From: (Eliot Lefebvre) Subject: [Eva][FanFic] Neon Epoch Evangelion: Episode 8 X-Moderation-Queue-Date: 15 Jul 2002 15:08:34 -0700 Report the presence of the Angel, and deploy the PRE-STORY WARNING: This fanfic is an original take on GAINAX's "Shin Seiki Evangelion." It contains alternative characters, plots, and a different overriding internal logic. It is intended, from the beginning, to be different. This includes different Children and different histories. In short: if the mere thought of someone other than Shinji in the cockpit of EVA-01 makes you queasy, you are in -entirely- the wrong place. Any and all flames stemming from this alteration will be mocked mercilessly. You have been warned. Man, posting this warning at the beginning of each episode has really cut down on the amount of hate mail I expected to receive. Or maybe the fandom has just gotten less virtiolic and no longer assumes that someone coming up with original views on the series is a crime of nature. Or something like that. Either way, I'm happy. The last episode had more little errors than I would have expected - sorry about that. This one should be mostly clean. Enjoy. ]++[ ]+ ELECTRONIC TRANSCENDENCE PRODUCTIONS +[ presents ]+ NEON EPOCH +[ ]+ E V A N G E L I O N +[ ]+ EPISODE 8: PARALLEL SPIRITS +[ By Eliot "Lostfactor" Lefebvre Based off of "Shin Seiki Evangelion" by GAINAX ]++[ This is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another. - 1 JOHN 3:11 ]++[ Neil's eyes were closed tightly, the warm stickiness in his right hand glaring in his mind as he flopped back down on the bed, breathing more heavily and hoping that Nieve hadn't heard anything. He tended to doubt it, but the mere thought of her knowing what was going on only increased his revulsion with himself as he clenched his hand into a fist, feeling the fluid flow from between his fingers. "I'm disgusting," he muttered, waiting for a moment before pulling his pants back up to his waist, hating himself for failing at long last when he'd been doing so well before. "Other people can control themselves when they feel this way. It's like I'm some kind of animal." He'd done his best to control the reflex, but Nieve had been shooting him somewhat odd looks all evening, and the fact that Misato had been unusually quiet had only made things worse. Slightly to his credit, he'd managed to restrain himself until ten, when he finally turned in, insisting to himself that he wouldn't give himself anything for only moments before the thought of Nieve lying on top of him grew too great. It wasn't as though he felt any better afterwards, with all the guilt bubbling through him, but at least it was guilt instead of lust, something he was used to dealing with. "I'm sorry, Nieve," he muttered, wiping his hand off on the mattress, already wishing that he could take everything back, that he'd never discovered it was possible to relieve his tension in such a way. He might not have been able to control himself much longer anyways, and he knew that, but on another level he also felt terrible about ruining a wonderful evening by succumbing to the urge. He had enjoyed kissing Nieve more than he could express, enjoyed the taste of her lips, the feel of her tongue. "But I'm not a good person," he muttered. "Not when it comes down to it. Good people don't fantasize about a girl in the room next to them." Then his thoughts drifted to Eiko, and he found himself feeling even more guilty as the momentary physical pleasure drifted away, tilting his head towards the pencil sketch that he'd placed up on his wall. She hadn't dated it, and what he'd initially thought was English on the back was a meticulous Japanese script. It looked somewhat different than Eiko's handwriting on the front, but he couldn't be sure, and it ultimately didn't matter. The simple fact that she'd given him the sketch meant something, but without knowing when she'd given it to Ryo he couldn't figure out quite what. If it had been before the Fifth Angel, it could have just been a peace offering. If it came later, it could have been an expression of gratitude. Or at either time, it could have meant something more, something he didn't even want to contemplate for fear of being disappointed. "Eiko and Nieve... they deserve better than me," Neil muttered, the warmth of his fluids still tangible on his hand, the guilt still just as fresh. "They're good people. They deserve someone who doesn't lay in bed at night and dream that they're whores." The whispered statement was harshly directed inward despite its volume, and Neil winced slightly at the thought, suddenly feeling even worse about himself. Bad enough that he was unable to control himself, but to think that he was dragging the girls down to his level felt even worse. Unexpectedly, he heard the sound of his door opening, and he jerked up in his bed, terror and excitement rushing through him at the same instant, both emotions springing from the thought that it would be Nieve at the door. He paused for a moment before he realized that it was Misato standing there, the light from the kitchen silhouetting her against the darkness of the room, her body leaning at an odd angle in the doorframe. "Misato," he breathed, not sure whether Misato knowing about how perverted he truly was would be better or worse. "Is something wrong?" "Pretty much everything," muttered Misato, stepping into the room and shutting the door behind her, pausing for a moment as her eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room and she became visible in the twighlight of the stars from Neil's window. Neil touched the wet spots still damp upon his bed and tried to fold the blanket over them as Misato stared out the window, apparently unconcerned. "Hey, Neil, you want to know something?" Misato turned towards Neil, and in an instant Neil recognized her expression, feeling a sudden rush of heat flow through his body, though he couldn't pinpoint the exact emotion behind it. "Um... sure," he replied, sitting up straight in his bed, another old guilt drifting back into his mind. "I was in Antarctica during the Second Impact," the woman replied, flopping down at the foot of Neil's bed, the strap of her tank top falling slightly from her shoulder. "I was visiting my father down there, maybe the only time I went to see the bastard, and in the early morning I head him screaming as everything started getting fucked up." She paused for a moment, her eyes just out of Neil's sight and keeping him from seeing what she was feeling. "That bastard kept mother and me out of his life for so long, and then when I finally went to see him, he..." She trailed off. "I was twelve, then." "You were there when..." Neil's voice faltered, the thoughts of his own failure and his concern for Misato suddenly dampened by the knowledge of who he was talking to. "We learned that there was only one person at the site of the Second Impact that survived, the child of one of the researchers. That was you?" Nodding, Misato pushed herself upwards, sitting up straight although somewhat wobbly, her expression still not entirely readable but distinctly sad. "There was a lot of screaming," she muttered, describing the events with a sort of clinical detachment that was almost frightening. "People were running all over, panicking... but my dad wasn't scared at all. Or if he was, he didn't act it. He just pulled me out of my bed and carried me to the escape capsules, sealed me in that little metal cylinder and sent me off into the ocean, his expression just sad, not afraid." She paused for a moment, looking away from Neil. "He died there. He never even tried to get in a pod, just stared as the light spread and covered him. I saw." "That's... amazing," gasped Neil, leaning towards Misato slightly. "Misato, I had no idea..." His words faltered again, and the shock slowly began to fade away as he thought about his own father, contemplated the idea of his father voluntarily sacrificing himself for his son. It wasn't something that he could wrap his head around. "Your father must have been an amazing person." "Fuck him. He was never home, he made my mother cry, and he made me cry. The only thing he ever did to make up for it was to save my life, and I think he just did it to feel better about what he did to us." She sighed heavily, leaning forward and balancing on her knees, head hanging low. "But that's what everyone does, isn't it? They'll screw you as long as they like, until they know that they need to make your last memory of them a good one. And if they come back into your life, you'll find out that they were lying all the while, won't you?" Uncomfortable, Neil shrank back slightly from Misato, an awkward silence spreading between the two for a moment. "I have a scar from the Impact, you know," she slurred after a moment, turning towards Neil and suddenly perky once again. "Do you want to see it?" Neil nodded tenatively, and Misato shrugged, grabbing the bottom of her tank top and yanking it upwards. Neil felt his heart skip several beats, and it took him a few moments before he realized that Misato had stopped just shy of flashing him, the shirt pulled high enough to reveal the curve of her breasts. "Right there," she muttered, pointing to a cross- shaped scar to one side of her breast, not particularly large but distinguishing. A lump firmly lodged in Neil's throat as his body responded without thought to Misato's sudden exposure, the scar below her breast the last thing on his mind. On the one hand, the fact that she had obviously had several beers before entering his room was somewhat disturbing, but on the other hand she was an extremely attractive woman undressing in front of him, and Neil couldn't help the fact that he noticed that. "I see," he managed after a moment, the words coming out as more of a croak than a statement. Misato paused, then noticed the young boy's discomfort, and she glanced down at the blanket, a sick sort of smile crossing her face. "You're not even looking at the scar. You're looking at -me-." Neil's eyes went wide, and he glanced down at the blanket, simultaneously feeling angry with it for betraying him and angry with himself for still being unable to control himself. Misato didn't seem to care, shoving herself towards the boy, legs still dangling off the bed as she leaned towards him. "Are you a virgin, Neil? Have you ever wondered what a woman feels like?" Neil swallowed hard, the close presence of Misato intoxicatingly difficult to resist. He closed his eyes for a moment, forcing himself to forget the extremely attractive woman next to him and focusing instead on the distinct scent of alcohol on her breath, knowing that it would drive out any other feelings he had on the matter. "Misato, you're drunk," he said firmly, his breathing coming harder unintentionally. "Yep," replied Misato, grinning widely for a moment before falling backwards away from Neil, her head nearly hitting the footboard of the bed as she started laughing. There was an odd bitterness to her laugh, as she clutched at her chest, shaking slightly with each heave of her chest. After another moment or two, she pushed herself back to her feet and stood unsteadily, waving back and forth slightly. "Yep, I'm sure drunk, all right. Know what? It's easier that way." She was still laughing as she staggered into the door, hitting the wood for a moment before actually putting her hand on the knob. "Hey, Neil, can I tell you something else?" she