From: (Eliot Lefebvre) Subject: [Eva][Fanfic] Neon Epoch Evangelion: Episode 11 X-Original-Date: 28 Oct 2002 05:11:34 -0800 That sugarcane, that tasted good, that's cinnamon, that's a pre-story warning: This fanfic is an original take on GAINAX's "Shin Seiki Evangelion." It contains alternative characters, plots, and a different overriding internal logic. It is intended, from the beginning, to be different. This includes different Children and different histories. In short: if the mere thought of someone other than Shinji in the cockpit of EVA-01 makes you queasy, you are in -entirely- the wrong place. Any and all flames stemming from this alteration will be mocked mercilessly. You have been warned. Looking into the future, it seems painfully clear that I will be finished with the final episode long before I run out of things to post. (Should probably finish today, actually.) So we don't have to worry about that. Posting should conclude sometime next year, though their might be some pre-determined breaks - no huge gaps like before, though. And I continue to receive a distinct -dearth- of hate mail. This really does seem to be working. ]++[ ]+ ELECTRONIC TRANSCENDENCE PRODUCTIONS +[ presents ]+ NEON EPOCH +[ ]+ E V A N G E L I O N +[ ]+ EPISODE 11: AUTHORITY SONG +[ By Eliot "Lostfactor" Lefebvre Based off of "Shin Seiki Evangelion" by GAINAX ]++[ "We are not stoning you for any of these," replied the Jews, "but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God." - JOHN 10:30 ]++[ Emerald eyes fluttering opening slowly, Nieve's morning began as most of her mornings did, the sharp and piercing beep of the alarm clock waking her from a series of nightmares about falling into the depths of something unspeakably tall and malicious. She took a moment to flex her limbs gently, feeling the fabric of her sheet rub smoothly against her skin as she wanted, reminding herself that she had control over where she went once again, then she rolled over and extended her arm just far enough to hit the snooze button, less out of a desire to go back to sleep and more because of the simple fact that her alarm clock was propped on the edge of her nightstand so that the only button she could reach from her bed was the snooze button. It meant that she had to get up to turn it off but didn't have to listen to it blare the whole time, the best of both worlds in her opinion. Blinking a few times, Nieve pushed herself to her feet, letting the blanket slide off her body as her eyes began to focus once again, taking in the pale yellow of the walls with slightly darker trim, nightstand sitting beside her bed, the closet at the opposite end of the room, her dresser near the closet, various magazines strewn about of the ground. The sun was already beginning to filter into the room, and Nieve winced away from the light, still adjusting to the dimly-lit room, taking a moment before the light was no longer painful to stare at. "Mornings suck," she muttered to herself, glancing down at her legs, resisting the urge to think of them as fat as she stood, reminding herself that nobody else thought anything like that about her. Tugging her nightshirt down so that it went as far down her hips as she felt it could safely go, Nieve half-walked and half-stumbled to the alarm clock, flipping the small switch on the top that turned off the alarm. She took a quick glance at the time, making sure that she'd moved fast enough so that she was still in control of the schedule she'd set for herself, then took a quick look at herself in the mirror situated over her desk, blinking a few more times as the sun streamed in through the window. "Hair," she muttered, still feeling half asleep as she grabbed her brush, straightening the tangled red mass into something slightly more presentable. As the brush worked through her hair, Nieve's brain began to kick into gear once again, beginning to remember the previous day just as a dull ache started seeping through her back. She was still smarting from when the Angel had slammed her into the wall, the armor having cracked and frayed just enough to let some of the white-hot fingers of magma reach in and scrape along her back. Her thoughts, however, only briefly touched upon the reasons for the minor stinging burns across her back, more concerned with Eiko's words and the way the other girl had seemed to regard Neil. "Just wait," she whispered, noting to herself that her voice sounded normal once again and undulled by sleep as she reached down to her desk and grabbed a small object, palming in and taking a deep breath. "I've got the relationship in my hands." Opening her door quietly, she glanced down the hall towards Misato's room, making sure that the elder woman still hadn't woken up as well as making sure that Neil was still in his room. She smirked, then heard a small noise coming from the kitchen, and her head whipped around to see Pen-Pen emerging from the refridgerator, looking somewhat sleepy before he glanced over towards Nieve and blinked. His beak opened slightly as though he was about to make a noise, but Nieve shook her head vigorously, then placed her finger firmly against her lips, the gesture obvious. The penguin cocked its head to one side, somewhat confused, then turned and waddled over to the larger fridge, apparently willing to listen to Nieve. Letting out a quiet sigh of relief, Nieve made one last glance down the hall, then slowly walked over to Neil's room, her hand gingerly touching the doorknob as though she expected it to be hot. Letting her hand curl around it slowly, she turned the knob gently, wincing at the slight rattling noise that it made, feeling it stop turning and waiting for an instant before pushing the door inward. The hinges on the door, mercifully, were new enough that they hadn't developed any kind of a squeak, and Nieve opened the door just enough to slip inside of the room, then shut it behind her, taking another deep breath before she turned towards Neil. Neil was still asleep, lying face-up on his bed, blanket clutched around him as though it had been deathly cold the previous night. The sun was streaming onto him, light dancing along the low-necked black shirt that he was wearing and catching a few strands of his blonde hair in the process as his head tossed back and forth. Nieve couldn't help but smile at the still-sleeping boy, and tucking the small object from her desk into the spandex of her underwear with a quick hand movement she stepped over to his bed, looking down at