Gundam 00 — Episode 25
This is the last episode of the first season, something which I did not realize until halfway through the episode. The ending is rushed as expected and I think that it’s worse than Sunrise’s usual standard. Still, maybe season two will be better? At the very least it will have some funkier spacesuit designs.
Everyone dies, or at least appears to die.
Gone in 60 seconds
He sees dead people
Alejandro is betrayed by Libonze, the real super villain. Graham and Setsuna fight to the “death”. A destroyed Exia floats in space with Earth as its backdrop while Marina cries over a letter Setsuna sent her before he sortied.
Gay harem
Three years later, the United Nations is officially renamed the Earth Federation (I kid you not). And one year after that, the Earth Federation Peacekeeping Force is formed and the various national armed forces are slowly dismantled and integrated into a joint command. Their mobile suits look suspiciously like Knightmare Frames…
Uh… All hail Britannia?
Saji is now working in space and a few other familiar characters make short appearances in the last few scenes of the episode.
The namesake of the entire series, 00 Gundam, makes a short five-second cameo right at the very end.
There are a lot of things wrong with how the ending played out, but I shall just focus on the most jarring bit: Graham.
Immediately after Setsuna defeats Alejandro’s bling machine with Exia, Graham comes flying in with his GN Flag looking for a fight. After some clichéd and completely nonsensical smack talking, the fight ends in a draw as both Exia and the Flag are destroyed.
“I am Sunrise’s bitch.”
I don’t personally like Graham much, but this rushed battle really cheapens his entire existence. Having waited for so many episodes and bore the pain of losing two of his close friends, all Graham gets is a short quickie which the scriptwriters forcefully squeezed into the last episode.
We all know that the plot calls for Exia to be destroyed so that Setsuna can embark on a journey of recovery and eventually obtain a much cooler Gundam. But it doesn’t have to be Graham. Setsuna could’ve drawn with Alejandro instead.
And what exactly is the point of getting Graham to make a short appearance in the last episode just to “die” in a spectacular explosion of GN particles?
Darth Veda
Sunrise needed a masked man. Oh for the love of…
Ha/Allelujah’s secret overpower move: using both eyes simultaneously
Mecha guro
“I don’t know what I should do in such situations…”
“Why don’t you try smiling?”
Plamo coming soon
Plamo coming soon
Oh Marina, you silly paedophile
Tieria MkII?
The first Gundam
This was a triumph / I’m making a note here…
I’m guessing the Earth Federation will be opposed by a group of smaller nations who do not wish to give up their sovereignty? They can even call themselves Zeon if they want…
On another note, I am so tempted to upgrade to the newly-released Wordpress 2.5, but I fear for the many plugins that my template relies on…
March 30th, 2008 at 1:18 pm
Wow…a time skip, simply amazing XD
March 30th, 2008 at 1:36 pm
haha, can’t wait till August for 2nd season.
I can’t believe they make graham the masked man, and what’s up with Nena’s eyes.
oh yea DM I think it’s 4 yrs later not 3 yrs
March 30th, 2008 at 1:38 pm
And now we wait for the second season.
March 30th, 2008 at 2:16 pm
Well, Ali is alive, and i think Patrick is too somehow…the last battle seems like a joke where most of the people survive…
March 30th, 2008 at 2:16 pm
LMFAO @ Darth Veda
March 30th, 2008 at 2:24 pm
downloading the episode now. can’t wait to see it. ^^;
March 30th, 2008 at 2:30 pm
What? No major cliffhanger like in Code Geass?
March 30th, 2008 at 2:32 pm
Thanks for the hard work. You can rest from Gundam 00 now DM. ^_^;
Who else thinks that Setsuna will end up fighting on Marina’s side in season 2? At least for a little while. o_o
March 30th, 2008 at 2:48 pm
No more pretty face Granham……..D= They had to it didn’t they? What a disappointing fight between granham and setsuna. Whatever, no lackey, the fights in the beginning and the epilogue made it up for it. After all, this is what I was expecting from a final battle, fights, trash talking, explosions, explosions and MOAR EXPLOSIONS! =D Thank god it didn’t end off with the explosion between granham and setsuna. I was afraid that sunrise would pull a code geass cliff hanger again.
