From: Jim Lazar Subject: [Eva][FanFic] Garden of EVA 0:8 - Rei's Past Bites! [EVA][Fanfic][Lime] Garden of EVA 0:8 - Rei's Past Bites! ======================================================================= Garden of EVA 0:8 - Rei's Past Bites! Neon Genesis Evangelion characters and situations created and Copyright by Gainax, Project Eva, ADV Films - Used without permission Garden of EVA series created, written, and copyright 1998 by Jim Lazar A biting series set within episode 26 of Neon Genesis Evangelion "Speech text in double quotes is spoken as Japanese." E-mail comments and/or criticisms to: Previous parts and my other fanfiction can be found at: ======================================================================= Warning: Lots of sex, nudity, and bad language in this story. But then, you should know that by now if you've been paying attention. ======================================================================= Just a reminder: Garden of EVA takes place within episode 26 of the original Neon Genesis Evangelion TV series. The events and continuity of the Eva movies are not part of the Garden of EVA 'universe' although I can't promise some elements won't slip in. ======================================================================= A few semi-dark moments in this part as Shinji deals with Rei's past. ======================================================================= "Ready to go to heaven?" Rei asked. Shinji nodded without speaking. Rei slid on top of Shinji and straddled his legs. Shinji reached up, grabbed her breasts, and kneaded them between his fingers. Shinji gasped as Rei lowered herself onto his lap. His split second of ecstasy was interrupted by a shout. "Rei, what the fuck are you doing!" a shocked Ritsuko screamed. Startled Rei and Shinji both looked over to see Rei's sister standing in the doorway to the family room. Shinji lost his voice, but Rei didn't. "I'm fucking my boyfriend, what does it look like?! Get the hell out of here, sis!!" "You stupid little brat! Do you want to get pregnant again?" Shinji was, to say the least, shocked. Ritsuko walked over and pulled Rei off Shinji's... mighty oak. Since she wasn't exactly careful when doing it, Shinji cried out in pain and grabbed his now leaning tower of penis. "I can't believe after what that bastard Hasamoto did to you that you'd get into another relationship with some horny little dickhead!" Ritsuko yelled. Rei glared at her sister. "Shut the fuck up! Shinji's not like that! He's nice and would never hurt me." Shinji was still so shocked by the revelation that Rei had a child, that he hadn't regained motor control. He just stood still and tried to follow the argument in front of him, forgetting that he was naked. "He's a boy isn't he? They're all alike, Rei! He'll fuck you, get you pregnant, and then dump you!" "Shut up. Just because your love life sucks, doesn't mean that every boy is like that!" Rei yelled back at her sister. "Besides! He has a condom on!" She gestured to Shinji's still covered penis. "Oh, I'm so damn proud of you for using a condom!" Ritsuko pulled her arm back as if to hit Rei. Regaining his motor control, Shinji leapt between Rei and Ritsuko. "Don't hit her!" he screamed. Ritsuko glared at Shinji. "You shut up! You have a lot of nerve to fuck my little sister with that little twig of yours!" Shinji fumed. "Better than fucking an old hag like you!" he snapped. He regretted it as soon as Ritsuko grabbed him by his condom-covered penis in a vicious vise-like grip and dragged him towards the door. Shinji was screaming in pain the whole way, trying to break her hold on his penis. "Get out! If you ever see my sister again, I'll make sure you can never fuck another girl... ever!" Ritsuko yelled, shoving Shinji out the door. Shinji swore a blue streak and pounded on the door. Then he finally noticed he was still naked. "Oh... crap!" He pounded on the door some more, but then as doors started to open, he realized that he should get out of there fast. He ran down the hall, trying to hide his privates. As he ran, various people stuck their heads out their doors and watched the nude boy run by. One older woman smiled as Shinji passed her. "Gee, it used to be you only saw streakers in the park." Her thoughts were of the tall dark haired boy that she had seen days earlier in a nearby park. Her little daughter poked her head out, interrupted her mother's fantasies, and asked, "Mommy, what was that big long thing?" Her mother blushed, then tried to find the right words. "Umm... well that is... an oak tree. All boys have them." She frowned after saying the words. "What are they used for?" the child asked, innocently. "Well, ones like that can make mommy really happy," the woman said, ushering her confused daughter back inside their apartment. One teenage girl stuck her head out and frowned at seeing Shinji's retreating buttocks. "Damn, thought it was that cute Rei from my class streaking instead of a butt-ugly boy." She sighed and went back inside. Inside her apartment, Rei was calmly redressing and ignoring her sister's incessant scolding. When she finished, she gathered up Shinji's clothes. "Rei, what am I going to do with you? I don't want you to end up pregnant again," Ritsuko said. "Shut up, Sis. You're not my mother." Ritsuko flinched. "No, but Mom and I love you and don't want to see you ruin your life." "She's not my mother, either!" Rei screamed and then shook her head sadly. "Damn it, I'm not you and Shinji is not Kouzou! Or Hiroshi. Or Yuu. Or Makuru. Or..." Ritsuko interrupted Rei. "Stop changing the subject! This is about you and that little walking cock!" "Stop saying bad things about Shinji! He's nice and kind and would never hurt me!" Rei shouted. "They all are until they get into your pussy, then they change." "Shut up. I love Shinji!" Ritsuko shook her head sadly. "You can't possibly know what love is at fourteen, Rei! Please just go to your room. We'll talk again after we both calm down." Rei looked ready to continue the fight, but then realized that it would be pointless. She stomped down the hall to her bedroom. Ritsuko sat down and cradled her head in her hands. "Oh god, Rei... why do you have to be so much like me?" -E- -V- -A- In the theater, Asuka was sitting cross-legged on the floor and munching on some popcorn. "Damn, this is getting good. Looks like Rei is really screwed up in this universe." "Unfortunately, she won't get screwed tonight," Rei said, sadly watching her other self as she cried into her pillow. Misato could be seen in the background, tearing up pictures of Kaji. "Misato's being two timed, Rei's a slut, and Shinji is running around naked. Looks like I'm the only normal one in that universe." Shinji came out of his trance and glared at Asuka. "Dammit, Asuka! Just shut up! Don't you have any compassion for others?" he shouted. He looked over at Rei and frowned. "I'm sorry, Rei. I wanted to make a world where everyone could be happy. I guess that's a fantasy." "It's okay." "No. Not after what my father did to you. This isn't fair." Shinji grabbed a handful of storyboards that showed his perfect world on them and began to tear them. Rei quickly grabbed his hands and stopped him just in time to keep Shinji's world from collapsing in on itself. "Don't." "But this world's a bust... I'll find a different way to make everyone happy." "It's okay. I don't mind a little pain if she can find happiness in the end with you," Rei said softly, looking into Shinji's eyes. Shinji didn't know what to say, so he held Rei's gaze for an eternity. Or what passed for an eternity in the timeless aftermath of Third Impact. He broke the gaze after he felt a twitch from his lower body. He quickly turned away, a deep blush appearing on his face. "Are you sure?" Shinji asked, glancing back at Rei. Rei nodded, the blush on her own normally pale face very evident. Just as he was about return his trance, he grabbed the popcorn out of Asuka's hands. "And I've told you not to eat MY popcorn, Asuka!" He took a handful of the popcorn, ate it, and then threw the rest in the trash. His eyes became vacant again as he returned to his contemplation of his perfect world, which was not so perfect anymore. Assuming it ever was perfect, that is. Rei exhaled, as if relieved. "Doesn't matter... he'll figure out that his life sucks no matter what universe he's in," Asuka mentioned. Rei snapped her head around. "Shut up!" she yelled. Asuka recoiled at the outburst from the normally calm Rei. -E- -V- -A- Misato walked slowly through the park with the latest in a string of beers clasped in her hand, barely looking where she was going. In fact, several times she hit a pole or trash can. She kept picturing the interview she saw with Kaji and his 'fiancee'. "That two timing jackass! How dare he propose to me when he already had a fiancee! Hic!" She continued her rants, some aloud and some silent, as she walked. She was so preoccupied that she didn't see the person who barreled into her and knocked her over. The two figures crashed to the ground. "Shit! Jackass, look where you..." She trailed off as she saw who had ran into her. "Shinji?" Shinji looked up from between Misato's breasts, which was where his head had landed. "Misato?" He gasped and slid off his teacher. "Um, sorry..." Misato finally got a good look at Shinji. "What the f... hic... fuck is the matter with you boys! Always running around nak... nak... without clothes on!!" Shinji gasped and covered himself with his hands. "Err... well... it's a long story." "I bet it is. Jeez, why are men such sexy... sex starved maniacs?" Shinji had the feeling she wasn't talking about him anymore, but considering his current state of dress, he decided to not say anything. "My god, you even have a condom on! Hic! What a little pervert!" Misato grabbed Shinji's penis and pulled the condom off, making a loud snap. "Little boy's shouldn't play with fire, Shinji." "I'm not a little boy!" Shinji screamed. Misato turned around and chuckled. "No, maybe you're not. Too bad, that means you're just like all of those other men out there." A tear rolled down her cheek. She looked down at her hand and felt the condom between her fingers. "Hmmm... maybe I should give Kaji a... hic... taste of his own medicine. Shinji?" She turned around and saw that Shinji had already run off, missing a once in a lifetime chance. She shrugged, took another swig of beer, and started walking aimlessly again. -E- -V- -A- "Looks like Shinji ran off too fast! He missed his chance to fuck Misato," Asuka said, between chuckles. "Shut up, Asuka!" Misato screamed. Asuka frowned. "Third Impact is really starting to bite." "I'm so sorry to spoil the end of the world for you," Misato muttered. She grabbed another picture of Kaji from the Xerox machine and ripped it in half. -E- -V- -A- "Blam! Blam!" Kensuke called out holding a stick in front of him as it was a rifle. Then he rolled partway down the hill and then sprang to his feet and aimed his 'weapon'. "Blam! Blam!" Suddenly he clutched his chest, fell to the ground, and fell the rest of the way down the hill. As he reached the bottom he collided with something and went spinning into the nearby lake. Kensuke flapped around for a few seconds in the deep water and then managed grab the edge of the embankment. He looked around looking for the person he crashed into. "Damn, it! Look where you be going! Hic!" "Misato? I'm sorry, I was just..." Kensuke said, then paused. Not wanting to say he was playing war, he just said, "I just fell." Misato pulled herself out of the lake and held out a hand for Kensuke. Kensuke reached up, grabbed her hand, and was pulled out of the cold lake. Then his glasses fogged over when he got a perfect view of Misato's breasts through her wet blouse. The water was apparently very cold, since her nipples stood out clearly under the fabric. "Well, at least you're not naked," Misato muttered, looking around for her can of beer. She spotted it floating in the lake. "Shit, that can was full." "Huh?" Kensuke finished wiping his glasses off and squeezed some water out of his clothes. Misato shrugged. "Nothing. What are you... hic... doing out so late?" Kensuke snapped to attention. "I finished my homework, Miss Katsuragi!" "Relax, Kensuke, I'm not your teacher right now." Misato started walking. Not knowing what else to do, Kensuke fell in beside her. "Oh. What are you doing out so late then?" "Just thinking. Hic." Kensuke remarked to himself. They walked a little further, more by accident than intending to walk together. "Um, I'll see you at school," Kensuke said suddenly, wanting to get out of this awkward situation. Misato frowned. "Can you please just walk some more with me?" Kensuke was baffled, but agreed. They walked silently, if a little erratically due to Misato's current state of intoxication, for about fifteen minutes until they found themselves in front of Misato's apartment building. Misato looked at the door to her building for a few moments, trying to make sure it was hers. Since her eyes wouldn't focus, she couldn't be sure. "Hmmm, care to come up?" Kensuke couldn't believe this was happening. His brain said this was a mistake and he should be a gentleman and decline, but his hormones said, "Go for it, you wimp!" His hormones won out. Fourteen-year-old hormones are very powerful. -E- -V- -A- Shinji was almost home when he crashed into someone who had been standing near his apartment building. The two figures rolled over and crashed into some bushes. "I'm sorry," Shinji gasped, then made to get away. The voice of the person he'd crashed into stopped him cold. "Shinji? Isn't it a bit cold to be streaking?" Asuka calmly asked while taking in the view. "Asuka! Um... it's a long story." "No, it looks pretty short to me," Asuka insisted. She nodded down towards Shinji's groin and smirked. Shinji seethed and slid his hands over his privates. "What would you know about that?" Asuka recoiled. "I know plenty." "You don't know anything! You always call me a little boy, but you're just a little girl yourself." Asuka was startled by Shinji's sudden change in attitude. "What's gotten into you?" "Nothing..." Technically he had gotten into something, but was rudely interrupted. He wasn't about to tell Asuka about that, of course. "Yeah, right. Shinji, I've been your friend for years, tell me what's wrong," Asuka said, taking Shinji's hands in hers. This of course revealed his privates again, which Asuka noticed with a smirk. Shinji wasn't about to tell her the whole story, but found himself wanting to talk about it. But first there was something he had to take care of. "Err... can I get up to my room and get dressed before we talk about this?" Asuka grinned. "If you insist, Shinji." -E- -V- -A- Later, Shinji was dressed and sitting on the bed next to Asuka. "I don't know... I liked this person, but things have suddenly become very complicated." Asuka tried not to react to that statement. While Asuka's inflated ego scolded herself, Shinji continued, "All the time I thought our relationship was progressing well, but suddenly I'm confronted with this situation... I don't know what to do." Asuka didn't know what to say at first, but then came to a decision. "Shinji, I'm sorry that I confused you with that kiss." Shinji looked up at Asuka, confused. "What?" Asuka pulled Shinji into a tight embrace. "I like you a lot, Shinji." She pulled away and then planted a hot, wet kiss on Shinji's lips. Shinji was shocked first, but then got into the sensation and the two teenagers started making out on his bed. -E- -V- -A- Asuka was chuckling in the theater. "Looks like I'm going to get to pop Shinji's cherry before you." Rei frowned. "I think he's already lost his virginity to my other self." Asuka huffed. "What? Being inside that little slut's vagina for a second or two? I don't think that counts. He has to come inside her..." "She's not a slut," Rei calmly insisted. "Yeah? Look at what she's doing right now!" Asuka pointed to the smaller picture-in-picture viewpoint. It showed the other Rei in her bathtub, moaning Shinji's name. "Asuka and Rei, will you two please shut up! Why the hell do you two care about this anyway? It's not REAL!" Misato screamed from her nest of torn up Kaji pictures. "You seem pretty upset about Kaji cheating on that other Misato..." Asuka mentioned, smiling. "I am not!" Misato insisted, pounding her fist against the wall. This caused a straw figure, which looked suspiciously like Kaji, to fall out of its hiding place and hang from a noose. A small dagger was stuck in its side. Asuka smirked, then turned back to Rei. "Tell you what Rei... let's have a little bet." "Bet?" Rei asked, confused. "Whichever of our alter egos goes all the way with Shinji in his little fantasy world wins the bet." "All the way?" Asuka smirked. "Man, you are hopeless. Okay let me put it this way: The first girl he comes inside of wins the bet. Understand?" Rei nodded. "Yes, that is acceptable. But what is the prize?" "Good question... material goods aren't really useful since Third Impact," Asuka said, thinking furiously. "Misato, you have any ideas?" "Oh, just fuck the real Shinji why don't you?!" Misato screamed, meaning it as a joke. Misato went back to watching her alter ego doing something on one of the small viewpoints, not that she'd admit that she was really watching it. She'd never imagined she could do that with Kensuke, or any kid. She frowned as a sudden movement from the viewpoint caught her eye. She tilted her head and her eyes widened in amazement. "Damn... Kensuke is pretty good for a beginner." Asuka took Misato's remark literally. "Great idea! Winner gets to fuck this little boy in front of us... for real." "Deal," Rei agreed, without hesitation. Asuka shook Rei's hand to seal the deal and smirked. It never occurred to her to wonder why she agreed to the prize; she had no desire to have sex with Shinji, did she? -E- -V- -A- Shinji had Asuka's nipple between his lips when Asuka suddenly gasped and pulled away from him. She closed her blouse and stared at Shinji. "Damn, what do you think you're doing!" Shinji bowed his head. "I'm sorry. I couldn't restrain myself." "Dumpfbacke! I just kissed you. That doesn't give you the right to do that!" Shinji frowned. Rei had never complained. "I'm sorry, Asuka." "You should be! Damn, you slobbered all over my breasts! Ick!" Asuka snapped, wiping her breasts off. Inwardly, she knew she had enjoyed the sensation, but wasn't ready to go further. Not yet, anyway. She finished re-buttoning her blouse, then walked to the door. Before leaving, she looked back and smiled sweetly. "Shinji, let's take this a little slower. You can take me on a date tomorrow night. Okay?" "Err... okay." -E- -V- -A- "Damn! I screwed myself!" Asuka bellowed, dropping to the floor of the theater and placing her head in her hands. "Maybe she will masturbate later, but she doesn't appear to be doing it now," Rei remarked, straight-faced. Asuka wasn't sure if Rei was making a joke or not, but she didn't care. "Just shut up, will you?" -E- -V- -A- Kensuke awoke the next morning and opened his eyes. He blinked a few times and tried to make out what was in front of his face. He squinted and then recognized it. He recoiled from the breasts lying in front of him and fell onto the floor making a lot of noise in the process. This woke Misato up. Misato rubbed her eyes and saw the naked boy on the floor. "Kensuke! God, you're just like Shinji and Touji!" "Huh?" Kensuke looked around for his clothes, but didn't see them anywhere. "Always running around naked! And you broke into my apartment, too!!" "No, I didn't!" Misato seemed to notice for the first time that she was also naked, so she covered herself up quickly. "Slimy little boy... I bet you jerked off over my naked body!" "No! What kind of slimy pervert would do that!" Kensuke proclaimed his innocence. "You invited me up here!" Misato frowned and scratched her head, trying to remember last night. Some details started to pop back into her mind. "Oh god, no. How could I sleep with a little boy." Kensuke's ego deflated as if popped with a pin. Misato suddenly realized something, slipped her hands under the sheets, and checked something. The sticky feeling she found did not reassure her. "Oh no..." She buried her head in her hands and started to cry. Kensuke was torn between comforting her, finding his clothes, and wanting to fuck her again. He knew the latter wasn't likely to happen again and he might be punched if he tried the former, so he chose to look for his clothes. Misato looked up at hearing him move around. "What are you doing?" Kensuke looked up and blushed. "Err... looking for my clothes." "Good. Find them and get out!" Misato snapped. "Yes, ma'am!" Kensuke snapped to attention, in every possible way since the sheet had fallen off Misato's body. "And don't you dare tell anyone about this!" A pillow was thrown and hit Kensuke hard in the face. "I mean it. If I hear anything about this, I'll make Lorena Bobbitt look like a surgeon!" Kensuke gulped as he recalled the infamous penis butcher of the last century. He retrieved his pants from on top of a tall cabinet where they had been thrown. He slipped them on, grabbed his shirt, and ran from the room. In his haste, he left his shoes and underwear behind. "And I won't leave anything that can be reattached!" Misato shouted at the retreating teenager. After he had gone, Misato held her legs tightly and curled up into a ball. "Shit, I better not get pregnant." She rocked back and forth for awhile and concluded, "This is all your fault, Kaji." -E- -V- -A- Instead of going to school, Misato decided to confront Kaji. She didn't want a repeat of last night if she could help it. She also knew she couldn't face the students. Even if they didn't know what happened, she did. She stood in front of a little house and pressed the doorbell. A young woman in a maid's outfit answered it. At first, Misato was going to punch her, but then she realized it was not the woman named Maya that Misato had seen on the news, who was also Kaji's fiancee. "Can I help you?" the young woman asked. "I'd like to see Mr. Kaji, please," Misato asked, a tremble in her voice. "I'm sorry, but he isn't seeing anyone today." "He'll see me." "And you are?" "Misato Katsuragi." "I'm really sorry, but Ms. Ibuki has specifically said that you are not allowed." Misato snapped and landed a backhand to the maid's face, causing the young woman to fall to the ground. She stepped over the prone woman and made her way inside. "Kaji!" "Oh god. Misato... this isn't a good time," Kaji said as he came around a corner. He quickly looked around, to make sure they were alone. "Please, I'll explain everything... but not here... and not now." "Not good enough. I want to know about this little tramp, Maya, right now." "She's not a tramp." "So that would mean I am?" Kaji put on a dashing smile and cupped Misato's head in his hand. "No, you are my most precious love." For a second it looked like he would kiss her, but then suddenly he shoved her outside and slammed the door shut. A bewildered Misato sat on her butt and looked at the closed door with amazement. She jumped to her feet and started pounding on the door. "Kaji! You jerk!" Back inside, Kaji was kneeling over the maid while Maya looked on from behind him. "What's going on?" Maya asked. "Just that crazy woman who's been spreading those rumors," Kaji said, trying to wake up the maid. "She barged in and hurt Hanaki." Maya frowned. "She had better just be a crazy woman. If I find out it's true, Daddy will withdraw his support for your campaign." A dashing smile crossed Kaji's face and he stood up, dropping the maid's head in the process. He walked over to Maya and took her in his arms. "You know I love only you. Father or not, I want to spend my life with you." Maya smiled and leaned up for a kiss. Kaji obliged her. -E- -V- -A- In addition to Misato, Rei didn't show up for school either. So Shinji sat awkwardly in homeroom and tried to avoid looking at Asuka. He looked up when Touji and Hikari came in. "Hey, Touji, Hikari." Instead of saying hi, Touji held up a little wooden sign that read, 'Hi.' Hikari smirked when he pulled the sign out. She had made a bet with him yesterday that he couldn't go two weeks without saying anything vile. She had no idea her boyfriend was inventive enough to come up with this idea. "Hi, Shinji." Shinji frowned. "What's with the signs, Touji? Have you been watching too much Shin Seiki Ranma?" Touji chose another sign out of his bag and held it up. It read, 'I have laryngitis that will last for 13 more days'. Hikari chuckled. "Exactly thirteen more days?" Shinji asked. Touji nodded. "What about the Eva championships?" Touji held up a sign that read, 'No problem'. "Good, we probably should do some training before we leave." "Good idea. Asuka, is that okay with you?" Hikari asked, looking over at Asuka. "Um, is Rei still going to be playing with us?" Asuka asked. "Yes, she is," Shinji declared, then glared at Asuka. "You have a problem with our FRIEND, Rei, playing with us?" Asuka blinked, astonished at Shinji's resolve. "No... I guess not." Shinji relaxed inwardly. "Good." Touji leaned over to Hikari and held up a sign that read, 'What's up between Shinji and Asuka?' "Don't know... you think they had a fight?" Hikari whispered to him. Touji shrugged. Their discussion was interrupted when Kensuke walked into the classroom. Actually, it was more like he strutted in. "Hey, Kensuke, we were just talking about getting some practice in for the Eva Championships," Shinji said. Kensuke looked up and adjusted his glasses, in a fashion that he had decided made him look more manly and mature. It took him a half an hour in front of a mirror that morning to perfect that manly look. "Well, Eva is so childish, but I will still play with my dear friends." The others all looked at him oddly, wondering why he was acting like some evil madman from a B-movie. -E- -V- -A- After school, Shinji waited hidden outside Rei's apartment for her sister to leave. An older woman was with Ritsuko when she left. Shinji couldn't be sure that she was Rei's adoptive mother since he had never met her, but he decided to risk it because he desperately wanted to talk to Rei. He knocked on the door to Rei's apartment. After a few seconds the door opened, revealing Rei in a T-shirt and panties. "Shinji?" Rei brushed her hair out of the way and rubbed her eyes, she had obviously been crying. Her feelings at seeing him were mixed: happy that he was there and sad at what she assumed was a visit to break up with her. "Rei, I wanted to talk to you." Rei gulped, then motioned Shinji to come in. "The wicked witch and my mom are gone. Probably to arrange to move again." "Move?" "Yeah, they are talking about moving because of what happened yesterday. They always overreact trying to preserve their supposedly clean image in the community." They reached the living room and sat down on the sofa. "I'm sorry. It's my fault," Shinji said, after an awkward pause. Rei smiled weakly. "No, it's mine. I wanted a nice boyfriend so badly that I pushed too hard and was careless." "Well, you did use a condom," Shinji said, trying to break the tension. Rei chuckled. "I should have gone to a hotel with you instead." "Maybe. Um, where is your kid anyway?" Shinji asked the question that had been haunting him since last night. Rei gasped and looked downward, trying to hide her shame from Shinji. "Um, I don't have one." "But your sister said..." Rei interrupted Shinji. "I... I had a miscarriage after my old boyfriend beat me up when I told him I was pregnant." "Oh no... I'm sorry." Shinji tried to say something more, but couldn't find the words, so he just put his hand over Rei's. Rei didn't look up. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but after all that happened in Osaka-2, I knew no one would want a slut like me as a girlfriend." "I don't think you're a slut." "I am. I know it now. I used to do things..." Rei trailed off and looked down at the floor. "What things?" "Bad things. After the miscarriage, I was so confused..." Rei trailed off again, then seemed to switch thoughts. "If I can't even get a great guy like you when I put out, what use is there in even trying. No one's going to want damaged goods." Shinji smiled. "It may surprise you, but I knew you weren't a virgin." Rei looked up. "Really? Damn... what gave me away?" Shinji burst out laughing. "Well, for one thing no one else I know could put a condom on so easily without some practice. I know I couldn't." Rei allowed herself to smirk. "Oh... Well, I'm glad you came and let me explain. I hope I haven't been too much of a pain." She got up and started to walk away, but Shinji grabbed her hand and yanked her back. "Are you breaking up with me?" Rei just stared at Shinji for several seconds. "Huh? You're the one who's here to break up with me..." "No, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Your sister was pretty mad last night." A tear rolled down Rei's cheek. "I... I... can't believe you would want to keep seeing me after knowing my past." The tears were flowing readily. "Your past doesn't matter," Shinji said, pulling her into a hug. He knew it did bug him a bit, but he wasn't going to hold it against her. Without lifting her head from Shinji's chest, Rei asked, "And if I say I can't have sex with you?" Shinji flinched. "I'd be unhappy, but to tell you the truth, sometimes your forwardness scared me." "I love you, Shinji." Shinji stiffened. "I... err... ah..." "Shhhh, you don't have to say anything. Let's stay like this for a bit longer." Rei felt Shinji's arms tighten around her and the two teenagers held the embrace, afraid to let go. -E- -V- -A- "Awwwww, how freaking sweet," Asuka said as she looked at the hugging couple on the viewpoint. Then she smacked the Shinji in the theater with her on the head. "God dammit, Asuka! Stop hitting me already!" Shinji yelled rubbing his head. "Two timing louse! Leading me on and then running to Rei when I wouldn't fuck you!" "Shut up! Who'd want to fuck a bitch like you!" Asuka recoiled. "Damn, when did you grow a spine?" Shinji ignored Asuka and looked over at Rei. "Are you sure you want this world to continue? It looks like you went through hell." Rei nodded. "It's okay." "No it's not okay!" Misato snapped and stormed over to Shinji. "How dare you make a world where Kaji doesn't love me!" "Misato... I'm sorry, but when I envisioned this world, I did think that Kaji loved you. I don't know what happened..." "So tear it up then!" Misato screamed, pointing at the storyboards in front of Shinji. Shinji glanced at Rei. "I'm sorry, I can't." Misato came over and pressed her naked chest against Shinji's face. "Please?" "Mis...ato?" "Hey, cut that out!" Asuka screamed, pulling Shinji away by his penis. "Owwww!" Shinji screamed in pain. "Will you stop pulling my penis!" "You know you love it!" Asuka remarked. "No, you love it! You god damned tease!" "Who are you calling a tease?!" "You!" "Better than that slut Rei!" Shinji snapped and pulled his arm back, as if to slap Asuka. She cringed backwards. Shinji's eyes widened as he realized what he had almost done. "Oh no... Asuka, I'm sorry. I didn't..." He reached over to assure Asuka that he wouldn't hurt her, but she slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me. You think you're the only one who has it tough, don't you. Only your happiness matters. Only you..." Shinji flinched. "No... I..." "Go back to your little slut," Asuka turned and walked away into the darkness. Shinji dropped to his knees and stared at the ground. "I can't take this any more." Rei and Misato came up and each put a hand on his shoulders. "Yes, you can," Rei said softly. "You can continue, if you choose to," Misato added. "Choose. Is it all about my choice? Was Asuka right? Am I just worried about my happiness?" Misato knelt down in front of Shinji. "No. You wanted to scrap your world because you didn't think Rei was happy." "But..." Rei knelt down. "Things may not be perfect, but aren't they better off than what was?" Shinji nodded, although he was still uncertain if things were better. "But what about Misato?" Misato took a deep breath. "As Asuka said, it's your choice. But to tell you the truth, Kaji never was that faithful to me before." She seemed to straighten suddenly, as if a great weight had been lifted from her shoulders. This caused her breasts to stick out further, but that's not important right now. Neither is the fact that sweat was dripping from them. Really, that's not important to the ongoing story at all. "So you both want this world to continue?" Shinji asked, looking up at them both. Rei nodded right away, but Misato's nod was a little slower in coming. "Okay, but I hope it doesn't get any worse." -E- -V- -A- Rei and Shinji were snuggling together on the couch. "Shinji there's more about me that you should know." Shinji ran his hands gently through her hair. "What?" "Um... after the miscarriage, I guess I was a bit confused and slept with a lot of boys." "That's okay." "And some men." "That's okay." "And some women." Shinji's eye twitched, among other things that twitched. "That's okay." "For money and gifts." Shinji's jaw dropped. "Tha... that's okay." "I also danced naked in front of the entire male student body at my last school." Shinji's body trembled. "That's okay..." "Some of the girls were there too, I think." Shinji's mighty oak twitched again. "Th... they were all lucky to see it. Err... you didn't sleep with all of them, did you?" Rei blushed. "No..." Shinji visibly relaxed. "Just some of them." Shinji grew tense again. Recalling something, Shinji asked, "I thought you said a while back that you weren't a lesbian?" "I'm not." "But you just said..." "Oh, that was just for the money," Rei said, as if that made it all right. "I see." Shinji shuddered. -E- -V- -A- Back in the theater, Rei stood staring at the viewpoint. "Okay, maybe she is a slut," she said calmly. Asuka smirked. "See, told you so." "No need to gloat. It just means I'm sure to win the bet," Rei remarked, confidently. "Ha, the war's not over until the so-called mighty oak blows its load." Rei frowned, as if confused. "I was under the impression that the girl does the blowing?" -E- -V- -A- After a few seconds of silence, Shinji asked, "Is that it?" Rei concentrated. "I think that's the worst of it. Um... actually... you know the sex cheats in the Eva game?" "Yes." "The female Eva bodies are based on mine." Shinji gasped and then thought about it. "I thought your body looked familiar." Rei allowed herself to smile. "Not even the game designer knows that I modeled for those. By the way..." Her latest confession about her adoptive mother being the game designer was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. Rei jumped to her feet. "Oh shit... my mom and sister are back!" She quickly grabbed Shinji and pulled him into her bedroom. "Damn, what'll we do?" Shinji asked, as he looked around her bedroom. A voice called from outside her room. "Rei?!" "Out the window, quick!" Rei said, pointing. Shinji dashed for the window and crawled out onto the narrow ledge. He was going to make his way down, when he heard voices from her room. Rei sat on the bed, shaking her head. "No! I'm not going to move again!" "Rei, it's for the best. Mom is out of town talking with perspective employers right now. You have to stop sleeping with every boy you meet," Ritsuko said, sitting down by Rei's side. "I don't!" "Yeah, right. Then why did I pull you off that little walking cock last night?" Ritsuko asked. Outside, Shinji almost lost his temper and said something before he realized he wasn't exactly in a good position to have an argument with anyone right now. "Shut up, Sis! I've only slept with a few guys. You've probably slept with thousands!" Rei knew she was lying about her own count, but she knew for a fact that her sister had been with many more guys that she had. Shinji chuckled. Without thinking, Ritsuko replied, "Not when I was fourteen!" Rei started laughing. When Ritsuko realized what she said, she blushed. Rei smirked. "Sis, you have no right to call me a tramp when you've had such a sordid love life yourself!" Ritsuko's expression softened and she sat down on a chair across from Rei. "Rei, I don't want you to make the same mistakes I have. Yes, I was having sex when I was your age. That doesn't make it right." "I'm sick of everyone telling me what to do with my life. If I want to be with Shinji, I will!" "I forbid it!" Rei stood up and glared at Ritsuko. "I'd wish Mom had never adopted me! What a sorry excuse for a family this is!" "Well, I'm so sorry! Maybe you'd want to spend your life in an orphanage or maybe end it in the wastebasket of some doctor's back room?!" "It's got to be better than having a bitch like you around!" Ritsuko stood up and slapped Rei hard, causing Shinji to flinch at the sound. "Dammit! I wish I'd never given birth to you!!" she blurted. Rei's eyes went wide. "Gave... birth... to me?" Both of the them were so shocked, Rei at hearing that and Ritsuko at letting the long held secret slip, that they didn't hear Shinji's startled cry from outside. They also didn't hear it when he slipped from the ledge and fell three stories into a pile of garbage. Ritsuko stumbled backwards as she realized what she had just blurted. "Oh... Rei..." She took a step towards her 'daughter', holding out a shaky hand. "I'm your... daughter?" Rei gasped, not wanting it to be true. "Yes, I'm sorry. I was only fifteen when I gave birth to you. Mom... my mom... thought it would be better if she raised you." Rei fell to the floor and stared at the ground, refusing to acknowledge what she'd just been told. "No... no... you're trying to trick me." Ritsuko looked sadly at Rei and fourteen years of lying came to a sudden end. "I'm sorry, but it's the truth," she said softly. Tears came to Ritsuko's eyes as she realized that she could finally tell her daughter the truth. A part of her hated the lies and cherished the chance to tell all. "I didn't want to give you up, but my mom insisted. She didn't want to drag her families' good name through the dirt, although I never knew what was so special about the Akagi name that had her so worried. In the end she paid some corrupt politician to get your birth certificate to read 'Rei Ayanami' and adopted you," she explained, then added a sarcastic afterthought, "I think she even won some humanitarian of the year award for her good deed of adopting an orphan." "No! This can't be... I'm nothing like you!" Rei insisted, but deep down she felt the truth behind Ritsuko's words. Her grandmother, who Rei had thought was her adoptive mother, was always worried about appearances. No matter what Rei did, her grandmother had always scolded Rei about how it reflected on her and their family. She huffed and glared at the woman who she once called a sister. Now she didn't know how to think of her birth mother, Ritsuko. "Unfortunately, you are all too much like me. I've tried to be a mother to you as best I could and keep you from making the same mistakes that I did, but you always resisted." Rei jumped to her feet and shouted. "How could you both lie to me for my whole life! I hate you!" She ran from her room and down the hall. "Rei, wait!" "Bite me!" Rei called back. Ritsuko started to go after her, but then decided that there wasn't anything she could say right now that would help. The chance to make things right with her daughter had passed years ago when a then eight-year-old Rei asked who her real mother was. "I'm sorry, Rei. I should have told you back then. I only went along with my mom's plan because I love you." She slunk to her knees and started to cry. The front door was heard slamming. -E- -V- -A- Asuka, who was dressed in a pretty dress with her face made up, stood in front of her apartment. She fidgeted and looked at her watch again. "Where is Shinji?" -E- -V- -A- At that moment, one Shinji was lying unconscious in a pile of garbage. In the theater, the other Shinji was staring vacantly into nothingness. He trembled as he saw his perfect world start to rot, like a pile of garbage left in the sun too long. Rei was at his side and held his hand to comfort him. Asuka was laughing her head off. [End - Garden of EVA 0:8 - Rei's Past Bites!] ======================================================================= Author's notes/ramblings: Not quite as shocking as the last cliffhanger, but it's still a stunning revelation. Dumpfbacke is German for dumb-ass. I'd like to thank my pre-readers Mark Eymer, David Johnston, Johan Holmberg, Jonathan NG, EBJ, Axel Terizaki, James Grabowski, Beavis777, and Thomas Kinnen for helping me find and fix problems with this story. FFML members Patrick McClanahan, Matthew Lewis, Doug W, Jason Liao, Mark Ferrer, and Ravi Duvvuri were also helpful in fine tuning this story. Thank you all. Of course in the end, any mistakes and botched characters are my fault. Revision 0.0 - Initial draft (December 22, 1998) Revision 0.1 - Pre-reader draft (January 24, 1999) Revision 0.2 - FFML draft (February 14, 1999) Revision 1.0 - Final version (March 2, 1999) Revision 1.1 - First RAAC posting (March 6, 1999)