Gundam 00 — Episode 16
The cardinal laws of Gundam story-telling: When things go wrong, it just means that it’s time to throw new Gundams at them, and when animators fall behind schedule, it’s time to do a recap episode and disguise it as real content.
Three new Gundams save the day.
Gundam Throne Eins piloted by Johann Trinity has some kind of long range cannon thing. It is also very black, like a bottomless abyss sucking away the hopes and aspirations of humankind.
Gundam Throne Zwei piloted by Michal Trinity launches little flying thingies that look and move just like funnels except that they don’t shoot lasers but rather ram the targets. EDIT: Eh. I guess they do shoot lasers after all. That’s what I get for watching the episode at midnight and writing the review 15 hours later…
Gundam Throne Drei piloted by Neina Trinity can expand its GN particle field to a really large area in an intentional wing-like spread that looks almost biblical. She calls it the “stealth field” because it disrupts enemy sensors over a large area, but I find it a little ironic to call such a firework display stealthy.
Together, the three of Gundam Thrones rescue Setsuna and friends and wrap things up before the commercial break. The battle itself is somewhat anticlimactic. There’s pretty much no fighting at all; it’s basically a bunch of mobile suits getting blown up by the Thrones. Just when the Gundams finally seemed to be evenly matched, the balance of power suddenly reverts back to the unilateral pwnage that we’ve been seeing since episode 1.
And the rest of the episode is spent on ten minutes of old recap clips with new voice-overs by Alejandro and his Guardian buddies. That’s not too say that it’s totally useless because we get to learn more about the organization behind Celestial Being, but it just feels kind of lazy of Sunrise to have a clip show at this point of the story.
This scene, where Alejandro and the other Guardians are discussing about the new Gundam Thrones, is reminiscent of Evangelion’s SEELE, with each Guardian being represented by a piece of artwork instead of a black numbered monolith. (Speaking of that, Throne Drei’s red “wings” look like the Evangelion ones too!)
“I paid a trillion dollars for this painting to drill a hole through it.”
“I like to pretend that I am invisible.”
“This statue emphasises my superior intellect.”
“I have no idea what this is supposed to be, and I am too rich to care.”
Celestial Being and the Guardians are two separate organizations that are part of a larger system that we still don’t know much about. It is also not explained as to whether Aeolia Schenberg founded Celestial Being as a member of this greater power or as the founder of the overall parent organization, but I think it’s probably the former.
The role of Celestial Being is to conduct armed interventions and force change upon the world, while the role of the Guardians is to watch over Celestial Being so as to keep it in check. The Guardians are mostly powerless to act except in the case where there is a unanimous consensus among all the Guardians, in which case they are as a whole empowered to veto any decisions made by Celestial Being.
As far as the Guardians know, there should only be five functional solar furnaces in existence. Therefore, the appearance of three new Gundams is a surprise to them. Sumeragi and the rest are equally clueless, so we can conclude that Celestial Being, or at least the branch of Celestial Being that we currently know, has nothing to do with the Thrones, the implication being that this mysterious supernational organization has other operating divisions beyond the Guardians and Celestial Being.
And well, we finally have a female Gundam pilot, Neina Trinity. She’s okay I guess, but her brothers give off villain vibes at over nine thousand times the background radiation level.
The Trinity
“I’m pretending to be Buddhist.”
…They are totally not siblings.
Also, Neina has a purple (evil) Haro.
Apparently the next episode will be action-packed, or so the episode preview says. But I don’t trust G00′s episode previews any more.
January 29th, 2008 at 4:43 pm
In Gundam, glows and paint jobs determine how powerful you are. >_>
Seriously though, I don’t care whether they are overpowered or not, since the Gundams’ performance levels are all arbitrarily decided as and when they are needed by the plot.
It’s just that we don’t seem to be getting the kind of planned-out battles like in episode 10 any more, and part of the reason is because the new Gundams get to play the overpower trump card and ignore any semblance of realism when it’s convenient for the script writers, who as I see it are too lazy to come up with a proper logically-sound battle outline.
January 29th, 2008 at 9:40 pm
i wanna see a haro battle in future episodes.
