From: (Eliot Lefebvre) Subject: [Eva][FanFic] Neon Epoch Evangelion: Episode 7 X-Moderation-Queue-Date: 1 Jul 2002 16:27:13 -0700 Zankoku na tenshi no PRE-STORY WARNING: This fanfic is an original take on GAINAX's "Shin Seiki Evangelion." It contains alternative characters, plots, and a different overriding internal logic. It is intended, from the beginning, to be different. This includes different Children and different histories. In short: if the mere thought of someone other than Shinji in the cockpit of EVA-01 makes you queasy, you are in -entirely- the wrong place. Any and all flames stemming from this alteration will be mocked mercilessly. You have been warned. Okay, first of all, let me just make one thing clear about this episode: shades of lime abound. Not the character, the style of fanfic. The more prudish in the audience may take some small solace in the fact that it's all rather innocent and tasteful, but if you're looking for a sex-free episode, this ain't it. Of course, it's an important plot point, so it's not like you can just skip it. But fair warning. I had other stuff to say, too, but I think that's enough warning for one episode. For those wondering, the title is a Greek phrase - if you know it, it might seem oddly appropriate. Enjoy. ]++[ ]+ ELECTRONIC TRANSCENDENCE PRODUCTIONS +[ presents ]+ NEON EPOCH +[ ]+ E V A N G E L I O N +[ ]+ EPISODE 7: HIEROS GAMOS +[ By Eliot "Lostfactor" Lefebvre Based off of "Shin Seiki Evangelion" by GAINAX ]++[ If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. - 1 CORINTHIANS 13:2 ]++[ It was a beautiful day outside, even by the standards of a city that hadn't seemed capable of shifting out of summer since the Second Impact. There was just enough of a breeze wafting through the air that the heat wasn't oppressive, just enough clouds drifting across the sky to keep the sun from beating down too harshly, just enough of a peace settling across the city that made it seem like the perfect day to run outside and do something actually enjoyable. Of course, Vash realized idly that part of what made the day seem so perfect was the fact that he was stuck in the bland classroom, watching the sunlight stream onto rows of identical desks instead of the ground, listening to the professor drone on about the Second Impact as he seemed to do for every single class. Vash was bored, a fact that he didn't even bother to try hiding, leaning back against his chair and yawning loudly as the professor explained what the old Tokyo was like before it was submerged. It wasn't the fact that the lecture was nothing new, it wasn't the fact that the day outside was beckoning to him, and it wasn't even the simple nature of the classroom, boys and girls in perfect little rows with bland uniforms set against bland walls. Much to his surprise, it wasn't even due to the fact that he had something else far more important on his mind. It was the fact that the days felt as though they were blending together, as though the entire city was entering a collective yawn and expected everyone else to go along. With the success of the mission against Jet Alone, NERV hadn't had a crisis to deal with for a week, leaving the Children to sink into a routine of synch tests, school, and waiting for another Angel attack. "Hey, Vash, are you awake?" The sudden noise of Kensuke's voice snapped the boy out of his reverie, and he sat up straight in his chair, focusing on the bespectacled face of his friend with a quick nod. Kensuke stared for a second, then chuckled, shaking his head and standing from his seat. "You really weren't paying attention. It's time for lunch." Nodding again, Vash stood, catching sight of Eiko sitting at her desk next to Ryo, her sketchbook opened and laying on the desk in front of her. "You and Hikari go on ahead," he said to Kensuke, stepping down the row towards Eiko, smirking silently to himself. Walking quietly, Eiko didn't even seem to notice the sound of his footfalls, totally absorbed in her latest sketch. Vash leaned over her shoulder and watched for a moment, slightly surprised that she was sketching one of the Evas, then coughed. "Eiko?" Eiko gave a small start, then glanced up at Vash with a smile, smacking him lightly on the side. "Jerk," she muttered, turning back towards her sketchbook with the smile still lingering on her face, her pencil reoriented for erasing. "You shouldn't surprise me like that when I'm trying to draw. Now I've got to do this entire portion over again. Hard enough to do it from memory as it is." "I'm sure you'll get it right," replied Vash, reaching down and squeezing her shoulder affectionately, feeling gratified as she closed her eyes and let her head fall backwards slightly. There was something about Eiko that had that effect on Vash; when she was happy, it made him feel better, whatever else was going on around him. Then he remembered that he'd come over to talk with her for a reason, and he swallowed, still feeling slightly awkward about bringing up the topic. "So... do you still want to -" "Of -course-," replied Eiko as her smile grew wider, pushing back from her chair and standing up, then embracing Vash heartily. He was a bit surprised for a moment, then returned the embrace, feeling oddly energized by the warmth of her body next to his. "I wouldn't have agreed otherwise." There was a momentary pause, then she pushed back from him slightly and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Now go on. I know everybody's waiting for you. I'll be along as soon as I'm finished with this." Vash nodded, returned the peck on the cheek, then headed out the door of the classroom after Hikari and Kensuke, the trio planning on having lunch out in the garden of the school. Eiko watched him go for a second, then sat back down, feeling a slight tingle go through her body at the memory of Vash's words. Her parents were always either thinking of her as the perfect young Japanese woman or trying to mold her into one, but she knew that they would have never counted on something like this. She smirked at the thought, knowing how resentful they were of her open relationship with Vash, then turned back to her sketch, resolving to focus on other things. "What were you planning on doing?" asked Ryo in his usual quiet tone, the voice further muffled by the fact that he was facing away from Eiko, with the end result that she didn't even realize he had said anything for a moment. She turned to look at him, sunlight filtering through his pale blue hair as though it were glowing from the inside, his position almost artificial in the way that he held it. "I could tell what Vash was going to say next." The sound of Ryo when he was curious disturbed Eiko just enough to give her pause before she answered, as though he'd spent the past sixteen years of his life locked in a hole only being fed snippets of information. At first, it had seemed almost endearing, but after knowing the boy for nearly two full weeks it had already grown to simply be one of his many vaguely disquieting habits. "It's nothing," she replied, turning back towards her sketch, tracing the structures around EVA-04's eyes as best she could. Something about the machine looked wrong, but she couldn't quite place what it was. "Just... somewhere we were planning on going after school." "I see. That's why you didn't let him finish." The statement was blunt and emotionless, but there was still the hint of subtext beneath it, and what bugged Eiko was the fact that she couldn't quite tell if she was reading something into nothing or if Ryo was being subtle enough that she couldn't quite tell the difference. She turned back to her work again, trying hard to focus on something other than Ryo's comment, working on getting the details of the Eva's eye correct. Before she knew it, her mind was superimposing Ryo's red eye over what she rememberd of the Eva's eyes, and she shook her head, realizing to her dismay that she wasn't going to be able to forget his question so easily. She sighed, then put down her pencil, feeling very much as though she were betraying Vash. "I'll tell you, but you have to promise me something, Ryo. Promise me that you won't tell anyone else." Ryo didn't reply for a moment, then turned slowly towards her, the light still filtering through his hair in an odd way, reflecting off of his red eyes and almost inhumanly pale skin. "Who would I tell?" he asked, the question one that Eiko would have heard as bitter coming from anybody else. He remained silent for a moment, and Eiko realized that the question was an accurate one, knowing that she was virtually the only person she saw him talk to outside of Dr. Ikari. "All right," she muttered, taking a deep breath and glancing around the room to make sure that nobody else was listening to her or might overhear her. She pushed down the pang of guilt in her chest, leaning towards Ryo so that she could whisper. "My parents are out of town for the week, and this is the first night that we don't have synch testing to go to. So Vash and I decided that tonight we would..." She paused, feeling awkward simply thinking the words, much less saying them. "We would give ourselves to one another." For a moment, Eiko wondered if the euphamism was too much, if Ryo wouldn't understand what she was talking about. Then his head cocked slightly to one side, and Eiko could see from the expression in his eyes that he understood her meaning even if he didn't understand the motivation. "Why?" he asked, blinking once as he stared at Eiko, the question sounding almost childlike in its honesty. Eiko was taken slightly aback, and she gritted her teeth involuntarily, turning away from Ryo once again. "Because I love him," she replied, trying once again to finish the curving lines around the Eva's eyes and finding the pencil not going where she wanted it to. "I mean, that's what you do when you love someone. You give control to them, put yourself in their hands, because you trust that they won't abuse it. And they do the same." "I see," replied Ryo, memories of last week's conversation with Nieve popping into his mind once again. Once again, his thoughts drifted back to the battle against the Fifth Angel, and while he hadn't caught all of the radio conversation from the battle he remembered Eiko's words to Neil. "What about Neil?" Without even thinking, Eiko's hand jerked towards the paper forcefully, and she heard the characteristic snap of her pencil breaking as the tip erupted into small bits of lead, leaving a single black stain around the corner of the unfinished eye. She suddenly found herself furrowing her brow, thinking about when she had been standing in the path of the Angel's beam, trusting that Neil would protect her, that he wouldn't let her die. "Neil is just a friend," she said, breathing hard and forcing herself to remember that the statement was the truth. "That was something different. We were just... assuaging our fears." Ryo stared for a moment, then nodded and turned back towards the window, leaving Eiko to her own thoughts on the topic. At the back of her mind tickled the idea that loving someone was entirely about not being afraid of being alone, but she