From: "Jim Lazar" [EVA][Fanfic][VeryVeryLime] Garden of EVA 1:4 - Sucks Everybody! ======================================================================= Garden of EVA 1:4 - Sucks Everybody! Book 1: Sucks Neon Genesis Evangelion characters and situations created and Copyright by Gainax, Project Eva, ADV Films - Used without permission Garden of EVA series created, written, and copyright 1998-1999 by Jim Lazar A series set within episode 26 of Neon Genesis Evangelion that really sucks. "Speech text in double quotes is spoken as Japanese." E-mail comments and/or criticisms to: Previous parts and my other fanfiction can be found at: ======================================================================= 50 thousand yen = $430 US 10 thousand yen = $86 US 1 million yen = $8,595 US ======================================================================= All the usual sex (and then some), nudity, bad language, and other bad stuff was here too. If these offend you, then you shouldn't have been reading the Garden of EVA series in the first place. ======================================================================= Excerpt from 'The American Century Dictionary' - 1999 edition: suck v. 1 draw (a fluid) into the mouth by suction 2 draw fluid from (a thing) in this way 3 roll tongue around (a sweet, etc.) 4 engulf or drown in a sucking movement 5 slang. be of very poor quality -n. 6 act or period of sucking Excerpt from 'Asuka's Guide to the Post-Third Impact World' - 1st edition: suck v. 1 draw (Kaji's sweet taste) into the mouth by suction 2 draw fluid from (a penis) in this way 3 roll tongue around (a tree or other mighty object) 4 engulf or drown in a sucking movement (If Shinji is reading this, this is basically referred to as a blow job, which I don't think you've ever had, have you? I thought not. Ha! Beg for it! You know you want me to!) 5 slang. see Shinji's perfect world -n. 6 ditto Excerpt from 'Shinji's Guide to the Post-Third Impact World' - 2nd edition: suck v. 1 draw (a fluid) into the... uh... oh... 2 draw fluid from... err... 3 roll tongue around... ahhhhhh!! 4 engulf or.... ohhhhhh!! 5 slang... who cares about number five and six anymore?! Let's start at number one again! -E- -V- -A- Shinji helped Misato down the hall towards her room, number four-twenty-two. She was still pretty out of it. Mostly because she was plastered, but also because of what had just happened. Before he could reach her door, it exploded outward as a young man crashed through it and slammed hard against the opposite wall. "Arschloch, you will pay for that!" a very angry Asuka shouted. She was wrapped in a sheet when she stormed out of the room and kicked the man in the groin once. And then she kicked him again, just to make sure she got her point across. She did. Just to be sure, she made her 'point' several more times. Shinji looked closely and recognized the man as Misato's boyfriend, lover, ex-boyfriend, and occasional punching bag. Which one depended on the time of day. "What happened?" Asuka flinched at hearing his voice and then blushed when she saw him. "Err... Nothing!" Asuka stormed back inside. Kaji just leaned against the wall with a pained smile on his face. Shinji decided it was probably the pain from where Asuka had repeatedly kicked him. -E- -V- -A- -- About the same time as that Kensuke couldn't believe that the maid he had invited to his room actually showed up and crawled into his bed. He also couldn't believe how much better she was than Misato, the cleaning lady, the woman he had picked up at the train station, the... you get the idea. He held the woman in his arms in the dark room and just stroked her hair. "Thank you, that was the best I've ever had," he said softly. "Well, of course it was, it was your first time, Touji!" Hikari snapped. "At least it had better been, you jerk!!" "Uh... uh... Hik... Hikari?" Hikari shuddered as she finally recognized the voice. She saw Kensuke reaching for his glasses. "Oh, god... I... lost my virginity to... to.... Kensuke!! This... this... SUCKS!!" Kensuke's ego took a mighty blow and his mighty maple crashed to the forest floor with a mighty thud. -E- -V- -A- -- Three minutes before that "This is so cool!!" Touji whispered as he peered into his night-vision binoculars. "You can see right into everyone's room from here. This is much better than just necking with Hikari. I'm sure she won't mind me skipping our date tonight." He gasped as caught sight of another couple through a window with open drapes. "Alright!! They are really going at it! I am so damn lucky tonight!!" As he watched the couple doing it, he squinted trying to see the figures better. "Hmmm, that girl looks a little familiar..." -E- -V- -A- -- Two minutes before that "Oh... oh... oh... oh..." "Oh.... Misato!!" "You horny little jerk! How dare you call me Misato when you're fucking me!" Asuka pounded the man she was underneath with her fist and pushed away from him. "Dummkopf." "Who... who... are you?" "Eh?" Asuka turned on the lights and got a good look at the naked man who she had just had sex with. And it wasn't Shinji. Kaji covered his ears to keep his brain from turning to liquid due to the loud piercing scream that emanated from Asuka's mouth. -E- -V- -A- -- Five minutes before that Misato looked down at her naked body. "Yeah... I guess." Misato stumbled over to where she saw various discarded pieces of clothing. She picked up her bra and then keeled over. "Misato!!" Shinji rushed over to and then knelt by his now unconscious teacher. "Misato?" He shook her, but she just muttered something unintelligible. "Damn, Touji or Kensuke could come back any time now." He reached for her bra and started to