Gundam 00 S2 — Episode 06
Perhaps someday history will look back to the 21st century and cite Gundam 00 as a cinematic masterpiece of our time, a work of pure literary genius not fully appreciated in an era of barbarism and ignorance. Maybe the SQL server that hosts my blog will someday be unearthed by digital archaeology robots and I will forever be remembered as the Great Evil who sprouted weekly blasphemy, polluting the minds of an entire generation, and obstructing the legacy of the greatest creative work ever produced by humanity.
Then again, pretty much all other works of fiction must spontaneously disintegrate and memories of them erased from our collective DNAs in order for that improbable dystopia to materialize.
Summary & Thoughts
Setsuna and Marina return from the area of land mass formerly known as Azadistan without any fanfare. Oh Sunrise, you silly cocktease. Perhaps Ali was in a jolly good mood.
He accidentally the entire Kataron operation
Saji is sad. He is in a terribly unstable psychological state. For the first time in his life, his actions have caused direct harm to the people around him, as opposed to the years of political oppression imposed upon tributary states by the imperialist Union indirectly facilitated by the general climate of political apathy prevalent among its citizens of which Saji was one. Boohoo.
Why are flashbacks grainy? Mine aren’t
Sumeragi is sad. She has a flashback-induced panic attack which results in her temporary incapacitation. Surprisingly (to me), she used to work for the AEU. Considering her Japanese heritage and her intimate physical relationship with Billy, I’ve always thought of her as a Union person. Not that it matters.
“Yoda, I am. The way of the Force, I shall teach you”
Soma is sad. Her self-orchestrated depression is so illogical that it just might be the most believable emotion exhibited by any character in the show thus far! She’s a real woman! Her interaction with Louise in this episode has further convinced me that she’s turning insane from all the oestrogen. The fact that she developed so rapidly physically might mean that her hormone-producing glands are working overtime to compensate for twenty years of loli-ness and she is not psychologically prepared for the onslaught of womanhood. Boohoo.
She should’ve joined the Federation
Marina is sad. Her country, and no doubt her royal treasury, just went up in flames. Also, Setsuna is leaving her to die in the desert with a bunch of cannon-fodder types who are delusional and believe that they constitute a credible resistance to the combined might of the Federation when their fortified stronghold could not even withstand the attack of one squadron of A-LOLS’ generic mobile suits. Boohoo.
And after the emoing, there’s some mecha fighting because A-LOLS are back for more. Sometimes I wish they would just use a tactical nuclear missile and be done with it. Also, Andrei is in love, Allelujah is lovesick, and Saji is just sick.
Violence never solves anything, unless you use enough of it
You will see this on CNN’s next election coverage
“I cry to let the audience know I am sad. The burning city wasn’t enough”
“My stepfather was an abusive barber. So what’s the story with your hair?”
Her shapely figure compensates for her flat character
Turns out that Moreno guy was not needed after all
“Bitch, where’s my money?”
The colour burns my eyes
Oh no! I should update my h264 decoder!
Wow! Louise is shorter than former loli
Teenage romance is bittersweet
I still think it should fly the other way
This reminds of Red Alert 3. It’s a shitty game
Anti-MS cannons don’t kill people. People kill people
The IFF system is whacked. It says that Lockon is inside that thing
Serious Louise is cute
This confrontation will end well because it’s only episode 6
Physics is the source of true knowledge and enlightenment. Everything else is just a derivative of the Great Unifier. All hail the holy Proton Collider and its powerful tangential acceleration.
November 10th, 2008 at 6:21 pm
Louise is a different character from S1… =_=. lol former loli?
November 10th, 2008 at 6:27 pm
Well, I thought Sergei was slapped for nothing and most of all, i think you’re right tt sumeragi is actually pregnant! She faints just from flashbacks. Or morning sickness. Good luck for ur As, I dun take physics cause I hate it.
November 10th, 2008 at 6:27 pm
all hail the lhc! love the screencaps, have no idea how you pick them out though, i never notice them.
lol so she’s just another character with teh same name, hair cut, relation to saji, issues as the louise of the S1
November 10th, 2008 at 6:29 pm
“Also, Andrei is in love, Allelujah is lovesick, and Saji is just sick.”
