From: Jim Lazar Subject: [Eva][FanFic][Lemon] Garden of EVA 2:4 - Misato Blows! X-Moderation-Queue-Date: Thu, 06 Jul 2000 17:31:44 -0700 ======================================================================= Garden of EVA 2:4 - Misato Blows! Book 2: Blows Neon Genesis Evangelion characters and situations created and Copyright by Gainax, Project Eva, ADV Films - Used without permission Garden of EVA series created, written, and copyright 1998-2000 by Jim Lazar A series set within episode 26 of Neon Genesis Evangelion that will blow your mind. "Speech text in double quotes is spoken as Japanese." E-mail comments and/or criticisms to: Previous parts and my other fanfiction can be found at: ======================================================================= Just a tad of blood, but tons of sex in this part (after all, I have to balance these things out). ======================================================================= Misato according to Shinji: A drunk who has no control over her life -E- -V- -A- Shinji's weary eyes looked up from the storyboards he had just finished. "There. There's no way that can backfire on me like the others have." Amazingly, Asuka didn't comment on that. Of course, that might be due to the fact that she had been tied up, bound, gagged, and suspended from the ceiling after she attempted to make her own additions to the latest storyboards. The way the naked girl hung from the theater's ceiling was not unlike how the other Asuka had sent the other Shinji to his happy death. Of course, this Asuka would be let down from the ceiling. Eventually. Rei and Misato walked up to Shinji and looked at the storyboards. "Are you done?" Misato asked. Shinji nodded. "Yes." Misato reached for the storyboards, but Shinji pulled them away. "I'd rather it be a surprise." "Don't you want me to check it and see if there might be some problems in it?" Shinji rolled his eyes. "You're not my teacher, you know!" -E- -V- -A- Asuka slipped her pajamas off and placed them into the basket in the outer room of the bathroom. Then she slid open the door to the room containing the bathtub. "Need me to scrub your back?" Shinji looked down from his contemplation of the ceiling and smiled at Asuka. "Nawww... I'm fine." Asuka smiled and then sat down on a little stool and began washing herself. Shinji watched as she rinsed herself off and then walked over to the tub. "Scoot over." Shinji made room for her and then held his hand out to help her into the tub. Asuka settled into the tub, letting the warm water spread out across her naked bosom. "Ahhhh..." Shinji blushed and tried to avoid looking at her body. "So, what do you want to do today after school, Sis?" "What about that..." -E- -V- -A- Asuka slugged Shinji hard, causing him to collapse to the theater floor. Apparently, they let her down too soon. Shinji rubbed his bruised stomach and looked up at the angry redhead. "Wha'cha do that for?!" "Why'd you make me your sister, you jerk?!" Shinji frowned. "Huh? Well... you got so mad when I made you my girlfriend last time that I thought..." "You made me a nymphomaniac with a rubber fetish!" Rei tilted her head. "That was because you drew on the back of the storyboards, not because Shinji wanted to see you in a crotchless, thigh-revealing, open-breasted, rubber outfit." Asuka opened her mouth to deny that, but shut it again when she realized Rei was right. Misato helped Shinji to his feet. "You know, Shinji, most brothers and sisters don't take baths together once they get to their teens." Shinji scratched his head. "Really? Well... I never had a sister before." Rei looked into Shinji's eyes. "Is that why you've made yourself a sister in each of the two worlds you've created since we first found ourselves in the theater?" She glanced at the reader. "Just the first two worlds you've created SO FAR, got it?" Shinji looked awkwardly at Rei and Asuka. "Maybe... I just figured it'd be nice to have a sister." "But why me?! What's wrong with Rei being your sister again?!" Asuka screamed at the top of her lungs. Shinji tried to figure out how Asuka's got her lungs out of her body to stand on them, but couldn't so he shook his head to clear the image. "Well, I just figured I'd give this setup a try. If it helps, you're only adopted. Since you're not Japanese, you couldn't really be my sister unless my father cheated on my mother or something." Asuka looked ready to punch Shinji, but a comment from Misato stopped her from doing so. "Why do you care so much, Asuka? After all, you said you didn't want to be his girlfriend." Asuka looked indignantly at Misato. "I don't!" "Well, let's get on with it then." Misato looked at Shinji. "Shall we?" Shinji nodded. "Well..." Asuka hesitated. "I just better not have Kensuke as a boyfriend." Shinji shook his head. "You don't." "Good..." Asuka crossed her arms over her breasts. "And not that moron Touji, either!" Shinji looked a bit worried as he reentered his trance. -E- -V- -A- "Hi ya, Touji!!" Asuka called out and waved as she and Shinji neared the school. Touji smirked. "Hey, babe." He looked her over like a side of beef. "How's my sexy girl?" Asuka smirked. "Sexy as a very handsome boy I know." Shinji rolled his eyes. The world around them suddenly shuddered and skipped a beat as the Asuka in the theater pounded Shinji in a very sensitive spot. That being the small of his back. What? What did you think I meant, pervert? When Shinji regained consciousness from Asuka's follow up kicks and punches, the world continued. The residents didn't even notice that Asuka was suddenly not Touji's girlfriend due to a quick change of the storyboards by Shinji, something only possible because the ink was still wet. Those changes were made at Asuka's insistence, of course. Shinji's mighty oak would be bent for days due to that 'insistence'. Okay, so I'm a pervert too. Asuka saw Touji ahead and scowled. "That jerk better not look at me oddly like he always does." Shinji laughed from Asuka's side. "He's got