From: Jim Lazar [EVA][Fanfic][Lime] Garden of EVA 0:4 - Rei Bites! ======================================================================= Garden of EVA 0:4 - Rei Bites! Neon Genesis Evangelion characters and situations created and Copyright by Gainax, Project Eva, ADV Films - Used without permission Garden of EVA series created, written, and copyright 1998 by Jim Lazar A biting series set within episode 26 of Neon Genesis Evangelion "Speech text in double quotes is spoken as Japanese." E-mail comments and/or criticisms to: Previous parts and my other fanfiction can be found at: ======================================================================= Short general warning: This fanfic contains spoilers, sex, various sexual organs, bad language, 14-year-old hormones, naked people, and various warnings. You have been warned...repeatedly. ======================================================================= Rei was naked. There was no doubt whatsoever about that. Shinji, being a healthy fourteen-year-old boy, drooled over the naked body and admired every curve. He wanted to taste the sweet nectar that was Rei. "Do you want to become one with me?" Rei asked, softly. "To become of one mind and body? It could be very...pleasant." "Yes, I do." "Well, all you have to do is ask." "What if you say no?" "What makes you think I'll say no?" Rei replied, while pulling Shinji's shorts off. "Asuka always says no." "I'm not Asuka," Rei claimed, while stroking Shinji's mighty oak. "Good point," Shinji conceded, as his oak grew taller. "Wake up, Shinji!" "Huh?" Shinji gasped. "Wake up you idiot!!" Asuka bellowed and then shook Shinji violently. Shinji opened his eyes to see Asuka leaning over him with a scowl on her face. "You've gotten very bossy since you retook the top Eva pilot spot from Rei," Shinji muttered, then scratched his butt. Surprised, he looked down and quickly covered his erection with his hands. "Where are my shorts?" "You weren't wearing them. Probably jerking off again, you little pervert!! Now get into the bathroom and wash up or we'll be late!" Asuka screamed and pushed Shinji into the bathroom. After she closed the door, she put Shinji's shorts into her bag and grinned. -E- -V- -A- "I really wish you'd stop waking me up every morning, Asuka," Shinji said, as they walked to school. "You'd never get to school on time if I didn't," Asuka insisted. "You just want to look at my mighty oak." "The twig? Never." "Rei likes it," Shinji declared, grinning. As Asuka stopped and thought about this for a few moments, Rei came running around the corner and crashed into Shinji. They both ended up on their butts. Shinji grinned as he saw the red lace panties that Rei was wearing. Rei casually closed her legs, snapped off a quick, "Pervert!" then ran off to school. Shinji chuckled softly. "Dickhead...quit treating women like a spectator sport!" Asuka screamed. She bopped Shinji on his head with her bag and headed for school. Shinji rubbed his head, then muttered, "You're one to talk...always sneaking peeks at me every morning." He started walking towards school. He missed seeing Asuka lopsided grin. -E- -V- -A- Before class started, Misato poked her head into the classroom and called out, "Shinji, can I please see you in the hallway?" Shinji gulped, then slowly made his way to the hallway. Rei held back a huge laugh that was threatening to erupt from her mouth. "Damn. Misato never calls me out for a private scolding..." a boy muttered. "Yeah, I wonder if Sensei will give him a good tongue lashing?" the boy next to him asked. "Naw...Shinji's not that lucky." Rei overheard this conversation and let out a soft chuckle. Misato walked Shinji down the hallway and out of earshot of the classroom. "Shinji, about last night..." Misato began. "I won't say anything about you fucking that guy in the park last night!!" Shinji blurted, then bowed deeply. "Please don't move me to a different class!" Misato looked around to make sure no one was around to hear Shinji's outburst and grinned. "Relax, Shinji...and don't say things like that in school. I just wanted to make sure you don't tell anyone. Mr. Kaji is a very important person and it would be better if it didn't become known he was dating me." "My lips are sealed." "Good. By they way...cute butt. If only..." Misato tailed off and sighed. Shinji was blushing and smiling broadly when he returned to his seat. Touji leaned over and whisper to Shinji, "What happened?" "She just wanted to tell me that I have a cute butt." "Yeah, right. In your dreams!" Touji remarked. "All right everyone! Shut up, bow to the teacher, and sit down!" Hikari called out. All the students complied, they knew better than to risk the wrath of Mistress Hikari. Misato slowly, as if in pain, sat down at the desk. "Thank you, Hikari. Um....let's start by everyone reading chapter five in their textbooks. I'll just take a nap here," Misato said, then laid her head down on the desk. In the process, she gave everyone in the class a nice view of her cleavage. Jaws dropped around the room in a sequence that sounded a bit like the musical score of 'Fly Me to the Moon'. Rei and Shinji exchanged knowing glances. -E- -V- -A- "So what color today, Shinji?" Touji asked after school. "Um, I don't know," Shinji replied, a little unconvincingly. "Come on! Asuka said Rei flashed you this morning!" Touji insisted. By his side, Kensuke nodded his agreement. "Yeah...but...I didn't see anything," Shinji insisted. Irritated, Touji grunted. "Damn, the pool has gotten so boring with only Misato in it." "We could always start betting on Hikari's panties," Kensuke suggested. "Hey! That's my babe you're taking about! Her panties are no one's business but mine!" Touji said. A bag wielded by the aforementioned 'babe' smashed him on the head. Touji crumpled to the ground. "They aren't your business either, Mr. Suzahara!" Hikari said, looking down at the prone Touji. "Yellow," was all Touji said. His face, stomach, and groin all received fresh footprints for his astute observation. After scraping Touji off the sidewalk, the gang watched Misato's car scream out of the parking lot. "Wow, she's in a big hurry," Kensuke remarked. "Probably going to see her boyfriend," Rei remarked. Kensuke's face fell to the ground. "Boy..." Touji's face joined Kensuke's. "...friend." "Yup, and it's not a student. A big hunky guy," Rei said. Shinji pulled Rei aside, then whispered to her, "I don't think Misato want's us talking about him." Without whispering, Rei said, "I'm not going to name him, just describe him in intimate detail." She winked, then softly asked, "How long do you think it was?" "I don't know! I don't look at stuff like that!" Shinji insisted. He wanted to avoid talking about last night. Being caught with his pants down, literally, by Misato was bad enough, but for the guys to find out would be disaster. Rei, Asuka, and Hikari walked ahead of the guys and discussed Misato's boyfriend. "Damn, Rei got lucky and saw Misato naked...and getting laid by someone too! It's not fair," Touji complained. Shinji bit back a smile, then said, "Yeah, it's not fair." Although he had gotten a great look at his teacher, he wasn't about to tell the guys for fear that his little show for Rei would slip out. "Well, the idea that Misato would date one of her students is so far-fetched," Kensuke remarked. "What about all those stories of guys last year?" Touji asked. "School myths...without scientific proof that Misato will screw anything with a dick, we cannot assume that any of those stories are true," Kensuke said, explaining his 'Great Misato Theory'. "Shot you down, did she?" Shinji asked, grinning. " never..." Kensuke stammered, losing his usual calm manner and blushing. Touji clapped his hand on Kensuke's back and smiled. "Don't worry we all know the feeling of wanting to taste Misato's sweet melons, and other assorted nectar." He grinned. His grin was quickly replaced by Hikari's book bag. "Pervert!" Shinji and Kensuke helped Touji back to his feet. "More bowing and scraping coming up!" Kensuke declared, as Touji returned the bag to Hikari and started groveling. "Hmmmm, groveling position number five, plus a little more bowing than normal. Interesting," he commented. He opened his laptop and made some quick notes. -E- -V- -A- Rei, Asuka, and Shinji walked home after the others had turned down their respective streets. Seeing something ahead, Shinji stopped suddenly and frowned. "Um...let's go a