From: Jim Lazar Subject: [Eva][FanFic][Lemon] Garden of EVA 2:3 - Asuka Blows! X-Moderation-Queue-Date: Sat, 06 May 2000 18:52:33 GMT ======================================================================= Garden of EVA 2:3 - Asuka Blows! Book 2: Blows Neon Genesis Evangelion characters and situations created and Copyright by Gainax, Project Eva, ADV Films - Used without permission Garden of EVA series created, written, and copyright 1998-2000 by Jim Lazar A series set within episode 26 of Neon Genesis Evangelion that will blow your mind. "Speech text in double quotes is spoken as Japanese." E-mail comments and/or criticisms to: Previous parts and my other fanfiction can be found at: ======================================================================= Tons of sex coming up. Mostly lime with a strong lemon aftertaste. Just a reminder since there seems to be some confusion by my readers: The world Shinji created in the last part and which continues in this part is NOT the same world that was seen in the first two Garden of EVA books. The world in the last part and this part is the FIRST world he created, hence why he just woke up in the theater for the first time in 2:2 after Third Impact created the theater in 2:1. Got it? Good, now stop bugging me. Grumble... grumble... ======================================================================= Asuka according to Shinji: A redheaded shrew -E- -V- -A- The large lizard chewed on the armored skin of its opponent, trying to get under one of the thick armor plates covering its enemy's hide. Shinji raced into the area and tossed a small ball into the middle of the battle. "Elephantar, I choose you!!" The ball opened and disgorged a large elephant-like creature with ten trunks. It proceeded to sit on the Charizard and Bubizard, crushing them flat. Blood oozed out of the Elephantar's butt crack as it played 'Fly Me To the Moon' using its ten trunks. Shinji grinned as he removed his VR goggles. "That's was fun." He looked over at Kensuke. "What did you say this was based on?" Kensuke straightened his glasses after removing his own VR goggles. "Some classic stage play from the Twentieth Century. I think it was a musical about a bunch of singing rats or something." "Weird... well, thanks for suggesting it." Shinji and Kensuke walked out of the VR play area and towards the exit together. "But why didn't you ask Touji?" "Touji didn't want to come because his ball and chain wouldn't let him." Shinji laughed. "Speaking of that... didn't you have a date with Rei today?" Kensuke thought for a second. "No... I don't think so. Every Wednesday and Saturday we go out. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my free days, unless she's having her per..." Kensuke trailed off as he did the math. "Oh crap!! I messed up!" Shinji just started at Kensuke and tried not to think of why Kensuke kept such close track of his sister's periods. Several steps later, Shinji had yet to be able to think of anything other than what he was thinking. Lost in thought, he missed seeing the person he ran into. As he crashed to the ground, shooting pain flowed up his thigh. His face faired much better, since it landed between a pair of soft bouncy objects. "Watch where you're going, dummkopf!!" Shinji looked up and saw an angry redhead attached to the breasts his face was enjoying being between. The erection he got showed that the rest of his body shared the enjoyment. "Oh... Asuka!" "You should look where you're going, you jerk!" Asuka spat, pushing Shinji off her chest. Shinji blushed and did his best to hide his bulge as he got up. "Um... sorry." Asuka smirked. "Yeah, right." She turned to the person she had just entered the VR center with. "Your brother sure is a horny little jerk, Rei." "You have no idea," Rei commented looking down at Shinji. Then she looked at Kensuke. "Where were you? I finally gave up when Asuka invited me down here to play the new game." Kensuke bowed in front of Rei. "I'm sorry, Rei!! I miscalculated!!" Rei smiled. "No problem... let's go have some fun." Kensuke smiled and raced off with Rei, leaving Shinji and Asuka to stare bewildered at the retreating couple. "Oh, great... now what can I do?" Shinji opened his mouth to make a suggestion. "Not in