the boy as he tossed back and forth. "Cutie," she muttered to herself, kneeling next to the bed, trying to get a closer look at the boy's face. His head rolled back in her direction, and Nieve could see that to her surprise his expression was one of agony, face twisted into a grimace and eyes shut tightly as he tossed back and forth. Nieve frowned for a moment, unsure of what to do, wishing that there was some way that she could take control of the boy's dreams and make everything all right, that she could fix the problem somehow. Sighing, she stared for a moment longer, then reached over to him, letting her fingers gently brush against his shoulders. "Neil," she whispered, hoping that she could wake him up peacefully. "Neil, wake up. You're having a nightmare." She waited for a moment, the boy's thrashing continuing, head tossing back and forth as though he was trying to shake the thoughts out of his head. "Neil," she repeated somewhat louder, shaking the boy's shoulder. "Neil!" Without warning, Neil's green eyes flew open, and the boy lurched upright into a sitting position, his breaths coming quickly and raggedly, seeming so shocked that he didn't even notice as his quick movements forced Nieve's hands off of his shoulder. Nieve watched as he breathed, leaning forward against the bed and his entire back moving up and down with every breath. Frowning, Nieve reached out and touched his back gently, and Neil whipped around, staring at her with an unreadable expression for just a moment before he visibly calmed. "Nieve," he said, breath still coming raggedly as he looked at the girl. "I heard your voice. You were calling to me." Nieve nodded, rising from the floor and sitting next to him on the bed, putting one arm around his shoulders and feeling a warm rush begin to move through her body. "I was," she replied, rubbing his shoulder slightly with one hand. "You looked as though you were having a nightmare, and I was worried about you. I woke you up." "That's not it," replied Neil, shaking his head and leaning forward for a moment, looking as though something was frustrating him terribly. "There was something else. You were saying something about..." He paused, then shook his head again and looked towards Nieve, appearing slightly more calm but still obviously haggard. "Never mind. It's just a nightmare. Why were you in here, anyways? Was I making too much noise?" Shaking her head, Nieve felt a minor rush of nervousness, her free hand involuntarily moving towards the place on her hip where her underwear held the item in place. "I didn't even now you were having a nightmare when I came in," she replied, feeling her own voice grow a little husky as though to match Neil's. Taking a deep breath, she looked towards the boy, reminding herself that she wasn't doing anything wrong and that she was doing what she wanted, looking into the boy's green eyes as the sunlight filtered through his hair. "Neil... have you ever thought about what you want your first time to be like?" Cocking his head to one side, Neil looked as though he didn't understand the question for a moment, then his eyes widened and he blushed a deep crimson. "Um... not really," he replied, instinctively gripping the blanket and trying to bunch it up around his lower torso, feeling his body react to the thoughts that the question sent through his mind even as he didn't want it to. "I try not to think about stuff like that. It'll happen when it happens." "You're too complacent somtimes," noted Nieve, sinking her head away from Neil and smiling, hoping that her hair was hiding the nervousness in her eyes. She reminded herself to be steady, to not lose sight of the fact that she didn't want to lose Neil, that he was a wonderful person and that she was making a valid choice. "See, me, I think about what I want it to be like. I -know- what I want it to be like. And you've probably noticed that I'm not someone who likes to let things slide like you do." Closing her eyes for just a second, Nieve turned her gaze back towards Neil, smiling at him still, trying to peer into the depths of his green eyes. "What would you like it to be like? Just thinking about it now." Giving a shrug, Neil closed his eyes for a moment, feeling guilty for humoring Nieve but also knowing that he'd feel guilty if he didn't at least give her a fair chance. "I... I don't know," he replied after a second or two of thought, feeling himself blush even as he began to think about the fantasies that he'd had, the compounded guilt from every dream he'd ever had about a woman hitting him almost simultaneously. "I've never really given it any thought. I suppose... I would want it to be somebody nice. Somebody who likes me." He shrugged, opening his eyes and doing his best to look normal. "That's all I can think of. Somebody who likes me." "I like you, Neil," Nieve offered, her voice now noticably more husky than before as she edged closer to Neil, her free hand moving from her hip and slipping underneath the covers gently. Neil stared at Nieve, eyes wide, as though he were watching something from a movie play itself back in real life. "Would you be happy if it was me? Would you want to make that kind of a comittment with me?" "Nieve, I..." Neil stammered, backing away from her slightly and clamping one hand down on top of her hand beneath the covers. Nieve frowned slightly, already feeling somewhat vexed by the situation, but she tried her best to restore her prior expression, knowing that her being angry would only scare Neil off irrevocably. "Nieve... we've only been together for a week now. It seems awfully fast to be bringing something like this up." The girl forced herself to ignore the sensation that Neil's words gave her, the sudden red spike of tightness that drove through her chest as he spoke. "I'm just asking," she asked, sounding as innocent as she could, trying to keep her expression unchanged as she edged back towards Neil, closing the gap between them once again as the blankets shifted around them. "Be honest. Haven't you ever thought about it? Haven't you ever -wanted- to, even if you didn't want to deal with the consequences?" A memory of the night that he and Nieve first kissed shot through Neil's mind, and he was suddenly certain that the girl knew everything that had happened, that she wasn't in the dark about all of his little perversions. "N-no," he stammered, trying once again to back off from the girl and feeling incredibly guilty, as though he'd violated her even without touching