March 30th, 2008 at 3:00 pm
I personally thought this episode was just mindless Sunrise brain fucking but that’s just me…
March 30th, 2008 at 3:02 pm
Oh I call it right now Graham will try another Kamikaze attack in season 2 just like all the other Flag pilots did.
March 30th, 2008 at 3:06 pm
Is it me or Tieria Mk II’s hairstyle resembles that of Lockon’s? (in memory of his seme?)
March 30th, 2008 at 3:09 pm
“o ya” for the ‘more blood’ (dreads on how it’s going to be modded for NA release), and “WE NEED THE WHITE MASK!!!!” message have to be sent to Sunrise, at once!
…btw, nice Britannia ref. (the spikes really does it. lol xD)
and to post 12; DUH!
March 30th, 2008 at 3:18 pm
1st !!
kinda a rush ending … but anyway nena is back ^_^
March 30th, 2008 at 3:19 pm
i was expecting to see more of the mass produced flag and enact in the series, they turned out to be nothing more than a giant cocktease
btw whats with nenas tron-esque space suit?
March 30th, 2008 at 3:19 pm
Looks like TONS of characters will make a return…
Including Ali Al Serge who is seen drinking his wine.
BTW, Tiera is rumored to become a doctor who is treating Louise’s left arm.
Now, we wait for Season 2 in Oct.
March 30th, 2008 at 3:25 pm
Interesting finale. Although I wonder, what’s the name of the Gundam with the GN-00 code?
March 30th, 2008 at 4:02 pm
Looks like Allelujah decided to save his trump card ’til the last moment.
March 30th, 2008 at 4:15 pm
wow tiera looks less feminine now
March 30th, 2008 at 4:52 pm
Ah Earth Federation surprise surprise, I can just here the theory’s of how this series fits in the its all one big timeline theory.
March 30th, 2008 at 8:25 pm
first the golden pistol, then a golden pimp mobile, a gold pikachui suit and the golden MS, jesus Alejandro does love his ‘Bling’ lol cant wait till season 2! its out in october right?
March 30th, 2008 at 8:28 pm
i actually thought a full faced Allelujah/Hallelujah looked quite good.
March 30th, 2008 at 8:31 pm
Hm….yeah its quite obvous that Setsune is going to look for a new meaning, like Kira in GS when the Strike got raped. Guess its also obvious he’ll end up with Marina, but she doesn’t appear to be hiding a Freedom-like Gundam somewehere, so he’ll have to get his Gundam from elsewhere^^
Though basically, with the earth federation, Celestial being got what its wanted. So i guess first thing Setsuna has to do is to realize that peace sucks depending on how it was formed.
Ah well. I’m looking forward to Season 2, but not as much as i look forward to Code Geass R2 now =)
March 30th, 2008 at 8:51 pm
Can’t wait till october!!! WOW Aljendro’s mobile suit looks like a cross between the Hyaku Shiki and the Epyon also the new GN-x’s look like mass produced Gyans.
March 30th, 2008 at 9:00 pm
1st post :
Looks like saji gal becomes tieria liao…
Btw, the season ending with all current gundam being destroy (except 1) its time to roll out the antique that’s left…heheh
March 30th, 2008 at 9:08 pm
Ah yes, an Earth Federation who, on the surface at least, unite the world in one large force… provided they all agree with what the leader says. Why do i feel that there will be a few small nations side lined for the greater good and that CB will return to free them and teach us all that, while having a communist state under one rulers with peace throughout…. you must not suppress the individual and that all people have a right too choose!!
hmmm… seem to remember a few other shows like that.
March 30th, 2008 at 9:13 pm
Does no one realize that Code Geass’s mechas are rip offs to begin with? Watch Blue Gender if you don’t believe me. That’s just one reason why I couldn’t get into that show. It was too much of a rip off, more so than Destiny. These mechas are more of a combination of Leos from Wing and Evas.
And it’s the Earth SPHERE Federation. Remember this show is based off of Wing so they needed a name that was reminiscent. Yes, they basically combined two names to make an unoriginal name, but let’s face it, at this point in the Gundam genre it’s impossible to come up with an original name for Earth.
March 30th, 2008 at 9:22 pm
I’m surprised no one has mentioned anything about the apparent president of the ESF being black. I think it’s a plug and/or endorsement for Obama from Sunrise.
All in all, they needed one more episode to finish this season. They had too much to put it all into one episode.
And Graham’s mask is more like Hannibal Lector’s.
