From: "" Subject: [EVA][FanFic][Lemon] Garden of EVA 0:6x - Wet Dreams Bite! [EVA][Fanfic][Lemon] Garden of EVA 0:6x - Wet Dreams Bite! ======================================================================= Garden of EVA 0:6x - Wet Dreams Bite! A Garden of Eva side story Neon Genesis Evangelion characters and situations created and Copyright by Gainax, Project Eva, ADV Films - Used without permission Garden of EVA series created, written, and copyright 1998 by Jim Lazar A biting series set within episode 26 of Neon Genesis Evangelion "Speech text in double quotes is spoken as Japanese." E-mail comments and/or criticisms to: Previous parts and my other fanfiction can be found at: ======================================================================= Short general warning: Lots of explicit sex, nudity, and other naughty stuff in this fic. Deal with it. Being labeled a 'LEMON' means that it gets much more sexually explicit than the regular Garden of EVA stories. Part 0:7 will have some parts of this side story, so you can skip this story if you do not wish to read lemons and not miss out on the ongoing story. This lemon side story takes place between the end of the strip poker game (in part 0:6) and the next school day (in part 0:7). ======================================================================= Just a reminder: Garden of EVA takes place within episode 26 of the original Neon Genesis Evangelion TV series. The events and continuity of the Eva movies are not part of the Garden of EVA 'universe'. ======================================================================= Rei leaned over and kissed Asuka firmly on the lips. Although shocked at first, Asuka got lost in the sensation and soon she was returning the kiss with all her heart. Their breasts were pressed against each other and sweat dripped from their naked flesh. Kensuke, Shinji, and Hikari all looked on, forgotten by the two necking girls, who had actually moved beyond necking already. Hikari looked away from the kissing couple and winked at Shinji. Shinji jumped over to Hikari's side and quickly tore off her skirt, bra, and panties. They kissed deeply, their tongues probing each other's mouths with a passion usually reserved for porno movies, or the wet dreams of 14-year-old kids. Kensuke just looked back and forth between the two groups. Asuka had reversed position and was kissing a different pair of lips at present. Kensuke's pants were straining at the seams. Shinji was naked and... well... doing something to Hikari that Touji had yet to experience. Touji had been lucky just to see what Shinji now had his manhood embedded in. Finally, just as Shinji shot his load into Hikari, Kensuke's pants exploded and covered the room with a milky-white substance. Kensuke awoke to a wet, hot feeling under his sheets. He rose and wiped the sleep out of his eyes. "Wha... Oh, it was only a dream," he mumbled. He lifted his sheet and sighed. -E- -V- -A- Rei leaned over and kissed Asuka firmly on the lips. Although shocked at first, Asuka got lost in the sensation and soon she was returning the kiss with all her heart. Their breasts were pressed against each other and sweat dripped from their naked flesh. Kensuke, Shinji, and Hikari all looked on, forgotten by the two necking girls, who had actually moved beyond necking already. Shinji and Kensuke exchanged grins as they observed Asuka slide down Rei's naked body, kissing and nibbling at Rei's breasts. Hikari looked on at her best friend in disbelief. "Shinji, stop them!" she insisted, then looked over at Shinji. Her jaw dropped as she saw Shinji and Kensuke necking and pulling at each other's clothes. "What the hell are you all doing!" Rei looked up at Hikari. "Oh, I'm sorry," she said, then reached over and grabbed Hikari's bra. She pulled Hikari over, yanking the bra off in the process. "Didn't mean to leave you out." Within moments, Asuka was pulling Hikari's skirt and panties off while Rei kissed and sucked Hikari's large breasts. "Oh, who needs Touji with friends like you!!" Hikari gasped as she felt Asuka's fingers enter her. Hikari awoke when she fell out of her bed. "Wha..." She looked around her room and blushed in embarrassment as she pulled her hand out of her panties. Of course, only after she pulled them out of something else first. -E- -V- -A- Rei leaned over and kissed Asuka firmly on the lips. Asuka forced Rei away from her and pulled out a handgun from her... well... since she was naked there was only one place she could have