her. "I wouldn't do that to you, Nieve. I wouldn't want to objectify you like that, like you were some kind of... I don't know. No. No. I respect you too much." Once again, Neil's words stung entirely unintentionally, and Nieve frowned for a split-second before moving closer to him once again, her mouth opening to speak once again. Then a loud crash came from down the hall, and both Children glanced at one another momentarily, their discussion quickly shifting to the backseat against the instincts they'd begun to develop from piloting the Evas. Nieve reluctantly let go of Neil as both of them rushed to the door of his room, almost hurling it open and glancing down the hallway, half-expecting Misato to have injured herself. Instead, Misato was simply walking out of her room, looking surprisingly well-composed for the morning, a short khaki skirt wrapping around her waist and a tight black shirt peeking out from beneath her red uniform coat. "Morning, kids," noted Misato, stepping past both of them and waving almost idly, giving Pen-Pen a quick scratch on the side of his head before removing the cereal from the cupboard. "This is new. You two are usually up long before I am." She paused, then glanced back at them, grinning somewhat sinisterly. "Did you two do something that I probably shouldn't know about?" "No!" exclaimed Neil, blushing a deep red and shaking his head vigorously, not noticing the pained expression that came over Nieve's face as he spoke. Nieve, for her part, hid her face behind Neil's back, grateful for the first time that he was tall enough to allow her to do such things, her hand gravitating once again to the spot on her hip. Closing her eyes for a moment, she turned and followed Neil as he stepped into the kitchen, looking rather sheepishly towards Misato. "Nieve just came in to talk. Nothing happened." Misato smiled at Neil, then reached over and tapped him lightly on the nose before returning to the process of pouring herself a bowl of cereal. "Not my place to judge. But I was sixteen too, y'know - I remember what it was like." Neil felt another wave of guilt move through him at the remark, knowing that it was supposed to be joking but that it felt more like an accusation in light of Misato's attractiveness. The woman finished with the cereal and handed it off to him, stepping over to the table. "So, are you two going to be ready in time?" Everyone froze for a moment, Neil's expression turning from embarassed to forlorn, his motions slowing slightly as he retrieved a bowl from one of cupboards and grabbed a second one for Nieve. Nieve hesitated for a moment, then reached out and touched his shoulder gently, knowing that something was very wrong even as Misato let out a small gasp. "I forgot to tell you again, didn't I?" she asked, sounding as though Neil had broken her heart. Neil said nothing, and Misato stood from her cereal, stepping over to Neil and putting her own hand on his shoulder. "Neil, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She paused for a moment, then winked at Nieve and turned the boy around, unintentionally pulling Nieve's hand off of his shoulder. "I'm sorry that you can -fall- for something like that!" Staring at Misato blankly, it took Neil a second to realize what was going on, and he managed a weak smile, pouring his cereal and shaking his head. "I'm sorry, Misato, I just don't find that particularly funny," he said, stepping over to the refridgerator and retrieving the milk as Nieve watched, feeling as though she'd lost control of the situation entirely. "It reminds me of... of something that my father used to do." "Oh." Misato paused, and she and Neil exchanged a look, one that Nieve almost wished she could have been a part in simply because she knew she was missing part of the story. Almost without realizing it, her left hand clenched into a fist, her frustration at the situation. Not only had she failed to get anything accomplished in Neil's room before, she couldn't stop Misato from making upset, and she didn't know enough to know why he was upset in the first place. "I'm sorry, Neil. That wasn't fair of me." "It's okay," he replied, sounding somewhat more energetic than before, then glancing down at his cereal for a moment, then pouring in the milk and leaving it behind for Nieve. Nieve stood in place for a moment, still trying to figure out how to get the morning back under control, her hand closing against her hip once again as a bit of strength. Taking a deep breath, she poured herself a bowl of cereal, resolving that she had to be patient, that such things took time. ]++[ Breakfast, by necessity, wound up being somewhat quiet, although Nieve wanted to say something to Neil through the entire meal. She wanted to continue their discussion from the bedroom, to try and get him to admit that he was attracted to her, but with Misato sitting and watching them it seemed almost unspeakably uncomfortable. Then Neil had asked to take a shower more or less immediately after breakfast, and Nieve had been left alone to her own devices as Misato went back to her room to sort out a few final papers before she went into Central Dogma. She distantly heard when Neil emerged from the bathroom, but she knew that it would be better to wait this time. The words he had said to her about respecting her too much still stung slightly as she looked over her body, reminded herself that he must be attracted to her, that he wouldn't have kissed her in the first place if he hadn't wanted to. She wanted to believe that about herself, but it felt rather difficult in light of how easily the situation in his bedroom had gone out of her control, how eager he had seemed to deny that he had any attraction to her the second that Misato showed up. "He was just trying to look like a gentleman, though," she muttered, pulling on a rather short green skirt, one that she'd managed to bleed out of Kaji before they'd set sail for Tokyo-3. It flowed nicely while being short enough to be revealing, exactly the sort of thing that she wanted for today. As she buttoned a low-cut red blouse and listened distantly to the noises of Neil dressing in the next room, she forced herself to remain calm, her breathing already coming slightly heavier as she reviewed her plans in her mind, figuring out what she wanted to do, how she was going to approach her. One of the signs of being in command of a situation was being versatile, something that her mother had taught her years before and that she'd remembered