From: Jim Lazar Subject: [Eva][FanFic][Lime] Garden of EVA 2:10 - Rei Blows Shinji, Who Sucks Asuka, Who Bites Misato! X-Moderation-Queue-Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 20:18:39 -0700 Garden of EVA 2:10 - Rei Blows Shinji, Who Sucks Asuka, Who Bites Misato! Book 2: Blows Neon Genesis Evangelion characters and situations created and Copyright by Gainax, Project Eva, ADV Films - Used without permission Garden of EVA series created, written, and copyright 1998-2001 by Jim Lazar A series set within episode 26 of Neon Genesis Evangelion that will blow your mind. "Speech text in double quotes is spoken as Japanese." E-mail comments and/or criticisms to: Previous parts and my other fanfiction can be found at: ======================================================================= There's no point in putting a warning here. If you've read all the other parts of Garden of Eva, you know what sickness to expect within. ======================================================================= Yui looked away from the nonsense spewing Shinji. "Well, one out of two not going insane isn't that bad considering the conditions I had to operate under." "Oh, Shinji!!" Rei cried out and jumped over to embrace Shinji. "What's wrong with him?" "He's a moron," Yui said softly. "Yeah, yeah... we've always known that, but what's wrong with him now?" Asuka asked as she walked over, a strange limp noticeable in her stride. Yui ignored the slam to Shinji's mental capacity--either because she agreed with it or she didn't get Asuka's put down--and explained further. "The two sets of memories couldn't handle being joined, so he went stark, raving mad." "Oh..." A mischievous smile appeared on Asuka's face. "In that case, Rei won't want him any more." She grabbed Shinji's hand and pulled "So I'll take him." Rei jumped forward and grabbed Shinji's other hand. "No, I love him; moron or not." "I love my daddy!" Shinji said and then tried to touch his nose with the tip of his tongue. "Oh my. He's worse than I thought," Yui said and looked sadly at the floor. "Come on... what good is he to you in this condition?" Asuka asked Rei as she tried to keep Shinji from picking her nose. Rei glared at Asuka. "Love is more than spending time talking and sharing your lives together. There's the sex, too!!" "Yeah, I know. That's why I want him. I assume his brain being Swiss cheese won't affect his ability to get a hard on." Asuka reached around Shinji's waist and squeezed his penis. She smiled as the expected reaction happened. "Yup, it still works." She leered at the object of her desire. "When you really think about it, he's not that different in this condition than he was before." "No, not before the Sea King marries us, Ariel!!" Shinji spouted and tried to pick Asuka's nose with his erection. Asuka didn't mind. But Rei did. "Get your penis out of her nose, Shinji!!" she yelled as she yanked Shinji away from Asuka and gave him a big hug. "I'm sorry, Shinji, I know you're a moron now, but I'll always love you." "I love you too, Rei." Rei looked up into Shinji's eyes, tears streaming from her own eyes. "Wha..." Yui pulled her finger off of Shinji's ear and smiled apologetically. "Sorry, I missed a bit of brain." She casually held up the severed penis that had formerly been attached to the other Shinji's corpse. "I forgot the bit of his brain that he had in his penis." Asuka chuckled. "I always knew boys thought with their pricks." "Shinji?" Rei looked into the eyes of both her lovers and saw something other than reruns of Itchy and Scratchy cartoons. "Oh, Shinji, you're not a moron anymore?" "Well... it's not like he was a genius before the..." Asuka began, but shut up when Rei kicked her in the stomach. Well, she made some noises, but they were mostly incoherent grunts and groans, with at least one very unflattering remark about Rei's parentage. Asuka made even odder noises when Misato slapped her with a live halibut. "I had enough of being called a fish hatchery in high school, so shut the hell up!" While Misato and Asuka began the latest almost-naked chick fight to take place in the theater, Rei finished giving Shinji a long, wet kiss. "I'm so happy you're alright. " She put a hand to Shinji's forehead to make sure his brain wasn't too hot. "I'm fi..." Shinji suddenly gasped and clutched his head. "Oh my god!! It's so simple. I..." "Are you okay, Shinji?" Rei asked, pressing her naked breasts against Shinji's naked chest. "Yes, I..." Something suddenly came up. "Um.. err..." Shinji's eyes went wide as the blood drained from his newly merged brain in order to raise his oak tree. "Oh crap!! Now I forgot how to do it!!" Rei frowned and looked at Shinji with concern. "Do what?" "It... it was so clear and obvious suddenly. I knew instinctively that it would work and the details of how to make it were so detailed in my newly merged mind." "What?" Rei prodded. "I suddenly realized a sure-fire way to make a perfect world." "How?" Shinji shrugged his shoulders. "I forgot." "Oh..." Rei tilted her head. "Want to go make out then?" Shinji smiled. "Sure." He took Rei's hand and stepped over the struggling bodies of Asuka and Misato, who were rolling around on the floor naked; their fig leaves having been torn off during one of the more painful moments of the fight. Not to mention erotic moments. Yui sighed as she looked at the people she found herself confined in the theater with. "I should have never bothered trying to improve humanity. We're hopeless." -E- -V- -A- Shinji's oak tree pressed into the fertile ground of Rei's forest for a split second before Yui pulled Shinji away, uprooting his oak tree before it could sow its seed. "Aw, Mom!!" "Please let him fuck me!!" Rei moaned, but not in the way she wanted to moan. Yui shook her head sadly. "I didn't merge you four so you could screw each other's brains out." Shinji sighed. "Especially after all the hard work I did to put the brains in your horny skulls in the first place." "Please?" "Real men don't beg." Yui shook her head sadly. "Gendou used to beg me mercilessly for everything." She started to count on her fingers. "Food, sex, foreplay, more food, destroy the world... in that order. It never stopped with that man." Shinji and Rei started to back up. "Hold it!!" Yui snapped, stopping them in their tracks. "I was afraid of you horny little children-" She glanced at Misato, who was borrowing Shinji's old penis. "-getting out of control without your leaves." She whipped out an oak leaf and held it menacingly out in front of her. "Come here, Shinji." Rei's eyes went wide. "No, don't take Mr. Pokey away from me!!" "Mr. Pokey?!" Shinji and Yui gasped in unison. They did a double take and then looked at Rei. "What?" Rei spat. "You don't have nicknames for your favorite toys?" Shinji and Yui refused to answer that on the grounds that it might incriminate them. Instead, Yui slid to the side and jumped towards Shinji's oak tree with the oak leaf aimed at his groin. Rei pulled a weed whacker out of somewhere and sliced up the oak leaf. Yui flicked her hand and five more oak leaves appeared. "You're going to need a bigger weed whacker, little girl." Rei glared at Yui. "Why are you such a prude?!" Yui snarled at the younger woman "I'm not, I just think that sex should be shared only between a man and a woman who have been married for no less than five years--to make sure