March 30th, 2008 at 9:54 pm
What is with Tieria’s Lockon-like hairstyle?
Seriously, the EF’s MSes look ALOT like the Knightmare Frames. They ran out of mecha design ideas?
March 30th, 2008 at 10:06 pm
Is Nena with Sumeragi and Ian now or was she just spying on them? @_@
What’s with Louise and Tierra? =))
In one of the last few scenes, I think I saw Patrick behind Manequin during the assembly… @_@
March 30th, 2008 at 10:49 pm
I guess no one bothered to read my earlier posts.
Code Geass was a rip off to begin with. Don’t say “those look like Knightmares” because Knightmares are rip offs of Armored Shrikes from Blue Gender. And from the name “Shrike” you can tell that even THAT was a rip off of an older Gundam show, V I believe.
What it boils down to is that Code Geass is a rip off of Gundam. Both Code Geass and Gundam 00 may be made by Sunrise but Gundam 00 has the originality, not Code Geass. Hell after looking at some of Geass’s designs I can tell ZEON will sue after seeing the Guren Nishiki. Char would be pissed if he saw that.
Like I said before, the ESF (Earth SPHERE Federation) suits are a cross between Wing’s Leos and the Evas from NGE.
Am I the only one who was paying attention this episode? They even put up the name “Earth Sphere Federation” on the screen. Please do acknowledge the “Sphere” because this series is based off of Wing, not UC. Remember the United Earth Sphere Alliance from Wing?
March 30th, 2008 at 11:35 pm
There are so many unanswered questions to S1 such as the Corner family that it seems the writers are more focused on awesome violence rather than plot cohesiveness. My predictions for S2 is that Ali lost his legs due to Lockon’s shot. Also it will start with completely new and irrelevant characters and gradually reveal the old one’s status.
March 31st, 2008 at 12:10 am
simple, all you have to do is remove the lances and they won’t look like that anymore
March 31st, 2008 at 12:24 am
Aw… i quite liked that ending. Lots of big bangs and meaningless deaths. Sunrise seem to go for that. And i saw the Graham getting a mask thing coming a long time ago… i just so happen to quite like masks, and Graham too. I’m also glad they finally admitted the whole ‘love’ thing he’s got going on. At the very least, this show gets 10/10 for homoerotic undertones.
I really hope they bring back the oldskool, back to basics gundams cos they are so amazing. Lets be serious, most of the appeal of Gundam really does lie in the uber stylish mechs.
If Ali is alive that is such an insult. Its bad enough Lockon dies, but if he dies for nothing then that just takes the piss.
March 31st, 2008 at 12:39 am
I was satisfied with the last episode. It may not be perfect, but it was worth the wait for me. By the way, I like Tiera’s hair! LOL! But oh my, another masked character? Tsk-tsk-tsk…
March 31st, 2008 at 12:45 am
I’m glad they spared Sergei and Soma Peries. We still knew and saw very little about Soma.
March 31st, 2008 at 12:47 am
March 31st, 2008 at 1:07 am
It would be better if they don’t resurrect characters (except those shown to be alive after all). But fans would like to see their favorite characters (like Lockon or Setsuna) on the 2nd season. So the better deal, i guess, would be to show flashback dialogues with these characters (like the scene when Setsuna recalls Lockon talking about Exia’s sword).
March 31st, 2008 at 1:36 am
i wasn’t really happy with the abrupt ending…too fast…i was going =_=;; when daybreak started playing. And Ha/Allelujah really made me laugh. To think Sunrise gave such a “thing” at the end. And i suddenly felt that i was watching a prequel to the real “gundam 00″ that they are going to show in season 2. The change of the world..
March 31st, 2008 at 1:43 am
the black president makes sense as they love OBAMA in japan, the guy is named after a town.
March 31st, 2008 at 1:52 am
Is not Tieria, diff. VA (Regene Legetta: Romi Paku)
Tieria v.2?
字幕だと→ (リジェネ)ふっ。
The person with Louise at the end that looks like Tieria isn’t Tieria at all.
From the subtitle -> (Regene) Hmph.
The staff roll listed her as “Regene Legetta”
Seiyuu is Pak who did the role of Ed in FMA.”
March 31st, 2008 at 2:11 am
That Allelujah thing was…so incredibly obvious. Like on of these days, he gets up and decides to be all lke, “Hey, maybe I’ll pretend to be substantially less emo today~!”