despite her relative youth at the time. "Eiko won't get him," she whispered to herself, grabbing the object that she'd tucked against her panties from her desk once again and slipping it into the pocket of her skirt, closing her eyes and reminding herself to be brave. Waiting for a moment until the noises of getting dressed faded from Neil's room, Nieve once again opened the door to her own and stepped out, glancing down the hall to see if Misato was watching her or not. There was no sign of the woman, and smirking to herself Nieve turned and opened Neil's room, ignoring the distinctly wet scent of steam and the mild perfume of the shampoo as she stepped towards the boy, who was still busy brushing his hair and didn't seem to notice Nieve for a moment. "Oh. Hi, Nieve." He paused briefly, then turned towards her, teal shirt hanging open around black jeans, his green eyes showing no traces of his prior nervousness as he brushed his hair. "I'm sorry if I seemed angry with you before, but -" "Don't worry about that now," replied Nieve, letting her eyelids fall closed just enough for her lashes to dangle in front of her eyes, placing her hands behind her back and folding them together, then walking as seductively as possible towards Neil, an odd smile upon her face. Neil gave her a somewhat odd look, but she ignored it, stepping up until they were nearly touching, then placing one hand flat upon his stomach, slowly walking it up to his chest. "You and I, we were having a conversation before. That's what I wanted to finish." "Um." Neil stared for a moment, then took a step backwards directly into his dresser, the furniture clattering against the wall as he stepped into it and shocking him into freezing in place for a moment. Nieve began to step forward, and Neil clumsily began to button his shirt, looking almost as though he expected her to try and bite him. "Much as I like the topic, Nieve, can I ask what brings it on? It just seems... awfully sudden." "What's wrong with that?" asked Nieve, feeling a growing knot of dread about what she didn't know that Neil wasn't telling her, wanting nothing more than to grab him by the shoulders and shake him until he told her everything. Instead, she simply walked over to the bed, sitting down and trying to look as seductive as possible, not bothering to fold her legs and letting them hang open slightly. "I just want to talk about it. I thought you were attracted to me." She paused for a moment, then sank her head slightly. "Don't you find me attractive?" Blinking, Neil shook his head to clear it, then realized the gesture that he was making and began nodding more enthusiastically even as Nieve's expression darkened somewhat. "Of course I'm attracted to you," he said, sitting next to her on the bed and looking somewhat scared of making a mistake, something that made Nieve at once happy and disturbed. "You're a beautiful girl. But... I don't just think of you as a sex object. I don't want you to believe that about me." "I don't," replied Nieve, edging herself closer to Neil to his surprise, twisting her body around so that her lips brushed against his softly as her mouth moved in speech. "But you think of me sexually, don't you? You think of what I would look like without my clothes on." She grinned, assuming that Neil's blush and his look of discomfort came solely from her proximity as she leaned her lips harder against his. "I know that you do. I remember the day that we met on the ship, how you tried to sneak a peek at me as I changed into my plugsuit. You were attracted to me. More than that, you wanted to sleep with me. Didn't you?" Then a knock came on the door, and both Children froze as Misato opened the door, smirking at the two as Nieve hung around Neil and Neil realized what the situation looked like. He began to gesture frantically that nothing had happened, trying to break free of Nieve's grasp, not noticing the hurt expression that drifted across the girl's face even as Misato held up a hand to stop the boy. "You don't have to explain anything to me," she said firmly, shaking her head in an amused manner, clicking her tongue slightly and smirking at the two Children. "I understand. I'm going to be at Central Dogma for most of the day, but I'll be back for dinner, and I might see you when you come in for your synch testing." She paused, then winked at them as she stepped out of the door. "Have fun today." "Wait!" Neil bolted up from Nieve's grip, a sense of guilt surging at the implications she'd made as he blushed again and rushed towards the door out of his room. "I didn't do anything! We were just..." His voice trailed off just as he opened his door and the front door shut decisively, leaving him standing into the doorway of his room looking rather blank. Pausing for a moment, he glanced back towards Nieve, who had taken the opportunity in Neil's absence to bring her legs up against her body, knees tight against her chest. "Nieve, I'm sorry, I just don't want Misato to think -" Nieve shot a rather harsh stare at Neil, feeling rather guilty in the back of her mind but knowing that it was necessary. She was already feeling as though she'd lost control of the situation once again, and the only way that she could think of to regain control was to be just the slightest bit devious. "To think what?" she asked, sounding as hurt as she possibly could as she stared up at him, her green eyes wide. "That you're attracted to me? Is that such a bad thing?" She batted her eyelashes twice, trying her best to play up the sort of hurt that she was feeling, reminding herself that it wasn't lying so much as overplaying. Shaking his head, Neil stepped back over to the bed, obviously confused and embarassed at the same time, feeling another knot of regret bubbling through the back of his skull. "That's not it at all," he insisted, sitting down on the bed once again and touching Nieve's knee gently, feeling an electric rush through his arm at the contact. Nieve kept her face hidden as she smirked momentarily, ignoring the sense at the back of her mind that she'd manipulated Neil when she shouldn't have. "I just don't want you - or Misato, or anybody else - to think that all I'm interested in sex." He remembered the night that he and Nieve had first kissed again, another pulse of guilt going through his body. "I don't want you to think that about me." Taking a deep breath, Nieve steeled herself for what she knew she had to do, knowing that she didn't want to let Neil go no matter what it