Golden Boy
There’s no Code Geass this week, just some lousy recaps. Oh no, this blog is doomed! Wouldn’t someone in the animé industry and/or Japan please do something stupid and/or controversial again, so that I may regurgitate yet another pseudo editorial and pretend to be a wise intellectual?
ecchi nano wa ikenai to omoimasu
No? Nuts. Well, here’s something from the other extreme. While surfing Nico Douga two days ago, I chanced upon all six episodes of Golden Boy, that were uploaded under extremely nonsensical titles, and rediscovered the pubescent joys of blatant innuendoes and sexual stereotyping.
Blast from the past
Golden Boy is a short OVA series from the age when veliciraptors roamed, or in other words, the 90s, back when Jurassic Park first came out. It’s the insanely risqué and politically incorrect story of Kintarou Oe, a Toudai student who left school before his graduation in order to travel around the country and “study”.
All Toudai students have Newtype sense
In each episode, his travels take him to new places where he meets beautiful girls and terrorizes them with his lewd behaviour and his hilarious forthrightness. But there’s more to him than he first appears (a pervert acting without thinking on impulse) and the real fun of the show lies in the duality of his personality, which is revealed in the first episode and leaves you coming back for more.
Oh my god! Look at that…ancient CRT monitor. O_O
In a way, he’s like the precursor to Eikichi Onizuka from GTO, except way more racy. Onizuka may love pantsu as much as the next pervert, but he’s got nothing on Kintarou.
There are a total of six episodes of Golden Boy and each one features a different main girl. The formula is roughly the same: Boy meets girl. Boy is perverted. Hilarity ensues. There is little continuity in the story, save for the self-referential final episode.
This is a normal scene for a Japanese software company
At this point, before you go ahead and torrent legitimately purchase this show, it has to be made clear that this series is meant for a mature audience, the fact that I first watched it in middle school notwithstanding.
No, there’s no sex, despite the plot setting that sounds suspiciously like a B-grade porn flick, and indeed not much fappable material at all. What it does have is some nudity and a truckload of adult humour (or low grade humour, it’s the same thing really). This is the kind of animé that they talk about in PTA meetings while brandishing pitchforks and torches.
(That said, the source material of the show, a manga series by the same title, does venture somewhat deeper…)
It’s over 9000!
It’s incredible hard for me to describe why this show is great without spoiling the punchlines, so I’ll just not try. But imagine GTO, except 200% more NSFW.
And while toilet humour (literally) and sexual innuendos are the soup of the day and the series’ raison d’être, some episode endings do provide additional sentimental à la carte, clichéd as some of it may be, for those of you who need to crywank (à la Key fanboys). Either way, it’s excellent guilty pleasure for those who seek it.
What unseen horrors has she just walked into?
Good lord, I believe I just hacked together my own abominable culinary metaphor while simultaneously using an obscene amount of français. I’m a bloody genius.
So. Uh. Yeah. This show is pretty good, but don’t tell anyone that I recommended it! I have a reputation to protect.
Getting it
Interestingly, ADV actually dubbed and released this series before, so you should buy the original. Their license expired some time ago, but apparently Media Blaster picked it up last year, so a re-release is probably not too long off.
That said, not everyone can afford animé when corn prices are so high. If you understand Moonspeak and have an account at Nico Douga: 1 2 3 4 5 6
If not, there’s always That Which Must Not Be Named.
More screencaps
I swear this isn’t porn
No, really…
Why won’t you believe me? :(
C-C-C-Combo breaker (was never funny)
See, there’s nothing suggestive about a woman in tight leather riding a bike
Kimono is nice and prude
Oh fiddlesticks. I give up!
And so this blog lives to die another day.
June 2nd, 2008 at 8:16 pm
…wait what?
I think I’ll stick with GTO lol.
June 2nd, 2008 at 8:54 pm
June 2nd, 2008 at 9:48 pm
Yeah ! Golben Boy is great but like you say, this is 200% NSFW.
June 2nd, 2008 at 10:07 pm
One of the most hilarious anime in all of creation. Too bad it was so short.