Nice Stacking lol
November 10th, 2008 at 6:40 pm
Words written on the screencaps are still as funny as usual^ ^
November 10th, 2008 at 6:46 pm
I mean,below the screencaps^ ^’
November 10th, 2008 at 6:51 pm
I think the Psionic Decimator has better animation than the other superweapons, the Jap faction are so fun… transforming mechas and soldiers with light sabers(lol). Maybe they will have gundam for super units in a later patch
November 10th, 2008 at 6:58 pm
the frame of Sergi being slapped. Most Epic Ever.
also, if you noticed, the frame where louise and soma was together, and louise was saluting, sunrise got lazy in drawing soma’s hair. it looks real wierd now lol.
November 10th, 2008 at 7:14 pm
So Ali was talking to himself and hasn’t seen Setsuna. At least that’s how it looks.
I’m not angry on Saji.
Lindt slapped Sergei – that’s made me angry.
Kati should punch Lindt or her fists, I mean gentle hands belongs only to Patrick.
That’s the biggest truth:
“Andrei is in love, Allelujah is lovesick, and Saji is just sick.”
November 10th, 2008 at 8:04 pm
how was your exams?
November 10th, 2008 at 8:20 pm
I can’t believe you went over the whole episode without reducing the otherwise overflowing plot into a random string of scientific-jargoned sexual innuendos… they way you usually do…
Ah, wait. My bad. Forgot about Soma.
November 10th, 2008 at 8:48 pm
Flashbacks are in low light because the brain doesn’t remember all the details and hence to replay them, high ISO is required, thus explaining the graininess. I thought this was taught in primary school!
November 10th, 2008 at 9:59 pm
oh the ensuing angst from killing former gf. maybe
November 10th, 2008 at 11:07 pm
Red Alert 3 does suck. The Empire of the Rising Sun was the best, or at least the most interesting faction. So stereotyped, so silly, but so very effective. Only thing I had problem with was taking down MiGs+Dreadnought combos when playing the russians. Was a bit saddened by how vulnerable the King Oni was to the Apoc tank’s magnetic beam, but I suppose there had to be some balance in the game. Somewhat made the murder of the Emperor of Japan a bit too easy when he bursts out in his special King Oni and a single Apoc tank can take him down ;/
Anyway on to G00. How is Louise going to survive Saji’s attack? Well it’s obvious. Mr. Romantic is going to go “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” and shove her out of the way and hopefully die.
Is it only me who thinks that Soma and Louise look really, really bored in that screencap? It’s like “Oh, Lieutenant UselessPrettyBoyProbablyGoingToDieSoon is here. How very stimulating for us.”
November 10th, 2008 at 11:53 pm
Saji is probably going to miss. Then again, maybe he will actually shoot her down, and the Andrei fellow will catch her and drag her back.
I find it a bit funny how, despite Nena killing Louise’s entire family, Louise donated billions of her dollars for GN technology advancement which prolly led to at least 100 times more deaths in the past 4 years.
>_> I also, somehow, hope that Nena will appear to help CB considering Wang Liu Ming just claimed that Nena was the only thing that could fool the Innovators, meaning that either Ming is really on CB’s side, or she is giving information to both sides to see which one has highest chance of success.
Well at least we can be sure Nena is on CB’s side. She is definitely not with the Federation. Ali Al is on the Innovator’s side meaning that’s gone to moot. And she’s not too useful by herself.
November 11th, 2008 at 12:07 am
I was wondering about that too. Her family is killed by someone using a psuedo-GN drive, what does she do? Go and get herself her own robot with a psuedo-GN Drive!
I guess it’s like buying a new pair of shoes to get over the fact that you got shouted at by your boss. Buy a giant robot to get over the fact your entire family was butchered and your hand got blown off.
November 11th, 2008 at 12:32 am
Noriega doesn’t sound like it would be japanese :). stupid veda has to delete all level 7 info! now i want to know more about everyone except graham.
November 11th, 2008 at 1:58 am
Yeah you finally make my days thanks for the screenshots and your review XD.
November 11th, 2008 at 2:06 am
Saji vs. Louise. Dramatic cliffhanger for a conflict where everyone will leave alive.
