From: Jim Lazar [EVA][Fanfic][LEMON] Garden of EVA 0:9x - Outtakes Bite! ======================================================================= Garden of EVA 0:9x - Outtakes Bite! A Garden of EVA side story Neon Genesis Evangelion characters and situations created and Copyright by Gainax, Project Eva, ADV Films - Used without permission Garden of EVA series created, written, and copyright 1998-1999 by Jim Lazar A biting series set within episode 26 of Neon Genesis Evangelion "Speech text in double quotes is spoken as Japanese." [Text in brackets is comments/information added for this side story compilation.] Lines of asterisks ***** indicate the start and ending of each outtake section, anything between the lines is considered the same outtake. E-mail comments and/or criticisms to: Previous parts and my other fanfiction can be found at: ======================================================================= This side story contains all the sex and other sick and twisted parts that weren't in the first book of Garden of Eva. Expect anything... and remember that these are outtakes from various drafts of what became the final stories and have no official part in the Garden of EVA story/continuity (except for one section as noted). I have added some comments (in brackets []) as sort of a running commentary on why I did things the way I did and why certain things were changed for the final versions. Note: In most cases, grammatical and spelling mistakes have been left in the excerpts. Chainsaw warning: There is a particularly sick chainsaw scene in this outtake story. Some evil writer wrote that scene and made me use it. Honest. I could never do something that sick. *********************************************************************** [Some joke warnings that were never used] Warning: This fic is known to cause extreme vomiting and nose bleeds when read in an upside down position while eating Cheerios. Warning: This story ends in a completely incomprehensible thrown together ending that will only be partially understandable after you pay to see the movie ending (oops... that warning was for TV episodes 25 and 26, not Garden of EVA). Warning: The author of this fic is mentally unstable and may throw nasty plot twists in at anytime. Sometimes they are part of a greater plan, but sometimes he just likes to screw with his reader's minds. Warning: The author will only finish this series if a Rei Ayanami look-alike shows up at his door and offers to recreate every sex scene the author writes. Note: If this actually happens, forget the plot... full lemon ahead. Warning: Writing warnings is hard work, please send me cash (large denominations only). Warning: This fic bites. Warning: You're not really reading these warnings anyway, so why should I bother writing any real warnings in them anyway? Warning: This is the second to last warning. Warning: Oops, this is the REAL second to last warning. Warning: See, I told you that was the REAL second to last warning. *********************************************************************** [Reality Bites] [The never seen outside of the FFML 8k one-shot story that started it all.] [True story: Written in one and a half hours before I went to the beach (and got sunburned).] [The original headers and ramblings have been left on from the original post to the FFML. It's for atmosphere.] [EVA][Fanfic] Eva - Reality Bites A quick story about the last episode of Evangelion. Let me know what you think. I might expand it a bit, but I wanted to get some feedback first. [Expand it a bit... ha! Little did I know what I was getting myself into when I wrote this little piece last year. :)] (see I can do something other than Ranma fanfics :) --- Eva - Reality Bites Neon Genesis Evangelion characters and situations created and Copyright by Gainax, Project Eva, ADV Films - Used without permission Eva - Reality Bites story created, written, and Copyright 1998 by Jim Lazar --- Spoiler warning: This story contains references to episode 26 of the original Neon Genesis Evangelion TV series. If you have not seen that episode, this story contains spoilers. Also, some understanding of that episode is useful to fully enjoy this story. This story has no connection with any of the Eva movies. --- "Unit 01, Angel at 9 o'clock." "I've got it. Asuka, take the Angel on your right. I'll take this new one," Shinji called out. He quickly adjusted his Eva's controls and his Eva Unit 01 lumbered to engage the new threat. "Who put you in command!" an angry female voice replied over the intercom. Shinji sighed. It was like this every time they piloted the Evas. "Just do it, you're closer to that one!" Shinji yelled back. "Jerk," Asuka replied. Then her Eva Unit 02 launched a volley of high-powered bullets at her target. "You'd be better off using hand to hand with that Angel," a calm female voice informed Asuka. "When I want your advice, I'll ask for it!" Shinji was wrestling with an Angel which was twice the size of his Eva. He tried to get his