From: (Eliot Lefebvre) Subject: [Eva] [Fanfic] Neon Epoch Evangelion: Episode 9 X-Original-Date: 16 Oct 2002 13:14:49 -0700 Lord... no... it's another PRE-STORY WARNING: This fanfic is an original take on GAINAX's "Shin Seiki Evangelion." It contains alternative characters, plots, and a different overriding internal logic. It is intended, from the beginning, to be different. This includes different Children and different histories. In short: if the mere thought of someone other than Shinji in the cockpit of EVA-01 makes you queasy, you are in -entirely- the wrong place. Any and all flames stemming from this alteration will be mocked mercilessly. You have been warned. Okay, really, I'm not dead. I just suffered from something known as a "complete and utter hard drive death," and it's taken this long for things to get back to a semblance of normal. Rest assured that I'm not planning on letting this happen again, but I nearly lost half of the work I've done on the series. So... yeah. Anyhow, don't forget to check - a new site design goes up soon. How soon, you ask? VERY soon. ]++[ ]+ ELECTRONIC TRANSCENDENCE PRODUCTIONS +[ presents ]+ NEON EPOCH +[ ]+ E V A N G E L I O N +[ ]+ EPISODE 9: WITH ONE VOICE +[ By Eliot "Lostfactor" Lefebvre Based off of "Shin Seiki Evangelion" by GAINAX ]++[ Be strong and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The Lord will do what is good in his sight. - 1 CHRONICLES 19:13 ]++[ Niobe couldn't sleep. It wasn't anything that she was unaccustomed to in and of itself, especially considering that her father had always praised it as one of her positive traits - she'd always been of the mind that time spent sleeping could be spent far more productively doing something else. Her problem, rather, was the reason that she was suffering from insomnia, the battle against the Seventh Angel earlier in the day. She still remembered watching Ryo rail against the two halves of the Angel, utterly outmatched but still remaining unafraid. It was inspiring to watch him, and even though she'd known from the radio chatter that dropping the N2 canister was the best possible thing to do part of her had wanted to join in and help Ryo, to match herself with him. She wanted to talk to him about it, but she hadn't gotten the opportunity after the battle, and once the mission was over and she was able to get out of her Eva once again Ryo had already been pulled aside by Commander Ikari and not arrived home until dinner. And, despite her best efforts, she hadn't managed to get up the courage to strike up the topic with him once he was actually home, managing to get a few words out each time before she trailed off and he lost interest. "Doing a great job, Niobe," she muttered to herself, rolling onto her side, the room dark enough from both the absence of light and the naturally dim shade of the walls that she honestly could see nothing, not even in vague outlines. "Really making him open up." Then she heard the sound of a door open, and the noise of soft footsteps along the floor. Sitting up quickly, she felt her heartbeat accelerate slightly, knowing full well that it was Ryo, and she wondered for a moment where he was going. Another thought occurred to her immediately, and she threw the blanket off her body, sliding off the bed and tiptoeing towards the door to her room, letting it open just a crack and peeking out towards Ryo. Somehow, the thought of going out to him seemed far more terrifying than any Angel, but she forced herself to be brave, pushing open her door all the way and stepping out of her room, noticing that Ryo was stepping into the small living room of the apartment. She hesitated another moment, then followed after him, making every effort to be as quiet as possible. Grinning slightly at the thought of how silent she was being, Niobe tiptoed her way past the kitchen, turning right down the hallway that led to the bathroom and the living room, walking past the bathroom into the living room and barely suppressing a gasp. Ryo was standing in front of the sole window in the living room as moonlight streamed through it, wearing a loose-fitting pair of white pants and nothing else, the light seeming to catch his achingly pale skin at just the right angle to make it almost glow. His arms were spread slightly from his sides, palms turned towards the window, neck bent ever so slightly and blue hair barely brushing the base of his neck. The entire scene was almost painfully beautiful, and Niobe found herself suddenly and unexpectedly attracted to the boy as he stood in the light, hesitant to say anything. Almost unintentionally, she coughed, and the beautiful crystalline moment as he stood in the light shattered as the boy turned towards her, arms sinking back down to his sides as the moonlight began to filter through the thin blue hair, his expression blank as usual. She'd half-expected that he would actually be smiling, but in the week that she'd been there she hadn't seen him smile even once. "What is it?" he asked, his tone one that Niobe would have pegged as annoyed if that was something that she considered him capable of. Coming from Ryo, it simply seemed flat, utilitarian, the most expedient way to link vowels and consonants together. "I couldn't sleep," replied Niobe, cocking her head slightly and letting her black hair swish behind her, trying to evoke some kind of response from the boy and receiving none. She'd always been told at home that it was one of the more attractive things that she did unconsciously, but she couldn't for the life of her remember any time before that she'd wanted to make a boy attracted to her, even if she couldn't explain quite why she was attracted to Ryo in the first place. "Why were you standing in the window?" she asked after a moment, unconsciously pulling her blue nightshirt more tightly closed around her breasts. Ryo didn't answer immediately, instead glancing back towards the window, and for a moment Niobe wondered if the question had unintentionally angered him. "The light is comfortable," he announced at length, the words sounding slightly odd as he said them, as though he were struggling with the concepts. "They remind me of when I..." He paused, shutting his eyes for a moment, now definitely searching for the words. "Of when I was at my younger home." "Home?" The statement immediately struck Niobe as moronic, and she scolded herself for not realizing that Ryo must have lived somewhere other than the apartment during his lifetime or there would be some more indications of his living conditions. Despite her brief discussion with Dr. Akagi, she'd never really thought of Ryo as having parents, that somehow the boy simply didn't seem emotional enough to have had them. "Was that where you lived before here? Somewhere else in Japan?" "I can't remember," replied Ryo flatly, turning away from the moonlight and back towards Niobe, his speech once again seeming natural and unforced, as though he were more comfortable with what he was now discussing. "Why could you not sleep? Did I wake you up when I walked over?" "No," replied Niobe, blushing slightly as she shook her head and sank her gaze slightly lower. She felt somewhat embarassed, feeling as though she were acting like some lovesick twit around her most recent crush, but something about Ryo kept her from feeling entirely comfortable, and despite herself she found it enjoyable. Closing her eyes for a moment, she looked back up at the boy, smiling just the slightest bit. "I was thinking, Ryo, and... I'm sorry that you got recalled in your Eva. I'm sorry that you didn't have a chance to do anything more." "Why?" asked Ryo, sounding genuinely confused. He cocked his head slightly to one side, the moonlight once again making his skin seem to glow with just the slightest aura. It was an undeniably attractive pose, one that Niobe found herself once again attracted to. She forced the thought out of her head and turned her gaze slightly to one side, knowing that she was being silly. "Why are you sorry that I was recalled?" asked Ryo again, as though she hadn't heard him the first time. "Because it wasn't fair," replied Niobe, feeling somewhat unsure why the concept was so alien to him. She stared at him for a moment, trying to gauge the expression in his bright red eyes and having no success, her mind saying one thing while something inside of her said something else. "You didn't get a chance to prove yourself, to show what you could do." She paused for a moment, still looking as deeply as she could into Ryo's eyes, trying to figure him out. "Doesn't that matter to you?" Ryo stared back at Niobe, then shook his head, the moonlight sifting through his shifting hair in an odd fashion, looking almost angelic. "Who destroys the Angel is irrelevant," he said flatly, turning his body back towards the window and staring at the pure light, his feet arching slightly as though the light would embrace him and take him away from the dull gray apartment. "All that matters is that the Angel is destroyed. That is our duty. Whatever role we play is fine." Confused, Niobe stared at the boy, his back facing her once again, the same amazing beauty seeming to flow into him once again as he stood in front of the window and watching the moon stream light into the room. Niobe recalled a discussion that she'd had with her father some time prior to her departure, and for a moment she felt guilty about admiring Ryo, turning her head away slightly. "But don't you have any ambition of your own?" she asked after a moment, internally hoping that he wouldn't turn around to reply to her as she focused on him as best she could with her peripheral vision. "Yes," replied Ryo, turning only slightly towards Niobe. "I must succeed at the role given to me. Anything else only complicates matters. That is what Dr. Ikari tells me." He paused for a moment, his words ringing awkwardly in Niobe's ears. "There is no middle ground in this conflict. As long as we are successful, nothing else matters." "I see," replied Niobe, feeling herself growing still more attracted to Ryo despite the fact that her mind was telling her not to be. She paused for a moment longer, and Ryo turned fully back towards the window, beginning to shift back into the crystalline pose of before. Her mouth opened to say something, then shut before any words passed her lips, simply taking in the inexpressable beauty of Ryo standing in the light for a moment. "I... guess I'll go back to my room, then," she said at length, receiving only a nod from Ryo as she turned and walked out of the living room, no longer trying to sound particularly quiet. She paused, allowed herself one last glance towards the boy, then felt her pace quicken as she walked back to the room, feeling as though she'd been caught stealing from the cookie jar. Once inside her room, Niobe leaned against the door for a moment, taking a deep breath and forcing herself to calm down, feeling her heart rate slowly return to normal. She'd known that the boy was withdrawn, but somehow it all seemed to make sense to her from those few little words that he'd spoken to her tonight, and as she stepped over to her bed she found herself feeling as though she were an idiot for not noticing the obvious earlier. "He's like me," she muttered to herself, slumping back down onto the bed and feeling the fabric of the sheets massage her skin. "The same drive." Pulling the blankets back over her body, snuggling against them and closing her eyes, Niobe thought again of the boy standing in the window, and she felt her chest start to ache slightly. She knew that a romantic relationship should be out of the question, remembered Joseph's