Gundam 00 S2 — Episode 10
Every middle-age man’s dream
Before I go into my usual hate-filled blasphemous rant, I have an announcement to make. Due to real-life circumstances unrelated to World of Warcraft, this will be my last G00 post. On a related note, I will be flying off to Japan tomorrow for about a month, so look forward to more Japan-related posts and of course some Comiket 75 coverage at the end of the month.
Now on to the hate.
She’s a jailbait
My characterization of the relationship between Billy, Sumeragi and Kati as a love triangle turned out to be wrong. It is more of a lesbian love-hate rivalry between Sumeragi and Kati, with Billy being the spectator.
His country is about to be destroyed and he is bored
The Federation is planning to make an example of the Kingdom of Suiru (Saudi Arabia?) in its bid to dominate the Middle East. Kataron offers to help but is probably useless.
Ali looks out of place in Ribbons’ bishounen zone
Ribbons must be well-read in history because he has very cunningly avoided falling into the age-old trap that has doomed so many ambitious conquerors in the past. As the famous saying goes, “Never get involved in a land war in Asia.”
Who didn’t see this coming?
Instead of launching a ground invasion, he has constructed a gigantic orbital particle cannon thing called the “Memento Mori”, which is latin for “remember that you are mortal”, an ironic bit of self advice perhaps.
It’s okay. GLA can rebuild through their tunnels
Unfortunately, his mastery of history appears to be confined to the classical to modern eras and he failed to account for the fact that every single super space cannon in Gundam history has resulted in the eventual downfall of its user after the first shot. Since the cannon is probably only good for one shot, he should have saved it for Celestial Being instead of wasting it on a generic Middle Eastern kingdom. Mere mortal indeed.
Does Hiroyuki Yoshino get paid twice?
And Hallelujah is back! Oh shazbot.
As much as I believe that nostalgia often distorts the true quality of past works and places them on unrealistically tall pedestals that future works can’t ever live up to, I have to say that I do miss one thing about Gundams in general: the human touch.
No, I’m not talking about the Gundam X ED theme by the late Warren Wiebe, although that was a nice song. I’m talking about the human condition, the morality of war, the heartfelt emotions injected by the writers and the general human-oriented nature of the original Gundam.
Who is that person and why do we care?
Although I thought Gundam 0079 was overrated and poorly put together, it did possess the human touch. One of the things that differentiated Gundam from the rest is its willingness to cast both sides of a conflict as complex individuals driven by very human goals. That is ultimately what separates Gundam from Dekarangers and made it great. War is never a battle between good and evil, it is the cumulation of our collective misunderstandings, greed, pride, fear and tragedies, an Gundam — born out of post-war Japan — understood this.
The same cannot be said about Gundam 00. The villains are overwhelmingly one-dimensional and the protagonists have tacked-on back stories that feel like one huge afterthought. Early attempts made to incorporate current affairs into the story so as to create authenticity and maturity were quickly abandoned in favour of a more simplistic geopolitical paradigm in the second season. The new sentai-style uniforms don’t help either.
Just misunderstood?
The bottom line of modern Gundam is not storytelling but rather model-selling. New mobile suits are introduced often for no particular reason. That by itself might not have been such a terrible thing, if not for the fact that the plot is routinely desecrated and defecated upon in an attempt to provide justification for more shingata.
The original Federation and Zeon had their share of heroes and villains. ZAFT and Earth Alliance both used weapons of mass destruction and eventually suffered the consequences. Celestial Being and Ribbons… Hmmm… I guess there is a remote possibility that Sumeragi is actually a scheming evil mastermind and Ribbons is just trying to save the world from global warming.
Just think about it.
Before she took up drinking
Emergency board meeting to discuss the economy meltdown
Amazing character detail for a guy we won’t ever see again
Most useless heroine of all time?
HG model kit out soon
So how old is the mother when she gave birth?
She’s a girl, right? I feel funny inside…
The goggles. They do nothing
All she does is cry and babysit
Redhead fight
How can he pilot the thing with that blinding light?
Well I guess that’s the end of my reign of terror. But before I sign off, here’s a parting gift for you to chew on. Flame away.
Includes only series I’ve watched
P.S. Vanessa Hudgens is cute.
December 9th, 2008 at 2:27 pm
For those who still want DM to write about Gundam 00, don’t worry. DM is known for eating his words. XD
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Gundam 00 / Season 2 / Episode 10 « Anime AnonymousDecember 9th, 2008 at 2:53 pm
[...] Dark Mirage [...]