the jerk doesn't turn out to be some skirt chasing pedophile--and then only with the lights out so neither can see the other's naughty bits." She glanced at Rei and Shinji's naughty bits. Shinji frowned. "That sounds like a prude to me." "Am not!" Yui retorted. "I agree with Shinji; you are a prude." "Am not!" Yui lunged for Shinji's oak tree with an oak leaf, but the leaf missed and became attached to his left buttock. "Hold still!!" she yelled and she readied another leaf. Rei stepped in front of Yui and took the leaf for her lover. Yui glared at the leaf as it stuck to Rei's skin right under her left breast. "Wait your turn, I have to protect the morals of everyone in this theater!" Shinji suddenly stiffened... no, not THAT kind of stiffened. His whole body went rigid and his eyes went wide. A light bulb appeared above his head and cast a golden glow down on his body accompanied by heavenly music that played from a old fashioned CD player setup in one of the corners of the theater. "That's it!!" Rei and Yui stopped struggling for Yui's last oak leaf--the other two being stuck to Rei's right butt cheek and Yui's left forearm--and looked at Shinji. "What?" Shinji was smiling broadly. "I remembered how to make that perfect world." Rei forgot about her catfight with Yui and smiled. "That's great!!" She took a step toward Shinji to give him a big hug, but then remembered what the feeling of her breasts did the first time Shinji came to his big revelation. Instead of pressing her firm, teenage breasts against his chest, she reached out and shook his hand. "That's great news, Shinji." Yui smiled. "See, you don't have to be over affectionate and rub your firm, teenage body against his skinny, teenage body to show your support for him." She suddenly looked like a middle-aged librarian. "Purity and chastity are your best choice for a platonic future together." So engrossed in her speech about abstinence and chastity, Yui completely missed seeing Shinji and Rei start to get hot and heavy behind her. Only when she heard the slurping sounds when Rei started to live up to this part's title, did Yui notice that they weren't paying attention to her three hour long speech on the benefits of being chaste. "Hey, stop that!" Rei ignored the older woman and continued blowing to her heart's content. -E- -V- -A- Shinji stared at the storyboards for several moments before putting the marker to the paper and making another in a series of marks. "This will really be perfect this time." He scribbled out the line he had just made and drew another line, but with a curve in it. "Yeah, that's the ticket." Asuka laughed deeply. "Ha!! I'll believe it when I see that it doesn't bite, suck, or blow!" "It won't," Shinji insisted. "We trust you, Shinji," Misato said, putting a comforting hand on Shinji's shoulder. "I don't!" Asuka insisted. Rei was snuggled up at Shinji's side. "Let's see it." "Well... it's not done yet..." Shinji said with a little apprehension. "Please?" Rei asked, pushing her breasts against Shinji's arm. "Well... okay, but remember it's not done yet," Shinji agreed in a loud squeaky voice and turned over the storyboards so the others could see them. "Wha..." Rei gasped. "That's..." Misato searched for words to describe what was represented on the storyboards, but couldn't find any. Naturally, Asuka could. "That's one fucked up idea you got there, Shinji," she said, smirking. Yui wiped a tear out of her eyes. "I'm so proud of you. I never thought you'd have the balls to kill so many people at once." Shinji frowned. "Kill?" He turned the storyboard around and looked at it from various angles trying to figure out how his latest perfect world could possibly kill anymore. It was perfect after all. Of course, Shinji always thought that at first of all of the six hundred and sixty-six 'perfect' worlds he had created in the theater up to that point. Not seeing anything wrong, he shrugged his shoulders and continued working on the storyboard. The pile of discarded storyboards to his left would soon grow by one. -E- -V- -A- "Why don't you give it up, Shinji?" Shinji looked up from his latest attempt to draw his 'really perfect this time' world. The storyboard was mostly scribbled out lines and figures. "Because it's too important, Asuka." "Why can't you accept that we'll never get out of this damned theater and start repopulating the Earth by fucking us?" Asuka asked, while spreading her legs invitingly. "Me first." "What's the point of repopulating a world that is confined by wooden walls?" Shinji said as he crumpled up the storyboard he had just been working on. He was about to add it to the growing pile of toilet paper when he paused. "Walls..." he whispered as he uncrumpled the storyboard. He stared at its clean pristine buildings made out of some kind of crystal substance. "That's it!!" He giggled like a little schoolgirl. Misato looked over at Shinji and then at Rei. "How many times is that?" Rei looked at the wall to her side and made another chalk mark next to the hundreds of others. She scanned the numbers briefly before responding. "That's two thousand, seven hundred and eighty times he's said 'that's it'." Misato sighed. "But that is the first time he's giggled like a little schoolgirl after saying it." Rei consulted her running total. "Usually he cackles like his father or gets an erection." "Like his father, you mean..." Misato sighed again. "Ha! Like my husband could get it up was regularly as Shinji,' Yui laughed as she walked over. For some reason, she was still holding Shinji's penis in her hand. "I mean look at this..." She raised the severed member to her mouth and blew on it. It stiffened. "It's not even connected to a body and it still performs better than my husband." Asuka stormed over. "Hey!! Who said you could have that!!" "Finders keepers." Asuka clenched her fists. "Oh yeah?" "Yeah!" Asuka took one step before a cry from Shinji interrupted the brewing catfight, much to the readers' disappointment. "Finished!!" Rei frowned. "That's the first time he's said that." Shinji was doing a little happy dance in the center of the theater, twirling a stack of storyboards above his head. "It's perfect!" Near where he was jumping around like an idiot, a viewpoint started to form right next to the frozen viewpoint, which had shown world six-six-six to those in the theater. The women all gasped when they saw the viewpoint start to form. "Wow, he must have really finished it this time," Misato commented. Asuka laughed deeply. "This world is really going to blow..." Rei and Misato wanted to disagree with Asuka, but they knew the redhead was probably right. There was no way they would tell Asuka that, of course. -E- -V- -A- In the beginning when the world was new, green pastures flowed across the gently rolling hills between the sea and the mountains. The occasional small bush or tree broke up the green grass. The climate was mild, with occasional rain showers and a gentle breeze to help keep the land green and in bloom. At first glance it looked like paradise. At second glance it looked like one boy's idea of paradise. Both glances weren't entirely wrong. Into the green paradise appeared dozens and maybe hundreds of five-year-old kids, all naked as the day they were born; which technically was the moment they had first appeared in the paradise. So you could say they were always naked, since