March 31st, 2008 at 5:17 am
Lol, Knightmare Frames.
March 31st, 2008 at 5:25 am
now i get it, gundam 00 is like merging the original gundam and gundam wing!? o_O i may be wrong though…but it does look like it…anyway, this series would have been great if the writers focused on good storytelling and character development instead of inserting characters then killing them off every other episode…anyway, it was a good first season (ok..barely good)…i just hope that it gets better in the next run of the series… ^_^
i’ll expect the same spunky review like this one D.I. thanks alot!
March 31st, 2008 at 5:39 am
i wish they didn’t play the opening sequence, it would have given us another minute and 30 sec. more action!
March 31st, 2008 at 7:31 am
Why do people say homoerotic instead of gay anyway?
March 31st, 2008 at 7:36 am
that gundam was the plutone!! I think??
and that had to be Tieria, for some reason he landed on earth, and is going back to space, and he happened to board the same elevator/or some-sort as Louise.
The ending was rushed!!
and sloppy, and very unpleasant.
And it’s quite clear that Marina is gonna become a new Relena,
and that the Earth Federation is gonna have some sort of OZ, and is gonna be backed by the same aristocrats from gundam wing, they’re gonna start dressing like them too, and Graham is the new Zechs, finally a masked man!! I was waiting for him to appear!!
March 31st, 2008 at 8:08 am
So, gundam is over for now. What anime are you going to do next, DM?
March 31st, 2008 at 8:48 am
I don’t see why Code Geass having mecha designs inspired from other series is such an incredibly negative point against it when the whole show is pretty much a deconstruction of the mecha genre as a whole. Oh god they look like armored shrikes and have grappling hooks from tactical armors this show sucks I’ll never watch it because it has designs inspired from shows that have great mecha design! Most people don’t really care about who did it first, just who did it better.
Also Gundam 00 pretty much follows the same concept as Code Geass in that it kind of says “fuck you” to older series. Like how the storyboard for the “grunt suit shooting the bridge” scene was just copy pasted out of Seed except they drew a cloud (architecture joke for you) on top of where Freedom comes in to save the day. Or like how Marina Ismail is thrown into the peace-loving princess of a nation except she’s entirely useless since guns and money are what get things done, not meaningless ideals.
The show could’ve used more politics, less stupid episodes (oh man 15 hour bombardment but they’re still a-ok) and better treatment of the Graham fight. However, it succeeded what it set out to do: it grabbed the attention of people disillusioned with the franchise due to Seed and it also made me want to buy a lot of 1/100 gunpla.
Think of it as a replacement for Wing, then again Wing was terrible so that’s not that hard to do.
March 31st, 2008 at 11:29 am
Gundam 00 will forever be a part of TV history because it is a classic example of a post-9/11 TV show. This Gundam series presented issues like religious fanaticism, conflicts on energy, suicide bombing, among others. I guess Gundam 00 is commendable for that alone.
March 31st, 2008 at 11:58 am
oh, and I forgot to say, cute random icon thingies.
March 31st, 2008 at 1:16 pm
Yeah, it did seem pretty rushed and the plot just went everywhere as soon as Graham flew in to save the day. The most interesting part for me was the epilogue. I take it that 00 Gundam will take a role similar to Wing Zero in Gundam Wing. Maybe Tieria, if that’s actually who Regene is, will hop into a mobile suit of mass destruction and reawaken his Virtue skills. Maybe Allelujah will come to battle with his Millennium Eye to see into the Earth’s Federation’s hand. Maybe Setsuna lives and will steal 00 Gundam.
Lots of opportunity and different paths to take for season 2. Let’s just hope Sunrise doesn’t fuck up and has it so that the second season makes up for the first. Don’t get me wrong, I like Gundam 00 so far, but it took a turn to inferiority as opposed to what it could’ve been.
March 31st, 2008 at 5:48 pm
I think they should class the series under mild fan-boyism as well. “I am gundam… I am gundam… We are gundam! o.o” kinda fanboyish to me on setsuna’s part
March 31st, 2008 at 6:59 pm
Kinda sad ali didnt died. Lockon was wasted without accomplishing anything.