words to her about precisely that before she'd left, but she knew that if her father had been in her shoes he would have felt the same way. "I think I like him," she whispered into her pillow, letting sleep embrace her and hoping for pleasant dreams. ]++[ Neil woke up slowly, his mind still filled with the dreams of the previous night, dreams of EVA-01 and an unspeakable anger lurking at the back of its mind, dreams of Nieve and Eiko and something horrible approaching. What made them worst as he woke up was the fact that he didn't remember them being particularly frightening except for the fact that he knew he should be frightened, that the only apprehension they provoked in him felt like an obligation. Opening his eyes gradually, he let them slowly adjust to the sunlight from his window, green irises refocusing to let in the right amount of light, then he rolled over away from the wall and towards the door to his room, noticing that there was something between his eyes and the door. It took him a moment to register before he realized that it was Nieve. Suddenly and completely awake, Neil jerked to an upright position, then instantly thought better of it and grabbed the hem of his blanket, bundling it up around his waist and legs as he stared at the girl, wearing the thin blue t-shirt that she always seemed to wear at night. She was leaning forward just far enough so that Neil could see the hints of what lay beneath the fabric, and he swallowed hard as he felt his body respond to the glimpse involuntarily. "Morning, Nieve," he offered, forcing himself to look up towards her face, unsure of why she was smiling so broadly. "Um... is there any particular reason you wanted to wake me up this morning?" For a moment, Nieve said nothing, simply stared at Neil and smiled, his concern growing ever larger as she continued to stare at him without speaking. Then she reached forward and grabbed his head, pulling him towards her and planting her lips firmly upon his, letting her tongue slip inside of his mouth ever so slightly before rocking backwards and standing at her full height once again. "You didn't kiss me yesterday," she explained, noting Neil's somewhat baffled expression. "I wanted to remind you what you missed." She paused. "Besides, I always wanted to do something like that." "Um." Neil raised his left hand to the back of his head, rubbing it gently before stepping out of his bed and continuing to stare at the girl. She seemed perfectly happy with the situation, although Neil had been learning from experience that Nieve's happiness could be a somewhat transient thing. He certainly enjoyed the taste of her lips again, but he couldn't get the picture of Eiko from his dreams out of his mind, and it made him feel guilty to enjoy Nieve's kiss, even though he knew he was being silly. "Glad to see you're in a good mood, at least." Both Children stared at one another for a moment, then Neil moved first, heading for the door and opening it. He paused, glancing back towards Nieve, worried for a moment that she might have been upset by his actions, but she was still smiling, and walking forward swiftly she edged past Neil towards the kitchen, looking entirely pleased with the world. Neil waited for a moment, then followed afterwards, tugging on the ratty green shirt he was wearing as his old black sweatpants dragged slightly on the floor. "You don't seem upset about the Eva thing anymore," he noted, stepping into the kitchen behind her, wanting very much to hold her but doubting that she'd be willing to let him. "Did you just sleep really well?" "I got over it," replied Nieve, her voice dropping a little as though Neil's words had upset her slightly. He tried to step over in front of her as she poured her cereal, but she'd turned her head at just the right angle that he couldn't see what she was doing, her body position to prevent any non-awkward movement past her. "I'm still a little annoyed by it, yeah, but I reminded myself that you were up there, that it wasn't just any of the others." She smirked as her face came back into view for Neil, finishing with the cereal and setting it down on the counter. "If I can't be in control of the situation out there, you're the next best choice." "Thanks, I guess," replied Neil, not entirely sure what to make of the comment as Nieve extracted the milk from the refridgerator, almost bumping into Pen-Pen as he waddled out of his own smaller refridgerator with a sleepy look on his face. He stared at the girl for a moment, then shook his head and pulled a bowl down from the cupboard, preparing to pour himself a bowl of cereal. Nieve left the milk on the counter, then sat down at the table as a particularly loud crash came from down the hall towards Misato's room. Neither of the Children took particular notice of the noise, and sat down to their breakfast, eating quitely, Nieve sneaking quick looks at Neil and Neil trying to decide exactly why. There were a few more crashes from down the hall, then Misato finally made her way out of her room, walking down the hall towards the table, staring at Nieve and Neil with a somewhat disapproving look on their face. Neil give her a quick glance in reply, noticing she was wearing the same black dress that she had on the day they'd met and getting the impression that something important was happening. "You two need to get dressed," she announced, stepping over to the kitchen, her NERV coat slung over her shoulder as she opened the cupboard and extracted a bowl. "We're needed down at Central Dogma by ten AM sharp." Checking his watch, Neil shrugged, letting his arm drop back down to his side and glancing quickly over at Nieve. "It's only eight," he announced, taking another bite of his cereal, feeling somewhat more curious about Nieve's behavior towards him than Misato's sudden preoccupation with the time. Misato frowned, checked the small watch on her own wrist, then slapped it once and sighed, the device obviously not working correctly. "What's the big deal, anyways?" "Didn't I tell you about this one?" asked Misato, glancing towards Neil and recognizing the look on his face. He didn't look as hurt as on the day when they'd flown out to meet with Nieve and Niobe, but the expression was the same, a sort of bitter realization that he'd been given something to do without having been told. "I didn't. I screwed up again." Sighing, Misato went over to the table, sitting down across from Neil and trying to look as apologetic as possible. "Neil, I'm sorry. I know that I should have -" "Forget it," muttered Neil, turning his gaze down towards the cereal and taking another bite, trying to ignore Nieve's stare in his direction. He was almost certain that Misato still didn't know about his father, but after what had happened the prior afternoon she hadn't touched a beer all night, and Neil wondered if she had some idea of what was going on. "So what is it?" "The JSSDF," replied Misato, apparently satisfied with Neil's response as she leaned her upper body back, placing her hands flat against the floor and using her arms to keep herself from falling backwards. "You remember that we got the particle rifle from them, right?" She quickly tilted her head far forward enough to see Neil nod, then leaned her head back again to stare at the ceiling. "That was supposed to be their next-generation weapon, and they've been more than a little annoyed at NERV's possesion of it. Even though we're ostensibly above the world's governments, that doesn't mean that they're going to be peaceful about it, and we needed to do something to smooth relations over with the JSSDF before things get really ugly. So we're participating in their annual war games." Nieve, who had been focusing largely on giving odd sideways glances towards Neil and eating her cereal, suddenly took notice of Misato, dropping her spoon into the bowl and staring intently at the woman. "We're getting to pilot the Evas into a war game?" asked Nieve, leaning towards her left and propping herself off the table with her arms, provoking an immediate stare from Misato. Neil, sitting across from Misato and to Nieve's right, noticed that her blue nightshirt was riding up slightly with her movement, and he forced himself to look away as his gaze began to trace up her leg. "Yeah," replied Misato, sounding a little put off by Nieve's sudden enthusiasm. Nieve leaned back and grinned widely, pumping one fist in the air in a sort of victory sign but remaining quiet. "I didn't like the idea, but especially after the Jet Alone incident they claim they want some proof that the Evas are safe. Commander Ikari thought that it would be a good opportunity for us to -" "How could you be -opposed- to this?" asked Nieve, still grinning widely, her cereal all but forgotten as she rocked back and forth gently, obviously excited. "This is -spectacular-! I'll finally get a chance to show off what I can really do with my Eva!" She paused for a second, still grinning as she turned towards Neil and thumbed her chin, then looked back towards Misato, now kneeling and leaning towards the woman with her hands on her knees. "Are we going to have video footage taken? Can I get a copy of it? I want to send it back to Dublin, to show everyone there just how much control I've got over the situation." She paused again, then glanced over towards Neil again, grinning more broadly. "Neil, do you want a copy for your friends back in America?" "Not really," replied Neil, shaking his head gently and taking another bit of his cereal. His tone was somewhat nonchalant, but his body language expressed something else, and he was distantly aware of that as Nieve moved closer to him. Even though his experience with 01 the prior day had been relatively safe, he still couldn't get the stare of its green eye out of his head, the uncomfortable taste of the LCL seeming more unpleasant the more he thought about it. "I don't particularly want to do this anyways." Staring at the boy, Nieve's eyes went wide with shock, then she shifted her entire body towards him, still leaning forward with her hands on her knees. "You're kidding, right?" she asked, cocking her head slightly to one side and trying to make eye contact with him as he stared down at his cereal. "What's not to like about piloting the Eva? You're the only one who can do it, and that makes you more important than anyone else in NERV." Misato let out an indignant grunt, and Nieve shrugged half-apologetically, not bothering to glance back at her. "What's wrong?" "I don't like piloting it," replied Neil, closing his eyes for a moment, recalling the flood of memories from the thing during his first night in it. "It feels like I'm intruding in someone else's mind, like I'm forcing them to do something. And it feels like the Eva resents me. Maybe it's just me, but..." He sighed and trailed off, glancing up at Misato and noticing that she looked somewhat worried. "Misato, the Evas are alive, aren't they?" Misato said nothing for a moment, sitting fully upright now, the hint of fear tickling just beyond the edge of her expression. "Yes, they're partially organic," she answered at length, sounding as though she were trying to think of a way to sugarcoat the answer. "But they're not sentient. They're not even thinking. That's why we've got you as pilots, because you act as the machine's brain. You give it direction." "Doesn't feel like that," muttered Neil, taking another bite of his cereal somewhat sullenly. Nieve stared at him for a moment, then reached over and gently rubbed his knee for a second before returning to her previous position of sitting, eating her breakfast casually. Neil looked up at her and