January 29th, 2008 at 9:49 pm
Dear Gundam Throne Zwei:
What’s up with the big sword? In GS & GSD swords were large since they needed some mass to be able to cut up ships and big-ass X1-Destroy’s. Why not get something around the size of Exia’s GN-Sword? Do you really need to show that you are superior to him in every single way? Are eight phalli that fly, ram into things and shoot your red-hot love beams enough for you? Whats next? a love-affair w/ two or more custom Enacts…
- The Gravity Mech -
January 30th, 2008 at 2:37 am
Yeah I remember how the Hyaku Shiki’s shiny paint job made it not get destroyed by the Quebeley at the end of Zeta Gundam. I also remember how Gundam Exia’s shiny sun reflection in episode 13 wasn’t followed by it getting pummelled into the ground by Ali’s non-shiny Custom Hellion. About the only series where this is in fact true, and deliberately made so is G Gundam where there is the Golden Hyper mode of the God Gundam.
All battles so far have been pretty much logically sound in 00. This latest one has the element of surprise and the fact that the Gundam’s were well out of range of any counterattack for the short time they were deployed. Plus when you consider that all 3 convoys were transporting Gundam’s they had two choices. Try to stay in formation and attack an enemy they could not locate, or break formation to look for them and let their captured quarry escape. Catch-22 much? Also consider the second all 4 Meister Gundam’s were confirmed released from captivity and secured again by Celestial Beings, those Thrones were out of the area before the 3 powers even had a chance to counterattack.
In and Out quick is a sound strategy for a rescue mission to me. That’s how Solid Snake does it in Metal Gear.
And I say again, a shoulder cannon, funnels and a comm black-out /= overpowered. All of these were in U.C Gundam at one point or another.
January 30th, 2008 at 2:48 am
Why was there not a hundred mechas/jets at each gundam. That part just doesnt make any sense.
And if the new gundams are overpowered, then so are the originals.
January 30th, 2008 at 3:39 am
Still boring.
January 30th, 2008 at 5:47 am
Haro battle lol. But you know the evil purple Haro would pwn all the rest of them.
January 30th, 2008 at 7:05 am
Did anyone notice that the funnels of Zwei didn’t require any micro? Michael was just there yelling “go “
January 30th, 2008 at 7:06 am
As I said, it’s all arbitrarily decided whenever it’s convenient. Exia lost because the plot called for it. That’s all. Why would an antique mobile armour be better than Exia, or even AEU’s latest prototype, logically speaking?
And because the scriptwriters get to arbitrarily adjust the Gundam’s performance to suit their needs, the story often cops out and relies too heavily on that freedom.
As a counterexample, 08th MS Team never had to depend on flashy mechas for deus ex machina interventions, which is why the story actually made sense beyond just giving Power Rangers better Megazoids (new toy product line!) when the enemy gets too tough.
January 30th, 2008 at 7:31 am
Of course he lost cause the plot called for it. What was he going to do, win when he was supposed to lose? Actually it was more of a draw in the end thanks to the Gundam Drei, but meh.
Well I guess you do raise a good point about the Agrissa. It does seem to overwhelm more than the more up-to-date suits. It is possible though that Setsuna has a harder time because Setsuna has yet to actually be able to focus when he’s fighting Ali and mentally loses the fights before they have even begun. Remember, Ali pretty much taught him how to fight, and Setsuna never managed to win a knife duel between the two of them.
Also Setsuna was tired after a long battle and I swear he was actually a bit suicidal going by the mental processes in his mind. He seemed ready, no almost like he wanted to die, but then changed his mind at the last minute and cried out for the Gundam to save him again. That’s of course when it appeared. Also the Agrissa was a pilot killer rather than all the other units that just went for the Gundam’s. I have a feeling it was probably in violation of some treaty and had to be mothballed along with any though of progressing it’s production line to the next model, but was also incredibly dangerous. Whatever the case, with Ali at it’s helm it almost got the job done.
Now that I think of it too, the Meister’s are kind of like a Sentai Team. Lockon is the leader (so I guess red) and has all those big brother-like traits, but one glaring weakness in his past, Tieria is the jerky one that never seems to want to help at first, but always comes around when he has to (Mostly Blue, but sometimes Black), Allelujah/Hallelujah is the one that always seems to lack self control when it matters most(usually Yellow), and Setsuna is the one that never damn well talks ever (Again Blue or Black).
And 08th MS team was a side story though and had an entirely different narrative. It was deliberately as far removed from the frontline as possible and the resources were short in the Kojima Battalion. The Deus Ex Machina also seemed deliberate on the part of this episode with regard to Setsuna’s past. Some might call it cheap writing, I call it let’s not complain too much and just try to enjoy the story and see where it goes with regard to Setsuna’s character development. Obviously the way it was done was for a reason.