March 31st, 2008 at 7:08 pm
I don’t know man, I kinda like the ending…then again I am a SEED and Wing fan…
I do agree on the criticism on the politics part though, could have used more work. However it looks at issues we are sorta facing right now, even though what I can never get is how Southeast Asia got swept into the whole HRL thingy…
I certainly wish Season 2 will rock more, there’s definitely a lack of story and I am eager to know more…
And the funniest thing that struck me was that this looks like a prelude to the original Gundam…
Love the O Gundam and looking forward to OO…-D
March 31st, 2008 at 7:20 pm
Why stick at Zeon? AEUG is just as fitting.
March 31st, 2008 at 8:09 pm
lol. ALL HAIL BRITANNIA INDEED! For those GNX. I wouldnt be surprised if those things next to the GN drive capsule were rocket anchors, whoops i mean harkens.
I liked this ep… at least it showed destruction instead of the constant half arsed bullshit. That should be tieria with an alias though, because he/she is wearing lockon’s hairstyle. Tieria is acting as a doctor to counter the red GN particles, using the green GN particles or something to heal those injuries, that may explain why he is next to Louise as well as the fact that hes wearing a EAF uniform.
Anyway I’ll laugh if gundam 00 becomes Code geass and code geass becomes gundam 00. That will be one of the hugest stunts sunrise will pull off.
Anyway since sunrise didnt design a good GN flag, time for me to design a better one >=(. Dammit… he was coughing blood because the flag hadnt been modified.
March 31st, 2008 at 8:19 pm
LOL @ “Pikapi..”
March 31st, 2008 at 8:30 pm
DM is right, it was three years later that the UN became a Federation. Although the Peacekeeping Forces was launched 4 years later, but that was a year after the Earth Fedaration was made.
About Gundam 00 being a prequel to the original UC era Gundam, let’s remember that we have Minovsky Particles in UC while we have GN particles in Gundam 00. The UC has a different story on why the mobile suits were created.
March 31st, 2008 at 11:10 pm
I just wanna see the O Gundam and OO in action togever!??
March 31st, 2008 at 11:18 pm
I’ve noticed just now… Tieria is indeed wearing a uniform similar to the masked guy (Graham). Is that the Earth Federation uniform? The scene of Louise and Tieria (saying “hmph…”) seems to show that they don’t know each other and it just happened they were together (in an elevator it seems). So the rumor that they’re a patient-doctor pair must be definitely wrong.
April 1st, 2008 at 12:40 am
GN Flag was amazing and more mecha should be designed with asymmetry in mind.
Also, fun facts from elsewhere: the only date we have in UC with a weekday is Monday January 14th, UC 0080. Season 2 takes place in 2312 and the only year between 2385 and 2402 where January 14th lands on a Monday is 2391, which is 80 years after 2312.
Also these random Tsukihime/FSN avatars are the best, who would actually want to sign up to change them?
April 1st, 2008 at 2:17 am
It’s finally over… at least for season 1. Pikapi…
^Now as Eh just mentioned, I am curious on what my random comment’s avatar will be. >_<;
April 1st, 2008 at 7:21 am
It just struck me as odd, that after all that fighting with the big golden dish and its GN Field…. he remembers (after everyone is pretty much dead) that his sword was designed to rip through a GN Field?
Mind you, good planning on CB’s part for seeing that they may well need a Gundam with the ability to get through the defences of another Gundam… just a shame it took the pilot so long to see it!
And you thought Lockon was dead, so long as we have flash backs and little bits of wisdom he told them, he will always make a come back!!!!
Aye the avatars are nice, i kind of like the chibi fate stay night characters that i keep seeing!
April 1st, 2008 at 9:45 am
( ‘-’) (._. ) (‘-’ ) ( ._.) *sniff sniff*
April 1st, 2008 at 11:41 am
Well in-conclusive ending to set up for a next season…
April 1st, 2008 at 12:11 pm
Did nobody notice Patrick saluting them at the salutation scene? 22:46, I think.
April 1st, 2008 at 12:32 pm
is that louise behind tieria?
April 1st, 2008 at 1:16 pm
Yeah, i noticed too, he’s standing behind Manequin.
The hair clip shows she’s Louise.
Yeah, nice avatars!
April 1st, 2008 at 10:20 pm
ow, well, its seems Sunrise did make some plot&character revolution here, isn`t it, even the bad one…….
can`t wait for the next season, next killing field i think……lol
i think saji would piloting gn-00
hey i`m look so cute in my avatar…..