stared, trying to understand why she felt so comfortable about piloting her Eva, but she simply continued eating, leaving Neil to try and figure out his own explanations for her actions. ]++[ Nursing a cup of coffee in a white china mug in one hand, sketching down figures on a clipboard with the other, Dr. Ritsuko Akagi glanced up at the main screen of NERV's command center only quickly before jotting down a few more notes on her clipboard. Technically, she had an hour before she actually had to be in to work, but she knew the amount of pressure that was being put on NERV to perform well during the exercise, and she knew that the burden of responsibility for the technical aspect fell on her shoulders. "Maya, run another pulse through EVA-02's neural interlocks. See if that got rid of the static. Makoto, check on the status of EVA-04's chest armor." "Pulse flow static is currently at less than one percent in all interlocks for EVA-02," replied Maya as Makoto set about performing the task he'd been given. The younger woman continued talking, but Ritsuko only distantly heard her, jotting down another quick pair of notes and taking a sip of her coffee as she felt her eyes beging to grow sluggish. Makoto began to say something about EVA-04 as well, and Ritsuko tried to focus for a moment before slumping forward slightly, eyes falling shut. A moment later she felt someone jostling her shoulders through the thin fabric of her lab coat, and she forced herself upright once again, looking at Maya and smiling, trying to assuage the woman's concerns. "I'm fine," she said, mentally scolding herself for getting so close to sleep when there was so much left to do. Rubbing her forehead for a second, she took another sip of coffee, knowing that she'd need still more of it if she was going to remain focused. She hadn't had a chance to sleep the prior night, rushing repairs on the units damaged in the battle against the Seventh Angel. "Makoto, I'm sorry, I need you to repeat yourself. What's 04's status?" "All welding of the unit's chest armor has been completed," replied the technician, apparently unconcerned by the request for reiteration, his eyes remaining focused on his computer display through his thin-framed glasses. "Organic damage was less than seven percent and has been fully regenerated. No damage known to the interlocks." He paused for a second, then turned towards Ritsuko, looking slightly worried. "You might want to go get some rest, ma'am. You're looking haggard." "No rest for the wicked," replied Ritsuko, stepping over to Makoto's display and quickly checking his screen, then turning back towards Maya. "Maya, run a quick pulse through 04's interlocks. If there's any abnormalities, let me know. Makoto, see if EVA-00's arm is fully repaired yet - the workers said that there might be some minor damage to the target feedback devices from the palm. While you're at it, might as well take a quick check of its armor." Standing on the uppermost level of the command center, slightly to one side of Gendou, Kozou Fuyutsuki watched Ritsuko moving below, quickly giving commands and waiting only moments for the answers, throwing everything she had into making sure the Evas were at peak efficiency. "She's amazing," he muttered, a thin smile spreading across his face as he watched her. "In some ways, she's so like her mother. But she reminds me more of..." Fuyutski paused for a moment, then stopped outright. "Yui," completed Gendou, his tone completely devoid of emotion. "I've noticed it, to. She has the same sort of heart in her work, and she understands the science behind it as if she'd written all our material herself." The commander's hands were, as usual, folded in front of his face, his glasses blocking sight of his eyes and his hands blocking sight of his mouth, no sign of outward emotion visible. "You should talk to her." "There's little that I could offer her," replied Kozou, a vaguely wistful note creeping into his voice as he watched the woman working beneath him, her motions quick and practice despite her obvious exhaustion, white coat fluttering with her movements. "After all, she's made advancements in the science that never even occurred to me. She's a natural. I'm just an outdated old teacher." Gendou's head tilted towards Kozou ever so slightly, the light that reflected from his glasses seeming to angle away just enough to give the slightest glimpse at the man's eyes. "That's not what I meant." Kozou's eyes went wide, and he stared at Gendou for a moment with his lips drawn tight, studying the man's almost entirely obscured face as best he could, trying to discern something of his emotions. Then he shut his eyes and grinned bitterly, staring back down at Ritsuko and shrugging his shoulders gently. "Am I that obvious?" he asked, not truly expecting an answer as Gendou turned his gaze back to its prior position. "Besides, let's not be foolish. Both of us remember her from when she was the same age as our Children are. We're old men, Ikari." "A professional attitude," noted Gendou flatly, keeping his gaze unmoving, his tone offering no hints towards his evaluation of the situation. Kozou took a quick glance towards the other man, then turned back towards Ritsuko, smirking to himself as he remembered her volunteering with her mother, back before she'd chosen to dye her hair. Taking a deep breath, he stopped his thoughts where they lay, knowing that Gendou was right about his attitude as he turned his gaze back towards the main screen and focused on the day ahead. ]++[ Even after all the time he'd spent going through synch testing and piloting the machine in combat, Neil still had to brace himself against the harsh scent of the LCL, still had to suppress the gag reflex as the salty liquid flowed down through his throat, still could feel the liquid filter its way though his lungs. It was a sickening feeling, and while he'd become somewhat more accustomed to it, he still disliked it. Then he watched the screen activate around him, and he felt the Eva's body around his, giving him cause to push the LCL out of his mind as he focused on extending his perception. "EVA-01 is active," he announced, knowing that the command center was waiting for his confirmation. Sitting in the cockpit, Neil could hear the other Children give their own confirmations, and he relaxed against the seat, almost idly trying to feel the Evangelion's mind, seeing if he could sense that presence again, if Misato was telling the truth about the machines having nothing but bodies to be moved. He began to feel something at the absolute back of his head, almost as though it were a soft voice speaking to him, but before he could focus on it he saw Nieve's face appear on his display in a sort of windowbox, a sign that she'd opened a specific communcation with him. "Hey, Neil," she said, grinning somewhat devilishly. "You think you can handle your machine out there, or is it going to tell you where to go?" "Not funny," muttered Neil, feeling slightly hurt but forcing a smile despite the fact. Pushing the small voice out of his head, he focused once again on the machine itself, twitching his fingers against the handsets of the cockpit. "You just make sure that you don't lose control. Remember who's got more experience here." Neil flashed a grin at the girl, and she stared at him in shock for a moment before sticking out her tongue at him and cutting off the communication. He chuckled to himself, then closed his eyes, preparing for the harsh sensation of launching the machine. In the command center, Misato glanced towards the main screen in front of her, then looked over towards the camera that was relaying her activities, flashing it a quick smile before turning back to the technicians. "Send 00 to Port 11, 01 to Port 25, 02 to Port 31, 03 to Port 46, 04 to Port 10, and 05 to Port 22." She paused for a moment, then remembered that she was being expected to explain everything into the camera, and sighed as she looked back towards it, forcing a smile. "We've position the Evangelion units in various positions around the city. In the event of an emergency, ports are spread across the city to ensure that a unit can arrive at any location within two minutes." She turned back towards the console technicians, glancing towards Maya to get confirmation of her assignments for the units. "Launch!" Eiko had to suppress a momentary rush of terror as she felt the pad beneath her unit lurch upwards, the sense of vertigo from the high- speed deployment being the least of her problems. She could still remember the feeling of the Seventh Angel's claws tearing across her chest as her Eva fell backwards, and somehow it had seemed infinitely worse than when she'd stood against the Fifth. It was unreasonable, and she knew it, but as she heard the clanking noise of the gate opening on the surface and felt her machine scraping to a halt, the morning sun making her unit shine radiantly, she couldn't help but feel a momentary rush of panic that the same thing would happen again. Then she glanced to one side and watched Neil's unit emerge from the ground as well, and for reasons she couldn't explain she felt slightly safer, knowing he was there as well. All six machines were standing in the city, and Misato grinned as she glanced down at her itinerary, glad to have the chance to finally show what NERV could do. She could still remember the Jet Alone demonstration freshly, and she knew that the JSSDF wouldn't be able to deny the effectiveness of the Evas after an actual demonstration. "All right, you all should know where the weapon ports are. Neil, Niobe, retrieve a standard-issue rifle from the nearest port, then arm it and fire at the presented targets." She watched the main screen for a moment, then turned towards the camera again, still a little unhappy that she had to explain everything. "The city is filled with certain structures designated as weapon ports, designed to allow the Evas access to a wide variety of weapons suitable for almost any situation. In the even that a necessary weapon is not available, one can be sent to the surface via the entry ports." The next few minutes were mind-numbingly boring for all six pilots as Misato continued to run through the list of required information, many demonstrations seeming to require repeat application. For her purposes, however, Misato was quite pleased to run through the list, even if explaining things to the camera got tiresome swiftly. Despite the commander's rather harsh reprimand from the previous day, the Children moved with perfect efficiency, their units working in perfect synchronization. Ryo took a flight of missiles to his AT field without any trouble, Neil and Nieve demonstrated the process of neutralizing the field, the Evas showed off their close-combat capabilities, and even without having a direct feed from the surface Misato knew that the government was impressed. "We've been doing this stuff for more than enough time," muttered Nieve, casually bringing her Eva's prog knife in a wide arc and hitting the targets presented for her, barely even trying as the machine moved the way she directed it. "They must have gotten it by now." She hesitated for a moment, then continued forward, opening a quick communications channel with Misato. "Can we get on to the actual games sometime soon? I'm getting bored." "Pushy," muttered the woman, smirking at the small picture of Nieve that appeared on the main screen before flipping the microphone over to the private channel. "We'll be done in just a moment. I'll give you a quick briefing." Switching the microphone back to its previous setting, she turned towards the camera, glancing