia around the world). Or maybe the peace is unstable and IRA just rose again.
Lockon is from Ireland anyway, so I guess such conflicts will probably involve him or have a conflict on him.
Seriously, are you sure THAT big fat thing is flying? Or is it simply placed in a background of a sky? A single rocket-propelled grenade on one of it’s wings could have send it crashing to the ground like an iron bomb.
I think the reason the flagship doesn’t have a GN drive is because having one might jam it’s own radar systems, so it draws the power supply from the gundams instead.
Well I am going to watch it again and see if I can figure out anything more. My Japanese sucks.
October 22nd, 2007 at 9:47 am
they got the order wrong. the Gundams need to periodically return to Ptolmaios to draw energy from something called “solar furnace”. my guess is that the Gundams don’t produce GN particles, they merely disperse them. the Ptolmaios’s solar furnace then refills their supply of GN particles. that makes much more sense than not equipping the ptolemaios with a GN drive.
October 22nd, 2007 at 12:53 pm
I don’t know which “they” you are referring to, but I am basing this on the original Japanese dialogue since I have yet to watch any fansubs for episode 3.
According to Allelujah:
It’s more likely that whichever fansub you watched translated it wrongly. Wait for Mendoi-Conclave’s release instead. :)
October 22nd, 2007 at 3:53 pm
yeah, it definitely makes a lot more sense that the gundams rely on ptolemaios for replenishing their GN drive.
October 22nd, 2007 at 10:26 pm
I don’t know if any of you had known me from the first 2 reports on the new series Gundam 00.
Anyway, Gundam 00 now fascinated me with its first 2 episodes (I’ve been catching the show from, who just got their translator hospitalized by an accident). The show really highlighted a lot of the current situation of the world, like the Sri Lanka situation. Great way to raise awareness to settle conflicts today.
If anyone knows of another website with a MORE ACCURATE SUB of Gundam 00, I would appreciate it.
Just to comment, I was surprised when I saw a big fat Gundam in the first episode, that was so heavily armoured it wasn’t even destroyed in the 2nd mission in the 2nd episode. But I was expecting that Gundam from the trailers.
October 23rd, 2007 at 4:26 am
You know whats bizarre about Virtue? despite all that bulky armor it weighs less than Flag.
October 23rd, 2007 at 6:17 am
I don’t really notice the weight. Perhaps the difference is in the design. Virtue doesn’t have an engine, like the other of its counterparts.
I was surprised when I noticed this: There’s 4 mobile suit Gundam codes (GN-001, GN-002, GN-003, GN-005), but why there’s no GN-004?
October 23rd, 2007 at 9:33 am
What’s next, the Taliban laying down their arms in the face of a superiorly equipted enemy with technology decades ahead of them backed by an army of 40,000… er FOUR GUYS?
Well at least the animation is good.
October 23rd, 2007 at 1:24 pm
Looks quite a bit like Gundam SEED, as they start off with 4 Gundams. One heavy assault, another transformable, the third a sniper, and the last a close range. I’m not saying it’s really completely similar to the 4 who captured the Gundams in Gundam SEED.
October 23rd, 2007 at 4:37 pm
It will be interesting to see what reason they will give for the Real IRA to give up, I just think that getting scared shitless from the Gundams isn’t really believable.
With Setsuna being neighbors with Saji[?] it might just be possible for Loise to be his love interest.
October 23rd, 2007 at 6:13 pm
They haven’t involve that girl yet, but I doubt they ever met up to the point of episode 3. Besides, he was involved in a religious war before, isn’t it? Doubt Loise, as you call her, is living within that area.
October 23rd, 2007 at 6:56 pm
Sorry about the spelling its supposed to be Louise. And is the name Saji correct?
Still the possibility is good, since Saji and Louise are in a relationship so she might have a chance at meeting Setsuna.
And I take back the love interest theory, since Setsuna seems to lacking in warm and fuzzy feelings at this point.
October 23rd, 2007 at 8:57 pm
It’s quite clear from the OP that Marina Ismail is Setsuna’s true love!
Gravmech: The news broadcast mentioned Celestial Being to the end and the whole point of showing it was to imply that their actions are really “changing the world” (i.e. the episode’s title).
So yeah, the Rea IRA were really scared shitless by Gundams. :)
October 23rd, 2007 at 9:04 pm
Something’s strange about the video that person who supposedly died 200 years ago in the series had already planned everything about the Celestial Being.
October 24th, 2007 at 6:26 am
I’m a fan and speculate is what I do…
I really don’t put much stock in the OP since it will probably change mid-season. If the Real IRA really gave up because of fear it probably isn’t from the Gundams alone, maybe Celestial Being has Black Ops or something.
Ms. Sumeragi can make accurate predictions into the near future (limited to Military and probably Political matters) why not “Lenin Man” (CB Video Guy), he might be a genius that can “see” that far into the future.
Reminds me of Hari Seldon and PsychoHistory..
October 25th, 2007 at 6:38 am
For a strategist, Sumeragi is certainly an excellent one. Goodness knows how she can make predictions so accurate. Maybe because she have excellent luck in that.
Back to what I said about the Ioria Schuhenberg who died “more than 200 years ago”, he must have predicted everything all along, thus leading to the development of the Celestial Being.
They are certainly trying to place Marina Ismail and Setsuna together through the OP, but up to now both haven’t met yet.
Gravmech, it’s pretty much obvious about Setsuna’s attitude, being raised in a religious war and all.
October 26th, 2007 at 1:50 pm
They said that the Ptolemaios uses docked Gundams as sources of energy right? But don’t the Gundams run out of power at all? Why is it that the particles in the GN Drive don’t run out?
October 26th, 2007 at 8:32 pm
Because it’s Gundam magic.
October 26th, 2007 at 9:14 pm
lol, so true!
I have good hopes that the GN Drive tech will still be effective late into the series, unlike SEED’s & GSD’s phase-shift armor which was almost useless once beam-weaponry became more common.
December 7th, 2007 at 10:40 am
Just an answer about your comment relative to the fact the Gundams were equiped with the GN module while the Ptolemaios wasn’t:
“This is a really stupid design decision (why not just equip Ptolemy with a GN drive too?), but I suppose it’s only fair to give the world superpowers a fighting chance so that they don’t cry too hard at night for failing so badly. There, there. *pats*.
It’s not stupid. If the GN drive is your ultimate weapon, you won’t allow information releases about it. Less people working close to it (a few chosen), less chance you have to see informations being released (well, seing how Setsuna’s being releasing infos about who he is, or his unit, we could discuss that part).
Moreover, to have people being “the guardians” of a heavy secret is the one of the first thing to insure to yourself to dominate those “guardians”…
The whole Gundam series is based upon a weapon (the Gundam) who’s overwhelming power allows to destroy everything. This power have to be taken from somewhere (the alloy in Gundam Wing, the nuclear ‘anti-neutralizing’ system into the Seed series, the beam alimentation into the Destiny series).
If every mobile suit into the Galaxy was build in accordance to Gundam capacity, there wouldn’t even be a plot to the series. Well, this was my two cents about this comment of yours, without offense.
PS: sorry about my poor english. I’m French. Regards, and have a nice day.
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Gundam 00 | happy anime lifeSeptember 20th, 2008 at 7:28 am
[...] was quite alarmed by a comment posted by tsuki_Yomi in my previous entry. His understanding of the relationship between Ptolemaios and Gundams in [...]