progressive knife into the Angel's eye, but the eye kept moving around the body to avoid the knife. "Damn it!" Shinji cursed. An explosion rocked Shinji's entry plug. He turned his Eva's head to find the source. It was Unit 00. "Rei!" "I am undamaged," Rei replied. Shinji returned to trying to kill his Angel. He grinned as he finally found the eye with his blade. The Angel exploded and sent him flying backwards right into Eva Unit 02. "Get off of me, Shinji!" Asuka called. "I'm not doing this because I like you!" Shinji screamed back. He tried to move his Eva off Eva Unit 02, but the Angel Asuka was fighting had wrapped an elastic arm around both of them. [Yes, this first part was meant to make people wonder what and where this all was happening while still being funny. It still seems like it could be anywhere in the middle of the EVA series.] "Hey look! Shinji and Asuka are doing it!" Touji called out. "Pervert! Just fight your own Angel and leave the lovebirds alone!" Hikari scolded Touji. [Adding Hikari and Touji here was to confuse the readers further about where this all fit into EVA. It would almost have to be an alternate universe for Touji to be piloting again... but of course, it doesn't turn out to be... well, not exactly.] "We are not! Our Eva's are just tangled up!" Asuka insisted. "Very well, I'll take care of this,' Rei said. Soon, Eva Unit 00 destroyed the Angel holding Units 01 and 02 in their doggy style position. As the Angel exploded, the three Eva units were blasted in all directions. Touji pivoted his Eva Unit 03 and used his Eva's flexible arms to strangle the glowing Angel in front of him. With a sickening sucking sound, the Angel's head popped off and a bloody mess fell to the ground. "Cool!" Touji exclaimed. "Oh, that's just sick," Hikari said, holding back her lunch. She then pivoted her Eva Unit 06 quickly to dodge the Angel who was rushing at her back. With a sweep of her long progressive sword, she cut the angel in half. She smirked. "Nice form, Hikari," Kensuke called out, just as he used his Eva Unit 05 to toss an Angel into a energy barrier that the ground forces had erected nearby. The Angel exploded with a chorus of song. "Hey! Quit hitting on my babe!" Touji snapped. "I'm not a babe! You Neanderthals!" Shinji had gotten his Eva Unit 01 back to it's feet and was scanning for an Angel to attack. He spotted one advancing on the group of Eva's from his left, he raced off towards it. "Die!" he screamed as he grabbed a huge rifle on the run. He swung the rifle up and blasted the Angel repeatedly. The Angel's advance was slowed by his shots, but not stopped. [Still seems like it could be a battle in the 'real' Eva universe doesn't it?] Suddenly, Eva Unit 00 was in front of Shinji. It appeared to be grinning, but that couldn't be. Shinji was very surprised when Unit 00 thrust it's progressive knife at his Eva's head. The knife was embedded deeply in Eva Unit 00's head and Shinji's controls went dead. "Damn it! Why did you do that, Rei?!" Shinji shouted, but got no response since his systems were all dead. [And the sudden killing of Shinji was the climax of the battle... so completely unlike the Rei we know that it provided a huge shock in the otherwise 'normal' looking battle.] Finally, his entry plug opened up and he crawled out. Rei was standing over him in her school uniform. Rei grinned and put her hand son her hips. She said, "That's for looking at my panties this morning!" "That was an accident!" Shinji insisted. "Yeah, right. Hikari filled me in on you and the Idiot Trio," Rei said. "Fine then. If all it cost me was losing a dumb VR game, then it was worth it for a peek at your panties!" Shinji snapped back at Rei. "That's the last time you're ever see them! Pervert!" Rei informed Shinji and stormed out of the game area. [And these paragraphs placed the story firmly into the alternate world of episode 26 and established what had just happened as a VR game. The VR game was partially inspired/based on the Battletech simulator game centers that I have had occasion to frequent in the past.] Shinji watched her leave, then was joined by Touji and Kensuke. "Oh yeah...she has the love jones for me," Shinji said. "She hides it well," Kensuke said, smirking. "So, Shinji...what was it like to hump Asuka?" Touji asked. "Huh? Oh...that was nothing." "Tell me about it, I didn't even feel it," Asuka said, as she walked up behind the Idiot Trio. She smiled at them and made her exit. "What's with her today?" Shinji asked. "Must be her time of the month," Touji offered. "Okay you three morons! Get out of the game area and we can see how pitifully you did," Hikari commanded, then herded them out. The next group of Eva pilots crawled into the game entry plugs. -E- -V- -A- They all sat in the food court at the shopping center where the Evangelion game center was. "That was a fun game, until Rei killed me," Shinji remarked. Rei stuck her tongue out at Shinji, the took a sip of her drink. "If only those Eva units were real. It'd be