@Frito: Sumeragi Lee Noriega is just a codename. And I read somewhere that she’s part Spanish too, if that helps at all.
November 11th, 2008 at 2:45 am
I never did get to use the Proton Collider, it’s either Mirage Tanks+Athena Cannon or Century Bombers that I use to kill people.
November 11th, 2008 at 2:52 am
@ Frito: Graham’s past was explained in a drama CD. It was only an average backstory. Not that you cared to begin with.
I never noticed how ugly the Ptolemy II was until now. I see they’re trying the whole forward swept wing design but come on, it’s ugly as hell.
November 11th, 2008 at 4:00 am
“The IFF system is whacked. It says that Lockon is inside that thing”
AHAHAA lol I knew I was going to laugh my ass off today!!!
November 11th, 2008 at 5:07 am
from the looks of the flashbacks she looked like she was wearing an aeu uniform the one katy wore last season. but then they call her kojou.
and a graham backstory is better than not having one at all. im still baffled how the great veda missed out on such a talent. which raises the question of what criteria does veda base the recruiting process.
November 11th, 2008 at 5:45 am
Command & Conquer <<<< Starcraft/Warcraft in general. And I can’t tell what’s more assured, that Darkmirage will try to be funny and cynical or that the comments will insist that his captions are hilarious. They still just look like the first thing that pops into his head when he sees the screenshot he took. *Goes to watch the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Now there’s a comedian!*
November 11th, 2008 at 5:49 am
November 11th, 2008 at 8:34 am
well, Kujou sounds kinda japanese…ish.
I still don’t get it. maybe I’m retarded or something, but Katagiri (and his beautiful hair) joined the A-LOLS because….he learned that his girlfriend/wife/life partner/female friend had and/or has…a job? Its like learning that your significant other was from…I don’t know, Iraq or something. Its not a huge deal….right?
November 11th, 2008 at 8:43 am
I thought Kujoh was that possessed demon dog.
November 11th, 2008 at 11:24 am
DM is referring to Soma.
Looks like a veil rather than hair.
November 11th, 2008 at 12:45 pm
Personally, I liked Red Alert 2 and massing units. My complaint with RA3 is that it has actually become more like Warcraft 3 in that massing unit is a pain in the ass. Also, it has turned into a rather slow-paced game. But you would probably disagree with me on such details since you apparently consider C&C games to be a monolithic entity of generalizations.
My captions are indeed random thoughts that pop into mind. I’ve never claimed otherwise, so I’m not sure what your point is. Perhaps you posted the first reaction that popped into your mind without much prior thought either, which I suppose is a fair choice of action for a comment posted on a blog of no particular importance, but does bring into question the purpose of your weekly visit.
November 11th, 2008 at 12:53 pm
“Oh no! I should update my h264 decoder!”
the funniest caption I’ve seen in an anime blog
November 11th, 2008 at 1:48 pm
Hahahaha, I laughed so hard at bajura.
November 11th, 2008 at 8:18 pm
DM has wit, something that isn’t possessed by everybody. But did DM ever claim to be a comedian?
But what’s dangerous is that there are those who claim that DM is making a review for Gundam 00 (Like claims.) and they may take it seriously.
November 11th, 2008 at 11:07 pm
simple.if there’s no humor from DM meaning there’s no fun in here =|
November 11th, 2008 at 11:15 pm
Who looks better with Louise? Andrei or Saji? Hahaha…
November 12th, 2008 at 3:21 am
I really had hopes for this series…since the first one was ok i hoped that sunrise would make season 2 better but the show is just becoming a train wreck they are introducing too many plots for a show thats only 25 episodes long…I am just going to watch the season just to complete it, still keep hopes up for any betterment
November 12th, 2008 at 10:58 am
@zero: 19 24-minute episodes are enough to neatly cover at least most things, IMO.
November 12th, 2008 at 12:17 pm
Yay! Someone else got Betterman refference.
“Why are flashbacks grainy? Mine aren’t”
Yeah. Mine aren’t either. Maybe they just had trouble animating those scenes.
Maybe the SQL server that hosts my blog will someday be unearthed by digital archaeology robots and I will forever be remembered as the Great Evil who sprouted weekly blasphemy, polluting the minds of an entire generation, and obstructing the legacy of the greatest creative work ever produced by humanity.”