towards Makoto and getting a quick handsignal of approval. "This concludes the demonstration portion of the games. We will begin the second stage in five minutes after a quick briefing of the pilots." She waited for a moment for the camera to turn off, then turned back to the microphone. "Okay, guys, you can stop. We're going to be starting the actual games soon." Nieve let out a quiet but still audible noise of triumph, while Eiko felt her hands close more tightly around the handrests of the cockpit. She knew that there was no chance that they would be using anything that came close to an Angel, but still, she was getting tired of the injuries she endured every time she piloted the machine. "Misato? Are the games going to be... y'know, using real bullets?" "The term is 'live-fire,' Eiko," interjected Niobe, letting her Eva rest at a somewhat neutral position, drawing it up to a comfortable height and letting the limbs go limp. "And the UN doesn't permit live- fire wargames with its forces after what happened in the Portugal Strip of Spain a few years ago." Misato frowned for a moment, unsure of how Niobe knew so much, then remembered that her father had been working for the UN peacekeeping force before she'd been declared as the Sixth Child and he had signed on with NERV. "You're right, Niobe," Misato said into the microphone, staying as calm as possible. "The weapons in the depots are already being withdrawn and replaced with the ones we'll be using. They're laser taggers, mostly; the few explosive weapons we use are just flashpowder and paint." She paused for a moment, then allowed herself to smirk. "Besides, as long as your AT field is deployed, none of the JSSDF's weapons will be able to hurt you." Eiko seemed to be satisfied with the answer, and Misato checked her watch quickly, making sure that she still had a few moments to explain the basic nature of the exercise. "We've only got a minute or two to go over the operation. Everybody pay attention." Listening as Misato described the plan of attack, she found herself a little nervous despite herself, the LCL in her mouth starting to feel vaguely cloying at the back of her throat. They were defending Tokyo-3 as if it were under attack by an external army, and Niobe and Neil were the two pilots who were to be venturiny outside the city towards the source of the enemy, to try and cut off their opponent at the root. It was the highest-risk position, and Niobe knew that it went to her because she had the highest synchronization with her machine, but it still made her nervous, to know that she was going to be watched closely by the command center. "I'm not afraid," she muttered to herself, focusing on her machine instead of her fears, letting Misato's instructions slowly sink over her like water. Eiko, on the other hand, seemed far less apprehensive than before as Misato went into detail about the drone units that the JSSDF would be using. "Great. So it's basically a glorified paintball game." She smirked at the thought, relaxing her grip and regaining her confidence slightly. "This could actually be fun." Glancing at her watch once again, Misato saw that it was almost time for the games to begin, and she still hadn't quite gotten through everything that she'd wanted to. "All right, all of you report back to your entry ports," she announced, taking a deep breath and trying to reassure herself with the knowledge that the worst that could happen was that NERV would lose the game. "When I give the word, you'll all recover your weapons, then fall into the formation described. We're going in five... four... three... two..." ]++[ One more of the drone tanks that the JSSDF was controlling crossed before Neil's line of vision, and he swung the heavy rifle in a wide arc, releasing the trigger until he saw the crosshairs line up over the small green vehicle and beep red. Without thinking, he pulled down on the trigger once again, in theory firing the rounds of weaponry required to tear the tank asunder and leave its pieces scattered along the foothill it was descending. Instead, it simply beeped an acknowledgement, stopping its motion and setting off a flare to announce that it had been killed. "I've secured this side," he said, trying to remain calm, feeling himself breathing more heavily from the adrenaline rush of battle. Misato glanced at the map displayed slightly below the main screen of the command center, studying it as best she could and recalling the positions of the six Eva units. "Good job, Neil, but there's another detachment heading in from the northern edge. We still haven't been able to pinpoint the enemy's location, so you should -" "The northern edge is taken care of," announce Nieve decisively, and as the main screen of the command center shifted to her location Nieve pumped the shotgun she'd grabbed from the nearest weapons depot and fired towards the advancing tanks, noting the small flurry of flares that went up with some satisfaction and watching as the other tanks tried to steer around their downed comrades. She momentarily cursed the fact that she wasn't working with the normal laws of physics - if the games had been live-fire, she was willing to bet she could have used the downed tanks to at least slow down their companions - but focused back on the approaching tanks, stepping backwards and waiting for them to fall back into formation before taking another shot with the gun. "I think these ones were coming from the same location as the group on Neil's side." "Understood," replied Misato, taking another quick glance at the map and examining the positions of the red dots that represented the tanks, forcing herself to remain focused. "Eiko, there should be another group approaching from the southwest. We'll mark the location on your display. Try to hit them with some long-range fire before Vash moves in to clean up." She paused for a moment, letting herself breathe, then turned towards Makoto. "Have we gotten a location for their base yet?" "Seems like Nieve was right," he replied, drumming his fingers across the keyboard and bringing up a quick sequence of displays. Misato stared over his shoulder, and he gestured towards the southern edge of the map on his screen. "It looks like they're based in that direction." Nodding, Misato leaned back over to the microphone, taking a moment to cock her head at just the right angle to keep her hair out of her face as she leaned over. "Neil, Niobe, we think that we've located their base to the south of the city. Move in that direction and check it out. You might want to grab new weapons if you're nearly out of ammo." Fingers still gripping tight against the cool metal of the handrests, Neil took a moment before his brain fully parsed Misato's statement, the battle taking some hold of him. He felt uncommonly connected to his machine, the prolonged battle and the ease at which he was able to deal destruction to the enemy a heady feeling to say the least. At the back of his mind he could feel the same red frenzy from before growing, but he forced it back, reminding himself that he had a job to do. "EVA- 01, moving towards the target," he announced, realizing that his voice was sounding more husky as he began to lumber in the indicated direction, cradling the rifle in his arms. Misato watched from within the command center as Niobe began to move through the city to meet up with Neil, her movements quick and practiced, running and firing at tanks as though she'd been holding the rifle since she could walk. "She's amazing," muttered Misato, admiring the girl's motions all the more with the knowledge that she'd only been training for three years. "Probably the best pilot we've got." She paused for a moment, then glanced back towards Makoto's display, checking on the status of the enemy units. "They're all doing well, though. The JSSDF's barely been making a dent." Niobe could distantly hear the sound of Misato talking, but she wasn't paying attention to it, ignoring the shells that bounced off her AT field as she and Neil moved towards the supposed location of the base, rifles firing and flagging tanks down with minimal effort. "This isn't even a challenge," she muttered, stepping lightly to turn her machine around and take out a pair of tanks that had tried to circle the duo. "I can do better than this. These machines can't even touch us." "Yeah," Neil muttered, feeling somewhat distracted, forcing himself to stay calm as he continued to fire his rifle, the LCL slowly becoming comfortable even as he became more conscious of how vile the liquid was. Firing another few rounds at the tanks scattered around the foothills, he glanced towards where the base was supposed to be, then froze, watching as a much larger vehicle began to step towards the city. It took him a moment to recognize it as something other than an Angel, its spinly white limbs swinging back and forth as it walked, a squat red head pushed into its torso. "Um, Misato? Is this what I think it is?" "Switch to the camera nearest Neil," announced Misato, waiting as Makoto keyed in the commands and shifted the view on the main screen. Almost the instant the display came on the screen, Misato gasped, not believing her eyes as the awkward-looking form of Jet Alone advanced towards the camera. "My God. They deployed it." It took her a moment to fully process the implications of her statement, and she shook her head as her eyes focused back on the robot. "Neil, Niobe, that's Jet Alone! Be careful - it's got a nuclear reactor!" Eiko heard the noise from her position inside the city, and she felt an involuntary tremor of panic go through her body, losing control of her Eva for just long enough to make her shot go wide, the rocket exploding in a shower of flashpowder and paint against one of the weapon depots. Gritting her teeth, she forced herself to stop moving for a second, regaining control over herself and reminding herself that it wasn't anywhere near her. "I'm not afraid," she whispered, bringing the rocket launcher in her arms back to bear at the group of tanks advancing towards the city. "I'm not afraid." Neil stared at the robot for a moment, his thoughts of the tanks all but gone, suppressing the desire to rush at the thing and tear it apart. He didn't doubt for a second that the Eva was capable of it, but he forced himself to back off, feeling his breath coming more and more heavily as he took a step backwards with his machine. "What should we do?" he asked, suddenly feeling very awkward, his instincts telling him to move forward even as his brain told him not to. "Destroy Jet Alone." Commander Ikari's voice cut through the entire command center like a knife, and Misato jerked her head around and upwards, not having even realized that the commander was sitting there. She felt a momentary rush of terror at his order, knowing that even without the threat of an imminent meltdown Jet Alone was still perfectly capable of providing a nuclear threat. "It will respond to your weaponry just like the other units involved in this exercise. Do not hesitate." The command made Neil's vision start to swim with the same red haze as before, and he forced himself to remain focused, stopping his Eva and digging his heels in as he tried to reassert control. Then he saw Jet Alone suddenly move faster than he'd thought the machine capable of, and before he could move his Eva out of the way he felt the thing's clawlike hands lurch up and slam into his neck, the LCL suddenly tightening hard against his skin with the impact. Once again, the blood taste of the liquid filled his mouth, and he felt his lungs suddenly constrict, eyes tearing and shutting involuntarily