really cool to really pilot them," Kensuke said, examining a book of schematics of the game Evas. "I guess, but Shinji would want his to anatomically correct," Asuka remarked. "I already said that was an accident!" Shinji insisted. "Shinji loves Asuka. Shinji loves Asuka!" Touji and Kensuke taunted. "Cut that out!" Shinji yelled. [And this was a brief introduction to the 'alternate' versions of the characters. They were intended to be like the characters in the early part of the Evangelion TV series (when it still had some comedic elements), but more carefree and happy. At this point, I had no long range plot or story worked out--hard to do a lot of plotting in one and a half hours.] -E- -V- -A- The gang walked home from the mall. Rei was walking with Hikari in the back. "So is Asuka really Shinji's girlfriend?" Rei asked Hikari, softly. Hikari replied, "Not that I know of. They just grew up together." A small smile crossed Rei's face. [And a brief glimpse of Rei's attraction to Shinji to end the little story. I did think about expanding the story further than this when I wrote it, but feedback on ideas like this can be very useful, so that's why I whipped this 8k piece together and sent it to the FFML. You can thank their encouraging responses for inspiring me to expand it into what became 'Garden of EVA'.] (Finish?) --- Email me at: with comments, criticisms, or if you want to join my pre-reader list. Author's notes/ramblings: This is a quick story that came to mind after seeing the final episode of Neon Genesis Evangelion. It's based in the alternate reality that Shinji briefly envisioned. Revision 0.1 July 11, 1998 [And that spawned this multi-book fanfic series. If you've read the first Book of Garden of EVA you know it's gradually gotten more serious and problematic for Shinji. Most of this was intentional, but some was just dumb luck and some due to good feedback from my pre-readers, FFML members, and other readers. Thank you all.] *********************************************************************** [Garden of EVA 0:4 - Rei Bites!] [After Shinji returned home from school in 0:4, he fell asleep and had a *REALLY* bad dream. The dream made my pre-readers sick, so I removed it from the final version. Now you can be sickened by it as well, but don't read it while you're drinking milk.] Shinji finished his bath and dried off. Since he was home alone, he had to set traps on all the doors and windows to keep the bumbling burglars from stealing all the Christmas presents. Being a sadistic little bastard, he took great pleasure in maiming and torturing the two imbeciles. [Does anyone else think the kid from Home Alone will end up as some S&M queen's plaything someday?] Shinji was watching the two burglar's penises start to bubble as they cooked in the microwave. Shinji laughed maniacally like a schoolgirl in a too tight leotard, "Hohohohohohohohohohohoho!" [Shinji was channeling Kodachi. :)] One of the burglars, the short stocky one, crawled into the kitchen leaving a trail of blood behind him. He used a chainsaw to cut off Shinji's penis. Shinji woke up screaming. Shinji immediately checked for the presence of his manhood and sighed in relief when he confirmed it was still attached. He thought about confirming that it was still functioning, then decided his skin was wrinkly enough. He finished his bath and dried off. Since he was home alone he just walked into his bedroom without bothering to cover up. He gasped when he saw Rei sitting patiently on his bed. "Rei? How'd you get in here?" "Oh, a girl has her ways," Rei said, as a large smile grew on her face. "I really don't understand why Asuka insists on calling it a twig." "Huh?" Shinji asked. Rei nodded downwards. Shinji looked down and finally remembered he was completely naked. "Arghhhh!" he screamed and ran out of the room. He returned a few moments later with a robe on. [In the final version of 0:4, Shinji wakes up from this dream in the following paragraph: Shinji woke up in the bath and screamed loudly. Shinji immediately checked for the presence of his manhood and sighed in relief when he confirmed it was still attached. He thought about confirming that it was still functioning, but then decided his skin was wrinkly enough so he finished his bath and dried off. "Damn, what a disgusting dream." So, the readers had no idea just HOW disgusting it really was at the time... now you do.] *********************************************************************** [Garden of EVA 0:4 - Rei Bites!] [Original interrupted makeout scene in Shinji's bedroom (0:4 was going to be a full lemon-something I had a hard time keeping Garden of EVA from becoming at times)] "Damn, no need to cover up for me, Shinji," Rei said, sadly. "Um...why are you here, Rei?" Shinji asked. "Just leaving a present under your pillow," Rei said. She stood up, walked over to Shinji and kissed him briefly on his lips. "Thanks for not talking about my panties today." Then she left the room, leaving a dazed Shinji behind