From: Jim Lazar Subject: [Eva][FanFic] Garden of EVA 0:7 - Love Triangles Bite! [EVA][Fanfic][Lime] Garden of EVA 0:7 - Love Triangles Bite! ======================================================================= Garden of EVA 0:7 - Love Triangles Bite! Neon Genesis Evangelion characters and situations created and Copyright by Gainax, Project Eva, ADV Films - Used without permission Garden of EVA series created, written, and copyright 1998-1999 by Jim Lazar A biting series set within episode 26 of Neon Genesis Evangelion "Speech text in double quotes is spoken as Japanese." E-mail comments and/or criticisms to: Previous parts and my other fanfiction can be found at: ======================================================================= Short general warning: Lots of sex, nudity, and other naughty stuff in this fic. Deal with it. Just a taste of lemon in this one at the end. ======================================================================= Just a reminder: Garden of EVA takes place within episode 26 of the original Neon Genesis Evangelion TV series. The events and continuity of the Eva movies are not part of the Garden of EVA 'universe'. ======================================================================= I have added certain non-lemon components to this part from the lemon side story 0:6x - Wet Dreams Bite! In order to allow you not to miss relevant events, information, or really funny jokes. ======================================================================= In a large empty theater, Rei was watching herself having sex with Shinji. It was only a dream, but a very graphic dream. She wore a small smile on her face. "Fascinating." She tilted her head trying to follow the action. "VERY fascinating." "Hey! Stop looking at that gross dream!" Asuka bellowed. "Fine, let's see what's Shinji's dreaming of," Rei calmly replied and clicked the remote control to change to Shinji's dream. "Has to be better than that one I was having," Asuka muttered, remembering the sight of Hikari fondling her other self. Of course, fondling was only the start of what the two girls did. Then a thought hit her as she remembered seeing Hikari push all the right buttons on her body. "Where'd the remote come from, anyway?" "We installed it after Shinji complained about you grabbing his balls to get his attention when you wanted to shift to a different viewpoint." "Oh, the little pervert liked it. Look at all the nasty stuff he and his friends do." "I think these dreams are because of our kiss." "Hey! *WE* didn't kiss! Those two characters that Shinji made up, did!" "I don't think he made you any different." "Of course he did! If you kissed me, I'd pound you senseless!" "Why?" "Because we're both girls, you imbecile!" "What's wrong with two girls kissing?" "Oh, go ask Maya, why don't ya?" Asuka muttered and looked over at the viewpoint at Shinji's dream. -E- -V- -A- Asuka stood in the theater and gasped in shock at what she had just observed in Shinji's dream. "Damn, Shinji is one sick puppy." "As opposed to you blowing my head off?" Rei asked. "Well, it was only a dream," Asuka insisted, suddenly wanting to change the subject. "Is there really a difference between a dream and reality?" Rei asked. "Oh no. I'm not getting into another long conversation with you. Ask Misato." "But she's over watching Kaji and herself in the park." "Gee, I wonder what she and Kaji are doing," Asuka asked, rhetorically and rolled her eyes. "Probably fucking each other," Rei calmly answered. Asuka rolled her eyes. "OF COURSE SHE'S FUCKING HIM!" she screamed, then added softly, "Why wouldn't she want to see him again...even if it's not real." "What's the difference between a dream and reality?" "Well, a dream..." Asuka started to explain, forgetting that she hadn't wanted to get into this conversation with Rei. Rei smiled inwardly at her victory. -E- -V- -A- On a beautiful summer morning, Kaji and Misato were lying close together in a secluded park. The two naked adults held each other closely as the sun rose and blanketed them in an orange light. "God, that was fantastic, Kaji," Misato murmured. "With you, how could it be otherwise?" Kaji said softly, brushing the hair out of her eyes. "I love you." "And I you, my sweet rose." "Tell me again." "As soon as I'm elected mayor of