Code Geass R2 — Episode 2
Because fangirl pandering is (sometimes) awesome.
Code Geass R2 isn’t slowing down the pace just yet. Episode 2 is non-stop action, drama and fanservice, with a few familiar cameos to prepare the viewers for what will surely be unstoppable mayhem intertwined with intentionally misplaced comedic moments. Sunrise should concentrate more on doing this kind of shows and outsource Gundam to someone else.
Lelouch regains his memories and takes command of the Black Knights. Apparently there are still quite a number of them left, at least much more numerous than the impression I got from the blimp scene in episode one.
He carried Lelouch back all by himself and didn’t even have time to change
After getting his ass kicked the last season, Lelouch was brought before the King of Britannia by Suzaku (that no good two face bastard) and his memories were erased by the King’s Geass. It’s not explained as to why the old man has Geass (on both eyes no less!), but I guess it makes sense considering it’s the “Power of the King”. Or whatever.
I’ve always wondered… Is that a wig?
Karen has a moment of doubt and privately confronts Lelouch with a gun, but her bunny suit prevents her from being taken seriously and it degenerates into a typical love comedy situation. Her doubts cleared by her irrational lust for his love, she reaffirms her loyalty to Zero and promises to be his sex slave for eternity. (Isn’t that sweet?)
“Please… Just have sex with me.”
Lelouch does his whole life-size chess pwnage routine with the whole “B2″ and the “C6″ works, but an unexpected visitor almost foils his plan. Dun dun dun!
Activating GN field!
The Brits have a new Knightmare Frame based on the Lancelot prototype, and this time it’s not just inhumanly fast, it actually teleports! Physics never stopped anyone. But Suzaku is busy sucking up to his new boss back in the Great Fatherland, so who is piloting this? Well… Later.
It just keeps tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down
(This is my 2nd try. Will someone please get the reference?)
Predictably, Zero blows up the entire building, burying alive a good portion of the Britannia Army stationed in Area 11, allowing the Black Knights to escape in an underground passage that the Brits somehow failed to notice. C.C. must have an incredible amount of foresight to predict Lelouch’s plan of action and bring enough explosives for this, either that or he is just so darn predictable.
“Oh Zero, I love you.”
Conveniently, the Babel Tower is located right next to the Chinese Federation’s consulate and, after a bit of persuasion by Zero, the Black Knights take refuge in Chinese territory. From there, Zero appears on live broadcast and once again declares the creation of a Japanese republic.
Intentional devil horns?
The Britannia forces dare not enter consulate for fear of creating an international incident. The mysterious pilot of the physics-defying Knightmare however, has no qualms… Because he turns out to be Rollo and he has frigging Geass too!
It runs in the family
Geass is like a GN drive. It was cool back when only the protagonist had it. Now it’s cheap, widespread, and Haruhi knows where everyone is getting it from. Lelouch needs to get some kind of Super Geass soon.
Karen is now the official fanservice personnel
She’s unhappy with the lack of Pizza Hut in this episode
They should really train their pilots not to exit the cockpits…
This alternate universe is hilarious
Unimportant character
“Stop lying! You had your way with me using your Geass, didn’t you?”
Yagami Light
Most pointless self sacrifice so far
Very interesting camera angle
She still hates Zero
She still lusts for Zero
She’s still mentally unstable
Mikuru Beam!
Still Alive (in China)
Code Geass Musou (or Olympic torch protest gone overboard?)
On another note, I installed Vista on my primary desktop. It’s pretty decent. I don’t see the big fuss over it, but of course I wouldn’t try it on my underpowered laptop…
Also, I rewatched 08th MS Team and it was awesome. XD
April 14th, 2008 at 9:48 pm
It’s not a wig. Every one of us British males has hair like that, didn’t you know?
If you think Sunrise should outsource Gundam (not, in my opinion, a good idea), to whom should they outsource it?
And yes, speaking of Gundam, The 08th MS Team is about as awesome as a mile-high stone statue of Domon Kasshu holding a sign saying ‘FEEL AWE’.
April 14th, 2008 at 9:49 pm
haha… season 2 is getting a good start… =) me likes… i almost forgot the awesomeness of code geass. lol. i think ima go rewatch season 1 all over again. lol.
April 14th, 2008 at 9:51 pm
Kyoani of course.
April 14th, 2008 at 9:52 pm
You’ve summed up the episode quite nicely with your captions and screencaps.
I um, like Nina’s new hairdo. Wait, was that her name? Crazy chair-self-pleasurer?
April 14th, 2008 at 9:55 pm
Code Geass Musou… it could work. We just need more on the other two Kingdoms of this alternate universe.
April 14th, 2008 at 10:04 pm
Their cinematography certainly improved this season, no doubt about that… :D
Who ever thought of the camera angles for this episode is a frickin’ GENIUS!!
Love nina’s new look too! (the psychotic murderous bitch look really does suit her!)
April 14th, 2008 at 10:29 pm
Why do I love your summaries so much?
Screencap of Uzaku and Gino as a starting image? Wow, this is some surprising choice coming from Kallen’s fanboy number one. Not that I’m complaining since I already like this guy a lot.
Oh, and what about that ‘Komm, süsser Tod’ reference? I think that everyone gets it.
April 14th, 2008 at 10:37 pm
I always have this feeling that im the only one who watches Geass for political awesomeness.
you know. manipulation of the masses, revolution, terrorism,
and references to Nazi Germany and 1984
it also reminds me of Ibsen.(Norwegian poet)
“In matters of right and wrong, the majority is always wrong”
Everyone else seems to be all about the characters, (most of which i hate)
I mean Lelouch and Suzaku both seems to have more than one deus ex machina floating at their shoulder satisfying their every whim.
I mean honestly..
April 14th, 2008 at 10:40 pm
Love your blog and those pic comments. And I do believe that code geass is far superior to gundam 00.
nippon banzai! Long Live Zero!
April 14th, 2008 at 10:53 pm
I think u are mistaken on how they escaped the tower. They escaped by their own made personal bridge. It was part of the tower they blown up
April 14th, 2008 at 10:59 pm
Yeah this episode was relatively disappointing when all of a sudden the king had a geass…… then Rollo….. and hell, maybe the cat will get it? And why not that car? a tree? FREE GEASS FOR EVERYBODY…. but seriously, severe disappointment due to overabundance of the same damn geass, they could’ve at least all had different ones, or has creative diversity gone down the drain? Okay I made that whole creative diversity thing up, I think. Something not stupid better happen soon, or else I’ll have to drop this like Gundam 00(and I seriously don’t want to have to do that).
April 14th, 2008 at 11:00 pm
Ah… You are right. I only remembered the part where Karen says that the enemy above them will fall to the ground. But now that I think about it, I guess that doesn’t have to imply that they are underground since only the top half of the building falls.
Now while I do like the setting of Code Geass, I won’t say that it’s particularly insightful in terms of the politics depicted. In fact, there’s pretty much zero politics going on unless you count the petty maneuvering for power by Britannia officers that happened once or twice.
April 14th, 2008 at 11:09 pm
Politics-wise it’s no Gasaraki, that’s for sure – and that might be a good thing, given what Geass seems to want to be.
April 14th, 2008 at 11:12 pm
Yes, that’s why we watch it for mammaries.
April 14th, 2008 at 11:42 pm
I think the geass the Emperor has is rather useless compared to Lelouches (assuming memory modifieng is all he can do).
Lelouche can modify memorys by giving an appropriate order, so he can do the same and more.
In R1 one could sometimes wonder wether Suzaku is the good or the bad guy. Now it’s clear. Look at his evil face!
Uh well, i guess Lelouche has that one too.
April 15th, 2008 at 12:14 am
Perhaps the emperor can use it more than once? Not only that, perhaps he’s used it on Lelouch before.
“My mother never existed?!”
“Yeah, I grew you in a vat.”
“Because I find this hilarious!”
April 15th, 2008 at 12:52 am
Evangelion, but wait, “second time”? You mean your previous Code Geass post had no one getting the reference either? Ouch.
April 15th, 2008 at 1:02 am
Well that was much better than the first episode imo. Although the exchange between Lelouch and Kallen just seemed retardly bad. And ofcourse Zero announcing himself to the world again was as cheesy as possible. Hopefully we get more like this (minus some of the bad dialogue).
As for 08th MS Team, I never really understood it’s popularity. Maybe because I went expecting there to be more of an overarching plot. Personally, I was always found 0080 to be the best of the UC animated sidestories.
April 15th, 2008 at 1:40 am
I thought it was entertaining enough, including the over the top drama, sweet Kallen fanservice, Suzaku’s being a bastard, Lancelot’s magical spawn, two more people with Geass and all.
Kallen’s reaction at the end of her conservation with Lelouch was definitely tsundere, taken from the typical romantic comedy and all, but Lelouch’s not a romantic comedy protagonist (say, did he nosebleed or shy away? Nope), so at least that was not as irritating as it could be. Plus I think the slave line could be interpreted differently, seeing what others have said, my lack of moonspeak notwithstanding.
Enzer Miliard: Do you know if Lelouch, Rollo and the Emperor have exactly the same Geass? Seems to be just an assumption. I’m willing to wait and see how that is going to work. It could all end up in Geass-spam-for-all, admittedly.
Btw, 08th MS Team is indeed awesome, though the last episode was…you know, basically out of nowhere.
April 15th, 2008 at 3:05 am
“Evangelion, but wait, “second time”? You mean your previous Code Geass post had no one getting the reference either? Ouch.”
No, iirc, that was in one of the recent G00 reviews.. DarkMirage, please tell me you are kidding… everyone should have got that reference >_> NGE is.. well, NGE, you have to watch it >__<
April 15th, 2008 at 4:31 am
I think im gonna like this show. Still not sold on the purple fire but whatever.
April 15th, 2008 at 7:27 am
man, that giant tower collapsing kinda reminds me of something that happened a few years ago. It seems Lelouch is reminding us of the war on terror
April 15th, 2008 at 8:08 am
Rolo geass is the power of teleportation. Already shown in the PS2/PSP video game, Code Geass: Lost Colors. That explained the Knightmare Frame teleportation capability (It is not one of the Knightmare Frame new capability).
April 15th, 2008 at 8:41 am
@ Owen S
DM quoted that in one of his last few Gundam 00 posts. I guess everyone was just waiting for someone else to spot it back then. =p
April 15th, 2008 at 9:23 am
Actually, everyone’s geass is different from the others, be it in the way they use it (range, direct contact, etc.) So it’s not the same. Lulu can control actions, the Emperor can erase and modify memories, Rollo apparently can teleport and Mao could read thoughts.
But yeah, Geass is now the new black.
April 15th, 2008 at 9:35 am
This episode was really cool, especially the TV broadcast part. XD Mikuru Beam.
April 15th, 2008 at 10:40 am
Gah, kallen_bf beat me to the post about Rollo having the power of teleportation. Rollo can teleport anywhere he wishes to, although this is not fully explained I’m sure it is limited to his range of vision at least. This was shown in the PS2 game where the player (you have the same geass as Lelouch but it’s better, you don’t need eye contact to use your geass just say it) is killed by Rollo teleporting behind him and stabbing him in the back. Game Over ^^
April 15th, 2008 at 12:43 pm
i thought rollo teleports in front of you and slashes in the front
April 15th, 2008 at 2:40 pm
April 15th, 2008 at 6:41 pm
Iz dat sum Komm Susser Tod?
I’m not annoyed by the Geass count yet… we’re at 3 now. If it keeps incrementing though, this is going to become a Knightmare (har har har)
April 16th, 2008 at 12:03 am
To be honest i don’t know why people are complaining about a few guys having geass it was kinda obvious that a few people would have geass, eg Mao, and CC has been living for who knows how long and get up to who knows what and there are probably a few others like CC eg VV, I’ll just be suprised if Suzaku doesn’t have geass you know VV and all. Also everyone had to get GN drives it would have gotten really boring if everyone else didn’t get GN drives and the gundams kept kicking their asses because back then the battles were really shit.
April 16th, 2008 at 1:01 am
Down, down, down you go
No way to stop
As you fall, hear me call
No, no, no
Listen to this warning and
Consider these
Simple words of advice
Stop, stop, stop
and it goes on, but theres no need for me to copy it all out for you
April 16th, 2008 at 9:18 am
08th MS Team is great because it focuses on some average joe pilots who are just fighting the war. Sure they blow up some big experimental mobile armour in the end but overall it’s a fairly “realistic” (I use the term very loosely) look at UC Gundam.
Yeah yeah, you can make fun of the silly cross-faction love story bla bla bla but Norris fight and the fact that they’re all using grunt suits makes the show great.
April 16th, 2008 at 10:37 am
I like the Mikuru beam which creates a micro black hole. And I hope that “lusting” girl marries Lelouch in the end just for the heck of it (lol). Kallen can go get drunk or whatever from the depression as far as I care. C.C. must die at the end of the series >_>
j/k j/k. I don’t want C.C. to die or Kallen to get drunk and get raped by some jii-jiis.
April 16th, 2008 at 2:53 pm
ok, so now I know why it all happened… Lelouchs memory being rewritten was kinda cool. But still it feelt like shit.
Just think of all the stuff you have to do to rewrite ones memory, erasing unwanted memories and creating new ones is not something you cao do that easily, what a good head the ruler of Brittania must have.
It´s always just one unit that trashes Lelouchs plans. I wonder why…
Kallen fanservice is always a good thing though “How long are you going to stay dressed like that?”
I have to say, hopefully most of the season, slave? Didn´t she really mean sex slave?
Wonder what CC will think of the competition :p
But all in all, a satisfying episode, now all I want to know is how everything will play out. Hopefully it´ll play out nice and good. Without Lelouch having to lose anyone dear to him again.
April 16th, 2008 at 11:21 pm
“C.C. must have an incredible amount of foresight to predict Lelouch’s plan of action and bring enough explosives for this, either that or he is just so darn predictable.”
When you join the army in a few months or years time,
you will know that infantry units always carry some explosive along for battle or operation.
So there is no need to be predictable.
It is a must.
I am not surprised they have enough explosive to bomb the tower.
April 17th, 2008 at 2:18 am
Bihdeath: “Love your blog and those pic comments. And I do believe that code geass is far superior to gundam 00.”
Gundam 00 is meh, but Code Geass is shit, entertaining shit, but shit.
April 18th, 2008 at 6:12 am
You should write reviews too for 08th MS Team. Probably one of the best Gundam series that got little to no attention. Not as good as Wing, but a hell of a lot better than the recent Gundam shows. I loved the last extra episode’s ending, I won’t spoil it for you =3
Lol at the Bewbs joke
April 18th, 2008 at 6:16 am
oh and xD about the olympics reference. Pro or against boycotting China? I don’t like their treatment and all their human rights violations, or their crappy environmental issues, or the one child policy, but I’m not really for boycotting to me, the largest, longest lasting symbol of world unity. Tough choice.
April 18th, 2008 at 7:09 am
An Olympic boycott does nothing but fuel anti-Western sentiments and unite Chinese people behind the government, thus further reducing the inventive for reform. Those people trying to snatch the torch achieve nothing, and such silly activism is ultimately just a matter of self gratification.
Young Chinese people, people who are IT savvy and connected, the kind who are vital to any future reform process, are overwhelmingly in support of the government on this issue. Olympic is a matter of national and racial pride and they see this as a huge Western conspiracy to put China down. The English-speaking world has no idea what kind fury passion and anti-Western sentiments it has unleashed even in the most formerly apathetic Chinese.
Westerners have a screwed up idea of China and pat themselves on the back for their efforts to “improve” China’s human rights issues, forever stuck in the groupthink that pegs China as some kind of barbarian territory. Chinese youth, whether or not they are critical of the government, do not like this condescending attitude.
Boycotting the Olympic would be the greatest setback ever for people who are actually introducing reforms in China because they will be labelled as being pro-West and anti-Chinese in the ensuring firestorm of nationalism that is already happening. But Western activists don’t actually care about bringing change, they are just out to antagonize and demonize an entire nation for their own ego trip.
April 18th, 2008 at 9:47 am
@ Eh
Well I can certainly appreciate the whole grunt point of view, but the show doesn’t seem to offer much else. It had some good animation, mech designs and music, but there really wasn’t much of a plot, the romance was just silly and the characters, while likeable, lacked any real development. In the end, I found 08th MS Team to be disappointing, since I see it often praised as the best Gundam series.
April 18th, 2008 at 2:46 pm
Bah, your a heretic Chiga. We watch code geass for the hotties :P
And its fine with me if the protests hurt Chinese reforms. Err, wont that hurt china as a whole? Fine with me. Whatever happen to the good old fashion US cold war blind all consuming and extremely paranoid communist hate? ;)
OOOOOOOOOOO, perfect avatar! LOL
April 20th, 2008 at 10:16 am
@ DM
In other words, pro or anti they are just a bunch of morons under different banner condemning each other. Instead of moving forward, everything remains status quo….
April 26th, 2008 at 11:21 am
>_> Yes, we got the eva reference, now stop using it! D: Or I will sing a horrible, ugly sounding version of Komm Sussor Todd, and post it on youtube so you may one day run into it by accident and have your ears bleed! ><
’tis obviously a joke of course. :P
Still gotta finish the original Code Geass before watching this one though. >_> Luckily I only skim through to read the funny comment so it isn’t exactly spoiled for me, except maybe a few character appearances. lol
And damn, I really should do some political research and start forming my own opinion on the subject. Kinda bothered by how much smarter everyone seems. XD
April 28th, 2008 at 11:28 pm
Gundam anime are getting good recently evasince the wing series to the gs/gsd and then 00. I love it.It could handle the storyline that got alot of the mixed-in such as,the politics,the history,the romance and yes,the mechas.Nice. 2 thumbs up eventhou some ppl end up by hating it! Code Geass,its not my type but i did watched it,since that i’ve got nothing do after done watching the 00s’.Now,i’m waiting for these 2 season series to come out.What a way to anticipate!:)
May 4th, 2008 at 9:34 am
Suzaku DIE!!!!!!!! Rollo DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! that cocky shit suzaku thinks he’s strong becoz he climed up abit but he’s using him as a pwn, i bet that what the emperor really wants is to make lelouche so strong to be worthy of the throne..
Anyways this episode is awsome and got me all excited.. I wonder when lelouche will claim his spot as the prince or something or announce it.
if i were lelouche i would go for a foursome with kallen, C.C. and shirley. with all these geass users and special weapons against lelouche, he must gain some awsome weapons and/or allies.
Rofl olympic torch protest gone overboard hahaha.. dude u r awsome with these blogs.
September 8th, 2008 at 9:09 am
It all returns to nothing.
May 1st, 2010 at 11:30 pm
Komm, Susser Todd reference. I love that part of the song :3