April 2nd, 2008 at 2:17 am
the masked man looks alot like Graham…but then could it be Lockon??
April 2nd, 2008 at 2:50 am
lol….i missed everything this weekend..
April 2nd, 2008 at 5:46 am
man, I dont understand the critics…I like the series, but mayb thats because I dont really care about ripoffs and such and because I like flashy impossible to follow combat hehe
Btw that dude behind Manequin most definitely isnt Patrick, and if it is they really screwed up the animations :P
April 2nd, 2008 at 7:36 am
I don’t think that’s Tieria guys. It’s his Innovator twin who happens to be a real girl this time around, lol.
April 2nd, 2008 at 1:39 pm
The Season 1 to Season 2 transition is gonna look like Gundam SEED combined with Zoids Chaotic Century/Guardian Force, now that the world is turning towards the path Aeolia wanted.
April 2nd, 2008 at 8:35 pm
Ok i think i’m missing something…what is/are “Innovators” ?
April 2nd, 2008 at 9:18 pm
I upgraded to Wordpress 2.5 with about 20 plugins active, 0 deactivated, and nothing went wrong or broke. This version changed way less stuff than going from 2.2 to 2.3 did.
April 2nd, 2008 at 9:52 pm
That mask man!!!!!!!
It’s Graham right?!?! (Is a rabid Graham fanboy XD)
I hope Nena becomes useful in the second season. I can’t wait!
Btw, isn’t my avatar from azumanga daioh?
edit: Never mind it changed again XD
April 3rd, 2008 at 8:51 am
I thought Trans-Am should have finished up all the GN particles for Exia after the fight with Alejandro ended?How does it have enough after Trans-am mode to fight and die together with Graham?
April 3rd, 2008 at 11:50 am
did anyone notice how the gn armour’s thrusting sound sounded a lot like the fuel rod cannon sound that the hunters make in halo? i just felt like pointing that out
April 3rd, 2008 at 12:33 pm
love gundam 00!!! LVE IT!
April 3rd, 2008 at 1:25 pm
@ kyon
once the GN particles stored up are expended during trans am mode, the gundam reverts back to it’s normal system, it can still move and etc, but it’s performance is lower than normal
whats the bet that ali is gonna stir some shit up during season 2 so that he doesn’t end up out of a job?
April 4th, 2008 at 10:42 am
Ahhhhhh…why does new/returning Tieria have Lockon-esque hair? -_-’ Over obsessed much? Just maybe.
Felt like one of those things where you stare at it for its entire length speechless, and when it stops, it’s an “Uh What?..”
April 4th, 2008 at 10:57 am
are you going to do code geass R2 next?
April 4th, 2008 at 11:47 am
>Nena’s purple Haro was actually used by Alejandro Corner as a bugging device to spy on the Trinity. It will later be used by Almarck Livonse to his own advantage.
>The Union colony (where Saji is working) will be a target of a terrorist attack in AD 2312. The Federation’s leader will be given emergency powers.
>Tieria (Regene Legetta) will be working with the Federation.
>Louise’s boyfriend (no longer Saji) is also working with the Federation. Her boyfriend looks very much like Lockon Stratos, which makes Regene constantly jealous of Louise.
April 5th, 2008 at 10:09 am
Did setsuna die, never heard any anime killing of the maincharacter halfway the series,, i bet he was flying in that new gundam that saji saw. I bet that Saji will end up fighting louise..
Setsuna must be alive becoz he still needs to kill ali sarches. Lockon failed to kill him. btw did Halleluya dissapear forever or does he come back..
Lol all Hail Britannia
April 6th, 2008 at 12:09 am
whats with this Regene Legetta thing, who is it ?
April 6th, 2008 at 1:50 am
it was okay, atleast better than gundam seed
April 6th, 2008 at 10:25 pm
Earth federation versus Innovator. that’s how i see it hahaha..
April 7th, 2008 at 7:06 pm
I have to agree with Dark Mirage about the episode feeling more rushed then your average Sunrise finales. Although I know this isn’t the end of the series I think there were some unnecessary things that could have been resolved next season rather than at the last minute. One of these was the sudden Graham/Setsuna minute long conflict which seemed to serve little reason other than casting a shadow on Setsunas fate. I guess these would also serve as device of which to created Graham into a Char-Clone.