they were never wearing anything. Not even a diaper, or g-string, or fig leaf, or... well, you get the idea. They were naked, innocent, and pure. Then a redheaded girl tackled a black haired boy. Squealing with delight, the two kids tumbled down the hill, bowling over a girl with short blue hair. Before long, the two girls were playing tug of war with the boy. Or, to be more exact, they were playing tug of war WITH the boy's body The more things change... -E- -V- -A- "What?" Misato gasped. "He made the three of you into five year old kids?" she looked away from the three playing kids at her other theater mates. "Damn, why did he not make me as big as I really am?" Asuka asked, sticking out her ample bosom. "They're only five years old, you moron!" Asuka scowled at Rei. "I liked you better when you were just our Rei." "Get used to it, we're one person now and loving it." Rei smiled broadly. Misato studied the viewpoint. "Hmmm... well, if he took nine years off of everyone's ages, then I'd be fourteen again!" Asuka chuckled. "Try twenty or so." Misato's fist met the side of Asuka's head a second later. -E- -V- -A- A little five-year-old girl with long black hair put a crown made out of flowers onto a little shorthaired boy's head. The little girl giggled as she surveyed her handy work. "Ga!" The boy smiled charmingly at the girl, some smudges on his chin making him looking like he had the start of a real lame beard. The girl took his hand and skipped off across the meadow, humming sweetly. -E- -V- -A- Misato's jaw dropped. "He made me and Kaji five-years-old too?" Asuka laughed. "At least you're together, even if he's a little wimp now. My Kaji would never play with flowers or skip in such a girly way." Misato sighed. "No, that's pretty much how he was in college after he'd had a few." Asuka's eyes widened. "And here I always thought you were the mean drunk in that couple." "Hey, there's Hikari and her two boyfriends," Rei remarked, pointing at the viewpoint. The women all watched a girl with long brown hair running around the serene landscape with two boys, one with black hair and one with brown. "They look happy," Asuka remarked, a slight wistful tone evident in her voice. "It can't last," Yui remarked suddenly from behind the three younger women. "He made a paradise where there's no reason for the humans to progress mentally or physically. A Garden of Eden without the serpent." "Hey, there's your husband," Rei said, pointing at the viewpoint. "Oops... spoke too soon." -E- -V- -A- The strange little bearded boy was playing in a mud puddle when a little girl with yellow hair skipped over. She stared at the boy for a few moments before jumping into the mud and splashing around. After getting thoroughly covered in mud, the two kids skipped off into the sunset, giggling all the way. -E- -V- -A- Asuka clutched her head and screamed. "Oh, the horror!!" Yui frowned. "Could he have..." She let her thought trail off when she recognized something familiar on the viewpoint. "Dammit, don't go near that bitch!!" Asuka smiled. "So that's Ritsuko's mother, huh?" she asked, looking at the brown haired girl who was now dancing in front of the little Gendou and Yui. Yui nodded angrily. "I saw that cunt all too often after I died and could only watch my husband screw everything in a sk... um... screw everything up." Asuka wasn't sure if the older woman meant the woman in general was a cunt or if she was referring the vagina on Ritsuko's mother. she decided after Yui started to rant and rave about the innocent young girl on the viewpoint. "Ritsuko looks happy with Maya," Misato said, pointing at two girls in the background. Rei squinted and tried to make out more details. "What are they doing?" Asuka suddenly grew interested and looked closely. "What, are they humping each other?" Misato shook her head. "It looks like Ritsuko is trying to teach Maya how to pick..." Her eyes went wide. "No! Don't touch the apples!!" -E- -V- -A- The little brown haired girl stood on top of the little black haired girl's shoulders and reached for one of the red apples hanging from the tree. The second her fingers touched it... nothing happened. The second her little fingers wrapped around the forbidden fruit... nothing happened. The second she pulled it from the branch... nothing happened. The second she smiled and looked down at her helper... she fell to the ground and rolled down the little hill the apple tree was on. She grunted as she stopped, but then smiled when she saw that the apple was lying next to her. Giggling, she put the red fruit to her mouth. She opened her mouth to take a bite, but paused when the little shorthaired girl walked up. Smiling, she held the fruit out to the other girl so she could take the first bite. -E- -V- -A- "Well, Eve and Eve is an interesting difference," Misato remarked. "Gee, even Shinji's version of paradise has lesbian lolitas. What a sicko!!" Asuka remarked, hitting Shinji with his own arm. That being the severed arm belonging to the corpse of one half of the current Shinji, of course. "Ouch!!" Shinji gasped and grabbed his head as he came out of his trance. The viewpoint immediately froze right before little Maya bit into the succulent red fruit that would damn the new world to an eternity of non-naked women. "What'd you do that for?" he asked, his eyes dimming slightly. Yui stepped over and pushed some of Shinji's brain back into his ear where it was oozing out. "Try not to hit him for a little while longer, Asuka dear. His combined brain is still not completely solid yet." Shinji's eyes returned to their former vacant look. "Why'd you hit me, Asuka?" Asuka pointed at the viewpoint. "What's the idea of stealing the Garden of Eden idea?" "Garden of EVA?" Shinji asked, confused. He looked back at the frozen viewpoint. "I made sure there were no Eva's in my new world this time." Asuka pulled her arm back to hit Shinji upside his head with his own severed arm again, but stopped when she remembered the goo between his ears. "Garden of EDEN, idiot!" She kicked him in his left shin. There wasn't any brain there, after all. Rei pulled Shinji out of Asuka's kicking range. "Actually, Garden of Eva sounds like a good name for Shinji's new world. We are all here due to the Evangelions, after all." Yui puffed out her chest out of pride. Or she just wanted to show off her slim figure under her semi-sheer robe. Asuka laughed. "Ha!! Garden of Eva sounds like some crappy story about our sick, perverted, and twisted lives!" The others in the theater suddenly became self-conscious and started looking around, pausing slightly in the reader's direction. Misato cleared her throat and looked at Shinji. "Anyway, the Garden of Eden is from the Bible. Surely you knew that?" Shinji rubbed his shin. "Really? Well, I've never seen that movie." Misato rolled her eyes. "Well, if you've never read it, how did you come up with that?" She pointed at the viewpoint. "Huh?" "The apple tree in the middle of the paradise!" Misato snapped, obviously losing her patience. "Well, they have to eat something, don't they?" Shinji asked, as if it was obvious. "I put some pear trees, banana trees, and some pizza trees in there too." The jaws of the three younger women dropped open. "Shinji, junk food is bad for you," Yui scolded in her most annoyingly motherly tone of voice. Shinji shrugged. "What's life without a good slice