your wildest dreams, you little prick." Shinji frowned. He scrambled to think of something that didn't involve spreading butter onto Asuka and him buttering his hard roll on the hot-buttered babe. "I just wanted to suggest the... VR game here." Asuka frowned. "Well..." "Oh, come on.. it's fun. You get to kill all kinds of monsters." Asuka glanced at Shinji's bulge. "It doesn't have some kind of hidden sex cheat that you're trying to trick me into doing with you, is there?" Shinji gulped. "No! At least... I don't think there is. I've only played it once." "Oh..." If Shinji recognized the disappointed tone in Asuka's voice, he didn't show it. "You basically use some monsters--which range from mean and ugly to cute and cuddly--to tear apart your opponent's monsters." Asuka cocked her head. "Sounds a bit gross." "Yeah, it is." Shinji smiled and licked his lips like Hannibal Lechter before a trip to the grocery morgue. "Well, what the hell, I'll give it a shot." -E- -V- -A- "Pika...." Asuka clenched her fists. "Go... go... go..." "Pika..." "Kill that bastard!!" Asuka shouted. "Chuuuuuuuuuuu!" The yellow rat exploded under the intense heat of the Charizard's fire attack. The battlefield was quickly covered with yellow pieces of burnt and bloody flesh. Shinji swore. "Dammit!! That's not fair!!" Asuka grinned. "You didn't say that when you had your rat eat my water monster." Shinji fumed and glared at the redhead across the remains of his monsters. "What does that have to do with it?!" Asuka smirked. "It's simple physics, dummkopf! The water of my Aquatranssexuar--that your rat ate--was heated by my Charizard until it expanded and caused both to explode." Shinji stared dumbfounded at the redhead girl. Asuka sighed. "What an idiot..." She muttered and then looked Shinji in the eye. "Let me put it this way..." She covered her breasts with her hands. "If I heat up my breasts with my hands will they shrink or grow?" Shinji blushed. "I... I... I don't know, I don't think of that kind of thing!!" Shinji's other mind contradicted his statement. Asuka smirked when she saw the bulge appear on his groin. "Maybe you won't be as boring as I thought." She looked around the VR landscape and then walked towards Shinji. "Let's try this again." She undid a couple buttons on her school blouse. Shinji's eyes went wide and he took a couple steps backwards. "Wha... what are you doing?" Asuka sighed. "How naive can you be?" She grabbed Shinji's arms and pulled his hands over her breasts. "Now squeeze them and see if they contract or expand." Shinji started to hyperventilate as the warmth from Asuka's breasts flowed through her bra and into his hands. "Come on, SQUEEZE!" Shinji broke free of Asuka's grip and ran from the VR play area, leaving a trail of VR equipment behind him. "Such a boring little boy." Asuka shook her head sadly as she re-buttoned her blouse. She was startled when a pair of hands wrapped around her from behind and started to massage her breasts. "Well, a slow starter, but..." She frowned suddenly as her sensitive breasts revealed something. She turned around and glared at the man who had been fondling her. "What the hell are you doing!!" "Sorry, you looked like you wanted it." The man licked his lips. Asuka noticed he was wearing one of the outfits the VR center's employees wore. "Jerk!!" In one swift movement, she kneed him and then stormed out of the play area, leaving the old man moaning on the floor. "Ouch..." The old man rubbed his sore head. That being the one between his legs, not on top of his shoulders. -E- -V- -A- "Oh... Asuka..." Shinji rocked back and forth on top of the redhead. "Oh... oh... oh..." "Shinji, that's just sick..." Sweat dripped from Shinji's forehead as he looked up from what he was doing. "Rei!! Um..." He looked between Asuka and Rei. "Um..." "Why don't you just ask her out instead of humping the rubber one?" Rei smirked. Shinji blushed as he slid off the blow up doll, making a long squelching sound. Sort of like the sound of an oak tree being dragged across a rubber tree. "Who are you talking about!!" "Asuka..." Rei quickly clarified. "The living one I mean. You know... the one not made out of rubber?" "I don't know what you're talking about!!" Shinji pulled his pants on. "I