I don’t think the series was that bad all in all but it still wasn’t amazing. Then again we haven’t seen the series in its entirety so Its not exactly fair to pass judgment on it just yet.
The one thing I am happy about is that we finally saw O Gundam again. Like I was talking about before, they seemed to just blow it off after the first episode. Hopefully we’ll find out more about its pilot and origins next season.
April 8th, 2008 at 10:19 am
So, Setsunas really dead? He’s the main character hes not supposed to die. If there is a season two, whos going to fight if most of the main characters are dead? Would somebody please explain to me why Gundam unit 00 looks just like RX-78-2 from mobile suit gundam?! Wow how original Sunrise, how original. I have to admit I watched the last episode on youtube and it’d be great if it had subtitles so that I new what exactly was going on. I’m still wondering tho, is there going to be a season two? If there is I’d love to see any new Gundams that are introduced. I’m wondering who will sing the opening and if it will be any good like the last two.
April 8th, 2008 at 5:15 pm
If you’ve seen the episode, at the end you’ll get to see a brief glimpse of 00 Gundam. I think it looks A LOT like GAT X-105 Strike Gundam. For one, it’s got those vertical spikes on top of the Gundam’s Tiara thing. On it’s nose area, it also has those arrows going upwards. These features are not present in the first season of Gundam 00 Gundams….
April 9th, 2008 at 2:52 am
Are we seeing the Amuro-Char form rivalries all coming back in the 2nd season? For some reasons, Setsuna-Graham’s rivalry is obvious another Amuro-Char stints where the antigonist is always masked. Sheessh, when is Gundam going to put out that ‘masked guy’ crap permanently?
April 11th, 2008 at 4:07 pm
you know what i think with all the deaths? hah.
they’re probably just flushing out the unpopular character because they probably got a lot of complaints already.. this series isn’t nearly as popular as the seed series. they do have a history of changing their characters.. or at least the focus of their characters.. like in the middle of a series after all. only this time they did it at the end of season one.. a kill button for all the unpopular characters!
April 11th, 2008 at 11:15 pm
Luminance, fortunate that you catch the cameo scene. I only managed to catch it on Youtube. But it looks a lot like Exia, doesn’t it?
But I feel the last battle is a bit too abrupt and rushed. Why let the camera roll while Exia got K.O. in his second consecutive fight? And come to think about the green-red explosion at the end of the fight, didn’t that mean that the GN Drive of Exia is the one that explode? I’m getting a bit of confused there…
April 14th, 2008 at 1:33 pm
Hey guys, it’s been a while.
“Earth federation versus Innovator. that’s how i see it hahaha..”
Yes and no. Those two will square off for sure. But I don’t exactly see CB teaming up with Innovator. And we all know how much the Earth hates CB. So imho it’s going to be another multi-sided conflict. I agree completely that this season ending was rushed. I wonder how its gonna play out in season two, beyond the obvious factions warring with each other. Also, and i know its premature to ask this, but any news on when season 2 is going to come out?
Lastly DM I ready your episode 24 blog, those cracks about Alejandro’s suit made me laugh.
April 15th, 2008 at 12:51 am
Season 2 will air in October.
Setsuna’s not dead, dude. He just passed out….
Here’s my take:
-Either Ian or Wang gets the O Gundam.
-Nena gets the 00 Gundam.
-Nena gets pwned by Graham(or Ali).
-Setsuna goes bonkers and pilots the 00 Gundam.
-Setsuna fights Graham, Alle comes to the rescue.(Provided that Kyrios got an overhaul)
-Alle pwns Graham, Halle-style, Graham escapes.
-Setsuna fights Ali, then Tieria comes to the rescue.
-Tieria goes for the final blow, only to have his kill stolen by an unknown mobile suit.
-Setsuna and Tieria watches over the horizon, and saw a familiar green Gundam shilloutte(spelling?) holding the GN Sniper Rifle—Cliffhangar (End of the 3/4 of the series)
Cool Huh…? God knows what will happen to the O Gundam… Perhaps it’ll fight Ribbons’s Flying Head Of Doom and lose both it’s head and it’s left arm. Then in a desperate move, the O Gundam pulls a Final Shot and kills Ribbons. Only this time, the Flying Head of Doom won’t have the chance to fire back.