took, that she wanted to keep him close to her as she reached out one hand and pressed it down against his. She let her hand rest there for a moment, then tightened her grip around Neil's hand and pulled him towards her even as she pulled her own body backwards, yanking him down towards the bed as she fell flat on her back. The bed squeaked slightly as Nieve felt the warm weight of Neil sink on top of her, and before he had a chance to say anything she pulled his head close to her, expecting that it would fall just to one side of her own until she felt his breath softly blowing on her chest. "I don't think that about you, Neil," she said gently, not missing a beat despite the slight shock of his position. "I think you're wonderful. And I think you do think about me like this." Feeling the soft warmth of Nieve's breasts encompassing his head, smelling the unmistakable perfume that he knew came solely from her own personal scent, Neil lost himself for a moment before his brain reminded him of what he'd done to the poor girl, how he'd thought of her exactly like this. The pleasure of the moment began to give way to regret and trepidation, and Neil pulled away, staring at Nieve with some surprise as he stumbled off of the bed and groped for his socks. Nieve stared at him as he moved away, her expression shifting from a secure grin to one of abject horror. "I - it's too soon," he stammered, backing his way into the door before opening it. "I - we - I need to take a walk. Later." Neil stumbled out of the room, then a few seconds later Nieve heard the front door close as well while her head slowly turned towards the ceiling. Her hand slipped into the pocket of her skirt, fingers brushing gently against the rigid foil of the condom wrapper, a small shiver going through her body at the thought of what could have happened before she felt herself cursing at how she'd gone wrong. "I just didn't want him to leave," she muttered, rolling slightly to one side, her eyes watching the sunlight coming in through Neil's window even as she curled back into a semi-fetal position as before. "I wanted to make sure he stayed with me." Closing her eyes, Nieve closed her fist around the condom wrapper once again, drawing it out from her pocket and staring at the small item for reasons she couldn't entirely explain, suddenly feeling intensely embarassed. "But maybe he'll leave anyways," she muttered, tossing the condom over her shoulder, hearing it distantly fall into the depths of one of Neil's various still-present boxes from when he moved in. "Maybe I couldn't have done anything to stop him." She sighed, wrapping her arms around her and squeezing herself, feeling as though she'd let herself lose control of the situation once again. ]++[ Misato was still smirking about Nieve and Neil as she arranged her desk, the thought of the two of them hugging with such intensity making even the unspeakably mundane process of filing paperwork about the most recent Angel incident somewhat enjoyable. She'd managed to use the increased lull between attacks to give herself slightly more leeway, but there was still an amazing number of forms that needed to be filled out, and that wasn't even counting the report that she had to type up later. Despite the stack of forms in front of her, however, she was whistling to herself, reminding herself that things seemed to be getting more normal, that if nothing else the Children seemed to be adjusting to their lives in Tokyo-3. Humming to herself with satisfaction, Misato heard the noise of her door opening only distantly, busying herself with the paperwork and determined to get as much of it done in a day as possible. "I'm a little busy at the moment," she announced, raising her hand and waving the person off, seriously doubting that it was anyone particularly important. "My job comes with a lot of responsibilities, so if you don't mind -" "Not at all," replied Kaji's distinctly masculine voice, and Misato whipped her head up to see the man standing in front of her, still dressed in the same sort of unkempt outfit as the last time she'd seen him, wearing his characteristic half-smirk. "I'm happy to wait." He leaned casually against one of the teal-gray walls of the woman's office, folding his arms across his chest and staring idly at the ceiling, his lack of faith in Misato's determination to work obvious from his position. "What are you doing here?" snapped Misato, still feeling somewhat irritated about how hurt he'd managed to make her feel the other day at the same time that he'd managed to make her miss being with him. She didn't like the idea of wanting to be with him again on a basic level, and the knowledge that he was allegedly seeing somebody else entirely only made the concept seem more replusive to her. "I have work to do, Ryoji. Please, whatever you came for, make it fast." Chuckling, Kaji shook his head gently, a gesture that made Misato somewhat nervous for reasons she couldn't entirely place. "Since you put it that way, I just came here to offer you a congratulations," he replied, smiling broadly at her despite her expression of confusion. "You probably wouldn't find out normally until later today, but there are benefits to being at the head of Intelligence. I managed to sneak a peek at your promotion paperwork, and it's gone through without a hitch. And I couldn't wait until later to let you know." Misato stared at Kaji for a moment, then shrugged, turning back to the paperwork. "It's a meaningless promotion to me," she replied, scribbling more notes onto the forms in front of her, trying to work as quickly as possible in hopes of getting the whole thing filed and finished before the end of the day. "If it means anything, it'll probably just translate into more work for me to get done on a daily basis, and I'm swamped as it is. I was already in charge of operations." She paused, realizing that she was sounding almost as bad as Ritsuko, and she looked up at Kaji with a small grin. "But thank you." "Put it like that, then you're welcome," replied Kaji, sounding somewhat half-hearted about it as he turned his head slightly towards the door, still leaning against the wall. Misato turned back to her work, expecting him to leave at any moment, then glanced up to see him still standing in place, apparently perfectly comfortable in the small square room under the mind-numbing fluorescent light. She cleared her throat, and he simply looked back at her, his expression as innocent as she imagined he could