hate that shrew!!" Rei smirked. "Yeah right..." She pointed at the rubber doll, which Shinji was shoving under his bed. "The why does Rubber-Asuka have red hair suddenly?" Shinji blushed deeper and grabbed the red wig and hid it under his mattress. "No!! That has nothing to do with her!!" Rei giggled. "You know, Shinji, if you actually ask Asuka out, she may say yes." Shinji leaned closer to Rei. "What has she told you?" Rei laughed. "Mostly questions about the boys in the school. She's asked a lot of the other girls too. I think she's looking for a boyfriend and is doing research to find the best one." "Well..." "If you play your cards right, maybe you can trade Rubber-Asuka in for a rubber so you can have some fun with the real Asuka." Shinji's jaw dropped at hearing his sister talk like that. "Sis, what are you saying!!" Like many sisters, Rei assumed Shinji was just stupid so she rephrased her comment. "I mean that you need a condom so you can have hot, unbridled, monkey-sex with the living and breathing Asuka. You know, the Asuka without a plastic snatch?" Shinji fainted at hearing that from his own sister. Well, Rei being his sister probably had little to do with it, he would have probably fainted no matter who said that to him. -E- -V- -A- While his three naked theater-mates looked on, Shinji collapsed to the floor of the theater and banged his head against the wooden floor. "What the hell is going on?!" "Man, you are one sick puppy to make a world like that," Asuka remarked. Or more like gloated. "I didn't." "Yeah, right." Asuka pointed at the storyboards. "Admit it... you made a world where we could be lovers and screwed it up like everything else you've ever done." "Isn't that what you want?" Rei asked calmly. "To screw Shinji?" Asuka glared at Rei. "What?!" She looked awkwardly between Shinji and Rei. "NO!!" Shinji looked up from the ground. "Stop arguing... I screwed up." "She started it!" Asuka shouted and pointed at Rei. "I believe you began it when you called Shinji a sick puppy who humps a rubber doll with a pathetic, limp, Chinese noodle," Rei calmly responded. "Don't fight you two!!" Misato interrupted the fight and got between the two teenage girls. "You're not our mother, you know!" Asuka shouted at Misato. "Calm down, Asuka," Shinji said from the floor. "*I* started all this when I screwed..." He trailed off when he remembered something. "Rei... Asuka never said anything about a noodle." He unconsciously glanced at his currently limp noodle. Rei cocked her head to the side. "She said that while you were in your trance." Shinji glared at Asuka. "What else do you say and do while I'm in my trance?" "Nothing!" Asuka insisted, but dropped a marker at that moment. Shinji's eye's narrowed, causing the raccoon circles around his eyes to become ovals. "Why don't I believe you?" Asuka hid the black marker behind her back and then shrugged innocently, causing her breasts to bounce. -E- -V- -A- "You won't tell Asuka, right?" Shinji asked as they soaked in the tub before school. Rei laughed. "Don't worry, I don't want anyone knowing what a sick puppy my twin brother is." "Hey!" Rei laughed and squeezed her little brother's shoulder. "Just ask her... the worse thing she can do is turn you down." Shinji sighed. "No, the worse thing she could do is turn me down in front of the class, call me a pencil dick, mercilessly tease me repeatedly about said pencil dick, hit me over the head with a two-by-four, and make the rest of the school year a living hell for me." "True." Rei nodded and then grinned. "You've thought about that a lot, haven't you?" "Maybe..." Rei smiled and leaned over to Shinji. "Shinji, you really don't have anything to worry about. You're actually pretty well-endowed." Shinji blushed and looked down. "Well..." He covered his lap. "Damn, what makes you think you're so small anyway?" "Well... during gym when we shower..." Rei's jaw dropped open. "Man... and I thought the girls were bad in the girl's locker room. Always comparing breast sizes, grabbing each other's tits, that little Sana always dropping the soap. If anyone should be worried about being small it's me." She cupped her small breasts in her hands. "Look at these little things. I'm the smallest in the class!" A drop