December 9th, 2008 at 4:05 pm
Dunno ’bout u guys..but what i m so impressed ’bout gsd is their craziest fight. U know like the protagonist versus the antagonist.Both were strong&harsh.And it continues like that,non-stop ’til onto the next day.Unlike g00 it doesn’t make my blood boiled,yet.But even so,i will wait for it(the moment).
December 9th, 2008 at 4:38 pm
lol truth about model kits, i cant stop buying them
December 9th, 2008 at 6:57 pm
i really like gundam 08h ms team. that was as realistic the the gundam universe while still feeling like it could have happened in an alternate universe in this world. gundam 00? its a about a group of bishounen guys that claim they are innovators and just create tyranny. oh the future is fucked up
December 9th, 2008 at 8:47 pm
How about Gundam Zeta?
December 9th, 2008 at 9:30 pm
Bring, an Innovator, is MANLY. A miracle happened!
December 9th, 2008 at 10:31 pm
The only thing missing from this post is an insert song. Or an extended version of the ending theme.
December 10th, 2008 at 5:40 am
@Exia: I’m starting to wonder how many people have actually seen the 08th MS Team versus those that are just trying to look cool. Cause if they had they’d have noted that Gineas Sakhalin is a bishounen that runs his engineering team like a…..tyrant. And boy would he just love to export that Tyranny to the Federation in the form of Gihren’s leadership and a nice hole where Jaburo was.
This continued failure of people to notice that they are picking and choosing their likes and dislikes without regard for actual content is as amusing as anything I’ve seen here.
December 10th, 2008 at 6:40 am
00 less than SEED DESTINY?????
December 10th, 2008 at 6:52 am
DM, I love your Gundam ranking chart.
1. I thought I was one of the few people who watched 08th ms team
2. I thought I was the only one who ever talked about it
3. I thought I was the only one who thought it was the best out of all of them
I completely agree with the chart. 08th ms team needs a revival. It was utterly amazing.
December 10th, 2008 at 7:06 am
Huh O_o … Your sudden decision to quit G00 is such a surprise for me but I understand…. It was a decent ride with you DM :)
Remember “Nostalgia Blinds” ? I thought that your Zeta ranking would be like 3/10 but here you surprised me once again :D Story is all I like about Gundam series and Zeta is the No 1 from all G series/movies on my ranking list.
On the other hand G00 is different – like every other “ongoing” series this one makes me me feel they dont focus on story development but rather they make “pointless” episodes/characters etc. Hehe maybe if I watched it as offline series in two days anime marathon I would see it differently and rate with better score.. hmmm…
PS.: Enjoy Japan ;)
December 10th, 2008 at 7:20 am
Hahaha…DM’s just being a trendwhore at this point and as I suspected can’t handle half of the criticism he dishes out and has decided to call it quits. Some observations:
08th is the consistently trumpeted sentimental favourite Gundam series of every blogger who wants to appear smart to their readers (because it’s oh so realistic compared to the others and all that jazz……not exactly), but unfortunately while it’s one of the better OVA’s the series also has many issues with it’s characterization starting around the last quarter. Examples include aspects such as Shiro’s sudden change of heart as a soldier, the cobbled together love story between him and Aina, and the infamous 13th episode that people are unwilling to recognize. Not to mention that Ginneas is as generic a villain as they come. So there’s part 1 of the trendwhore aspect, the part where he fails to present an argument and just goes along with the popular opinion at the moment.
Now, likewise he is still incapable of recognizing that Gundam 00’s supposed hero characters have had their bouts with darker tendencies(Lockon the first considering killing Setsuna in cold blooded revenge for the death of his family, Allelujah’s “mercy killing” of several thousand SS candidates, Tieria having no issues with judging his own teammates, Setsuna’s impulsiveness jeopardizing many live etc.) and is seemingly more concerned that it is the newest series and therefore can’t possibly have anything about it that could ever be considered superior or equal to those that came before it. Yes THAT is why he is claiming it’s weaker then Gundam Seed Destiny and it would be foolish to read anymore into it. That’s part 2 of the trendwhore aspect, following the assumption that newer entries in a franchise are always worse then those that come before them, claiming so, but failing to support it. Laziness.
Not to mention having to resort to pointing out trite matters in order to find fault with the show. Hooray, here we go again with the model selling argument garbage that’s been beaten to death forever. You know as if selling models for popular mobile suits to consumers willing to buy them is somehow a bad thing. No no no, it’s okay if you sell all the crummy merchandise and figma in the world, but once you start selling Gunpla, only then are you the devil.