her. "Huh?" Shinji eventually gasped. He looked out into the hallway, but Rei was gone. Shinji scratched his head, then walked over to his bed and moved his pillow. He gasped as he saw the same red lace panties that Rei was wearing that morning. He picked them up and looked at the lipstick mark on them. "Rei's lips..." he muttered, then kissed the panties. Shinji smiled, tossed his robe off and lay down on his bed. "Yup, she loves me," he said, then smelled the panties. "The sweet scent of my beloved." "Glad you like them." Shinji gasped, then covered his erection with the panties. "Rei!" Rei smiled. She advanced on the trembling Shinji and put her hand on Shinji's chest. "Um, maybe I should put something on?" Shinji asked. "Now why would you want to do that?" Rei replied. Rei winked and ran her hand over Shinji's naked chest. Shinji couldn't think of any reasons. Of course, he didn't really try that hard. A crooked smile, also known as a leer, crossed his face. "Now, Shinji," Rei said, tracing little circles around Shinji's nipples. "Do you understand why it's best not to tell your hormone driven friends about certain things?" Shinji gulped. "Yes, it has sunk in. My lips are sealed." Rei smirked. "Oh...well you'll need to open them eventually," Rei said. She slipped over Shinji's body and sat on top of his hips. At that point, Shinji realized that she had given him the only pair of panties she had with her. It was...a very warm and pleasurable sensation. Shinji grinned broadly. Rei smiled at Shinji's reaction, leaned down, and gave him a passionate kiss. After her tongue had traced the inner surface of his mouth, Rei slid down his body taking little bites of his soft skin. "Yummy. Asuka doesn't know what she's missing," she muttered. [Yes, I know this is a odd time for Rei to be talking about Asuka... but how better for Rei to find out if he's got any feelings for her than to ask while she's giving him such pleasure? :)] "Asuka?" Shinji asked, momentarily shaken from his pleasurable stupor. Rei briefly looked up from her progression down his body. "She likes you, but for some reason won't act on her feelings," she explained, then started to kiss her way downward again. Shinji thought quickly, but soon forgot about everything except the feeling of what Rei was doing to him. Rei had reached her target. She took the engorged member in one hand and traced it's length with her tongue. "Hmmmmmm." She moved her other hand to cup Shinji's balls and at the same time used her fingers to apply pressure to the base of his penis. She wrapped her lips around the shaft and moved to the top of Shinji's 'mighty oak'. Reaching the top, she flicked her tongue out briefly to tease the tip. Shinji moaned and arched his back. Rei took this as evidence that Shinji was indeed enjoying himself, so she took his member between her lips and went down on him. Slowly increasing her speed, she bobbed her head up and down on Shinji rigid member. Shinji was breathing heavily now and was lost in ecstasy. He felt his whole body shudder and an intense feeling of pleasure flowed throughout him. Rei lifted her head and wiped the cum off her face. "Not bad, Shin-boy," she said, smiling. Shinji, still dazed from the experience, gasped, "Thank you." Rei got off Shinji's legs and stood up. "Anytime, but it's your turn next," she said, starting to slide her dress straps off. "Shinji! I'm home!" a voice called from the entryway. "Shit! It's my mother!" Shinji gasped, jumping up and looking for his robe. "Damn. Well, you owe me one," Rei said just before she pulled her skirt down. She calmly slipped the straps back on and went over to the window. Rei opened the window and crawled out of it, giving Shinji quite a view of herself on the way out. "Her hair color is natural, apparently," Shinji muttered, pulling his robe on. He tossed a blanket over the wet spot on his bed sheets, sat down at his desk, and opened a textbook. He turned it right side up just as his mother poked her head in his door. "Shinji?" Yui said. "Ah, I'm glad you didn't forget your homework. I was afraid you'd be screwing around instead." Shinji looked innocently up from the textbook and said, "No, nothing much to do around here by myself." [One of the main reasons this scene was cut down to exclude the blowjob was because it progressed their relationship too fast and in the wrong direction. The emotional side wasn't there yet. Rei knew she wanted Shinji, but at that point it was just a crush... not love. And as later events revealed, Rei was looking for something she had never had before (real love), but was going about getting it in the worse possible way.] *********************************************************************** [Garden of EVA 0:5 - Shinji Bites Back!] [Original interrupted boat ride during Shinji and Rei's first date.] "Why are you so shy?" "I'm not!" "Yes you are. At school or with the gang you're much more expressive," Rei mentioned, placing her hand on Shinji's knee. "Well...I don't know. It's