From: Jim Lazar [EVA][Fanfic][Lime] Garden of EVA 0:5 - Shinji Bites Back! ======================================================================= Garden of EVA 0:5 - Shinji Bites Back! Neon Genesis Evangelion characters and situations created and Copyright by Gainax, Project Eva, ADV Films - Used without permission Garden of EVA series created, written, and copyright 1998 by Jim Lazar A biting series set within episode 26 of Neon Genesis Evangelion "Speech text in double quotes is spoken as Japanese." E-mail comments and/or criticisms to: Previous parts and my other fanfiction can be found at: ======================================================================= Short general warning: This fanfic contains spoilers to the end of the TV series, sex, various sexual organs, bad language, 14-year-old hormones, naked people, and various warnings. You have been warned, repeatedly. ======================================================================= Yui heard the soft tones of Shinji's cello from down the hall. She felt the rhythm of the music flow through her bones. "Shinji is quite talented, isn't he?" "Yes, dear," Gendou replied. "We really should encourage him to join the school band," Yui commented. "Yes, dear." "Aren't you done yet?" "Almost, dear," Gendou said, as he rocked back and forth on top of his wife. -E- -V- -A- Shinji was happy. He always felt good when he played his cello. Of course, right now he was playing it to cover the sounds coming from his parent's bedroom. He shuddered at the thought of what his parents were doing. Then he thought that he and Rei might have done the same thing had his mother not come home Friday evening when she did. He still had Rei's panties and the memory of Rei crawling out his window. Shinji had always wondered if Rei's blue hair was natural, it was. Shinji thought, then decided he'd have to check for sure. He wasn't the fastest to catch on, but he was still happy. "I wonder if they both really like me?" he muttered and then another thought struck him. As he practiced, he pondered his suddenly complicated love life. Well, it's not like he had any love life before, but now suddenly he seemed to have two girls after him. One openly and one who may like him, but has never shown any particular desire to be his girlfriend. After another half-hour of practice and internal contemplation, Shinji lay down on his bed. He was still unable to figure out if Asuka was really interested in him and why Rei was so forward. Shinji must have dozed off, because he was awakened by his mother's voice. "Shinji! There's a cute girl here to see you!" Yui's voice called from outside his bedroom. "I'll be right out!" Shinji responded. He thought, a smile growing on his face. He got up and walked out to the front entrance. He stopped short as he saw the older woman with short blond hair in the entryway. "Um... hello," he hesitantly said. The scowl on the woman's face made him a little wary of her. "Hello, Shinji. I'm Ritsuko, Rei's sister," the tall woman said. "Oh... sister? I'd have thought you were her mother," Shinji said, getting a huge taste of his foot in the process. "I'M HER SISTER, DAMMIT!" she declared, as if she had to make this correction often. After several seconds of glaring at Shinji, she got to the point of her visit. "Anyway... this will just take a second. I want to ask what your intentions are towards my sister?" she said, cross-examining the terrified Shinji. Awkwardly, Shinji looked around to make sure his mother wasn't around to overhear this conversation. She wasn't. "Um... well, she's a good friend." "Just a friend?" Ritsuko continued her third degree. "Well, I like her a lot and I think she may like me too." "Hmmmm. What are you planning on doing when you grow up?" Ritsuko asked. "Huh? Well, I'm only fourteen... I haven't really thought that far ahead." "Well, how do you expect to support my sister and your family then?" Shinji recoiled in shock. "Ack! I just met her a few weeks ago! She only kissed me once!" Shinji insisted. "Just don't play with her heart. Hurt her and I will chase you to the ends of the Earth!" Ritsuko declared, glaring at Shinji. "I won't!" Shinji exclaimed, terrified. "Good," Ritsuko said, then left the apartment. Shinji wiped the sweat off his forehead. "What was that all about? Kind of overprotective..." He went to change his underwear. -E- -V- -A- "Where's dad?" Shinji asked, as he munched on his lunch. "He and Professor Fuyutsuki had some emergency at work," Yui replied. Shinji smirked when he heard the grandiose title for his father's boss. "Don't tell me... a clogged coffee dispenser?" "Shinji, don't make fun of your father's work. He works hard to support the family." "Don't you make more?" Shinji mentioned. "That's not important. Your father may repair vending machines, but he works hard to put food on the table. Why, he even brought home all that Green Soy the other day for