redress his naked teacher. -E- -V- -A- -- Two minutes before that Misato shuddered as she came. "Oh, Kaji!!" "What?!" Shinji screamed and filled Misato at the same time. Misato frowned and squinted in the darkness. "What's happened to your voice, Kaji?" "Misss... aaaat... ooo?" Misato looked closely to the man--make that boy--she had just made love to. "Shinji? What the... hic... fuck are you doing in my room?!" "Err... um... this is my room," Shinji awkwardly explained. "It's five-twenty-two.. you're in four-twenty-two." He shook his head to clear it, since it was still foggy due to the bad sushi he had earlier. "Don't give me that bu... hic... you're on the seventh floor!" Shinji blushed. "Err... they had to move us due to some... plumbing problems." Misato looked around. "Oh... shit. First that little... hic... Kensuke and now you. What kind of sicko am I?" "Kensuke?" Misato frowned. "You didn't hear that." Shinji thought back and realized that Kensuke had been acting odd lately. "Ah! That's why he's been trying to act so grown up lately." Misato glared down at Shinji. "I said... you DIDN'T hear that! Got it?" "Yes, Ma'am!!" Misato cradled her head in her hands. "I can't believe this. How could I have mistaken you for my dear sweet Kaji." She squirmed a little bit. "Um... Misato?" "Yes, what is it, Shinji?" Misato absently replied while rubbing her throbbing head. "I really think you should get off me so we can start forgetting this ever happened." Misato blushed and pulled herself up and off Shinji's mighty oak. "Right..." She felt around and felt for the light switch. The light came on and she shielded her bloodshot eyes. "Damn, that was a mistake." Shinji pulled the sheets over his naked body. "Err... Maybe you should get dressed?" -E- -V- -A- -- Ten minutes before that Misato stumbled into her dark room, not exactly sure how she got there. After puking into a garbage can or a fern--she wasn't sure which--she started peeling off her clothes as she staggered towards her bed. Once she was naked, she headed towards the sweet reward of slumber. Unfortunately, she smashed her shin against the bed before she could get into it. "Dammit." She felt for the sheets and crawled under them. Suddenly, she felt a body rub against hers. "Dammit, why did we have to have only one bed in this room? Just because I have to watch that little bi... bi... redhead. Move over, Asuka!" She pushed Asuka trying to make some room. She squeezed her fingers once. Twice. A third time. "Huh? That's a pe... pe... pe... dick." She tried to see the figure through the darkness of the room and her bloodshot eyes. She was just able to make out the sleeping male figure with short hair and shouted for joy. "Kaji!!!" Misato wrapped her arms around her lover's body and held on for dear life. "I knew you loved me." She kissed him deeply and ran her hand down his body. A very groggy Shinji, who was still shaking off the effects of the bad sushi he had eaten, awoke to the pleasure of a naked female body pressed against his own. He started to object, but then went silent as her hand reached his mighty oak and made it mightier. Shinji decided that he didn't want to know if it was Asuka or Rei at that point. Despite his insistence that he couldn't do it with Rei anymore, a part of him yearned to touch her and be touched by her. So his mind just insisted that it was Asuka in bed with him, while secretly hoping it was Rei. -E- -V- -A- -- Two minutes before that "Here it is... Room five-twenty-two," the bartender said, hoping he was correctly remembering the room number the girl had told him earlier. The bellhop opened the door with his master key and they prodded the drunk Misato into the room. "Shouldn't we make sure she gets into bed?" the bellhop asked innocently. The bartender stood in the hallway and smirked as he closed the door to the room. "You just want to see if she'll take off her clothes before going to bed." The bellhop blushed. "Um... no! I just..." "Relax kid. The drunk chicks usually just end up puking on you instead of giving you a show or a good lay." The bellboy's face fell. "Darn." The bartender laughed and slapped the bellboy's back. "You'll learn kid. The best way to see the guests naked is to listen for the shower and then 'accidentally' let yourself into a room to pick up some dirty dishes or something." "Gee, that's a great idea, Mr. Happosai!!" The bartender smiled devilishly and put a hand on the bellboy's leg, he was rather short after all. "Come on, kid, let's go check out the hotel laundry." "For your collection?" "You learn fast, kid." -E- -V- -A- -- Ten minutes before that As Hikari stepped out of the elevator, she suddenly realized that she had pushed the button for the seventh floor instead of her own. Hikari smiled when she realized she had subconsciously selected the floor Touji's room was on. Hikari took a deep breath and winced at the smell of alcohol on her breath. She knocked on the door to Touji's room. After there was no response, she dug in her purse looking for the extra key Touji had given her in hopes of scoring with her during their trip. She found the card key and inserted it into the lock. She opened the door and poked her head in. "Hey, Touji?" There was no response, so Hikari walked into the dark room and saw a single figure sleeping in one of the two full sized beds. At the foot of the bed was a sweater that Hikari had given Touji for his last birthday. Hikari swallowed hard and flipped the door latch so no one could get in even if they had the room key. "Hey, Touji?" The figure rolled over and grunted. Hikari took this as sign that he was awake. "Ok, Touji... come and get me." The figure stirred, but