shook her head, feeling angry at herself both for telling Ryo about something that she shouldn't have and for doubting something that she knew was the right thing to do. Her gaze hardened, and she pushed back from her desk decisively, standing and walking to the front of the room to sharpen her pencil again and get back to work. She knew what she was going to do, and she knew that it would finally send her parents a message about who she was. Forcing everything else out of her mind, she pushed her pencil into the hole, trying to avoid grinning at the obvious implications. ]++[ "Synch ratio is up to 57%," noted Maya, her voice loud enough from surprise so that Niobe could hear her. Sitting in the cockpit of the entry plug, feeling the body of her Eva around her, Niobe couldn't surpress a satisfied grin, knowing that she'd managed to surpass her prior record for her synchronization. Though the facility had been quiet since the Jet Alone incident, she'd been practicing, doing her best to keep her focus steady for when another Angel did attack. From the results of the test, it seemed to be working. "Not a bad rate. She's at the head of all the Children." Ritsuko noticed the smile spreading across the girl's face on the monitor into the entry plug, and she smiled back despite the fact that Niobe couldn't see her, pleased to see that at least one of the Children was doing fine. Misato's comments from the battle with the Third Angel hadn't come out of her mind despite the seemingly huge gulf of time between when the Third Angel attacked and the present day, but despite Misato's objections Niobe seemed to actually enjoy being inside the Eva. "You're doing excellently, Niobe. We'll just need a few more minutes, and then you can get changed." "Do I have to?" asked Niobe, her grin widening, her question only partially sarcastic. On some level, she was looking forward to getting out of the plug, the scent of the LCL clogging her nostrils and still making her feel somewhat queasy from time to time even years after she'd first breathed it in. On another level, however, she wanted to keep training with her machine, to be absolutely ready as soon as the next Angel attacked to take it out by herself. And, she admitted to herself, a part of her didn't want to go back to the barrenness of Ryo's apartment. Ryo. The thought hadn't even entered her mind until she thought of the apartment, but suddenly his face came into her mind like a tidal wave, the fact that she'd been spending time with her roommate for about a week and still barely knew him at all. Trying to talk with him was agonizingly difficult, he never seemed to smile, and any conversations that he seemed to accidentally get himself involved in ended within a few utilitarian sentences. Oddly enough, it didn't make him annoying; for Niobe, at least, it just made him more intruiging, almost as if he were challenging her to figure out what made him tick. Maya frowned at the console display, hitting a few buttons quickly and double-checking the equipment monitors before leaning over towards the microphone. "Niobe? Your synch rate's down by four points now. That's a severe drop - are you all right?" Even knowing that Maya was simply concerned, Niobe couldn't help but grit her teeth at the words, scolding herself for getting distracted. She knew that distractions would be the kiss of death for her career, that she couldn't afford to be making mistakes like that if she wanted to make Joseph and her mother proud of her. "Sorry," she said, rubbing the back of her head idly. "It's nothing." Wondering what the girl was hiding, Ritsuko frowned at the monitor for a second, then heard the hissing noise of the doors opening and turned her head towards the only door in the room, seeing the familiar form of Dr. Fuyutsuki walking towards her, a thin smile playing upon his lips. She pushed away from the console instantly, standing up as straight as possible, and watched as his smile grew wider inexplicably. "Vice- Commander Fuyutsuki," she said, nodding in deference to him as he walked towards her. "It's a pleasure to see you, sir. Are you going to join us for Niobe's monitoring?" "There's not much else to do in the monitoring room, is there?" he replied, his tone sounding almost envigorated as he leaned over Maya's shoulder and examined the display. "Hmm. She's doing even better here than she was in South Africa." He paused for a second, then turned towards Ritsuko, still smiling. "Actually, I didn't come down here for Niobe's synch tests. I needed to talk to you about something." Fuyutsuki could see from the look on her face that she wasn't thinking of the same thing as he was, and for a brief instant he felt his chest tense slightly, the only break in his otherwise regal facade. "Maya, I'll be back over in a moment," Ritsuko announced, either not noticing Fuyutsuki's momentary lapse or simply not commenting on it as she brushed past him, stepping towards one of the far corners of the room. He remained in palce for a moment, then followed afterwards as she turned towards her, crossing her arms across the blue pull-ring blouse she was wearing, looking so much like her mother that it was almost disturbing. "Is this about Ayanami?" At the back of his mind, Fuyutsuki remembered sitting in a bar with one of his colleagues, before the Second Impact had occurred and he'd gone on to other projects. It had been autumn then, one of the last few autumns that Japan would experience, and while he remembered that day for other reasons besides his conversation with his fellow professor, he remembered what he'd said, almost a warning, that he didn't value human connections enough. Staring at Ritsuko and feeling a lump in his throat, Kozou found himself feeling as though he should have paid more attention at the time. "Yes, it's about Ayanami," he lied, feeling somewhat cowardly. "Gendou is still curious about the status." "Such things take time," replied Ritsuko, smiling humorlessly and sinking her head slightly. "'His' soul is still nearly pure, however, and it looks as though the Commander's theories were correct about its development. I'll need to run a few final tests before I can be certain about anything, but it looks like everything is proceeding according to schedule." She paused, looking up at Fuyutsuki somewhat curiously. "Was there something else? It seems odd that you'd come all the way down here just to ask me that." "There's little else to do at the moment. It's supposed to be my day off." He mirrored her earlier grin, shaking his head and turning back towards the door. "I'm getting too old for all of this. I'm starting to think that I've been too old for it for years now." He stared at the teal-gray door, and for a brief second he wondered if age was really the problem, if anything would have been different if he was ten years younger. "Keep up the good work, Dr. Akagi." "Likewise," replied Ritsuko as the door slid open and Fuyutsuki stepped out, an odd sort of abnormality in his step that she couldn't quite place despite years of working with the man. Shrugging it off, she walked back over to the monitoring console, glancing quickly over Maya's shoulder to see if Niobe's synch ratio had gone back up after the drop. It didn't seem to have fully recovered, but it was holding steady at 56%, still an impressive score. "You're doing well, Niobe. I think we've got all we need for the moment." "Dr. Akagi?" asked Niobe, blushing slightly at the thought of her question. She'd overheard a little bit of the vice-commander's discussion with Ritsuko, enough to hear Ryo's last name spoken, and it had only reaffirmed her focus on the boy. "Does Ryo... have any family?" She paused, then shook her head. "Wait. That's not what I mean. Everybody has family. I meant -" "No," she replied, gesturing for Maya to begin draining the entry plug and shut down the synchronization system. Niobe looked visibly taken aback by Ritsuko's response even as she hacked up the LCL from her lungs, red-orange liquid falling across the yellow chest of her plugsuit. "Ryo doesn't have any family that I'm aware of." She paused for a moment, unsure of whether or not she was giving the girl too much information for her own good. "The only family that I've ever seen him with is Dr. Ikari, and I know that's not really what you meant." "Oh. I see." Niobe suddenly felt very small as she felt the entry plug lift up, moving so that she would be able to step out, the lights inside shutting off as it lurched to a horizontal position. She'd never even thought about it before, but the sudden realization of Ryo's loneliness made her feel sad, as though she were intruding upon something. "No wonder he doesn't have any keepsakes," she muttered, waiting for the top of the entry plug to pop open, to step out of the blood-scented cockpit and take a cleansing shower as she felt the same chill from a week prior begin to touch her. ]++[ Sighing, Neil grabbed the lone sweater that he'd packed with his clothes out of the closet, pulling the warm green fabric over his head and finally feeling some warmth seep back into his body. He stood in place for a moment, then shook his head and stepped out, turning down the hall towards the living room where Nieve sat cross-legged on the couch, wearing blue jeans and a loose black blouse as she flipped through the channels on Misato's television idly. "You don't think that it's even a little chilly in this apartment?" he asked, feeling vaguely ridiculous for wearing a sweater in such a normally hot location. "You're kidding, right?" replied Nieve, rolling her head back onto the back of the couch, then turning it limply towards Neil, a mischevious smile on her face. She saw from the expression on his face that he wasn't kidding, and she turned her face back towards the television, a broad smile spreading across it with the obvious implcation that she was struggling not to laugh. "This is barely even comfortable, Neil. What kind of mutant heat tolerance are you Americans born with, anyways? You think that it's the greatest thing in the world to be out in the sun enjoying yourselves. If God had intended us to stay in the sun, he wouldn't have invented shade and clouds." Dropping his head into his hands, Neil shook his head as best he could manage, groaning slightly. "Yes, Nieve, we're total freaks. It's unbelievably that we'd want to bask in the light of the star that makes our planet habitable instead of a barren hunk of lifeless rock." Sighing once more, he stepped over to the couch himself, flopping down on the green cushions at the other end, glancing over at Nieve briefly. She'd been living at the apartment for nearly a week, and Neil was finally beginning to feel more comfortable about her, no longer feeling the intense guilt he had about nearly hitting her. Then he glanced towards the television, watching as two Japanese women ran around in a store trying to smash things. "What the hell are you watching, anyways?" "It's one of the more popular game shows around, according to Misato," she replied, chuckling involuntarily as the shorter-haired woman began to attack a bag of flour that burst into a cloud of white dust. "I