of anchovy pizza?" "Ick," Rei said simply. "What a lame topping for pizza in a paradise!" Asuka remarked. "Pen-pen always loved anchovy pizza," Misato said wistfully. Trying to get back to the subject at hand, Misato pointed back at the viewpoint. "So your paradise isn't the Garden of Eva..." She shook her head, trying to get the odd name out of her head. "Err... Eden?" "Nope. I just finally realized why my other worlds all went bad." "Why?" the four women all asked. "Because they all relied on the past as a foundation." "What do you mean?" Yui asked. Shinji looked at Yui. "You showed me the problem. Always trying to put leaves on our naughty bits, always talking about chastity and purity, and always trying to apply your standards to us in this theater. Just like I was always looking at MY worlds through my own eyes." "I think his brain's on the fritz again," Asuka commented. "My brain's fine!!" Shinji insisted, unconsciously checking his ears for signs of brain ooze. "I was creating worlds through my own experiences and knowledge of the world I had grew up in." Rei nodded. "Most of them were very similar to our old world." Misato put a comforting hand on Shinji's shoulder. "But you did the same with this latest world." Shinji shook his head. "No... I didn't." He looked at the peaceful landscape displayed in the viewpoint. "I started from scratch. There's nothing in that world. It's a clean slate. Just a place for the children to grow up in." "I'm amazed it took you so long to draw it then," Asuka muttered sarcastically, glancing at the pile of discarded storyboards. Misato frowned. "But why start them at five years old and not newborns?" "I was going to make them babies at first, but then I realized they wouldn't be able to survive on their own without adults," Shinji explained. "But I realized that having adults around would limit the ability of the children to create their own world free of outside influences and the chain of destruction would repeat itself. Starting out with five-year-olds that had basic motor skills to collect the food and interact should allow them to make a world free of the trappings of the old world humans had created." Yui put a hand on Shinji's shoulder. "But to wipe out thousands of years of human history..." "Human suffering," Shinji retorted. "The great human achievements..." "The great human wars." "Human arts and culture..." "Like 'Pokerat Twenty-fifteen' and 'Barney does Debbie with a Big Purple Salami'?" Shinji listed the two highest grossing movies of all time in his original world. Yui went silent and stared at Shinji for several heartbeats. "You may have a point there. I hated that yellow rat." Asuka smirked. "Bet you loved Barney's two-meter long love-sha... mpppphhhhh..." She was cut off when Rei and Misato's hands were slapped across her mouth. Shinji turned back to the viewpoint. "Just watch as my perfect world unfolds." Asuka chuckled. "I'd be surprised if it survives much beyond the first bite of that apple." -E- -V- -A- The girl with the short, black hair sunk her teeth into the succulent red fruit and took a large bite. When she pulled the apple away from her mouth she was smiling broadly as she chewed the morsel in her mouth. Swallowing, she raised the apple to her mouth again, but paused when she saw the brown haired girl in front of her. Smiling, she held the partially eaten fruit out to the other girl. The brown hair girl smiled and savored the large bite she took out of the apple. By the time she handed the half eaten apple back to the other girl, she had a stream of apple juice running down her face and chest. The girls finished off the apple quickly and then lay down and stared at the white clouds as they floated overhead. -E- -V- -A- "Well, I'm surprised..." Asuka admitted. The others in the theater were amazed at the admission. "I mean... it just figures that the first kiss in Shinji's paradise would be a lesbian indirect-kiss." Asuka started laughing. "Bet that world turns into a manless world of lesbians." "They'd eventually die out if there were no men," Rei remarked, sounding like the original Rei. Her next statement didn't. "Besides, a world without men would be very boring until they invented vibrators." Asuka's eye twitched. "I liked the old Rei better," she mumbled. Without warning, Shinji came out of his trance. He turned his head, causing the others in the theater to stumble backwards in fright. What could terrify the four women that had been to hell, the theater, world six-six-six, Austin, Texas and back to the theater? The contented and joyous smile on Shinji's face, that's what. It was a smile of pure happiness that had never before appeared on Shinji's face, not even when Rei blew him or he sucked Asuka or even when Asuka bit Misato's nipples off in world four-seven-two did Shinji smile like this. This was the smile of a boy who was completely and utterly happy. And, yes, it was on Shinji's face. "What are you smiling at, you dork?" Asuka was never the subtle one in the theater. "I'm smiling because I'm happy that my latest world is going so well." Asuka laughed deeply. "Give it time, it'll suck eventually." "Oh yeah?!" "Yeah!" "Bet you it turns out great!" "You're on, what's the bet?" Shinji thought for a moment, but couldn't think of anything. "I don't know. There's nothing in this theater that I want." Asuka spread her legs. "Nope, he doesn't want that," Rei calmly insisted. That insisting included her pulling Asuka away from Shinji by her long red hair. "You're on!" Shinji agreed, stunning everyone in the theater. Not to mention the readers. Even the author was a bit amazed at the turn of events. "If that world sucks, I'll suck you like you've never been sucked before." "And fuck me!!" Asuka insisted. "No way!!" Rei insisted. Shinji smiled and pulled Rei away from Asuka. "It's okay. It's a deal, Asuka, if this world doesn't work out, I'll have sex with you." "Hot damn!" "How could you make a bet to cheat on me!!" Rei broke into tears and ran into one of the corners, followed closely by Misato. Shinji pushed Asuka away before the redhead could collect on the bet then and there. "Don't get your hopes up, this world will be perfect. -E- -V- -A- About ten years later Shinji's tongue slipped into Asuka's vagina. -E- -V- -A- In the theater, five sets of eyes watched the fifteen-year-old Shinji suck Asuka's... you know... on a grassy hill. "I win the bet!!" Asuka yelled and spread her legs. "How so?" Shinji asked, coming out of his trance. "You said if your new world sucked, you'd do me." Asuka pointed at the viewpoint. "Shinji's really sucking away there." "You know very well what I meant." Shinji sighed. "I'd have thought you'd be happy about that." He pointed at the viewpoint, where the 'S' in sucking had turned into a 'F' just before the image froze. Asuka huffed and closed her mantrap. "It's pretty obvious that that world is going nowhere! It's been ten years and all they've done is form harmonious clans of boys and girls that forage for food and now they've discovered the pleasure of sex." "And what's wrong with that?" Shinji asked. Asuka thought for a moment, before shrugging. "When has sex in one of your worlds ever resulted in something good happening?" Misato nodded and put a hand on Shinji's shoulder. "She does have a point there, Shinji." Shinji grumbled something that the readers would find very funny