of blood splashed into the water. "Rei!!" Shinji wiped his nose. Rei laughed. "You're so cute when your hormones get flowing. Don't worry Shinji, you've got nothing to worry about. Heck, I wish Kensuke was as big as... err..." She blushed and turned away from Shinji to hide her embarrassment. "Rei! You said you'd never had sex with Kensuke!!" "Um... well... we didn't do anything... we just showed each other... well... just took off our clothes and looked at each other. He was so timid and bashful... I could have just eaten him all up." She noticed Shinji's suddenly angry look. "But I didn't." Her blush deepened. Shinji smiled at his sister's embarrassment when it came to talking about her own sex life. "Ah... so my big sister is just a little girl after all." He started to laugh. Rei crossed her arms over her chest and sulked. "I am not!!" -E- -V- -A- Shinji glared at Kensuke as he walked into class that morning. Kensuke couldn't read Shinji's thoughts, but he got the idea from Shinji's body language. So did his penis, that suddenly receded into his scrotum as Shinji made 'snip-snip' gestures around his own groin. Kensuke gulped loudly. "Mr. Aida, please don't gulp loudly in class," the teacher remarked and then looked at Shinji. "You're late. Stand in the hall with a bucket." Shinji muttered something and turned to leave, only to crash into a pair of breasts and fall forward to the floor. The breasts cushioned his fall. "Now I know you're doing this on purpose!!" Asuka bellowed and pushed Shinji off her chest. "You little pervert!" "I'm not!" Shinji snapped back "Your dick appears to agree with me!" Asuka pointed at his mighty bulge. Giggles and laughs were heard from the class. -E- -V- -A- A few minutes later in the hallway, Shinji was holding a bucket of water by its handle when a redhead slid beside him with another bucket. He glanced at her awkwardly, unwilling to start a conversation. So Asuka started it instead. "Thanks a lot, pencil dick!" Shinji frowned, but did not make eye contact when he spoke. "Just shut up. You were as much at fault as I was." "You can make it up to me after school." Shinji flinched. "Why should I?" "Because I said so." "You'll have to do better than that, you shrew!" "How about this?" Asuka shoved her hand down Shinji's pants and grabbed his mighty oak. Shinji gulped loudly. "No gulping out there!!" the teacher ordered from the classroom. Asuka gave the bark on the tree a thorough chipping. Shinji's eye's rolled upwards. "Ahhhhhh..." "No making orgasmic sounds out there!!" -E- -V- -A- "Are you sure your parents and sister are out until eight?" Asuka asked. Shinji nodded. "Yeah... Rei is out with Kensuke and my parents are out bailing out an old friend of theirs. A Professor Fuyutsuki or something like that. Apparently he knocked up the fourteen-year-old daughter of one of his bosses. "Wonderbar..." Asuka smiled broadly as she slapped one cuff of a pair of handcuffs onto Shinji's wrist and the other cuff to the bedpost. She quickly closed the door to his room and turned down the lights. "Wha... what are you doing!!" Shinji stammered, looking nervously between the handcuffs and the crazed redhead. "Paying you back..." Asuka pulled several leather straps out of her bag and began to corral Shinji's flailing limbs. "If you behave, this won't be as much fun..." "Stop!!" Shinji shouted, trying to find a way to get loose, but he quickly found himself at the mercy of the redheaded devil. "Please, stop... I'm sorry." "Begging won't help you." Asuka grinned mischievously and started to undo her blouse. "Now, who is your master?" she asked as she let her skirt fall to the ground and opened her blouse. Under her uniform, she was wearing a tight, red outfit. The crotchless thong that made up the bottom of the rubber outfit exposed more thigh that Shinji had ever seen on anyone except his sister. And then there was the non-rubber snatch, which was new to him too. The sleeveless top piece lifted and separated her two breasts, which were protruding through two openings in the top. For some reason, a little '02' was imprinted on the top of the rubber outfit just below the neckline. "Please... I'm really sorry." Asuka smiled at the bound boy and pulled out a long whip from her