This is where I start laughing myself to death. Don’t worry, you will remembered as the Devil’s Advocate. And we will start a religion based on your teachings.
….I’m really surprised Ali didn’t shoot down Setsuna’s ship when he saw it. He is crazy right?
“I cry to let the audience know I am sad. The burning city wasn’t enough”
That and the fact that all she’s done every single episode before this was say “Azadistan this/that/other stuff” and make a sad face…wasn’t enough.
I wasn’t even surprised at Azadistan + flames. It was like looking at a “before” image and “after” image of the middle east, my reaction was “They’re the same right?”
November 12th, 2008 at 5:32 pm
Damit now that bajura association is stuck in my head…
O and lol @ “you have control desu” … that line was… yeah xD
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Gundam 00 S2 - 06 | Gundam GorakuNovember 13th, 2008 at 6:22 am
[...] Episode Summary by DarkMirage: Gundam 00 S2 – Episode 06 [...]
November 13th, 2008 at 9:45 am
I guess having quantum brain waves like Soma can make you have psychic powers. Too bad she won’t be able to predict next episode’s recycled plot device (from Gundam Seed no less).
November 14th, 2008 at 2:27 am
I don’t usually like Darkmirage’s style of humor, but Bajura, shapely body / flat personality and it should fly backwards were really good.
November 14th, 2008 at 10:48 am
alrighty. Since AA reminded me with the quantum brain wave thing, I have to ask: If Soma still has her super-duper brain powers (or something) why doesn’t Allelujah have his? I remember watching an episode where he ponders his capability to pilot without HIS super-duper brain powers. Where’d they go anyway?
and why isn’t Veda on the Celestial Being ship? I miss Veda.
…every time I think back to DM’s haiku post, a small, small part of me dies on the inside.
November 14th, 2008 at 1:22 pm
Don’t usually care for much of the summary aside from the screen caps, but this one is very funny. Kudos, DM.
November 14th, 2008 at 2:03 pm
Wow… I looked at the introduction of your post and had to read…haha
November 15th, 2008 at 12:05 am
alrighty. Since AA reminded me with the quantum brain wave thing, I have to ask: If Soma still has her super-duper brain powers (or something) why doesn’t Allelujah have his? I remember watching an episode where he ponders his capability to pilot without HIS super-duper brain powers. Where’d they go anyway?
I guess he lost them along with Hallelujah in Episode 25.
and why isn’t Veda on the Celestial Being ship? I miss Veda.
Um,the real Veda server is on the moon as shown in S1.The one on CB’s old ship only connects to it.
As shown in S1,CB and Tiera has lost the ability to use Veda since Ribbons hijacked it.Ribbons used it to create the Federation;possibly for the Surveyours;just like CB used Veda to create the three power blogs(AEU,Union and HRL)many years ago.They wouldn’y need a Veda port now that they’ve lost Veda.
This episode reveals that Nena can indeed use Quantum Brainwaves.Judging by Nena’s eyes in the epilogue of S1 and the fact that she was sent to hijacked the Veda port in Ptolemy in S1,she possibly might have limited acess to Veda.In Episode 3 or 4 of S2,Nena mentioned something about “Level 2 information”,so perhaps it was related to Veda (Since Veda’s information is classified in levels at least the only one in the show so far at least.
Gundam 00 seemed to be shaping nicely,though I hope for more action.
November 17th, 2008 at 7:56 am
November 18th, 2008 at 1:40 am
All those years starting from 1996 I was a huge fan of Red Alert. Then when I played RA3 for the first time I was really happy about how it worked and after finishing the game I can say that it was a decent one :D
But for now it is still RA2 which I find myself as the best and the most funiest ;)
November 18th, 2008 at 12:53 pm
Great thanks to SonicSP for the answers. I watched S1 sporadically, so I didn’t get a lot of it. I guess I’ll go back and watch the episodes…
November 20th, 2008 at 10:49 pm
Saji has now become the suckiest character in Gundam oo.
Even Louise has a GN-X.
November 28th, 2008 at 6:42 am
The way they always pronounce an english sentence or any word at all makes me laugh.