different when I'm alone with you." "Why?" Rei asked, sliding her hand up Shinji's leg. "I don't know, maybe because you're more forward when we're alone?" Shinji suggested. Rei grinned. "Well, it's not really proper for me to be forward like this in front of other people," Rei explained, rubbing the palm of her hand over Shinji's pants. [This scene was to make it clear that Rei isn't exactly a 'good girl', but doesn't want word to get around that she isn't a good girl. It was also a small hint of her problems in Osaka-2 from which she had to move to escape her bad rep and other problems.] Shinji gulped and looked around nervously. "I guess that's true." Rei grinned, made sure they were away from the shore and the other boats far enough, and then slipped onto her knees. The sides of the boat were very tall so she was barely visible to onlookers. She rubbed the front of Shinji's pants some more and smiled at the reaction she received. As Rei worked her magic, Shinji was nervously looking around to make sure no one was looking. But after several moments he lost the reasoning portion of his brain and got lost in what Rei was doing to him. Shinji moaned and arched his back. Rei lifted her head, wiped her mouth off, and smiled. "Not bad, Shin-boy." Shinji, still dazed from the experience, gasped, "Thank you." Shinji pulled his pants up and zipped up the fly again. He looked around to make sure they hadn't been seen. "Hmmmmm, tasty. My turn," Rei declared, then carefully traded places with Shinji. She glanced around, then rose on the palms of her hands. [Again... their sexual escapades went too fast here and would make their real first time less 'special'.] Shinji gulped, but took the invitation. He reached under her dress, slipped his hands up, and he slowly pulled her panties down. he thought. She sat down on the boat's seat and Shinji finished removing the panties. He slipped them into his pocket. Just for safekeeping, of course. Rei lifted her dress up. As Shinji's head disappeared beneath it, she let it fall and cover him. Rei arched her back. she thought, getting lost in Shinji's touch. "Shit," Rei gasped as Shinji really dug in after several moments. She was totally lost in the feeling of what Shinji was doing to her. [Plus, Shinji probably would have died of a nosebleed if he really was able to do this to Rei at that point in the story. :)] "Rei? Are you okay out there?" a voice called out. A surprised Rei looked up and saw Asuka, Touji, Hikari, and Kensuke all standing on the nearby shore. Apparently, the boat had drifted closer to shore while she was 'distracted'. Rei gasped, then pushed Shinji lower into the boat. She started to say, "Yeah, Asuka. Just getting so..." Her reply was cut off when the boat tipped over from Shinji's squirming and sent them both into the cold lake. [So basically, the final version had the interruption happen just a little sooner. As you know, they got interrupted a lot. :)] *********************************************************************** [Garden of EVA 0:5 - Shinji Bites Back!] [This is a joke response from Shinji and Rei to my pre-readers about the changed boat ride.] "Wait a second! I don't like this re-write!" Shinji yelled. "Why?" I asked. "Because I didn't get the BJ or get to enjoy Rei's sweet nectar!" "I kind of liked the first draft myself," Rei said, giggling. "Well, it was just too soon for you two to get that intimate." "Says who?" Rei and Shinji both asked. "Um, some of my pre-readers. Plus you know I had trouble with the boat scene when I first wrote this part." "Bastards! Why are they messing with our love life!" "That's their jobs. They are trying to keep me from making mistakes and to improve the story." "Well, when will I get to taste Rei then?" "We'll see." "What about the lemon side story to 0:5?" Rei asked, her eyes pleaded with me to keep it. "It'll be a bit shorter, but the second part might be usable. Although not as a side story to 0:5... sorry guys." "But I get more attention from Shinji in the lemon!!" Rei complained. "Sorry." "As long as that's all the changes, it's okay." "Well, this also means some rewrites to part six and postponement of you losing your virginity Shinji." "Shit, I'll kill those damn pre-readers!" "I'll help you Shinji! I want your mighty oak in me!" -Just a warning to my pre-readers that Shinji and Rei are mad as hell and out to get you :) So, if you see them, run like the wind. :) [Hey, I'd be mad if some people I didn't know made me wait for my first time too... :)] *********************************************************************** [Garden of EVA 0:6 - EVA Bites EVA!] [Original ending to 0:6 - before the strip poker game was introduced and changed many upcoming events.] "Mom? Dad? Are you home?" Shinji called out as he opened the door. Nothing was heard. He let Rei in then locked and chained the door. His fingers trembled, nervously. Rei smiled at his nervousness. "No need to be nervous, Shinji." She leaned over and kissed Shinji on his trembling