bag. "Good, now then... where should we start?" She traced a circle around Shinji's groin with the end of the whip's handle. Shinji cringed. "Please stop!" Asuka smiled devilishly. "Ohhhhh... I like it when they beg." Crack. Shinji fainted. "Such a boring little boy, I didn't even hit you yet." -E- -V- -A- "Wake up, Shinji..." Asuka purred and resumed what she was doing. Shinji opened his eyes and looked around the room. "Wha... where did she go?" An unfamiliar sensation caused him to look down his body. "Ack!!" Asuka lifted her head from his groin and smiled at Shinji. "I thought that'd bring you around. Mouth to dick resuscitation is my specialty." She winked and returned to what she was doing. What was she doing, you ask? Oh, just reread the title for this part and you'll get the picture. Shinji remained conscious until all the blood drained from his brain; either from his nose or as it flowed to his nether regions. "Well, at least you lasted longer this time." -E- -V- -A- Shinji came out of his trance and stumbled backwards. He crashed into Rei, Misato, and Asuka. All three crashed to the theater floor in a big heap of naked flesh. "Ouch!" Asuka snapped and pushed Shinji off her. Shinji barely registered the others and started to mumble to himself. "This... this isn't want I wanted. It can't be right..." Rei calmly got to her feet, brushed off her... skin, and walked over to Shinji. "It's okay, Shinji, I understand that most fourteen-year-old boys are horny bastards who only want girls so they can get laid." Shinji looked at Rei as she knelt down next to him. "You've been talking to Asuka again, haven't you?" "What they hell do you mean by that!!" Asuka bellowed. Rei nodded. Shinji sighed and looked at Misato. "What should I do?" Misato shrugged her shoulders, causing her breasts to bounce. Shinji got dizzy trying to follow the spinning nipples. He sighed heavily. -E- -V- -A- Shinji opened his eyes and saw two nipples spinning above him. "Ack!!" Asuka smiled as she bounced on top of Shinji. "Can you try not to faint again? This is a lot better with a conscious man. Well... except for that time in Osaka-2 when I worked my way through the coma ward at Osaka General Hospital. That was quite a night." "Wha... what are you doing?" Asuka rolled her eyes. "Having sex with you." She looked down at where her body was swallowing Shinji's oak tree. Shinji followed her gaze and gasped. "What are you doing?!" "Such a boring little slave." She tensed her muscles. "Now do you understand?" Shinji's eyes rolled upwards. "I see you do." Things were proceeding to a climax when a loud popping sound was heard followed by a loud hissing sound. Shinji went pale. "What was that?" Shinji went paler. Asuka leaned over and started to look under the bed. Shinji became partially transparent. "No, don't!!" Asuka reached under and pulled herself out from under the bed. "What is this?" Shinji thought fast. "Um... it's a mannequin. Um... my father makes them." Thought FAST, not thought WELL. Asuka examined the deflated rubber 'mannequin'. "Then why does it have these two large holes on each end?" "Um... they use that for mounting it in the stores." "Uh huh... well, then-" She ran her index finger across one of the holes--which one isn't important, the end result is the same-- and licked her finger. Then she touched the tip of Shinji's penis and licked her finger again. "Ah ha! You screw this blow up doll, don't you?!" "No!! I.. um..." "And why does it say 'My Asuka' on this label?" Asuka indicated a hand-written label on the deflated Asuka's neck. "It's... it's... the name of my father's blow-up, cum-flavored, deluxe rod-support mannequin factory!" Asuka blinked loudly twice. Then she did it again. That makes four times for those who are counting. Shinji smiled. Asuka put the rubber Asuka against Shinji's mighty oak. "You want this Asuka-" She rubbed the rubber doll up and down. "-or the real thing?" She slipped her honey pot over his oak tree and made a potted tree. She bounced up and down. Shinji fainted. "I'll take that as a request for the real thing." -E- -V- -A- Asuka bounced on top of Shinji's mighty oak. "Yeeeee... ha!!" Shinji drooled onto the pillow, dead to the world. Not dead, literally, of course. But unconscious