as he distantly wondered why his AT field hadn't protected him. In the command center, Misato stared at the screen, momentarily panicked as she wondered the exact same thing. "What's wrong with Unit 01's AT field?" she shouted, whirling towards Maya as the young woman typed at her console frantically. "I don't know! It deactivated almost as soon as Jet Alone started approaching the unit! Maybe an internal malfunction!" She paused for a moment, then frowned, drumming at the keys once again and bringing up another display. "EVA-01 has re-activated its AT Field! There appear to be no malfunctions within the field generators or with the unit itself!" Niobe didn't hear any commands from the radio, but she knew that she had to get Neil free from the robot, stepping around and trying to get a clear shot at the machine as she trained her rifle towards it. As Neil's Eva seemed to finally react, its arms slowly reaching up and trying to pry off Jet Alone's hands while still keeping a hold on its rifle, Jet Alone seemed to notice Niobe's movement and swung 01 so that it remained facing the other Eva. Cursing, Niobe turned and glanced for the nearest hill, hoping for a moment that she might be able to get a height advantage and defeat the robot's tactics. "No," she muttered to herself, gritting her teeth and forcing herself to remain stationary, tilting her head and searching for an angle at which she could hit the robot without moving. "I won't always have hills. I have to be better than that." His own hands moving to his throat, Neil tried desperately to pry away Jet Alone from his throat, anger redoubling in intensity as he held to the rifle awkwardly and the LCL's salty taste increased. His hands went rigid, and for a moment he felt himself sinking into the Eva's mind once again, the soft voice from before seeming to whisper to him more audibly, offering him power to free himself from the pain. Then he felt the machine lurch slightly and the grip relax, just enough so that he could see Jet Alone leaning to one side, its left leg setting off a flare to indicate damage. The implications hit him immediately, and his mind drove the anger out just as he brought the rifle down towards the robot's right shoulder, firing in a wide arc as he felt his breathing become more labored once again. Jet Alone's shoulder erupted in a shower of flares as the theoretical rifle blast hit it, and reaching up with his left hand Neil found the robot's arm now much easier to tear away from his neck. The other remained in place for only a moment, then he heard the sound of a rifle discharge beside him and saw Niobe hitting the left shoulder and arm with her own rifle. Both glanced at one another for only a moment, then trained their rifles on the robot's body and fired again, the thing's chest exploding in another shower of flares as it staggered backwards and fell. "Are you all right?" asked Niobe, turning her machine only halfway towards EVA-01 and scanning the hill for any more targets. "Yeah," replied Neil, gently touching his neck within the cockpit, feeling the slight depressions left in his skin through the tight fabric of the plugsuit. "My AT field malfunctioned for some reason." The words brought a slight surge of terror through his body, and he remembered again the sensations he'd experienced without it, feeling as his machine's body was torn apart each time. He remembered again how he'd been forcing himself to suppress the anger running from his mind before Jet Alone began strangling him, and his mind began to circle around a somewhat distasteful thought, the LCL suddenly feeling more cloying once again. "We're underdefended!" shouted Misato's voice, bringing the attention of both Neil and Niobe back to the battlefield. In the command center, Misato was simply staring at the map in something between anger and shock, watching as a group of red dots moved ever closer to the city unhindered. "While you two handled Jet Alone, the enemy took the chance to get a large battalion out nearby! Our other Evas are dealing with other incursions!" Neil stopped listening to Misato, letting his breath beginning to come heavily once again as he swung his Eva around, letting the rifle in his arms train on the group of tanks, pulling back the trigger as the crosshairs locked on almost immediately. Instead of the noise he'd expected, he heard a loud click, and pulling down the trigger again he realized that the guns were still tracking ammunition even without the need. Freezing for a moment, he felt the adrenaline in his system begin building once again, and he started running towards the battalion, dropping the rifle even as he opened the shoulder flange on his left shoulder and let the prog knife pop out, grabbing it with his right hand. "Only one way open, then," he hissed, hearing his voice sinking back into the awkward raspy tone he'd begun to take on earlier. Misato's eyes went wide as Neil drew the knife and launched his Eva into the air, knowing from the sight of him that he was fully aware of the fact that his knife hadn't been prepared for the war games and wasn't supposed to be used. The purple machine sailed across the sky for a moment, its powerful muscles keeping it high in the air until it began to sink back towards the ground, and Neil ignored the growing haze of adrenaline and fury as he aimed his Eva's feet towards the first tanks he could hit, slamming down on both of them and only distantly feeling them explode beneath his heels. Reaching towards the lead tank, he brought the prog knife down with all the force he could manage, and the massive blade stabbed through the tank, leaving it hanging on like a limp piece of meat. The sheer rage and speed of Neil's actions left Niobe stunned for a moment, and she scolded herself for not acting faster as she watched EVA-01 bring its knife around in a wide arc, using the tank still hanging to it as a club to smash away the other drones. "Pay attention," she snapped to herself, knowing that someone at base had noticed her momentary delay, growing angry with herself as she trained the rifle on the drones as they came within range, firing the instant that her display showed a target lock. "Ryo wouldn't have been distracted like that. No wonder he barely notices me." Below the surface in NERV's command center, Misato's head was still reeling from Neil's actions as Vash rounded a corner and opened fire on the tanks as well, leaving Neil free to move towards the nearest weapons depot and retrieve another rifle. It was the same sort of insane maneuver that he'd pulled during the battle with the Fouth Angel, a sort of combat tactic that she wouldn't have expected from someone who'd never been in any kind of military organization before. "He's got something," she muttered, only paying partial attention to the display on the main screen as Neil and Niobe struck out towards the supposed location of the base again, arms folded across her chest and brow furrowed in thought. "Captain Katsuragi?" Shigeru's voice cut through the woman's thoughts, and she turned towards him, knowing that the Children had the situation more or less under control. "We're getting a call in from the JSSDF. They're asking why we just destroyed expensive military hardware in a non-live-fire exercise." "We were demonstrating the ability of the Evas to improvise on the field," she replied, biting her lip and lowering her head forward even as a resolute smirk spread across her face. She'd known when Neil had lept into the air that NERV was going to have to answer for property damage, but she was willing to rely on the hope that it wouldn't be enough to undo the good press that the organization had already gotten from the exercise. "No tank could pull something like that. If they've got an issue with it, tell them to contact us afterwards and we'll reimburse them." Shigeru nodded, and Misato turned back towards the main screen as he went back to his work. She watched as Neil began firing on the would-be military base of the exercise, staring at EVA- 01's sinisterly grinning face, and for a moment she wondered what it would mean if Neil was right about there being something more within the machine than just the pilots. ]++[ Misato's role in the war games was finished, something that made her feel somewhat relieved despite herself. Though she wanted to be certain that the Children were all right, she knew that all that remained were ornamental activities on their part, formalities that they had to undergo as the pilots. And besides that, she was far more concerned with the seemingly impossible process of getting through to the head of the JSSDF operations for the games, still angry and scared by the knowledge that Jet Alone had been deployed. "No, I will -not- contact the head of the military after the formalities are over," she repeated, handset cradled between her shoulder and ear as she tried to rearrange the piles of paper on her desk. "NERV's command overrides your orders." There was an awkward pause on the other end, and Misato frowned, knowing full well what it meant. "I... I can't verify that you're with NERV, ma'am," the soldier on the other end lied, his voice obviously nervous. It was telling, at least to Misato, that the true problem wasn't that he couldn't contact his commander, but that he had apparently been ordered not to allow contact from NERV. She'd suspected as much from the way that he'd been stalling, but his reaction to her statement made it very clear. Letting the statement hang in the air for a moment while she thought, Misato leaned back in her chair, letting the papers lie momentarily while she sighed and wondered idly when it was that the American branches of NERV had turned their experimental weapon over to the JSSDF. A though occurred to her, and she smirked, leaning forward once again. "All right, but you might want to humor me," she said, leaning on one elbow as she stared at the still-dissheveled papers on her desk again, realizing that there was still more paperwork that she was weeks behind on. "Or you could not humor me, and I could go public with the information that a purely defensive army deployed an experimental weapon that presented a threat of nuclear meltdown during its first activation." She paused for a moment, letting the soldier on the other end squirm just long enough. "I'll give you a minute to think it over." Placing the phone down on the table and decisively pressing the small gray button to hold the call, Misato smirked at her own deviousness, rather pleased with how the plan had gone. She was certain that by the time she picked up the phone again she would have at least moved forward in the chain of command, if not given the commander outright. Then she heard the hiss of her office doors sliding open, and to her surprise she saw Commander Ikari walking through them, face unreadable as always. "Commander," she snapped, standing quickly and offering a salute, feeling a slight tension in her chest at the thought that she'd done something wrong. "You can stop attempting to contact the JSSDF command," he announced flatly, head tilting ever so slightly towards the handset of her telephone. Misato stared at him blankly for a moment, then looked at the phone, gently picking it up and hanging it back on the receiver. Sometimes she found herself wondering just how closely Gendou watched his staff, recalling that it wasn't the first time he seemed to know what she was doing when he shouldn't have. "I was aware that they were deploying Jet Alone. We allowed them use of it for the exercise." Misato's eyes went wide for a moment, and she stared at the commander in disbelief before her gaze narrowed and she leaned forward on her desk. "Commander, Jet Alone nearly caused a nuclear explosion in the heart of Japan during its first activation. You're telling me that you voluntarily deployed the machine for a -game-?" "You are forgetting your place," he said rather harshly, and Misato could feel herself flush slightly at the reprimand, knowing that he was right. "It was the only weapon that the JSSDF could possibly have deployed that would pose even the most remote threat to the Evas." He paused for a moment, reaching up with one hand and adjusting his glasses, his expression unchanging as he stared at Misato. "You did an excellent job of commanding the units today. I saw none of the problems of the encounter with the Seventh Angel. If the Children are to remain a cohesive unit, I am sure that you realize they will need threats that match their capability, just as they will need adequete leadership." "Of course," replied Misato, her head still spinning, recalling how conveniently Jet Alone had shut down the day that it went berserk. She'd suspected at the time that someone had sabotaged it, and while she hadn't said anything Ritsuko had seemed the most likely candidate. The fact that the commander was so cavalier about dispatching the weapon made her start to wonder more about what had really been going on during the testing day, but she pushed the thought out of her mind, knowing that there were more important matters to attend to. "I apologize for my outburst. It won't happen again." Gendou nodded, then turned and stepped into the doorway as the door itself slid out of the way. He paused for a moment, then turned his head halfway towards Misato, the light reflecting off his glasses at the right angle to keep her from seeing his expression, though she knew from experience that it was unlikely to be anything but neutral. "Your promotion paperwork is currently being approved," he announced after a moment, his tone no different than the one he had used to scold her. "I doubt it will be rejected." Kozou was waiting for Gendou as he stepped out into the hall, his arms folded behind his back as the commander turned towards him. "The old men have called a conference," he announced, watching Gendou's face for some kind of response and receiving none, almost disappointed by the man's passive reaction. "They've been waiting for a few minutes now. It wouldn't be wise to continue aggravating them." A thin smile played across Gendou's lips, the change in expression subtle as always, only betraying the barest hint of emotion. "They're claiming it's because of the Seventh, aren't they?" he asked, tilting his head ever so slightly forehead, his slightly sunken eyes staring up at Kozou from just behind his glasses, reminding Fuyutsuki vaguely of when he had met the man before the Second Impact. Pushing the nostaligiac thoughts out of his mind, Kozou nodded, and Gendou's smile grew just enough for Fuyutsuki to notice. "But it isn't. They know that there are still more seals remaining than broken. They're trying to keep an eye on me." "You can't say that they're wrong," replied Kozou, no bitterness in his voice as he brought his arms out from behind his back, watching calmly as Gendou nodded in response before returning his head to a more neutral position as he pushed his glasses back to be more snug with his face. "After all, you do the same thing." "Of course," replied Gendou, the smile gone from his lips as he stepped past Fuyutsuki, heading down the corridors towards the conference room, Kozou hesitating for just a moment before following afterwards. "Keeping a close eye on those that you command is the tendency of all those in power." Stopping in front of an elevator, he pressed the button to bring the car to their level, then waited patiently for the door to slide open. Both men stepped into the elevator once it dinged at their level, descending towards the lower levels of NERV's headquarters with almost alarming velocity. At the back of Fuyutsuki's mind, a question was slowly gestating, and after a moment he decided that he needed to ask it. "Why did you have Unit 01's AT field deactivated against Jet Alone?" Gendou turned his head towards the older man, but Kozou kept his expression stoic. "There was no way that the robot could have broken through the field, and I saw you press the button. Did you have that much confidence in the Third's ability?" For a moment, Gendou said nothing, and Kozou wondered if perhaps he would receive no response from the other man, despite the fact that they were technically equals on the chain of command. Then the commander turned his head away from Kozou, staring back at the elevator doors. "It's important that the Children remain aware of their place. I do not want the Third believing that he has nothing to fear within his Eva." He paused for a moment, glancing up momentarily at the small level display to the left of the elevator door as the numbers steadily grew, approaching the lowest level of Central Dogma. "EVA-01's pilot is too important for that. I never doubted for a moment that he would be able to defeat the robot, especially with the help of the Sixth." The elevator dinged to a stop, two levels above what Kozou knew to be the bottom of the base, and Ikari stepped out casually, not even glancing back to make sure that the elder man was following. Fuyutsuki, knowing his duty, followed a few respectful steps behind the other man, thoughts about NERV and its mission dancing around in his head, no answers seeming readily accessible. ]++[ "LCL draining from plug." The announcement came over the still- functional radio of the Eva as Neil could feel the sticky liquid seep out of the chamber, coughing as it passed beneath his head and his body suddenly rejected the liquid filling its lungs. It always gave him a momentary rush of panic as he began hacking it up once again, knowing that even though there was a residual deposit of oxygen left, even though it was technically impossible for him to drown in LCL, for at least a second his lungs were filled with an alien substance and wanted very badly to push the fluid out of his body. Participating in the games had been disturbing to say the least, and even though he didn't want to admit it Neil knew that the worst part hadn't been the pain of Jet Alone's clawlike hands gripping his throat. He'd been thinking, as best he could, about why his field had failed him in that moment, just like they had against the Fourth Angel, and although he hated the implications of it the only explanation he could think of was that it was a result of him trying to reject the Eva. He'd felt that odd sort of battle-lust drawing at the edge of his perception, and he'd wanted nothing more than to push it away, to keep it suppressed and keep the machine under his control, like Nieve had said. And he couldn't help but think that the downed AT field was a result of that. As his head sank forward slightly, Neil's thoughts were scattered to the winds as the entry plug lurched backwards, the mechanical noises of the Eva's back armor opening filling the air as the entry plug ejected, then more noises taking over as cranes gripped the white cockpit and slid it out of the Eva, pulling it over towards the proper unloading spot, the hatch above Neil popping open as he felt the pod set down. He hesitated for a moment, then stood and pushed it the rest of the way open, climbing out of the cockpit and trying to wipe the LCL off of his plugsuit as best he could, still feeling disturbingly exposed and covered by the salty liquid. "Neil!" The voice was more than familiar, and Neil turned to see Eiko running down the catwalk in her silver-red plugsuit, the almost mirrorlike surface of the outfit reflecting the teal walls of the holding bay and the purple-orange nutrient bath slowly refilling the Eva's hangar. Neil felt a momentary surge of excitement at the sight of the girl, then almost immediately felt guilty for it, reminding himself that he had Nieve around, that Eiko was out of his reach. Despite the reminder, however, as she came to a stop a few inches away from him it was very difficult to not think he could simply reach out and have her. "Are you all right?" "Hmm?" Neil's mind took a second to recall that he'd been choked by the robot, and he blushed slightly as he nodded, rubbing the back of his head uncomfortably and feeling even more exposed than before. "Yeah, I'm fine. It hurt, but nothing that I can't deal with." He smiled at the girl. "You seemed to be working really hard out there, though. I was impressed." "You were doing -way- more than I was," giggled Eiko, smiling at Neil, her eyes nearly on the same level as his. He blinked quickly, noticing as though for the first time that he and Eiko truly were almost the same height, while Nieve was significantly shorter than him. "That jumping thing you did was absolutely amazing. I was sure that we'd have to do a lot more work to keep from letting those units in, but you did it." Knowing distantly that he should still be feeling guilty, Neil smiled despite himself, glad to see that she was still being so energetic even after yesterday's events. "You keep talking like we were playing a video game," he said, closing his eyes for just a moment and basking in the moment. "That's a big thing for you, isn't it?" "I'm a sixteen-year-old kid," she replied, smirking widely before reaching over and lightly smacking Neil in the head. It was a different sensation from when Nieve hit home, somehow more inviting and more pleasant. The thought made him feel guilty once again, but as he looked back at Eiko he found himself unable to maintain the feeling. "Besides, I've always had a talent for games. I'm just good like that." She paused, looking away from Neil slightly. "Too bad I'm not nearly as brave in reality." "That's not true," Neil replied, putting his hands lightly around her shoulders, feeling her body underneath his hands even through the reinforced material of the plugsuit shoulders. He swallowed hard as she looked up at him, the sensation a little disturbing at the same time that it was appealing. "You were the only thing that kept me alive against the Fifth, remember? You're braver than you give yourself credit for. I think you just don't let yourself believe it like you ought to." Eiko's stared seemed to turn happy once again, a look that made Neil feel better about himself even as his guilt about Nieve compounded. "You really think so?" she asked, sounding disbelieving even as Neil nodded his affirmation. Sensing a moment of tension, he removed his hands, not wanting her to think that he was coming on to her even as he wanted to very badly. If Eiko noticed, she said nothing, closing her eyes for just a moment before opening them again. "Listen... I was wondering if you'd like to have lunch with me at school from now on. I know it's probably a bit of a hike for you, but -" "Sure," said Neil, the word coming out rushed despite its brevity, and Neil blushed slightly as he realized that he'd replied far too quickly with far too much enthusiasm. He took a casual step backwards, rubbing the back of his head once again and forcing an awkward smile, still feeling the warmth in his face from his blush. "I'd love to meet you for lunch. I can get directions to your school from Misato, and while it might be a little bit of a hike, it'd probably be good for me." Watching from the end of the catwalk opposite of where Eiko had entered, Nieve felt her gaze narrow as the two other Children talked. She couldn't hear their conversation clearly enough to know what was going on, but she could see the smiles on their faces, and