Code Geass R2 — Episode 14
“Why don’t you love me? ;_;”
Wow, I don’t know what to say. This episode is like watching two bullet trains collide head on, burst into a huge flaming ball of destruction, and the “survivors crawling out of the wreckage with third-degree burns. Okay, so that was a lousy analogy made in poor taste, especially since none of us has seen that happen before, but my point is that it’s a train wreck. It’s like a roller coaster ride: it’s exciting, it makes you sick, and you don’t mind going on another.
Rollo admits that he did it in the first minute of the episode, thus putting an end to any conspiracy theories about the incident. In an alternate universe, Lelouch would’ve been an Oscar-winning actor instead of a supervillain with an outrageous fashion sense. I wonder if Hollywood exists.
“Good job Rollo. Good job…”
Instead of taking responsibility and reflect on his past actions which led up to this tragic moment, Lelouch blames everything on the existence of Geass. He discards his previous plans and, with the help of Jeremiah, launches an all-out attack on the Temple in a bid to erase all traces of Geass. Except, of course, his own.
The state of modern animation: untextured 3DSM primitives
Apparently the Temple is full of women, old people and little children, so the attack looks more like a massacre than a battle. Despite some initial reservations, the Black Knight pilots carry out their orders anyway, because, you know, those children may just be terrorists in disguise! This is how the Holocaust happened, folks. (See: the Milgram experiment.)
Attaching the gun to the arm: makes more sense than giant handheld rifles
The researchers working at the Temple look quite happy to see C.C. again, right up to the point when they get blown up. From what I gather, C.C. used to be their boss and the BFF of Marianne, Lelouch’s mother, but those of you who scour the Internet for spoilers and rumours probably already know that. Judging by V.V.’s words, it seems like Marianne was quite involved with this whole Geass business, so her assassination was probably related.
C.C. back when she was young(er)
So anyway a fight breaks out between Lelouch and V.V., with Cornelia joining the fray on Lelouch’s side, which is certainly somewhat ironic considering that everything she is doing is supposed to help her avenge Euphie’s death, and Lelouch is at least partially, if not mostly, to be blamed for it.
They didn’t want to pay for another mecha design
Meanwhile, Suzaku believes that Lelouch is responsible for Shirley’s death and decides that it is the last straw: he’s going to rape Kallen and force her to confess under the influence of Refrain. Okay, so only half of that is true. Poor Kallen in any case. :(
Wait… Isn’t it too early for the climax?
The episode ends with a bit of a sci-fi “Luke, I am your father!” moment.
My brain blew up during this episode.
Kallen with her hair down <3
I want to say that it’s an awesome episode, but that’s not exactly true. It certainly is thrilling, but I am somewhat disturbed by the whole thing, especially since I don’t know which character I should empathize with now. Lelouch has clearly jumped the shark and gone bonkers due to the events in episode 13, Suzaku is still a self-righteous bastard, and Kallen is currently incapacitated and will soon undergo intense brainwashing.
I guess that leaves C.C. relatively untouched. Speaking of which, C.C. used to live in the Temple, right? Does Pizza Hut make deliveries to secret military underground research facilities?
“Hi, is this Pizza Hut? Please make a delivery to the United States of Japan.”
And considering that we’re only 14 episodes into the season, the story feels oddly close to end game, which by mecha-anime logic means that some kind of force-balancing reset must take place soon. My guess is that Lelouch will get his memories wiped again and a brainwashed Kallen will be sent undercover to capture C.C. by seducing Lelouch and using him as bait. It makes no sense but it will be awesome.
Guess who?
Greek/Roman ruins are everywhere in America
“Don’t worry Rollo, it won’t hurt…much”
Get a hair cut you hippie
Just so you know she’s gone for good
Surprise sex
This week’s Naruto
The Temple is seriously badly-lit for a research facility
No longer an important character
What the hell is that suit?
Why are the two of them eating apples in a hotel room with a double bed?
Why is she so cool?
Geass suffers from severe inflation
Lelouch’s mother O_O
How convenient
All CG girls should do away with weird hairdos and go straight
The cockpit is blown off but somehow the rest of it still works
Hmmm, maybe I’ll start rooting for Cornelia instead.