Tokyo-3, I'll marry you." "If we only didn't have to wait." "It's better this way. If the press discovered our relationship now, they'd hound you mercilessly. After the election they won't be as interested." "I guess that makes sense. I just wish we could fuck somewhere other than in parks and cars." "It's too dangerous to go to a hotel or either of our apartments." "I know," Misato reluctantly conceded. She felt as if she was dreaming, but she knew she wasn't. This was just too good to be a dream. Unfortunately, by the end of the week it would seem more like a nightmare. -E- -V- -A- Shinji was worried. Rei had kissed Asuka during a strip poker game the gang had a couple nights ago. It didn't seem a big deal to Rei, but Asuka sort of freaked and Hikari had to help her home. So far, Hikari would just tell Shinji that Asuka was okay, but nothing more. Hikari was also keeping her distance from Rei. That worried Shinji the most. Asuka hadn't come to wake up Shinji for school, like she normally did. Shinji tried calling her apartment and then knocking on her apartment door, but either she wasn't home or she didn't want to talk to him. He suspected the latter. What really worried Shinji was that Asuka didn't come to school either. "WHAT! Rei kissed Asuka! Shit... I missed that?" Touji exclaimed when he heard about the kiss. He had cornered Shinji and Kensuke before school to tell them all about seeing Misato and her boyfriend fucking in the park on his way home from the strip poker game. He had not expected to hear that Rei and Asuka had made out passionately after he left. Kensuke and Shinji had told him it was just a quick kiss, but Touji immediately had a hot lesbian orgy image formed in his head and couldn't be swayed from picturing it like that. Of course, that may have to do with the fact that his was currently thinking with his head of his dick instead of his mind. Not that this was unusual, mind you. "Yes, they were both naked too," Kensuke explained. "Double shit!" Touji swore a blue streak as his mental image got even more explicit, if that was possible. "And here I thought my story about Misato was good." "Well, that was a good story too," Kensuke said, calmly straightening his fogged-up glasses. "Yes, that must have been a sight to see," Shinji agreed, avoiding mentioning the time he saw her naked. "She said she saw you naked before, Shinji. When was that?" Touji asked, beginning his interrogation of Shinji. Shinji gulped and shielded his eyes from the bright light that Touji had shoved in his face. "She must have dreamt it. If I'd had the chance to see her getting fucked I'd have said something, right?" "I guess," Touji conceded, although he wasn't fully convinced. Later, Misato came into the classroom and was greeted by cat calls and whistles from all the boys and one of the girls. She scowled at Touji, who cringed backwards. "Suzuhara! In the hallway! NOW!!!" Touji slunk into the hallway behind Misato. After the door closed, all the students ran to the door and tried to listen to what was going on. They could just make out the voices. "Touji! I asked you not to talk about what happened." "I didn't, I swear." "What were all the cat calls for then?" "I don't know." "And what about the leaflets describing what happened last night in detail that are being handed out at every street corner?" "I don't know." "And the two hundred or so love letters, all of them from boys wanting to fuck me like Kaji did, that were piled in my parking space this morning?" Misato decided not to mention the one girl who had given her a love letter. "I don't know." "And the extremely detailed, full-color mural painted on the gym wall of me and my boyfriend having sex?" "I don't know." "And I bet you don't know that you have a hard-on right now?" "Eeeepp! Its not because of you... it's because of a story Shinji was telling me earlier." "Yeah, right." Touji's voice suddenly softened. "Do you like how it feels?" On the other side of the wall, Hikari sighed and shook her head in disgust. "Arrrrghhhhhh!! Please don't dig your nails in!" "You're in the hallway today. Three buckets. One more slip-up, even if it's just a sneeze that sounds dirty, and I'll transfer you to Ms. Sagabon's class." "Oh god.... not old Saggy-boobs! I'll be good!!" As the door started to slide