forget exactly what she called it - something like 'Arukade Mazushi Wa Hito Okane No Notaneno Kutsujyuko o Uketsukeru.'" She paused for a second, and Neil could see her trying to mouth the Japanese words again, quiet sounds of the awkard syllables passing her lips before she frowned and shook her head. "It's got to be the dumbest language in the world." "Tolerant as always," replied Neil, staring at the television again. The two women had apparently moved beyond the stage of the game in which they broke things, now happily picking apples out of mud with their teeth and trying to throw them in a basket with their hands tied together. Despite himself, Neil couldn't help but smile as an overenergetic announcer screamed urgent statements in Japanese, either pleased with the women's performance or damning them to hell by the sound of it. "This is actually kind of amusing, in a sadistic sort of way." Nieve smiled at him for a moment, then back at the television, vaguely registering the fact that Neil had moved slightly closer to her. She'd entirely forgiven him for the incident on the ship, willing to admit at least to herself that part of the reason that she was annoyed about that was simply the fact that she'd lost control of the situation. Though she'd been certain that she'd hate him once they actually met, she couldn't help but find his company refreshing, even if she was starting to feel as though the rest of the world around her was going stale. Sighing, she tried to focus on the game show, but her last thought was sticking in her mind, reminding her of how uneventful things had been in Tokyo-3 after all. She'd expected to be fighting the Angels, but as it turned out the city wasn't the hotspot of activity that she'd expected. "I'm bored," she announced as one of the women on the television screamed in victory, while the other found the apples that she'd collected being thrown at her. Her announcement seemed to come out of nowhere to Neil, and it took him a moment to register it as the show flashed what he assumed was the Japanese equivalent of a commercial announcement. "You're the one who wanted to watch this," he noted, turning towards her and earning a glare for his comment. Shrugging, he rubbed the back of his head, knowing that arguing with Nieve was an exercise in futility of the first order. "All right. What do you want to do?" "Dunno," she replied, drumming her fingers on the padded arm of the couch, glancing around the pale yellow walls almost as if she expected something to emerge from them. She knew that there wasn't much of anything that Neil could do about her particular breed of boredom, but having said something she knew she'd have to figure out something to do. "We could play a game, I suppose." "Is it bigger than a breadbox?" asked Neil almost unconsciously, grinning at the joke. Nieve frowned in confusion and stared at him, and he shrugged. "It's from a movie. Twenty questions. I ask you that, and you ask me what's supposed to be bigger than a breadbox, and then I tell you that I've never seen a breadbox so I..." He paused, noting that the girl's expression wasn't changing, and he blushed, shaking his head. "Never mind. That's out." Nieve thought for a moment, then grinned, turning her entire body towards Neil and grabbing his left arm, yanking him over towards her somewhat roughly. Neil felt a momentary rush of heat in a familiar direction, but he forced himself to remember that he was being an idiot, that Nieve was just trying to have an easier time talking to him. "We could play truth or dare," she suggested, the broad grin on her face obviously suggesting that she preferred that option. "I haven't played that game in -years-, and it's fun." "Yes, if you're a giggling twelve-year-old girl at a slumber party," replied Neil, frowning slightly at the mention. Nieve frowned, and he held up a hand to signify peace, letting the frown evaporate from his face in hopes that Nieve wouldn't think he was too upset about the suggestion. "All right, fine. Do you want to go first, or should I?" A small shudder of excitement went through Nieve's body, more at knowing that she was able to more or less force Neil into playing the game than out of any particular love for it. "I'll go first," she replied, leaning back against the arm of the couch as far back as she could comfortably go. "And I'll take a truth, if you don't mind. Ask anything you want." Neil shrugged. "All right. Don't you think that it's just a -little- cold in this apartment? You've had the air conditioner on full-blast for nearly an hour now. If Misato wasn't away at the late shift of NERV, she'd have turned it off a long time ago." "Do you know how you're supposed to play this game?" muttered Nieve, shaking her head and frowning once again. Neil simply smiled, and she was reminded not for the first time of how annoying the boy could be at times. "You ask me something -personal-. Something you don't think I'd want to tell you. Otherwise, there's no point." She paused. "And no, I -don't- think it's cold in here." "Fine," replied Neil, still smiling to himself. He'd never been a particularly social boy, and while he didn't want to admit it this was the first time that he'd actually played the game with someone that he didn't know much about. It was an almost intoxicating feeling, and without even thinking he'd come up with a question and let it tumble out of his mouth. "If you could kill anyone on the planet, who would it be?" There was a momentary pause as Neil actually realized what he said, and both Neil and Nieve stared at one another. Neil imagined that she was wondering why the hell he'd ask a question like that, something that he couldn't blame her for. For one second he was certain that she'd never look at him as anything but a horrible human being, that he should have asked pretty much any other question in the world and it would have been better. Then Nieve smiled, as though she'd just gotten the punchline to the joke. "You're a sick little boy, you know that?" she scolded, obviously thinking that Neil was kidding around. Neil mimicked the smile, still somewhat bewildered by the fact that he'd asked the question in the first place. "All right. You obviously don't know how to do this. We'll just skip to your turn." Still feeling as though he were treading on dangerous ground, Neil took a deep breath, thinking for a moment on the choice. "Truth," he announced at length, almost resolving to lie before he realized that it wouldn't make him feel any better about himself. Nieve seemed to be greatly pleased by the boy's choice, and she bit down on her lower lip, tilting her head back and staring at the television as if expecting inspiration to strike. She watched for a moment as the woman from before who had been pronounced victorious tried to make out with a cow, to predictable results, and an almost sinister grin spread across her face as she looked back up at Neil. "Okay, Third Child. You might be the king of the battlefield -" Neil winced slightly at the title "- but tell me this: have you ever kissed a girl?" In light of Neil's thoughts, the question came as something of a surprise, and once again it took him a moment to register. "Yeah, plenty of times," he replied, glancing back towards the television, the game show apparently nearing the end, with the woman on screen covered in mud and cow slobber getting showered with yen. "And you said I didn't get the point." Only when Nieve hadn't responded for a full minute did Neil turn to look at the girl, not having expected such a long pause. The color seemed to have drained from the rest of her face straight to her cheeks, making her normally pale skin even more stark against the bright red of her cheeks and hair. Her eyes were wide with something between shock and hurt, her mouth frozen in a small "O" shape, suddenly looking vulnerable instead of relaxed as she lay across the couch. "Nieve? Is something wrong?" "Um, no. Not a thing." She closed her mouth firmly, her expression turning perfectly blank as she sat up and then rose from her seat, tugging down briefly on her blouse. "I'm going to go to sleep now. It's late, and I'm tired." She paused, and Neil could tell that she was making a concentrated effort not to look at him. "I'll see you tomorrow morning at breakfast." There was no doubt in Neil's mind that there was something else going on as Nieve walked swiftly around the couch, out of the room and down the hall, stepping into her room and slamming the door as Neil watched. Shutting off the television, he thought he could hear the noise of quiet sniffling, and he lingered on the couch for another moment, then sighed, picking himself up off the couch. Whatever was wrong, unsurprisingly, was his fault, and that meant that he was obligated to help her. ]++[ Vash was in the bathroom, though Eiko wasn't sure if it was out of an actual need to relieve himself or an attempt to make sure that he didn't falter when the moment came. Staring at the ceiling of her room as she lay on her back, the plain tan faux-wood shimmering slightly in the light from her floor lamp, she couldn't really blame him, suddenly feeling very nervous herself. She knew that she wanted to do this, knew that she was doing something that would be wonderful, but glancing down at her navy blue sheets and fluffy white comforter, around the room to her various manga posters and artwork, it was difficult not to get a sense of the sheer weight of the occasion. "I'm going to lose my virginity tonight," she muttered to herself, feeling a slight tremor beneath her skirt and turning over to feel the soft fabric of the bed. "These are the sheets that I'll make love on for the first time. My school uniform is going to be the last outfit I wear before I become a woman." She smiled, feeling somewhat wistful already, scolding herself gently for being immature. If her parents had even the vaguest inkling of what was going on in their apartment while they weren't there, they would have a heart attack instantly. Her parents. She'd heard jokes, in movies, about thinking about your parents before sex, but for some reason the thought didn't make her nervous as she pushed back from the bed, now kneeling and facing the headboard, looking at the art that she'd plastered over the dull mother- of-pearl wall. If anything, the thought about her parents made her feel more resolute, more certain about what was going to happen. "Your little girl isn't going to grow up as some silly little ninny," she muttered to herself, closing her eyes and remembering the first time her father had ever told her what he expected of her. She felt a slight pain in her chest at the thought, and she forced herself to take a deep, cleansing breath, reminding herself that she was doing the right thing. "Eiko?" Vash's voice was unusually quiet, his usual surface bravado stripped away. Eiko paused for a moment, then stood from her bed and turned towards him, nearly on the opposite side of the room due to the position of her bed. Both stood for what seemed like an eternity, staring at each other as though getting any closer would be poisonous, with the sort of trepidation that could only come from inexperience. At length, Vash sighed, reaching up and rubbing the back of his head. "Okay. Do, um, you know what we do first?" "Not exactly," replied Eiko, lifting her left arm hesitantly, then gritting her teeth slightly and taking a step towards Vash, knowing that one of them had to do something to get through the nonexistent barrier between them. Her single step seemed to do exactly that, and Vash stepped towards her as well, both taking their slow paths towards on another until they were nearly touching. Eiko reached over and took his hand, squeezing it gently, then lifted his arm and put it on her shoulder. "I think... I think we just have to hold each other and kiss, like we usually do. We're human. The rest will come." Swallowing hard, Vash nodded, then drew Eiko closer in an embrace, and Eiko blushed involuntarily as she felt the physical display of Vash's emotions quite starkly. She stared at him for a second, then pushed her head forward into a kiss, her tongue seeking out his almost hungrily as their mouths opened together, the embrace pulling tighter as their tongues danced between them. Eyes closed tightly, Eiko began to feel the familiar feelings creep through her body, a desire for something more, to be closer to Vash, as close as they could possibly be. Gripping the collar of Vash's shirt firmly, Eiko tugged him back towards her bed, smiling even as her breathing began to come slightly faster, an odd sort of sensation spreading from her chest through her entire body. She broke the kiss for just a second to smile at him, then flopped backwards onto the bed, pulling Vash along with her. The sense of hitting the sheets came at almost the exact same instant that Vash was, quite suddenly, atop her, his warmth seeming to encompass her body, and Eiko couldn't help but give a little gasp as she felt a slight tremble from between her lgs. "This is nice," she whispered to his ear, staring up at the boy as they looked at one another. "This is very nice." "Yeah," replied Vash, pausing for just a moment before he tenatively raised his right hand and set it down on Eiko's right breast, as though he were afraid that touching it might burn him. Eiko felt the fabric of her shirt and bra suddenly contort against the soft flesh beneath, and another small tremor went through her body as Vash began to rub the spot, moving his hand around on her chest as though he were trying to figure it out. The girl's breathing was definitely coming faster now, and she reached up to him, pulling his head down towards her and shoving her tongue as far into his mouth as she could reach, eyes shut tightly. Feeling Eiko's excitement, Vash pushed his own tongue into her mouth, still kneading the soft skin of her breast through her shirt while bringing up his other hand to touch against the second. As Vash squeezed the fabric of her shirt on her other breast and she felt the tickling of her nerve endings, another tremble went through her body, and her back arched slightly, pressing her closer against the boy as she let out a soft moan. Her legs were trembling, she realized in the back of her mind, and there was a newfound sense rising between them as Vash worked her breasts gently, their tongues probing one another and bodies locked close together. A thought drifted across Eiko's mind as the fabric encompassing her breasts tightened, and as she trembled she began to spread her legs ever so slightly, feeling a rush of surprise as Vash's legs began to slide between them, her skirt riding up on her hips as they gently parted. Vash, apparently getting the idea, pushed his legs downward, spreading Eiko's legs faster than she had been, and in an instant she felt a hard pressure between her legs, pressing against her and filling her with an almost unspeakable passion. "That feels wonderful," she gasped, arching her back slightly and feeling a surge through her body as she rubbed against him. "That... it..." "I know," replied Vash, sounding just as breathless as he paused for a moment before pushing against the spot, sending Eiko into another tremor of excitement from the contact. Words failed her, and she simply gasped as her body sent decisive approval through every fiber of her being, the whole of her skin suddenly feeling as though it had been stretched tighter to let her feel everything more clearly. At the same instant, she felt Vash's hands clutch against her chest more tightly, and involuntarily she felt herself buck against the boy between her legs, feeling another wave of excitement flow through her as a sticky wetness began to grow between her legs. Eiko suddenly felt incredibly empty, as though Vash were too far away, and reaching up she began to undo his shirt with trembling hands, her body beginning to lose control under the gentle ministry of his hands and the perfect thrusts against her between her legs. His shirt fell open, a thin trace of sweat visible against his chest, and Eiko tried to pull him closer, wanting to feel more of his skin against hers, feel his warm all over her body. Vash resisted, and she found herself wondering why for a moment before she felt his hands raise off of her breasts and move to the buttons of her blouse, telicately undoing each one as he continued to press against her gently. The air in her room seemed to kiss along her bare skin as the blouse opened, and even the simply contact of his fingers against her skin sent her into further excitement. Her blouse fell open, and Vash's fingers spread the thin white fabric further, letting his fingers brush across her bare stomach as Eiko felt her chest heave. For a moment, both froze, the situation somehow losing its reality, becoming more fluid and mystical in the growing passion of the two. Then Eiko could stand no more waiting, and she pulled Vash closer to her, feeling herself tremble as their stomachs touched, Vash's open shirt falling limply around her. Vash seemed to instantly regain his train of thought, and his hands sought and found her breasts once again, carsessing the partially-exposed skin with newfound passion, and Eiko gasped as she hugged him more tightly, arching her back in slow and steady rythym with the motion of his legs. "Vash," she gasped. "Vash... Koji, I love you." "I love you, Eiko," the boy replied, leaning his head closer and gently tracing along Eiko's neck with his tongue. She felt the heat in her body grow as her hands clenched involuntarily, feeling every single part of her body in ways that she never had, every point of contact with Vash another electric rush through her most sensitive areas. Leaning her head back, she let herself gasp softly, almost sounding like whimpering as the two Children moved together as though they'd been practicing secretly for years, their bodies complementing one another perfectly. Eiko smiled broadly as her gasps grew louder, Vash's fingers beginning to trace tenatively under the lace of her bra, sending new waves of pleasure through her body. She remembered her conversation with Ryo in school, and knew that she'd told him the right thing, that this was all she wanted, to give control of her body to Vash entirely. Then she thought, almost inexplicably, of Ryo's words about Neil, just as Vash pushed against her between her legs in a way that she hadn't expected, eliciting a loud gasp of pleasure even as the smile faded from her lips. The thought of Neil suddenly wouldn't leave her mind as Vash's tongue traced downwards towards her bra, and she found herself feeling guilty, as if she were doing something wrong. Pushing the thought from her mind, she moved her hands towards Vash's head as his tongue gently flicked across the surface of her breast, still feeling a warm stickiness flooding from between her legs, her body obviously wanting what was being offered to it. Despite her efforts, as she closed her eyes and gasped she saw Neil's face once again, as if he were watching her. She could see on his face the look of absolute terror that he'd had after the Fifth Angel was defeated, the seemingly boundless concern that she'd been injured, and Eiko's mind suddenly felt guilty about her actions, as though she truly was doing something wrong. Her body felt differently, and she pushed hard against Vash once again, sending another tremor through her body in reaction. The sensation was wonderful, but she knew even as it tingled across her skin that she couldn't keep going, that it wasn't right. "Stop," she whispered, her mouth dry and her body actively protesting the concept. "Vash, stop. Stop." For a moment, it seemed as though Vash hadn't heard her or had simply chosen not to stop, and the latter thought sent a minor rush of terror through her at the obvious implications. Then the boy's motion against her slowed and stopped, his hands resting on her breasts as he moved his head to look at her, obviously disbelieving. "What's wrong?" he asked, frowning and removing his hands, glancing over her body. "Did I hurt you? If you need me to move, or something, I'll do it. Believe me, at this point I'd just about -" "You didn't hurt me, honey," Eiko replied, touching his cheek gently with her right hand and feeling very exposed as she lay beneath him. Almost unconsciously, she reached over to her right side and drew her blouse across her, feeling as though everyone was staring at her despite the emptiness of the room. "I... I just can't right now." She sighed, closing her eyes and feeling tears tickling at the back of them. "I'm sorry. I know we talked about this, I just... I'm not ready right now." Vash stared at her for a second, then pushed away from her and stood from the bed, leaving Eiko to close her legs. "You certainly could have fooled me," he said, sounding quietly angry as he began to button his shirt, turning away from Eiko and obviously upset about the situation. Eiko stood herself, letting her skirt fall back down her hips and her blouse fall open once again, stepping over to Vash and touching his shoulders gently and hearing him sigh. "Sorry. I'm not mad." He paused. "We don't have to rush things, honey. It's all right if you're not ready. I just sort of wish that you'd told me this before." "I know," replied Eiko, turning her back towards Vash and starting to button her blouse, feeling as though she couldn't have possibly done the right thing. She hadn't meant to stop, hadn't even wanted to, and as the warmth between her legs faded she realized that she still wanted Vash. But despite that, she found herself almost glad that she'd asked Vash to stop, the thought of Neil still filling her mind's eye, the indescribably sweet expression on his face as he pulled open the entry plug. Sighing, she finished buttoning the blouse, beginning to tuck the white fabric back into her skirt, feeling as though her parents had won despite her best efforts. ]++[ The bustle of Tokyo-3's streets was all but lost upon Ryo as he walked slowly and resolutely down the sidewalk, his eyes focused loosely on his destination and only deviating momentarily to get a scan of the surrounding area. The sun was nearing the final stretch of its motion across the sky, and people were going home, back to their families, something that Ryo knew academically even without knowing it from personal experience. "Home," he muttered to himself, his voice quiet enough that none of the people walking near him on the sidewalk seemed to notice the blue-haired boy talking to himself. "Home is where the heart is. Home is where you lay your hat. Home is where your loved ones are." The phrases were all that he really knew about what the word meant, and he found himself stopping, staring across the street at a small apartment building, a middle-aged woman calling to a group of children and ushering them inside. Academically, of course, he knew what a home was - it was a place where people lived, an area from whence something originated. But he'd become increasingly curious about whether or not words that he knew the meaning of didn't have another meaning, one that Dr. Ikari simply had never explained to him. "I don't have a hat," Ryo said after a moment, a statement that would have been bitter coming from anybody else but was simply a statement of fact from him. "I don't have loved ones. My heart is in my chest." He paused for a moment longer, then realized that he had been watching the mother and her children for too long, that they were inside and he had broken from the routine that Commander Ikari had given him. Turning sharply on his heel, he returned to his steady pace down the sidewalk, heading towards his apartment building, feeling neither relieved nor bitter about being done with his testing for the day. Ryo found himself thinking back on Eiko's words as he continued to think on the idea of a home, thinking about what it meant to have a home. The girl had told him that you had control over what you loved because it gave control to you freely, because you surrendered your control to it in turn. Thinking on the subject, he knew that he had no such place, that wherever he went he was controlled by routine. He had no say in the routine, only the terse statements that Dr. Ikari laid out for him, even in the Eva. Nieve had said that the Eva was a place where she had total control, and Ryo thought on that for a moment before another thought entered his mind. Freezing in place again, Ryo stared blankly into space, fascinated with the new concept that had implanted itself into his brain. He had no illusions about who he was, but something had occurred to him as he thought on Nieve. She was in total command of herself, from what Ryo had seen, and that meant that she had more than enough control. And Eiko had said that loving someone meant that you gave control to them, that you surrendered all control to their hands. "Perhaps that's the answer," he whispered to himself, feeling an odd sensation flood his body. "Love gives you control. If someone loves you, you have control." Turning his head, Ryo looked away from the direction that his apartment complex lay in, instead looking down in the direction of Misato's apartment. He had been told by Gendou to memorize the locations of all the dwellings of NERV personnel in the event of an emergency, and he had done so as a part of his routine, without any sort of complaint. It was simply another insertion to routine, nothing that was abnormal, but now it began to tickle at the back of his mind, the knowledge that in that direction lay Nieve's dwelling. It wasn't new information, but for some reason it seemed to be registering for the first time, as though she'd never been there before. "Nieve has control," he muttered to himself, beginning to pick up his feet and turn slowly away from his destination, something deep within him pulling against it. He knew that he wasn't to deviate from his routine as he was contemplating, that he was supposed to keep heading to his apartment, to cook dinner, exactly as Gendou had laid out for him. Still, there was something that suggested this deviation from his routine was important. "If she loves me, she gives me her control. I have control." The last words seemed almost alien to Ryo, as though they'd come from someone else's mouth even as they passed his lips. An eternity seemed to pass Ryo by as he found himself torn between routine and the strange sensation that he should seek out Nieve, that she would give him something he'd never experienced before. Finally, he pulled his feet away from the path to his apartment, turning fully to face down the street that held Misato's apartment, then began to walk slowly across the street. His mind railed against his actions with as much intensity as Ryo ever had, but something deeper told him that he should continue, the voice within seeming to grow more urgent with each heavy footfall. ]++[ It had been too long since Nieve had entered her room, and Neil was getting tired of waiting outside, feeling terrible enough as it was without her silence towards him adding to the problem. Sighing, he knocked lightly on the door to her room, ignoring the scrawled message posted outside that she was not to be disturbed. "Nieve?" he called a second or two after knocking, hoping that the knowledge of who it was would make her more receptive. "Are you going to tell me what's going on, or -" "Go away!" shouted Nieve from inside the room, her words snapping across Neil's face like a slap from a metal glove. Neil winced physically at the harsh tone to her voice, leaning away from the door and up against the doorframe somewhat weakly. He hadn't meant to make her so upset, and worse yet he didn't even know what he'd done. It felt as though it had been an eternity since he'd been able to have a simply fun night with a friend, much less a girl, and the thought that he'd ruined something so wonderful made something clench up inside him. Closing his eyes for a second, Neil leaned his arm back and rapped against the wood of the door once again, this time slightly gentler. "I thought I told you to go away!" snapped Nieve, this time with a note of sorrow shining through the girl's elegant Irish accent. Her words cut just as deep as before, but Neil gritted his teeth, resolving that he wouldn't give up until she at least looked at him again. Knocking again, he turned back towards the door this time, focusing all of his efforts on making himself stay strong, on not panicking over something so trivial. "Gods, Neil, just go watch a damn movie or something! What the hell do you -want-?" "To know what's going on!" replied Neil, his eyes narrowing and his brow furrowing in frustration. Nieve didn't respond immediately, and Neil took that as a sign that she wanted him to continue talking, though in the back of his mind he was aware that he would have heard that no matter what she'd said. "I was having fun with you, Nieve, and now you're angry with me. Don't I at least get to know what it is that I did wrong?" "-Everything-!" snapped Nieve, pulling the door open suddenly and shocking Neil into freezing in place. Her eyes were bloodshot, and there were small wet stains darkening the fabric of her blouse, both signs that Neil recognized. However, looking at the anger burning in her eyes instead of the small droplets of water gathering at their corners made it clear that she had no interest in being comforted by the boy. "You don't get it at all, do you? I -don't- -like- -you-! I've disliked you since before I even -met- you, and living with you hasn't made anything better! Now go the hell away and leave me alone like I -told- you to!" Nieve's door slammed shut in Neil's face, the boy's facial muscles gone slack, eyes a mixture of shock and sorrow, something between anger and devestation moving through his mind. On some level, he felt as though he'd known the truth of the matter, that he knew Nieve didn't like him, that he shouldn't have obscured that from himself. Another part of him wanted to be angry, wanted to simply break through her door, to hurt her the way that she'd hurt him. The two thoughts seemed to war with one another, and Neil could only stare at the wooden door blankly, wanting at once to both walk away and walk into the room. A moment or two later, the door opened again, and Nieve stepped out, staring dead at Neil. Neil's brain remained fused for a moment, then he began to stammer something resembling an excuse, taking a couple steps backwards before Nieve's left hand jerked up and grabbed his sweater by the chest, pulling him to a stop. "Don't go," she muttered, staring towards the ground, obviously upset about before. "I owe you an apology." She paused for a second, then weakly let go of Neil's sweater. "I don't dislike you, Neil. I used to. Heck, sometimes I even wish that I did. But I don't dislike you." "Well, that makes us living together work a little more smoothly," noted Neil, unconsciously clenching and unclenching his fists, trying to dissipate the feeling of anger he'd gotten from before. It was eerily reminiscent of when he'd met Nieve, as though there was some connection between their anger. Taking a deep breath, he shoved the thought out of his mind, focusing instead on the downturned face of his other roommate. He felt the urge to reach over to her, but something in him told him that it was better if he didn't. "What made you so angry?" "You wouldn't understand," Nieve replied, turning away slightly and sniffling. A single tear fell from the corner of her eye, and she wiped it away as fast as she could, hoping that Neil hadn't noticed it. She felt ridiculous enough as it was, and she hated the sensation that she'd let herself go so badly, that Neil could see every imperfection about her. It bothered her, and she was only distantly aware of the fact that it was upsetting her more than she'd expected, trying to focus her attention on the grain of the wood in her door instead. "It's nothing." Neil frowned for a moment, then clenched his left hand momentarily before reaching towards Nieve's shoulder, feeling a rush of blood through a familiar area as he forced himself not to panic. Nieve's shoulder shifted slightly, and the fabric of her blouse fell slightly off of her shoulder, sending another jolt of excitement through the boy standing near her and leaving him to almost jerk his hand forward, landing somewhat roughly on her shoulder. She reacted almost immediately, and for a split second Neil worried that she'd be angry, but instead she simply turned towards Neil, eyes wide simply with curiosity. "Tell me," he said softly, feeling another emotion besides fear start to trickle through him. "It... it was when you said that you'd kissed a girl before," she replied, folding her arms across her chest uncomfortably and looking down once again. "Being part of NERV... I was kind of like Ireland's national celebrity for a while, one of the Children going to defeat the beasts that would ravage our world. I've had more boyfriends than I can even count." She paused for a moment, not noticing that her words were obviously making Neil a little uncomfortable. "But... I never kissed any of them. I've never kissed before." Hearing a soft sort of stacatto whimper coming from Neil, Nieve suddenly felt a surge of guilt, almost certain that he was crying a little. In an instant, she felt as though she'd been an idiot, that he must have been lying about kissing a girl before, that he'd only said it because he assumed that she'd kissed a boy before. Then she looked up, and her expression darkened as she saw that Neil was giggling slightly. "You've really never kissed a boy?" he asked, obviously doing his best to restrain from laughter. Nieve's hand exploded hard across Neil's cheek, and Neil had the distinct sense that he should have known better beforehand as he turned back towards the girl and rubbed his cheek. "-Jerk-!" she snapped, stepping back into her room and slamming her door once again as Neil hear the hiss of Pen-Pen's refridgerator opening. "I should have known that I was right about you the first time! Go away!" "Oh, come on, Nieve, I'm sorry," replied Neil, knocking on her door as he looked over towards Pen-Pen, who had presumably been woken from his sleep due to all the noise. The penguin and the boy stared at one another, and Neil grinned sheepishly, waving at the smaller bird for a second before he turned back towards Nieve's door and knocked again. "Please? Pretty please? Talk to me?" "What, so you can get a few more laughs?" shouted Nieve through the door as Pen-Pen made a small "wark" noise and headed towards the door to the bathroom. Nieve no longer seemed even vaguely sad about the situation, only angry. "No thanks! Go away and find something -else- to laugh at!" She paused. "And don't think that Misato isn't going to hear about the way you've treated me, either!" Sighing, Neil knocked on the door once again, leaning forward against the wood finish and feeling as though he'd managed to screw things up once again by simply being himself. He really hadn't meant to do anything mean, it had just struck him as a little funny, and he couldn't keep himself from laughing a little at the thought. "Nieve, really, I'm sorry," he shouted, listening for a moment and receiving no response. "If it makes you feel any better, it's really not all it's cracked up to be!" There was another momentary silence from behind Nieve's door, and Neil wondered if he should repeat himself, leaning his ear towards the surface. "WHY THE -HELL- WOULD THAT MAKE ME FEEL -BETTER-?" screamed Nieve, almost the instant that his skin touched the wood, causing Neil to wince backwards at the sheer volume of her statment. "Um... I don't know," replied Neil, rubbing his ear casually and wishing that he hadn't decided to go with such a stupid plan. He paused for a moment, wondering if Nieve was truly as angry as she was acting, then decided that giving up would only make things worse as he reached forward and knocked on her door again, sighing heavily. "Look, Nieve, when I said that I'd kissed a girl before, I exaggerated a little. It hasn't been 'plenty of times.' Just a couple. Does that make you feel any better?" No response came for a moment, and Neil sighed, shaking his head and turning away from the door just as the door creaked open again. Neil froze, then turned towards the door, hoping that he'd see Nieve sad once again for getting so angry with him. She didn't look even remotely sad, but at least she didn't seem as angry as before, which was at least a step in the right direction. "Why did you exaggerate?" she asked, cautiously stepping out of her room and towards the boy, her motions slow but graceful. "Because I wanted you to be impressed," Neil sighed, sinking his head and ignoring the small yelp of triumph from Nieve's direction. "I'm sorry. I should have been honest, I just..." He shook his head, remembering all the other times that he'd horribly struck out with women and feeling like an absolute wreck. "I was having fun spending time with you. I didn't want it to end, and I didn't want you to think I was some kind of loser." He shut his eyes tightly. "But I shouldn't have lied." "You lied to try and impress me," repeated Nieve, grabbing Neil's chin and pulling his face back up to her level. His eyes flew open at the unexpected contact, and for a moment all he could register was the look on her face, suddenly happy once again, a moment that was only broken by the noise of the bathroom door opening again and Pen-Pen announcing his presence with a warking noise. "That... well, it's not exactly sweet, I guess, but I don't think any other boy has done that for me." She paused, then blushed, putting a hand to her mouth as she giggled slightly. "Listen to me. I sound like a ninny." Shaking his head, Neil found himself suddenly unconcerned with the brief surges of anger he'd felt towards the girl, totally fixated on her simple presence so close to him. There was something about her, something unspeakably attractive, a sort of vibrancy about the way that her hair fell and her mouth moved as she spoke that captivated him. "You don't sound like a ninny," he said, scolding himself internally as familiar feelings began to bubble within his lower areas once again. "You sound..." He paused. "Cute." Nieve giggled again, then smiled and turned towards Neil, putting her hands behind her back and holding them together tightly as she forced herself to be brave. "Okay, Neil. I've thought of how you can make your lying up to me." She paused for a moment, letting Neil lean towards her, hanging on her next words. Basking in the power for just a moment, she turned her head slightly away and closed her eyes, still smiling broadly. "Kiss me." The words came unexpectedly, and even though Neil very much liked the concept he found himself freezing, certain that he must have misheard her. He paused for a moment, then decided that he was reading too much into the statement, that she meant something different. "On the cheek?" he asked, eyes wide. "Are you an idiot?" snapped Nieve, frowning momentarily and raising her hand slightly as if she was going to slap him again. Then she smiled again, turning her head towards Neil and opening her eyes again. "No, on the lips. I..." She felt a sudden tightness in her chest, something that she couldn't remember ever having felt before. "I want you to give me my first kiss." "Um." The noise escaped Neil's lips more out of an absolute bewilderment about what to say than anything else, the entire situation leaving him at a loss for words. His life had never consisted even partially of girls, attractive or otherwise, asking him to kiss them, and his mind was already making him try to second-guess Nieve's statement. "Isn't this something you should save for someone that you're dating? And this could make living together kind of awkward. Now that I think about it, if we're going to be piloting the Evas together, we might need to -" "Gods, you -are- an idiot," muttered Nieve, slapping herself on the forehead and forcing herself to ignore the little voice in the back of her head telling her that he simply wasn't attracted to her at all. "I'm -asking- you to kiss me. I -want- you to kiss me. Is that such a terrible thing?" "I..." Neil paused for a moment, then shook his head as he realized that his objections weren't doing any good, that he was betraying the old adage about not looking a gift horse in the mouth. He swallowed hard, then took a step towards Nieve, feeling the familiar tingling sensation spread through his lower body as he gently put his hands around her shoulders. She seemed to tremble a little at the contact herself, and Neil saw a hint of nervousness in her eyes, something that he couldn't remember having ever seen before. "So. What do you know about this?" Rolling her eyes involuntarily, Nieve forced herself up higher, stretching to her full height, still notably shorter than Neil. "You're the veteran, Third Child," she replied, intending to sound confident but whispering despite herself. The immediacy of the moment was slowly sinking into her mind, and it became more and more frightening with every moment that she waited. "You tell me what to do." "Well, you'll need to tilt your head back a little, and, er, I'll need to lean down, so that our mouths are a little closer," replied Neil, feeling very awkward as he leaned his head towards the girl's, her head tilting back. "And, um, you need to close your eyes. Like this." He shut his eyes, then leaned forward, intending to lean just far enough that she could see what he was doing. Instead, he found his lips brush against hers, and there was a sudden electrical feeling across his entire body, freezing him in place for a moment as he distantly heard the sound of a door opening. "Um. Maybe we should -" Quite to both Nieve and Neil's surprise, Nieve's hands found their way to the back of his head and pulled it close, pressing her lips against his as her mouth fell open almost involuntarily. Neil felt another surge of passion flow through him immediately, but this time wasn't immobilized by the sensation, instead letting his own mouth open, gently pushing his tongue into the girl's mouth. She let out a small gasp of surprise as she felt the wetness of his tongue touching hers, then seemed to lose herself in the moment as well, moving her tongue along with his, letting the two tongues stroke one another. Feeling the emotion of the moment, Neil let go of Nieve's shoulders, then wrapped his arms around the girl as their tongues rubbed together, her hands still tight against the back of his head, fingers splayed through his hair. He'd never experienced anything like what was happening, a fact that was distantly making itself known as the two Children held one another close, their mouths locked still in a passionate embrace of their own, tongues pressing and rubbing in a sort of slow waltz. Every other kiss he'd ever felt had been different, as though the other person were holding something back. But Neil could feel that there was something passionate inside of Nieve, that she was pouring her heart and soul into him, and for a brief moment he thought that he could lose control, that he could surrender himself entirely to the gentle rythym between them. Then, as though someone had given a signal, Neil and Nieve both withdrew their tongues in unison, mouths breaking apart with a slow certainty. Both Children paused for a moment, eyes still shut, then looked at one another as their eyes slowly drifted open, Nieve letting a smile play across her lips as Neil simply stared in amazement. He could still taste her skin within his mouth, still felt the lingering touches of her tongue. "That was -definitely- all that it's cracked up to be," she muttered, her voice sounding different, excited, an odd sort of tone as she stared into Neil's eyes. "Neil... I think... I think that I might..." A cough came from the doorway behind them, and both Nieve and Neil suddenly released the other, freezing in place as soon as their hands were off the other, then slowly turning to look, Neil turning his neck while Nieve simply craned to stare around him. In the doorway stood Ryo, still wearing his school uniform, blue hair framing the blank expression of his face. "Ryo," breathed Neil, unsure of what to say, getting the distinct impression that there was something else lying in Ryo's expression, something he couldn't quite put a finger on. "How long have you been here?" "Since you started kissing her," replied Ryo flatly, the vaguest