didn't speak. Hikari frowned. "I'm sorry I missed our date, but Misato cornered me." No reaction from the figure. Hikari huffed. "Honestly. Well, see if you can ignore this." She started undoing her blouse and then pulled it off and dropped it to the floor. "Hmmm, my blouse is on the floor." The figure remained motionless. She undid her skirt and let it drop to the floor. "Oops, there goes my skirt." The figure remained motionless. She looked closely and could see the sheet rising and falling with his breathing. She slipped her shoes and socks off and then reached behind her back. "Hmmmm, there goes my bra." Her bra joined her other clothes on the pile. The figure started snoring. Hikari gaped at the figure in the bed. "Well, that explains his sudden self-control. Well, Hikari, you've come this far." She slipped her hands down her sides and slowly pulled off her panties. She took a deep breath and then slipped under the covers with him. She lay there for a few minutes, working up her courage. Finally, she slipped against his body and started kissing his neck. Kensuke finally awoke when he felt his shorts being pulled off. -E- -V- -A- -- Five minutes before that Kaji tiptoed down the hotel hallway, looking around carefully for signs of reporters, photographers, or an angry shrew named Maya. "Perfect, now I can finally spend some time with her." He crept down to room four-twenty-two where, according to his sources, Misato was staying and slipped the key into the lock that he had 'obtained' to avoid having to knock and wait in the hallway where anyone could see him. He slipped into the darkened room and smiled as he saw the large bed and the woman he loved sleeping in it. He rushed to the window and pulled the curtains shut. Then he quickly started to undress and slipped under the covers. He caressed her cheek and then kissed her deeply. It wasn't long before she had awakened and was returning the kiss with a passion that he had never felt from his fiancee, Maya. He slowly slipped her nightie off, kissing her body as he did so, and ran his hand across her sensuous curves. His thoughts were forgotten when she responded to his touch. She wrapped her arms around him and it wasn't long before they got lost in the heat of passion. -E- -V- -A- -- Ten minutes before that Hikari walked slowly back to her room and thought about what Misato had said. She knew Touji wasn't likely to dump her, but there was a nagging feeling in the back of her mind that he might not wait much longer. She had been thinking about doing it with him quite often lately. Her current thoughts were interrupted when she ran into Shinji. "Oh, hi." "Hi, Hikari." "Where is everyone?" Hikari asked, hoping she wasn't blushing because of what she had just been thinking about. She also hoped that he couldn't smell the alcohol that was starting to make her feel a bit dizzy. "Um... Kensuke must still be at those boring Eva strategy panels and I think Touji is up in the room. I was going out to the pool to see if Rei is out there." He decided not to mention that Touji was actually out breaking in his new nightvision binoculars, since he doubted Hikari would appreciate that. He also forgot to mention that they had changed rooms. "Oh, well... see you in the morning." Hikari absently waved to Shinji and continued walking down the hall toward the elevators. "Yeah..." Shinji made his way to the pool deck. After he was unable to find Rei there, he decided to turn in for the night. He made his way to the new room the guys had been given. -E- -V- -A- -- Twenty minutes before that "Men are pigs..." Hikari looked at the drunk Misato and sighed. "Yes, Ma'am." She checked her watch again. "I mean... I told him I'm down here in Osaka-2 and... hic.. he has some dammed thugs come by to tell me to leave him alone." Misato took another gulp of her drink and almost fell from the barstool. "Men... they fuck you... and then... hic... leave you." "Yes, Ma'am." "Here... have a drink Hikari..." "No... I shouldn't..." Misato wasn't ready to take no for an answer and shoved the drink in Hikari's face. Hikari faked drinking it until Misato got impatient. "Come on, chug it!" She forced glass back and Hikari ended up swallowing most of it. Hikari coughed and wiped her mouth off. "You know what... hic... hic... Hikari?" "What, Ma'am?" "You'd better fuck that Touji fast... or he'll move on to some other young, sweet morsel." Hikari blushed. "Ma'am!! Didn't you just say that men will just leave you if you let them fuck you?" "Yup, what's yer point? Men are pigs." "Yes, Ma'am." Hikari sighed, she'd been pretty much held captive by Misato ever since they happened to see a news report about some mayoral candidate in Tokyo-3 setting a wedding date. It didn't take Hikari long to figure out that the Kaji Ryouji on the report was Misato's boyfriend. "It doesn't matter if... hic... you let them fuck you or not, they'll leave you for another tramp... hic... when their balls tell them to." Misato pulled Hikari close to whisper something into her ear. Her mouth opened, but no words came out. Hikari recoiled at the stench of the liquor from Misato. "Misato, maybe I should take you up to your room." Misato smiled and patted Hikari's face. "That's a nice thought, but I only like men." Hikari blushed. "That's... not what I meant!" "Try that little Sana cu... hic... she's a lezbo... always staring at me boobs... or was that Touji ?" As she spoke, Misato seemed to be trying to knock flying pink elephants out of the air. Hikari swallowed hard. "Take it from me, hic... hic... Hikari, fuck Touji now and have your fun while you can. Men are only good for their co... hic... And even that can be replaced