open, all the students jumped back to their seats. Misato came in and stood in front of her desk. "Class, you are to forget about Mr. Suzuhara's little story. It never happened. You little boys could never satisfy me, so give up your little wet dreams and study hard or you'll be transferred to Ms. Sagabon's class." The boys all snapped to attention and started bowing profusely. The one girl who would normally be groveling along with the boys, was out taking pictures of the gym wall with Misato's picture on it. "I always thought she would shave herself down there," she remarked as she snapped another picture. -E- -V- -A- The next day, Shinji walked to school without Asuka again. Rei appeared from behind a corner and grinned when she saw he was alone. She ran into his arms and gave him a big kiss. Shinji returned it, but Rei sensed his uneasiness. "What's wrong?" "Nothing." "You're still worried about Asuka, right?" "Yes. I think that was her first kiss." "It doesn't count if it's another girl. Heck, back in Osaka-2 my girlfriends and me practiced on each other all the time. Well, mostly on our hands, but..." "I still think you shouldn't have done it." "I gave her an out." "Challenging her bravery isn't exactly an out. Especially in Asuka's case." Rei looked sadly at the ground. "I'm sorry. I'll leave you all alone," she mumbled. she mentally scolded herself. Shinji started. "Huh? Rei, I didn't say you weren't welcome in our gang. If she doesn't come to school again today, we should go over to her house after school and both apologize." "Okay. What about us?" "Us?" "Can I still be your girlfriend?" Rei said. She looked very awkward, which surprised Shinji since she had always been very confident and determined. Shinji smiled. "Of course, I'd never let a little thing like this..." Shinji was interrupted by a passionate kiss from Rei. After the kiss ended, Rei just held Shinji in a tight embrace. "Thank you." "Um... no problem. I really like you, Rei," Shinji said, nervously. "Well, let's get to school!" Rei beamed and pulled Shinji towards the school. -E- -V- -A- Like the previous day, Asuka didn't show up for school, so Shinji and Rei went to her place after school. "Come on, Asuka, open up!" Shinji shouted, as he pounded on the door to Asuka's apartment. There was no response. "Asuka, I'm sorry. It didn't mean anything. I was just joking around," Rei said. There was still no response. "Asuka, just let us in so we can talk to you. Rei didn't know you'd get this upset over the kiss." "I'll call the police if you and that lesbian don't leave!" Asuka voice replied from within the apartment. "I'm not a lesbian!" Rei shouted back. "Prove it!" was Asuka's reply. Rei started. "Huh? How?" Asuka thought for a moment. She had no real answer to that. "Have sex with Shinji!" she finally said, knowing that Rei would never do it. "Okay, can we use your bed?" Rei quickly replied. Shinji gaped at Rei in shock. Sounds of a teenage girl falling down followed by the sounds of laughter could be heard from within the apartment. Rei and Shinji looked concerned and then confused when the laughter started. "Are you okay, Asuka?" The answer was in the form of the door opening to reveal Asuka in some old worn pajamas and still giggling. "Come on in. If you'd go so far as offering to fuck this little boy, you must be really sorry," she said, motioning them to come in. "Hey! Who are you calling a little boy!" Shinji shouted, but followed Rei into the apartment. "You." Shinji fumed as they went into the living room and sat down. "So, where's the bed?" Rei calmly asked. Asuka chuckled. "Ha ha. Don't worry I wouldn't make anyone do THAT with Shinji." "HEY!!!" "I am sorry, Asuka. My old girlfriends and I used to practice kissing all the time. Mostly on the backs of our hands, but we kissed each other a few times. It's no big deal." "I guess. It just freaked me out that you'd do that." "I'm sorry if I ruined your first time." "First time? Hardly," Asuka insisted. Rei and Shinji both had their doubts about her sincerity. "I'm sure you must have lots of boys wanting to kiss you, Asuka," Rei suggested. "I guess." -E- -V- -A- After some of the damage between Rei and Asuka had been repaired, Rei and Shinji walked toward the door, but Asuka pulled Shinji back. "Just a second, Shinji." Rei