different way." Asuka and Rei looked at him quizzically. "Why? Hoping Misato's in the park again?" Rei asked. Shinji didn't reply. Asuka looked down the street they were on and pointed to a man in front of a vending machine. "Isn't that your father, Shinji?" she asked. "Um, no of course not...let's just go through the park. Is it to much to ask that I want to stroll in the park with the two prettiest girls in school?" Shinji asked, then headed too the park. Asuka and Rei looked skeptically at each other; sure that Shinji was avoiding something. "Well, his father works for some big organization called NERV, so I doubt he'd be fixing that vending machine," Asuka informed Rei. "Either that or he's looking to have a menage a trois with us," Rei suggested, as they started to follow Shinji into the park. "Yeah, right! He'd have trouble satisfying anyone with that toothpick of his," Asuka insisted. "You don't say?" Rei said, flatly. Rei wondered if Asuka was joking or had never seen it. "What are you grinning about?" Asuka asked. "Nothing, but I'm curious why you seem to be so hung up on the size of Shinji's penis. Hmmm?" "I'm not!" "Well, if Shinji would be interested in a menage a trois, would you?" Rei asked casually. "Ha...ha...very funny," Asuka chuckled. Rei chuckled softly back. "Shinji is all talk and no action. I doubt he's even jerked off, let alone kissed a girl," Asuka declared. "You haven't kissed him?" Rei asked. "That little oberarshe? I tried a few months ago, you know...just for laughs, but he passed out before our lips touched," Asuka said, not mentioning that he probably passed out because she held his nose closed. "But he does have a cute butt," Rei mentioned, looking ahead at Shinji. "Well, sure..." Asuka reluctantly agreed. -E- -V- -A- "I'm home, Mom!" Shinji called out as he came in the door. "Welcome home, Shinji!" a voice replied from the kitchen. "What's for dinn...." Shinji trailed off when he saw Misato standing naked in his kitchen. "Err... Misato?" "Shinji, that's no way to address your mother," Misato said, rubbing some ice on her bare chest. "Oh, this has to be a dream," Shinji muttered. "Are you okay, Shinji?" Misato asked, slowly eating a banana. Shinji lowered his head, shook it, and then looked up again. His real mother was standing in front of him, fully clothed and without a banana. "I'm fine...just a long day I guess," he informed his mother, but thought something quite different. "Well, grab what you want from the fridge. Your father is working late and I've got my meeting tonight," Yui said. "Yeah, I saw him..." Shinji sighed. "Take care, Shinji," Yui said. She kissed Shinji on his cheek, grabbed her bag from the counter, and left the apartment. Shinji looked in the fridge. He ignored the now moldy pork buns. Instead, he grabbed a can of soda and some kind of green gelatin. "Green Soy, my favorite," he mumbled, and scooped some of the green stuff into his mouth with his fingers. -E- -V- -A- Shinji woke up in the bath and screamed loudly. Shinji immediately checked for the presence of his manhood and sighed in relief when he confirmed it was still attached. He thought about confirming that it was still functioning, but then decided his skin was wrinkly enough so he finished his bath and dried off. "Damn, what a disgusting dream." Since he was home alone, he just walked into his bedroom without bothering to cover up. He gasped when he saw Rei sitting patiently on his bed. "Rei? How'd you get in here?" "Oh, a girl has her ways," Rei said, as a large smile grew on her face. "I really don't understand why Asuka insists on calling it a twig." "Huh?" Shinji asked. Rei nodded downwards. Shinji looked down and finally remembered he was completely naked. "Arghhhh," he screamed then ran out of the room. He returned a few moments later with a robe on. "Damn, no need to cover up for me, Shinji," Rei said, genuinely sad. "Um...why are you here, Rei?" Shinji asked. "Just leaving a present under your pillow," Rei said. She stood up, walked over to Shinji and kissed him briefly on his lips. "Thanks for not talking about my panties today." Then she left the room, leaving a dazed Shinji behind her. "Huh?" Shinji eventually gasped. He looked out into the hallway, but