hint of some kind of resentment in his voice. He paused for a moment, then opened his schoolbag, rustling in it for a moment before fishing out the sketch that Eiko had given him more than a week ago, slightly wrinkled but for the most part no worse for the intervening time period. "Eiko wanted me to give you this. I apologize if I interrupted anything." "No," replied Neil, stepping forward to take the piece of paper from Ryo. He stared at the sketch in his hand and suddenly felt even more awkward, recognizing it immediately as the sketch that Eiko had made of the Tokyo-3 skyline as the sun set, the day after he returned from the hospital. Flipping it over, he could see a few scribbled words in English, and he wondered idly if she'd only given the sketch to Ryo recently, completely confused. "Um... listen, do you want to sit down for a while? To talk?" "I have to get home," replied Ryo flatly, turning around and opening the door once again, then stepping out into the hallway of the apartment building, staring out the bay window across the hall from Misato's apartment, watching as the sun began to slide below the horizon, the light glancing off the buildings of Tokyo-3. "I will see you at Central Dogma tomorrow." The door fell shut, and Neil stared at the sketch from Eiko, unsure if he should feel bad about kissing Nieve because of Eiko or if he should feel bad about taking the sketch from Eiko because of Nieve. His mind settled on simply feeling bad for whatever reason, and the sensation only redoubled as Nieve gently touched him on the shoulder, drawing his attention back towards her. "What is it?" she asked, sounding just the slightest bit bitter. "Just the city skyline?" "Yeah," muttered Neil, breaking free of Nieve's touch before turning and stepping back towards his room, unable to tear his eyes away from the pencil lines of the drawing. "I'll just put this away, then we can go back to whatever you want." He opened the door slowly, stepping into his room and feeling unspeakably confused, wishing that he didn't feel bad about kissing Nieve at the same time that he wished he didn't feel guilty about taking the sketch. ]++[ Misato sighed, leaning over the piles of paperwork on her office, feeling as though what she wanted more than anything else in the world was a good beer and sleep. Even a week after Jet Alone going berserk, she had yet to actually get to work on any of the necessary files for the incident, still working on all of the official reports needed for the Fifth Angel. What bugged her more than anything, however, wasn't the fact that she had to keep filling in the same information in form after form when the UN knew perfectly well that the Angels and NERV were going to follow certain patterns. It was the way that the whole filing process seemed to dehumanize the events, to make it seem as though the Evas were just like particularly specialized tanks. Sinking her head into her hands and closing her eyes, needing to get away from the numbing fluorescence of the overhead lights, she thought back to the stark terror in Eiko's voice during the Jet Alone incident, the scream of pain that Vash had let out against the Fifth Angel, Neil's horrifying first couple of battles. "They're so brave," she muttered, trying to figure out what it would be like if she was thirteen years younger, if she was told that she could pilot the gigantic machines. She wanted to say that she would have agreed, but she knew that she couldn't be certain. The thought that she wouldn't made her feel even more guilty about her job, as though she had no right to send the Children into such danger if she wasn't going to place herself at the same risk. She found herself feeling even more guilty as she thought on it, as she wondered if she'd be willing to take orders from someone sitting in an armored command center while she put her life on the line. "Thinking too much, Misato," she muttered to herself, pushing her head out of her hands, then pushing her chair back and standing from her desk. It occurred to her momentarily that she might not feel so exhausted by the simple act of being in her office if she did something to spruce up the bland teal of the walls, but she shook her head at the thought, knowing that she'd never remember to bring anything in, much less find the time to arrange the room. "Time to go home, say hi to the Children, and then drink until you stop worrying so much." She grinned at the thought, grabbed her keys off the desk, then walked out of the office, flicking the light switch off as she stepped out and began to try and find her way through the maze of the base. Roughly ten minutes later, she finally found herself on the right level to catch a transport to the surface, the employee level. It was a large enough level to support a far bigger and far lazier staff than NERV actually employed, and at times Misato wondered if it hadn't been built simply for the purpose of spending as much money as possible on the construction of the base. The thought was an idle bit of mental noise as she walked towards the elevator that led to the garage, hoping that nobody had dinged her car. As she walked past the main employee lounge, she heard a deep, distinctive male voice, and she instantly realized that it was Kaji speaking. She froze for a moment, unsure about whether or not she should eavesdrop, then grinned and leaned towards the half-opened door inward, looking as best she could for where Kaji was. After a second or two of looking, she saw him, sitting at one of the round white tables with Dr. Fuyutsuki, apparently speaking casually with him. Misato frowned for a moment, then continued to stare, determined to find out what was going on with her former lover. "I have to admit, it wasn't something I planned on," Kaji muttered, letting out a small puff of smoke from his cigarette, leaning back in his chair and then staring up at the ceiling. "You know why I came, I imagine. I remember reading about you, hearing how you'd started to investigate Gehirn before most people even knew it existed." He smirked, though he still didn't turn back towards Fuyutsuki. "Imagine my surprise when I learned you'd sold out." Fuyutsuki smiled, taking a sip from the steaming coffee mug sitting in front of him and apparently unhurt by Kaji's comment. "I suppose you had to be there to understand," he replied. "You ought to be more careful, though, if you're trying to follow in my footsteps. I could turn you in, and then everything would be over for you." "You won't, though," replied Kaji, tilting his head down towards Fuyutsuki. The elder man simply stared back for a moment, then slowly shook his head, a gesture which apparently satisfied Kaji enough for him to lean back in his chair once again. For a split second, Misato thought that he caught sight of her spying in through the doorway, but he didn't seem to react at all, and she breathed a small sigh of relief, trying to press her ear closer to the two men. "I doubted I'd be so lucky as to get any help from you." Nodding, Fuyutsuki took another sip from his mug, still seemingly amused by Kaji, almost as if the two were old friends. Misato tried to think if they would have had an opportunity to meet beforehand, but hard as she tried she couldn't think of any chance the two would have had. "Everything thing that I wanted to know about this project I found out a long time ago," he replied, a slight note of sorrow creeping into his voice. "Even if I hadn't found out everything, I don't think that I could betray her like that." Kaji chuckled slightly, taking the cigarette hanging from his mouth out and exhaling another small cloud of smoke overhead. The sight of him leaning back and smoking brought Misato back several years, to happier times between the two of them, but she forced herself to ignore the memories. "I couldn't come between a professor and his favorite student," muttered Kaji, tapping his cigarette ash into a small black ashtray adorned with a small NERV logo. "Or has that position been taken by Gendou now?" "That's Commander Ikari to you," replied Fuyutsuki, no trace of malice in his voice at the statement. He paused for a moment, then began to speak again, this time with a touch of bitterness in his voice. "So how does -she- factor into all of this? Or can you just not go through with this without having something to sleep with?" Chuckling once again, Kaji looked towards the door, and Misato was certain that he saw her standing outside, feeling his blue eyes stare directly into hers. He said nothing, however, turning back towards Fuyutsuki after a moment. "Do you really think I'm that shallow?" he asked, turning his cigarette vertical and rubbing it out in the ashtray in front of him. "Besides, it's not like she and I don't have a past as it is." Misato felt a sudden rush of warmth through her body at his words, suddnly thinking that she knew what he was talking about. The thought that Kaji was still attracted to her digusted her on some level, and she knew that she'd left the man for good reason, but another part of her was flattered. She'd wondered why he'd come to NERV, but even if it wasn't only to be with her, the thought that he'd even consider it was gratifying. She smirked to herself, still listening in, wondering where else the conversation would go, distantly aware of the fact that she'd agreed to cook dinner for Nieve and Neil and that she'd be late. "You two don't have the kind of past that would lead into that, though," replied the elder man, a minor scowl drifting across his face as he took another sip from his coffee mug, the combination of the light from the bay window and the white mug presumably obscuring his face from Kaji. "And besides that, Ryoji, it's been years since you've even seen her. Do you honestly expect me to believe you have feelings that strong about her?" "It's Kaji to you," the younger man replied, grinning slightly at the joke before pushing his chair back and stretching, revealing fully the slightly dissheveled shirt he wore, his tie hanging loosely around the unbuttoned collar, pants wrinkled and belt absent. Misato couldn't help but smile at the casual appearance of her former lover, the way that he still seemed to be unable of maintaining any aura of seriousness. "And I don't expect you to believe anything I tell you. If our roles were reversed, wouldn't you feel the same?" "Probably," replied Fuyutsuki, standing as well. Backing away slightly from the door, Misato got the distinct impression that she should move away more, but she found herself unable to leave, captivated by the thought that Kaji was infatuated with her. She could no longer see the men's conversation, but she kept her ear tilted towards the door enough to hear Fuyutsuki continue speaking. "Do you plan on telling Misato about this?" Kaji laughed. "That I'm seeing another woman? She'd never recover from it. I think she's still taken by me." The words hit harshly, but Misato listened for a moment longer, trying to convince herself that perhaps she'd heard incorrectly. "Really, though, I wish that she'd move on with her life. It's a little embarassing to have her still doting on