watching the movements between the two it was easy to decipher the exchange even without proximity. "Jerk," she muttered to herself, feeling uncommonly alone as she leaned against the doorframe at her end of the catwalk, arms crossed over her chest and hands holder her upper arms tightly. "You didn't even come over to see me, and I'm in the next hangar over." Closing her eyes, Nieve tightened her grip on her arms slightly more, almost as though she was trying to embrace herself in lieu of Neil. She tried to remind herself that she was being foolish, but somehow the thought of her boyfriend talking to Eiko made her feel uneasy, as though he was having doubts about her. She could remember the night of their first kiss vividly, and remembered how awkward the evening had seemed after Ryo had dropped off the sketch from Eiko, recalling how distracted Neil had seemed when she'd tried to kiss him again. "Something about that girl I don't trust," she muttered, consoling herself with the thought that she still lived with him, that she had access to him in ways that Eiko couldn't. Almost unexpectedly, Nieve found herself grinning, her eyes slowly opening as she realized the implication of her living situation with Neil. "Of course," she muttered, staring at him once again and feeling more confident than she had a few moments earlier, her course of action now clear and somewhat reassuring. "He'll be mine. I -know- he'll be mine." Touching her fingers to her lips gently, she closed her eyes, remembering the sense of Neil's tongue within her mouth, her own tongue darting out without thinking, touching against the thin fabric of her plugsuit and tasting the salty LCL still soaked through it. She frowend at the taste, the stared at Neil and Eiko for another moment before nodding decisively, turning on her heel and walking swiftly off of the catwalk. ]++[ "We have been kept waiting, Ikari," cautioned the holographic image at the head of the table in the darkened conference room, white light illuminating the figure just enough to make the outline of the older man clear to Gendou. Gendou resisted the urge to smirk at the statement, keeping his hands folded in front of his mouth, glasses tilted just right to keep the light reflecting off them in the pool of white light where he sat. "You know what happens when we are kept waiting." "You ask me if I remember what happens, then remind me that you are in control of NERV," replied Gendou, keeping his tone just neutral enough to avoid sounding particularly snide. He knew that the council members would probably see his remarks as inappropriate regardless, but he also knew that it would ultimately have little bearing on their opinion of him, just as he knew that if they had only called a conference because of the Seventh Angel they wouldn't have bothered to wait for him. "I was attending to organizational matters within Central Dogma. I came as soon as I heard." There was a brief pause, the old men staring at Gendou through their patches of solid light and waiting for Gendou to crack, Gendou simply waiting for one of the old men to open their mouths once again. At length the man in the red patch spoke, his mouth moving only slightly as he looked down his nose at Gendou. "You've broken the seventh seal without notifying us immediately. There was damage to multiple Eva units." Gendou resisted the urge to shrug, instead continuing to stare dead ahead from behind the lenses of his glasses. "Damage to the units is inevitable. They are being forced into a combat situation." He paused for a moment, letting his statement sink in. "The Evas were constructed for defeating the Angels." "Incorrect," snapped the man at the head of the table, moving ever so slightly, his face visibly angry even with the massive mechanical visor that obscured his eyes. Gendou couldn't help but think that the man would have made an excellent corporate chairman, with his well-tailored suit and slicked white hair combining perfectly with his angry expression. It was a somewhat humorous image, but Gendou's lips remained umoving as the man spoke once again. "The Evas were constructed for usage in the complementation of humanity. Your chief goal is the advancement of that project." "Unless the chamber is open, there is hardly a rush on the completion of the project," replied Gendou flatly, allowing himself a wry smile at the statement. "There are ten seals remaining before we can begin. But your fears are groundless besides - the project is advancing on schedule. We have not been forced to make any deviations due to the Angels. You may rest assured of that." "We have noticed that you've been using NERV's resources to great effect, Ikari," said another man, this one sitting in the patch of blue light. Their appearances were distinct, but Gendou had learned to tune out the visual while sitting in the room, instead focusing only on their voices, old, deep, and unanimously displeased with any performance that he provided. "And we are fully aware of the fact that you used the Evangelions as war machines today. We know about the war games you've engaged in." Taking a moment before he responded, Gendou pushed his glasses back up on his nose, then tented his hands in front of his face once again, acting calm even as he felt the gazes of the council upon him. There was something to be said about their potency, considering that none of them were even present at the meeting, that only Gendou was actually in the room, but their stares still carried weight as though they were present. "I'm not surprised that you know," he said at length, sounding perfectly calm. "NERV informed SEELE about this operation several days ago." "Precisely." This was from a man sitting in a yellow patch, generally the one that Gendou thought of as the least judgemental of him. "NERV did not request permission from SEELE, did not even first contact us to see if we approved of the course of action. It simply declared what it was going to do." He paused, letting the implications of his statement sink in. "NERV is not autonomous, Dr. Ikari. You are subordinate to the will of the council. Do not forget your place." "Of course," replied Gendou, a great deal of his self-restraint going into the effort of not grimacing with anger at the remark. The smaller, more petty part of him wanted to remind the old men that as long as he had control of the six Evas becoming autonomous would be no great task, that if not for him and his wife the project would never have gotten half as far as it was. But he said nothing, knowing that the time was wrong and that the results would be nothing if not negative. "I am not attempting to bully the council. I simply wish to retain a favorable relationship with the government in control of the country." Silence hung in the air for a moment, and Gendou could feel the enmity of the council very clearly, knowing full well that they were trying to get him to slip up, to give them some reason to replace him with someone that they felt they could trust completely. It was a psychological war that Gendou was tired of, but he knew that to admit exhaustion was tantamount to admitting that one wished to lose, and so he said nothing, simply sitting in place and waiting for one of the council members to speak once again. "The Council will not tolerate disobedience, Ikari. As long as we share a common goal, we will not interfere with your work." "I'm certain," replied Gendou, making a conscious effort to keep the sarcasm out of his words. "My highest priority is the completion of the Human Complementation Project. I have no illusions about that. But until we finish destroying the seals, there will be no path open to God. We all know that." "Do not lose sight of our goals," snapped the man at the head, glaring at Gendou for one last moment as the lights around the other seats snapped off one by one, the holographic conference quickly winding to a close. "You've proven to be a invaluable ally, Dr. Ikari. But if we find proof that you have betrayed our trust in any way..." "...SEELE will make me regret it," Gendou finished as the white light surrounding the old man snapped off as well, leaving the only light the one that shone down on Gendou himself. Gendou sat for a moment, then stood, removing his glasses and wiping them on his black jacket, blinking a few times to regain his bearings. "I never had your trust, however," he noted, placing the glasses back over his eyes as he turned towards the barely-visible outline of the door out of the room, taking slow and measured steps towards it and listening to the echo of his footfalls within the empty chamber. "One cannot betray something that one does not possess." ]++[ Rubbing the back of her neck, Misato leaned back in the chair situated outside of the locker rooms, closing her eyes and simply waiting for Nieve and Neil to emerge from within the changing rooms. The one saving grace of the day was the fact that it had been relatively brief; there were more activities going on, but none of them required her presence, and she honestly doubted that she could stand much more military chest-pounding. She hadn't been having a good week to begin with, and more than anything she simply wanted to go home, lay back, and have a nice can of beer, something that she couldn't help but feel guilty about as she thought of Neil's shocked reaction from the day prior. Feeling hands touch the back of her neck, Misato jumped slightly, the sheer shock of having someone else touch her startling her eyes open. She felt the hands moving gently, kneading her skin in an effort to relax the tension that had seeped through her body, but the touch was familiar, and she glanced behind herself to see Kaji standing over her, gently rubbing her shoulders. "You looked tense," he explained with a sheepish grin, apparently undaunted as she knocked his hands away. "I though I might be able to help." "Who's doting on who, then?" she muttered, standing from her chair and turning to face the man. He was wearing the formal uniform of the intelligence department now, looking rather similar to Fuyutsuki's command uniform except for being a navy blue shade rather than earthy brown. It looked somewhat awkward on him, as though he was only capable of existing comfortably in loose shirts and slacks. "What are you doing down here, anyways? Don't you have formalities to attend to?" "Probably," he replied with a shrug, taking a step towards her even as she took a step away from him. He frowned for a moment, acting as though he was hurt, then shrugged again and took a step back away from Misato, smiling all the while. "But you're probably expected, too. After all, you are the operations director of NERV." "I did my part for the day," replied Misato, folding her arms across her chest and turning partially away from Kaji. Part of her wanted to keep facing him, but part of her wanted to turn away from him entirely and enter one of the locker rooms to keep out of his reach. She settled for the partial turn. "Besides, I've got two Children to take care of. It's a big responsibility. Not something that you'd know a whole lot about." "Hey, I wasn't accusing," protested Kaji, hands raising in mock- surrender, Misato giggling slightly in response despite herself, catching the gesture a second afterwards and stopping herself as a crimson flush began to filter to her cheeks. She worried for a moment that Kaji would say something, but he didn't seem to notice, simply smiling at her with his usual charismatic half-smirk. "Besides, even if we're not up there, it'll be taken care of. Ritsuko will cover for us." He glanced back and forth, then grinned devilishly