asked as she turned the knob slowly, leaning against the door. Neil paused, then nodded, guilt and arousal causing an unsteady mix within his internal chemistry. "Most guys would have just told me to lay down and put out. And if you'd told me to, I would have." She paused for a moment, then laughed again, opening the door with an unsteady sort of force. "Your loss, I suppose. I wouldn't have even felt bad about it afterwards." With that, Neil's door finally shut, Misato's heavy footfalls stil vaguely audible as she staggered down the hall. The boy remained sitting stark upright for a moment or two before collapsing back down upon his bed, his mind fighting a battle with his body's renewed desire for gratification. He had wanted Misato, but even as he'd felt disgusted at himself for that he'd felt something burning inside of him, an urge to blame her for his failing of control, to hurt her for lapsing in her judgement. Sighing heavily, Neil lay down and closed his eyes, the familiar image of EVA-01's green eye drifting across his vision as he began to drift into sleep. ]++[ Vash did not want to deal with Kensuke. He didn't want to deal with Hikari. He didn't want to deal with most of the class, and he certainly didn't want to sit through an entire day of school. What he wanted to do was figure out what in the world had gone wrong the night before, what had made Eiko suddenly decide that she didn't want to make love to him that night, why everything had suddenly gone wrong when it seemed to be going perfectly. Unfortunately for him, he also knew that Kensuke wasn't stupid enough not to figure out what was going on, that Hikari would be told sooner or later, and that when two class members found out about something like that it wasn't long before the entire class knew about it, even if one of those people was Hikari. So while he was disappointed when he entered the classroom to see the students of his class gathered around his desk, he wasn't particularly surprised. Kensuke was the first to step forward from the crowd around Vash's desk, eyes wide beneath his thick glasses, his curiosity almost uncontainable as Vash walked towards the back of the room, distantly noting the fact that Ayanami was the only member of the class not crowded around his desk. "What was it like?" Kensuke breathed as Vash elbowed his way to his desk, slinging his schoolbag to the ground. "Did you like it? Did she like it?" He paused for a second, then leaned closer to Vash, smirking. "Does she look as good under those clothes as she does with them on?" "That's my girlfriend you're talking about, you pervert," snapped Vash, smacking Kensuke in the side of the head lightly, not truly angry with his friend so much as he was irritated with the entire situation. "It's none of your business." He paused for a second, glancing around to the other students in the vain hope that they'd get the message. "Come on, guys, what's going on." Nobody spoke for a moment, then Hikari stepped forward, her ponytails bobbing slightly as she moved. "Nekasa, while I can't endorse what's going on, I'm afraid that you're obligated to tell us what happened between you and Suzuhara last night." She paused, and Vash couldn't help but sighing, knowing that Hikari was just as interested as the rest of the class. "Please?" "Oh, for God's sake," he muttered, shaking his head as he clutched at his forehead, feeling even worse about the situation. He was entirely at a loss to explain how he'd managed to strike out to himself, much less to the entire classroom, and with Hikari behind them there was little he could do to drive everyone off. "Nothing happened, all right? Absolutely nothing." A pause settled in the air for a moment, then everyone seemed to start talking at once, and Vash slumped down into his chair, feeling humiliated once again. He remembered the day after the Fifth Angel attacked, recalling how he'd been chewed apart by the class for bragging, and he knew subconsciously that the entire class was laughing at him on some level, something that he entirely didn't need. "You didn't even get a kiss?" asked Kensuke, closest to Vash as he sat in his chair, his expression disapproving. "Man, you really screwed something up." "It wasn't -that- little!" snapped Vash, hearing everyone suddenly fall silent once again as he leaned forward on the small wooden desk, the classmates all staring intently with the obvious expectation that he'd begin to finally tell them what they wanted to hear. Vash shook his head, then leaned back again, tilting his head just enough to focus on the manilla ceiling instead of his fellow students. "I just didn't get as far as I'd expected, all right? Something came up." Hikari made a small coughing noise, but it was lost in the din of the classmates almost assaulting Vash with questions, still finding the subject fascinating. One boy asked him if he'd gotten to see her boobs, another shouted about how far he'd expected to get, and a third asked if he'd made her angry and not want to do it. Vash slumped in his chair, plugging his ears as the questions came and his embarassment increased, ignoring the small grunts from Hikari's direction. The questions continued to come, and at length Vash pulled his hands out of his ears, slamming them down on his desk and silencing everyone other than Hikari. "We didn't have sex, all right?" he announced at length, figuring that directness was the only thing that would satisfy his classmates. "We got close, but for some reason Eiko wanted us to stop. Are you all satisfied now?" Hikari glanced towards the front of the classroom for an instant, then tugged roughly on Vash's shirt, only increasing his already-present irritation further. "What -is- it, Hikari?" "Eiko..." The single trailing name was enough for Vash to know instantly what was going on, and he glanced with terror towards the back of the group of students. Sure enough, Eiko was plowing her way towards her boyfriend, her school uniform getting slightly dissheveled as she forced her way though the crowd. "Eiko's coming over here," Hikari stated at length with a note of belated satisfaction, stepping back slightly from Vash. Vash felt his heart skip a quick beat as Eiko shoved the last staring member of the crowd out of the way, then glared down at him, obviously having heard more than enough. There was a brief pause, then the entire class suddenly dispersed from around Vash's seat, all returning to their own chairs as Kensuke turned around and leaned forward. "He's going to get killed," he muttered dejectedly to himself, leaning his chin down atop his folded arms. "Too bad. I was going to show off my new video game." For a split second, Vash felt the intense desire to reach over and hit Kensuke firmly, but he was cut short as Eiko fixed him in place with her glare. Sighing heavily, he stared up at her, trying his best to look innocent and wondering in the back of his mind why these things always seemed to happen to him. "You told the entire class," she breathed at length, obviously angry. "You went and told everyone exactly what was going on between us." "-No-," replied Vash, shaking his head enthusiastically and getting the distinct impression that this was the sort of thing that could end his relationship permanently. The thought unearthed a mild twinge of anger with him at the sudden turn of events, the fact that she'd been willing to give herself to him a day earlier and now was furious with him. "I just told Kensuke. He must have spread the word." He paused for a moment, then leaned forward and tapped his friend on the back, eliciting a bored sort of stare from the other boy. "Come on, man. Help me out here." "Sorry, Vash, you've dug your own grave this time," muttered Kensuke, turning back away from the blonde boy sitting behind him. "I'm not getting involved in a domestic disturbance." Gritting his teeth, Vash began to reach towards the other boy, then was stopped once again by the harsh stare of his girlfriend. "You know what?" she asked, shaking her head and crossing her arms across her chest. "I'm not mad about that. I was -proud- of what we've got. I'd be happy if everyone knew what was going on between us. What bugs me is the way that you're talking about it." His confusion compounding, Vash pushed his chair back and stood, rubbing the back of his head, noticing as he looked around that every class member had their gazes half-turned towards the arguing couple, as though they simply couldn't get enough of them. It was precisely the time that he didn't want to be dealing with the attention of everyone around him, and some part of him wasn't surprised that his desires on the subject mattered little. "Exactly why would that be?" he asked Eiko at length, wishing that he could rewind the morning and take back his words. "Like..." She paused, then hurled her arms down angrily to her sides, fists clenched and voice rising in both pitch and volume. "Like you didn't care about the fact that it was -me-! You're talking about last night as if you just wanted to get something to sleep with!" She paused, then lowered her gaze slightly, gripping her right shoulder with her left hand uncomfortably. "Is that the truth? Did you just want to have sex?" "You're not being fair, Eiko," Vash snapped, feeling even more exposed than he had before. "I love you. You -know- that. I was there with you because I wanted to be with you. But it's not like I wasn't looking forward to having sex, too." Eiko's eyes suddenly snapped up towards Vash, angry once again, but by that point Vash was struggling to save face in any way possible, and a solution sprang to his mind almost unbidden. "Believe me, I'd have no problem finding a girl that actually -wanted- to sleep with me instead of one who pulled out at the last possible -" "Jerk," snapped Eiko quietly, letting her right hand freely slam across Vash's cheek, the unmistakable popping noise of the slap filling the otherwise silent room and drawing a few students to stop pretending that they weren't watching. Vash let his head recoil from the impact for a moment, then turned towards Eiko slowly, seeing something between anger and sadness welling up in her eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, but Eiko simply turned away and stormed over to her seat, sitting down forcefully. Vash stared after her for a moment, then flopped limply to his desk, knowing that he'd said the first thing that popped into his mouth and screwed everything up again. It wasn't the first time that he and Eiko had fought over something, but it was the first time he could remember her slapping him in something other than a joke, and he knew that meant something important. "You really did screw up back there, Mr. Humanoid Typhoon," noted Kensuke, tilting his head back slightly towards Vash. "Shut up, Kensuke," growled Vash, crossing his arms across his chest and feeling intensely bitter. He was certain that the whole thing was tied back to Neil somehow, knowing that most of the things wrong with his relationship has started right about the time that Neil had arrived. The simple fact that he knew he'd have to work with the boy was bad enough, but Neil ruining his relationship seemed even worse, especially in light of what Neil had done to Toji. "Eiko should be even angrier than I am," he muttered, unsure of the exact connection to Neil but willing to bet that it was there anyways. The entire class remained silent after the small drama