Not a valid criticism I’m afraid and in the end, through all of his ramblings Darkmirage has really proved very little. That is part 3 of the trendwhore aspect (not to mention being a hypocrite as well), going along with the unsupportable notion that because the series has model kits based off of a certain aspect of it’s artistry that it somehow cheapens the viewing experience…..without attempting to explain why /websites/ these are perfectly okay.
And what’s with the backtracking? This is the guy that has been claiming since well before the halfway point of season one that the geopolitical aspects were unacceptable by his standards and now suddenly he is claiming that everything was A okay until the second season as far as story, character and maturity goes? This is the first I’ve heard of this sudden admiration for the first season on DM’s part and I’m left to wonder where this came from. Actually I bet I know where and I’m half tempted to call out a part 4 on being a trendwhore for renegging on his earlier claims about the series just so he can reinstitute them as apparently fresh (instead of being worn as any observant reader can see) for the purposes of pulling the whole “the second season ruined the first” (TM) nonesense that always gets pulled nowdays. And still no examples, just empty words.
Shallow as always for one who protests to be so above the curve, and talk about keeping up appearances right to the bitter end. Sheesh…’s been a slice there DM.
Agrees,though I’think DM’s got a good point about the model kits,not that I have a problem with it.
Personally,I don’t see what the problem is.,The Federation only has the GN-X III and recently introduced the Ahead.Other than that the Trilobyte.
It was mentioned that Bushido’s Ahead was a good example that the mass-produced suits can be customised for specific combat.
The Innovators only has 3 MSses introduced in so far with some more incoming probably.A good way to see it is that they are the opposite of Celestial Being’s Gundams lik the Thrones in S1.A good way to see it is to split it to 3 different sides.
December 10th, 2008 at 7:41 am
He did it for the lulz.
I have to agree in a sense with what DM is saying. When I watch G00, I look at it without a straight face. The reason for that is that I no longer feel connected to the characters. Every time something “serious” happens, I just laugh. I enjoyed the first season despite everything, (I found Christina’s dead so sad ;_;)
Regardless, on season 2 it feels more like…I dunno, it’s just missing that depthness that usually pulled me into the “serious” Gundams, hell, even Master Asia’s dead is sadder than whatever the hell is going on in G00.
In conclusion: Watch it for the pew pew. (Ain’t the Gadessa fucking awesome!?)
PS. Da inturnetz is srsbzn. How dare you not take all DM says seriously! :p
PSS. What way is that to kill off Sergei!?
December 10th, 2008 at 10:48 am
Hahahaha…and this is the part where we go through all of the motions about how “Season 2 is ruining the first season” and it can’t be taken “seriously”, because “it’s too hard to know what is going on anymore” therefore it can only be watched for the lulz/pew pew/popular character. Oh how I missed that one liner meme from Code Geass R2. Lol, if this commentary gets any more predictable then it’s going to start feeling like a sitcom. Best part is that people don’t realize (though perhaps they do actually)they were all saying exactly (and by exactly I actually mean exactly as in pretty much verbatim) the same things they are now right up until Gundam 00 Season 1 ended. That’s the thing, the show has to end before it will ever be accepted into the Gundam franchise. We’re right on time for almost everything here actually. At least the show isn’t quite as predictable as the people watching it. Although…..
@Yaru: Makes me wonder if they’re each going to have one Innovator as a rival for each Meister near the end. Honestly it wouldn’t bother me for them to introduce a bit of a super robot trope like that to a series that already has a couple of them. Plus once you add some formula it’ll even it out so that all of the comments we’re seeing here to day will have some semblance of accuracy.
@Loki: That would probably help as it would for any continuing story. The periodic serial format breaks up the natural flow of most anime series (especially recently) and I’m hoping that one day it can somehow be done away with altogether. Don’t forget that older Gundam series have the benefit of being able to watch them as much as you want and as often as you want on top of being finished. Very important to how we perceive their stories and characters.
P.S: Man I liked 08th MS Team, but people are really starting to kill it for me now with how they keep putting it up on some pedestal like it’s the work of Christ himself. It wasn’t even close to being the best U.C OVA nor all that realistic to boot. I really think people need to go back and watch it to see just how badly they fucked up with the last quarter. Norris Packard’s battle with the Guntanks and Shiro almost saved it, but stupid Ginneas and the epilogue episode brought it way down from what it could have been. Thanks for making me remember all the worst parts about 08th MS by making me ask the question as to whether it was really that good. Unfortunately that’s the kind of question that always results in a resounding no.
PSS: Stop using 08th MS Team as an excuse to beat down 00 and start grading the latter on it’s own merits, failings, and goals and then we might actually get somewhere here. Cause I think we’ve already established that 00 is not a U.C OVA. OK? :)
December 10th, 2008 at 11:01 am
I understand why you left 00. It sucks horribly. Seriously, it’s so boring; but since it’s Gundam, I’m still watching it.
I watched 08th team like, a year and few months ago. I have to say, it was awesome. No flying around, zipping away, human-like motions for these mechs baby!
I guess I should try 0080 and 0083?
Also, I don’t feel sorry for any of 00′s characters. They are all just annoying… well except Lockon since he’s just freaking awesome.
December 10th, 2008 at 11:14 am
@ Billybobbaxter
I’m still watching and I still like 00. I just have a problem with the UN suits being used. That’s not enough reason for me to hate the show as a whole.
People also shouldn’t compare an OVA to a full-length series. Of course the OVA will be of slightly better quality because it’s short and a lot of effort was put into it. SEED appeared to have that same amount of effort. Unfortunately the director didn’t have any balls to speak of. The original script had Kira and Le Creuset killing each other instead of just Le Creuset dying. That ending would’ve been a thousand times better because there wouldn’t have been a crappy sequel. But no, the director wanted him to live.
After reading the hateful posts about 00 I can conclude that this is a perfect example of the “groupthink” concept in psychology.
December 10th, 2008 at 11:21 am
And just so that I’m doing a little more than blowing hot air and to add a little more depth to this discussion than the “sucks” and “amazing” comments getting flung around, here’s my list:
MS Igloo 1: 6.5/10
Mobile Suit Gundam (TV): 4/10
Mobile Suit Gundam (Movies): 7.5/10
08th MS Team (Aka greatest Gundam ever made if everyone here is to be believed): 6.5/10
08th MS Team Miller’s Report: 3/10
Gundam 0080 War In The Pocket: 7.5/10
Gundam 0083: Stardust Memories: 4.5/10
Gundam 0083: Afterglow of Zeon: 0.5/10
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam (TV): 8/10
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam: A New Translation: 5.5/10
Mobile Suit ZZ Gundam: 5/10
Mobile Suit Gundam Char’s Counterattack: 9/10
Mobile Suit Gundam F91: 4.5/10
Mobile Suit Victory Gundam: 8/10
Mobile Fighter G Gundam: 7/10
New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: 6/10
New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz: 5.5/10
After War Gundam X: 7.5/10
Turn A Gundam: 8/10
Turn A Gundam (Movies): 5/10
Gundam Seed: 6/10
Gundam Seed (Movies): 3/10
Gundam Seed Destiny: 2/10
Gundam Seed Destiny (Movies): 3/10
SD Gundam: 7/10
SD Gundam Force: 1/10
Gundam Evolve: 6/10
G-Saviour: 0.5/10
And of course the reason there’s no 00 in the list is because I’d sooner stop watching anime altogether than pre-rate a show that isn’t even finished yet and toss all of my credibility as an anime review out the window Darkmirage style. For one thing what if I’m wrong about it, and for another how do you go about readjusting your rating after it’s all over? You don’t because you don’t prerate something that isn’t over. Period.
@Sourooster: Ahhh groupthink, it feels good to feel welcome doesn’t it? I don’t know, I have a family and friends so I’m more than satisfied without having to try and impress another group of people by agreeing with them. If they accept my viewpoint I want it to be for what it actually is, and if that’s not good enough well then I’m not interested in being part of the group. I’ll live I’m sure. Anyway, I’m not sure format matters so much as if the series is finished or not. A shorter story is over quicker so might be more suitable for those who are less pateint, but I’m good waiting 50 episodes to get the full dosage of Gundam 00 to see if it was worth it.
December 10th, 2008 at 11:53 am
I like the groupthink concept. It’s when a group of people (duh) get together and discuss the shortcomings of something. Here being the shortcomings of 00. After awhile with all the negativity being spewed out we all end up thinking we hate the show. Essentially that group of people blow something out of proportion, which is pretty much what has happened here.
December 10th, 2008 at 12:21 pm
that’s the first thing I thought when I saw it :lol:
Nuclear/SCUD is still easier though as it doesn’t need manual direction (albeit less destructive – but that’s what fighters are for, or tunnels)
December 10th, 2008 at 12:47 pm
I give all gundam series a 9.
Except G00 SECOND SEASON, which is like a 2, just for Billybobbaxter lulz. (Seriously, whatchu talking about, CG R2 was the shit)
December 10th, 2008 at 1:49 pm
TO: DarkMirage-sama, and Billybobbaxter
A shame that you will no longer be posting Reviews for G00 since I love seeing you stomp all over it and Code Geass when it was still on air. Coincidentally my top five favorite gundam series were 0080, 0083, 08th, SEED, and Wing(first Gundam series I ever watched so I’ll never let it down off it’s pedestal).
And to Billybobbaxter I’d have to say ‘Hell Yeah’ to most of your opinions especially your “It’s not over till it’s over” viewpoint, one of the best and very recent example of this IN MY OPINION is Code Geass R2, The first 24 episodes I gave a solid B, but after the finale of episode 25 I couldn’t help but give the series an overall rating of S (yes I know this makes me sound like a hypocrite but I rather like how Dark mirage makes fun of things, I absolutely don’t always agree with him but he definitely has a good sense of humor). I grade from F = somone should go back in time to kill the person who created it before they wrote the script, to S = So good you need the unanimous agreement of the U.N. to watch it. And I’ve only given my coveted(in my mind at least) to 6 other series, Cowboy Bebop, Death Note(I actually hated it and will never watch the anime or read the manga again but I objectively thought it deserved the rating), Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal, Gurren Lagann, Mushi-Shi, and Princess Mononoke.
December 10th, 2008 at 2:26 pm
I’ll just continue watching 00 even though I too feel that the 2nd season lost the political mood that the 1st season captured very well. Because I like the Gundam metaseries as a whole. The same reason why I continued watching Code Geass R2 even though the series was accelerating at Mach 5 in becoming a trainwreck.
At the end of it all, I just want to know what happens next.
December 10th, 2008 at 4:33 pm
THAT is what it is all about.
We could spend all eternity discussing whether CG R2 was good or bad, just like we could spend it discussing whether or not Lelouch is dead.
Seriously, the intranetz is for communism. Let us all agree on the same thing and flame those that don’t share our views. kthxbai.
December 10th, 2008 at 5:58 pm
@Kaus: Only after it ended was it allowed to be “the shit”. While it was airing it was just “shit”, same as Gundam 00 is now to bloggers. Then again what do they know? You however seem to know how it goes though so props for not being naive.
December 10th, 2008 at 11:14 pm
Relax guys. G00 is not going to suck just because I say that it sucks. It will suck on its own merits. There’s no need to argue about it on this blog because I am not the authoritative voice on anything. :)
December 11th, 2008 at 1:53 am
“Amazing character detail for a guy we won’t ever see again”
funny you mention that as we’ve seen him before, i’m not sure if most of you can remember but he was the JNN correspondent reporting on Celestial Being’s Moralia intervention in episode 7 of season 1.
December 11th, 2008 at 6:30 am
The whole Gundam franchise (and Macross) is way overrated. The characters suck, the fights are unoriginal, and the animation is mediocre.
December 11th, 2008 at 1:29 pm
Hey, at least we got Hallelujah back and that’s about it..
December 12th, 2008 at 5:04 am
kataron is a culmination of minor charecters
sajis older sister will show up soon (srry still thinking of code geass)
the point of this show is to not only rape the people for money
but to show what people will do to be right
War is never a battle between good and evil, it is the cumulation of our collective misunderstandings, greed, pride, fear and tragedies
great line. i brought it in to my ethics class.
what is with people hating macross?
it was just another horrible horrible anime(a block of wood was more animated than those charecters)
December 12th, 2008 at 11:42 am
Actually I’m pretty sure a lot of people will just say “Well, DM says Gundam 00 is _worse than Gundam Seed Destiny_ and I read his blog, so therefore it has to be true. Man this show sucks!” Sure, the show has stepped a bit over the boundary into ludicrous but the moral ambiguity is still there.
Unless there are people who actually think “Yes, CB’s actions are good.” in which case they should probably go back to watching Wing.
Also, 08th MS Team had some amazing scenes but the plot iteslf bounced between mediocre and awful, as mentioned earlier.
Then I could be totally biased since I’m subbing the show. vOv
December 12th, 2008 at 3:24 pm
Yeah!!! No more bad reviews!!!
December 12th, 2008 at 9:21 pm
Well, I’m gonna miss your satire in this regard..
About the “Amazing character detail for a guy we won’t ever see again”
well maybe he’s someone important on the production team or somehow relted to the people making the anime
December 13th, 2008 at 2:33 am
G00 has been fascinating. Don’t really understand all the grip about it. Glad the author of this blog will be ending his negative opinions about a good show.
December 13th, 2008 at 3:19 am
You remind of a person on this blog named Sandslayer (who used to write very long comments on this blog back when Code Geass was on just like you do as I’ve seen on this post breifly) alot.
December 13th, 2008 at 6:10 pm
chocoleaves: “…(and Macross) is way overrated. The characters suck, the fights are unoriginal…”
“and the animation is mediocre.”
compared to what? Byosoku 5 cm? It was better than most shows i saw last season, if inconsistent. did you even watch it?
December 15th, 2008 at 10:20 am
awww I’m gonna miss your humor on gundam 00! i mean, when i saw you were reviewing it i started watching the show so i could get your hilarious take on it…oh well. I do think you are being a bit unfair with the ranking because season 1 was pretty good, at least for awhile…season 2 is pretty bad though, but ranking season 2 with season 1 is like ranking seed with seed destiny.
December 15th, 2008 at 1:34 pm
Don’t agree with the above poster at all. G00 season 2 has some bad parts, but overall is pretty solid thus far, I would even say is more exciting & better story telling than season 1.
Well anyways… DM’s reviews didn’t really help viewers understand the story any better, it was just plain old bashing, and lamn attempt at humor.
December 15th, 2008 at 5:17 pm
man, im gonna miss DM’s posts..this is the only reason why i visit his page right after watching g00 or geass..although his reviews may seem harsh and mostly cruel, he kept things on a different plane than just saying “OMG! best.episode.evar!!!” or “this EP SUX!”..he made it so that i found his insights very interesting and funny most of the time.
i love gundam and always will.
December 15th, 2008 at 11:31 pm
Dastard. NOW this is something that is of shit and shit and more shit……………
December 16th, 2008 at 6:25 am
Too bad that you stop blogging this, it was really fun. :(
I find DM’s reviews very fun and interesting, regardless if I agree with him or not (which I do, in this case).
I have no idea why people get so upset over someone not liking the show on his blog.
December 16th, 2008 at 10:48 pm
NOOOOOOO!!! i thought u were joking DM! i really enjoyed the gundam 00 and code geass posts here, the reviews i think were very enjoyable to read, and for some reason i am not bothered about whether i agree, perhaps its beacuse i only watch anime to pass time, who knows?
As i have said before, this blog is very enjoyable to read, it is in the end, a bit of fun and only one persons opinion, just like Tasaio have said i dont think there is any need to get upset over it. but i do have to admit, the arguments people post on this blog are very interesting in both G00 and CGR2, and it is also what makes this blog so good to read and pass time
gonna miss reading the G00 posts :(
December 21st, 2008 at 10:09 pm
So sad you stop blogging this..
December 27th, 2008 at 8:32 am
However it’s not a complete travesty due your lack of taste, Destiny is easily the worst gundam series ever, and your argument of lack of human touch against 00′s quality fails to acknowledge it’s tremendous strengths which puts it far above Destiny. Also your insult on Gundam fans and the series yet watching 15 series of it puts you in the same class of hypocrisy as you pointed to the poster who hates this blog yet continues to post in it. I do thank you for the mildly amusing reviews even if they were done in a nostalgiafag elitist manner.
January 20th, 2009 at 1:12 pm
So sad you stop blogging this..
Trackback from
Gundam 00 S2 — Episode 10February 19th, 2009 at 10:47 am
[...] Random Feed wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptEvery middle-age man’s dream Before I go into my usual hate-filled blasphemous rant, I have an announcement to make. Due to real-life circumstances unrelated to World of Warcraft, this will be my last G00 post. On a related note, I will be flying off to Japan tomorrow for about a month, so look forward to more Japan-related posts and of course some Comiket 75 coverage at the end of the month. Now on to the hate. (…) Read the rest of Gundam 00 S2 — Episode 10 (772 words) © DarkMirage fo [...]
March 31st, 2009 at 12:10 pm
Oh man… The one thing I enjoyed about G00 was your parody! The 5-minute posts were worth trading my WoW lvl 80 raid mage time for! I’m still reading the blog though, lol.