Hikari, why would he look at you?" Asuka bashed Shinji over the head with her school bag. "You calling me ugly?" Shinji rubbed his head. "No... I just meant he has someone else, so he wouldn't be looking for a hot chick like you." "That's better." Asuka strode off towards school. Shinji just can't win no matter which world or theater he's in. -E- -V- -A- "Hi, I'm Rei Ayanami," the blue haired girl said and then bowed to the class. Trees rose around the classroom--including Shinji's polished oak--in appreciation of her not buttoning the top three buttons on her blouse, thus revealing more cleavage than most of the boys had seen in... well, in a day or so. This fact did not escape Asuka's notice and she stood up. "Hey, Rei? My brother has the hots for you." She pointed at Shinji. "Asuka!!" Shinji shouted and tried to get up, but found his oak tree was wedged under his desk. He glanced at Rei and blushed. Asuka smirked. Rei laughed. "Judging by the fact that all the boys' desks just rose from the floor an inch or so, I'd say he's not alone." A number of boys were suddenly bashed over their heads by their respective girlfriends. "Owwww!!" Touji blurted and rubbed his head. He leaned over and whispered to Hikari. "I was just picturing what you'd look like in an outfit like Rei's." Hikari looked between Rei and her school uniform. "She's wearing the same uniform I am, dummy!!" Touji gulped loudly. The teacher cleared his throat and gestured to an empty seat in front of Shinji. "You can take that seat, Ms. Ayanami." "Thank you." Rei walked to the seat and sat down. All around the classroom, the desks gradually lowered to the floor. They rose again when a busty girl with long dark-blue hair rushed in. "I'm sorry I'm late... my... dog ate my alarm clock." "Helllooooo, Misato!!" the boys chorused as they always did when she arrived at school and in the classroom. "Ms. Katsuragi, you are not dressed appropriately for class." Misato frowned and looked down at her firm teenage body. "Huh?" She was in the regular girl's uniform, right down to the geeky socks and slippers. The teacher blushed. "Your... um... support device." Misato gasped in recognition. The desks of the boys rose further into the air in recognition of Misato's unrestrained breasts. Misato looked awkwardly at the class. "Um... my dog ate it." The teacher sighed. "Fine.. fine... give me your homework and take your seat." "Um... my dog ate my homework." Misato smiled awkwardly at the teacher. The teacher knew he should get up and scold Misato, but that would reveal his mighty dutch elm. "Two D-cups...err... two buckets in the hall. Now." Misato muttered something that even her ample bosom wouldn't be able to keep her from being expelled if the teacher heard her. She harrumphed as she spun around and stomped into the hall. "Hey, the dog ate her panties too!" Misato pushed down her skirt and thought of her dog. -E- -V- -A- In the theater, Misato was debating whether to kiss Shinji for making her a teenager or kill him for making Kaji a dog. "Shinji, I'm glad you made me a teenager--even if my body looked the same as it does now--but..." Asuka laughed. "Minus a twenty or thirty pounds, you mean." Asuka stopped laughing when a twenty to thirty-pound fist hit her. Misato looked back at Shinji. "Now then... I appreciate being a teenager, but making Kaji my dog?" Shinji smiled awkwardly. "Um... I didn't mean to. I meant to make him kind, obedient, and faithful." Rei nodded. "That is what you asked for when he was drawing the storyboards, Ms. Katsuragi." She pointed at the storyboards on the floor. Misato hesitated. "Um... yeah, but I still wanted him to be human." "Will that really change your love life?" Asuka asked and then doubled over from another twenty to thirty-pound punch. "Is that a no?" Rei asked, confused at the altercation. -E- -V- -A- For the rest of the day, Misato had to deal with her skirt being 'accidentally' flipped up. The boys--and one girl--doing it were very disappointed when they discovered she had gotten an extra pair of panties from the school nurse. Well, maybe not that disappointed, it was still a spectacular sight even with panties. After school, Misato managed to shake the boys from her tail by hiding behind a water fountain in the schoolyard. Once she was sure they were gone, she stood up and looked around a nearby corner. She gasped when she saw Shinji talking to the new girl. She slipped back behind the corner and rested her back against the wall. She was breathing heavily when Shinji walked around the corner and ran into her. They fell backwards together and Misato ended up falling into the fountain. "Ack!! Sorry, Misato! Um... I didn't see you there." Shinji held out his hand and helped Misato out of the fountain. He blushed when her wet blouse gave him a view of something every boy in the school except him claimed to have seen, touched, and fondled. His oak tree rose to the occasion. Misato smiled awkwardly. "That's okay. something wrong?" she asked when Shinji turned away from her. "No... um... I'm just really sorry," Shinji stammered. Misato interrupted Shinji's little internal wet fantasy. "Oh... um... could you do me a favor?" "What?" Shinji replied without looking at her. "Can you stand watch for me while I wring out my clothes?" Shinji gulped loudly, causing the walls of the school to shake. "Um..." "Please, I can't go anywhere like this." Shinji glanced briefly back at Misato and confirmed that he could still see her glorious chest through her wet blouse. His mighty oak strained the seams of his pants as it tried to escape. "Um... okay." "Thanks... shout if someone comes." Beads of sweat were dripping off Shinji's forehead as he scanned the schoolyard for anyone. Fortunately, it was late enough after school that there weren't many students around. The two he did see were in the distance and walking away from them. He winced at each sound that he heard from behind him. Sounds of clothes ruffling as they were pulled off Misato's