had played itself out between Eiko and Vash, nobody daring to speak a word as the professor stepped in, the class standing and bowing appropriately with as little noise as possible. Vash, not particularly interested in class anyways, only distantly heard the noise of the professor preparing his lecture, beginning to outline his discussion topics. He wished that somebody would say something to make him feel better, that one of his friends wasn't simply observing him and waiting for him to fail, but nobody spoke as the professor launched into the beginning of his lecture, as usual centering around the Second Impact. It was almost an afterthought at first when the loud siren tore through the air that signaled Tokyo-3 was under attack, and while the rest of the class jumped to its feet it wasn't until a moment or two later that Vash realized it was the Angel alert. "Everyone, line up for evacuation!" shouted Hikari, immediately springing into her role as class representative, getting the rest of the students into line. Vash finally rose to his feet, feeling horribly disoriented as he stepped towards the back of the line, more going through the motions than anything else. "You don't go into a shelter," said Ryo's quiet voice, somehow managing to cut through Hikari's shouting despite the obvious discrepancy of volume. Vash simply stared at the other boy for a moment, then smacked himself on the forehead and stepped out of line, heading towards the door as he remembered his role. Hikari didn't even seem to notice as he elbowed past her and ran for the stairs, Ryo close behind, and somehow her ignorance didn't particularly surprise him. ]++[ Misato's head was still doing somersaults as she stared at the central screen, watching the black vaguely humanoid thing fly towards the city at an amazing clip. The UN aerodrones were engaging it with their typical effectiveness, the beast alternately ignoring them entirely and simply plowing through them. From the blurry camera shots that they were getting, it looked much like the Third Angel, albeit with more curves and a slightly different face that looked suspiciously like a Chinese yin-yang. "This is the worst possible time," muttered the woman, balancing still somewhat unsteadily on her high heels, one arm across her chest and the other raised so that she could rub her forehead. "At least all six Children are finally here." Ritsuko stared at Misato disapprovingly for a moment, overtly enough for the woman to notice and glare back. "You're hung over," noted Ritsuko calmly and harshly, her gaze focused back on the display of Maya's screen. "You really ought to be acting a little more professional, especially in these circumstances." She glanced back at Misato, and Misato snorted disapprovingly while Ritsuko turned her gaze towards the display of the Angel. "What's the current status of the Eva units?" "All of the pilots are awaiting synchronization," replied Maya, fingers dancing across the keyboard and bringing up small portraits of the pilots sitting inside their cockpits. "We've detected no connection abnormalities. Everything is at peak functionality." She smiled, then turned towards Ritsuko, swiveling her chair around just enough to face the other woman. "We've been working overtime to make sure that we were ready for the next Angel attack at full strength, and it's paid off." "Shigeru, open a communications channel to all of the units," Misato shouted as best she could, still rubbing her forehead and hearing the communications officer's reply as if through a thick blanket. She didn't remember exactly what had happened the prior night, lost in a haze of alcohol and bitterness towards Kaji - who, she noted, hadn't shown up for work, or at least had managed to avoid her thus far - but she'd seen an odd expression on Neil's face when he'd come out to breakfast, enough to make her wonder exactly how poor her judgement had been. It wasn't as though she'd intended to drink until she passed out, just that she'd needed to bleed away the memories that had filled her head, and there wasn't any other way available to her. Noticing the quick hand gesture from the younger man that indicated the communications were open, Misato stepped towards the main microphone, leaning towards it and nearly hitting it with her mouth. "Eiko, Ryo, you'll be sortied first. We'll launch you near the outskirts of the city, where you'll be able to obtain long-range weaponry from within the nearby weapons depots. Your mission is to destroy the Angel before it clears the ruins of old Tokyo. Nieve, Niobe, I want you ready to be launched as backup as necessary." She paused for a moment, feeling another railroad spike of pain driving itself between her eyes. "Is everyone clear on the plan." Leaning back in the cockpit of his machine, Neil heard the choir of affirmitive responses from the other Children as he focused on the sense of the LCL around him, the noxious scent becoming no more familiar as time went by. "So even though you aren't planning on involving me in the mission, I still have to breathe this into my lungs," he muttered under his breath, low enough to keep the command center from hearing. "All right, Misato. I'm ready if you need me." Vash scoffed at Neil's statement even as he distantly heard the noise of EVA-04 and EVA-00 moving towards the launch tubes, sitting at the ready inside his own cockpit. "Nobody will need you, Neil," he snapped, wishing that he'd remembered how to open a private channel between the two machines but not particularly caring. "They barely need Ayanami, for that matter. I'm sure that Eiko will be more than capable of handling the Angel by herself." A surge of jealousy pulsed shallowly through Neil, and he leaned forward himsely, resting his hands lightly on the grips of the cockpit, the smooth silverish metal offset by the orange color of the blood- scented liquid in the chamber. "You're not worried about her at all?" he snapped, sounding slightly more protective than he'd meant to. "If I were you, I'd be begging to be sent up there, to make sure that she was all right." "I'm sure you'd be able to save her if she was, too," replied Vash, the cynicisim dripping from his voice as small bubbles of air formed in the LCL from his speaking. He'd meant to sound like the reasonable half of the argument, but he was distantly aware of the fact that he had failed miserably. "Because, after all, everyone loves having you around. Never mind that -" "Children," snapped Misato, distantly wondering what the cause behind the argument was but deciding that she didn't really want to find out. Glancing over towards Maya's console, she saw that both of the operating units had reached the dock, and she stepped away from the microphone slightly. "All right. Orient 04 to Port 17, 00 to Port 3, and unfold both weapon depots." She paused for a moment, letting Maya key in the commands. "Launch!" Eiko had never experienced the harsh acceleration of the Eva launch tubes before, and as she felt the LCL push down against her harshly she couldn't say that she would look forward to using them again in the near future if she could avoid it. Closing her eyes, she waited until she felt the machine lurch to a stop as she'd been taught, hearing the loud clanging noise that she'd been told to expect as the Eva was brought forcibly to a stop. Opening her eyes slowly, she could see the taller buildings of old Tokyo still poking out from beneath the waves, empty and damaged, many lying at odd angles. She glanced behind her quickly, looking at the white buildings of Tokyo-3 almost as reassurance, noticing Ryo's blue machine several meters away. "This is Unit 04," she announced, glancing around for a moment before seeing the white building with the red NERV logo on one side that she knew designated a weapons depot. "I'm obtaining a weapon now." "Good. Your Eva's targeting system is designed for encounters like this, so it should work well. Take the rocket launcher on the far right, then point it out towards Tokyo Bay. Your target should appear within a few moments." Eiko silently absorbed Misato's commands, removing the large tubular weapon from the storage facility and letting her machine's hand slip around the handle, her finger resting loosely on the trigger as she looked out across the blue waters of the bay. She heard the noise of Ryo's Eva coming up behind her, another rocket launcher in his hands, cradled with the grace of a professional. "As soon as the Seventh Angel appears within range and you lock on, begin firing. If at all possible, destroy it before it gets into Tokyo-3." "Just like a video game, huh?" asked Eiko, smirking despite herself as she watched the targeting cursors dance across her display, the green hills rising around Tokyo Bay visible at the edges of her sight, the blue water and clear sky almost seeming to meet as one at the horizon. The thought that all she had to do was act as though she was playing a game made her feel slightly better, and she simply focused on the twin targeting cursors, waiting for some sign of the Angel's form in the distance, watching patiently. "I won't be afraid," she muttered, gripping the handle tightly. "I won't be afriad." Then a black speck appeared on the horizon, and Eiko gritted her teeth as the green cursors lined up on her display, the beep even sounding like confirmation from a video game as the cursors flashed red. "Back me up, Ryo!" she shouted, pulling down on the trigger and watching a rocket streak forth from the launcher, a plume of smoke bursting out as it cruised towards the target. Doubting that a single shot would be enough, she released the trigger and pulled again even as she watched a glinting streak of flame fire from Ryo's position, confirmation that he'd gotten a target lock as well. Both launchers sent blast after blast towards the target, the coast of Tokyo-3 filling gradually with the smoke of launched rockets. "Misato, we must be hurting it!" Inside the command center, the central screen had switched over to the display from one of the cameras on the hills encompassing Tokyo Bay, providing a clear shot of the Angel as it flew along the surface of the water, rocket after rocket exploding with the octagonal ripple of the AT Field. "Negative, Eiko," snapped Misato, still feeling oddly distanced from the situation, due in no small part to the effects of her hangover. "Its AT Field is too powerful. Our weaponry can't penetrate it." Inwardly, she was sighing - even though the Eva weaponry was designed to puncture AT Fields, it was well-known that the ordnance could only break through a field of minimal strength, which made advance interception even more difficult and the Evas even more dangerous. "We'll have to try a different tactic. Ryo, your machine should be able to generate a more powerful AT Field - spread it out to the maximum distance and full power. Eiko, retrieve a standard rifle and start shooting as soon as you receive notification from the command center that it's within range." Nodding, Eiko dropped the rocket launcher, a growing fear mounting inside her gut. She knew that the Eva was designed to protect her, but the Angel was getting decisively closer, and even as she shouldered the black weapon and turned back towards the approaching beast she wondered if she'd be able to cut it down fast enough to stop it. "I'm ready," she said, trying to force herself to be brave, finger twitching slightly against the trigger. "EVA-00 has spread its AT field to the maximum possible radius," noted Makoto, fingers dancing across the keyboard and displaying a quick green wireframe of the domed field expanding to encompass both of the units. "Still, it's not much. Eiko is only going to have a window of thirty seconds before the Angel reaches her, and I'd hate to think what'll happen if she doesnt make it." "Desperate times call for desperate measures," replied Misato, leaning towards the microphone as she watched the Angel grow closer and closer. "All right, Eiko, the Angel should be vulnerable within twenty seconds. Be ready to fire on my signal." Sitting in her Evangelion and slowly counting the seconds as they ticked by, Nieve found herself unbelievably bored despite the tension of the situation, and she leaned back in the dampened nylon of the chair, tilting her neck back and staring at the darkened ceiling of the entry plug. "You should have sent Neil up there," she said, sounding disinterested with the entire process. "After all, he's got a record with shooting these things down. Isn't that right, honey?" Hearing Nieve's last words, Eiko suddenly froze, the implications obvious to her instantly. She flashed back to the prior day, when Ryo had asked her about what Neil had meant to her, how he'd asked if it was anything like a relationship, and for reasons she couldn't entirely explain a wave of terror shot through her body. "I'm unprotected," she whispered as Misato shouted something through the comm line, her eyes drawn away from the bay and sinking towards the ground. "I don't have anyone to -" "EIKO, SHOOT!" screamed Misato, and the girl's attention was suddenly brought up to the black humanoid form streaking towards her. The fear from before suddenly found itself redoubled, and her hands nervously jerked the rifle around towards the Angel, her finger closing down upon the trigger suddenly, and the weapon jerked out of control, rounds biting into the ground and the air before she brought it finally down towards the Angel's location. Unfortunately, by the time that she was actually aiming at her target the Angel was only a few feet away from her, and she froze from panic, hands suddenly going slack and dropping the rifle as the beast's clawed hands sank into her chest. The sensation of being cut with burning knives from her battle with the Fifth Angel suddenly tore into her chest, and she tasted the harsh salt of the LCL as her mouth jerked open in a scream, terror gripping her even more firmly as her Eva's limbs flailed wildly. "Somebody, help me!" she screamed, the Angel crouching atop of her and driving its claws into the machine's silvery chest, the armor not thick enough to effectively deflect close combat attacks. "Help me! HELP ME!" "04's synch ratio down to 35% and dropping!" shouted Maya, turning immediately back to her screen and widening her eyes in shock. "Pilot's heart rate is critically low! She's approaching a cardiac arrest!" "Ryo, move to defend her!" shouted Misato, her head already aching without the added impetus of Eiko's screams. As she turned her gaze back towards the main display, she found herself thinking that the girl turned into a wreck without someone else she seemed to rely on nearby, and she instantly felt bad about trivializing the pain that she had to be feeling as the Angel tried to force its hands past the chest armor of her machine. "Understood," said Ryo curtly, pausing only momentarily at the nearby weapons depot to grab the first weapon that he could find and rush at the Angel, slamming his shoulder into the beast and sending it rolling off EVA-04 as the other machine twitched on the ground. Ryo's brain only registered the weapon in his hand after he had sent the Angel tumbling away, and he realized that he'd gripped one of the axes, a weapon that NERV had only produced in limited numbers. Ignoring the thought, he forced his machine forward, swinging the axe in a practiced routine motion, using it to deflect a slash from the Angel, then letting it bite shallowly into the Angel's side and cause the beast to stumble backwards slightly. For a split second, he contemplated the fact that Eiko hadn't defended him so much as panicked, then he twirled the axe in his hands and brought it down from above the Angel. Everyone in the control center watched with reassurance as the blue golem brought its axe down through the black skin of the Angel, tearing it nearly in half vertically and tearing the core in half. Misato sighed with relief, certain that the beast couldn't have survived the attack. "The Seventh Angel is down for the count," she breathed, her headache slowly fading to a painful but regular pulse. "We'll need to recover Eiko and her -" "Negative on the target's status!" shouted Makoto, screen flashing warnings as his fingers moved across the keyboard smoothly, flipping swiftly between multiple displays of the Angel's condition. "The Angel is still active!" He paused, then gaped, thin-rimmed glasses jostling on his nose slightly as he jerked away from the console in surprise. "I'm detecting -two- AT fields activating, both with a blue pattern! The Angel has split itself!" Misato turned her gaze back towards the main screen and watched in horror as the two halves of the Angel seemed to liquify and reform, each half into a smaller mirror of the prior Angel, one with a silver cast and the other with a gold shade. On the surface, Ryo felt nothing, simply accepted the requisite change in routine and began moving once again, lashing out with the axe towards the nearer of the two Angel clones and letting it bite shallowly into the arm of the beast. Half a second later he felt the claws of the other beast rip into his back, and he lashed out in a circular arc, missing the Angel entirely and instead simply sending it jumping backwards. "I require assistance," he noted calmly, backing away from the dual Angels for a moment, waiting to hear confirmation or denial from Central Dogma. "The Angel seems capable of further division," announced Makoto, drawing up a quick display on his screen as the blue Evangelion slashed desperately against its twin oppressors. "The core structure is organic to an extent, as though it's actually designed to take these divisions in stride. Ryo isn't going to be able to beat that thing, and throwing the rest of the Evas in isn't going to help at all." "Hold on, Ryo," Misato announced into the microphone, feeling as though she'd signed both his and Eiko's death warrants as she turned away from the main screen, trying to think through the haze of her hangover. Commander Ikari was still away in a conference, and that meant that she was the ultimate authority in the situation. Biting her lip, she sank her head slightly, then turned towards Ritsuko and Maya, both of whom were watching casually. "We'll draw the two Angels out into Tokyo Bay, then deploy EVA-05 with an N2 canister. Once it detonates, Niobe will retrieve both machines and bring them back inside." Ritsuko simply stared at Misato as she explained her plan, the same disapproving glare on her face that she usually wore. "You're not authorized to utilize N2 devices," the woman noted coldly, glancing towards the main screen. "The commander won't be happy if you activate one." "Do we really have any choice in the matter?" snapped Misato, trying not to show that she was losing her own confidence in her ability. She knew that the N2 weapon wouldn't destroy the Angel, but with its AT field neutralized she hoped that it might at least stun the thing long enough for another plan to coalesce. Ritsuko simply turned away from Misato towards Maya's display, and Misato took a deep breath as she stepped back towards the microphone, leaning towards it and wincing as her headache aggravated itself once again. "Ryo, Niobe is being armed and prepared for launch. Draw the Angel into Tokyo Bay, as far away as you can safely get." "Affirmative," replied the boy, the orders taken without bitterness as simply another part of a routine. Stepping backwards, Ryo lunged slightly forward and slashed at the Angels idly, more interested in making the beasts think that he was attacking them than actually trying to damage them. The two things paused for a moment as Ryo backed towards the water, then followed after him, moving with ponderous efficiency as he slashed idly towards them, just enough to look threatening. His left foot sank into the waters of Tokyo Bay, and he hesitated for only an instant as he continued backing up, letting the water slosh around his Eva as the two beasts advanced. Inside her cockpit, Niobe gripped the handles of her machine tightly, gritting her teeth and forcing herself not to feel any hesitation about the mission as her Eva hurtled towards the surface. She would be launched some distance away from Ryo and Eiko, far enough so that she could retrieve the N2 canister from one of the Geofront's surface elevators and then move in without the Angel being made aware of her presence. "I'm coming, Ryo," she said firmly, her voice measured as the Eva slammed to a stop, her head jerking down a little too quickly and giving her a view of her yellow-brown plugsuit before she corrected the error and glanced towards the surface elevator, watching as the canister slowly came into view. "Just hold on a little longer, and I'll be there. I'll get you out." Ryo did not respond, instead focusing on drawing the seventh Angel outwards, noticing that the Angel was intentionally trying to spread around him, pin him between its two halves and tear him apart. As the water of the bay splashed about his waist, he felt the power cord begin to pull slightly taught, and he realized that he couldn't draw the beast out any further, that it would have to be far enough. "I am engaging the Angel until Niobe arrives," he announced, slashing the axe towards the golden half's bone-white face, letting the vibrating edge crash into the structure with a satisfying crunch. A second later he saw the silvery claws of the other half close firmly around his forearm, and he winced as the Angel tightened its grip casually, tearing into the armor and crushing the bone. Nothing daunted, Ryo deployed the prog knife from the right shoulder flange, letting the left hand fly up to grab it before he drove it towards the other half, forcing the beast to release him and move backwards as the golden half extracted the axe from its face. Niobe reached down and grabbed the N2 canister before the elevator had even quite reached the surface, then sent her machine running down the streets of the city, dashing between the white buildings towards the site of the battle, springing over the prone EVA-04 as she ran. Both Angel halves turned to notice her as she approached, but she did not falter for a moment, pushing the handles of her cockpit further forward as she gritted her teeth. "Don't show fear," she hissed, jumping towards the bay, cradling the N2 canister in her hands as she soared over the blue water and Ryo began to withdraw his damaged machine. She waited for a moment longer, then hurled the canister as though it were a football towards the spot between the two Angels, landing roughly a few meters away and dipping beneath the water as she landed in a crouch. Grimacing, she activated her AT Field to full power and pulled the radius as close as she could, knowing that there was no time for her to try and avoid the blast. "Canister detonated," announced Makoto grimly as the main screen showed the effects, the center of the bay suddenly lighting up in a ball of flame, water hissing away to steam almost instantly at the site. The flash was too bright for a moment for any of the NERV staff to see through it, but a second later it faded away, leaving the Angel still clearly visible. Everyone held their breath for a moment, but the Angel remained still as EVA-05 emerged from beneath the water, several meters away from its initial position, looking rather banged up but otherwise functional. "Target is still active, but all instruments indicate that it's regenerating. The Magi computers are still working on decoding the exact time until it's finished." "Thank God," muttered Misato to herself as Maya reported all of the Evas on the surface still functional. "Niobe, retrieve EVA-04 and place it on the nearest entry port. Ryo, withdraw immediately. We'll have to go after this one from a different angle." She paused for a moment, then moved away from the microphone and leaned against the edge of the operations level, staring down towards the level below and the three red boxes that she knew housed the Magi computers. She'd thought, for a moment, that the project would have had its first casualty because of her poor decisions, and she felt as though only sheer luck had proven her wrong. Combined with her headache, she wanted more than anything to simply return home and go back to drinking, knowing that both the guilt and her headache could be cured with the one balm. ]++[ Misato stood at the far end of Commander Ikari's office, staring across the room towards the Commander at his desk and Vice-Commander Fuyutsuki beside him through the red light of the room, wondering if the commander had any reason for such a huge office besides sheer intimidation. The whole thing was easily four times the size of Misato's office, but as sparse as her office was this one seemed even emptier, the desk clean and organized from what she could see. "Captain Katsuragi," announced Ikari at length, his glasses a shining red under the light. "Explain your actions against the Seventh Angel." "Yes, sir," replied Misato sharply, restraining the urge to say something else. "The Seventh Angel, Israfel, was first detected by our forward radar off Tokyo Bay on a direct course into Tokyo-3. UN interception forces were launched immediately and had no effect on the target. All six Children had reported ready for combat by the time the target was within 30 kilometers of the bay. Reasoning that it was best to attempt to dispatch the Angel before it came any closer, I deployed Units 04 and 00, both machines designed for long-range combat. Both pilots were directed to the surface, obtained weapons as directed, and proceeded to open fire upon the Angel." Pausing briefly, Misato tried to gauge whether or not the commander was reacting favorably for a moment, but even if there was some trace of emotion on his face she was too far away to see it. "The Angel's AT Field was too powerful to penetrate from our location, so I ordered Ryo to spread his field as wide as possible and Eiko to gun down the Angel as soon as it had come close enough for Ryo to neutralize its field." She paused once again, unsure of exactly how to phrase Eiko's sudden panic on the field, still not entirely clear on the causes herself. "Eiko lost control of herself and was rendered incapable of further safe operation by the Angel, and Ryo proceeded to split the Angel in halves. The Angel proved capable of splitting itself into multiple forms, and I therefore decided that we would need a chance to formulate a new strategy. Unit 05 was sent to the surface with an N2 canister -" "I did not authorize the usage of N2 devices," interjected the commander, moving one hand to push his glasses up on his nose before folding them together in front of his face once again. "Moreover, I fail to see what made the deployment of EVA-05 with an N2 canister a necessary action." Misato gritted her teeth, forcing herself not to get angry, knowing that it would only make the situation worse. "To address the first issue, you were in a conference at the time, and as you were not available to authorize the device's usage I took full responsibility for any consequences. As for the deployment, we had one Eva pilot out, and one that could not handle two Angels at once. Had I simply left them out there, they both would have died. The Angels needed to be stunned for a time, and my first priority was to make sure that the pilots were safe." Dr. Ikari said nothing for a moment, simply stared at Misato behind the reflective lenses of his glasses. "Incorrect," he said at length, startling her slightly. "Your first priority is to destroy the Angels. The pilots can be replaced. Four fully functional units were still within the base, and could have been deployed after a new plan was formulated. You should not have detonated the N2 canister." Once again, Misato bit her lip, forcing herself not to scream at the commander for his emotionless expression. She wanted, more than anything, to storm over to his desk and tear him from his seat, to shake him back and forth until he finally seemed to understand that the Children were not objects to be used, but she remained silent, simply waiting for him to continue. There was a momentary pause, but he did resume, position unchanging. "Why did the pilot of Unit 04 panic?" "We haven't determined that yet," replied Misato, trying not to sound bitter despite herself. Eiko's sudden failure to operate her machine had been disturbing to say the least, and it looked bad that Misato didn't have any explanation for her actions. "Our suspicion is that some kind of neural feedback was coming from her AT field. The Magi are currently attempting to analyze the situation data." "Irrelevant. You had a pilot lose control of their machine." The tone was harsh but still nearly emotionless, and Misato was momentarily struck by the fact that it sounded almost exactly like she imagined Ryo's voice would sound if he were capable of displaying harshness. "The fate of the planet depends upon these children being capable of keeping themselves under control. As their commander, you are responsible for making sure that they are an effective combat unit." "Yes, sir," replied Misato, keeping silent out of knowledge that speaking would only make things worse. She wanted to defend Eiko, to say that the girl had good reason for panicking as soon as the Angel had come within range, but she didn't know why herself, and there was little that she could offer in way of a defense. Besides, she also knew that Gendou was right, that she needed to make sure the Children were capable of fighting the Angels in the first place. "I'll make sure that they're better prepared for the next sortie." A brief silence settled over the room, Ikari's eyes feeling as though they stared right through Misato despite being hidden from her sight. "Dismissed," he announced at length, his position remaining fixed even as Misato turned and stepped out of the sliding door, back into the comfortable by comparison fluorescent lighting of Central Dogma's teal- gray hallways. She paused for a moment, then leaned against one wall of the corridor, her headache still splitting her brain in half, the effort of standing still and not wincing in pain in Gendou's office having been almost beyond her ability to bear it. "Keep it together," she muttered to herself, squeezing her eyes shut briefly and rubbing her forehead, knowing that the day wasn't over by any stretch of the imagination. She still had an Angel to deal with on the surface, and that meant that no matter how much her head was hurting, she needed to keep herself coherent. Allowing herself one more moment of rest before she pushed away from the wall, she began to head towards the command center, hoping that Makoto had come up with some solid information on the Angel. ]++[ Vash and Neil stared at one another bitterly, their plugsuits still damp from the LCL and hair still occasionally dripping the red-orange liquid to the floor of the conference room. It looked for all the world like a prison movie theater, except for the addition of a podium at the front and the absence of guards. Only the two boys were sitting in the room, both trying to measure one another, Vash's bright blue and Neil's bright green. The fact that Eiko was down in the infirmary was on both of their minds, even more than the fact that they didn't know why they'd both been called down to the room instead of the other pilots. It was Neil who spoke first, his guilt beginning to slowly overcome his anger towards Vash. "I should have been protecting her," he muttered to himself, breaking the gaze with Vash for just a moment before he turned back towards the other boy. "I should have been making sure that she was safe." "You're damn right," replied Vash, his glare deepening. "After what you did to her brother, you should be laying your life down for Eiko. But wait... you did that defending the city, didn't you?" He turned away from Neil, throwing his hands in the air and pretending to be suddenly repentant. "Well, in that case, obviously, please, don't get anywhere near Eiko. With protectors like you, the Angels are getting their jobs done for them." "Really? You weren't so tough yourself when the Angel blasted you in the chest, were you?" The accusation was meant to sting, and Neil felt a small twinge of guilt drowned by his growing anger. He knew that Vash didn't have the vaguest clue what being inside of EVA-01 was like, and he hated the implication that he was doing the wrong thing even though he kept getting in it. "I've screwed up, I'll admit. But you haven't managed to even get deployed against an Angel -" "Oh, I'm -sorry-, great and radiant Neil," replied Vash, ears burning slightly from embarassment at the mention of his lack of proficiency with EVA-03. "Not all of us can go berserk while we're supposed to be protecting the city and crush innocent civilians!" He snarled, clenching one hand into a fist involuntarily. "First Toji, now Eiko. Who are you going to screw up protecting next? Me? Nieve? The whole planet?" Neil's fist clenched involuntarily, and he felt the urge to rush over and hit Vash hard, to give Vash what he'd been asking for the day they'd met. The glove of the plugsuit squeezed taught for an instant, then the door of the conference room opened to reveal Misato, a haggard expression on her face as she walked to the front of the room from the door in the back, distracting Neil enough for his anger to fade slightly and turn his attention towards her podium. Vash continued to glare at the other boy for a moment longer, then turned his attention as well. "What's going on?" Vash asked, trying to sound as calm as possible and look like the better of the two boys. Misato took a moment, leaning forward on the podium and apparently trying to compose herself before returning to her full height and trying not to look exhausted. "I'm in no mood to try and make this sound better than it is, boys," she said after a moment, perceiving for a split second what seemed like an affirming glance from Neil. "We've finished analyzing the Angel, and it's as bad as it looks. The thing can divide its core, and it looks as though it's designed to do that instantly if the core sustains lethal damage." "So it keeps splitting in half," muttered Neil, still trying to cap off his anger and