lips. "Well, my mom would freak if she knew what we were going to do," Shinji said, checking the kitchen and family room for his parents. "What are we going to do?" Rei asked innocently. "Err...well...have sex," Shinji replied then stuck his head in the bathroom to check it for anyone and to hide his blush. Rei grinned. "Who said we were going to fuck each other?" Shinji gulped, then looked at Rei, but looked downward before speaking. "Well...I sort of assumed..." Rei smiled, then pulled Shinji into a hug. "Relax, Shinji. I'm just joking. I've been waiting for this day since I met you," Rei said, then started nibbling on his ear. "Me too...well, since you stopped hacking me to pieces in the Eva games at least," Shinji replied. He smiled and entered his bedroom with Rei. He closed the door, walked over and closed the blinds on his window. He turned off the main light and just left a desk lamp on. Before turning around, he felt Rei wrap her arms around his chest. He could feel her breasts against his back. Rei slid her hands into Shinji's shirt and rubbed his chest. "Shinji?" "Yes?" "You do, right?" Rei asked, rubbing her hands across his chest. "Ummm...yes," Shinji exhaled. He slipped out of Rei's arms and walked over to his dresser. He pulled out one of the drawers, reached into the dresser, and pulled out a box. Rei took the box. "Unopened, huh?" "Yes, well...I haven't had time to use THIS box yet," Shinji claimed, although he didn't even convince himself...let alone Rei. "It's okay if you're a virgin, Shinji," Rei said, pulling Shinji around to face her. For once Shinji couldn't wait for Rei to make the next move, so he took the to steps necessary to reach Rei. He leaned down and kissed her. Rei wrapped her arms around his neck and got lost in the kiss. She slowly moved backward and pulled Shinji with her as they played tonsil hockey. Rei felt the edge of the bed and stopped. Rei broke the kiss and then turned around. She nodded her head backwards and Shinji unzipped her skirt with trembling hands. The skirt fell to the ground. Rei turned around again and was already undoing her blouse. It fell open and she slipped it off. Shinji smiled as he took in the view of Rei standing before him in only a bra. "You are gorgeous." Shinji tried to remember if she had removed her panties already, but didn't think she had time. "Bet you say that to all the girls you fuck." "So far," Shinji replied, smirking. "Mr. Shinji has a sense of humor. Well, your choice what to do next." Shinji gulped and motioned Rei to lay on the bed. She did. He sat down beside her and tentatively massaged her breast through the fabric of her bra. "Don't worry, they won't break." Shinji massaged them harder, until he just had to see them again. He reached behind her back and felt for the hooks. After what seemed an eternity to him, he found them and unhooked them with his fumbling fingers. He pulled the bra off Rei and gawked at her breasts. She was beautiful. Rei smiled. "Glad you like the view." She rose from the bed and pulled Shinji close to her by his belt. She undid the belt and unzipped the pants. While Rei removed his pants, Shinji unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off. Rei pulled his pants down and smiled. She pulled his underpants off and then pulled Shinji against her. They kissed deeply. Maybe Shinji was overeager, because he pushed Rei down to the bed and started to kiss and nibble her neck. He moved down to her breasts. "Not so fast, Shinji. Enjoy the trip to heaven," Rei said softly. Shinji slowed down and took his time on her breasts. " Shinji I need you in," Rei gasped minutes later. Shinji slid back up her body. Kissing little bits of her anatomy as he went. "" Asuka screamed from the bedroom door just before Shinji entered Rei. [I hadn't had time to look up Asuka's swearword at that point so I just kind of guessed at the spelling for one of the terms she used in the TV series. It's probably wrong.] Startled, Rei and Shinji both looked over to see a very surprised Asuka standing in the doorway. Asuka dropped the books she was holding and gaped at the two naked teenagers in front of her. [Needless to say, events after this part were going to be a bit different. This scene is the foundation for the scene that became the ending to 0:7 where Ritsuko catches Shinji entering Rei.] [This scene was more sexually explicit than the one Ritsuko interrupted and would have resulted in some major changes to the 'gang' and how they related to each other. I decided that it was better to wait for the gang to find out. Also, at this point it was becoming clear that I'd be doing a longer series for Garden of EVA than I originally thought, so I could put off this revelation until later (I'm not telling when it might pop up again).] *********************************************************************** [Garden of EVA 0:8 - Rei's Past Bites!] [Original ending to part 0:8... oops... I can't show you this since I'm going to use it in book 