tight teenage body assailed his ears. Sounds of cloth being rung out permeated his mind. And even sounds of two breasts bouncing slightly as they were revealed to his back were heard by his mind. Misato frowned as she slipped her skirt back on. She looked down at her naked chest. Shinji gulped as he heard Misato's blouse slide over her nipples. His tree fell onto the forest floor and lay still. "All done. Thanks, Shinji," Misato said as she slipped around his side. Shinji smiled nervously at her. "Um... no problem. Anytime." He stiffly walked away. Misato frowned. "He must be gay after all." Unseen by Shinji or Misato, a short, geeky looking boy slipped out of a nearby tree and ran from the area with his camera. -E- -V- -A- The next morning, Shinji and Asuka strolled up to the school and stopped when they saw a crowd around a bulletin board. Asuka poked her head into the crowd. "What's up?" After the students saw Asuka and Shinji, they parted and revealed the contents of the Board to them. "What the..." "Oh crap!!" On the board were several pictures of the naked Misato standing behind Shinji, who was always shown from the waist up. In the photos Misato was obviously coming onto Shinji with sexy poses that would have popped the top off Shinji's tree if he had seen what she was doing the day before. Asuka looked at her brother. "When did this happen?" "Yesterday after school," Shinji replied in a trembling voice. "Damn, you were pretty calm considering what she did." "I... um... was just standing watch while she wrung out her wet clothes." Asuka looked back at the pictures. "Um... that's not what she's doing." She tilted her head to the side to get a better look at one of Misato's positions. "I can see that now! I didn't know she was doing gymnastics behind me yesterday!" Shinji titled his head and swore to himself. His mighty oak agreed with him. -E- -V- -A- Once the principal found out about the pictures he removed them and sent Shinji home for the day. Since Misato hadn't shown up for school, Shinji decided to drop by her apartment to check her out... err... check on her. He knocked on her door and waited. "Shinji?" Misato said as she opened the door. She was dressed in a long robe and holding it closed tightly with her hands. She looked around to see if there was anyone around. "Maybe you shouldn't be here. My parents found out about the pictures... they're really mad." She held onto the collar of a big brown and white dog, which was growling at Shinji. Shinji smiled nervously, looking between Misato and the dog. "Yeah, mine will probably be too. I.. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Misato frowned. "Yeah... so why did you do it?" Shinji looked confused. "Do what?" "Set me up like that?" "Huh?" "Get me wet and then trick me into getting naked so your friend could take nude pictures of me." She tightened her grip on her robe and on the dog's collar, both were threatening to spring forward. If she let go of both, Shinji would at least die happy. Shinji's eyes widened in surprise. "What?! I didn't! It was an accident... I don't know who took the pictures, honest!" "Why else would you ignore me like that then?" Shinji blushed and looked down at the ground. "Um... well..." "You're gay, right?" Shinji's brain blew up. "Gaaaaa... gaaaaa... what? N... no!!" "Then why?" "Um... I just wanted to be a gentleman." Misato looked at Shinji, trying to see if he was telling the truth. "Really?" "Yeah. If I had known what you were doing... well I would have probably fainted, but I'd have enjoyed it." Misato smiled. "I was afraid you liked that Rei girl." Sensing his owner's mood change, Kaji stopped growling. Shinji shrugged. "She's nice, but I just met her." "Oh... what do you think of me, Shinji?" Misato asked, looking bashfully at the ground. "Um... well.. you're every guy's wet dream." Misato blinked loudly twice. Kaji started growling again. Shinji blushed as he realized what he just said. "Um... I mean... I like you and all, but I realize you're out of my league." "What gives you that idea?" Shinji gulped. "Well... all the guys say you've come on to them and done it with them and licked their..." Misato smirked. "Only in their wet dreams." She winked. Shinji let out a little laugh. "So... you're a virgin?" "Like most of those boys probably are, yes." "Wow..." "There's only one boy I really like." Misato's eyes briefly flicked up to look at Shinji, but soon resumed their analysis of the ground. "Who?" Misato fell to the side in shock. "Who do you think?!" Shinji concentrated. "Touji... no he's too big of a jerk. Kensuke maybe. Or that little Makoto..." "It's you, dummy!" Misato snapped as she got back to her feet. "No, it has to be Ka..." Shinji's voice trailed off as Misato flung open her robe. "Gaaaaa..." -E- -V- -A- Asuka laughed as she looked away from the viewpoint. "I wonder how long he'll last this time?" Misato stood proudly by Asuka side. "Not too long. Compared to me, you're an amateur." "You're right, I'm not a slut like you are." Misato pulled her hand back to slap Asuka, but stopped when Rei spoke. "Actually, in the two worlds Shinji's created, the first Asuka was obviously a very experienced slut. But this Misato-" Rei gestured at the viewpoint in front of them. "-is a virgin, so the chances of her killing Shinji like that slutty Asuka did are very remote." "Who are you calling a slut!" "The Asuka from Shinji's first world." "She's not a slut!" "Oh, so you consider her actions normal?" Rei cocked her head to the side. "Yes... no... I mean, I'm not a slut!" "I didn't say you were. I said that other Asuka is a slutty whore who would sleep with anything hard and long." Asuka opened her mouth, but shut it when she decided she couldn't win this argument. -E- -V- -A- Misato stood in her doorway with her robe spread wide open. Her eyes were clenched shut tight in embarrassment. "There... now do you get it? I like you and wanted you to notice me!" There was no response. Misato opened her eyes and looked down to see Shinji sprawled out on the ground, a pool of blood forming by his nose. "I hope he's not dead..." Kaji sniffed Shinji's body. Something twitched on Shinji. Misato smiled at the sign of life from Shinji's oak tree. "He really does like me!" Kaji growled and bit into Shinji's pants to catch the 'mouse' he thought he saw moving inside them. "Kaji, don't!!" Misato jumped forward and pulled Kaji away from Shinji's groin before he could eat the mouse. She looked crossly at Kaji and swatted the Cocker Spaniel's nose. "Bad boy, that's a toy for me, not you." She blushed as she realized what she had just said. -E- -V- -A- A week later after Shinji's suspension was over, Shinji and Asuka walked towards the school. As they crossed the threshold of the school gate, a girl glomped onto Shinji. "Welcome back, Shinji." Shinji smiled. "Um.. thanks, Misato." He looked nervously around and saw that all of the boys were throwing daggers at him. He dropped to the ground, pulling Misato and Asuka with him. The daggers flashed over their heads, harmlessly. Well, except for the oak tree they hit and caused to shrivel up and die. That is, a real oak tree made out of wood, not a body appendage. Asuka laughed. "Looks like the boys are mad at Shinji for getting the school's second sexiest girl." "Why thank you, Asuka, I've only been here a week, but it's nice to know I'm number one already." Asuka looked behind her for the source of the voice and saw the new girl. "I meant me." Rei raised an eyebrow, but before she could reply Shinji spoke. "Don't fight over me girls." As Shinji got up, he puffed out his chest. "My brother, the egomaniac," Asuka commented. -E- -V- -A- Shinji collapsed to the floor of the theater and sighed. "That isn't exactly what I planned." Rei looked down at Shinji. "What did you plan?" "Well... um...." Shinji quickly changed the subject. "I wonder if changing who Touji's girlfriend was might have changed how things turned out." Asuka glared at Shinji. "I still haven't forgiven you for that, you jerk!" Shinji groaned. He paused as another thought occurred to him. Misato knelt down next to Shinji and took his hand in hers. "Shinji, I appreciate you wanting to be my boyfriend. I mean, who could blame you for wanting this great bod." She struck a pose. "But I really would prefer to be with Kaji. As a human, okay?" She squeezed his hand. Hard. Shinji grimaced as his hand was squeezed tighter than a Republican's anus. "I... I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make him a dog." Misato smiled and released Shinji's hand. "I know." "Why are you being so nice? He made Kaji a dog!!" Asuka ranted. Shinji shook his hand. "What use is there in getting angry?" Misato asked, stumping Asuka. "We're all in this together and yelling at Shinji isn't going to help." She scratched her stomach. "Although, I could really use a beer. It seems like forever since I've had a good buzz." Shinji looked sadly at Misato, picturing all the times he had to clean up her messes when she went on one of her frequent drinking binges. "But don't you feel better not having hangovers all the time?" Misato nodded hesitantly. "Yeah, sorta... But there are times when a good buzz really would help things around here." She looked at the storyboards. "Like trying to get over having Kaji as a pet. Let's try again, shall we?" "Ok..." Shinji stood up and walked over to the storyboards. He gripped the edge of the storyboard and began to tear them. Rei shuddered. -E- -V- -A- Shinji was leaning in for his first kiss when Misato suddenly exploded and disgorged the contents of her body directly into Shinji's face. "Sppppffftt... sphffttttt..." Shinji spat out Misato's tongue and looked down to see her breasts resting on his feet. "What..." was all he had time to say before his own body was ripped apart. The room and world around it followed soon after. -E- -V- -A- In the theater, Shinji slept peacefully and dreamt of his perfect world. Everything was peaceful and calm, everyone loved one another, and--most importantly--no one ever yelled at him or twisted his penis. It was perfect. And he could see what made it perfect with such a clarity that you'd think it was spelled out in big letters across the sky, which it was. In his dream, there were large letters written across the sky reading 'To make your perfect world, do the following:' followed by detailed instructions, including an 800 number to call in case of problems. It was one of those alphanumeric numbers: 1-800-3-IMPACT Shinji's eyes eased open. "Yeah... that's it! That's how I can make a perfect world. It's so easy!!" So happy with figuring out how to finally make his perfect world, he sat up quickly without looking first. He gasped and fell back to the theater floor when his head hit something warm and hard, but at the same time it also felt soft. "Ouch, you hit me in my most private spot!!" A dazed Shinji rubbed his sore forehead and looked up to see Asuka straddling his head, rubbing the part that he had just smashed his head against. "Gaaaaa..." Asuka idly continued to rub her sore spot. "You jerk, look before you sit up next time." She looked down. "Look, it's all red and sore now." Shinji made the mistake of looking and theater floor was sprinkled with blood shortly after. "Stop that!" "Stop what?" Asuka asked, still rubbing. Shinji sighed and looked away. "Never mind. Now to draw that perfect world." He slid over the blank storyboards and picked up the nearby marker. "Now then..." He put the tip of the marker on the paper. "Ummmm... how did that start again?" He frowned. "Um..." He dropped the marker. "Shit! You made me forget the dream I had!!" Asuka continued to rub herself as she watched Shinji to bang his head repeatedly against the floor. "Well, at least banging the floor won't hurt as much as banging me." The readers face-faulted. -E- -V- -A- Shinji danced across a field of flowers, naked as the day he was born and the day he woke up in the theater. He ran into the arms of Rei, Asuka, and Misato; all of them were in their early teens, naked, and very well proportioned. Meaning they were even more stacked that normal. YES, that is possible. "Hi ya girls!" "Hi ya, Shinji!" the three girls chorused. "So what do you want to do today?" Shinji asked as he gave them all a hug. "Make love to you, of course!" Shinji grinned and then looked around to see Hikari, Ritsuko, Maya, and an assortment of other young, naked teenage girls running towards him. "Life is good." -E- -V- -A- Shinji grunted when three naked women slapped, kicked, and became disappointed with him. Misato's slap snapped Shinji's head back like a limp Chinese noodle. "What kind of world is that?!" Asuka's kick just barely missed its target and hit his lower stomach instead. "You jerk! Just one girl isn't enough for you, huh?" Rei shook her head in disappointment. "Is that really the perfect world you wanted, Shinji?" Shinji rubbed his stomach and face at the same time, proving he wasn't drunk. The cop let him off with a warning and sped out of the theater without citing him for CWUI--Creating Worlds Under the Influence. "No... but I forgot the perfect world I had dreamt of when I hit my head on Asuka's... um... well... When I hit my head this morning." Rei tilted her head. "What did you hit?" Shinji opened his mouth to speak, but shut it when Asuka managed to land the kick she had tried to land earlier. Shinji crumpled to the ground. "A crotch for a crotch, that's my motto," Asuka remarked, rubbing her still sore spot. Misato looked oddly at Asuka, wondering why she chose that moment to masturbate. -E- -V- -A- Much, much later, Shinji tore up a set of storyboards and tossed them onto the growing pile that was Mount TP. His destruction of his latest perfect world finished, he put his head in his hands and sobbed. "Who would have thought a world without guns would be that bad?" Rei put a comforting hand on Shinji's back. "You couldn't have known that without guns, that fascist Mother Teresa would have taken over the world and her and her descendants would make sex slaves of us all." Shinji's shoulders slumped. "What was that? A hundred and twenty-five worlds so far... all busts." "No, there was that one world where all the girls were flat-chested," Rei remarked, straight-faced. Shinji stared at Rei for several seconds, trying to figure out if she was kidding or not. As usual, he couldn't tell. "Now what do I do?" "I don't know." Shinji sighed. "Misato wants Kaji as a human... that's no problem. Asuka... well, Asuka's not going to get her whole list." He glanced over at a pile of notepads that Asuka had written her demands on. It was leaning over precariously, threatening to destroy Mount TP. Shinji looked at Rei. "Don't you want anything?" Rei shook her head. "Surely there is something that would make you happy?" Rei thought for a moment. "I don't know what happiness is." Shinji opened his mouth to reply, before he decided he didn't really know either. He looked around the theater, as if to find an answer. "Hey, butt-wad! Are you done yet?!" Asuka asked from across the theater. Shinji's eye twitched. Asuka stormed up and looked at the blank poster boards. "You haven't done anything!! Get going!" Shinji looked up at the angry redhead and made a decision. -E- -V- -A- Shinji walked casually towards the school and waved when he saw Kensuke and Touji in front, chatting up a couple girls. "Morning guys. Um.. Touji, you should be careful or Hi..." Shinji's warning was too late. Hikari's school bag impacted Touji's face before he could finish. "Jerk, you have me and yet you still hit on anything with breasts!" Touji rubbed his face. "Sorry." The blond-haired girl he was talking to made a hasty retreat. Shinji smiled and noticed that Kensuke was still chatting up Maya, oblivious to Touji's foot tasting. When his name was called out, he looked towards the school gate and saw Rei standing there. When she noticed he had seen him, she struck a sexy pose and winked at him. "Oh... oh... here's the happy couple," Touji remarked as Misato and Kaji came into view behind Rei. They were holding hands and making lovey-dovey faces at each other. "Man... those two are so embarrassing." "You could try being as sweet as Kaji is!" Her school bag hitting Touji's head punctuated Hikari's statement. "Urk..." Misato bounced up to them dragging Kaji behind her. Her firm teenage breasts bounced just a second behind the rest of her. "Hi, gang!" "Hi, Misato!" everyone chorused. Hikari hit Touji over the head when his 'hi' came out like a proposition to do the nasty with him. Mostly since he had said, "Hi, Misato, want to do the nasty with me?" The others all laughed at Touji's pain. "Maybe you should just neuter him, Hikari," Rei suggested. Hikari smiled at Rei. "Don't tempt me." The school bell rang and the gang all cheerfully strolled to school together. Behind a nearby bush, a small shorthaired boy watched the gang walk away. Or to be more precise, he watched one of them walk away. "Still lusting after Misato, huh?" a taller boy with long hair remarked as he appeared behind the first boy. The boy flinched and fell forward at his friend's sudden appearance. He looked up from where he had fallen. "I've told you not to do that." The tall boy smiled. "Yeah, but where would the fun be in that?" He looked at the retreating gang of kids. "Give it up. Misato only has eyes for that Kaji fellow. I hear they do it twice a day." "No!! She would never do anything like that! She's saving herself for me." The tall boy laughed. "You're living in a fantasy world, pal." Back in the theater, Shinji sneezed. The tall boy helped the other boy to his feet and then set off for the school's entrance. "Let's get to class." The boy sighed. The tall boy stopped suddenly and looked back as his friend, who was now laughing maniacally. When the maniacal laughter went into its second minute, he amended his thoughts. -E- -V- -A- Shinji came out of his trance and smiled. "Well, that's going good so far." "Thank you for giving me Kaji, Shinji." Misato leaned over and gave Shinji a peck on his cheek. Shinji shrugged. "If that makes you happy, why not?" "I'm confused, Shinji," Rei said, flatly. "Why?" "You've made me your girlfriend." Shinji ran his hand through his hair nervously. "Yeah..." "Why?" "Well, I want you to be happy." "And being YOUR girlfriend will accomplish that how?!" Asuka stomped over. Shinji looked awkwardly between Rei and Asuka. "Well... um... since protecting her as my sister didn't seem to work, I figured that... um... that I'd give this a try." "Oh..." Rei said. If Shinji recognized the slight sound of disappointment in her voice, he didn't show it. "So where am I?" Shinji avoided Asuka's glare. "Um... you'll show up eventually." As Shinji turned away to return to his trance, a thought flashed across his mind. -E- -V- -A- As usual, Misato and Kaji walked home from school together. They talked about everything under the sun while holding hands. Although they really wanted to jump each other's bones, but they had found it was awkward to do that while walking home. Unseen by either of them a figure dressed all in black slipped from tree to tree, carefully watching their every move and listening to every word they said. "So can you come over after my dad goes to his meeting tonight?" Misato asked hopefully. Kaji smiled and scratched the fuzz on his chin he called a beard. "Yeah, wouldn't miss it." He looked around and then leaned down and gave Misato a long kiss. Misato purred as the kiss ended. "About nine, then?" She winked. Kaji nodded and stole another quick kiss before walking away towards his home. The black-clad figure followed Misato the rest of the way to her apartment and waited. -E- -V- -A- Misato lay on her bed, nervously tearing the lace from an old pillow. She glanced at the clock near her bed and found it was still the same time as it was when she checked it ten seconds earlier. She looked down at her body, which was covered by a long T-shirt and pair of panties. She frowned as something occurred to her. She sighed. Her thoughts were interrupted when the lights in her room suddenly went out. "Kaji?" Misato started to rise, but felt a hand push her back down. "Kaji? You're early." A hand was placed over her mouth. "Shhhhh..." Misato tingled with excitement as she felt her T-shirt pushed up. Not long after, Kaji's mouth descended on her right nipple while his hand played with her left one. "Ahhhh... that feels so good." After three point four-five minutes of foreplay, Misato felt a long slender object thrust to her lips. Misato opened wide and lived up to the title of this part. And then some. She pulled back when her jaw became sore. "Huh?" She examined the tree with her hands. "What the..." She squinted. "When did you get this big, Kaji?" "Oh shit!" a voice replied in a voice that Misato didn't recognize. The figure stumbled backwards and fell off the bed. Misato reached for the lamp by the bed and turned on the light. "Who... who are you?" The figure was dressed all in black, a mask hiding his face except for his eyes. Those eyes were wide open in fear. Either that or he was staring at Misato's naked chest. It was probably a little of both. Misato noticed his stare and quickly pulled her T-shirt down to cover her large breasts, the still hard nipples showed clearly through the sweat soaked white fabric. For some reason known only to God and Sports Illustrated, this made her appear even sexier than being completely nude. The figure's tree stiffened and spurted its seed across the bed and Misato. It was at that moment that Misato got a good look at the aforementioned tree. "Wow..." She tilted her head. "Um.. sorry..." the figure muttered, barely loud enough to be heard. He backed up towards the door, zipping up his fly in the process. He was suddenly pushed forward when the door behind him was opened. "Hi, honey, hope you didn't start with... out... me..." Kaji stammered the end of his greeting when he saw Misato kneeling on the bed, covered in a milky white substance. His gaze fell to the floor where the black-clad figure was finishing zipping up his fly. "What the... you're cheating on me?" Misato gasped and reached out towards Kaji, pleadingly. "No... I don't... he tricked... I don't even know who he is!!" Kaji reached down and lifted the figure by his shirt. "We'll see who the bastard is then!" He grabbed for the mask, but the figure twisted out of his grip and ran for the door. Kaji managed to grab the black coat the figure was wearing and pulled it off. "What the..." he gasped when he saw what was under the black coat. Misato gasped in recognition as well. "That's our school uniform!" -E- -V- -A- The next day, Misato walked towards the gymnasium with the school's principal. She looked very nervous. "Do I have to do this?" "It's the only way." Misato sighed. "But why does Kaji have to be there? I know he didn't do it." "To avoid suspicion," the principal explained and threw open the door to the gymnasium. "Now remember not to speak." Misato nodded and then blushed when she saw the sight that greeted her. Lined up in neat rows was the school's entire male student body. And they were without a doubt all males, as proven by their manhoods dangling between their legs. In addition to being naked below the waist and having their pants around their ankles, they also had hoods over their heads. A dozen or so male teachers were scattered around the room to keep everyone in line. "Please identify the perpetrator." The principal gestured to the sea of penises before Misato. They came in all sizes, shapes, and colors. "Um... you with the green penis, please see the nurse immediately." The green-penised boy was led out by one of the teachers. Misato swallowed hard and slowly walked towards the boys. She looked at the first boy and shook her head. The next two also received negative indications from her. The fourth had her puzzled, so she grabbed the penis in her hand