feeling guilty about the fact that he had failed to protect Eiko. "Eventually, it's going to get too small to target effectively if it keeps that up. How are we supposed to defeat something like that?" "We've come up with an idea," replied Misato, rubbing her forehead once again at Neil's question, wishing that she had a better answer than she did. "The core takes a moment or two to split, just like a dividing cell. If we deal a fatal blow to the core one moment, then hit the remaining core before it finishes splitting, that should be enough to finish the thing off for good." She paused for a second, less out of a dramatic necessity and more because she needed to allow her aching head a brief rest. "It's not a certainty, and we'll need to have the blows be nearly perfectly timed. But it's the best plan that we've been able to come up with." "Fair enough," replied Vash, leaning back slightly in his seat and resenting Neil slightly more. The other boy had managed to make himself look significantly smarter than Vash, something that was more than a little annoying in light of recent events. "So why aren't the other Children in here? Aren't they going to be involved in the operation?" The question had been coming since the beginning of the briefing, and Misato had known that, but it still took an effort not to sigh in response. She'd heard the boys shouting at one another before she'd entered, and the argument that was no doubt about to ensue wouldn't be good for her head. "The primary units for this operation will be EVA- 01 and EVA-03," she announced after a moment, trying her best to filter out the disgusted noises from both Children. "Both units have stronger armor than the other Evas, and they're better suited to close combat. This is going to have to be a close combat operation by nature. You two will have to work together." Both Children, unsurprisingly, were shouting at Misato the instant she'd finished talking, each one screaming about how the other was unfit to pilot the Eva in the first place, their complaints eerily similar. Either way, Misato's headache wasn't helped by the shouting, and after a few moments she slammed her fist down on the podium with enough force to shut both of the Children up. "This isn't open for debate! Neil, you're going to work with Vash. Vash, you're going to work with Neil. The operation won't start for another five hours, so we're going to send you back to your homes for a time." She paused, rubbing her temple. "Don't be childish about this, you two. For everyone's sake." Misato remained at the front of the room for a moment longer, then stepped out from behind the podium and headed towards the door, desperately in need of some beer or some painkillers, preferably the former. Vash and Neil said nothing, instead choosing simply to stare at one another, unflinching as Misato stepped out of the room and they were left alone. ]++[ It was a ten-minute drive from the most accessible car exit from Central Dogma to Vash's house, plus the ten minutes it took for the Children to shower and change back into their street clothes for what little relaxation they could hope for. Misato had hoped, for the sake of her sanity, that the boys would have shouted themselves out by that point, but to her amazement their argument hadn't even slowed down since they had gotten in the car, both trading insults recklessly. Nieve, either put off by the argument or simply lost in thought, was being entirely silent in the front seat, staring out her window and ignoring both of the boys. At the back of her mind, Misato was vaguely aware that the boys were really repeating the same few things over and over, Vash saying that Neil should feel guilty for his mistakes, Neil saying that Vash wasn't even good enough to have the time to screw up. On a more conscious level, however, she had heard more than enough shouting as she pulled her car to a stop in front of Vash's house. "All -right-," she snapped, silencing both boys as she turned back towards them, her eyes beginning to grow bloodshot from stress and her headache. She had the urge to shout at them for their immaturity, but forced herself to remember that she was dealing with teenagers even if they had adult responsibilities. "Vash, your parents should be back by now. We're not going to be evacuating the populace again until half an hour before the operation commences. NERV should contact you before then." Vash nodded curtly, glaring at Neil as the other boy glared back. He wanted very badly to hit Neil, though he couldn't quite decide why, whether it was because of Neil's injuring of Toji, or the fact that he'd turned Eiko against him, or the fact that he hadn't protected Eiko. Distantly, he wondered for a split second why he was so certain that Eiko's reluctance had been a result of Neil, but he pushed the thought out of his head as he opened his door and unbuckled his seatbelt. "See you later, gaijin," he snarled as he stepped out of the car, slamming the door as he walked towards his house. Neil watched him leave for a moment, unsure of whether he was angrier at Vash or himself. "'Gaijin' means something bad, doesn't it?" he asked after a moment, glancing over towards Misato as she nodded. Sighing, Neil looked back towards Vash's house as the car began to move once again, unsure of whether he was more angry at himself or at Vash. He certainly didn't feel as though Vash had any right to question his performance in EVA-01, but he also hated himself for what he'd done in the machine, for the way he felt around it. Still, it wasn't as though he'd set out in the machine to crush one of Vash's schoolmates. The thought of Vash's school tickled something at the back of Neil's mind, and it took him a moment to think to look down at the floor of the car where Vash's schoolbag still sat, forgotten in the argument from before. "Stop the car, Misato," Neil said, grabbing the bag from the floor and feeling himself sigh inwardly. "Vash forgot his bag. I've got to run back and give it to him." "You're not going to do that," announced Nieve as Misato slowed the car down to a stop, the redheaded girl suddenly taking an interest in the situation and turning back towards Neil, her voice sounding slightly empty as she spoke. "It'll be a disaster. I'll take it - he's not too fond of me either, but -" "I don't want you anywhere -near- him," snapped Neil, speaking somewhat more forcefully than he'd intended and surprising Nieve. Opening his door, he glanced back and forth for a moment, unsurprised to see no traffic on the road as he stepped out. "I'll do it. Besides, this way I might get to tell his parents what a pathetic kid he really is." Slamming his door shut, Neil crossed the street and walked idly towards Vash's house, not turning back out of the presumably justified fear that Misato or Nieve would try to stop him. He wanted to do something more final than argue with Vash, but despite himself he couldn't figure out what in the world he actually planned on doing inside the house, already feeling guilty for wanting to hurt the other boy. As he stepped up to the front door of Vash's house, he grinned at himself bitterly, recalling that at least being angry at himself had kept him from feeling guilty about the prior night. Neil took a deep breath before knocking on the door, waiting for a moment and hearing nothing from inside. It was tempting to simply turn around and walk away, but Neil forced himself to remain, knowing that he would only feel worse if he ran away. "Vash?" he shouted, trying to sound as innocent as possible as he knocked once again. "It's me, Neil. You forgot to -" Without warning, the door swung open, and Neil felt a familiar scent assault his nose as an older man stared at him, eyes only dimly focused and long black hair tied in a messy ponytail and looking somewhat greasy. The man was obviously rather tall, but looked shorter because of his slumped posture, dissheveled blue shirt and jeans hanging loosely off his body. "You're one of those kids from the program, aren't you?" he asked, the words slurred and spoken with a crippling Japanese accent. "Fighting those big black things, right?" "Um... yeah," replied Neil, beginning to feel another memory bubble into his head as the stink of fermentation reeked forth from the man. He bit his lower lip for a moment, wondering if the man was of the same mindset as Vash about Neil's performance or not and feeling uncomfortable regardless. "Is Vash here, or has he -" "He's here," slurred the man, stepping aside from the door and gesturing for Neil to step in. Neil hesitated for a moment, then stepped up into what seemed like the same depressed space as Misato's apartment, the implication obvious. He removed his shoes, and the man nodded approvingly, shutting the door and awkwardly staggering towards a nearby couch, beer cans strewn about the floor and couch itself, television blaring something incomprehensible. "You look like a good kid. Probably for the best, you kids doing this stuff. God knows that I need my rest nowadays." The man paused for a moment, taking a sip from what seemed to be a largely random beer can, then staring back at Neil. "C'mon over, sit down. Let's talk." "Really, that's all right," replied Neil, taking a step back and suppressing a slight twinge of terror as the man turned back to whatever he was watching with a shrug. Neil stared at him for a moment longer, unpleasant memories jumping to the surface, then turned around to see Vash standing behind him, still glaring. Giving a small start, Neil began to take a step backwards towards the drunk man on the couch, then realized that wouldn't make things any better. "Vash. I was looking for you." Vash said nothing for a moment, then reached over and firmly grabbed Neil's collar, yanking him away from the small den and tugging him through the brown halls of the house into what Neil assumed was Vash's room. Yanking Neil in, Vash slammed the door to the small room, then turned and glared at the other boy, his opinion of Neil obviously not getting any better. "I'm going to open this door in a minute," snarled Vash, "and when I open it, you're going to leave this house and -never- say a word to -anyone-. Not Misato, not Nieve, not -anyone-. Do you understand that?" "I..." Neil trailed off, suddenly feeling intensely guilty, knowing that he was intruding on something private. "I just came because you left your bag in Misato's car. I thought you might need it." He swallowed for a moment, hoping that maybe he was incorrect about his assumptions on who the man was. "Was that man your older brother, or -" "Don't you -dare- make fun of my father," replied Vash, grabbing Neil's collar once again and pulling the taller boy towards him, eyes sparkling with anger. "He's my problem, all right? I hate him, and I'm disgraced by him, and you have absolutely no right to intrude here." Neil mumbled something, turning his head down and away from Vash, and Vash's eyes narrowed as he shook Neil roughly. "What did you just say?" "At least you have one!" snapped Neil, anger beginning to take over from guilt as he broke free of Vash's grip with one hand, the other tensing into a fist. Stumbling backwards, he rubbed the back of his neck for a moment as Vash continued to glare at him, trying to compose himself. "I said that you should be thankful that you've got a father in the first place." There was a moment of silence between the two boys, then Vash's stare grew darker, grabbing at Neil's collar once again. Neil held the other boy's hand back tightly, but Vash continued to struggle against him, his eyes flashing with anger. "Oh, so you just spawned spontaneously from your mother, did you?" asked Vash, glaring harshly and managing to force his hand closer to Neil's collar. "That's just great, Neil. You don't have to live with -anyone's- opinion, because you're just so damn special." Neil glared for a moment, then his anger took over, sending his arm snapping up towards Vash's collar and grabbing it roughly, taking advantage of the fact that his arms were slightly longer. "My father was an alcoholic too," replied Neil, his hand tightening around Vash's collar unconsciously. "He started drinking almost as soon as I was born. He died when I was ten. Mother never divorced him, even though he never did anything, even thought he just wasted his life and made mine miserable." He scowled, tightening his grip even more. "What gives you the right to judge me? What makes it all right for you?" Both boys remained quiet for a moment, Vash's hand slightly away from Neil's collar, Neil's grip almost tight enough to tear the white fabric of Vash's school shirt, the dark brown walls suddenly seeming oppressive. Then Neil felt guilt start to seep through his body, and he let go of both Vash's collar and Vash's wrist, wondering for a moment if the boy would try once again to grab his collar. The Japanese boy did no such thing, simply staring angrily at Neil, shock creeping into the edges of his expression. "Here's your bag," announced Neil flatly, dropping the small schoolbag and stepping around Vash, opening the door and beginning to walk out. Vash heard the door close only distantly, his arms slowly sinking back down to his sides, Neil's words hitting him with a sting he hadn't expected. He still wanted to be angry with the other boy, but something about the situation made it feel impossible, made him feel as though he was doing something wrong by resenting Neil's unconditional acceptance from others. "He's been through the same thing," muttered Vash, the words sounding alien to his ears. "He's dealt with it just like I have." ]++[ Misato's table was unusually quiet, both Children remaining perfectly silent as they ate their lunches, Misato slumped over her lunch and still feeling as though a sledgehammer was working the inside of her skull. "This is nice," she muttered to herself, ignoring the icy stare she was receiving from Nieve for a moment. Neil simply hadn't spoken since whatever had happened at Vash's house, and Nieve seemed to be angry about something without any intention of telling Misato what it was. "This is really nice. Don't you two think so?" "Yeah," muttered Nieve, obviously lying. "Nice." Neil noticed her tone and looked up at her, but she didn't look back, simply eating her lunch quietly. He wondered for a moment if she was angry with him, but then noticed that she was glaring daggers at Misato, waiting for the woman to take notice of her. A thought occurred to Neil, and he turned back to his lunch as well, hoping that he got a chance to talk to Nieve before she did anything. "What's going on, Nieve?" asked Misato, her speech sounding pained as she forced herself to sit upright, jostling the table slightly. She could tell that Nieve was angry with her, but she hadn't wanted to say anything beforehand. Nieve simply glared at Misato for a moment longer, then went back to eating her lunch, angering Misato slightly as her headache continued to pound at the back of her skull. "Listen, Nieve, I can tell that you're angry, so just tell me what -" "I was sitting down in EVA-02 for the whole time, waiting for you to sortie me, and you just left me there," replied Nieve, gripping her fork more tightly as she stared over at Misato. "I sat, and I waited, and I didn't say anything about it as I waited for you to send me to the surface. But you didn't. You just left me there doing nothing. That's why I'm angry." Groaning, Misato leaned back slightly, tilting her head towards the ceiling and trying to ignore the increasing headache. "Nieve, we only sent out three Evas," she said at length, forcing her voice to remain quiet and calm despite how annoyed she was getting at everything around her. "We only needed to send out three. It's not like Neil or Vash were deployed." "No, you're saving them for this afternoon!" snapped Nieve, eyes flashing with anger as she glared towards Misato. Neil felt himself unconsciously pushing away from the table, the shouting making him feel deeply uncomfortable even as he felt the desire to clench his fists once again. "You're giving everyone else their turn in the field, but you're -sidelining- me! I'm probably the best pilot that you've got, and after all the effort I've given to this project, you're just ignoring me!" Misato gritted her teeth for a moment to try and restrain her own irritation, but all the resentment that she'd felt over the course of the day so far had to come out sooner or later, and as she leaned forward towards Nieve the young girls could see that she'd made herself a perfect target. "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe there's some kind of -risk- involved in these operations, you insolent little girl? Have you ever thought that maybe we don't want to send you all to your deaths? Has it begun to cross your tiny little mind that maybe the Evas have different capabilities for a -reason-? Or do you just feel like shouting at me so that you can feel better about yourself?" The table was once again silent, Misato glaring at Nieve in anger, Nieve recoiling slightly and obviously not prepared for the sudden outpouring. Sighing heavily, Misato pushed herself up from the table, standing somewhat wobbly and knowing that she'd lost control over herself, that she needed to be more collected in situations like this. "I need a beer," she snarled at nobody in particular, turning towards the refridgerator and sliding open the door, knowing that she'd feel better once the alcohol started to blot out her hangover." As her hands closed around the golden can of alocohol, Misato heard the sound of silverware slamming down to the table, and she whirled around angrily, expecting that Nieve had gotten a second wind for her little hissy fit. As she stared at the table, however, she realized that it had been Neil, his hand still pressing the fork down into the table, eyes shut tightly and fist clenching in his free hand. "Do you really think that will make anything better?" he asked, sounding as though he was trying to be angry but failing despite himself. "You think that as long as you've got a beer you... you..." Neil's words trailed off into silence, and the entire room followed him, all three people unsure of what more there was to say. At length, Misato looked at the can in her hand for a moment, then put it back inside the fridge, ignoring the slight spike of pain in her head that seemed to come with the knowledge she'd get no such relief. The refridgerator door swung shut as Misato stepped back towards the table, and all three were about to return to eating when the phone rang and cut through the silence. Misato stood silently, stepping over to the black telephone and picking up the receiver as casually as possible, feeling guilty for what she hadn't done and wondering if Neil hated her now. She put the receiver to her ear and opened her mouth to speak, but before she even got past the first syllable of a greeting Ritsuko's calm, analytical voice had already started. "The Angel is regenerating faster than we'd expected," she announced, the hint in her voice that it was somehow Misato's fault. "You're required back at Central Dogma immediately." The two Children at the table couldn't hear Ritsuko's voice, but they could hear Misato's startled exclamation that Ritsuko couldn't be right, and as intelligent people they had no trouble figuring out what it was that Ritsuko couldn't possibly be right about. Gulping down one final bite of their lunches, both stood, turned towards the door, and walked to the small recess where their shoes remained just as Misato hung the phone back on the hook and turned towards them. "That was Dr. Akagi," she announced to the pair, her head still splitting. "The Seventh Angel has almost finished regenerating. We need to start the operation early." ]++[ Both EVA-01 and EVA-03 had been moved to the same oversized holding bay, prepared for immediate launch as soon as the last elements of the operation were in place. Neil, lost in thought, stood on the catwalk in front of his Eva, green and purple plugsuit hugging tightly to his skin and feeling unexpectedly nervous. He'd never worked with Vash before, but he recalled how angry he had been when he left the boy, and he remembered the red haze of his vision when the Eva had gone berserk. "I've got to control it," he muttered, remembering Nieve's words about who was in charge of the Eva. "It's my tool. I won't lose control of my temper with it. I refuse to." Neil stared at the purple head of the beast, the monstrous jawline, the diamond-shaped eyes, and he thought of Nieve once again, knowing that she and Niobe had already been placed inside their respective units. The girl had been mostly silent after Misato's angry shouts towards her, but she'd given Neil a quick kiss before they'd gone into the locker rooms, saying nothing to explain. Something about her was unspeakably sad, something that Neil couldn't quite place, and he wished that she was being allowed to pilot her machine into the operation, knowing how badly she wanted to be in control of defeating the Angel. Shutting his eyes, he thought of her, then of Eiko, the faces of both girls dancing at the edge of his vision like some exotic form of torture. "I thought you'd be out here." Vash's tone sounded oddly regretful, but Neil still took a moment longer before looking towards the other boy, his black and purple plugsuit looking rather striking against his spiky blonde hair. He was at almost the other end of the catwalk, seeming hesitant to get any closer to Neil. "Do you mind if I come over? I want to talk." "Actually, yes, I mind," replied Neil, feeling somewhat bitter as he turned away from Vash once again, his right hand clenching into a fist almost unconsciously. "I think I know what you're going to say, anyways. You want me not to get in your way, even though you've never piloted the Eva before, even though you have no idea what you're doing." He sighed. "Fine. I don't care. I didn't stay in Tokyo-3 to argue with you. All I want to do is to destroy the Angel." "God, give -me- a chance to talk, will you?" snapped Vash, glaring over towards Neil and shaking his head. Neil's expression softened slightly as he looked towards the other boy, and Vash found himself wondering about the sort of person that he'd claimed to hate, the same person who had given his all to defend Eiko for no personal gain. "I... I wanted..." He swallowed for a moment, then turned towards Neil completely and started walking. "I wanted you to hit me. The way that I hit you when we first met." Neil didn't reply, simply turned and stared back at the boy as Vash came to a stop within arm's length of Neil, his expression stoic. "I owe you an apology," he said curtly, the statement clearly taking a great deal of effort to say. "When I blamed you for hurting Toji... it wasn't fair. You hurt Toji because of something