enough to miss his deflowering by a redheaded bondage queen, not to mention missing all the kinky positions and S&M devices she used during that deflowering. "What a stallion!" Whether because of hearing that comment or by a simple twist of fate, Shinji's eyes popped open at that moment. "Huh... what..." His eyes went wide as he saw Asuka's twin orbs undulating above him. "Gaaaaa..." Apparently he was speechless. Asuka continued bouncing and looked down. "Oh, you're awake." "Gaaaaaaa..." Still speechless. "Enjoying the ride?" "Gaaaaaaa..." Maybe he was dying? Asuka smiled. "Next time you have to tie me up, okay?" "Gaaaaaaa..." Oh... it's kind of hard to tell, but he might be having an orgasm. As Asuka shuddered, an airplane flew through the room followed by a train that chugged past the window--a remarkable thing considering they were on the fifth floor. To top it all off, some birds and bees buzzed around the light fixture hanging from the ceiling. Normally these things would be seen in a different location instead of where the graphic sex--and this was really graphic, kinky, leather filled, really, really graphic sex--was taking place, but they wanted to see Shinji and Asuka do it too. After the kinky, graphic sex was over, Asuka let her leather instruments drop to the floor. Then she dropped to Shinji's side and panted heavily. "Wow, what a stallion." She rested her head on his chest and traced little circles around his nipples. "I think I've chosen my newest love slave well." Shinji was dead to the world. Literally. Asuka frowned and pressed her ear against Shinji's chest. "Odd... usually they breathe harder after I've given them the ride of their lives." She listened more. "And usually their heart is beating too." Her eyes went wide. "Oh, shit!! Not another one!!" -E- -V- -A- Asuka was smiling broadly in the theater. "Damn, I knew I was good, but to actually kill the little spud... I am so damn hot!!" Shinji's nose was bleeding when he came out of his trance. "What the hell is happening?! I never wanted this!!" Asuka smirked. "Well, it's a unique way to commit suicide, I'll grant you that." Shinji stared blankly at Asuka. "Huh?" "You created a world where an incredibly sexy woman-" Asuka struck a pose that made Shinji's tree twitch. "-makes your journey into the next life very pleasurable." "I didn't want that!!" "Yeah... right. You got exactly what you drew... a sexy redhead to screw you to death." "Is that really what you wanted, Shinji?" Rei asked calmly from behind Shinji. Shinji looked away from Asuka and back at Rei. "No!! I... I... just wanted everyone to be happy." He dropped to the ground and started to sort thought the storyboards he had drawn to create his new world. "Did I forget to dot an 'I' or cross a 'T' somewhere? " "Well, at least you got all the T and A's right!" Asuka chuckled, but was ignored. "Well, you apparently died happy, Shinji," Misato remarked, unable to think of anything better to say. She pointed at the frozen viewpoint, which showed the dead Shinji lying on the bed with a contented smile on his ashen face. "I didn't want to die... I wanted to prove I could do something my fath..." Shinji stopped speaking suddenly and started to stammer. "Err... what I mean is... err... I wanted everyone to be happy!!" "Yeah, right. Who could resist a body like this?" Asuka struck a pose. "Mr. Kaji did quite often, if I recall correctly." Asuka glared at Rei. "Who asked you?" Misato stepped between the two girls to prevent a naked chick fight. The readers didn't like Misato very much at that moment and had to be restrained from jumping into the story and encouraging the chick fight. "Asuka, Rei just meant that Kaji was being faithful to the love of his life." She stood up straight and smiled broadly. "Me!!" Asuka opened her mouth to speak, but Rei spoke first. "No, that wasn't what I meant." Misato looked crossed at Rei. "What did you mean then?" "That Mr. Kaji had no interest in her. He told me once that he liked women with more meat on their bones." Misato's eye twitched. Asuka laughed. "You mean he likes fat girls!!" "I'm not fat!!" Misato insisted angrily, causing the small amount of fat on her body to jiggle. "STOP FIGHTING!!" Shinji screamed. The three women shut