and squeezed. A half-hour later, Misato had narrowed it down to eleven boys, but couldn't figure out which one it was, despite being very through in her visual and tactile examinations. She had given up hope of finding the boy when the principal made a suggestion. Reluctantly, Misato wrapped her mouth around the first of the finalists. She shook her head after finishing and moved onto the next one to continue living up to this part's title. By the time she finished number seven, her jaw was very sore. "Next!" Misato sighed and rubbed her jaw before wrapping her lips around the latest suspect. After several seconds, her eyes went wide. She quickly backed away from the large member, which was even larger than when she started. She pointed at the erect penis and opened and closed her mouth, soundlessly. The principal walked over. "This is the one?" Misato nodded. The principal gestured to the teachers and the other boys were quickly led out of the gymnasium, not even having time to pull up their pants from around their ankles. Some disappointed mutterings were heard from the three Misato never got to. After the screams from the girls' baseball team that was practicing right outside the gym trailed off, the principal spoke. "Now then, let's see who this is." He pulled the mask off the half-naked boy. Misato gasped when she recognized the shorthaired boy under the mask. "Makoto?" -E- -V- -A- In the theater, the other Misato had about the same reaction. "Makoto? He... he'd never do something like that." Asuka pointed at Shinji's penis. "Bring him out of his trance and let him have it." Misato lifted her hand, but Rei slid between the two women and the appendage in question. "No you can bring him out by just touching his shoulder." Misato smiled. "That's what I was going to do." Asuka shook her head. "You both need to learn to have more fun." Rei frowned. "How is savagely twisting his penis fun?" Asuka grinned broadly. "Try it and find out." Rei turned around and looked at the only penis in the theater. "Doesn't it hurt?" "Not at all. It's a warm squishy feeling." "I mean him, doesn't it hurt him?" Rei asked as she closely examined Shinji's manhood. Very closely. Close enough that she was a hair's width from getting this part renamed 'Rei Blows'. Get the picture? Good, can you send me a dozen eight by tens? Thanks. "That's part of the fun." "That's enough girls," Misato intoned as she touched Shinji on his shoulder. Shinji blinked a few times and then looked down to see Rei staring intently at his penis. "Um... what are you doing, Rei?" "Looking at your penis," Rei replied without looking away from the object under scrutiny. Shinji gulped. "Why?" "To see if it would be fun to twist it." Shinji turned his head and looked at Asuka. "You put her up to this, didn't you?" Asuka did her best 'who me?' expression, which didn't even fool herself. Shinji sighed. "Rei, I think it's safe to assume that it isn't fun." His tree twitched. "Especially for me." "If you say so." Rei's eyes remained fixed on Shinji's appendage. She blew on it, causing it to twitch again. "Um... can you stop looking at it?" Rei's eyes looked up. "Okay, but I never knew penises were so interesting." Shinji smiled nervously. "Yeah.. well... eep!!" His voice rose several octaves when Rei grabbed his penis. "For instance, this flesh around the shaft looks to be as sensitive as the folds in my own vagina." She rubbed the sides and then touched the tip. "And the tip..." Misato cleared her throat. "Rei, that's enough. Just don't twist it, okay?" Rei let go of Shinji's penis and stood up. "Okay." A momentary look of disappointment crossed Shinji's face. "Thanks..." He looked at Misato. "Maybe you could... have a little talk with Rei sometime? You know about the birds and the bees?" "I'm not her mother!" Misato insisted. Rei looked at the viewpoint and then back at Shinji's penis. "Why is Makoto's penis so much larger?" Shinji flinched and covered himself. Misato looked closely at the viewpoint. "Wow, you're right." She looked back at Shinji. "Why did you make him so big?" "Um... I didn't really get that detailed..." Shinji glanced at the storyboards. "But that seems to be about right. I um.. saw him a few times in the NERV baths." "Checking out the other guys, huh?" Asuka remarked with a lecherous leer on her face. "NO!!" Shinji blurted, blushing. "I... I just noticed it, that's all." Misato put a hand on Shinji's shoulder to calm him down. "Don't worry about it Shinji, girls used to check me out all the time. It's one of the side effects of being as well endowed as I am." Asuka opened her mouth to speak, but shut it when Misato gave her a 'shut up or I'll punch you again' look. "Well... um..." Shinji looked back at the frozen viewpoint. "Maybe we should start over?" "No... let's see how things go. No major harm done." Misato looked at the viewpoint and tilted her head. "Boy, if I knew he was that big, I'd have given him a roll..." She suddenly realized she was speaking out loud when her three theater-mates looked at her with expressions of amusement, shock, and confusion. "Do you usually put them into bread rolls?" Rei asked, looking at Shinji's hot dog. Misato chose not to answer that. -E- -V- -A- At lunch the topic between the boys was fairly easy to guess. The gang--which consisted of Touji, Hikari, Kensuke, Maya, Shinji, Rei, Misato, and Kaji--sat around the old oak tree in the schoolyard and discussed events. "Who do you think the girl was?" Shinji asked. "I don't know, but man she was good," Touji remarked. That comment earned him a pounding by Hikari. Misato blushed. Maya twiddled her fingers and looked nervously at Kensuke. "Did... did you like it, Kensuke?" Kensuke frowned. "She didn't do anything to me. It's just not fair!" Touji smirked. "Too bad, pal, it was heaven." He was promptly hit again. Misato blushed more and slid closer to Kaji. She unconsciously glanced at Kaji's groin. She shook her head to clear it of the images of the eleven finalists