fake. "What?" "You said you came down to congratulate me," replied Misato, cocking her head slightly to one side. "You did. Don't you have other work to be doing?" "Not at the moment. The Intelligence department doesn't have to deal with nearly as much paperwork as the Operations department. Most of what we do is on the field." He paused for a moment, and Misato internally prayed to herself that he wouldn't step over to her desk, knowing almost as soon as the thought materialized that he would do just that. Surely enough, he walked over to the desk and stared down at the form, reading it upside-down but still staring at it intently. "Hmm. They classified it as 'Sandalphon.' Who names the Angels, anyways?" Growling, Misato glared up at Kaji, trying her best to snatch the forms out of his sight and ignoring the smug grin on his face. "Maybe you don't have any work to do now, but the rest of us do, and some of us would actually like to have a chance to -do- it." She glared at him for a moment longer, then returned to her work, feeling something odd knot within her from her words but not sure of exactly what it was. "Did you just join NERV to pester me?" "That's not a very mature way to look at things, is it?" he asked innocently, moving around so that he was once again standing in front of her. She continued to write on the forms, trying to push thoughts of Kaji out of her head even as he looked at her, then jumping slightly as she felt one of his hands touch her cheek. She looked up to see that he had kneeled so that he was at eye level with her, his other hand moving up and clasping the other side of her face, leaving her gaze locked on his face. "Think about something, Misato. The United Nations has convinced more or less everyone that the Second Impact was caused by a meteor striking the South Pole. The alternate branches of NERV, the majority of the UN itself, even some of the Children, all of them are in the dark about what -really- happened at the South Pole." He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in. "Doesn't that disturb you a little bit? Doesn't that make you wonder what might really be going on?" Misato stared at Kaji, and her arm twitched uncontrollably, the pen hard against the paper tracing a long black line through the majority of the form that she'd been writing on. A second afterwards, her brain realized what had happened, and she tore her gaze free of Kaji's face, looking down and seeing that she'd managed to runin the form. "Now look what you did," she snapped, snatching the form and crumpling it into a ball, tossing it into the small garbage can next to her desk as she stepped around the lone piece of furniture besides her chair and headed towards the door. "I've got to go get another copy now. I'm going to trust you enough to assume you'll leave." The doors slid open and shut as Misato stepped through them, trying to maintain a calm expression as she stepped into the artificially-lit corridors of the base, walking towards the nearest elevator, Kaji's words still ringing in her ears. Something about it disturbed her for reasons that she couldn't quite place, as though she should have stayed and asked him more, thrown the desire to get the forms filed away to the wind for just a moment. Reaching the elevator, she pressed the button and waited for it to ding open, her mind still circling around the question he'd raised. As the elevator opened, Misato instantly felt the strong burning aroma of a cigarette hit her nostrils, and she realized a second later that it was from Ritsuko, standing in the elevator, clipboard in one hand and a cigarette in the other. "Good morning, Misato," she said distantly, flicking her blue-gray eyes up from the clipboard momentarily as the other woman stepped in. "You look disturbed. Hangover?" "No," Misato replied, wincing slightly at the barely-veiled accusation. She glanced over at the blonde woman, studying her for a second before shaking her head and simply turning her gaze back towards the doors of the elevator. "Kaji." She paused for a moment, staring at Ritsuko as the other woman continued to let her cigarette smoke drift into the air, the small stick of paper perched between the woman's fingers for no apparent reason. "If you're not going to smoke that, would you mind putting it out?" Ritsuko glanced up at Misato for a moment, then slowly placed the cigarette against her lips, took a single long draw from it, then returned to her prior position as she exhaled the cloud of smoke from her mouth, ignoring Misato's angry stare. "Why are you so irritated with Kaji, anyways?" she asked at length, a note of nervousness seeming to creep into her voice. You seem to be getting along fine with him. As though you're willing to just let all of the years between you be in the past." "Don't even joke," replied Misato, scowling and turning away from Ritsuko, feeling a little hurt by the implications as the smoke of Ritsuko's cigarette continued to seep into her nostrils, reminding her of the time spent with Kaji years before. Crossing her arms across her chest, she gripped her upper arms almost instinctively, the feeling of nostalgia creeping into the back of her head with the same slow infectiousness of the smoke. "Besides, even if I wanted that jerk back, it's a moot point. He doesn't know that I know it, but I overheard him talking with Fuyutsuki before, and -" she paused for a moment, trying to enhance the dramatic effect of the moment "- he's been seeing someone new since he came to Tokyo-3." The comment seemed to upset Ritsuko, and the other woman's body suddenly seemed to tense at once, her grip on the cigarette tightening and sending the growing ash at the tip falling to the ground. She turned towards Misato, mouth almost opened to say something, then was cut short by the loud grinding noise of the elevator coming to a stop violently, sending both woment crashing to the floor as the elevator shuddered. Misato didn't even notice the other woman falling immediately, feeling only the hard impact of the wall against her back followed by a sharp burning pain against her leg. Glancing down, she saw that Ritsuko's cigarette had relocated itself directly beneath her leg, and she snatched the small item out from beneath her, frowning at it as she lamented the assumed ruination of her pantyhose. "What the hell just happened?" she asked, turned towards Ritsuko as she tried to get back to her feet. "I think -" Ritsuko's reply was cut short by the lights flickering and