June 2nd, 2008 at 10:46 pm
Wow, the 90′s were so long ago! I can’t believe that animation styles have changed so much.
At least the ecchi/nearporn will always be the same.
June 2nd, 2008 at 11:05 pm
Gasp good olde goodness. You might wanna try Gaogaigar XD
June 2nd, 2008 at 11:37 pm
If things come down to this, you can always start reviewing episodes of Kamen no Maido Guy, I’m sure most people won’t mind ^^
June 3rd, 2008 at 12:28 am
ah, the good old memories… I somehow remembered Golden Boy as one of the first NSFW mangas I’ve read (in middle school, to be exact). Reccomended for those who are..uh..unique?
June 3rd, 2008 at 3:03 am
The reason there are no Code Geass episodes this week is because they felt like taking a break, and with the current earthquake issue in China, it kind of works out all right to skip a week.
Double episode (9+10) for next week so yay! Guess you’ll have to do 2 for 1 next week, DM.
I didn’t even know what Golden Boy was until I checked your blog today…I have to watch this hilarious show.
June 3rd, 2008 at 3:29 am
No, in the next week will be only one episode…
June 3rd, 2008 at 4:32 am
Golden Boy is awesome. The manga even more so.
You’re wrong that there’s no fappable material though. The girl with the bike? Those 2 scenes? Yeah, completely fappable.
June 3rd, 2008 at 10:09 am
From what I’ve read, they’re doing a double episode.
Besides, why else would they put an ep 9 AND 10 preview out there if they were only going to show ep 9? That would make no sense. They are definately doing a double episode, I am certain of this.
June 3rd, 2008 at 10:12 am
“Code Geass R2 episode 9-10 Preview. Code Geass episode 9 will not be airing in Japan on the 1st June, it’s rumoured this is due to the earthquakes in China. You’ll be able to view episode 9-10″ (Double episode ! ) on in 1 week from now :) Enjoy”
It’s a double
June 3rd, 2008 at 1:28 pm
Haha, Golden Boy was pretty awesome. I actually got turned off at first, but I slowly came to like it quite a lot.
I think the most memorable part of the series for me was when Kintaro raced a motorbike with his bicycle… and won. That was equal parts LOL, GAR and OMGWTFHEDIDTHAT?
June 4th, 2008 at 2:21 am
Actually the OVA of golden boy is heavily toned down compared to the
manga series. Not everyone can accept the manga…
June 4th, 2008 at 3:29 am
check this:
only one episode…
June 4th, 2008 at 3:58 am
LOVED the anime and liked the manga (even though they’re on totaly different levels)
that said:
ah the good ol’ times.
June 4th, 2008 at 6:15 am
I can’t read Japanese whatsoever, so I literally have no clue what that link says…
It’s definately 2 though. I have yet to see any video site which says otherwise. I guess we’ll just have to see next week 3:
June 4th, 2008 at 8:44 am
[ID Sojourner]
Wow. Japan looks fun to visit!
June 4th, 2008 at 3:56 pm
This is one of those cases where you need to watch the dub because of the sheer hilarity and effort that Kintarou’s VA put into it.
June 5th, 2008 at 8:16 am
Middle school, in Singapore?
June 16th, 2008 at 12:09 pm
The CRT monitor isn’t as ancient as what’s under it… a Sun SPARCstation, I believe. It’s certainly got the feet.
April 1st, 2010 at 11:38 am
Yeah golden boy are fun to watch all the gurl are beautiful but i only like three girls in those golden boy episode the girl have yellow car her fararri i difinetely want tobe her slave no the hell with the excuse she will be my slave instead haha and the gurl in motocycle are hot also the girl teach kid how to swim that about it lol
April 1st, 2010 at 11:50 am
it me again ahaaaha but damn why i have agurl icons What the fuck im guy for crying out loud it soo not cool with that icon i look not cool :( this my next comment it better guy icon in it or i will kick some ass !! but i love gurl too hehe oOh damn icon pop randomly each i go in this website sometime it change into another one then after one K ?? if is that true then whatever