Rei was gone. Shinji scratched his head, then walked over to his bed and moved his pillow. He gasped as he saw the same red lace panties that Rei was wearing that morning. He picked them up and looked at the lipstick mark on them. "Rei's lips..." he muttered, then kissed the panties. Shinji smiled, tossed his robe off and lay down on his bed. "Yup, she loves me," he said, then smelled the panties. "The sweet scent of my beloved." "Glad you like them." Shinji gasped, then covered his erection with the panties. "Rei!" Rei smiled. She advanced on the trembling Shinji and put her hand on Shinji's chest. "Um, maybe I should put something on?" Shinji stuttered. "Now why would you want to do that?" Rei replied. Rei winked and ran her hand over Shinji's naked chest. Shinji couldn't think of any reasons. Of course, he didn't really try that hard. A crooked smile, also known as a leer, crossed his face. "Now, Shinji," Rei said, tracing little circles around Shinji's nipples. "Do you understand why it's best not to tell your hormone-driven friends about certain things?" Shinji gulped. "Yes, it has sunk in. My lips are sealed." Rei smirked. "Oh...well you'll need to open them eventually," Rei said. She slipped over Shinji's body and sat down on top of his hips. It was at that point that Shinji realized that she had given him the only pair of panties she had with her. It was...a very warm and pleasurable sensation. Shinji grinned broadly. Rei smiled at Shinji's reaction, leaned down, and gave him a passionate kiss. After her tongue had traced the inner surface of his mouth, Rei slid down his body taking little bites of his soft skin. "Yummy. Asuka doesn't know what she's missing," she muttered. "Asuka?" Shinji asked, momentarily shaken from his pleasurable stupor. Rei briefly looked up from her progression down his body. "She likes you, but for some reason won't act on her feelings," she explained, then started to kiss and nibble her way downward again. Shinji thought quickly, but soon forgot about everything except the feeling of what Rei was doing to him. Just before Rei reached her target, a voice called out, "Shinji! I'm home!" "Shit! It's my mother!" Shinji gasped. Rei slid off Shinji's legs and cursed, "Damn...and here you were standing so proud and tall for me too." She smiled, then calmly walked over to the window. Shinji got up and pulled his robe on. He looked over at the window just as Rei was crawling out it, giving Shinji quite a view. "Her hair color is natural, apparently," Shinji muttered. He sat down at his desk and opened a textbook. He quickly turned it right side up just before his mother poked her head in his door. "Shinji?" Yui said. "Ah, I'm glad you didn't forget your homework. I was afraid you'd be screwing around instead." Shinji looked innocently up from the textbook and said, "No, nothing much to do around here by myself." [End - Garden of EVA 0:4 - Rei Bites!] ======================================================================= Author's notes/ramblings: Oberarshe is German for supreme idiot (super ass). Don't worry there will be more Eva games upcoming, including an interesting variant, but I doubt you really missed the game in this part. As you've noticed by now, this is not the Rei you're used to. This one came this >< close to being a lemon. Even wrote the ending differently. ;) But that would have required changes in the parts that follow. I'd like to thank various FFML members and my pre-readers: James Grabowski, Addison Godel, Mark Eymer, David Johnson, Jonathan Ng, Addison Godel, Thomas C. Kinnen, and Ryan Erik. Of course in the end, any mistakes and botched characters are my fault. I'd also like to just take a quick moment to thank some of the initial readers of the early drafts and versions of Garden of Eva (originally called Reality Bites) who gave me encouragement and a few ideas that may or may not have made it to the final versions: RTGVMax, Akito Tenkawa, RPM, D.B. Sommer, David Eddy, Jin, Jurai Knight, Shiro, Chris Siebenmann, Avasq, and Jiro Maeda. Revision 0.0 - Initial draft (July 23, 1998) Revision 0.2 - Pre-reader draft (August 12, 1998) Revision 0.3 - FFML draft (August 20, 1998) Revision 1.0 - First RAAC posting (September 7, 1998)