if they could have heard it. "Speak up, Shinji," Yui said in her most motherly tone of voice. -E- -V- -A- Shinji arched his back and grunted as a shadow fell over his face. Opening his eyes, he saw Rei standing over him and watching him poke a redhead. "Coo koo?" Roughly translated from the primitive language that evolved over the past ten years, that meant 'What's up, person with big bumps and no tree and blue pussy?' It's a very efficient language. "Koo coo cachooo?" Rei responded. Roughly translated, that meant 'Whatcha doing?" "Koo fu moo," better understood as 'Doing person with big bumps and no tree with red stump-eater'. "Oh," which meant 'Oh'. Oddly, some of their primitive language was exactly the same as English translated from Japanese. Asuka looked over at Rei. "Oh..." She bounced. "Koo..." Bounce. "Doodo..." Bounce." Goo..." Bounce. "Roo." All of which means she is greeting Rei while bouncing up and down on Shinji's mighty oak tree. "Koo coo fu huu zoo?" Rei asked the redhead, which translates to 'When you done screwing the stick, can you help me clean up the cave by our tree?' Asuka nodded, or maybe it was he riding Shinji's rock hard stick that caused the nod. "Goo muu du wap?" Which means 'Sure, but don't you want to ride the stick after me?" Rei burped, which was the same as shaking her head 'no'. "Juu?" which meant 'Then why?' "Wa ooo ruu." "Wa?" "Doo wa cum fuu cuu." Which meant 'Water come from vagina.' Rei looked down at her large belly. "Pee pee boo poo poo huu luuluu tree," which meant 'You should piss behind the shitting tree near the lesbians' tree'. -E- -V- -A- "You jerk!!" Asuka slugged Shinji in the stomach and kneed him in the groin before Rei and Misato pulled her away from him. Shinji came out of his trance in extreme pain. "What the hell happened?" he asked, rubbing his groin. "Asuka kneed you in your balls," Rei explained as her breasts pressed into Asuka's face as the three naked women wrestled. "Why?" Subdued under Misato and Rei's breasts, Asuka exhaled and relaxed. "Because you got Rei pregnant before me, that's why!!" Shinji sighed. "Well, duh... you should have been paying more attention." Asuka looked confused. "Huh?" "About nine months ago they were walking through the woods searching for wallpaper for the cave and Rei tripped and fell on top of Shinji." "Huh?" Asuka looked at Rei to confirm what Shinji was saying. Rei nodded. "Shinji got aroused like any other teenager with a gorgeous naked chick like me on top of him and they discovered the 'stick' and some interesting ways to use it." "How did I miss that?" Misato rolled her eyes. "You apparently missed seeing Shinji show his stick to the other girl in his little harem as well." "It's a harmonious clan!" Shinji insisted. "And it took him nine months to stick it too me?!" Asuka grew angry and threw off the two women holding her down. Shinji backed up instinctively; he'd seen the look on Asuka's eyes all to often not to know what followed. He dodged her first kick and spun to the side. "Calm down, Asuka!" "Calm down?" Asuka snapped. "No matter what crappy world you make, I always end up getting screwed after Rei, if at all!" "Well..." Shinji thought back, but realized Asuka was right. "Um... sorry." "I'll show you sorry!!" Asuka screamed as she finally tackled Shinji. "Why won't you love me!!" she screamed as she throttled Shinji, millennia of pent up sexual frustration finally causing her to snap. "I... do," Shinji gasped with his precious few breaths. Two hearts skipped a beat. Those hearts belonging to Asuka and Rei, of course. "You're trying to trick me!!" Asuka insisted, tightening her grip around his neck. "No, I don't think he is." Asuka flinched and looked around at the source of the voice, which was the last person she would have expected to hear that from. "Rei?" "Yes." Rei knelt down next to Asuka and the blue-faced Shinji. "I know both of the Shinjis intimately and know there is a part of them that loves you." "You're just lying to save his life!" Asuka tightened her grip on the dark purple skin of Shinji's neck. "No, I'm not." "I can't believe that! I know he hates me!!" Rei kicked Asuka in the stomach, causing the redhead's hands to slip off Shinji's neck. "As he loves me, he also loves you." Asuka rubbed her stomach and glared at Rei. "How can you say that after you keep getting him in all those worlds and even in this crappy theater!!" "Haven't you noticed who is all in this theater of Shinji's?" Rei looked around. Asuka scanned the occupants in the theater. "Yeah, just you, me, Misato, Shinji, and his mom." Her gaze ended on Yui, who was picking lint out of her belly button, oblivious to the three younger women and Shinji's near death experience at the hands of a pissed off redhead. "All the people he loves." Asuka smirked. "I've always thought he hated himself, so why is he here then?" Rei considered this for a moment. "We all hate ourselves in some form or another, but we also love ourselves when it seems no one else can." Asuka hated when Rei got all philosophical and everything, but then she remembered this was a different Rei. Two Reis in one, in fact. "You're not talking about masturbation, are you?" "No." Rei gestured to the others in the theater. "It's no coincidence that the women Shinji loves are all with him here in this theater." Asuka's eyes went wide as she jumped to the wrong conclusion. That usually meant Shinji was going to be in extreme pain shortly. Asuka jumped on top of Shinji and punched his stomach repeatedly. "You pulled me into this hellhole and you won't even express the love Rei says you have for me! You bastard!!" Tears were streaming out of her eyes as she pummeled Shinji. "Why!!" "Ooooof..." Shinji gasped. "It's because... ooooof... of this..." "Because of what?" Asuka asked as she punched Shinji again. Shinji pushed Asuka off of him, violently. "Because you're always so violent and angry, you fucking bitch!!" As she sat up from where Shinji's shove had sent her, Asuka flinched. "See, he doesn't love me!!" "I do..." Shinji muttered. "You've got a weird way of showing it," Asuka spat as she sat up, rubbing her butt. She kept a wary eye on Shinji. Shinji rubbed his throat. "You're one to talk! When have you ever reached out to touch me without inflicting pain?" Asuka thought for a moment and opened her mouth to mention a time, but shut it when she realized he was right. For the most part she had never touched him in anything but anger. "Well, you deserved it." "See?" Shinji stood up and walked over to Asuka. "I'm not sure how we all ended up here together, but Rei is right; I love you all." "But you won't love me like you love Rei." Shinji reached out and touched Asuka's cheek. "I can't." "Why?" "I just can't." "Please..." Asuka wiped a tear out of her eye. "Please, tell me." "I can't and won't... I won't ruin this." Shinji reached out toward Asuka, but she stepped back from him. "Just let it go and be happy with the fact that I love you." "You coward. Saying you love me like this..." Asuka gritted her teeth and pulled back her hand out of instinct. Shinji didn't move. "Slap me if it'll make you feel better." Rei took a step forward, but Misato restrained her. "Let them handle this by themselves." Asuka hesitated. "Just tell me why you can't express your love to me." "I can't." Asuka's hand slapped across Shinji's face. "Coward." "Yes, I am," Shinji