snapping off, and the blonde woman glanced towards the ceiling briefly before pushing her upper body up, forced flat against the floor of the elevator from the shock. "I think we just lost power. And from the looks of it, the emergency generator hasn't kicked in just yet." She sighed, dusting herself off as she stumbled back to a standing position and retrieved her clipboard. "This isn't going to be good." "Great," muttered Misato, slamming her fist lightly against the almost oppressive teal-gray of the wall, the metal beginning to grow warmer to the touch. "We're stuck in here until the emergency power kicks in. And without any air conditioning." She paused for a moment, then noticed that Ritsuko was frowning. "What? Don't tell me that we're stuck here longer than that?" "Emergency generators are geared solely towards combat operations under severe duress," replied Ritsuko, shaking her head and slipping out of her lab coat, letting the white fabric fall to the ground to reveal her pale arms against the sleeveless blue pull-ring top she wore. "They're meant to facilitate minimal operating parameters of the command center, including the three Magi supercomputers, our positioning systems and cameras, and the operation of the Evangelion units." She stopped, wiping her brow as the heat in the elevator continued to grow. Misato frowned back at the woman, feeling a growing sense of nervousness. "Elevators weren't on that list," she said weakly, receiving a nod from Ritsuko that carried the implication that she should have figured that out sooner. Muttering a curse under her breath, Misato slid off her red jacket, already feeling the warmth in the closed metal container, knowing that it was probably going to get worse with the oppressive heat of Tokyo-3. "God damn it. And I thought I was finally going to get ahead with my workload." ]++[ Staring at the console in front of her, waiting for the emergency power feed to allow her to resume working, Maya Ibuki couldn't help but feel a momentary surge of panic at the situation, even hoping that the only logicaal reason for the sudden outage wasn't the actual reason. "Dr. Akagi isn't here," she muttered, hunched slightly over her console, hands between her legs, the half-skirt portion of her uniform pushed up slightly in a way that would have disturbed her except for the white leggings beneath. She glanced backwards, short black hair jostling slightly as she turned. "Makoto, do you have any idea where she might be?" "Not without the computers," replied the young man, leaning back in his chair and staring at the ceiling, thick round glasses not dark enough to block his eyes even with the lights on like Commander Ikari's. "We don't know where Captain Katsuragi is, either." He paused slightly, then tilted his head towards Maya, smiling slightly, the tension visibly lying just beneath the surface of his expression. "Don't worry, Maya. I'm sure that you'll do fine. Ritsuko wouldn't trust you with so much responsibility if you weren't good." "Yes, but..." Maya trailed off, turning back to her console and feeling oddly uncomfortable. She didn't like the idea of working without her superior around, not having Ritsuko's approving gaze watching as she took care of the Eva pilots and the machines. Something about the blonde woman made her feel safer, more reliable, and the thought so distracted her that her drak brown eyes took a moment to focus once the computer console reactivated. Blinking slightly and shaking her head, she placed her fingers nervously on the console, then forced herself to keep moving, letting the displays come at their usual pace. "All three Magi computers are back on-line. We have auxiliary power." Makoto stared at Maya for a moment longer, then turned back to the console in front of him, letting his fingers dance across the keyboard and displaying the camera feeds near the power plant that served as NERV's primary generator on the main screen. He frowned as he glanced up at the display, able to identify right away what the problem was with the power feed - something large and conical, like a spear, had jabbed directly through most of the facility, tearing apart the facility like a toy. The source of the devestation took little to guess at. "Requesting a new power feed from Tokyo-2. Estimated time until reply is three minutes. Activating local scan for AT fields." Sitting on the upper tier of the command center, Gendou Ikari stared dispassionately at the display in front of him as it brought up a picture of what he knew to be the next Angel, a dead ringer for a gigantic spider with four massive long legs supporting a small disk- like body. He heard the footsteps behind him, but ignored them, simply watching as the Angel moved slowly through the city, trying to gauge the beast's capabilities from the way it moved. "AT field pattern is blue! This is an Angel, without a doubt!" "And it managed to slip in past our detection systems," noted Kaji, standing a few feet behind Gendou. Fuyutsuki, at one side of the commander, seemed surprised at the younger man's presence, but Gendou simply raised a hand to indicate that he was fully aware of the situation, stopping the vice-commander's turn without even turning the gaze. Kaji smirked, taking another few steps towards the commander casually. "Rather impressive, considering that we're talking about something that doesn't look capable of swift movement. I wouldn't think it could get past us that easily." "It couldn't," replied Gendou, only distantly listening to the shouts of the console technicians on the levels below, doing their best to analyze the beast with no thoughts about how it could have arrived. "Even if it materialized out of thin air right in the middle of Tokyo- 3, the UN scanners would have detected it before it destroyed the power plant. The scanners have far too wide of a range to be that easily avoided." Kaji nodded gravely, shooting a quick glance towards Fuyutsuki as if to remind the older man about their earlier conversation. Fuyutsuki said nothing, simply kept staring at the main display, and Kaji shrugged, stepping slightly in front of Gendou and staring at the commander's reflective glasses with a slight smirk. "So if it got in without us knowing, somebody let it get in. And I know it wasn't us." He paused for a moment, glancing over his shoulder back at the gigantic spider. "You think this is part of the old men's plan?" "There's no question about it," replied Gendou, calmly adjusting his glasses as though