and leaned towards Misato. "Remember the time that we spent a week in my apartment...?" Misato couldn't help but grin at the memory, closing her eyes and flashing back to the hazy summer days, the weather in Japan still reeling from the Second Impact that was fresh in the nation's mind. "That was fun," she muttered, mind distantly flashing back to sweaty embraces that had nothing to do with the heat, the unbelievable laziness and enjoyment of that week. "And Ritsuko kept telling our professors that we were sick, getting all our assignments moved back." She smiled and giggled, the memories of earlier days beginning to flood back. "Remember when we came back - that was almost right after she died her hair, and she was trying to act like she was the bad girl of the two of us - and she was waiting for us at the gate?" "Yeah, I remember," replied Kaji, shaking his head and chuckling along with Misato. "She was so angry at both of us, saying that we'd spending a week doing nothing but acting like animals while she was working her ass off..." He began laughing harder, the whole sequence replaying itself in his mind, Misato joining him as her mind began to recall things she'd spent some time suppressing. "And the whole time you were just staring at her with that dopey grin on your face, and then you shouted that it was so -worth- it, and then she threatened to tell all your professors exactly what you were doing..." Tears of laughter were seeping out from the corners of Misato's eyes as she joined in with Kaji, the whole sequence of events seeming just as funny after many years as it had been at the time. After a moment or two more she let her laughter die off, wiping her tears away as her lungs heaved a few more final chuckles. "Those were good times," she said, leaning against the nearest wall for support as she returned to a standing position, feeling like she'd shed a few years just through the memories. "I miss them." "So do I," replied Kaji, his voice suddenly serious. Misato opened her eyes, letting a few last tears from laughter fall down her cheeks as she looked into the man's eyes. There was an unspeakable sadness held just behind them, an expression that she could only remember seeing once before in her life, and she suddenly found herself wondering if he been lying to Fuyutsuki about seeing someone else. "Those might have been the best days of our lives, Misato. You, me, and Ritsuko... just three college kids having fun." He smirked, tilting his head slightly to one side and staring at her, the same sadness lingering just behind his eyes. A second later, the doors of the locker rooms hissed open, and both Nieve and Neil stepped out, Neil wearing the same outfit that he'd worn on the day he had arrived in Tokyo-3 and Nieve wearing her green dress. Both Children froze as they saw Misato and Kaji talking, and Misato suddenly realized that she was only standing a few inches away from the man. "Um, hi, guys," she muttered awkwardly, stepping back swiftly and glaring at Kaji, wanting very much to be angry with him. Much to her surprise, the sadness behind his eyes was gone now, and he simply looked at Misato and the Children rather neutrally, flashing a quick smile at Nieve and letting it widen as she blushed. "Well, Misato, it looks like your big responsibility is here," he said, offering a quick wave to the group as he began walking down the hall away from them, taking the first few steps backwards before turning his back and simply turning his head slightly behind him. "Have fun!" For a moment, Misato stared after the man, suddenly finding it far more difficult to be angry with him despite the last few moments of their encounter. There was something about his eyes as he'd looked at her, something that reminded her powerfully of watching her father's face as he'd sent her away from Antarctica as the Second Impact exploded behind him. Then she frowned, and turned towards the Children, knowing that she was giving the whole thing more importance than it deserved. "Let's get going," she announced, drawing her car keys out of her pocket and letting them echo slightly in the empty air of the corridor. ]++[ Niobe stared at her small table, the pictures laid out along it, the porcelain animals that adorned it still frozen in their poses. She felt her arm hesitate for a moment, the importance of her task only beginning to hit her as she stood over the table, one arm holding the box and the other prepared to put an end to her distractions with one quick motion. She didn't want to do it, she realized, her right arm twitching against the surface of her belongings, the table shifting ever so slightly as her weight shifted. "But I have to be better than this," she reminded herself, her breath starting to quickly. "Come on, Niobe. One quick cut, then it's over, and you're ahead of the others. He'll notice." Closing her eyes, Niobe drew her arm roughtly across the surface of her table, hearing the noise of breaking glass as picture frames collided with one another, scraping across the table before they fell together into the brown cardboard box with a crash and a notable impact. Niobe withdrew her arm, feeling a slight sting on the underside, and she noticed a small bit of glass sticking out of her skin, the transparent shard beginning to coat with red liquid. Grimacing, she yanked the glass out, ignoring the pain and letting the small trickle of blood drip from her arm. "Nothing else for it," she muttered, placing her arm down and sweeping more of her photographs off into the box. She'd figured out what she had to do as the war games had ended, and as she hefted the box and left the porcelain figures in their roost amongst a few pieces of broken glass and drops of blood she recalled the sudden perfect realization as her Eva had descended back to the hangar once again. Neil's flawless maneuver after being attacked by Jet Alone had made it clear that she should have been better, and a moment or two of thought on Ryo had revealed the problem. "Joseph was right," she said, grabbing the photo frames off the top of the dresser and tossing them in the box almost gleefully, the blood from her earlier cut still letting out small drops. "All these things are just distractions. Ryo doesn't have any distractions, and he's perfectly focused." Ryo. The thought of the boy standing in the moonlight wouldn't leave Niobe's mind, and as she threw the last photo from her bureau into the box she placed it down on the floor, letting herself sit on the bed and close her eyes, thinking about the boy. He was perfect, she knew it, totally focused on his goal. "Awfully pale, though," she muttered to herself, smiling at the thought of her father seeing her with him, knowing that at the very least it would have sent him into a seizure. She knew how he felt about the matter of dating in general, and part of her wanted very much to respect that, to acquiesce and ignore the boy. "But he's perfect," she continued, arguing with nobody but herself as she leaned back, opening her eyes and staring at the dull gray ceiling of the apartment. "He knows what it takes to succeed, what you have to sacrifice, how much focus you have to invest. If Joseph met him, I know he'd see that, see how determined he is to succeed." She sighed, grinning to herself as she remembered how attactive he'd looked as well. "And he'll notice me. I'm not good enough now, but he'll notice me. I've just got to focus more." The words that came from her mouth made her think for a moment, and sitting up once again Niobe looked back towards her table, the porcelain animals still sitting there in perfect rows. Almost unconsciously, she picked up the box and stepped over to the table once again, staring down at the frozen beasts as if they were about to lash out at her. "They are a distraction," she whispered, feeling the same hesitation that had struck her before she'd swept away the photographs. From the small wound on her arm, one last drop of blood leaked its way out from beneath her dark skin, trickling down and falling to the floor with a light noise. Gritting her teeth, Niobe reached over and grabbed the nearest few animals, then hurled them into the box, unable to avert her gaze from the box as the small figurines shattered into bits of paint and pure white, falling down amongst the already-broken photo frames. The sight was desensitizing despite itself, and even as Niobe reeled from the implications as she watched, she felt herself reaching over and grabbing another handful, tearing the animals off of the table and throwing them almost gleefully into the tan box, listening to them shatter with a sort of perverse satisfaction. "I can remember things just fine," she muttered as she picked up the last animal, the small lion cub that her father had given her. It sat in her hand for a moment longer, then fell towards the box, shattering into splinters with the rest of its brethren. Staring at the sea of broken animals, Niobe collapsed backwards onto the bed, feeling both satisfied and forlorn. Part of her was more than happy that she'd rid herself of the unnecessary distractions, but part of her was feeling the pain from severing the attachment, realizing that she'd thrown away things that she held dear. Tears trembled at the corner of her eyes even as she smiled at the box, and she was so lost in her own thoughts that she almost didn't notice as Ryo entered the apartment, back from his trip to the store for dinner supplies. He stepped next to Niobe's room, then glanced inside, more out of routine than anything. "You've removed your keepsakes," he noted flatly. "Yes," replied Niobe, still feeling rather hurt. She closed her eyes for a second, letting the tears that had begun to form in her eyes fall, then she turned towards Ryo once again, feeling her resolve begin to strengthen, knowing that she'd done the right thing. "I got rid of my distractions," she announced, standing and turning towards him, her jaw resolute, blue eyes flashing with determination. Ryo simply stared back at the girl, almost as if he wasn't sure what was going on. "All right," he said at length, sounding thoroughly uninterested as he moved past Niobe's room and into the kitchen, beginning to unload the groceries from his arms. Niobe felt a momentary surge of resentment, then reminded herself that she still hadn't proven herself different, that all she'd done was simply take the first step. Smiling to herself as she repeated the mantra in her head, Niobe grabbed the box and stepped out of her room, her satisfaction growing with each step as she slipped on her shoes and prepared to dump the box in the disposal. ]++[ Outro: Neon Epoch Evangelion is based off of -Shin Seiki Evangelion- by GAINAX and company. It is not intended to be a straightforward fanfic, but it is building off the work of others, and as such it is done with the utmost respect for the original works and their authors. Basically, even though this is an original work, it's based off the work of others, and if you read this, you should go to see the original. Special thanks to all of the real Children - you know who you are. Extra special thanks to Joe Augulis for his consultation on the Japanese portions of the story. He might not know much Japanese, but that's more than I know. Copyright 2002 Eliot Lefebvre. NEXT EPISODE: Opportunities unexpected. Complications unavoidable. Advances unhindered. NEON EPOCH EVANGELION 10: STRUGGLING TOWARDS DIVINE "What else does he want?" ]++[ We only have a little time in our lives to waste. Make the most of it. Electronic Transcendence Productions: Producer of, um, stuff for an unspecified time-period. Rants: