Code Geass R2 — Episode 6
Not my favourite episode. I think the character dynamics is somewhat lacking this time, and the battle scene wasn’t all that exciting either. I think it’s about time Sunrise winds down the series a notch before it runs out of momentum, and start laying the groundwork for a grander set-up.
This week’s raw was slightly delayed because three top Share uploaders were arrested in Japan last week.
Frankly, not much of interest happens in this episode. Lelouch manages to survive Suzaku’s test with the help of Rolo, and is now determined to rescue Nunnally.
An air battle involving the Black Knights, the Knights of the Round and Guiliford ensues. During the battle, Karen’s Guren is damaged by Lancelot and falls in a downward spiral of doom as her life flashes before her eyes.
Pantsu!… Wait.
Luckily, deus ex machina is in play and not only does she not die, Guren gets a timely upgrade courtesy of the whip-wielding Indian mad scientist extraordinaire Lakshata Chawla. (The rest of the gang are back from China too.)
That lab coat serves no practical purpose
They wasted all their missile slots for this
Float docked with Guren
Arm docked with Guren
They actually designed a way to fire the new arm upgrade like a missile and attach it mid-air with the Guren. There must be like a total of two out of billions of possible situations where such a capability could have been useful. Guess they lucked out.
I’ve got the power!
It’s about time Guren gets to fly and fire from a distance, because we’ve been reminded about ten billion times of this “weakness” during various point of the series and I’m getting sick of it.
This makes more sense
The upgraded Guren Kashoushiki (紅蓮可翔式) can also fire its spanking new beam weapon in scatter mode, which uses the same amount of energy distributed over a large radius, and serves to temporarily disable rather than destroy enemies.
Go Kallen! Kick some loli butt!
That said, I find the whole sentai-style mid-air link-up sequence altogether quite silly, and now that Guren has been upgraded, I hope we don’t ever have to watch that sequence again. Also, isn’t it awfully convenient how only Guren’s right arm gets blown off and the upgrade happens to be the right arm too?
“NOOOoooOOOoooooOOoo!! My cool and composed image is ruined!”
Meh. Other than that, this episode has some Earl Llyod hijinks, a few unimportant characters dying off (fewer seiyuu to pay!) and Lelouch going all emo over Nunnally. (That siscon bastard.)
Nunnally wants to follow in Euphemia’s footsteps and once again create the Japan Special Administrative Region, and requested to be governor by her own accords. This completely nullifies the point of Lelouch’s daring “rescue” mission. Poor Lelouch is unappreciated.
“She’s mine, bitch!”
Hopefully next episode will be more interesting.
On another note, I realized something today: Code Geass is ageist! That’s right, Code Geass discriminates against old people! Have you ever noticed how old(er) people die in far greater numbers in the show than their young bishounen/bishoujo counterparts?
The slumbering dragon has been awaken! It wants milk
Therefore, by my brilliant logical deduction, the Empress of the Chinese Federation is invincible. Long live the empress!
C.C. has a weird sense of occasion
The final boss is bored because Lelouch is taking too long
A grim view of the future for fashion lovers
You just know that this old guy’s a walking dead man
“Virtue, eliminating target!”
Why is she always in a garden? Who builds gardens on a plane anyway?
Zero is rejected
Now it looks like Juggernaut from X-men in gay pride colours
“I can has fly upgradez?”
Oh look. They are still alive. Yay
Is that Impulse?
Go Kallen! <3
SingTel will be bringing the iPhone to Singapore. (Yay.)
I just renewed my Starhub mobile contract for two years. (Boo.)
May 12th, 2008 at 8:06 pm
I’m 1st!
May 12th, 2008 at 8:11 pm
Nice Epic anyway lelouch gets rejected by Nunnally aww….
May 12th, 2008 at 8:13 pm
Ouch I Thought I was the first well anyway im 2nd that’s ok lol…
May 12th, 2008 at 8:32 pm
is this anime really nice to watch? :D
May 12th, 2008 at 9:07 pm
I found the join up sequence annoyingly reminiscent of SEED Destiny. Got to find out the weakness in Rolo’s geass at least. It wasn’t a great episode, the fact that Kallen’s new equipment completely owned no less than three of the Empire’s best knights seems a bit unlikely.
May 12th, 2008 at 9:16 pm
The should have done the upgrade on Kallen like few episodes earlier.. And it’s turning into a ‘Power Rangers’ epic where the hero always get beaten up at first, and some kind of mega-upgrade comes on later and owns the shitz out of everyone. A lot of improvements could have been done in this episode. Every episode seems like a pro-longed filler, adding a twist at the end, and we start over with another filler. Keep on repeating, somehow you’ll reach the end. Eventually.
May 12th, 2008 at 9:48 pm
Lucky for Rolo he didn’t get more competition for Lelouche’s affection. And there seems to be more brotherly love coming up in the next ep (the preview). GO Rolo! :3
May 12th, 2008 at 9:55 pm
Looks like there’s a show jumper. Look at the preview again. Nanally’s new caretaker looks similar to someone we know from G00 (apart from hair color).
May 12th, 2008 at 10:53 pm
And now I can see the comments. How odd.
May 12th, 2008 at 11:11 pm
Buahahaha First Comment!! it’s not..i just couldn’t see the comments..NUUUUU
Anyways, i agree this series is reving up to fast and then just kind of slows down. But I havn’t seen this episode yet and I will comment afterwards. From the looks of things, it seems like it will be slow for a bit. Well I hope they do more character development and what is with the certain relationship of dieing old people. I never would have noticed it had you not pointed it out. But it makes sense!!
-goes off to watch the show-
May 12th, 2008 at 11:13 pm
Glad I’m not the only one who found it a bit of a letdown. Looking forward to the (presumed?) downfall of the Black Knights and such in the next episode, though. I give Nunnally about three more episodes to live, max, otherwise there’s no plausible way Geass can logically remain interesting…
May 13th, 2008 at 12:31 am
I actually liked the episode, even if it’s not the best of the best or anything, but I understand that it may not be for everyone. Still, what’s wrong with having a primarily mecha action episode every now and then? Not too much.
Also, the whole flying parts sequence, while extremely convenient, is actually more likely a reference to super robot shows where similar things happen all the time. No, that didn’t begin with Gundam Seed Destiny, for anyone who cares enough to notice. Such things have a longer history behind them. Yes, it’s a bit ridiculous, so I accept that it shouldn’t be used that often, if at all, in the future. The upgrades have already been installed, anyways.
But come on…some of these comments are a bit sloppy, if still valid as opinions. It’s not like we are seeing mecha upgrades every single episode, much less flying parts every episode, even if I’m sure we may see a couple more, sooner or later. Hopelly they are less super robot-ish in nature though. I don’t think Lakshata and company are only going to give wings or general upgrades to the Guren, for instance, but they might as well do so on the ground. Happy now?
In any case, we’ll see the fallout from the Nunnally incident next time, and that should include some character development and interactions for Lelouch, Kallen and…sigh, Rollo too, judging from the preview. That was rather lacking this time, but then again not every episode needs to be the same.
May 13th, 2008 at 1:40 am
Dumb episode. The technological advancement rate is of Destiny proportions.
May 13th, 2008 at 2:04 am
One of my most favourites Geass episodes.This definitely makes up the lackings of the last episode(Except for Suzaku’s introduction).Finally Kallen has a hax of her own to face Suzaku’s hax.Too bad Suzaku had to win in the end though
Too bad G00 doesn’t have battles like this.
May 13th, 2008 at 2:12 am
Bleh the episode was So-So the shining moments in this episode was definitely kallen whooping those cocky knights asses
Lelouch getting out of the phonecall jam was kind of unrealistic but what the heck…
i give nunnally till episode 17 to live she is basically the walking ghost of Euphie now She is standing directly in the way of lelouch plans give or take she may die as early as episode 11
im sure the Fan artists are already driving the “scene” in the previews of episode 7 Out-Of-Proportion as usual
May 13th, 2008 at 2:15 am
Hate to say it, but while her intentions are good Nunnally is an idiot. Trying to follow in Euphemia’s footsteps is a naive move. There is no possible way that the Japanese are going to believe that again after the incident during the previous attempt by Euphemia. And if Sunrise has them believe it then they need to go kill themselves.
@ Asha and Meocross: if Nunnally dies then its over for the show, even if Lelouch kills her. And Meocross don’t forget the whole Euphemia incident was an accident. So comparing the situations is premature. Furthermore, you know Lelouch is doing all this for his sister, and how much he cares about her. If she dies then he will go totally emo and the show will be destroyed. That’s always what happens in these types of shows in that kind of situation. Also if she dies then the original reason why he started this whole thing goes down the drain, and he will have no reason to continue his rebellion. Amazing how the Brittanians didn’t just kill her to crush him right off, would have been so much more efficient than trying to use her like this.
May 13th, 2008 at 2:26 am
Then again now that I think of it if the Britannians had killed her he’d would continue out of revenge, while if he kills her himself he’ll just be crushed. Then he will either lapse into a depression and be completely emo for all but the last three episodes where he will than miraculously reappear and save the Black Knights from complete destruction, or he will go after revenge while emoing the whole time about how the Britannian empire made him do it. So, while I agree that there is a good chance of her dieing I would say that its still about 50/50 at most and I pray it doesn’t happen. I don’t hold much hope for the show if she does die.
May 13th, 2008 at 3:45 am
Lol at the virtue/impulse joke. I hope I never have to see GSD again in my life…
The color scheming is oh so very original. That girl with the virtue-esque suit is so annoying…living her “life” on what looks like a blackberry kind of thing…but futuristic =]
May 13th, 2008 at 4:15 am
@ Shadow – yep, that’s my guess, he’ll come back for revenge. If she doesn’t die, though, what reason would you prefer Lelouch to use for continuing the rebellion though? He said he doesn’t want to go against her will, so likely isn’t thinking of “saving” her from the Britannian hierarchy. So it’s either:
1. jealousy rules the day and he removes Nunnally to get her away from Suzaku (doubtful – I hope)
2. the end of the episode suggests Nunnally may have realised who Zero is even without needing to be told, so perhaps she gets into a bit of a tricky situation trying to bring him back, etc. etc. (but even then she’d probably still die) which he then needs to extricate her from
or hmm. 3. she falls into a coma to be miraculously revived 15 episodes later. That would avoid the killing-off-a-character-early decision which Sunrise would never make, but with the same effect.
Er – gone off on a tangent there sorry. But honestly I’d really, really like Nunnally removed from the picture soon, Lulu in super-wimpy-siscon mode is starting to get on my nerves.
(minor episode preview spoiler) – is that Lulu getting majorly beaten up there? Does he temporarily lose his Geass? Can’t imagine how else that would have happened…
May 13th, 2008 at 4:20 am
Heh, I don’t think the episode was all that bad. Personally, i’m a big fan of Gundam SEED/Destiny. It was extremely long, and probably one of the few Gundam series that did not go “Mission Mode” wise but stuck to a story.
>.< I don’t see how that guy is impulse but I did enjoy the arrival of Virtue. Fits well with both of the emo pilots who live their lives on technological attachments. Though I am sad to admit it, I would guess that Nunnaly will probably die, afterwhich Lelouch will be off on a rampage.
P.S. AOE Beats all yo’ asses, buahaha!!! *cough* s’cuse me.
May 13th, 2008 at 4:47 am
@ Asha: In all honesty, Lelouch doesn’t have to do anything different than what he normally does for it to turn out all right. Like I said what Nunnally is trying to do is doomed to failure as it is. Unless Sunrise decides to be completely stupid (although this would hardly be a first) the Japanese will never believe Nunnally or trust her intentions towards them as long as she remains governer general or whatever that title is. Not after the incident with Euphie before anyway. So Lelouch could just let Nunnally do her thing and he could do his and she would fail, yet live, in the end. There are plenty of ways other than that for Sunrise to play this but having her die is a bad idea. Like I said Lelouch will go emo, and an anime with an emo main character never turns out well.
@ Tama: The problem for most people with GS/GSD was that it didn’t go “Mission Mode” in your words. That is what Gundam is about, its a Mecha/Action anime. Don’t get me wrong, I like character development, but GS/GSD had to much of it and not enough of what Gundam is supposed to be about, action and war. If they want to put in a decent amount of character development that’s fine but they have to balance it against the other stuff, which they didn’t that time. It just got way to into the characters each of their personal stories and feelings and forgot about the true nature of Gundam anime.
May 13th, 2008 at 4:52 am
lol at “Virtue, eliminating target!”
May 13th, 2008 at 4:55 am
I have to agree with Nadires, on the whole “these episodes feel more like a fillers with a twist at the end. I like R2 but it has been a bit of a letdown since it started (in my opinion.) Every since I got the deja vu feeling from the first episode (come on the first episode of the 2nd season is way too similar to the 1st season’s first episode.) Season 2 episodes are just not as exciting to watch as the 1st season (in my opinion.)
I think the main reason for that is Nunnally! Everything Lulu does is for her, and that’s starting to get on my nerves. “I can’t procede with my plan because they have Nunnally.” “I can’t go on with my plan until I get Nunnally back from those Brits.” “Now that I’ve been rejected by Nunnally my life has no meaning!” Come on now Lulu’s sis-con thing is really getting in the way of his rebellion. Sunrise NEEDS to come up with a better reason besides Nunnally for Lulu’s motivation to continue with his rebellion!
Oh, and one more thing, what’s up with the Knightmares all having a flight ablilties now? I like them better when they didn’t fly, It made them stand on more among other mecha shows. The Knightmares fight scenes in the air reminds me too much of the Gundam franchise.
May 13th, 2008 at 5:24 am
Why do all of you think this is going to be a repeated plot of last season? Nunnally’s beliefs are NOT stupid. What do you want from a girl that’s blinded, crippled, and kidnapped?
How did you come up with Nunnally dying anyway? I believe in god(not), you believe in god, we both go to heaven. Doesn’t work like that…you can start the same and get very different results.
May 13th, 2008 at 5:25 am
@ Shadow (lol, turning into a proper debate :P) – I don’t know, I really can’t quite see that happening – she’s not been portrayed as the type of character who would ever give up on her ideals. I suppose she could be sufficiently caged by Britannia to the point that all her plans fail etc., and Lelouch sees fit to charge in against her will – but honestly, it would just flow so much more smoothly if she dies. He doesn’t have to go emo – just really, really angry. Angry and vengeful Lelouch could be good…
Just a thought – Nunnally doesn’t appear in the OP scene towards the end (the zooming scene where pretty much everybody else is gathered) I think – even Nunnally’s new babysitter is there, but not Nunnally. Seems weird not to include her if she’s going to play any continued major role in events?
@ Everlasting – with Nunnally in place Lelouch has no reason to continue with the rebellion. We still have another ~20 episodes to go. Slight logistical problem there, so the situation has to change in some way – was the thought. But I could be wrong.
(And the more I type Lelouch the more it starts looking like a fusion of “leech” and “louse” lol)
May 13th, 2008 at 5:58 am
“I can has fly upgradez?”
I loled. Hard.
May 13th, 2008 at 6:25 am
“Why is she always in a garden?”
- poor little rich lolis are always in gardens
“Who builds gardens on a plane anyway?”
- Sunrise, apparently…
May 13th, 2008 at 6:52 am
You caught everything I wanted to say about this episode. Thank you :)
And don´t forget as said about the Impulse. And from what I understood Kallen took the right arm of after knowing that she would get a new one.
Makes you wonder why she still is using only one arm to attack with… give her another clawed arm and whoa, Kallen is scary :)
I hope for a better next episode, cause this one kinda sucked. Fighting was ok, but talking and being saved by Rollo, oh my how damn easy that was… thanks Sunrise for ruining a perfect time to show of Lelouchs bad habit of always telling the truth to his sister…
May 13th, 2008 at 8:37 am
This show is getting a bit too out of hand for its own good. I will still watch it but not with the seriousness I watched in the last season. That season is definitely a lot better than what we have seen here granted though only 6 episodes are out so far. Heres to hoping it gets better.
May 13th, 2008 at 8:39 am
Doubt Nunnaly will die. It makes for much better drama to have her stuck between her bro/the big bad and Suzaku/the other big bad.
May 13th, 2008 at 11:53 am
I need to be more cynical next time. After so long watching Sunrise shows, there are so many illogical points that I got brainwashed in to thinking it’s normal.. like the garden on the plane.. and the loli empress… and, and, Kallen’s gattai scene .
May 13th, 2008 at 12:07 pm
I agree with Dark on the fact that C.C. always has calls in the oddest moments possible. What is that animal thing anyway? Other than her love for Pizza Hut, I have no clue what that thing is! Maybe it is some kind of promotional stuffed animal…
I hope so, cause that way I can get one from Pizza Hut in the future =]
May 13th, 2008 at 12:44 pm
@ Asha: I’m not saying it will happen, just that it could. An angry vengeful Lelouch would be cool, but do you remember when Nunnally was first kidnapped? More emo than anything imo. Imagine if she was killed. While his obession with doing everything for Nunnally is annoying it is what is happening. Unless Sunrise fixes that then they can’t kill her off. And while it would go smoother if she died there are other ways to handle it. Let’s just pray that it works out, but its Sunrise we’re talking about. They have a reputation and a talent for ruining great things or things that have the possibility to be great. Not to mention ruining good characters, Suzaku was pretty cool until Zero killed Euphie. We all know how he is because of that.
May 13th, 2008 at 2:04 pm
One thing I kinda was wondering about is how, Charles (The Emperor) and V.V. (Charles first ally.) Made a pact to “Slay the Gods” which is the deal with V.V. (Just like C.C and Lelouch and how they have a certain ‘Deal’.)
Anyway, By reading all that I have so far. Its becoming a bit overlooked. I think something is going on under our noses. But, That part could be Relevant or Irrelevant, I myself have not thought about it much yet.
May 13th, 2008 at 6:48 pm
i am going to guess that the show is going to end with some sort of compromise and suzuke is not going to die (damit)……on other notes don’t bother with the iphone is a piece of garbage….doesn’t even have 3g for crying out loud!
May 13th, 2008 at 9:30 pm
i know this is a stupid question, but just how to you get your weekly raws, and yet escape XEDO at the same time T_T.
and yeah, i was kinda disappointed with this episode too. somehow i wished they could have pulled it of without using just makes him too damn convenient..
May 13th, 2008 at 9:32 pm
Actually Steve Jobs is making an announcement during WWDC 2008 at San Francisco on the 9th of June, and the event itself is being billed by Apple as “a landmark event in more ways than one”.
This means that on top of other product announcements, a 3G iPhone is definitely coming soon. Not to mention that the beta firmware that comes with latest iPhone application devkit has a 3G option.
By the time SingTel actually manages to get iPhone to Singapore, it’s likely to be the 3G one, since almost all phones being sold by service providers here are 3G.
May 13th, 2008 at 10:15 pm
Well, I have to say that the Seitai part was a trifle overdone…but Sunrise has gone for 5 episodes without showing new technology on our original characters. Lancelot Conquista and Guren Kashoushiki sounds fun IMO…and it is about time Kallen gets something that is on par with the Rounds. The 1st season really didn’t show how good she can be against Suzaku if they have mecha of the same level. A second claw would be nice though, with some other cool technology (like a
I thought this episode was quite ok. Some poor animation on Sunrise’s part but the action was cool, and it gave an excuse to show off everything the OP promised about the mecha. Not to mention Guilford’s Vincent…wished it could have been more visible in the fights…
Sadly it didn’t address the Viletta issue, Toudou’s custom unit didn’t make an appearance (Toudou vs Guilford is something I definitely am looking forward to), and certainly the ‘gods’ thing is confusing. Makes me wonder if Sakuradite is something like Tiberium in C&C, without the inconvenient parts that is.
May 14th, 2008 at 3:41 am
the garden does make sense she is royalty this is shown by giving her special treatment by putting her in the “garden on a plane” (roll the snakes on a plane jokes)also i disagree Guner i predict nunnaly will die a little before the end the way this show has been twisting and Lelouch will go straight after the emporer and her killer in revenge and that will be the end of the show or they will just keep playing on the bent on revenge theme and run another season and so on milking the show for all its worth until it gets canceled either way i think there is a high chance of her dieing but not any time soon if she does get killed off way before the end they should really fire their wrighters oh and the guren sequence totaly makes since you have to remember that chick is a freaking genius and would have been thinking ahead to have the systems ready for deployment as soon as they arived and if the right arm hadent been blown off they probly would have written in a part where she is told to rip it of to make room for the new one
May 14th, 2008 at 4:51 am
Asha: “(minor episode preview spoiler) – is that Lulu getting majorly beaten up there? Does he temporarily lose his Geass? Can’t imagine how else that would have happened…”
I went back to the episode and paused it. It’s not Lelouch getting beat up. I think it’s just some random Eleven. A Brittanian (assuming from his clothes and poncy hair)holds up what looks to be one of the Refrain injecting thingies from season 1. Lot’s of Lelouch emo inc. Emotional confrontations with both Kallen (in an entirely new outfit it seems) and Rolo appear to be expected as well. *sigh* Part of me hates myself for looking at the next episode previews so closely, because all they do is fuel my desire for next week’s episode.
May 14th, 2008 at 6:38 am
I love R2.
Now I have to admit that I was not a religious viewer or R1. I would wait for like 5 episodes to come out then watch them all at once! XD;;; LOL. IMO Code Geass starts out and ends extremely well. All of the episodes in-between (like R2 episode 6) are only going to have a few “great moments”. So if you find R2 not living up to the hype, then just wait until something AMAZING happens and download like crazy to catch up. Personally, I will watch each episode as it comes out because I visit Code Geass forums a lot, I don’t want to be spoiled too much, and I love the improvement in the animation. (Okay, and I also love Rolo, Suzaku, and Lelouch but that’s another story… XD)
My only complaint about R2 is that Kallen has turned into the sex-object of the show and its annoying. I like her as a character and I think she can kick some major A, but c’mon Sunrise. D:< Her T and A gets more screentime than Lelouch!
May 14th, 2008 at 1:28 pm
yeah seriously, gimme some kaguya service :>
May 17th, 2008 at 3:54 am
Rawr, I can’t wait until episode 7. And I love the blogs xD i just went over all of the episode blogs to recap before watching episode 7 in a day or so.
Hmm…Kallen is indeed the fanservice icon of R2…Not that i’m complaining or anything. She’s a hawt charrie <3 (buahaha I shall steal her yet!!)
On a side note…We shall see o.o and I feel I’m gona watch macross frontier tonight. I havn’t seen it yet.
May 17th, 2008 at 5:10 pm
In some ways I find DM’s blog posts more interesting than the anime or item he is talking about haha…
May 17th, 2008 at 6:03 pm
“The upgraded Guren Kashoushiki (紅蓮可翔式) can also fire its spanking new beam weapon in scatter mode, which uses the same amount of energy distributed over a large radius, and serves to temporarily disable rather than destroy enemies.”
This reminds me a lot of ceros from Bleach.
Oh, DM certainly has a flair for writing. lols
May 18th, 2008 at 12:37 pm
I’m using starhub plan too! :D
May 19th, 2008 at 9:39 am
Hey dark, check out this video
June 15th, 2008 at 4:30 am
Wow….you have alot of complains about the episode =P Frankly my fav. part “was” the part when Guren linked up with its attachments, and I find it rather cool, with no reminder of any sentai references watsoever ~~ maybe a little bit of Impulse from Seed Destiny, but that’s it. And I actually liked Impulse alot like that too…… but ya, i actaully watched the combining sequence about 20+ times now, seeing how cool it is I will only continue to watch it again and again when I get bored :p anyways, aside from the rants of Guren’s Gatai sequence, everything else is good here ~~ keep up the good work ~~
December 8th, 2008 at 10:20 am
omg I love that some of your captions have refrences to Chobits
March 24th, 2009 at 3:14 am
Love Lakshata, why on earth isn’t the show all about her? Because seriously, Lelouch and his Light complex is starting to bore me. Death Note already covered the whole “I am trying to create a world without evil even though I’m killing innocents which kinda makes me evil” thing. Think of a new plot line!