up and looked at him. "This is all my fault." He looked at the pile of storyboards that he held in his hands. "I messed up somewhere or I didn't get detailed enough when I drew these." He lifted the storyboards. "I fucked up, okay?! So stop fighting!! It's all my fault!" Misato's eyes narrowed as she looked at Shinji. "What the... Shinji, look at the back." She gestured at the storyboards. Shinji looked confused as he turned the storyboards over. "What?" He gasped and looked over the drawn panels depicting Asuka dressed in a red rubber outfit vaguely reminiscent of her plugsuit. Well except that it had no arms and legs, or anything covering her breasts or crotch, of course. On the back, Shinji was tied up and feeling the wrath of Asuka's whips, chains, and limp Chinese noodles. "I... didn't draw this." Asuka suddenly started to inch backwards, wanting to be anyplace but the theater. Of course, there wasn't anyplace else for her to go. "Asuka!!" Shinji snapped. "You drew this!" "It was a joke!! It's not my fault that you drew on the other side!!" Shinji opened his mouth to reply, then shut it when he realized Asuka was right. At least partly right. He wasn't about to tell Asuka that, of course. "Well, at least that explains why that world was so screwed up. There's no way any world I made could have been that bad." He sighed and gripped the storyboards in one hand and lifted the edge of one in his other hand. -E- -V- -A- Asuka looked around Shinji's bedroom frantically. "Damn, I should have gone after that Suzuhara boy instead... he looked pretty rugged." She looked down at Shinji's body and sighed. "Guess I'll have to grind this one up into cat food like the last one." She took one step towards the door when a short blue-haired girl appeared in the doorway. "What are you doing?!" Rei screamed at the half-naked redhead. Then she saw Shinji. "Shinji!! What did you do to my brother?! He looks like he was drained by an inhuman monster!!" "I... um... well..." Asuka frantically searched for an answer. Before she could figure out a plausible lie as to why she was wearing a kinky red rubber outfit and why Shinji died with a huge smile on his face, her body was blown apart. Her skin tore open and spilled her guts all over the floor. Her intestines, stomach, uterus, were quickly joined by her lungs and still beating heart. Then her head dropped onto the remains with a sickening, squelching sound. Rei just stared at he red bloody pulp that was once the redhead. Before she regained her wits, Shinji's body suddenly burst apart at the seams. Well, humans don't really have seams, of course. In this case, the seams appeared when his skin was ripped apart by some unseen force. Like Asuka, his organs spilled out onto the bed and bathed his skin and bones in pool of his own bowels. In the middle of the pool of flesh, Shinji's heart lay unbeating. "It's some kind of flesh eating virus!!" Rei screamed and turned to flee. She had taken one step before her body was ripped apart and disgorged her insides on top of Asuka's. Two out of the three hearts were still beating when the room itself was blasted apart. Debris and body parts flew everywhere. The world and the people who called that world home followed suit, one by one. The screams and torment of their deaths went unheard. Except for one being, who heard and felt all of their pain. -E- -V- -A- Rei shuddered and dropped to the theater floor as memories flooded into her mind. Memories of love, memories of dreams never realized, memories of good times and memories of bad times. And the final memories of pain and torment. Shinji looked up from the storyboard he was currently tearing into small pieces. "Are you alright, Rei?" Rei looked up at Shinji and nodded. "Yes, it's just a lot to absorb at one time." Before Shinji could ask what Rei meant, Asuka started laughing and tossing around the torn up pieces of storyboards that Shinji had already reduced to toilet paper. "Now we can finally wipe ourselves off!" The other three in the theater got such a disgusting picture in their minds that they completely lost interest in talking. Shinji finished ripping up his new world, oblivious to Rei's occasional shudders and spasms--more because Rei was trying not to concern him, than