concealed it. Enough said. She pointed the handgun at Rei and squeezed the trigger. Rei's headless body fell to the ground. "Archficker!! How dare you try to kiss these pure lips of mine!" she screamed. Suddenly, she felt hands caressing and massaging her breasts. She turned expecting to have to clobber Shinji, but recoiled in shock when she saw Hikari. "What?" she gasped as her jaw dropped to the floor. "Oh, my dear Asuka. I've been fighting these feelings for the longest time. Seeing Rei kiss you made me so jealous, I just can't contain my passion for you any longer," Hikari said, spreading her arms and legs. "Please make me your bitch!" Asuka pulled her jaw up and smiled. "Oh, Hikari... I've always loved you too. I just hid my desire for you," she said, then locked lips with her longtime friend. Soon, Asuka and Hikari were locked in passion as their lips and hands explored each other's bodies. Shinji and Kensuke stood watching the girls fuck each other. Their pants were lying at their ankles. Shinji held his mighty oak in his hands, while Kensuke held his mighty maple in his. They were giving their trees a good varnishing. Hikari's tongue was deep within Asuka when the redhead cried out, "Yes!! Yes!! No man could ever do this to me! Make me yours, my sweet Hikari!" How could she cry out with a tongue in her? Think about it for a second. As Asuka came, she and Hikari were covered with Shinji and Kensuke's cum as they shot their loads in unison. Asuka awoke and found she was naked; her torn panties and T-shirt lay by her side. She pulled her sticky fingers from within her and gasped. "What the fuck was that all about??" she cursed, then remembered the strip poker game the night before. "Shit, what did that damn lesbian think she was doing?" -E- -V- -A- Touji slid into Misato and smiled as he heard her gasp of pleasure. He pumped his member in and out of his hot, horny teacher. "I bet you've always wanted this," he remarked between thrusts. "Oh yes, Touji, ever since I first saw you on the first day of school! Make me yours, my stallion!" Misato replied between pants. Touji smiled and grew mesmerized by the sight of Misato's breasts bouncing back and forth as he gave her what he knew she always wanted. Suddenly, Touji frowned as he felt something on his backside. He turned around to see Misato's boyfriend thrusting against his buttocks. "What the fuck are you doing? You sick, twisted pervert!" "We're a set. If you want Misato, you have to pleasure me as well," Kaji insisted as he banged Touji. How could a man bang another guy? Think about it for a second, but don't throw up on the new carpeting. "Arrrrrghhhh!! Stop that!" Touji screamed and bolted upright. He quickly felt his ass to make sure... he sighed in relief. "Never thought seeing Misato getting fucked would cause me to have such an... impossible dream." -E- -V- -A- Rei leaned over and kissed Shinji firmly on the lips. Although shocked at first, Shinji got lost in the sensation and soon he was returning the kiss with all his heart. Rei's breasts pressed against Shinji's chest as they got lost in each other's touch. "Oh god, Shinji. Fuck me with your mighty oak!" Rei cried out. As Shinji entered Rei, Rei was smiling broadly in both her dream and her bed. In a large empty theater, another Rei was watching herself dream of making love to Shinji. She wore a smaller smile on her face, but it was unusual to see this Rei smile at all. "Fascinating." "Hey! Stop looking at that gross dream!" Asuka bellowed. "Fine, let's see what's Shinji's dreaming of," Rei calmly replied and clicked the remote control to change to Shinji's dream. "Has to be better than that one I was having," Asuka muttered. Then a thought hit her. "Where'd the remote come from, anyway?" "We installed it after Shinji complained about you grabbing his balls to get his attention when you wanted to shift to a different viewpoint." "Oh, the little pervert liked it. Look at the nasty stuff he and his friends do." "I think these dreams are because of our kiss." "Hey! *WE* didn't kiss! Those two characters that Shinji made up, did!" "I don't think he made you any different." "Of course he did! If you kissed me, I'd pound you senseless!" "Why?" "Because we're both girls, you imbecile!" "What's wrong with two girls kissing?" "Oh, go ask Maya, why don't ya?" -E- -V- -A- Rei leaned over and kissed Asuka firmly on the lips. Although shocked at first, Asuka got lost in the sensation and soon she was returning the kiss with all her heart. Their