July 20th, 2008 at 3:10 am
Wow!! many theories…
I support the one of Anya being Lulus real sister or Nunallys other sister… I read in a forum that Nunally was a orphan user of the geass and Marianne adopted her, and Rollo is her real brother… I wont make more comments about that because its nothing sure but sounds interesting…
about Anya the thoeries about her being geassed to forget makes sense, but the problem is why she was geassed…
So here´s another theory… VV and Charles relation its like Lulu and Rollo, VV its a extremately jealous brother… He didnt mind Charles marrying all those women because he felt the didnt mean anything to Charles and was just for political interests… But then appears Marianne, who Charles really loves, and makes VV angry (when Jeremiah said her name, VV was mad). When Marianne was killed, Charles learning that was his brother the one who send the murderer, chooses to send Lulu to Japan with a fake sister: Nunally, trying to keep them away from the dangerous VV, pretending to not care about them… since Anya was too young, he kept her, but erased her memory and gave her to the Arlstrain?? (thats her last name right?)
The same theory applies if Nunally is Lulus real sister, but in this case she went to Japan too and they seemed to die there during the war… when Charles learned that VV got a hold of Nunally during the Black Rebellion, he send for her to keep VV from killing her, and since Lulu was zero, he separated them , keeping Nunally with him for her safety, and erasing Lulus memories of her so he wouldnt try to reach her and cause another confrontation with VV…
Of course there are many things that dont fit, for ex: Charles social darwinism and cold personality, Rollo being ordered to kill Lulu, the consecuences of Lulud decisions, and Charles keeping VV at his side…
Well thats all… I just wanted to share this…
Ja ne!!
Sandslayer, thats for explaining my past theory…
July 20th, 2008 at 3:49 am
Just a few comments on what you said, I don’t think they will introduce Nunally with a geass, since there already was a spinoff manga called Nightmare of Nunnally. Also V.V. doesn’t seem to hate Nunnally, which could probably mean she’s not related to Marianne, he easily could’ve killed her when he went to get Nunnally. However, I just don’t see how Charles could possibly love someone, his Social Darwinist attitude really got to me and I just don’t feel like he could love someone, it’s like saying Stalin or Hitler were loving and caring husbands who doted upon their wives. It’s also a possiblity that Anya is just a sister of Lelouch’s and not actually the real Nunnally. Like you said the problem is explaining why Charles erased Anya’s memories (btw her last name is Alstreim). Hopefully that will be cleared up in episode 15.
July 20th, 2008 at 4:51 am
The only thing that I would love to see is a Milly and Lelouch moment where she finally confronts her feelings to him. That would be a satisfying conclusion to me. The writers have mantioned that she was secretly in love with him. If that is the case, then they should get them together as soon as possible because the suspense is killing me. They have provided a lot of clues that something will happen between them in the future. I have alway felt that the only way for Milly and Lelouch to get together is for Shirley to die. I am glad that she is gone. I certainly hope that Milly and Lelouch will finally meet once again.
July 20th, 2008 at 7:53 am
Really I don´t think there will be Milly/Lulu, and the hints you say are actually true, she does like Lelouch, in one of the audio dramas that fact is explained… But the importance of Milly its that she is Ashford, sort off, since Milly graduated there´s no more Ashford, and with Shirleys dead definitely theres no more Ashford, or at least no more silly Ashford chaps… like sandslayer said before Milly is like a cousin, so I dont think there will be Milly/Lulu, unless they want to kill more Ashford people there will be a chap pf them: Rival and Milly…
July 20th, 2008 at 1:47 pm
“The only thing that I would love to see is a Milly and Lelouch moment where she finally confronts her feelings to him. That would be a satisfying conclusion to me. The writers have mantioned that she was secretly in love with him. If that is the case, then they should get them together as soon as possible because the suspense is killing me. They have provided a lot of clues that something will happen between them in the future. I have alway felt that the only way for Milly and Lelouch to get together is for Shirley to die. I am glad that she is gone. I certainly hope that Milly and Lelouch will finally meet once again.”
Except Lelouch and Kallen seem to like each other quite a bit. I actually hopr they get together. If they kill off Kallen I will BE P1553D!
July 20th, 2008 at 5:42 pm
Personally I’d like to see MillyxRivalz and LelouchxKallen, but everyone has their own preferences. Btw, R2 episode 15 is out soon, yay!!
July 21st, 2008 at 4:08 am
There’s a lot of evidence against Anya being an actual sister of Lelouch, we’ve seen how dedicated he is to Nunally, unless Charles changed his memories, he would remember having a third sister.