1. Sorry.] *********************************************************************** [Gag ending to Garden of EVA 0:9] Ritsuko walked slowly over to Rei and took her hand gently. This calm action startled Rei, so she didn't resist. "Rei. I'm sorry about everything, but you really can't marry Shinji. Now or ever." Rei grew angry again. "Shut up! You sound just like a scratched DVD! I'll marry him... with or without your permission!" "You can't. He's... your nephew's brother's half-cousin's mother's best friend's half-brother," Ritsuko said. "What?!" everyone except Ritsuko yelled out. Shinji collapsed to his knees. "I can't believe I fucked my own... huh?" Rei realized the same thing Shinji just did. "Wait... does that mean we are blood related or not?" "Yes, you are blood related!" Ritsuko insisted quickly. Yui shook her head. "No, using the series of relationships you listed, they would not be related." Ritsuko's shoulders slumped. "Damn, thought I could sneak that one by you all." Rei smiled and looked at Shinji. "Guess, we can fuck each other again then." "Yes." Shinji turned to his father. "Is that okay, Dad?" Gendou nodded his head. "Yes, Son... just use a condom otherwise you'll be trapped in a loveless marriage with some brainy chick." "Bastard!" Yui pulled a mallet out of somewhere and smashed Gendou into the floor. [See I could have made the ending to 0:9 even crazier if I wanted.] *********************************************************************** [Garden of EVA 0:9x - Sex Bites!] [The scenes that weren't in Garden of Eva 0:9 that everyone wanted to see.] [Note: These two scenes are the only scenes in this side story that are officially part of the Garden of Eva continuity. They take place after Shinji and Rei return to the Ikari apartment and before Ritsuko and Yui find the couple in bed together.] Rei walked into Shinji's room and started undoing her blouse. A very nervous looking Shinji followed her in. He paused to watch her slip her blouse off. He gulped at the sensuous sight of her smooth back. He took a couple steps forward and tentatively put a hand to her shoulder. Rei smiled at his touch, looked back, and gave him a sultry look. "Get my bra, will you?" Shinji found he was unable to speak, so he just nodded his head. His fingers fumbled with the hooks and finally got them to release. He pulled at the straps, only to find that there was an another row of hooks. His fumbling fingers finally released all of the hooks and the bra joined Rei's blouse on the floor. Rei reached back, pulled Shinji's arms around her, and placed them on her breasts. Shinji pressed his chest against her back and started to massage and knead her breasts between his fingers, which had finally stopped trembling. Rei arched her back and was about to guide one of his hands lower when he did it on his own, unbidden. She felt his hand trace a path down her stomach and slip under her skirt. As he ran his fingers under her panties, he started to kiss her neck. Rei moaned and reached back with one of her arms and grasped Shinji's hair in her hand. Shinji held one breast in one hand and explored her folds with the other. Rei gasped when he slipped a finger across her clit. She slowly turned around and assisted him in pulling her skirt and panties off. She leaned up and kissed Shinji deeply. When her lips parted from his, she started unbuttoning his shirt. "No matter what... nothing will keep me from being with you." Shinji nodded as she pulled his shirt and undershirt off him. He felt Rei start on his zipper before he thought to look down. His pants fell to his ankles. He expected his boxers to join them, but instead he felt Rei take his rapidly hardening penis into her hands through the flap. "Wha..." he gasped. "Relax and let me taste you first." Rei kissed the head of his penis and then ran her tongue down the side. Grasping it at the base with on hand she slid her lips over the tip and then started bobbing up and down on the shaft. She felt it grow harder as she worked her magic. Shinji, of course, was enjoying the blowjob. He clenched his eyes shut and suddenly his whole body shuddered. Before Rei realized what was coming, her mouth and face were covered with his thick white cum. "Damn, I was hoping you'd do that inside me." She licked her lips. "Hmmmm, tasty." Shinji blushed. "Err... I'm sorry." Rei smiled. "No problem. I'm kind of surprised you didn't shoot your load on one of our earlier attempts." -E- -V- -A- Later after they cleaned up in the bathroom, Shinji and Rei lay naked in his bed. He cradled her in his arms and gently stroked her hair. Rei rested her head on his chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat. "Shinji? How much time do we have?" Shinji automatically looked at the clock. "Um, I really don' t know. They could come back at any second." "Maybe we should get dressed then." "That would be the safe thing to do." "Yes." Neither of them moved for several minutes. Then Rei ran her hand down to trace circles around the base of his penis. And then it