Gundam 00 — Episode 19
I’m dead tired. I spent the whole of Friday and Saturday directing traffic for this silly parade thing and reached home at 1am for two consecutive nights, and I didn’t even get to see the parade. Sigh.
Episode 19 is pretty damn boring and the only high point is the new insert song LOVE TODAY by Taja. But meh, I guess at least the Trinitys didn’t talk too much.
Setsuna almost gets pwned by the Fangs. Tieria and Lockon comes to aid Setsuna against the Thrones.
The Trinity siblings realized the fatal flaw in their docking system
Tieria unleashes Nadleeh’s secret power: the ability to control any mobile suit that is linked to Veda. I don’t understand why the Thrones are linked to Veda and I don’t understand what good is such a hidden ability except to fight against other Gundams, but whatever. He knocks Eins and Drei out, but the system fails before he gets to deliver the final blow. Apparently the hacking done on Veda somehow affected Nadleeh.
It’s not that Nadleeh’s secret system is particularly effective…
They are just momentarily shocked by the crimson long hair, that’s all
The battle ends in a boring draw. Before retreating, Johann tells Lockon that Setsuna’s real name is Soran Ibrahim and he was once a member of the KPSA, a Kurdish anti-government guerilla group that was responsible for the suicide bombing that killed Lockon’s family.
Setsuna lost his left eye during the battle
Louise tells Saji to go back to Japan because she knows that their relationship cannot last, and she wants Saji to achieve his dream of working in space. *Cues emo insert song*
“Goodbye Saji… I’ll miss you.”
“My ring… :(“
Frankly I think this plot development is way too extreme considering she only lost her left hand. It’s not like she’s paralysed waist-down and horribly disfigured or something…
Kinue traces the name Ragna to Ragna Harvey, the president of the Linear Train Enterprise. Apparently he is also a major stockholder of JNN. Unconcerned about the prospects of losing her job, she presses on with the investigation.
In face of the overwhelming power of seven Gundams, the various world leaders are on the brink of giving in to Celestial Being’s demands of disarmament, that is until they are secretly contacted by an unknown entity from within Celestial Being, a rat if you will.
“So you’re Kurdish? WTF I thought you were Japanese!”
Lockon and Setsuna have a small one-on-one emo talk with Tieria acting as the third party. Lockon takes out a gun and melodramatically waves it around in front of Setsuna, while delivering some of the most clichéd and uninspired dialogue lines ever. I find Lockon’s reaction to his discovery of Setsuna’s real identity to be pretty illogical.
“I am Gundam. There is no God. I can’t believe I just summed up my entire life story in two sentences.”
Also, why was Ireland attacked by a Kurdish terrorist group? I thought the whole point of Lockon’s Irish heritage was to link him to Ireland’s centuries-long religious conflict between Protestants and Catholics, which has nothing to do with any disputes between Shiites and Kurds. It’s almost as if Sunrise decided to treat all terrorists as one monolithic plot device to be used whenever it is convenient.
Down the rabbit hole
Anyway the episode ends with a bunch of Union, HRL and AEU military personals entering a secret facility in Antartica, to be greeted with what appears to be a crap load of solar furnaces. Gasp! Gundams for everyone!
The mother load
Ready! Fight!
Tieria misses his target
Preparing for a colonoscopy. “Nurse, get me my gloves.”
Liu Mei is one of the bad guys now :(
“Maybe I should have asked for a necklace instead.”
“Nice to meet you, Saji. Please make babies with me!”
“Stupid humans.”
“No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.”
Relativity at work
They don’t look like Gundams to me
The fine art of stereotyping perfected
I scored 2310 for my first SAT! Woot!
February 19th, 2008 at 1:57 pm
nah…did u guy saw the unID suit at the end of the episode?its chasing the thrones but the scene was very brief i couldn’t see much of the particulars..but im pretty much sure i saw red GN particles emitted from its form…nevertheless i like sumeragi position in the picture with the comment “Preparing for a colonoscopy. “Nurse, get me my gloves.””…..awesome sexy
February 19th, 2008 at 4:44 pm
When (if) G00 gets dubbed, I wonder if they’ll give Lockon an Irish accent. Lol.
February 19th, 2008 at 4:47 pm
Again no surprise at Kaioshin hating this episode review as he has pretty much all of them. I really like episode 18 too and said as much in my episode review, but he didn’t get it, which would make him one of the few. As it stands I don’t imagine how anything I can write will ever satisfy him. At least he continues to try and temper it with some unconstructive commentary.
Jeez, sorry. If you want to read about people going “ZOMG Its lazers on Gundams and purdy exploshuns! KEWL!” (which seems to be your criteria for “liking an episode”), then please proceed to AnimeSuki forums or something.
No wonder you got banned on certain blogs. You go around asking for it.
February 19th, 2008 at 6:09 pm
Personally, I think the caption for the scene with Exia and Zwai crossing swords should be “Gundam Fight! Ready… I haven’t said ‘GO!’”
February 19th, 2008 at 6:15 pm
Wonder if they will make a big mecha with 2+ GN drives now that they have a bunch of them. Say, a bigger Exia with the forcefield from Virtue for example, or maybe just a bigger Virtue with a much faster recharge rate between shots. Or better yet, give Dynames Virtues forcefield.
On another note, its about time we see what super soldier Allelujah could do against the thrones. Between the versatility of his gundam and his super soldie-ry, im thinking he probably is the strongest Meister. Now if only they could fix that headache of his.
February 19th, 2008 at 6:45 pm
Guner: I agree that Allelujah would be the strongest meister with those things in mind. However unless Sunrise does something unprecedented with the characters (we all know the chances of that) then Setsuna will turn out to be the strongest meister. He is the main character after all. In anime like this you can count on two things with the main character (this is especially true in Gundam). The main character in the end is always the strongest, and the main character has all the important girls in the right age group tripping over themselves to get him.
February 19th, 2008 at 7:08 pm
By the way for those of you who want a gundam series that has alot of flashy fights with big explosions go download Gundam Wing. SO far its the best gundam series I have watched in all areas of the things we want (character development, combat, political spects). As for combat itself the last 10 episodes at the most is where its at. First off you have litereally two armies fighting each other with the gundams and showing up, and totally pwning face, shortly after the battle starts. This battle culminates with a absolutely brutal showdown between the two best gundam pilots, Heero and Zechs. I mean it when I say brutal, those two beat the crap out of each other, throw each other around, and through the walls of a gian space battle ship with corridors large enough for the gudams to stand up in. Great battle altogether, best I have seen in any gundam series so far.
February 19th, 2008 at 9:49 pm
holy crap! watching the episode preview, it looks like bloody alejandro has given away tons of those fake GN Drives! I’d like to see how they get out of this. But isnt it a little soon to throw this kind of plot twist in? unless gundam 00 has less than 50 episodes, which i doubt
February 20th, 2008 at 2:03 am
That’s a pretty odd assumption to make for somebody who prefers the dialogue driven episodes of Star Trek DS9 for example, to it’s blow em’ all up movie counterparts. My enjoyment of the series has little to nothing to do with “Kewl explosions” (although I don’t see what’s wrong with being drawn in a little by something like that if it’s well done). I don’t know where you could have possibly gotten that unless you confused my post with Takeo’s. My criteria for enjoying an episode is a balance of elements that I find intriguing. That can be just about anything as long as I feel it was done well and adds to a series in some way.
I’d also like to know how my commentary has been unconstructive. I’ve done nothing but critique or counter your critiques with the restraint and the respect that anyone should have for another persons opinions. Also, you can’t really temper something with the same element such as a negative impression with a negative response as you imply I did, but that wasn’t my intention anyway nor did I mean to imply the situation called for it. In fact I don’t even know where I said I hated this episode review either, nor how I came across as hostile in any fashion. I thought my statement was very clearly laid out as lack of surprise that you found the episode to be in your own words “Pretty damn boring”, or rather, unenjoyable.
And considering that wasn’t even my main point I don’t get why you take such offence unless I’m to understand that you didn’t find the episode unenjoyable as you stated afterall.
By the way, I meant to say that I got the impression that “you didn’t like Episode 18 much either by comparison to the majority of viewers”, not that you didn’t like Episode 18. Again that’s what you get for typing something late at night after a day like yesterday was for me.
February 20th, 2008 at 6:09 am
I believe if you freeze a certain frame towards the end in the ep 20 preview, you can see an all white suit. Plus, you see Alejandro Corner and that weird green hair kid in spacesuits. WTF is that kids name again anyway? Ok, back on topic. That white gundam that you can see is probably where the 5th solar furance is (real one). I bet if the AEU or someone tries to put a solar furnace on an Enact, it’s gonna blow up or something, lol. I still love how they chose Antarctica as the setting for it. I guess in 00 global warming never happened :D
February 20th, 2008 at 6:15 am
Btw, Kaioshin, DarkMirage got a 2310 on his first sat, therefore, he owns you. Anyway, one thing confused me. Actually, 2 things. First, for the past few episodes, whenever you see the creepy kid with the green hair, they zoom on that V shape thing on his shirt. Creepy much? I think that has something secret in it (ooooooh magical pwning clothes, I want a pair of those). Second, when Nadleeh’s trial system got shut down, all you see is Alejandro’s evil grin, then it shuts down. Does Mr. Corner have some kind of Veda telepathy powers lol? That made no sense how he shuts it down with a nod of his head. Maybe they aren’t telling us that Alejandro is a jinnee (lol, jk I don’t think that). And, if I’m right on this, Patrick Corwasar is STILL stuck in the desert lol. I think that was his subtle exing from the Gundam series. I wanted to see more of his pervy cynics, it’s sad he got about 5 lines and 2 minutes of air time.
February 20th, 2008 at 6:52 am
That’s great about his score, but we don’t have SAT Tests here. I just got into my University by default for having an 84% overall average in High School (The cutoff for reserved admission in Canada is usually 80%). All in advanced courses no less. All the Universities I applied to were glad to accept me. Plus I also tested in the top 99% when they gave our class the test to detect giftedness in children. I was one of three in my school. I could have gone to one of those elite snobby schools, but chose to remain in the Public system with my friends. So really I haven’t been owned here as DM is more or less in the same category as me.
Anyway, enough about me, congrats DarkMirage and hopefully you end up in a college you like.
By the way, about that all-white GMish Mobile Suit, does it not remind anybody of a Freeza transformation.
February 20th, 2008 at 7:07 am
Right, so you never explicitly said that you hated my episode review. Did I say that I hate this episode? No, I said it was boring, and it was.
I say what I feel on my blog and if you think that I didn’t like episode 18 “enough” for your enlightened taste, then perhaps you should stop reading.
February 20th, 2008 at 7:12 am
Point taken.
February 20th, 2008 at 9:41 am
I echo the sentiment that Allelujah is the most powerful out of all the Meisters. Its like in Samurai 7 where Kyuzo (spelling) was the most badass out of all the samurai…sure the ending was not unexpected but at least they could go that way with Allelujah…let him open up a can of whupass…but i guess they are using the quantum brain wave headache thing to bring down his potential.
February 20th, 2008 at 11:19 am
Like I said earlier unless Sunrise does the unprecedented Allelujah will not be the most powerfull character. It would make sense that he is, I dont disagree. He is a supersoldier in a powerful and versatile gundam. However he is not the main character, Setsuna is. Therfore Setsuna will be the most powerful in the end. Allelujah is doomed to being second at best. Also that headache is actually when his real power has always come out into the open. Think about all the moder gundam series, this is always true. Heero in GW, Kira in GS, and now Setsuna in G00. They are all the main characters in their respevtive series. They are all of the same type, pretty boys who almost all the girls want. They always start out pwning then get in a rut where they get their asses handed to them several times, then they always get an upgrade of some sort and start pwning again, but this time on god-like levels. GW and GS were like this with their main characters and Setsuna has been following this path faithfully.
February 20th, 2008 at 9:12 pm
Nice one…and I thought those Union, HRL and AEU wouldn’t have those solar furnaces. I believe they got the technology from the red GN beam saber that Graham grabbed from the Gundam Throne Eins. I was waiting for them to show this since Graham grabbed that beam saber.(If my assumptions are correct)
February 20th, 2008 at 9:47 pm
No, a Celestial Being member contacted them and provided them with the location of the secret Antarctica base.
February 21st, 2008 at 3:36 am
Can someone please tell me how we know that these GN drives are fakes and not real ones like in the Gundams? I seem to have missed that part, also to whoever said this “Does Mr. Corner have some kind of Veda telepathy powers lol? That made no sense how he shuts it down with a nod of his head. ”
he clearly has a computer in front of him and hit the shutdown button. And to people who think all we want it blasts in Gundam thats dumb, my favourite gundam was Zeta Gundam because it was the most in the peoples emotions but i mean as days evolve Sunrise wants to show off their new animation abalities and we’re going to get more bang bang boom in our anime. Nothing wrong with and I feel their will be more development but as for the fight I thought it was amazing because it was equal and tactical less of we are gundams you all die now lol.
Also one thing I hate why are the Europeans twats and the Americans super cool, i love Graham hes sick but i mean why is our key piolt such a bitch i dont get it.
February 21st, 2008 at 4:55 am
yeah i agree, and what do the people mean by “fake GN drives”. WHen going over everything i see this a lot. I actually went back and saw the episode, it was your average gundam on gundam with the main character getting owned (quote GS – GW). Anyways…I mean the red particles are cool and all but they were suspicious. When they first showed up they blocked all communications when the chick blew up her particles and sent them everywhere.
Are these GN drives really fake?
Why are the particles red instead of green?
Why the hell is this show so focused on saji and his armless chick?
Why is Graham so badass?
The world may never know….(until somebody answers my questions, then of course we will know.)
Oh and Mirage i love this site and all your comments on the screenshots of the episode. :0 i have a feeling we will be meeting again in the future. (on your site anyways =D)
February 21st, 2008 at 7:51 am
From what I understand the GN drives in the origanal Gundams and the ones in the Thrones were made by different people or organizations. The ones in the Thrones aren’t fake so much as not completed or as well built. They cannot, unlike the origanal Gundams, produce an infinite amount of energy. The red particles may also have something to do with this.
February 21st, 2008 at 9:19 am
yes i understand that but how do you know the ones in Anatartica are like the ones in the thrones and not like the ones in the gundams
February 21st, 2008 at 10:28 am
The GN drives are “fake” because they actually are. Ian, Celestial Being’s lead engineer, determined that a special component of the GN drives was replaced by a different part, therefore making the GN drives on these Gundams finite. The GN drives on the first 4 Gundams are real, they are infinite (timewise). The particles are red because they come from the GN drive. The GN drive is different, so therefore, Sunrise must have felt a need to differentiate in color. Besides, I got as the 1st impression from the 3 Thrones that they were evil, because of the red. The show focuses on the whole Saji/Louise plot for…ok, even I don’t truly know why. Other than filling up air time and making a more in depth plot to the story. I suppose it could be used to show the negative effects of the Meister’s actions. Besides, we don’t see Setsuna getting any chicks(rather, going after the ones right in front of him), so someone had to have a relationship in the series. As for Graham being so badass, this requires no questioning. Gundam series always seem to have the cocky, kick-ass character (ex.Seed and GSD had Mwu). No one else is really a go get em kind of character, so Graham is perfect. I swear, he’s the only one who really knows how to fight. Give him a Gundam, and we’re screwed.
February 21st, 2008 at 4:14 pm
Graham in a gundam… I see that happening. IIt is only a mattter of time before teh Thrones go dow. They need a bigger enemy waiting for them. If not Graham then Ali-al just because he is Setsuna’s biggest enemy. And yeah Setsuna doesn’t go after the girls that are interested in him, the moron. However there are at least two important figures that like him, he could haeve either if he wanted. So what I said about the main character (Setsuna) having all the important girls in his age group wanting him still holds true. Ther are some acceptions but they are fairly rare and the main character always gets more than anyone else.
February 22nd, 2008 at 10:45 am
setsuna..setsuna..thats all i here
I like he’s reckless but i hate the fact this entire episode changed everything. I want to just blow up that mass antartica place rrreeeeaaaaaalllllllllllllyyyyy badly Its cool seeing the gundams kick ass and fight amongst themselves and do peace with only gundams on ONE side
February 22nd, 2008 at 11:34 pm
ah ilove it so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gundam oo is very cool in this episode ihope seaoan 2 will come
February 23rd, 2008 at 4:46 am
Lawl Mr. OOOOO (sorry if i somehow spelt this wrong, please forgive me) Has been so kind as to answer all of my questions in complete detail in only one paragraph. I’m rather stunned for I didn’t quite expect somebody to blow me away in such fasion. Anyways…next topic!
Ok so let me get this straight; (i have a hard time following this series because i only watch it off and on) the gundam “Thrones” can’t last forever while technically speaking the original 4 gundam meisters have an infinite power supply? Then how the hell do they keep getting beat? Honestly, if they have the equipment then maybe it’s just the pilots. They suck, they really do. The only pilot I’ve seen so far that even remotely interests me is Graham, I think we can all agree if he were to shomehow get a gundam. The entire series would become “Jesus of Graham” =D
In other reports, Setsuna is either gay or misunderstood to not go after any of the characters. I’m hoping it’s the later because the prior scares death..-homophobe on the inside- and really Saji needs to just walk his punk rear back up the hospital stairs throw his girl over his arm and just pull an elvis shot and give her the ring. >.> If he really likes her this would be no problem, then again i havn’t previewed the next few episodes yet so there is no telling.
-ahem- Sorry for the long posts, I try to keep somethings interesting while others more so. Atleast I have conversation starters.
February 23rd, 2008 at 6:29 am
Congrats on SAT and when do the next episodes air?
February 23rd, 2008 at 10:51 am
Could someone confirm what Louise lost from the Trinity attack to justify her being the way she is in this episode?
1. Her left forearm
2. Her entire family
In my opinion, that’s more than enough for anyone to show distress. But as it was not very explicitly shown, did she lose her lower limbs too?!
February 23rd, 2008 at 4:57 pm
No, she only lost left hand.
In 18 ep nurse say that she lost whole family.
Some spoilers about white mobile:
March 19th, 2011 at 9:06 am
“I scored 2310 for my first SAT!” My ass. First off, if you did get that, you would have been studying and not wasting time blogging. It follows that since you were constantly blogging, it is unlikely you would have been studying, and by extension, unable to get such a score. Secondly, individuals with that kind of performance typically do not find it necessary to boast about it. It appears your future is questionable: while you waste your life thinking about moe and anime, there exist other individuals who are doing something meaningful with their lives.
March 20th, 2011 at 5:25 pm