breasts were pressed against each other and sweat dripped from their naked flesh. Kensuke, Shinji, and Hikari all looked on, forgotten by the two necking girls. Shinji looked on as Asuka fully explored a part of Rei that he had only briefly touched previously with his face. He gasped as Kensuke suddenly stood up and jumped onto Hikari and pulled her skirt, bra, and panties off. "Kensuke, stop! Touji will kill you!" "So what?!" Kensuke replied as he sucked on Hikari's now hard nipple and caressed the other breast with his hand. "Fuck. This isn't fair. Rei is MY girlfriend!! Asuka stop licking that and let me into her!" Shinji screamed and pulled his pants down. His mighty oak was very... mighty. "No way! She's all mine!" Asuka said, pulling her face from between Rei's legs for a second. Rei quickly pressed Asuka's head back down, so that Asuka could continue probing her hot wet pussy. "Shinji, I was only using you to get closer to Asuka. Why do you think I never wanted you to tell anyone about us? Ahhhh... Little boys like you couldn't satisfy me. Hell, I killed my last boyfriend because he wouldn't let me fuck his sister. Ohhh... That little twig of yours couldn't satisfy anyone," Rei declared, mentally chopping down Shinji's once mighty tree. "Leave us alone, little boy." "Yeah! Go fuck your hand, little boy!" Everyone started chanting "Little boy! Little boy!" as Shinji backed away from the two fucking couples. He finally crashed through a window and found himself looking up at a giant purple foot. The last thing he saw was the 'Nike' logo on the sole of the foot as it smashed his body into a bloody pulp. Shinji awoke and screamed. He felt his body and made sure he was okay. "Damn, that was a weird dream." A giant purple hand suddenly crashed through his window and grabbed him from his bed. It held him tightly and pulled him close to the grinning face of Eva Unit 01. "Put me down!" The Eva grinned broader and a laughing, sexless voice suddenly was heard. "Never. I will crush you into a bloody pulp." "No! I want to live!" Shinji screamed, trying to pry the fingers of the giant hand apart, to no avail. "Who ever said you were alive?" "Huh?" "You're dead!" The voice dissolved into mocking laughter just before the hand squeezed Shinji's body tightly. Shinji's head plopped into the water below followed by a shower of his blood. Shinji awoke and screamed. He felt his head to make sure it was still attached. He looked around, trying to make sure he was really awake this time. He slid out of his bed and rose to his feet just as his mother and father came into the room looking worried. "Shinji are you alright?" Yui asked, then quickly turned around as she saw her naked son standing in front of her. "Shinji, I know your mom is hot, but no need to point that twig at her," Gendou calmly said. Shinji looked down and saw that his penis was gone. In its place a small twig projected from his groin. "Ahhhhhh!!!" As he looked on in horror, a tiny little Asuka walked down his stomach, defying the laws of gravity in the process. When she reached the twig, she started to chop into it with a tiny little axe. "Timber!" the little Asuka bellowed and the twig fell off Shinji's groin. Shinji awoke and screamed. He just sat in his bed and quietly shivered. Suddenly he slapped his own face. He slapped himself again and then a third time to make sure he was finally awake. He relaxed and sighed. "Finally awake. Must have been something I ate last night," he said, then thought about the kiss after the strip-poker game and added, "Or saw." He stood up, walked over to a mirror, and stretched. After he finally looked at his reflection, he gasped and stopped in mid stretch. "What the fuck?" He ran his hands over his now female body. He fondled his large breasts then slid down and examined his crotch for any sign of his missing penis. He couldn't find it, inside or out, despite his very thorough search for it. After finishing his complete examination of his new female form, Shinji ran down the hall and into the bathroom. As if hoping that the mirror in his bedroom was somehow defective, he checked himself out again in the bathroom mirror. "Still a girl. A redheaded girl. Ah!" he exclaimed as a thought occurred to him. He ran some hot water into a bucket and then splashed himself with it. His body instantly transformed back to its usual male form. "Shit, how did I get cursed?" Just then, Rei walked in with a towel draped over her privates. She looked at Shinji, taking a lingering look at his penis, which appeared to like the sight of Rei standing naked in front of him since it was suddenly fully erect. For some reason, Rei's first impulse was to go get a table to bash the unknown boy with, but instead she grinned, dropped her towel, and knelt down in front of Shinji. Soon, she had his member in her mouth and was giving Shinji the greatest blowjob he had ever received. Of course, it was his first blowjob, so he really didn't have anything to compare it to. After Shinji came and filled Rei's mouth with his cum, Rei smiled and said, "If only my father could have engaged me to you instead of some butt-ugly girl." "Butt... ugly?" Shinji said, backing up in surprise. In the process he accidentally turned the cold water on and was sprayed with cold water. His male body transformed back into the female form he awoke with. "You!" Rei screamed, and pulled out a bazooka from her... well the same place Asuka got her gun from earlier. She pointed the weapon at Shinko and pulled the trigger. Bits of Shinko were scattered across town. Shinji awoke screaming and ran a quick check. "Body? In one piece. Head? On neck. Breasts? No. Vagina? No. Normal size and shaped Penis? Yes. In my regular room? Yes. Any purple robots around? No." Shinji finally allowed himself to relax. "Okay, no more strip poker games, no more Shin Seiki Ranma before bed, and no more chocolate anchovy okonomiyaki." -E- -V- -A- Asuka stood in the theater and gasped in shock at what she had just observed in Shinji's dream. "Damn, Shinji is one sick puppy." "As opposed to you blowing my head off?" Rei asked. "Well, it was only a dream," Asuka insisted, suddenly wanting to change the subject. "Is there really a difference between a dream and reality?" Rei asked. "Oh no. I'm not getting into another long conversation with you. Ask Misato." "But she's over watching Kaji and herself in the park." "Gee, I wonder what she and Kaji are doing," Asuka asked rhetorically, rolling her eyes. "Probably fucking each other," Rei calmly answered. Asuka rolled her eyes. "OF COURSE SHE'S FUCKING HIM!" she screamed, then added softly, "Why wouldn't she want to see him again... even if it's not real." "What's the difference between a dream and reality?" "Well, a dream..." Asuka started to explain, forgetting that she hadn't wanted to get into this conversation with Rei. Rei smiled inwardly at her victory. -E- -V- -A- Kaji rocked back and forth on top of Misato, who panted in ecstasy. "Oh god... I'm coming!!" she screamed. Kaji shot his load and filled Misato with warmth. The two naked adults held each other closely as the sun rose and blanketed them in an orange light. "God, that was fantastic, Kaji," Misato murmured. "With you, how could it be otherwise?" Kaji said softly, brushing the hair out of her eyes. "I love you." "And I you, my sweet rose." "Tell me again." "As soon as I'm elected mayor of Tokyo-3, I'll marry you." "If we only didn't have to wait." "It's better this way. If the press discovered our relationship now, they would hound you mercilessly. After the election they won't be as interested." "I guess that makes sense. I just wish we could fuck somewhere other than in parks and cars." "It's too dangerous to go to a hotel or either of our apartments." "I know," Misato reluctantly conceded. She felt as if she was dreaming, but she knew she wasn't. This was just too good to be a dream. Unfortunately, by the end of the week it would seem more like a nightmare. [End - Garden of EVA 0:6x - Wet Dreams Bite!] ======================================================================= Author's notes/ramblings: This side story was originally was the start of part 0:7, but then I noticed that it was separate enough from the main plot line that I could make it a lemon side story and keep the main stories lime. Even with all the sex in Garden of EVA, I still think the main stories are better for just being the lemon-scented limes that they are. Archficker is German for fag, homo, butt-fuck. It's considered extremely vulgar. It's not the sort of thing I'd normally use, but seemed the best phrase to match Asuka's mood at that point in her dream. I'd like to thank my pre-readers: Rex Yu, James Grabowski, and Anthony Pardilla. Of course in the end, any mistakes and botched characters are my fault. Revision 0.0 - Initial draft (October 28, 1998) Revision 0.1 - Pre-reader draft (November 16, 1998) Revision 0.2 - FFML draft (November 28, 1998) Revision 1.0 - First RAAC posting (December 16, 1998)