Say though, why are you so upset about the three new Gundam’s anyway? I’m game for a little competition within Celestial Being to see who is going to be the Observer’s favourite team.
January 30th, 2008 at 9:10 am
We didnt need the new gundams. Their only jusification for existing is to give fanboys, much like yourself kaio, some new bling to ooh and aah over.
If we got rid of ep 15 and went back to politics and sensible interventions (as opposed to mindless head on attacks), the story would be much better than what is about to happen.
Just imagine all the world powers mobilizing in one place, while CB goes on with interventions elsewhere. Thats a whole bunch of money and resources team world would have lost.
January 30th, 2008 at 11:52 am
Okay I have to say this: STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT THE SHOW. If you don’t like it stop watching it. Lastly stop comlaining on a forum where a good deal of people like the show and stop falming people because they ike the show. The only persn I can say I don’t mind complaining is DarkMirage, it’s his forum.
BTW has anybody else notice that Patrick has been shot down in all three of the battles he’s been in? I can’t decide whether to feel sorry fo him or laugh at him. How is that guy an “Ace” pilot when he gets royaly pwned by the gundams everytime. The only time he has any real succes other people did all the work and planning for him. All he did was dodge an attack from Virtue which is an incredidbly slo unit with a highspeed unit, something any average pilot could have done if they knew what to expct and they tried to. And if he is the AEU’s ace how is the AEU a military power? Compare the skills of their aces and the aces of the Unoin and HRL. And if resource distribution hasnt changed much in 300 or so years (I doubt it has) both the Union and HRL have more resources then the AEU. How can they possibly compete as a military power?
January 30th, 2008 at 11:58 am
Patrick’s probably one of those types that rose to prominence on the backs of others by taking credit for all the work. As for AEU’s military competition, they seem to do a lot of mercenary hiring. PMC Trust after all resides in AEU territory.
January 30th, 2008 at 12:22 pm
I guess yu have a couple good points there. Oh wel it’s still worht it even if it doesn’t make sense. Watching Patrick get shot down in every battle IS hilarious
January 30th, 2008 at 1:33 pm
I don’t know if this ended up on page 4 or 3 but I apologize my mistake on the recaps I haven’t seen wing in 8 years and seed destiny 1 year ago (although last year is one month before)
I don’t like recaps period. I do like how G00 covered it up though
January 30th, 2008 at 1:51 pm
I like patrick making a fool out of himself
In fact if I saw the energy beam of virtue hit him in 15 and saw him explode (with girly scream of course) I would have LOL’d OH WELL!
Anyway 15-16 was horrible come on back to tactical battle where they actually use their heads to fight. Saji should be killed with the thrones already and I would like Lousie to go nuts over him and go sicko and get herself a gundam (School Days episode final)(you know computer game with Makuto and Shanatoku and Sekai)kill setsuna or somebody and then kill herself(actually not setsuna but that princess.
Kaio:Sentai Team is bomber man I don’t know kay!!
January 30th, 2008 at 1:54 pm
I didnt want any gundams yet but damn
January 30th, 2008 at 2:01 pm
Peter, I agree, recaps do suck. Also I never want to see Louise in a Gundam. I hater her almost as much as Saji. Then again she might be easier to like if she wasn’t so hung up over that wimp, seriously who’s wearing the pants in that relationship. Now Saji beingkilled would be awesome, but I doubt that will happen. Nobody ever kills off characters like him. I dont wanna see Patrick killed though, he’s like G00′s punchline. It’s just to funn seeing him get his ass kicked by the Gundams then slapped around by his new commander.
January 30th, 2008 at 3:07 pm
If you dont like seeing complaining stop reading the comments.
See how easy crap like that is?
January 30th, 2008 at 9:07 pm
The Agrissa seems more like a mobile armor specifically designed to capture manned weapons rather than true combat, as the plasma field kills the pilot while sparing the equipment.
I don’t believe that the Agrissa was particularly overwhelming, Ali forced the Exia to keep dodging while he moved closer to ram and then took advantage of fact the Exia was slow to recover (fatigue sucks!) to deploy the plasma field. Now what part was overwhelming again?
And everyone has forgotten the question of what Ali’s secret mission is and how does that relate to him engaging Exia alone w/ only the Agrissa. I don’t believe it’s to capture a Gundam because he can’t transport it alone. The best I can come up is that PMC Trust is thinking of reintroducing Mobile Armor technology to the battlefield.