me." Dr. Fuyutsuki said something more, but Misato didn't hear it, still lost inside the sound of Kaji's last few words, her eyes wide with shock as she managed to kick her body back into motion and stepped away from the door. "I don't dote on him," she muttered, her expression slowly changing from shock to anger, ignoring the sorrow that had hit her almost subconsciously. Closing her eyes for a moment, she stepped away from the lounge, walking towards her car with resolute intensity once again. ]++[ Niobe lay on her back, still wearing the loose black jeans and yellow tank top that she'd been wearing all day, staring up at the ceiling of her bland gray room and waiting for Ryo to return. Despite her efforts to think about something else, which had been rather half-hearted to begin with, she'd been unable to tear her mind away from thoughts of the cryptically silent boy, the weight of his loneliness settling upon her with an odd sort of finality. Though she wanted to believe otherwise, he probably thought that she was avoiding him, and when somebody was as lonely as he seemed to be, she doubted that he had an easy time accepting someone else wanting to be near him. "Poor Ryo," she muttered, turning her head to one side, staring at her small table and the porcelain figures on it. "He doesn't have anyone." The thought warmed her heart slightly, cutting through the slight chill she always seemed to feel when thinking about Ryo. She wanted to be there for him, for reasons that even she couldn't quite explain, almost as though he was calling out to her. The thought made her giggle slightly, but she felt bad for having been so distant from him, for letting him stay alone. Reaching to her right, she felt the smooth surface of the package she'd assembled for him, something that she was certain he'd appreciate. A mental picture of his smile entered her mind, and the thought brought a broad smile to her own face, so intoxicatingly pleasing that she almost didn't notice as the front door to the apartment opened. Ryo, for his part, simply removed his shoes as he had learned to, leaving them snugly arranged against the wall of the small lowered area within the apartment, then stepped forward and glanced to his left as he heard noises from Niobe's room. He was only distantly concerned with her, more occupied with what he had seen going on between Neil and Nieve. A part of him felt an odd tightness, yet another feeling that he wasn't accustomed to, knowing that Nieve had given at least part of her body to Neil. That, by Eiko's definition, meant that Neil had control. Closing his eyes, Ryo thought back to the day that he and Neil had fought the Fourth Angel, to Neil's defiance of orders as he jumped upon the Angel's back. At the time, Ryo had thought that Neil was simply sacrificing himself, but as he looked on the situation he realized Neil was in little danger at the time, that Ryo had already sacrificed himself to defend the other Child. It was an odd thought, something that Ryo was distantly aware of as he recalled Eiko's sacrifice for Neil, of Nieve's lips touching to Neil's. Almost unconsciously, he found himself clenching one of his fists gently, thinking distractedly that Nieve should give herself to him as Niobe's door opened. "Hey, Ryo," the girl said, smiling broadly, one hand cradling the small package next to her back, the other leaning against the doorframe. Ryo simply stared blankly at her, his red eyes betraying absolutely no emotion that she could discern. "I was getting a little worried about you. You usually come straight home after school and testing." "I had something else that I needed to do," he replied flatly, still trying to figure out what was going on inside him, what had driven him to break his routine in the first place. He paused for a moment, staring at Niobe, then turned away and faced towards the door to his room, unsure of what precisely was going on. "I'll change out of my school clothes, and then I'll cook dinner." "Wait!" snapped Niobe, stepping out into the hallway just as Ryo began to walk down it towards his room, the package still pressed up against her back. Ryo paused briefly, then slowly turned around to face Niobe, his expression still blank. Niobe felt a sudden unease, as though she were intruding into something unspeakably private, but she pushed the thought out of her mind, taking a step towards Ryo. "Do... do you want to talk about what you did? I've been alone all day, and I could use somebody to talk to." Ryo blinked, staring at Niobe without any idea of what she was trying to do. Another new sensation began to wash over him, coming with the knowledge that he'd already broken routine severely earlier, that he needed to maintain this portion of the day or Dr. Ikari would think something was wrong. "Very well," he said after a moment, his voice not betraying any emotion. "Tell me whatever you would like." Niobe shook her head, feeling a mild frustration well in the back of her mind, an emotion that she knew she shouldn't have been feeling. She wanted to help Ryo open up to her, but it seemed as though the effort itself was in vain. "That's not what I mean," she said, taking another step towards him. "Tell me what you're feeling, what's going on in your mind." She paused, receiving nothing but an empty stare from Ryo. "Like... I don't know, tell me what you did after you left Central Dogma." The requests for conversation finallly made sense to Ryo, and he nodded. "I walked for approximately ten minutes towards this apartment, then turned and walked ten minutes towards the residence of Captain Katsuragi. At the apartment, I delivered a pencil sketch that the Fourth Child had asked me to give to the Third Child. When I had -" "Forget it," Niobe interjected, feeling very much as though she were hitting her head against a brick wall. A sensation was growing in her that this was just another test, the sort of trial that Joseph had warned her about before she had left home. He'd told her then that it was up to her to make sure that she could get past such things, that if she couldn't handle such simply problems she couldn't possibly be the best. Choosing a change of tactics, she brought the package out from behind herself, smiling once again as Ryo's eyes immediately focused on it. "My first paycheck from NERV came through today. I bought this for you." Staring for a moment, Ryo gingerly extended one hand, taking the gift- wrapped package in it and turning it over to examine it. Slinging his school bag over his shoulder, he recalled the routine that Dr. Ikari had taught him, the places where the tape would join the paper with itself and where he should slide his finger firmly through, the relatively precise art of unwrapping such objects. Niobe smiled all the while as Ryo's hands moved with practiced and controlled grace across the smooth surface, breaking through the tape and removing the paper, then opening the small cardboard box within, staring at the object for a second before removing it. "It's a penguin," announced Niobe as the boy stared at the small stuffed animal, handling the soft plush of the animal gingerly as if he was going to break it. Both Children simply stood for a moment, and Niobe took a deep breath, trying not to feel the tension that she'd experienced before, reminding herself that all the boy needed was a little more prodding. "I thought that you'd like it. You said you didn't have any keepsakes, so I assumed -" "You wanted me to have some," noted Ryo, the slightest hint of emotion creeping at the edges of his words. Niobe nodded as he turned over the small stuffed bird, trying to figure out why she would have done such a thing. He still didn't quite understand Niobe's concept of keepsakes, and his thoughts were too full of Neil to truly guess at her ultimate purpose, still preoccupied with the question of how he was so different. "What should I remember with this?" The blank maleability of the statement struck Niobe harshly as she thought of speaking with her father, recalling the weeks immediately following the declaration of her as the Sixth Child. Staring into Ryo's eyes, seeing the dearth of emotion within them, Niobe suddenly felt another pang of sympathy for the boy, devoid of friends or family, only the commands of Dr. Ikari. It took a great deal of restraint not to shed a tear, and Niobe had to pause before she spoke, making sure that her voice didn't break. "You can remember anything you want," she replied. "It's entirely up to you." Ryo's expression still betrayed no emotion, and in the back of his mind he remembered that he was breaking routine once again, that he would have to inform Dr. Ikari of such. "Thank you," he said somewhat curtly, nodding to her and turning towards his room once again, Niobe simply staring towards the point where his eyes had been moments earlier. "I'll change now. Is there anything specific that you want for dinner tonight?" "No," replied Niobe somewhat weakly as the boy opened the door to his barren room, stepping in and shutting the door behind him, leaving Niobe to stare blankly at the door for a moment. She felt a single warm streak of water trickle down her face, and she sniffled gently as she wiped the tear away, suddenly filled with self-doubt. All she had wanted to do was to make him feel better, to not be so alone, and it didn't seem to have done anything. "I couldn't do anything. I failed." An urge began to rise within Niobe, one that she'd told herself had been squished some time ago, and she felt the desire to simply go back to her room and simply cry. Gritting her teeth, she clenched one fist tightly, reminding herself that crying was for the weak, for the people who knew that they couldn't be good enough. "I'll help you, Ryo," she said, quietly but firmly, still fixing her eyes on his door and feeling pangs of sympathy in her chest. Something had snapped within her by looking at him, and as she finally turned away from his door, stepping into her room to dry her face, she told herself that she refused to accept failure, that she would make the boy open up. "With God as my witness, I'll make you smile." ]++[ Outro: Neon Epoch Evangelion is based off of -Shin Seiki Evangelion- by GAINAX and company. It is not intended to be a straightforward fanfic, but it is building off the work of others, and as such it is done with the utmost respect for the original works and their authors. Basically, even though this is an original work, it's based off the work of others, and if you read this, you should go to see the original. Special thanks to all of the real Children - you know who you are. Extra special thanks to Joe Augulis for his consultation on the Japanese portions of the story. He might not know much Japanese, but that's more than I know. Copyright 2002 Eliot Lefebvre. NEXT EPISODE: The Child of an unknown land. The Child of an ancient land. Two Children closer than they think. NEON EPOCH EVANGELION 8: PARALLEL SPIRITS "I don't want to hurt people." ]++[ We only have a little time in our lives to waste. Make the most of it. Electronic Transcendence Productions: Producer of, um, stuff for an unspecified time-period. Rants: