Code Geass R2 — Episode 4
Looks like this will be the last high tension episode before we return to a more peaceful interlude. As expected, Lelouch manages to turn the entire situation around to his advantage without breaking too many drops of sweat. I mean, you didn’t really think he was going to die, right?
That is not to say that episode 4 is boring or anything. Zero’s tactics are getting a little overused, but the episode itself is quite engaging. Hopefully, with some proper planning and the Black Knights having gained the initiative, we’ll see some more creative twists during the next confrontation.
Lelouch has apparently figured out Rolo’s Geass and confirms his suspicions using recordings from the security camera.
“Smile! You’re on Candid Camera!”
Rolo’s Geass, like the other Geass, is just really powerful hypnosis. He can’t actually stop time to move around instantaneously, and thus a blasphemous violation of General Relativity has been averted and Einstein can now rest peacefully in his grave. Phew.
With his usual sweet-talking, Lelouch manages to convince Rolo to spare his life in exchange for handing over C.C. (who is the real target of the special task force). The plot logic here is a bit iffy, but I guess it’s plausible, considering Rolo appears confused about his erotic feelings for Lelouch and his obsession over his given objective.
Gunslinger Boy
Little does Rolo know that Lelouch has studied all his classified files and is plotting to turn him into a loyal pawn even without the use of Geass.
In the mean time, Li Xingke (the long-hair guy), who apparently is a faithful loyalist to the imperial crown, overrules the eunuch Gaohai and turns on the Black Knights. Fortunately, he is not an unreasonable person and he permits the Black Knights to proceed with their plans on the condition that he has plausible deniability later by making it seem like the Black Knights took over the consulate by force. He kills the eunuch for good measure.
Where the heck are the petals flying from?
Thankfully, Zero does not disappoint. Just as the countdown for the execution of the Black Knights commerces, he makes his usual melodramatic appearance, standing alone on a Knightmare Frame. Jeez Britiannia soldiers, that’s your cue to open fire! It bluffers me as to how he manages to get away with it every single time.
After some customary exchange of greetings, Zero pulls off his usual trick and the ground plate which everyone happens to be standing on breaks off. Jeez Britiannia engineers, stop putting readily-accessible self-destruction functions in your cities!
Thanks to the ensuing chaos, Kallen and the rest manage to free the prisoners. She also has time to finish off an annoying and useless bishounen character as an afterthought. Jeez, it looks like most of the new unimportant side characters are there to be slaughtered over the course of the series.
What’s going on? I don’t know
The real caveat of the episode takes place in the final part. After pulling his old hat trick, Zero breaks for the Chinese consulate only to be chased down by Rolo in Vincent. Rolo is pissed off that he actually falls for Lelouch’s obviously-fake promise and looks ready to finish Lelouch off. Just then a sniper fires in their direction.
The cloak gives it +5 Sniping
The sniper (one of the other annoying bishounen characters) is actually under the influence of Lelouch’s Geass and his shot is heading straight for Rolo! And of course, since Rolo’s Geass can’t actually stop time, he’s pretty much done for. The bullet sails towards him in slow motion and…
…Lelouch blocks it (*gasp*) with his Knightmare Frame, thus “saving” Rolo’s life. The deed is done: Rolo’s fate (and his pure innocent boyish heart) has been sealed by Lelouch’s diabolical contract.
Rolo tries to deal with his new found feelings
“Oh my god Lelouch why did you do that? I was going to kill you.”
“Because even though all my memories were false and I secretly want to stick a knife up your nether region, you are still my precious brother.”
“OMG WTF I’ve never had a family before!”
“You can join me by my side and together we shall take over the world! (And get back Nunnally. After which I will backstab you and feed your warm corpse to the rats.)”
“Oh noooooo! I don’t know what to do!”
“Join me! It is your destiny!”
“Can’t…resist…heart-shaped locket…”
Come to think of it, Lelouch is the most evil and manipulative character in the entire show. He’s totally awesome. Now he has Rolo working on his side, allowing him to fool Viletta and the rest into thinking that he still hasn’t regained his memories.
This means that we should be expecting some school yard romance hijinks and light humour until Zero makes his next move, right? Maybe… But:
Personally, I would rather see Kallen back in school uniform. *wubs*
Demented expression
No more bunny suit… :(
She wraps her petite hands gently round the cold hard barrel and…
It says something for a country to have standard equipment for mass executions
Two of them die in this episode. Yay
“I won’t be home for dinner. Remember to feed the goldfish.”
“Zero is here! *fap fap fap fap*”
It’s amazing how side characters always happen to be in the same room
Tweedledum and Tweedledee (I give them six episodes to live)
You’d think that someone would notice if you had red glowing demon eyes
She’s secretly relieved that Ougi didn’t die. Awww… Sho shweet
“Oh great… You guys are back. Yay. (Where’s Zero?)”
Dramatic poses may result in neck sprains
I happened to notice that someone on a school mailing list I belong to left a comment on my last entry. Interesting.
March 25th, 2009 at 9:57 pm
hmmm. spear vs. shield. of couse the spears gonna win. ya damn noob. *spear get owned*
August 18th, 2009 at 12:05 am
Great episode and a wonderful anime series. I loved the bunny suit too :P