and their eleven-inch penises. That's the average size between them, of course. The chance of having eleven boys with eleven-inch penises in the same school is extremely unlikely. About as unlikely as a fourteen year old boy being given the responsibility to determine the future of mankind while surrounded by three beautiful, naked women. Maya looked nervously at Touji. "So she really... um.. sucked... um... it?" Touji nodded and waited for the hit from his girlfriend. It never came. Rei looked at Shinji. "Why did you let her do it, Shinji?" Shinji gulped. "Sorry, but they forced us. I didn't like it." Misato frowned and opened her mouth to insist that it was probably the best blowjob he's ever gotten, but caught herself in time. Shinji leaned over and whispered to Rei. "You're much better." Rei blushed and looked around to make sure he hadn't been heard. "So, Rei's better, huh, Shinji?" Two girls whacked Touji this time. "I doubt it." Everyone looked at Misato, who was blushing at letting that slip out. "Um... I mean... well, um..." Touji's eyes narrowed. "Do you know who the girl was?" "No... it just sounds like she's experienced," "Yeah, she must be a big whore," Touji said, laughing. The laughing stopped when Misato and Hikari smashed his face in. "Pervert! That poor girl had to do that just to find the boy who accosted her!" Misato nodded. "Yeah... show some sympathy!" Kaji reached out and grabbed Misato's hand, squeezing it to comfort his girlfriend. She squeezed back. Kensuke looked towards the main gate. "So what's going to happen to Makoto?" Hikari sighed. "He's going to be kicked out, but they say the victim isn't pressing charges. I guess she just wants to forget the whole thing." "Yeah..." Misato whispered to herself. -E- -V- -A- Misato ran naked through a field of penises, all standing up tall and proud. As she and her bouncing breasts passed the penises, they spasmed and their seeds were spurted into the air, covering her from head to toe in the milky white substance. She cried out in joy as orgasm after orgasm shook her body. She reached the end of the field of wet dreams and stopped in front of a little super deformed Kaji, who was giving his little twig a good shellacking without much result. "What am I going to do with you?" She reached down and snapped the twig off and threw it away. Kaji awoke and sat up in the bed, sweating profusely. He looked down at his twig and sighed. "She'll never be satisfied with me again after all those huge guys." -E- -V- -A- Misato ran naked through a field of penises, all standing up tall and proud. As she and her bouncing breasts passed the penises, they spasmed and their seeds were spurted into the air, covering her from head to toe in the milky white substance. She cried out in pain as the cum stung her eyes. She reached the end of the field of wet dreams and stopped in front of a little super deformed Kaji, who was giving his little twig a good shellacking without much result. "What am I going to do with you?" She leaned down and wrapped her mouth around the twig. It instantaneously became a mighty maple and spread its seed into her mouth. Misato spasmed as a warm feeling flowed down her leg. She sat up in her bed, wiping the sweat from her forehead. "Wow..." -E- -V- -A- Shinji came out of his trance and looked around. When he saw Misato sitting on the floor looking very depressed he hesitated, uncertain what he could do or say to help. "Um... sorry." Misato wiped a tear off her cheek. "No... no... it's not your fault. I just hope things turn out okay for her." "HA!! I bet she starts turning tricks now that she's had a taste of all those huge pricks." "I didn't after college, so I don't see why this should be any different." Shinji's jaw dropped open. "You mean you blew a lot of guys in college?" Asuka asked, smirking slightly as if a deeply held suspicion about the older woman was confirmed inside her. "No." Misato shook her head. "Then what?" Shinji asked, kneeling in front of Misato. "When I was in college... I drank a lot." "So what else is new?" Asuka commented, earning an angry glare from Shinji and Misato. Misato continued. "I.. had these periods where I'd get drunk and do things..." "You don't have to tell us this..." Misato looked up into Shinji's eyes. "Well, let's just say that when I get really drunk I tend to get..." Shinji smiled nervously. "Yeah... I remember." Misato frowned. "I never did anything with you when I was drunk, did I?" "No." Asuka laughed. "Don't sound so disappointed there, Shin-boy." "Shut up!" Shinji snapped. Asuka looked at the viewpoint. "Well, go into your little trance so we can finally get to my appearance. Things are pretty boring so far." Shinji gulped loudly. -E- -V- -A- "Asuka, I'm home!" Shinji called out as he came in his front door. He had just taken off his shoes when a red blur tackled him and started to lick his face. "Missed me, huh?" Asuka barked once in agreement. Yes, she barked. Shinji reached up and ruffled the large dog's thick red hair. "That's my girl." Asuka barked again and then licked Shinji's face. Needless to say, this was going to hurt the Shinji in the theater. A lot. -E- -V- -A- Misato according to Shinji: A sweet and caring person. When she's not drunk, that is. [End - Garden of EVA 2:4 - Misato Blows!] ======================================================================= Author's notes/ramblings: I'd like to thank my pre-readers Michael A. Chase, Axel Terizaki, EBJ, Thomas Kinnen, David Johnston, and Johan Holmberg for helping me find and fix problems with this story. FFML members E. L.Toh, Seele, Thomas Hackwood, and Mark Ferrer were also helpful in fine tuning this story. Thank you all. Of course in the end, any mistakes and botched characters are my fault. Revision 0.0 - Initial draft began (April 8, 2000) Revision 0.1 - Initial draft completed (April 21, 2000) Revision 0.3 - Pre-reader draft (May 2, 2000) Revision 0.4 - FFML draft (May 19, 2000) Revision 1.0 - Final version (June 17, 2000)