us. I know you love it." "Yeah, but it's just so embarrassing. If my friends ever found out that NERV stood for 'New Earth Resources Vending' I'd be the laughing stock of the school," Shinji said. He soaked a rice ball in some Green Soy and scarfed it down. "I doubt any of them would care. You really do worry too much about what other people think about you," Yui suggested. "I'm not one of your patients, Mom!" "If your friends like you, they won't care what your father does. Don't worry." "I guess. I just don't want anyone to hate me." "Who could hate my darling little Shinji?" Yui asked, then pulled Shinji into a big bear hug. "Mom! Cut it out!" -E- -V- -A- Shinji walked up to the apartment building that he had seen Rei go into a few nights before. He looked at all the names on the mailboxes. "Damn, I was sure this was where she lived, but there's no Ayanami," Shinji muttered. He sighed, then turned and started to walk away. "Shinji?" a voice called from behind him. Shinji turned around and saw Rei standing in the entrance to the building. She was wearing a cute little sundress that ended just above her knees. "Oh, Rei... I was looking for you, but there's no Ayanami listed," Shinji said, looking a little nervous. Rei smiled. "Oh, that's because I'm adopted. My adoptive mom's last name is Akagi." "Oh, so Ritsuko is your step-sister then?" "Damn! Did she come over and threaten you?" Rei asked, growing angry. "Um... yeah." "Don't worry, she's just overprotective. She's done that to other boys when we lived down in Osaka-2. I think it's because she's had some bad relationships and is worried that I'll end up with a guy like the ones she has," Rei commented. "She even had an affair with some old goat that ended badly." "Oh. Well..." Shinji trailed off. "So, why did you come by today?" Rei asked. Looking nervously at the ground, Shinji asked, "Well, I was wondering if you might want to do something today?" Rei smiled. "No need to be shy, Shinji. You're not like this at school." "I wasn't sure if you liked me..." Rei gapped at Shinji, then smiled. "I'd love to do something with you today, Shinji!" Rei hugged Shinji, then gave him a short kiss. "So what do you want to do?" "Um, I don't know. Movie?" Shinji suggested. "A little dull, but it's a start," Rei said, then took Shinji's hand and dragged him away. "Shinji, just for future reference... any girl who gives you her panties and then a kiss like I did, does like you." Shinji blushed, then made a mental note about that. As they walked, Shinji awkwardly asked, "So you're adopted, huh?" "Yeah, my father died in Second Impact and my mother died when I was three. No big deal," Rei said flatly, then begged him internally, "That's too bad." "Well, it's not like I ever really knew them, so it's not important," Rei insisted, but avoided eye contact with Shinji for most of this conversation. "Why do you keep using your real parents' name then?" Shinji asked. Rei stopped short. "Err... .sorry, didn't mean to pry." "That's okay. I don't know why. I guess I never really thought about it," Rei said. She considered the reasons behind her using her real name until she scolded herself, -E- -V- -A- Third Impact. Bodies flew everywhere. Charred bodies, burning bodies, pieces of bodies... you get the idea. The Earth was wrapped in a conflagration that it would take centuries to recover from, if it ever would. The evil pervert had done it. He had destroyed everything. All because he lost his favorite pair of panties. The 'Global Happo Fire Burst' had reached every corner of the globe. Two people walked between the rubble that had been Nerima. They looked sadly at what had been their home. "So, now what?" "We repopulate the world." "How?" "Baka! We have children!" "Yeah, like I'd do that with a un-cute tomboy like you!" And Akane malleted Ranma for the last time. She wandered the Earth in hope of finding another man. Unfortunately, it turned out that only women survived the blast, since the evil Happosai didn't want to hurt all the pretty ladies. Since Ranma was a girl when the blast hit, he was the only man to survive. After wandering for nearly a year, Akane returned to Nerima and found that Ranma was busy impregnating every woman in the world. When Akane approached the breeding center, the receptionist looked up. "Take a number, miss," Ukyo said, holding her extended belly. "Ukyo? You're pregnant?" Akane asked, shocked. "Yes. After you ran away, I was the first to be impregnated by my Ran-chan." Akane shook her head in disbelief. "No... it can't be!" She ran past the reception desk into the inner sanctum. She saw Ranma in front and called out. "Ranma, I love you!" "Who has time for love now?" Ranma replied as he shagged Shampoo. "Kasumi, you're next and then it's my turn," Nabiki called out, referring to her clipboard. "When's my next break?" Ranma asked, as he finished with Shampoo. "After you please me." "This isn't for fun! I'm doing my duty to repopulate this world!" "You seem to be enjoying yourself," Nabiki dryly commented. "Well..." "Ranma no baka!" Rei looked up at the screen. As the credits began to roll, she said, "Kind of a sad ending." "Yeah, I like the Shin Seiki Ranma TV series better," Shinji said, getting up. A ton of popcorn fell from his lap. "Less global destruction and all..." "Well, Ranma is going to be very tired for the next few decades... if he lives that long," Rei said, walking out of the movie theater with Shinji. They shielded their eyes from the bright glare of the sun. Rei looked at Shinji and giggled. She dug out a hankie and gave it to Shinji. "What's this for?" Shinji asked, taking the hankie. "For the lipstick and popcorn kernels you have on your face." Shinji blushed, then wiped his face off. "What do you want to do now?" "Are your parents at home?" Rei asked and winked. Shinji gulped. "Err..yeah. My mother, at least." "Damn! And my sister almost never goes out. She is such a loser!" "We could go to the park," Shinji suggested. "Sure." -E- -V- -A- Shinji and Rei strolled through the park. Shinji looked down and slowly took Rei's outstretched hand in his. Rei smiled. "So, why did your family move up to Tokyo-3?" Shinji asked as they neared the park's lake. Rei gave her standard answer to that question. "Well, my mom got a new job programming the computers for the government. Since they are moving the capitol here, they needed the best." Rei kind of looked away and thought about the real reason. "Really? That's kind of cool. I've never really been that good with computers and mechanical things." "That surprises me, you're a great Eva pilot!" "Hmmm, well it just seems to come naturally," Shinji said, embarrassed by the praise. Then a thought struck him. "Hey want to go to the Eva center?" "Nawww, I like playing with the whole gang better." "Okay, hey... want to take a boat out onto the lake?" Shinji asked, looking at several boats float by on the water. Rei looked at the lake and noticed that there were only a couple other boats out on the large lake. She grinned, then said, "Hmmmm, yeah, that would be nice." "Great." After renting a boat, Shinji rowed it slowly across the lake. "Hey, Shinji?" "Yes, Rei?" "Why are you so shy?" "I'm not!" "Yes you are. At school or with the gang you're much more expressive," Rei mentioned, placing her hand on Shinji's knee. "Well... I don't know. It's different when I'm alone with you." "Why?" Rei asked, sliding her hand up Shinji's leg. "I don't know, maybe because you're more forward when we're alone?" Shinji suggested. Rei grinned. "Well, it's not really proper for me to be like this in front of other people." Shinji gulped and looked around nervously. "I guess that's true." Rei carefully moved to sit next to Shinji and leaned up toward his face. Shinji took the invitation and gave her a deep kiss. Shinji was surprised when he felt Rei pull his hand up, slip it into her dress, and rest it on top of her breast. He was so surprised that he broke the kiss, but didn't bother to lower his hand from it's resting place on her breast. He was a normal fourteen-year-old boy, after all. "Don't stop now, Shinji." "Sorry, you just surprised me." "You do like girls, right?" Shinji's jaw dropped. "Of course I do!" To prove it, Shinji started to explore the breast with his fingers. In the absence of a bra, Shinji had only the dress to hinder his view of Rei's beautiful breasts. Rei smiled at Shinji's clumsy examination of her breasts. she thought. To give him a better view, she undid the first couple of buttons on her dress. Shinji grinned at the sight and returned his attention to her breasts. "Beautiful." The sounds of small waves crashing against the boat were all that could be heard, except for a slight murmuring. "Hey, Shinji?" Rei asked after several minutes. "Yes?" he asked, his hands still in contemplation. "Care for another pair of panties for your collection?" Rei asked, winking. Shinji gulped. "Sure." Rei quickly re-buttoned her dress. She glanced around and then raised the hem of her dress. Shinji gulped, but took the invitation. He slid under the dress and slowly reached for the panties Rei let the dress fall and cover Shinji. She felt his trembling hands pull on her panties. She rose on her palms to allow him to slip them off. She shivered with excitement as she felt him pull them off. Her excitement turned into surprise when she heard a voice call out behind her. "Rei? Are you okay out there?" Rei looked over her shoulder and saw Asuka, Touji, Hikari, and Kensuke all standing on the nearby shore. Apparently, the boat had drifted closer to shore while she was 'distracted'. Rei pushed down on Shinji's back to make sure he was out of view. She gasped in surprise as his face was pushed into her lap, cutting off his breathing. Under different circumstances, both of them would probably have enjoyed this, but not with an audience. Trying to remain calm, she started to say, "Yeah, Asuka. Just getting some..." Her reply was cut off as Shinji desperately thrashed away from Rei's lap in an attempt to breathe, and the boat tipped over sending them both into the cold lake. After frantically swimming to the surface, Rei looked around. She saw the overturned boat, but no sign of Shinji. "Rei! Hang on!" Kensuke screamed and started to take off his shoes. Rei looked back at the gang, then called out, "I'm fine! Don't bother getting wet!" she thought. "Ummm... just a second!" She dove under the water and tried to spot any sign of Shinji. She was relieved to see his legs under the capsized boat. She surfaced into the air pocket under the boat. "Shinji, I'm glad you're okay." "Did they see me?" "I don't think so. I'd be best for them not to know about what we were doing. Stay under here, I'll get them out of the area," Rei instructed, then dove under the water again. When she surfaced again, Hikari called out, "Why did you go under again?" "Lost a shoe!" Rei claimed, then swam to shore. Kensuke helped her out of the lake and blushed as he clearly saw various parts of Rei's anatomy through the wet dress. "Scheisse! Rei, cover up! We can see everything!" Asuka pleaded. Asuka thought, but would have been very surprised to find out that Shinji was very much alive after doing more than just seeing Rei's breasts. "Rei, you should wear underwear with a thin dress like that," Kensuke commented. Touji gaped at the sight. "She's a big girl... she can dress as she wants." Hikari bashed him with her purse and said, "Stop leering at her, pervert!" Kensuke gallantly removed his jacket and offered it to Rei. "Thanks." Asuka put her arm around the shivering girl. "What were you doing out there anyway?" "Just getting some sun," Rei replied, then casually walked away. The gang followed. Shinji surfaced and looked at the retreating kids. "That was too close. I wonder why she's so afraid for the gang to know we were together. Well, probably just because of what we were doing," Shinji muttered as he swam to shore. As he walked home, he remembered Rei's panties were still in his pocket. He pulled them out and smiled. -E- -V- -A- Rei lay naked under Shinji. He admired her curves with his eyes and his hands. He drew closer to her. "Oh god... you're my stallion!" Rei gasped. Shinji felt a hand caressing his back. He looked back to see Asuka start to nibble his back and could feel her breasts against his back. "Don't forget to save some for me, lover," Asuka purred. Shinji was smiling broadly. A group of naked women stood in an empty theater and examined the naked boy standing in front of them. He was just staring off into space with a broad grin on his face. "Should we interrupt him?" Misato asked. "No," Rei calmly insisted. "Not much to say. At this point, his dreams and life must seem pretty nice," Asuka pointed out. "Does he really enjoy doing that sort of thing with me?" Rei inquired. "Apparently. Look at the erection on him!" Asuka exclaimed, looking down at Shinji's lower regions. A slight grin crossed her face. "Fascinating," Rei said softly. "Asuka, don't touch," Misato scolded. Asuka dropped her hand. "I was just curious. Wait a second! Now I'm in his dream too!" "Fascinating." "I didn't think Shinji had it in him. There's no reason to bother him now, after the earlier boat ride and now this dream he won't want to reason with us," Misato declared. "But he might want to try doing that with us," Rei said, her natural curiosity aroused. "Rei!" Misato and Asuka both gasped in surprise. Rei blushed. Shinji kept smiling broadly in the theater, in his dream, and in his bathtub. [End - Garden of EVA 0:5 - Shinji Bites Back!] ======================================================================= Author's notes/ramblings: Scheisse is German for shit. Just to make this clear, there are three places that events unfold in Garden of EVA: The alternate world depicted in episode 26 (most of the story takes place here), the empty theater where the Rei, Asuka, and Misato in Shinji's mind help guide him in his contemplation of his so-called 'perfect world', and the dreams of the alternate world's Shinji. The Shinji from the alternate world has no knowledge of the Shinji in the theater or the real Eva and Angels. I'd like to thank various FFML members and my pre-readers: Anthony Pardilla, Karanoma, James Grabowski, Antookis, Arnold Callwood, David Johnson, Jonathan Ng, Ryan Erik, Rex Yu, and Addison Godel. My pre-readers help me avoid a MAJOR mistake in this part, thank you all. Of course in the end, any mistakes and botched characters are my fault. Revision 0.0 - Initial draft (August 2, 1998) Revision 0.1 - Pre-reader draft (September 2, 1998) Revision 0.2 - Second Pre-reader draft (September 6, 1998) Revision 0.3 - FFML draft (September 21, 1998) Revision 1.0 - First RAAC posting (October 13, 1998)