said holding his cheek. "I'm afraid to lose you if I open my heart further to you." Asuka clenched and unclenched her fists. "What do you mean?" Shinji remained silent. "Tell me!!" "I'm not sure you're really here," Shinji finally admitted. "Huh?" "I'm afraid if I get closer to you or try to act on my feelings, you'll disappear from the theater." "What are you? Stupid?" Shinji shook his head. "Please drop it, Asuka," he pleaded, knowing she wouldn't. "What could be so bad that it would be worse that this hellish theater we've called home for the past untold millennia?" "Not spending these untold millennia together." Shinji reached out and touched the side of Asuka's head. "I was always afraid you'd disappear if you found out." "Found out what?" Asuka asked, as she closed her eyes and relished the feel of Shinji's hand on her face. "That you died in Unit Two fighting the Production Evas." Asuka eyes snapped open. "Huh?" Shinji gazed into her eyes. "I remember holding your corpse in my arms." "But... but..." Asuka shook her head. "I was alive when you pulled me out of Unit Two..." She frowned. "Wasn't I?" "I remember that too... but I also remember it differently." Asuka laughed nervously. "You're just confused." She reached up and took Shinji's hand and put it over her left breast. For once, without wanting sexual gratification from Shinji. "My heart is beating, so I'm alive. Right?" Shinji wished he felt as hopeful as the tone in Asuka's voice wanted him to be. "Your heart is beating, but I'm not sure if that's because you're alive or just because I want it to keep beating." Asuka pulled away from Shinji, her body shaking. "No... no... no..." "I'm sorry... but I think it's the truth. At first the memory of your smiling face looking up from the hatch of the entry plug was clear in my mind, but..." "NO!!!" Asuka screamed and dropped to the floor, slapping her hands over her ears ands shutting her eyes shut. "No... no... no..." Shinji knelt down in front of Asuka. "Listen to me, Asuka." "Get away from me!!" Asuka screamed. "I'm alive and nothing you say will change that!" "I know." Shinji wrapped his arms around Asuka's body. "I think the only reason you're here with me now is because I love you." "Then..." Asuka sobbed, her eyes still clutched shut tight. "Then why can't you express your love for me?" "I was afraid." Asuka Opened her tear filled eyes. "Afraid?" "Afraid I'd lose you," Shinji said as he wiped the tears out of her eyes. "So I resisted getting closer than we were before Third Impact. I'm not sure if it was for fear of feeling worse if I did lose you or that changing our relationship would somehow cause you to disappear." "Wha... wha... what an idiot!!" Asuka snapped, surprising Shinji a bit. "If you're afraid to love someone, you've already lost them." "I know that now." "And it's only taken you how many millennia to figure it out?" Asuka said, a lovely smile appearing on her face. Lovely to Shinji at least. "Too many and at the same time, I wouldn't have traded them for anything." He leaned in and gave Asuka a peck on her lips. "Remember that I love you, no matter what." "Why do I believe you?" Asuka asked, unable to look away from Shinji's eyes. "Because you've always wanted to hear me say that." "But is it true?" "It's true." Either to prove it or because he wanted to get some long overdue loving from Asuka, Shinji pulled her against his naked chest and gave her a long, sensuous kiss. He had to wrap his arms around her and hold on tight to support her when her legs went limp from the sensation. Asuka looked dazed when his lips finally parted from his. "So... now what?" Shinji gulped. "I don't know. We'll all be together if... no WHEN this latest world works out." "We're still together," Asuka remarked, somewhat confused at Shinji's tone of voice. A tear dripped down Shinji's cheek. "Not for long..." He could already see the theater walls through Asuka's translucent body. "I'm not going anywhere," Asuka insisted reaching out for Shinji. That was when she noticed that she could see through her own hand. "Wha..." "I'm sorry." Shinji couldn't look her in her eyes. "I thought that this might happen once I really accepted that your were dead and told you... I'm sorry. Remember that I love you." Asuka wasn't paying much attention to Shinji, she was frantically checking out her body as it slowly faded from view. "What's going on?!" Shinji took a step forward and wrapped his arms around Asuka's fading body. "I'm sorry, this was what I was afraid of..." "You idiot, then why did you tell me?" Asuka whispered instead of yelling and smacking Shinji like she would normally be inclined to do. "Maybe I shouldn't have." For the first time in her life, Asuka felt calm inside. "No, that's okay." She sighed and put her head onto Shinji's shoulder. "That's okay." Shinji just held onto the woman in his arms, wanting to savor the sensation of holding her for as long as he could, dreading the moment when he could no longer feel her in his grip. But that time came all to soon. "No, not yet! Come back, Asuka!" Shinji cried out as he wrapped his arms around himself and started to shake. "Come back..." A single tear splashed across the oak floor. It was quickly followed by many more as Shinji realized he had let her go. Finally let her go. -E- -V- -A- Shinji according to Asuka: A boy who wouldn't love me until it was too late. Or was I a girl who wouldn't let him love me until it was too late? Asuka according to Shinji: I killed her. Maybe not with my own hands or even with my Eva's hands, but when it came to being a man I was only a boy. I love you, Asuka. -E- -V- -A- "It's always too soon to lose someone you love." Some time later, Shinji looked up and saw his mother towering over him. "Are you real or are you a ghost like Asuka?" "Both," Yui said simply without explanation. "Huh?" Yui didn't respond. When it was obvious that Yui wasn't going to explain that, Shinji asked a different question. "So where is Asuka now?" Yui looked over at Rei. "Her soul is with the others waiting for your new world." Rei flinched. "She's in me?" She looked down at her flat stomach. "She's in my uterus along with the souls of all the other humans who were on Earth during Third Impact?" Yui nodded. "Yes." Rei found it oddly comforting to know her former theatermate was still with her. Yui continued. "While Shinji still held onto the belief that Asuka had survived in Unit Two, her soul was trapped here in this theater my son created." "Trapped..." Shinji muttered. Yui looked at Shinji. "It's better this way. When you finally build your perfect world, Asuka can be reborn in it." Shinji looked at the viewpoint. "That's my perfect world. A world free of the pain of the past." "You would sacrifice thousands of years of human history and evolution to start with a clean slate?" "If people can be happy, yes." Rei looked closely at the viewpoint. "Well, Asuka looks like she is happy there on top of Shinji." She tilted her head. Yui decided not to comment on the position Shinji and Asuka were frozen in on the viewpoint. "Shinji, while that world may seem like paradise now, without civilization..." "Without wars... without suffering..." Yui decided not to get into that argument again with Shinji. "It's your choice, but remember that even with its bad parts, human history has given us great works of art, an unique multi-cultural world, and, above all, green M&Ms." Shinji nodded. "I understand." "Do you?" Shinji nodded again and stood up. "I do." He looked at the viewpoint and prepared to enter his trance. "Shinji?" Shinji gulped loudly. "I'm in my trace." "Shinji, am I dead too?" Shinji knew that Misato would eventually ask that, but he also knew that she wouldn't like the answer. He didn't like the answer either. Misato walked in front of Shinji and raised his chin with her hand so she could look him in the eye. "Am I dead too?" she repeated her question. "No, don't be silly. I dragged you into Unit One with me, remember?" Misato thought for a moment before replaying. "Yes, but Asuka also remembered you pulling her out of Unit Two alive." Shinji didn't answer. Verbally that is. But Misato could tell by how he was avoiding the question. "It's okay, Shinji. I'm a big girl and I can accept my death." "But I can't." Misato smiled and wrapped her arms around Shinji. "It's not right to dwell on the past and the dead, isn't that what your clean slate world is all about?" Shinji soaked in the warmth of Misato's body. "Yes, but..." "Shinji, it's time we said goodbye." The tears reappeared in Shinji's eyes. "No!!" Misato stroked Shinji's hair. "Shhhh... it's all right. You didn't want to let go of me and for that I'm thankful. This theater of yours was fun, but it can't last." "Yes, it can..." Shinji said, then added with more hope that conviction, "I know it can!" "Maybe, but it's not real. I'm not real." "You're real to me." Misato smiled and slipped backwards so she could look Shinji in the eyes again. "I'll always be in your heart." She put her hand over the left side of his chest. "If you were only fourteen." Misato smiled. "I was a geeky little girl when I was fourteen, nothing like I am now." She picked up Shinji's right hand and placed it over her left breast. "You'll be in my heart as well." "I love you." Misato smiled and leaned down. Instead of giving him a kiss on his lips, she kissed his forehead, much like a mother would. "I love you too." "What about all that other adult stuff you promised we'd do later?" Misato thought back to her last real conversation with Shinji before she died, the memory of which was slowly replacing the false memory that had been in her thoughts until then. "Yes, well..." She looked over at Rei. "I think Rei can handle that." Shinji looked over at Rei, who was shaking slightly and tearing up. "Rei?" "Mom, I don't want you to go..." Rei said between sobs. Misato smiled and held her hand out to Rei. "Me either, but sometimes a mother has to leave her children-" She glanced back at Shinji as she said this. "-so they can live their lives to the fullest. I am sorry to leave you both, but I know my time has come." "But..." Rei slowly walked over and took Misato's waiting hand. Immediately she was drawn into a hug with her mother and Shinji. "Mommy..." "Shhhh... don't cry little ones. I'm only going to rest for a little while until Shinji's perfect world is ready." "Misato..." Shinji said softly as noticed her skin grow pale. "We can't part like this." "What are you? Stupid?!" Shinji flinched and looked around for the angry redhead that usually accompanied that voice. But he just saw the same theater that he had always seen along with his mother and the two women he was hugging. "Asuka?" He looked back at Rei and Misato. "Did you hear that?" "I didn't hear anything," Rei said, looking around. Misato shook her head. "We should have parted long ago, I think it's time you moved on with your afterlife." Shinji knew she was right, but didn't respond. He just held Misato and Rei until he held only Rei in his arms. "Goodbye." His tears splashed against Rei's back, and hers his. -E- -V- -A- Shinji according to Misato: A boy who became a man in front of my eyes. Our time together was too short. Misato according to Shinji: She died for me. I didn't ask her to sacrifice her precious life for mine, but she still gave her precious life for my worthless one. I love you, Misato. -E- -V- -A- Shinji lay on the theater floor and stared at the ceiling. "I'm bored." "You could see what's up in your latest perfect world," Yui suggested from across the theater where she was wallpapering the walls. The pattern she had picked out depicted little severed Gendou heads with blood splattered all around. Living in the theater tends to draw out grudges. Time may heal all wounds, but time is a fleeting thing in the theater since the occupants aren't always aware of its passing. "I don't feel like it." "You could have sex with your little girlfriend." Shinji's mouth dropped open in surprise. "Given the circumstances, it's probably your best chance to knock her up and find out the true horrors of parenthood." Shinji turned his head and looked at Rei, who was sleeping in one of the corners. "Rei's going to give birth to the whole world, I think that's enough for one lifetime." Yui sighed as she put up another piece of wallpaper. "Are you sure you're not just afraid to get closer to her now that she's the only eligible woman in the theater?" Shinji closed his eyes, having grown sick of the ceiling. "Probably." "What do you mean?" Yui asked as she put up yet another bloody-Gendou-head covered piece of wallpaper. "I think I hurt Rei by expressing my love for Asuka and Misato like that." Yui smiled. 'You probably did." Shinji opened his eyes and looked over at her. "Gee, thanks for the reassurance." Yui chuckled. "Shinji, love is a painful path. As you've already seen, love has many destinations and each of those women were one possible destinations on your highway of love." She straightened a seam. "While your path could have led you to any of them in the end, only by experiencing the pain on the path itself could you arrive at the destination." "Rei." Yui nodded. "If you had never met Asuka or Misato and lived in sin with them, could you have arrived at this point and fallen in love with Rei?" "No... I guess not." "Remember, the path you took to get here to this theater and fall in love with Rei wouldn't have been possible without the people around you and the paths their lives took." "I know..." "Would you throw all those life paths away and start over with your Garden of EVA?" Yui asked, referring to Shinji's latest paradise. "Like the paths you took that caused the end of the world with Third Impact?" Shinji asked accusingly. Yui shrugged off the end of the human race as we knew it. "Whatever, we did what we thought was necessary to ensure the next evolutionary phase of humanity." "And if you did nothing?" "Someone else may have found Adam and really messed it up." Shinji tried to figure out how things could get worse than they already were, but got a headache. Then a thought struck him. "And if no one found Adam, what then?" "The world would eventually stagnate and the human race would probably die out in time." Shinji smirked. "So if I based the new world on the last, it'd just be the same." Yui opened her mouth, but paused as if stumped. "Well... um... you have to fix the problems and revitalize our world. Starting from scratch is a cop out." Shinji smiled. "So what? I'll cop out if I want to." Yui sighed. "Always taking the easy way out, just like that idiot husband of mine. He couldn't destroy the world on the salary he earned working at McDonald's, so he tricked Bill Gates into financing Gehern. He