January 31st, 2008 at 8:06 am
O man it would be badass if Johann starts headbutting people with his Eins, I bet that horn could do SOME SERIOUS DAMAGE.
January 31st, 2008 at 3:55 pm
@Astaroth: You make it sound like it’s Alt Eisen from Super Robot Wars or something.
February 1st, 2008 at 3:24 am
Patrick’s probably one of those types that rose to prominence on the backs of others by taking credit for all the work.
Actually, Patrick isn’t that bad of a pilot:
Battle One: Surprised by first-ever official appearance of a Gundam, gets owned by Exia. Survives.
Battle Two: Surprised by Virtue’s upgrade, both wingmates get vaporized but he spirals off with a busted wing. Survives again.
Battle Three: Actually wins for once before being surprised yet again by the Thrones. Survives yet again.
He’s shown some ability, such as in not being vaporized by Virtue. I think there’s definitely more to him than we know so far, given how much he looks like Ali.
February 1st, 2008 at 9:04 am
True. Although I don’t quite like Patrick’s arrogance on and off the battlefield.
The “upgrade” you mentioned about Virtue is actually a part already on the mobile suit itself since Episode 1. It’s only that it’s not been used for a while.
February 1st, 2008 at 11:14 am
Patrick didnt “survive” the first fight, he was “allowed to live”.
Not being blown to bits is not some sort of mark of skill.
Especially against an exhausted foe, also he did nothing in this last battle.
February 1st, 2008 at 11:28 am
[Patrick didnt “survive” the first fight, he was “allowed to live”.]
What does “survive” mean to you then?
[Not being blown to bits is not some sort of mark of skill.]
What could he have done then?
[Especially against an exhausted foe, also he did nothing in this last battle.]
Once again, what’s there to be done?
February 1st, 2008 at 1:17 pm
Possibly true. However I still think it’s funny how he always gets shot down.
February 1st, 2008 at 3:58 pm
Episode 11 Review – Comment 23.
Don’t say I didn’t notice the similarities to Evangelion before ^^
Now we have
Guardians -> SEELE
Celestial Being -> NERV
Throne Gundams -> S2 Engines
February 1st, 2008 at 5:11 pm
That’s where the similarities end though. The fact is that Evengelion was just better. It has a near perfect balance of what everyone loves in an anime. Mindless violence, character deelepment, and the whoel politiacal/ tactical thing. Thats beside the point though. Gundam is what it is no point in drawing comparisons.
February 1st, 2008 at 8:49 pm
In real life he’s an ace with bad luck, that’s all. At least enough luck so far to survive.
In the anime itself he’s just a sidekick for comical relief.
February 1st, 2008 at 9:25 pm
Do you guys notice the significance of the colour of the dispersing particles between the Gundam Meisters’ and Gundam Throne’s mobile suits? Not only in the superiority in power and abilities, but also the difference in goals.
February 2nd, 2008 at 8:09 am
@Guner: Next time I hear a story about somebody surviving a brush with death I’ll remember to think about how they were “allowed to live” rather than being lucky.
February 2nd, 2008 at 11:05 am
Yes and no. Yes to power an abilities, at least s far. But no to the goals as we don’t know the Throne’s goals yet, and for that matter CB’s true objectives
February 2nd, 2008 at 11:13 am
@Guner and Kaioshin: You are noth right In the story he was just luck, Tieria would not have spared is life. However in terms of plotline he was “allowed” to survive.
February 2nd, 2008 at 5:31 pm
Ok, first sorry for the triple post. Second: I just remembered someone had complained about the size of one of the Throne’s swords. I need to say its actually not that bad. Remember Exia’s swords are smaller but it dual wields them. The sword on that throne is two-handed. so its actually not that big when you consider it.
February 3rd, 2008 at 1:28 am
We need more planned, balanced action & more political matters like those happening in this real world.
And of course we need Haro VS Haro battles.
I wouldn’t be surprise if there’s another very shiny mobile suit that appears later on, and the 4 CB suits get some more upgrade with god-like powers & energy.
And i think Saji & Louise wun become MS pilots but maybe engineers or crew onboard Ploty.
February 8th, 2008 at 1:57 am
I like how the throne gundams look more like Zeon mobile suits. (not)
I wish hajime katoki still designed for the episodes.
April 8th, 2009 at 12:43 pm
g gundam is the best gundam show ever, there need to be a second season
April 8th, 2009 at 12:47 pm
does anybody agry with me?
April 8th, 2009 at 12:52 pm
in some gundam shows there is more talking then there is action.
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