Code Geass R2 — Episode 3
It’s episode 3 and we have more plot twists! I wonder how long this can last. Surely it can’t be too long now before Sunrise runs out of surprises to throw at us and drops the ball by revealing that the ultimate villain character is actually Nunnally.
It’s quite interesting how the main characters in Code Geass R2 all lead such complicated double lives. But I sort of miss the first season back when Kallen and Lelouch were the only ones doing it.
Lelouch pulls a fast one on Rollo by calling him from school. The Zero who is speaking on air is actually C.C. in disguise. (Says a lot about CLAMP-designed guys when a girl can take their place and no one notices.)
“Oh Lelouch Zero, you are so awesome. I want to have your baby.”
Impending cat fight
Other than unintentionally setting up this hilarious exchange between Kallen and C.C., Lelouch also manages to confuse the heck out of the special operations unit (led by Villetta Nu) that is in-charge of keeping tab on his activities. Now they are unsure as to whether he did regain his memories.
Rollo returns to the unit’s secret underground HQ beneath the school and sulks. They can’t detect that Lelouch’s Geass (which can’t be turned off now as before) is back because C.C. passed him a special contact lens that blocks the Geass.
The Italians look too normal to be in the same universe as the rest
Meanwhile, Britannia is invading Italy. The Italian forces have the upper hand due to geographical advantage, but it’s all over once Suzaku flies in with his Lancelot.
During the time since the last season, Suzaku has apparently earn himself the nickname White Death. He asks the Italians to surrender before it’s too late, but those pizza-eaters refuse to submit themselves to the horrors of British cooking.
Personally I didn’t like Suzaku right from the start, but I still feel that he hasn’t gone over to the dark side yet. As that old saying may or may not go, “to fool your enemies you must first fool your friends,” or something like that. While I don’t care either way since I hate his face, I think he’s just being groomed by Sunrise for his new one true love to soften his heart. I just hope it’s not Kallen. (She’s mine.)
What is more surprising however, is how Rollo appears to be emotionally attached to Lelouch in a manner that is difficult to describe. He seems to cherish the heart-shaped locket which Lelouch gave him for his (Nunnally’s) birthday… Yaoi fangirl baiting? What kind of elder brother gives his younger brother a heart-shaped locket as a birthday present anyway?
Unimportant characters
In order to force Zero to show his hand, Guilford threatens to execute the members of the Black Knights who are currently in captivity. Lelouch is forced to take action, and he has to do so while under heavy surveillance by Britannia agents. (Jeez, did I mention how much this reminds me of Death Note?)
I can’t stand her
He goes on a date with Shirley and escapes the mall by faking a terrorist attack. Using his Geass, he commands a nearby Britannia agent to give a false report to Villetta, sending her on a wild goose chase with false information about C.C.’s whereabouts and leaving the special unit’s HQ vacant.
Yagami Light being tailed by an FBI agent
Lelouch then lays an ambush for Rollo…
“This is a gun in my hand.”
“And yes I am happy to see you.”
Unfortunately, Lelouch’s perfect plan is spoiled by imperfect information (as usual). Rollo can stop time! Or rather, he can make everyone around him freeze while he moves around and effectively teleports. I doubt that he actually changes the flow of time per say (i.e. bullet time), probably just the perception of it by people.
Oh noz. Looks like Lelouch is in huge trouble! Will he survive this? Spoiler: Yes.
I wonder how it feels to know that your PE teacher may kill you any time
Some kinky stuff going on here…
If it’s so powerful, why doesn’t Britannia build more?
The Grand Pimp
Schizophrenic or Oscar-winning actor?
Rollo Beam
C.C. has good fashion sense
Poor Kallen gets all the fanservice duty
Wine is just rotten grapes
Now I have to work on some complex numbers. Sigh…
April 25th, 2008 at 2:03 pm
DM is not from NUS. He’s too good for the shit school! The reason why he makes Deathnote jokes is because Deathnote was based on the true story of his life. So yeah, he is in Tokyo University and he has a nemesis named L. Which is short for Lian YL.
April 25th, 2008 at 7:51 pm
I’ve only got one thing to say to you…KALLEN IS MINE!! BUAHAHAHAHA!! >.>;; (on a side note <3 Code Geass)
Jess i’m back for all who noticed <3 Then agian…how the hell does C.C. fit all of that hair underneath that Tiny helmet….One can only wonder…
April 26th, 2008 at 6:13 pm
Does anyone notice that r2 seems to have way more fanservice than the previous series? What is with the repeated kallen fanservice? XP
April 27th, 2008 at 6:34 am
I am not complaining in the slightest :p
April 27th, 2008 at 9:05 am
She is too much of a badass to get the fanservice/comic relief treatment as much as she does.
April 27th, 2008 at 8:58 pm
The fact that she starts out as a bunny fangirl = anticipated, expected and rewarded fanservice ^^
On another note, I in my humble opinion believes faithfully that C.C. has the hottest ass I’ve ever seen, although Kallen most probably wins in the boob category.
April 27th, 2008 at 9:30 pm
But in overall looks, I would say Kallen wins.
April 28th, 2008 at 1:04 am
Yeah about that, how can C.C “not know where nannally is” when it detamines her fate in the contract? if nannally is in anyway shape or form in mortal danger (or dead) Lelouch might as well cancel the invasion and go and commit suicide, it was a careless thing on C.C’s part not to put nannally search party on her top priority list
April 28th, 2008 at 4:58 pm
I suppose only Lelouch himself knew how important Nunally was to him. C.C probably didn’t care one way or another.
May 4th, 2008 at 10:11 am
I think that a geass reaches full strenght when it appears in both eyes like mao and the emperor, i think that lelouche and rollo are still in begin stages.
@ meocross, if ever something was to happen to nunally i bet lelouche would nuke britania..
What are u guys talking about why only kallen or C.c. if he can have a foursome with kallen, C.C. and shirley :P
Dudes Code geass R2 is on its way to become the best anime ever..
And is lelouche not the smartest guy ever, beating even yagami light becoz he gets observed by like a 100 ppl and he still knows to out manouvre the world..
May 4th, 2008 at 9:25 pm
Actually its more than Lelouch has stupid enemies. When you know who Zero is, you dont put him back in school, you lock him up or kill him.
March 25th, 2009 at 1:40 am
well of course lelou is going to live. i mean rolo killed a guy in suspended animation yet he leaves that mode to threaten him? wtf rolo now knew that zero=lelouch.
and yeah he does look just like yagami raito.