Also sandslayer, I think cor (was it him?) is right. Lelouch did renounce his right to the throne, but it was Charles who got pissed at Lelouch and used him as “bargaining chips”. From Chibi Lulu’s expression, it doesn’t look like he liked the idea. (Then again maybe he was just completely frightened of his father, god knows his intensity scared me o.o)
July 21st, 2008 at 5:52 am
I’m open to “most” theories, as for Lelouch going, like I said before, he didn’t decided where to go, but he wouldn’t have gone if he hadn’t renounced his title, thats what I was trying to say. The new episode should be up soon, our questions might be answered then.
July 21st, 2008 at 6:08 am
lol at episode 15!!! you’ll see something you really expected and SOMETHING YOU REALLY DIDN’T EXPECT even in a million years!!! you’ll be saying, “What the Hell?!?!?! Why is that old geezer able to do such a thing to… !!!” nyahahahahahaha!!!!
Indeed a reset did take place awwww
July 21st, 2008 at 6:31 am
The end of EP 15 made me cry. That was so sad.
July 21st, 2008 at 7:01 am
Holy crap, I just watched episode 15, totally unexpected, but awesome. I didn’t expect for that to happen to C.C. this late in the series, but it makes perfect sense.
July 21st, 2008 at 9:14 am
watch closely near the end of the battle of viletta and sayoko. it proves that when people are in love, they lose sight of everything and do the dumbest things for that special one hahahahahahaha! viletta is totally capable of defending and avoiding attacks herself but… LOL!!! XD
July 21st, 2008 at 9:21 am
Hmm, I don’t think it was sad at all, C.C. can be happy now, and she doesn’t have to die! Awesome. Also, Ougi protected her because he loved her and because Villetta basically was screwed anyhow. Besides, look closely, the way the blades hit ougi probably means he won’t die (shallow wounds to the chest and on his arm), but that rock was…well who knows how they get out of that one, maybe both of them die? Sayoko is probably going “omg, wtf am I gonna do…”. Personally I think the show will take a turn o a bit of happier light, C.C. isn’t immortal anymore (and neither is Lulu) C.C. also revealed she loved him (probably involuntarily though), she lost her memories, so she’s gonna take the role of comic relief I guess (notice the scene in the preview of next episode). I think it’s possible for a happy ending now, although one thing is bugging me…Brittannia…developed…a…nuclear…bomb…that’s gonna cause some problems.
July 21st, 2008 at 10:03 am
Anyone notice in the preview for episode 16, Kallen has this slight evil grin with that orange knight guy?
Theories? =O
July 21st, 2008 at 10:32 am
yeah he really loved her and in their first formal meeting again face-to-face and alone*, viletta played hard-to-get although she also cares for him hehe. viletta avoided clearly those kunais but…. ougi can’t stop his momentum and was hit instead nyahahahaha lolz XD
yeah why is kallen grinning hehehe if ever you guys think anya and gino will side with lelouch then maybe kallen will side with brittania for balance** lolz and who is that orange knight of round? a peeping-tom? lolz! XD
**talking about balance… that mini-blackhole/nuclear bomb by nina the maniac is imba!!! lolz
July 21st, 2008 at 12:17 pm
Just think of what will happen with Nina’s bomb. The Japanese will be the only ones ever to be nuked in war…again! It’s kind of ironic actually.
July 21st, 2008 at 12:39 pm
It is precisely because of it that I now fear she will die. :(
Anyway, a lot to say about episode 15 but I am waiting for the actual entry. I bet sandslayers is exploding with triple posts. ;)
And darn you sandslayers, I totally forgot about the Yggdrasil drives. D:
July 21st, 2008 at 12:51 pm
wtf????C.C. gonna be Lelouch’s sex slave?????what kind of development is this?
July 21st, 2008 at 2:25 pm
Yeah I am exploding with stuff for episode 15 (notice my gravatar, bikini island), but I’m saving it for the actual Darkmirage post, I wanna hear what he thinks about it. Ah so much to say…hurry up dm!
She doesn’t become his sex slave, omg. Losing her memories is the equivalent of dying, she doesn’t suffer anymore, the writers wanted a twist that didn’t involve killing off C.C.
btw kaus, now you owe me 50$. :D
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