Comments on: ToHeart2 AnotherDays is Out!
Anime, Games, J-Pop and Whatever ElseSun, 05 Jun 2011 14:44:06 +0000hourly1 Gundam 00 | happy anime life
Gundam 00 | happy anime lifeFri, 19 Sep 2008 23:24:03 +0000/websites/[...] schedule due to various real-life circumstances and is in no way related to the recently-released ToHeart2 AnotherDays [...][...] schedule due to various real-life circumstances and is in no way related to the recently-released ToHeart2 AnotherDays [...]
]]>By: moyism
moyismSun, 02 Mar 2008 16:05:15 +0000/websites/ the game today :D That was some quick shipping, got the notice on Friday and it arrived in 2 days! The included sticker posters, mini-calendar, telephone card, and material book are all very nice. I was, however, hoping for a Tama-nee telephone card (got Konomi's glasses wearing friend who's name escapes me at the moment ^^); but can't complain too much right?Got the game today :D That was some quick shipping, got the notice on Friday and it arrived in 2 days! The included sticker posters, mini-calendar, telephone card, and material book are all very nice. I was, however, hoping for a Tama-nee telephone card (got Konomi’s glasses wearing friend who’s name escapes me at the moment ^^); but can’t complain too much right?
]]>By: Dee
DeeSat, 01 Mar 2008 12:36:22 +0000/websites/ oops... thought you were talking about very light sexual content... okay, dokie... xD
Thank you for the clarification. :) Oh oops… thought you were talking about very light sexual content… okay, dokie… xD
Thank you for the clarification. :)
]]>By: DarkMirage
DarkMirageSat, 01 Mar 2008 12:23:04 +0000/websites/ I said, I have brought in eroge before.As I said, I have brought in eroge before.
]]>By: Dee
DeeSat, 01 Mar 2008 11:36:59 +0000/websites/ thank you very much! ^_^ Then how about games like Chain(a eroge game by Peach Princess)? Is that legal too? xD :)Oh… thank you very much! ^_^ Then how about games like Chain(a eroge game by Peach Princess)? Is that legal too? xD :)
]]>By: DarkMirage
DarkMirageSat, 01 Mar 2008 11:11:08 +0000/websites/ haven't had any troubles with it before, both via airport customs and via postal.I haven’t had any troubles with it before, both via airport customs and via postal.
]]>By: Dee
DeeSat, 01 Mar 2008 05:03:44 +0000/websites/, just a question: is it legal to bring VNs with slight erotic content into Singapore?Btw, just a question: is it legal to bring VNs with slight erotic content into Singapore?
]]>By: exalt dragon
exalt dragonSat, 01 Mar 2008 02:56:22 +0000/websites/ IS the program(but u'll need something like daemon tools to mount the disk image)It IS the program(but u’ll need something like daemon tools to mount the disk image)
]]>By: Fate
FateFri, 29 Feb 2008 20:11:03 +0000/websites/ programe do i need to play it.wat programe do i need to play it.
]]>By: moyism
moyismFri, 29 Feb 2008 03:52:27 +0000/websites/, my copy should be shipping out shortly. Hopefully I'll have it in a week or so :DCool, my copy should be shipping out shortly. Hopefully I’ll have it in a week or so :D