moved. Rei smiled. She started nibbling on his chest as she took the mighty oak in her hand and stroked the shaft, feeling it grow hard in between her fingers. Shinji ran his hand down Rei's side and enjoyed the feel of her silky skin under his fingertips. Suddenly, he rolled over on top of her and kissed her deeply. Their tongues teased each other, as if performing a slow dance between their joined lips. When their lips parted, Rei whispered, "Please do it now, Shinji." Shinji leaned back, hoping he knew what she meant. He slid off her legs and then knelt down between them. When she spread her legs further apart, he knew he had guessed correctly. He grabbed a condom, fumbled with the wrapper, and managed on the third try to unroll it over his erect penis. Then he slid between her spread legs and ran the tip of his penis across Rei's folds. Rei gasped, then shuddered when she felt him begin to enter her. "Ahhhh.... ah..... um... Shinji?" Shinji blinked. "Yes?" "Wrong hole." Shinji blushed and withdrew. "Sorry about that..." Rei smiled sweetly. "No problem. Get another condom and aim a bit better this time..." She winked. Shinji nervously pulled the condom off and discarded it. He then unrolled another one using his trembling fingers. Before re-entering her, he leaded down and gave her a passionate kiss. He moved down her body, kissing as he went. He reached his target and kissed those lips once. Once again, he moved in between her legs and prepared to enter her. He fingered her folds, then pressed his penis between them. Before inserting it into her, he looked down to double-check he was in the correct location this time. Rei giggled as she saw how careful he was being this time. Then she gasped as she felt him thrust into her. "Ahhhh..." She had no doubt he had the right hole this time. "Ohhhh... ah...." Shinji thrust repeatedly into Rei, feeling the pressure grow with each thrust. Both him and Rei were panting loudly now. This continued until Shinji fell backwards, sweating and trying to catch his breath. Rei raised herself from the bed. "You okay?" "Yeah..." Rei slid on top of Shinji and gave him a deep kiss. Then she reached down and grabbed his penis. After stroking it with her hand, she crouched over him and lowered herself onto the rigid member. Rei started to bounce up and down on top of Shinij's mighty oak. Shinji looked up and was mesmerized by the sight of Rei bouncing up and down on top of him. Her breasts seemed to have a life of their own, just bouncing a split second behind the rest of her body. Suddenly, Shinji stiffened as he felt his body shudder. The shudder flowed down his body, through his penis, and into Rei. Rei gasped and arched her back as she felt Shinji come inside her. She cried out in ecstasy as she came along with him. "Oh... Shinji!" All too soon, the feeling ended and Rei collapsed into Shinji's arms. For minutes, neither of them spoke as they clung to each other's naked bodies. Finally, Rei broke the silence. "Wow... what a stallion." Shinji already flushed face deepened to a dark red as he blushed. "Err... thanks." Rei placed her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. "I love you, Shinji." Shinji responded without hesitation. "I love you too, Rei." The two teenagers clung to each other as their eyes slowly closed and they nodded off to sleep. [And of course, this is how their two mothers found them later.] [I thought about writing more detail about their first time into 0:9, but I liked the way the original read with the reader wondering if Ritsuko and Yui would find: a) Shinji about to have sex with Rei b) Shinji having hot passionate sex with Rei c) Shinji and Rei in bed after having sex d) There is no d e) Gendou being beheaded by Shinji f) Rei biting the head of Shinji's penis off g) None of the above h) All of the above It made it more romantic in my opinion too, since it was off screen... well until now, that is.] *********************************************************************** [End - Garden of EVA 0:9x - Outtakes Bite!] ======================================================================= Author's notes/ramblings: I'd like to thank everyone who encouraged me when I first posted the short 8k piece to the FFML that later grew to become this beast I call Garden of EVA. I'd also like to thank my pre-readers, past and present, who occasionally found some errors and kept me from making big mistakes (some of which were in this outtake side story). I'd like to thank my pre-readers Johan Holmberg, EBJ, David Johnston, Thomas C. Kinnen, and Rei No Tenshi for helping me find and fix problems with this story. FFML members Jiro Maeda, and Michael A. Chase were also helpful in fine tuning this story. Thank you all. Of course in the end, any mistakes and botched characters are my fault. Revision 0.0 - Initial compiled draft (March 7, 1999) Revision 0.1 - Pre-reader draft (April 19, 1999) Revision 0.2 - FFML draft (April 28, 1999) Revision 1.0 - Final version/First RAAC posting (May 6, 1999)