couldn't recombine recombinant DNA, so he married me. He couldn't get it up, so he almost O.D.ed on Viagra. The list is endless..." "I'm not my father!!" Shinji blurted. "Of course you're not dear," Yui consoled Shinji, glancing at his groin. "Not even close to him." Fortunately, Shinji didn't notice where Yui was looking, or the hungry look she gave him, or the drool that dribbled down her chin. Even more fortunately, this story will not become a story of incest. Um... at least not between a mother and a son. And definitely not in this part. Shinji looked over at the frozen viewpoint. "Well, might was well finish proofing that world so we can finish up Third Impact and all that." Yui shook her head sadly. "You really need to take your responsibility more seriously." Shinji shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, probably." Yui put her hand on Shinji's shoulder. "Do you miss the other girls?" Shinji nodded. "Well, after spending so many millennia with them in here, that's to be expected." Yui gestured to the bloody-Gendou covered walls. "That's why I redecorated, to give you a change of pace in here." Shinji looked at the wallpaper and sighed. "Yeah, thanks, that's a great help." He rolled his eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me, young man." "Sorry..." Once again, Shinji turned toward the viewpoint and prepared to enter his trance. That's when he noticed something was missing from the theater. And he wasn't thinking about the fine wooden walls that were now covered in tacky wallpaper. "Where's Rei?" Yui looked around and looked surprised when she didn't see the blue-haired girl. "I don't know. Maybe she left like the others did?" she suggested. "No!" Shinji snapped and frantically started to run around. "Rei!!" "She was probably depressed by the fact that you told the other two women that you loved them," Yui started to theorize, scratching her chin. "Rei!!" Shinji yelled as he ran from corner to corner, desperately looking for his lost lover. Or half lover, since only half of him had actually scored with Rei. Or half of Rei, depending on how you look at it. Or, since the original Rei in the theater was actually four Reis in one, that might be a quarter of Rei who got screwed by half of a Shinji. Or, if you... Yui cut off the author's ramblings with more of her own rambling. "If she grew very depressed at the thought of you loving someone else, her ego border might have collapsed to the point it couldn't contain her multi-matrix soul, which was already stretched to the breaking point by containing the memories of the other Rei." She scrunched up her face as another thought occurred to her. "Actually, she has memories from at least four Reis, so her brain might have just exploded under the pressure." "Rei!!" "Now if her brain exploded, that could have released the souls she's carrying in her womb and caused a inverse soul-black-hole that consumed her and the souls, effectively ending the human race's chance to be reborn. Or it could have been a fluke temporal anomaly by another Rei coming back from Fourth or Fifth Impact and causing a warp implosion that destroyed the Enterprise or flung it back in time thirteen seconds. Or maybe..." "Rei!!" "Shinji?" a muffled voice replied. Shinji and Yui looked at the source of the voice and gasped. Yui gulped and looked a bit embarrassed. "Or I might have accidentally wallpapered over her." Shinji ran towards the wrinkled bump on the wall and tore off a piece of the wallpaper. "Rei!!" he shouted as her perky breasts were revealed. "Shinji, it's so dark!" Another piece of wallpaper was pulled off, revealing her blue bush. Not to mention her pink vaginal folds, but I won't mention those. Several more rips later, Rei fell into Shinji's arms. "What happened?" Shinji finished picking off some bits of wallpaper that were still stuck to Rei's skin. "Um.. well..." He looked at Yui. "Sorry about that..." Yui said, looking around at the wallpapered theater. "I was doing a little redecorating and must have missed seeing you there." "Oh... I dozed off against one of the walls, I guess." Rei looked around and saw the little severed Gendou heads on the wallpaper. "I don't like the pattern." She grinned. Shinji smiled. "I love your smile." He leaned down and gave her a long kiss. When it ended, he apologized. "I'm sorry if I upset you when I told Asuka and Misato I loved them." "That's okay." She lowered her head, causing some of her hair to fall over he eyes. Shinji could tell she was still troubled by the look in her eyes when he brushed her hair away. "Rei, whatever else has happened and will happen, I love you; now and forever." Rei burst out laughing. "That's so corny." Shinji shrugged. "Yeah, but it's the truth." Rei melted into Shinji's embrace. "I love you too." Shinji's lips met Rei's once again and they shared a private moment. Well, private except for Yui standing nearby and watching their every move, that is. When something suddenly came up, she turned away. "Well, I'll just leave you two alone." She started walking away. As he slid on top of Rei, Shinji pressed against the half wallpapered wall. Oblivious to the loud cracking sound that rang out, Shinji pressed his body against Rei's. Their lips touched again, sending waves of excitement through their young bodies. Rei moaned as Shinji's hand slid seductively up the side of her body, pausing at all the right spots to make her moan louder. Relying on the memories of the Shinji who had actually done it before, Shinji slipped his mighty oak into her waiting forest with a mighty wall-shattering thrust. And then the wall collapsed behind them, covering them with dust and splinters. Coughing, Shinji wiped the debris off Rei and looked up. "What happened?" He gasped when he saw the wall of the theater had fallen down and noticed the wooden supports sticking out of the back of it. It looked exactly like the false walls that you would find on a movie set. "Wha..." "Oh my..." Yui said as she walked back over. Shinji looked back at Yui. "Mom, what's going on?" Yui shook her head. "I'm not your mother, I'm his mother." She pointed behind Shinji. Following her gesture, Rei and Shinji looked through the settling dust and saw themselves floating on a sea of LCL. Ironically, the other naked Shinji and Rei were in a similar position as the Shinji and Rei in the theater were. Except Rei was on top. [End - Garden of EVA 2:10 - Rei Blows Shinji, Who Sucks Asuka, Who Bites Misato!] ======================================================================= Author's notes/ramblings: No, that's STILL not the end. This cliffhanger was supposed to be the ending of 2:9, but I had a lot more fun with Shinji and Rei's dismembered body parts than I originally thought I would (or could) in 2:9, so another part was needed. Everything changes (again) for the grand finale (hopefully) in Garden of EVA 2:666 - God Blows His Nose I'd like to thank my pre-readers Michael A. Chase, Tanya Acojedo, and Olesh Hotra for helping me find and fix problems with this story. Thank you all. Of course in the end, any mistakes and botched characters are my fault. Revision 0.0 - Initial draft began (January 26, 2001) Revision 0.1 - Initial draft completed (April 9, 2001) Revision 0.3 - Pre-reader draft (April 29, 2001) Revision 1.0 - Final version (May 28, 2001) Revision 1.1 - First RAAC posting (June 28, 2001)