that we did." He paused, then sank his head slightly, staring towards the catwalk and the liquid sloshing around beneath. "Kensuke wanted to get a look at one of the Eva units in action, after he'd gotten his hands on some of the design details over the Internet. So Toji and I agreed to help him out on the surface. We shouldn't have been out there in the first place." He paused, then turned his gaze back towards Neil, setting his jaw. "So, I'm telling you to hit me. Because I'm the one who hurt my friend, not you." For a moment, neither boy moved, Neil simply staring at Vash, Vash closing his eyes tightly and waiting for Neil to hit him. Then Neil turned back towards his Eva, and after a moment Vash seemed to realize that he wasn't being hit and opened his eyes to stare at the other boy. "No," said Neil, crossing his arms across his chest defiantly. "I won't." "What, am I not good enough for you to deign to touch? Come on, Neil, you know that you want to." Vash spread his arms wide, presenting himself as an open target for the other boy. "Go ahead, hit me. Just smack me in the chin. You know I can take it. One solid blow, and then I'll -" "I said no!" snapped Neil, turning around and glaring at the other boy, fist clenching involuntarily, his mind forcing down the desire to do exactly as Vash said. "I don't want to hurt people. I don't want revenge." He paused for a moment, letting his hand relax as Vash stared at him, his breath beginning to relax slightly. "You might have led your friend out of safety, but that doesn't make it your fault that he got hurt. You were right, it was my fault. I should have had more control over the Eva." He paused, then extended his hand towards the other boy. "Can we move on from here as a team?" Vash stared at the outstretched hand for a moment, then smiled despite himself and took it in his, giving it a firm shake before letting go and glancing towards EVA-01. Neil turned towards the machine himself, wondering if he'd done the right thing or not, then felt Vash tap him on the shoulder. "Can you dance?" Vash asked as Neil's head turned to face him, a grin slowly spreading across the Japanese boy's face. "Not particularly well, no," replied Neil with a shrug. "But I can manage it." He paused, cocking his head slightly and trying to figure out what it was that Vash wanted. "Why do you ask?" "Had an idea," replied Vash, smirking and turning towards the door at one end of the catwalk, glancing back at Neil over his shoulder as he walked towards it. "I was talking with one of the head technicians before I managed to find you, and he turned out to be a pretty nifty guy. Just thought of something that might help us focus against the Angel." His smirk widened, and he flashed an incomprehensible hand signal at Neil before stepping through the door and letting it hiss closed behind him, Neil still baffled as to what the other boy's plan was. ]++[ Misato could feel Ritsuko's eyes staring at her as she switched her gaze back and forth between the main screen's display of the regenerating Angel and the display at Makoto's console of Neil and Vash's Evas racing through the launch tubes towards the surface. Her headache had only slightly improved, but the fact that Ritsuko was watching her seemed to cancel out the positive effects of the slowly- receding headache. As the two Evas exited the Geofront and headed up closer to the surface, Misato finally sighed and turned towards Ritsuko, eyes narrowed. "Is there something you want to ask?" Ritsuko shook her head, expression still icy as she shifted her grip on her clipboard. "Not a thing," she replied, sounding almost bitter. "I'm just somewhat surprised that you're still sober. I had expected you to come back drunk again." The comment struck Misato like a slap across the face, and she fought the urge to slap Ritsuko at the same time that she fought the urge to shed a tear. "I did, too," she replied at length, turning towards the main screen where the two Eva units were finally emerging. She took a second to compose herself, then leaned over into the microphone, clearing her throat slightly. "All right, boys, you remember what you have to do. Hit the core simultaneously." Sitting in the cockpit of his machine, Vash flexed his fingers and let the Eva flex its own, watching as the Angel slowly returned to its original form. The LCL still stank like blood, and it reminded him vaguely of the horrible burning he'd felt as the Fifth Angel's beam had hit him square in the chest, but he forced the thought out of his mind, tightening his grip on the handles and grinning sinisterly. "All right. Shigeru, you ready?" On the upper level of the command center, the long-haired console technician grinned, letting his fingers dance across the keyboard for a moment. "All ready, Vash," he announced happily, hitting one final key and letting the room's speakers fill with the aggressive noise of an electric guitar playing to a drum backup. He smiled for a moment, then noticed that everyone else on the upper level was staring at him and shrugged. "He thought that it would help them focus against the Angel. Keeping in time with the beat, and all." "Well, now I know why you asked if I could dance," sighed Neil, flipping open the Eva's shoulder flange and letting the progressive knife pop out into his hand. He glanced towards Vash, and the black Eva nodded back at him as it deployed its own knife, holding the thing with the blade pointing down. Taking a deep breath, Neil began to move the Eva forward, Vash walking next to him as the Angel rumbled to life once again and slogged its way towards the shore. "Let's get to work." Both machines hesitated for a moment as the Angel stared at them, then rushed forward at the same moment, letting the Angel watch them come. The beast's arms shot out at both of them, and Neil let his machine skid to a halt as Vash continued forward, one claw catching on the upper right arm of EVA-03 while the arm aimed at Neil snapped against thin air. Seemingly frustrated, the Angel took a step forward with one foot, attempting to snatch at EVA-01 with its free arm, and Vash switched the prog knife to his left hand, then let the blade slice through the Angel's core as it went off-balance. "It's going to split!" he shouted, breaking free of its grip and stepping back to where Neil was standing, the pain in his upper arm severe but managable. Certainly enough, the black beast split back into its two smaller forms, the gold one taking lumbering steps towards Neil and the silver one heading straight towards Vash. "Distract them, then force them back together," Neil said firmly, sidestepping a blow from the golden Angel half and chopping into the thing's shoulder with his knife. Vash gave a quick nod with his unit, then jumped backwards as the silverish Angel lunged forwards, letting the beast overextend its reach before he slammed the prog knife down into the back of its head. Both halves recovered within instants, only for the two Evas to hit them again, driving them apart with surprising synchronicity. As the two Evangelions worked together, driving the Angels in a loop, first away from one another and then back towards their starting point, Maya heard a beeping noise from the console over the still-playing aggressive guitar music, and she stared at it with surprise, watching the synch graph. "Both pilots have achieved a synchronization of 60%!" she shouted, amazed. "The rate seems to be leveling off, but they're doing amazing!" Neither Vash nor Neil heard Maya's statement, and even if they had it would have probably had no effect upon them as they continued to drive the Angel's halves back with remarkable efficiency, now keeping them unaware of the other's position while forcing them back towards the center. Both pilots drove their target towards a single center point until the halves were within a few meters of one another, then both Evas flashed one another a thumb's-up sign, and clenching their free hands into fists they slammed hard into the Angel's face, sending it staggering backwards into itself. The parts seemed disoriented for a moment, then merged back into the original Angel once again, apparently willing to recombine. There was a momentary pause as the two Evas waited for the Angel to recombine, then both pilots rushed at the thing, prog knives at the ready as it staggered slightly. Neil's Eva reached the beast first, and slipping around a half-hearted claw swipe he drove his knife into the thing's core just as the music reached a climax. Seconds later, Vash followed suit, driving his own progressive knife into the core as well, and the red orb suddenly splintered and cracked for a moment. Seconds later, the entire Angel exploded, and the main screen of the command center was filled with the red haze of the explosion as the music finally ended. "EVA-01 reporting," announced Neil, his body feeling slightly achy from the impact of the Angel's explosion and the LCL tasting distinctly bloodllike but otherwise fine. "Looks like we destroyed it." Misato confirmed Neil's statement as the explosion began to fade from sight, but Neil had other things on his mind as he shoved the prog knife back into the shoulder flange, stepping over and extending his Eva's hand to Vash. Vash paused, then handed the prog knife off to his other hand and shook it, a rather corny display in the Evas but still somewhat gratifying. "You did well," noted Neil, smirking. "So did you," replied Vash, releasing his Eva's hand and pausing for a moment. Then his picture appeared on Neil's display, and Neil was surprised for a moment before he realized that the other pilot had opened a private communications line with him. "Listen, Neil..." Vash seemed oddly hesitant, looking away from the other boy's face. "I really appreciate what you did today, but I need to tell you something." He paused briefly. "Eiko makes a better friend than a lover. You should remember that." Almost involuntarily, Neil felt his grip tighten around the handles of the cockpit, the scent of blood suddenly increasing within the LCL. He knew, consciously, that he wasn't alone anyways, that Nieve and he seemed to be taking the first few tenative steps into a relationship, but Vash's thinly-veiled warning somehow still managed to sting just beneath the skin. "Yeah," replied Neil, sounding oddly distanced even to himself. "I'll remember what you've said, Vash." ]++[ Outro: Neon Epoch Evangelion is based off of -Shin Seiki Evangelion- by GAINAX and company. It is not intended to be a straightforward fanfic, but it is building off the work of others, and as such it is done with the utmost respect for the original works and their authors. Basically, even though this is an original work, it's based off the work of others, and if you read this, you should go to see the original. Special thanks to all of the real Children - you know who you are. Extra special thanks to Joe Augulis for his consultation on the Japanese portions of the story. He might not know much Japanese, but that's more than I know. Copyright 2002 Eliot Lefebvre. NEXT EPISODE: As one, they are gifted. As one, they are resolute. As one, they can be betrayed. NEON EPOCH EVANGELION 9: WITH ONE VOICE "It's important that the Children remain aware of their place." ]++[ We only have a little time in our lives to waste. Make the most of it. Electronic Transcendence Productions: Producer of, um, stuff for an unspecified time-period. Rants: