Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu 2 — Episode 01: Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody
And so it begins, just as the prophecies predicted (somewhat ambiguously). The thundering cries of male ecstasy shake the ground as hordes of frenzied fanboys awake from their winter slumber and descend upon the unsuspecting intarweb. As onslaught and carnage devastate 4chan, no one notices any difference. The absolutist doctrine of the Great One sweeps across the land, engulfing it in a chaotic whirlwind of moé and unleashing upon its innocent a renewed crusade. Throughout history, it has been called many names — ragnarok, apocalypse, rapture — but they are all one and the same. The end of time is finally upon us. The Second Coming of Haruhi.
One day in the distant future, after humanity recovers from a global cataclysm and historians attempt to piece together the past from fragmented chunks of centuries-old hard disk drives, the above paragraph will be so epic. But until then, let’s talk about this new Haruhi thingamogie.
Let’s see… The brand new episode aired on the 22nd. It is now the night of the 24th. We can therefore safely assume that every single person on Earth with a pair of working eyeballs has already watched the episode thrice and written two blog entries on it, except me. As a result, there is little point for me to talk about the episode itself, which by the way is awesome.
How about we talk about relativity instead. Now, as the theory of relativity as put forth by Einstein — and no doubt originally conceptualized by Haruhi before she assumed her present human form — predicts, nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. The phrasing of this statement is however somewhat misleading, as the equation doesn’t necessarily prove that nothing travels faster than the speed of light. It merely shows that it takes an infinite amount of energy to accelerate any mass to a speed infinitesimally close to the speed of light, which logically means that we cannot accelerate a mass to light speed and beyond due to the lack of sufficient energy in the universe. Also, a mass travelling at light speed gives a divide by zero error which crashes the universe’s operating system, Mac OS Ω.
However, something travelling faster than the speed of light is within the realms of theoretical imagination; the entity merely has to do so without having had to accelerate pass the light barrier. This means that either it has always been in the state of faster-than-light speed travel, or it had its kinetic reference frame instantly changed via some kind of apparent violation of the laws of energy conservation (e.g. when you jump through the portal in that awesome game with the psychopathic feminine robotic jailer). The exact state of any “entity” doing so and its subsequent interaction with the flow of time as perceived by ordinary matter such as us will forever remain a mystery except to the subconscious of the Haruhi overmind. It also probably can’t have any “mass” (as we know the term) unless it wants to deal with imaginary numbers.
This brings us to Haruhi’s wish for the Earth to reverse its direction of rotation. Though theoratically her message is being sent out at the speed of light in the form of the light reflecting off her handwritten note, the message itself does not need to be bounded by its medium. A wish is but information, and although electromagnetic radiation is the fastest information carrier known to mere mortals, there is a high likelihood that a more fundamental medium, which Haruhi’s true form operates in, exists. Also, it is safe to say that due to attenuation the electromagnetic information radiating from her tanabata paper will never reach Altair and Vega in any readable form, even by higher beings wielding godly powers.
Therefore, since we do know that the information representing her wish will in fact reach Altair and Vega (due to the fact that she is the supreme creator) but at the same time this information cannot be conveyed by light, we can conclusively say that some kind of unknown cosmic force is at work in transmitting this information and this force is probably not bounded by the limited equations as put forth by the divinely-inspired Einstein. Also, isn’t Mikuru cute? She’s never been my favourite character, but oh isn’t she so cute?
So cute
Anyway, back to the mortal world. It appears that Kyo-ani has outdone itself again this time. I’m not talking about the show itself, but rather the fact that these geniuses have managed to conceive a cunning plan to force people to essentially rewatch the first season, effectively doubling the number of episodes in the second run without incurring any additional cost. Kyo-ani has rejected the boring old concept of “second season” and replaced it with the new-age hipness that is a remixed hodgepodge of new episodes and old episodes sorted by chronological order.
Since some of the new episodes actually take place before some of the old ones, this brilliant tactical move has completely screwed up our concept of the space-time continuum grouping episodes by seasons and numbers. It’s kind of like relativity: depending on the reference frame of the observer, this is either episode 1 or episode 8. I’m going with the former because I reject Kyo-ani’s fancy smancy liberal elitist broadcasting order.
Of course this also means that we can’t tell when the next new episode will be out. It’s kind of like Schrödinger’s Cat: until the next episode airs and gets fansubbed by ten dozen groups, thus collapsing the quantum wave equation, we won’t know for sure whether it will be a new or old episode. How exciting. Although, I suppose one could just collapse the wave equation before that by reading Newtype episode summaries or something, but where’s the fun in that?
On a final closing note, here’s a shocking confession: unlike everyone else, I took the initiative NOT to read the original novels beyond the third book. My experiences with the “first season” (damn you Kyo-ani!) led me to believe that this will result in a much more enjoyable viewing experience. Nagaru Tanigawa may be a genius for coming up with Haruhi (or rather, being influenced by Haruhi’s subconscious to write a book about her), but the story only truly comes to life as animated by Kyo-ani. Reading the novels just feels too much like cheating.
It is therefore in this open spirit of ignorance that I shall blog the rest of the “season” (damn you Kyo-ani!), so please keep that in mind when you post any comments. If you want to discuss unaired plot development from the novel, this is not the place to do it. Instead, you can talk about how adorable Mikuru is in this episode and how the theory of relativity is awesome.
P.S. If I were Kyon, I’d screw up the past just for the lulz.
May 25th, 2009 at 12:15 am
Mikuru is cute and the theory of relativity is awesome. That is all. :P
May 25th, 2009 at 12:18 am
How exactly did they deal with the paradoxes?
I saw GG’s subs but I still don’t get it. How is putting a chess peice in your pocket anything lack the ideas of killing child Haruhi, free will, cause and effect etc.
May 25th, 2009 at 12:27 am
“One day in the distant future, after humanity recovers from a global cataclysm and historians attempt to piece together the past from fragmented chunks of centuries-old hard disk drives, the above paragraph will be so epic.”
Oh, it already is epic my friend. If only I could pen such a succinct and eloquent synopsis on the current state of our mortal union.
“On a final closing note, here’s a shocking confession: unlike everyone else, I took the initiative NOT to read the original novels beyond the third book.”
I have to agree with you there. While I definitely enjoyed the novels, they only really come to life through KyoAni’s excellent storyboarding, creative shot composition, solid music, and perfectly cast voice ensemble.
I don’t know that you necessarily lose anything by having read the novels in advance, though, that the experience somehow becomes less powerful or less authentic. Certainly for me, at least, knowing the plot in advance didn’t lessen my enjoyment any. But then again, I’m a rapid fanboy, what do I know? =P
May 25th, 2009 at 12:28 am
My intepretation is that paradoxes exist only within a set of rules, i.e. chess where the move made by Itsuki is technically “impossible”. So perhaps Yuki is saying that the apparent paradox is not really a paradox once you see the larger picture, i.e. the world that exists beyond the chess board which allows a chess piece to be physically removed from the board.
Okay, actually I was just too lazy to read the novels in Japanese and too purist to read them in English.
May 25th, 2009 at 2:15 am
Bravo, my friend. This was the blog entry I was waiting for. The use of such flowery language is quite a nice touch too. I think we have to just accept that Kyo-ani is being influenced by haruhi in such a way she just has to air the new episodes in such a strange way. Well, at least we know for certain we’ll have all the new episodes in at least twenty weeks (five months). Right? RIGHT?!?
If they delay some episodes my life (and the universe) will surely unravel itself and all life will be extinguished. Too bad future societies won’t be able to uncover your interpretation of the end of the world as we know it. Then again, wouldn’t the unraveling of the universe be the apocalypse too?
Anyway, back to what is truly and utterly important: Mikuru was really cute in this episode, wasn’t she?
May 25th, 2009 at 3:56 am
Mikuru is awesome, the theory of relativity is cute…
May 25th, 2009 at 10:25 am
I’m just thrilled that we get more Haruhi into our lives.
May 25th, 2009 at 11:38 am
I have the novels in Japanese and Chinese language. (Call me nuts). The Chinese version has quite an accurate translation.
May 25th, 2009 at 2:06 pm
I AM SO ASHAMED!! HOW COULD I HAVE NOT KNOWN BEFORE THIS!? *goes to download gg subs and watch the episode until I die*
May 25th, 2009 at 4:16 pm
Hey dude its been a while. Hows things in the SAF. Dont forget I still need to pick up the Clannad doujin from you. I read the Haruhi Novels till book 4 1/2 and then decided not to read anymore as it would spoil the upcoming season. It will be a VERY good one. ^^ Btw, I think you already know but the next new episodes should be… 12-16 I think.
May 25th, 2009 at 5:23 pm
@ DM
Really the novels are pretty easy reading even in Japanese. Other than Yuki’s BS abstract technical terminology, and a few other special terms like “chounouryokusha” (超能力者), the series doesn’t use many difficult kanji.
May 25th, 2009 at 6:34 pm
Loli Huruhi is more legendary than a cute (cuter) mikuru-chan in my opinion. Although Huruhi is the most godly i just love Yuki. I just Oh my gawd-ed when she took off her glasses after downloading data from her 3 year later self. As for the order of the episodes. Who says awesomeness has to be ordered? This and K-on (And possibly Asura Cryin) are my favourites for the month. And did anyone else notice that Kyon looks abit…different?
May 25th, 2009 at 8:26 pm
FYI: Kadokawa determines the order in which the episodes will air, not Kyo-Ani. Kyo-Ani is just responsible for animating the series, but it’s Kadokawa that’s caused this 3 year delay in the series premiering, the chronological broadcast order, the nice boat crap with the Haruhi-chan series, etc.
It’s easy to fault the animators for all the BS that happened with the Haruhi franchise, but it’s really Kadokawa that makes all the executive decisions.
…So yeah.
May 26th, 2009 at 5:53 am
Now that haruhi is back we all don’t have lives again!!! +-+;
@Everyone who thinks everyone should read the novel that are watching the anime.
First reason: laziness
Some people just don’t have the time to read the stuff. Besides some of us try to at least have a massless photon of a life. ^-^
Second reason: money
I know those novels are pretty cheap (sources are from others. I never actually bought one, and I do not plan to because it is a WASTE OF MONEY!!!!) Besides illegal fansubs are MUCH MUCH more cheaper. (rather free) again ^-^
What I don’t get is what this “^” key is for. I just discovered it cuz like Sherlock Holmes puts it:
“Seeing isn’t observing. For instance, how many steps do you take to walk up to my door?” “I don’t know.” “See, you have definitely seen these steps many times but you never have observed that there are seventeen steps to my doorway.”
May 26th, 2009 at 5:56 am
Oh yeah I forgot to mention that Mikuru is cute.
May 26th, 2009 at 6:33 am
People who read the novel can probably tell when the next new episode will air because its now chronological and they know what is missing.
Of course i never read the novel and have no clue. I’m not all too concenred abotu that, i dont think i have any chance of missing it, even if i wanted to.
Speaking of weird theories about Haruhi, i think her argumentation is lacking. She says it’ll take 16 years and not 32 because gods are so awesome they surely don’t have to deal with relativity to make it back to earth. If they’re so awesome they should just make the wish happen 16 years ago, making it instant :D
m0ar nagato
May 27th, 2009 at 7:50 am
Ambiguous indeed.
May 27th, 2009 at 10:57 pm
Haruhi is not science fiction, right?
May 28th, 2009 at 1:02 pm
From what I know of the light novel stories, the next probable new episode should air after the Remote Island Syndrome episodes if everything is going chronologically, won’t say what so as to avoid any spoilers.
I really enjoyed this new episode, Bamboo Leaf is one of my favorite short stories in the series – anything with time travel in it makes me all giddy.
Happy to see that the SOS Brigade is back with us once again.
May 30th, 2009 at 11:49 am
Mikuru is oh-so-irresistibly cute!
June 6th, 2009 at 6:05 am
Oh the new episode is out……I will just wait for it to come out in english after some years. Why you ask? Not sure really to lazy to read subs and japanese voices annoy the hell out of me.
When they talk, I just want to punch them in the face and say “SHUT UP…I AM TYRING TO READ HERE”.
P.S !!!!!VIKINGS RULE!!!!!
June 7th, 2009 at 9:16 am
The theory of relativity is amazing, but Mikuru is not cute.
June 14th, 2009 at 1:31 am
you just killed my ZOMG buzz
June 24th, 2009 at 11:25 am
Neither the relativity theory nor Mikuru-chan are cute…