didn't notice and left the apartment. "Something wrong, Asuka?" Shinji asked. Asuka response was to pull Shinji close to her and give him a long kiss. When she broke it and pulled her tongue out of his mouth, she said, "I'll just consider that my first kiss." Shinji eyes were wide open with shock. He didn't move until he heard Rei's voice calling him. "Shinji? Is something wrong?" "Nope. Coming!" Shinji replied and slowly walked towards the door. He glanced behind him once more to see Asuka standing looking at him with a smile on her lips. Unfortunately, Touji wasn't around or he'd be more than happy to provide Shinji with some suggestions, most of them illegal. Asuka watched Shinji walk away. Apparently, she wasn't quite as forgiving as she had said. -E- -V- -A- "In the hallway two days in a row, that's unusual even for you, Touji," Hikari said, as she walked home with Touji. "I don't know why she got so upset! I didn't lie, she was really fucking that guy!" Touji professed his innocence. Hikari shook her head sadly. "You really don't get it, do you? Girls don't like to be treated as objects. Telling everyone about Misato and her boyfriend must have made her feel degraded in front of the whole school." "Well, why is she always wearing those skimpy outfits then?!" "Because that's the only way you boys will pay attention to her in class!" Touji frowned. "You really think so?" Hikari rolled her eyes. "Yes, I really think so." "Oh," Touji said flatly, then suddenly asked, "Hikari, when are you and I going to fuck?" Hikari stopped in her tracks and placed her head in her hands. "I just don't believe you sometimes." "What?" Touji asked, confused. Nothing new there. "We just talked about not degrading women and you say something like that," Hikari replied. She thought for a few seconds then said, "Tell you what, Slick. If you can keep from making any vile, degrading, sexist, or otherwise stupid comments for the next month I'll rock your world." Touji grinned broadly. he thought to himself, but then realized he could never last a month. "A month? God! I couldn't last that long unless I was Kensuke! Let's make it a day?" Hikari snickered, she had expected this. "Three weeks." "A week." Hikari seemed consider it for a few seconds. "Fourteen days, and that's my last offer." Without thinking Touji shouted, "No... two weeks!" Hikari almost burst out laughing at Touji's slip-up, but then decided to use it to her advantage. "Two weeks? Well, okay, but I doubt you'll be able to do it," she agreed, mostly because she had two weeks in mind originally. Truth be told, she was looking forward to this as well. She just had to make sure Touji earned it, didn't she? "Ha! With your sweet nectar as the prize, I'll be banging your hot wet pussy in just over two weeks!" "You already lost with that comment," Hikari remarked, grinning. "What! That wasn't vile!" "You're hopeless, Touji," she replied, giving him a quick kiss. "Okay, starting now. If you can make it for two weeks then I'll give you a night you'll never forget." "Just wait till you taste my manhood." Hikari sighed. "Okay, starting NOW! And you can't tell anyone about the bet!" Touji opened his mouth to complain, but then wisely shut it again. He nodded his agreement. "Good boy, you're learning," Hikari said, patting him on his head. Touji was disappointed that she chose the head on the end of his neck, but wisely chose not to say anything. -E- -V- -A- Rei hung on Shinji's arm as they walked through the park after leaving Asuka's place. "Hey, Shinji?" "Yes?" "Want to go to my place? My mom and sister are gone today." Shinji gulped. "Yeah, sure. Have any good games to play?" "I'm sure I can find something... exciting... for you to play with." -E- -V- -A- "Mom? Sis? Are you home?" Rei called out as he opened the door. Nothing was heard, so she let Shinji in and then locked the door. Shinji was nervously wringing his hands. Rei smiled at his nervousness. "No need to be nervous, Shinji." She leaned over and kissed Shinji on his trembling lips. Rei led Shinji down the hallway, but as they passed the family room he turned and went in. Rei looked puzzled. Rei thought, letting Shinji lead her to the family room. "What do you want to do?" "Whatever," Rei said, still trying to figure out if Shinji didn't intend to have sex with her. A plan formed in her head. "I'll get something to eat and drink. Can you find something to watch on TV?" "Sure," Shinji agreed, and sat down and started flipping through the channels while Rei went to the kitchen. She came back with a tray of soda, popcorn, potato chips, and Green Soy dip. Shinji looked up and gasped in surprise. His chin crashed to the floor. "Rei?" "Yes?" "Why aren't you wearing any clothes?" Rei looked down at her naked body and looked confused. "Huh? I've got my dress on." "Are you sure?" Shinji asked, shaking his head to clear it. When he looked again, Rei was still naked. "Yes, you've got a pretty active imagination there, Shinji," Rei said, smiling. She walked over to Shinji and gave him a long kiss. Shinji felt her naked breasts pressed against his chest. he thought, but then remembered the time he thought he saw Misato naked in his kitchen. Rei broke the kiss and then lay down on her stomach with her bare bottom pointed directly at Shinji. "Come on, Shinji, lay down here next to me." "Okay." Shinji gulped. He grabbed a can of soda and lay down next to Rei's naked body. Rei and Shinji started pigging out on the snacks. Shinji couldn't help occasionally glancing at Rei's naked body as they watched the show. -E- -V- -A- Misato had just finished taking a bath and was watching the news in her bedroom. She finished drying her legs and pulled her panties on. As she pulled a long T-shirt over her head, she heard the announcer say something that caught her attention. "Today, Mr. Ryouji Kaji, a candidate for the mayor of Tokyo-3, was rumored to be having an affair with a local woman." Misato gasped. "Shit, someone in the press heard Touji's story." "We caught up to Mr. Kaji at his home." Misato was watching the screen intensely as it showed a house in one of the few areas of Tokyo-3 that had single family homes. she thought as she watched a reporter trying to get Kaji to talk. "I'm telling you that I don't know what you're talking about! I don't know the woman you described!" Kaji insisted. "But word is that she's a local school teacher and one of her students saw you in the park with her," the reporter insisted. "Nonsense!" "What does your fiancee think about you having an affair?" Fiancee. Fiancee. Fiancee. The word reverberated in Misato's head and across an empty theater. "Fi... an... cee?" both Misatos stuttered. "I'm telling you that these stories are groundless. I love Maya with all my heart, I'd never cheat on her," Kaji declared his innocence again. "Maya?" Misato reached over and turned the television off. "He's engaged to someone else? No. How could you do this to me, Kaji?" She broke down and started to cry. "Not another love triangle. I can't handle another after competing with Ritsuko in college for..." She trailed off as her tears overcame her ability to talk. -E- -V- -A- "No way!" Misato screamed in the theater. "What's the matter, Misato? Didn't you say that Shinji's world wasn't perfect?" Asuka gloated. "Yes, but not Kaji! He would never cheat on me, no matter what world he was in!" Misato's words didn't even convince herself, let alone the others. "And with meek little Maya? Impossible." "Ms. Akagi used to say that she dated Mr. Kaji," Rei mentioned. Misato glared at Rei. "Shut up! He wasn't dating me back then... not officially. Damn, why couldn't Shinji have figured out this world was just a fantasy and come back to reality before now?" Asuka clicked a button on the remote control. "Well, looks like Shinji is having a lot of fun in his fantasy world, so why should he end it?" "Hmmmm, switch over there and see how he likes a taste of his own medicine," Misato instructed, hoping that she didn't have to watch her relationship with Kaji fall apart again. Unreal or not, it hurt to watch. "Sure, ain't picture-in-picture great?" Asuka asked, as she swapped the main viewpoint with the small preview viewpoint that was showing Shinji and Rei lying on the floor. "I'm sure he'll find me quite tasty," Rei said, straight-faced. Misato and Asuka gaped at Rei in astonishment. Beads of sweat dripped down their shocked faces. -E- -V- -A- After the show was over, Rei stood up and smiled at Shinji. "Hey, Shinji?" Shinji looked up and blushed as he got a great view of Rei's naked body. The kind of views you find in every men's magazine except Playboy. Meaning Shinji could see everything in its full glory, not that she had staples in her skin, of course. "Yy... yes?" "Want to help me off with my dress?" "Sss... sure," Shinji replied and stood up. Shinji felt for the dress, but his hands only met naked flesh. "Err..." "What's wrong?" Rei asked, innocently. "You're already naked," Shinji finally realized, or at least got up the nerve to mention it. Rei grinned. "Took you long enough to notice." She wrapped her arms around Shinji's neck and pulled him into a long kiss. After the kiss ended, Shinji looked down and took another look at Rei's beautiful body. "Um, I thought I was dreaming." Rei smiled. "You're not. You really need to try to figure out what's real and what's not." "I guess. Sometimes it just seems like you're my dream girl and too good to be true." "And what's wrong with that?" Rei asked, as she started to undo Shinji's pants. "Nothing," was all Shinji managed to say before his pants hit the floor. His shirt and shorts quickly joined them. Shinji was unable to restrain himself any longer, so he pushed Rei clumsily onto the sofa and started to kiss her. Rei ran her hands up and down his sides as he started nibbling on her neck and then moved to her breasts. "You are beautiful," he said, between bites. "Bet you say that to all the girls you fuck." "So far," Shinji replied, smirking. "Mr. Shinji has a sense of humor. Well, your choice what to do next." Shinji gulped and motioned Rei to lay back. She did. He sat down beside her and gave her a deep kiss, then started exploring her breasts. His hands had only paused at the breasts before they started to move lower. "Not so fast, Shinji. Enjoy the trip to heaven," Rei said softly. Shinji slowed and returned to her breasts. Eventually he started to explore with his lips and tongue. "You taste great," Shinji mentioned between licks. Back in the theater, Rei smiled slightly and looked over at Misato and Asuka. "Looks like he's less filling to me," Asuka said, motioning toward Shinji's penis. "Give it up, Asuka! Shinji's bigger than Kaji!" Misato blurted, apparently sick of Asuka's comments about the size of Shinji's penis. "Yeah, right!" Asuka snorted, then frowned. "Really?" Misato didn't say anything. Rei just look aback at the viewpoint where the aforementioned body part was showing Rei how much Shinji enjoyed the view. "Glad you like the view." Rei rose from the sofa and pushed Shinji down. She reached over to a small table and pulled a condom out of a drawer. Shinji gulped when he saw her unroll the condom over his mighty oak, which grew mightier at Rei's touch. "Ready to go to heaven?" Rei asked. Shinji nodded without speaking. Rei slid on top of Shinji and straddled his legs. Shinji reached up, grabbed her breasts, and kneaded them between his fingers. Shinji gasped as Rei lowered herself onto his lap. His split second of ecstasy was interrupted by a shout. "Rei, what the fuck are you doing!" a shocked Ritsuko screamed. Startled Rei and Shinji both looked over to see Rei's sister standing in the doorway to the family room. Shinji lost his voice, but Rei didn't. "I'm fucking my boyfriend, what does it look like?! Get the hell out of here, sis!!" "You stupid little brat! Do you want to get pregnant again?" Shinji was, to say the least, shocked. [End - Garden of EVA 0:7 - Love Triangles Bite!] ======================================================================= Author's notes/ramblings: And then the readers were shocked that I'd end on a cliffhanger like that... sorry. Talk about being caught in an embarrassing position. Things really start to bite in the next part. Yes, I know that Playboy hasn't used staples in years, but the joke was funny (I hope). I'd like to thank my pre-readers Mark Eymer, Ryan Erik, Anders Holmberg, James Grabowski, Dennis, and Arnold Callwood for helping me find and fix problems with this story. FFML members Thomas Kinnen and Chris Davies were also helpful in fine tuning this story. Thank you all. Of course in the end, any mistakes and botched characters are my fault. Revision 0.0 - Initial draft (October 28, 1998) Revision 0.1 - Pre-reader draft (January 4, 1999) Revision 0.2 - FFML draft (January 12, 1998) Revision 1.0 - First RAAC posting (January 25, 1998)