because he didn't care. He added the last of the scraps to what Asuka would later name 'Mount TP'. "Well, we'll just call that a test world. Now I'll make the real one." He reached over and grabbed a stack of blank poster boards that had somehow appeared next to him. "I still don't know what was wrong with that last one." Asuka huffed and crossed her arms. Then she stomped away into one of the thirteen corners to sulk. Shinji watched her go before returning his attention to the storyboards. "Now then... I think a few changes are in order for this one." Misato walked over and knelt down next to Shinji. "Shinji, it's not that I don't like kids, but I never pictured myself as a mother. So could you..." Shinji looked up from the panel he was drawing out. "Um... yeah... I guess I could make you barren." Misato's eyes went wide. "No! Um... I mean just let me enjoy my twenties before I have to get stretch marks." "That only gives you... what... a year or so?" Shinji regretted mentioning that the second Misato slapped him. "I'm only twenty-three!!" Misato snapped and rushed away from the bruised Shinji. Shinji sighed. "There I go... always messing things up." He looked over at Rei. "Do you have any requests?" Before Rei could respond, Asuka did from her corner. "I do!!" Shinji glared at the redhead. "If it has anything to do with rubber, leather, or whips... forget it!!" Asuka turned around and sulked some more. Shinji turned to Rei. "Rei?" Rei shook her head. "No, I trust you to make the right choice." Shinji seemed a little surprised at hearing that and redoubled his concentration on making the best possible world for them. So engrossed in making the perfect world, Shinji didn't notice the ghostly apparitions of himself and his mother floating nearby watching him draw the panels onto the storyboards. Of course, even if he looked up he wouldn't have seen them. The ghostly form of Shinji looked away from himself towards his mother. "Why did Rei react like that?" Yui put a comforting hand on Shinji's shoulder. "She's absorbing the memories of those who existed in the world you created." Shinji frowned. "Why? It was a bust." "Maybe, but those memories exist on a level that transcends the physical. You may be able to destroy the bodies and the physical worlds they inhabit, but the memories have to go somewhere." The ghostly Shinji looked at Rei, who was sitting quietly and watching the other Shinji draw the storyboards. "Why Rei?" "Because that is her place in Third Impact. You are the initiator and she is the vessel that holds the souls that are waiting for you to make a world for them. The memories of the worlds you make become a part of her mind and consciousness whenever you start over. The souls are held in her uterus awaiting the final memories you provide." "She... she has all the souls within her? You make it sound like she's a mother." Yui cocked her head. "A future mother, yes." Shinji paled. "D... does that mean I'm the father?" "Always thinking with your hormones, aren't you, my son?" "No!!" Shinji blurted. "You are not technically the father. You're the creator of the world that Rei will populate." Shinji absorbed this for a few moments before speaking. "I'm God then?" Yui fell onto the floor and started laughing hysterically. Shinji huffed and looked away. "You could have just said 'no'." -E- -V- -A- Asuka according to Shinji: A kinky redheaded shrew who doesn't know when to stop [End - Garden of EVA 2:3 - Asuka Blows!] ======================================================================= Author's notes/ramblings: Well, it was only his first try. Things can only get better from here, right? I'd like to thank my pre-readers David Johnston, Axel Teizaki, EBJ, Thomas Kinnen, and Johan Holmberg for helping me find and fix problems with this story. FFML members Jose Argao, E. L. Toh, and Mark Ferrer were also helpful in fine tuning this story. Thank you all. Of course in the end, any mistakes and botched characters are my fault. Revision 0.0 - Initial draft began (March 7, 2000) Revision 0.1 - Initial draft completed (March 23, 2000) Revision 0.3 - Pre-reader draft (March 27, 2000) Revision 0.4 - FFML draft (April 12, 2000) Revision 1.0 - Final version/ First RAAC posting (April 29, 2000)