thank to... hic... modernish technology." Hikari really wanted to leave. "Um... Ma'am? I really have to go..." "Fine... you go fuck Touji then..." Misato slapped Hikari on the back and shoved her towards the door. Hikari wondered if she should leave Misato alone, but decided to get while the going was good. She paused to whisper to the bartender. "Um... she's staying in room four-twenty-two. Can you make sure she gets back there after she's run out of money for booze?" The bartender nodded. -E- -V- -A- -- Ten minutes before that "Boy, Shinji, that must have been one huge turd!!" Touji started laughing as the repairman worked on the toilet in their room. Shinji blushed, either from embarrassment or for the sick feeling in his stomach. "It's not my fault! It just.... overflowed." "Well, next time flush a few times during the big ones." Shinji glared at Touji. "I threw up, okay?! It wasn't a turd you shithead!" Touji smirked at getting Shinji to blow his top. "Excuse me," the repairman said from the doorway to the bathroom. He was covered in... well... really unpleasant stuff. "Looks like you backed up the whole sewer line with that huge turd and all that vomit didn't help either. We'll have to move you to a new room. I've radioed down and a bellhop is on the way." Shinji looked away, blushing in embarrassment. "Damn, I was just getting used to this room too! The view is great!" Shinji rolled his eyes. "Right down to the sun deck around the pool, huh?" "Of course." Touji gave one of his biggest grins. Which most people would call a leer. "We have to remember to tell Kensuke about the new room.... leave a note or something." Touji waved off Shinji's remark. "Yeah.. yeah.. I'll take care of it." "Are you sure you'll remember?" Touji glared at Shinji. "Of course I'll remember, what do you think I am, some kind of over-hormoned idiot with nothing but sex on my mind?" Shinji chose the right to remain silent on the grounds that Touji could beat the shit out of him... the shit that was left in him, that is. -E- -V- -A- -- Half-hour before that Touji cringed at the horrible sounds coming from the bathroom. -E- -V- -A- -- One hour before that Shinji and Touji walked towards their room. "Damn, I think there was something wrong with that sushi," Shinji said, clutching his stomach. Touji shrugged. "I feel okay, you must be imaging it." -E- -V- -A- -- Two minutes before that After the gang had dinner, Rei walked into her hotel room and tossed her purse onto the bed. She noticed an envelope on the floor that must have been slipped under the door. picking it up, she noticed it was addressed to her. After slipping off her shoes, she walked over to the bed while undoing her blouse. She pulled her blouse off and sat down on the bed's edge to read the letter. She casually opened the envelope and started reading the letter inside. Suddenly, she gasped and dropped to her knees. "No..." As she continued to read, a look of horror and panic formed on her face. When she finished reading it, she crushed the letter in her hands and cried into the crumpled paper. "No... no... I've got to tell Shinji." She dropped the letter, rose to her feet, and took a few steps toward the door. "No... I can't do that. It's too dangerous to involve him. This is my problem. I have to rid myself of my past once and for all." After thinking and crying for several minutes, she flexed her knuckles a few times to steady her nerves and then reached for her blouse. "No, that won't do." She sighed and started undoing her skirt as she walked over to her luggage. -E- -V- -A- -- Two hours before that A group of boys and a girl watched the gang walk out of the Eva center. "There!" Hasamoto exclaimed and pointed. The lone girl replied. "What?" "That one... the short one on the end... what's his name?" The girl frowned and looked at the information she had dug up on the Dark Eva Knights team. "Um.... That's Shinji Ikari." Hasamoto smiled. "He's fucked her at least once." "Huh? How can you tell." "I can tell. The way they look at each other and try to pretend they aren't attracted to each other in front of the others. It's obvious." The girl frowned. "He is exactly what we need for the plan to work." -E- -V- -A- -- Two minutes before that "We are so damn good!!" Asuka shouted as they left the Eva center. "The best damn Eva team in the world!!" Touji insisted. "Well, two more rounds to go till we can really say that. But if we can play the way we played today we will win the championships for sure!!" Kensuke insisted, smiling from ear to ear. Hikari gave Rei a big hug. "Well, most of the credit goes to Rei here. She was hacking apart all the Angels in sight." "Yeah, I was able to concentrate on the enemy Evas thanks to you, Rei!" Shinji added his encouragement. Rei blushed at all of the attention she found herself the center of. "Well... I couldn't let my friends down, could I?" "See, I told you that you could do it, kiddo!" Asuka said, slapping Rei on her back. "Um... thanks for not giving up on me yesterday, Asuka. I've never had such good friends before." "Oh... deep." Asuka remarked. "Well, before we start crying and get into a group hug or something mushy like that, let's go pig-out!!" "Okay, but let's find someplace with good food. That fast food we had for lunch was a little bland," Shinji said. -E- -V- -A- -- Half-hour before that Asuka took the mighty oak tree in hand, ripped it out of the corpse, and danced around in triumph with the bloody shaft. "At last, I have done it!! That fool will never bother me again!!" -E- -V- -A- -- One minute before that Asuka tumbled down the forested hillside wrapped in a firm embrace with him. Oak trees snapped like toothpicks as they rolled. With a mighty yell of "Timber!" Asuka ripped out a mighty oak tree from the ground, thrust it through the stomach of the blue Eva, and watched the various internal organs and S2 engine spill out. The dead corpse crashed to the ground in a heap of metal and flesh. -E- -V- -A- -- Five minutes before that A group of boys and one girl watched the game monitors from the shadows. "You're right, Hasamoto, she is good." Hasamoto grinned. "Yes... too good. If we want to win this tournament, we have to get her out of the way." "How?" Hasamoto responded quite casually. "Well, killing her would be the fastest way, but that's too good for her. She needs to suffer for what she has..." He trailed off and went silent. One of the boys frowned. "What did she do?" "Never mind that. Here's what we'll do." He gathered his team together and laid out his plan. The single girl in the group frowned at hearing the plan, but didn't dare speak out about her distaste for it. She didn't want to share the same fate as that poor girl. -E- -V- -A- --Ten minutes before that Round two. The Red Unit Zero flew across the battlefield. Rei sliced and diced Angels into small parts using two severed arms from an enemy Unit Ten that she had dissected within seconds of the start of this round. The arms still had the curved blades extended that were Unit Ten's trademarked weapon. Since she held the arms at the severed elbows, she effectively doubled her reach and was able to keep attackers from getting close enough to harm her, while making mincemeat out of them. Rei did a high leap over a swarm of advancing Angels and landed in the mist of three enemy Evas that had Shinji and Asuka pinned down against a collapsed building. With a quick sweep of one of her extra arms, she decapitated one of them. Shinji took advantage of the hole left in the two remaining Evas' defenses and sprinted forward and tackled a blue Unit Four. The two Evas tumbled away and down a steep hill. When they finally rolled to a rest, the player controlling the blue Eva wet his pants when he saw that Shinji had a handgun pressed to his Eva's chin. He flinched backwards as the single shot ripped through his Eva's head. The exploding head was rendered in vivid detail on his monitors before they went dead. "Shit... I really hate it when they blow my head off." Back on the battlefield, Asuka was trading kicks and punches with a blue twin of her own red Unit Two. She had managed to get her attacker's progressive knife away from him by slicing off his hand--cut right to the bone of the matter, that was Asuka's motto--but in the process she had been kicked by her victim and lost her own knife. Unfortunately, that meant she had to fight him hand to stump until she could find something to bash his skull in with. -E- -V- -A- -- Somewhere where time doesn't exist anymore "Give me back the remote, Asuka!!" Shinji yelled as he chased her around the theater. Since they were both naked, various objects were bouncing and flapping around. Shinji's object made a slapping sound. In mono, of course, with just a touch of surround sound caused by his balls slapping just a second behind his penis. Asuka's twin objects made a pleasant stereo 'boing' sound. "No! I want to see Kaji fuck me again!!" Asuka replied, pressing the rewind button. The viewpoint started moving backwards again. -E- -V- -A- -- Then Asuka bounced up and down on top of Kaji. -E- -V- -A- -- Two minutes before that Asuka writhed in passion under Kaji. -E- -V- -A- -- Then once again Asuka bounced up and down on top of Kaji. -E- -V- -A- -- Two minutes before that once again Asuka writhed in passion under Kaji. -E- -V- -A- -- Then using alternate angle three Asuka bounced up and down on top of Kaji. The sweat dripped down her back and onto Kaji's legs. -E- -V- -A- -- Two minutes before that using alternate angle four Asuka writhed in passion under Kaji. Kaji's nostrils flared as he breathed deeply indicating that he could use a good trimming of his nose hair. -E- -V- -A- -- Four minutes before that using alternate angle two Asuka hung upside down from Kaji's shoulders while he gave her a big kiss on the lips. Think about that for a few seconds... -E- -V- -A- -- Then using alternate angle one Asuka bounced up and down on top of Kaji. Once again, she ignored the fact that it was her first time as well. Not to mention not realizing that it wasn't Shinji she was with. On top of. Err... filled with. You get the idea. -E- -V- -A- Shinji grabbed Asuka around the waist and reached for the remote. "Come on... this is not the time to be concerned about that! I want to see where Rei ran off to." "It's just a fantasy world! It's not real, Shinji!" Shinji clenched his teeth. "I know that..." "Do you? Do you really? You're so worried about who you're fucking in that world that you're ignoring me!" Shinji flinched and suddenly became aware that his naked body was pressed against Asuka's. Mostly since a certain organ pushed them apart slightly as it expanded. "Why don't you just fuck me? It's better than watching those imaginary puppets of yours do it." Asuka winked. Shinji tried to stay calm. "Asuka... why do you keep bringing that up over and over?!" "Because... because... I'm bored!! Third Impact sucks and I really need something to do!!" "No!!" Both Shinji and Asuka looked around at the outraged voice. "Rei?" Shinji gasped in surprise. Rei was standing a few feet from them. "It's... not right... to do that... just because you're... bored." A single tear dripped down her cheek. "Fine then... it's because I love him!" Asuka said, looking lovingly into Shinji's eyes. Shinji gasped and looked into Asuka's eyes. "Really?" His previous anger towards her vanished and he ran his hand through her red hair. He found himself pulling her against his body. Asuka couldn't hold her straight face any longer and she burst out laughing. "No, you idiot! I just need something to pass away the eons we have in front of us. I can't believe you fell for that! What a dork!" Shinji released Asuka suddenly, causing her to fall on her ass. He clenched his fists as anger flooded his mind. "Dammit, Asuka! We've all been through a lot. Why can't you stop being such a dammed bitch all the time!" Asuka rubbed her sore butt from where she had fallen. "I'm not!" "Yes, you are!" Misato walked up behind Shinji. "Asuka, he's right. You have been getting pretty bad lately." Asuka glared at Misato. "You're one to talk. You were ranting and screaming about Kaji... Hey! Why aren't you upset about him doing me?" Misato shook he head sadly. "Because I've decided that world doesn't matter. It's not real. I've found something better to worry about." "What?" Misato looked over at Rei. "My daughter." Rei looked up at Misato and wiped the tear out of her eye. "You care about me? Even after what they did to you to create me?" "Yes." Misato took a step toward Rei and pulled her into a hug. "I love you. They may have butchered me to create you, but my hatred for that doesn't mean I hate you." Asuka opened her mouth to make a snide comment about how sickening sweet that little scene was, but shut it quickly. She decided that it probably wasn't a good time to crack one of her jokes. Without her knowing it, she was learning when to keep silent... slowly learning. Shinji relaxed and looked towards the viewpoint. He used the remote to play from the point he had dropped off Misato. As the viewpoint switched from the recorded image to the 'live' image, Shinji entered his usual viewing trance. -E- -V- -A- After leaving the very drunk and angry Misato with a very bruised Kaji, Shinji walked back towards the elevators to return to his own room. He stopped when he passed Rei's room. He decided he'd see if Rei was back yet, so he knocked on the door. He flinched backwards when the door, which hadn't been closed completely, opened. "Rei? Hikari?" Since there was no response, he pushed the door open. "Rei, Hikari? I'm coming in." He scanned the room and looked through the open bathroom door. When he saw that neither of them was there, he grew very worried. "I guess Touji might have gotten lucky tonight, but where could Rei be?" As he was leaving, he noticed a crumpled piece of paper on the floor. Curious, he picked it up and looked at it. He gasped at seeing some of the threatening writing on it. As he read the letter, he became even more desperate to find Rei. "Oh shit... I hope she doesn't do anything stupid." -E- -V- -A- "Fifty thousand, old man!" "Eh?" the old man mumbled, cupping his ear. Rei flashed five fingers. "Fifty thousand for the night of your dreams." She struck a sexy pose. "Eh? I only have ten thousand." His shaky hand held out a ten thousand yen bill. Rei shook her head sadly. "It'll be a quickie then..." -E- -V- -A- Rei slid off the old man and silently walked towards the bathroom without even looking back. Her face was expressionless except for a single tear that rolled down her cheek. She cleaned up quickly in the bathroom and then looked into the mirror. "I've got to do this... to be free of my past. I've got to do this to keep Shinji from being hurt. I've got to do this..." She trailed off as she pictured Shinji scolding her in the mirror for selling herself like this. She slowly put her hand to the mirror and sighed. "I'm sorry, Shinji... just a few more times and never again... with anyone. I promise." She started redressing and hoped the old man would be gone by the time she was done in the bathroom. She always hated looking into their faces afterwards. Rei straightened the clothes she had assembled from her and Hikari's luggage. The semi-transparent halter-top was probably a sexy little thing Hikari had planned on enticing Touji with. The lace bra she wore under the halter-top was something she'd normally do without in order to attract attention on the street, but she had been unable to leave her room without wearing it. She hated what she was doing, but a part of her wanted to remain the good girl Shinji wanted her to be. The little mini-skirt that completed the outfit was cut from a tight black dress that Rei had hoped to use for their celebration party. She doubted it would be needed now. She had chosen a path of salvation and damnation... there was no going back now. "I'm sorry, Shinji." Before leaving the bathroom, she counted her money again. "What a cheap old man. I'm still short of the one million yen I need. How will I get it all tonight at this rate?" -E- -V- -A- Shinji was panicked as he raced down the noisy streets of Osaka-2. The wording of the letter he found kept rolling through his head as he ran. Suddenly, he screeched to a halt when he saw her and a middle-aged man enter a sleazy love hotel at the far end of the street. "Shit! Don't do it, Rei!" he shouted, but she didn't hear him. Shinji took off running and raced into the hotel. She wasn't in the lobby, so he rapped urgently on the little window. An old man slowly opened the window. "How many hours?" Shinji was not in a mood to talk, so he reached in and grabbed the old man's collar. "Which room did you give to the last couple?!" "I can't tell you that!" Shinji glared at the old man. "Tell me, dammit! That's my sister!" "It's against the law for me to give out that information! Please leave or I'll call the cops!" the old man explained, as if he'd said the same thing to angry relatives, boyfriends, or lovers many times before. In this case, Shinji was technically all three. "She's only fourteen, you bastard! That's even more against the law... TELL ME!" The old man cringed from the determined look in Shinji's eyes. "Room nine, down the hall on the left!!" He pressed the buzzer to admit Shinji. Shinji released the old man and raced inside, hoping that he would be in time to stop her. -E- -V- -A- Rei sat quietly on the bed as a middle-aged man stood over her. He was bald on top with a few strands of hair strategically placed to keep his mind from admitting he was bald. A leer was plastered on his weathered old face. "You are one fine babe, you know that?" Rei nodded awkwardly. "Thank you." "So what do you want to do?" "That's up to you." Before the man could answer, the door flew off its hinges and Shinji barreled into the room and knocked the man over. "Get your filthy hands off her, you dirty, stinking ape!!" "Shinji?!" Rei gasped. A part of her wanted to scold him and tell him to leave, but a part of her was glad he had shown up. "Come on, Rei. I don't know exactly what that letter meant, but doing this isn't going to solve anything." Rei gasped. "You found the..." She stopped suddenly and shook her head sadly. "I'm sorry Shinji, but I have to do this to escape my past." "Escape?!" Shinji shouted. "You fool! You're just going to end up back where you started... as a cheap whore getting your sexual thrills and living off a few yen for a quickie!" "Shut up! It's not about money or sex!" "Then what's it about?" "I..." Rei went silent, stormed over to the middle-aged man, and started undoing her blouse. In her anger, she actually ended up ripping the buttons off as she snapped an order at her customer. "Come on... if you want to fuck me, you have to give me fifty thousand and kick him out!" The man had been mute up to that point as the argument between Shinji and Rei ensued. Awkwardly, he nodded and reached for his wallet. "Stop it!" Shinji managed to blurt. Rei glared back at Shinji. "Shut up! You're not the boss of me!!" The man held out some bills. Before Rei could grab then, Shinji did. "I said no!!" Rei glared at Shinji and pulled back her arm, as if to hit him. Then she stopped at stared at his eyes for an eternity. Finally she dropped to her knees and started to cry. "Why can't you just let me get this over with?" Shinji looked down sadly at his sister, dropped down, and pulled her into a hug. "It'll be okay, Rei. I'm here for you. Whatever it is you're hiding, just tell me." Before Rei could respond, she felt something cold on her wrist. She looked up and saw that the man had attached a pair of handcuffs to one of her wrists. "Hey! That's extra!!" she blurted out of habit. Shinji flinched as he realized that Rei may have had a darker past than he realized. Then he shuddered after he felt the other cuff slapped around his wrist. "What the hell are you doing?" The man stood up. "You really shouldn't have grabbed the money kid, now you're both under arrest." He held out a badge. "Shit, not again." -E- -V- -A- Shinji stared blankly at the viewpoint. His body was limp and his right eye twitched slightly. Rei waved her hands in front of his eyes. "He's not in his normal trance." Misato looked at Shinji as well. "I think... maybe we should let him get some rest. Let's lay him down and just leave him alone. He'll snap out of it." She looked into Shinji's eyes. "I hope." "See, told you watching Kaji fucking me was better than watching what those two were up to." "SHUT UP, ASUKA!!" mother and daughter shouted in unison. -E- -V- -A- Shinji lay motionless on the theater floor where they had put him for what may have been an eternity. Eventually, his eyes snapped open and he starred at the ceiling for a fraction of an eternity before opening his mouth to speak. Eventually, words came out of the opened orifice. "Maybe we should paint that... it seems so familiar." He starred at the ceiling until a voice interrupted his thoughts. "How are you?" Shinji looked over and saw Rei walking up to him. "I don't know... what happened anyway?" Shinji tried not to blush as he talked to the naked Rei, since his view from the floor of her standing right by his head was very... revealing. Not to mention stimulating. "You sort of... left us for a while when Shinji and Rei got arrested." Shinji jerked and almost returned to his catatonic state. "Damn... what happened after that?" Rei shook her head. "You know new events don't unfold in that world unless you are in your trance." "Oh yeah. Um... what do you think I should do with it?" Rei tilted her head. "With your perfect world?" "Yeah, it just seems like it's all falling apart. That Rei has had such a bad life and Asuka's headed for a major heartbreak. I have no idea what Touji might do to Kensuke when he finds out. And on top of all that... Shinji and Rei are headed for jail for sure this time. Frankly, it just sucks." Rei looked sadly down at Shinji. "How does it draw fluid into one's mouth?" Shinji cracked a smile. "No... that means it's bad and it sure doesn't seem to be getting any better." "Oh... slang. I know you think it's bad, but do you really think making another would really solve anything?" Shinji sighed and shrugged. "I don't know, but I can't stand watching that world anymore." He sat up and reached for the storyboards that held his perfect world on several dog-eared pages. "Maybe I should..." He started to tear them, but they didn't. "Huh?" He strained again to rip the pages in half. "Why won't they tear?" Rei sat down on the floor next to Shinji. "Because a part of you is still holding out hope that something good will come of that world." "No! It sucks... it's time to move on!" He tried to tear the storyboards again with the same results. Rei shook her head sadly. "Maybe, but until you accept it inside-" She tapped his chest twice. "-you can't tear those storyboards." Shinji sighed and put down the storyboards. "Maybe Asuka is right, I'm living in a fantasy world... or watching a fantasy world." Rei wrapped her arms around Shinji. "Shinji, I don't think it's a fantasy." Shinji awkwardly looked at Rei's eyes. "Huh?" "You can find happiness." "Maybe... but why can't I even bring myself to end that awful world?" "I don't know. That answer lies within you." Shinji frowned. "Great... just what I need to do more of." "Huh?" "More self-introspection." Rei thought about that for a second before smiling slightly. "Welcome to my world." Shinji cocked his head and looked at Rei. "What?" "I spent many long days and nights in the cloning tank with nothing to do except think about who or what I was and why I was there." "Did you ever find an answer?" "No." Rei paused and looked at Shinji. "Not entirely." Shinji cracked a smile. "Well, we have each other now. Maybe together we can find some answers." He had meant the four of them, but that wasn't how Rei took it. She smiled and rested her head on his chest. "Thank you, Shinji, I feel the same about you." "Rei... um..." "What is it, Shinji?" "Why have you've been acting so strange lately?" Rei tilted her head. "Have I?" "Yeah, not in a bad way, but you've seemed to get more emotional lately." "I see. Yes... maybe I have." "Why?" "It's because of the power you have over me." "Power?" "The power to make me whole. To complete my existence." Shinji laughed, trying to hide his sudden nervousness. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were talking about love." "Love?" "You don't know what love is?" "Does anyone?" Shinji chuckled. "Good point. You know Rei, maybe you should talk to Misato about this. I'm really not an expert on love." "And she is?" Shinji grinned broadly. "I've got it! You're making jokes! I almost thought you were going to kiss me or som... hmmmfff..." Shinji stopped talking when Rei's lips were unexpectedly pressed against his. It was a sweet tender kiss, which went on forever. Or not.. Time held no meaning in the theater after all. After the initial shock wore off, Shinji returned the kiss. Their lips separated and Rei was the first to speak. "Yes, I do believe I love you." Shinji grew very confused, but he was used to the feeling. He found himself reaching out to touch Rei's face, but he suddenly pulled it back. "I don't know what to say, Rei." "Then don't say anything." Shinji decided to take her advice, since talking only seemed to cause him more confusion. He sighed and lay down on the floor and resumed his contemplation of the ceiling. He was faintly aware of Rei lying down beside him as he drifted off to sleep. It never occurred to him to wonder why. [End - Garden of EVA 1:4] ======================================================================= Author's notes/ramblings: The idea for this 'reverse sequence' story came from the Jerry Sienfield episode where they did the same thing: Started with the ending and then worked backwards in time. After writing this part as a normal part, I saw that the lead up to the final cliffhanger and other events had more impact (I hope) if I went backwards through the story. It was also funnier (I hope). So I rewrote it (and the author's notes and header information) to maximize the impact of the revelations. The next part (and future parts) will be in normal sequence. This part was done reversed due to the unique nature of the revelations. Just in case you missed how all the mix-ups happened, here's the scoop: Kensuke was at an Eva panel and didn't know about the room change after Shinji backed up the plumbing because to the bad sushi, so Kensuke returned to the original room that the guys were sharing after the panel finished. Hikari went to the guy's OLD room also unaware of the room change, thinking Touji was there and in her slightly inebriated state didn't check closely enough since she had been told Kensuke was gone and knew Shinji was not in the room. Shinji was in his new room sleeping off the bad sushi, which the bartender accidentally let Misato into (he screwed up the room number Hikari gave him). Misato was too drunk to realize Shinji wasn't Kaji and Shinji didn't want to know if it was Asuka or Rei (he'd have never guessed it could have been Misato, so of course that's who it ended up being). Kaji went to the room that Misato was supposed to be in, but Asuka was there instead. He wasn't aware that Misato was sharing a room, so assumed the woman in bed was Misato. He's not exactly a rocket scientist in this world, you know. Touji was out on the roof looking in windows, so wasn't in either room. This of course makes him the last virgin in the story. :) Arschloch is German for asshole, bastard. I'd like to thank my pre-readers Thomas C. Kinnen, Axel Terizaki, EBJ, David Johnston, Robert Wurtsmith, and Johan Holmburg for helping me find and fix problems with this story. FFML members Michael Liebenow, Turk187, Derek Sherman, Platypus, Kenji Marasaki, Chris Davies, Chris Jones, Ryan Anderson, Michael A. Chase, Christopher J. Olsen, and Mathhew Campbell were also helpful in fine tuning this story. Thank you all. Of course in the end, any mistakes and botched characters are my fault. Revision 0.0 - Initial draft (June 8, 1999) Revision 0.2 - Reversed draft (June 23, 1999) Revision 0.3 - Pre-reader draft (July 21, 1999) Revision 0.4 - FFML draft (August 8, 1999) Revision 0.5 - Second FFML draft (August 15, 1999) Revision 1.0 - Final version (August 25, 1999)