April 15th, 2008 at 8:43 am
Thankyou for telling me when its going to air. Also we know that Setsuna is alive (duh), but I doubt Graham is. First off it looks like Exia’s sword went through the cockpit, but even if it didn’t if you watch the episode again you’ll notice that after Graham says his last words you actually see the explosion in his cockpit. Even if he had survived the explosion his space suit would have been torn to shreds, no one could have survived that. As for Nena getting 00 I don’t know about that, but we’ll see. In all honesty I think Setsuna is still Exia’s pilot, unless he quit CB. The reason behind this is simple, CB recovered Exia, so they recovered him too. And he won’t go to another gundam, he’s way to attached to Exia for that.
April 15th, 2008 at 10:01 pm
erm… isnt graham the dude wif the mask? DM has a picture above captioned “Darth Veda”… i think thats graham…
April 15th, 2008 at 11:07 pm
Good point. Now that I look closer the hairstyle does look similar. It might be him, it might not. I’m not sure now, especially with Sunrise. Of course they would find an excuse to let someone who should have died live. So now that you point that out there is a good possibility that it is him. But what is with the mask?
April 16th, 2008 at 2:54 pm
I think the “author” of this site needs to actually learn how to review something. All I see here is a homophobic moron who likes to state his opinion as facts.
April 16th, 2008 at 2:57 pm
Oh and before I leave… I think I smell a lot of UC fanbois..
April 19th, 2008 at 11:04 am
Well, 99/100 of this review was entirely a critique of the episode and not an actual review, jackass. If you had stated your stand on his reviews after reading ALL of his past and current reviews, then I forgive you. However, the way you are implying it is that you are judging him based on this one half-assed review (no offense DM).
April 21st, 2008 at 6:54 am
They should have saved the Graham x Setsuna fight for the bloody ext season. urgh! It would have been such an awesome chivalrous romance…
April 23rd, 2008 at 10:22 am
I like Gundams.
I like boobs (see my name for more info)
We need to see more of boobs, especially Sumeragi san’s boobs. And Nena needs a low cut high boobage outfit – murderous lolita pilot!?!??! :O
April 25th, 2008 at 9:10 pm
i just finished episode 25 this morning.
i have a few comments on 00 at this point:
1. it sucks that after tieria makes a big fuss about showing off dynames’s high-altitude owning capabilities in episode 5, lockon never gets to use it again the entire season. it would’ve been more interesting if lockon had used it against the UN jinxes.
2. nadleeh’s performance in the end of the season’s somewhat disappointing given that it was given so much buildup to having a reputation of some outrageously powerful supermecha, with the trial system, the suspense of stripping all the black armor pieces away and all.
3. by the way that green-haired dude (ribbons? livonze? whatever.) talked to alejandro, it sounded to me like he already knew mr. pikachu was gonna be owned in that battle. the first time i saw his tieria-like eye-thing, i somehow already smelled betrayal coming sometime. i find it a bit foolish on alejandro’s part, doing the dirty work himself while leaving a guy with those abilities to himself.
4. i remember virtue using GN field for the first time in the moralia battle. if he could take as much damage and survive as they did in that uranium desert, why bother showing off the GN field to the puny moralian forces? just showing off? that wouldn’t seem compatible with his attitude against showing off nadleeh in episode 10.
5. what the hell happened to the surveyors 4 years later?
by the way, DM, i’ve been very much a fan of your gundam 00 reviews. hope there’ll be more for season 2. :) actually, i was robbed half the fun by you pointing out all the contrivedness of this season, but your cracks were just so entertaining i couldn’t drop them in favor of fully enjoying gundam 00 in ignorance. :D
PS: i haven’t watched any UC other than the first few episodes of 08th MS team, so i’m a bit alienated by some comments i read here. :D
April 25th, 2008 at 10:45 pm
i made it sound like 00 was all about showing off: lockon shows off high-altitude shooting, tieria shows off GN field, nadleeh, and trial system, and alejandro shows off his 7-GN drive-overloaded goldmember (only to be beaten by a kid who’s convinced he’s a mobile suit; he’s probably watched too much mecha anime).
hehe, sorry about the over-redundant “showing off”.
May 27th, 2008 at 2:32 pm
@ Allion……
July 3rd, 2008 at 3:12 am
hey dark mirage u wouldnt happen to know if the 00 psp files still exist do ya cause on the main site its dead
December 21st, 2008 at 10:46 pm
Try this episode in chipmunk version LOL..
Alejandro..Gone in 60 seconds..