Kaji had simply asked for the location of the restroom. "They know far more about the Angels than they are willing to reveal to anyone. And I would not put it beyond them to send an Angel to us where we live." He paused for a moment, staring at the screen still, his expression unmoving, then reached over and bent the microphone slightly in front of him down towards his mouth, knowing that the amplification was necessary for the technicians to hear him. "What is the status of the Evangelion units?" On the second level of the command center, both of the technicians froze for a moment, then Maya turned to her console, drawing up the dimly-lit feed to the Eva hangars. "All six units are prepared for combat," she replied, sounding somewhat nervous about the words. "But we don't have any pilots. And with Tokyo-3's power cut off, we can't even sound the Angel alert." Gendou resisted the urge to frown, knowing full well what was going on with the Angel's sudden attack and the loss of power. "Reach as many of the city's emergency support personnel as is possible via cellular phone," he said curtly, making sure to remain calm, knowing that he was being watched carefully. "Tell them to spread the alert through the city through any means possible, and to evacuate the city's population to the outskirts. The Angel is after Central Dogma; it will not pursue." He paused, then stared at the Angel once again, watching it slowly lumber towards the center of Tokyo-3, remaining confident in its eventual destruction. ]++[ Neil simultaneously loved to take walks in the middle of the day and hated them, both for the exact same reason. He'd been informed by Misato that the sort of widescale desertion of the city seemed to happen in most Japanese cities, that everyone was at work in the middle of the day for the most part, leaving the streets almost entirely empty as Neil walked through them. On one level, it was extremely nice to not have to compete with others for space or volume, to simply be able to walk casually through the whitewashed streets with the sun pouring down on him, to soak up the inexplicable serentiy of the fortress city with only a few people around to possibly distract him. On another level, however, it meant that he had nothing to dull the sound of his own thoughts, even when the last thing he wanted was to be with himself. At the time, he'd felt guilty about knowing what he'd done the night of their first kiss, the way he'd let himself think about her as nothing more than a sex object. He had been almost certain that she'd known, that she was trying to force him into showing that to her, making it clear to her what a demented little pervert he really was. But the more he thought about it, the more he realized that she hadn't had the vaguest idea about what he'd done to her in spirit, a thought that somehow made him feel even more disgusted with himself as he turned a corner, heading unconsciously towards Eiko's school despite the fact that lunch was hours away. Knowing that she was genuinely asking him about what he thought only made him feel worse about the way he'd acted in the morning, as though he'd been trying to convince her that she was unattractive despite the fact of the matter. "I don't deserve her," he muttered, his thoughts drifting to Eiko, mind fully aware that he shouldn't be thinking of Eiko of all people but unable to tear away from his mental picture of the girl. He felt as though he were betraying Nieve anew simply by thinking about the other girl, as though he was driving a dagger through her heart as his feet pulled him without thought towards the girl's school. "I don't think I deserve Nieve. That's got to be it." He sighed heavily, feeling something else bubbling beneath his guilt, as though he'd given himself the wrong conclusion, that there was something else lying beneath his own insecurities. Stepping to the crosswalks of an intersection, his finger pressed the button to request a walk signal automatically, head sinking to the street and waiting for the telltale noise that announced it was safe to walk. Lost in his own guilt, it took Neil a few minutes to realize that there hadn't been any noise even though there should have been, and glancing up to the traffic lights his eyes widened when he realized that the lights themselves had gone out. Frowning, he glanced down the street both ways, then started running, his sneakers making a light slapping noise against the pavement as he dashed to the other side and started moving consciously towards the school, hoping that the others might know something about what was going on. He had no idea of the time between when he started running and when he arrived at the school, his brain blotting the interceding minutes out in a blur of fast-moving scenery and the rythymic sound of his feet hitting against the pavement. All he knew as that the school's entire population seemed to be already waiting for him as he rushed to the front gates, milling awkwardly about the courtyard in front of the white school building and talking to one another in hushed voices. Frowning, Neil glanced about for a moment, then caught a glimpse of Ryo's thin blue hair, enough to send him jogging through the glut of students towards the other boy. "Ryo! Ryo!" Ryo turned towards Neil slowly, almost sluggishly, movements that would have seemed robotic in anyone other than the strange pale boy. As Neil neared his position, he could see that Vash and Eiko were standing nearby, obviously as confused as everyone else by the circumstances. "The power went out," Ryo said flatly, somehow managing to sound as though he wasn't simply explaining the blatanly obvious. "Our teacher assumed that something must be wrong. He told us to wait out here for the Angel alert." Neil frowned, his own jumble of guilty feelings pressed beneath the reality of the situation. "I haven't seen any signs of the UN aerodrones," he noted, gesturing towards the sky somewhat idly. "Why would it have to be an Angel attack?" "Because it's obvious," replied Vash with a shrug, speaking louder than was absolutely necessary. "Take a look around you. This entire city is designed to fight the Angels. Whenever anything big happens here, it involves either NERV or the Angels. Hell, the parents of most of the children in this school work for NERV or a company related to it." He shrugged, gesturing his arms in a wide arc as though he was trying to impress somebody, a thought that Neil found just the slightest bit disturbing in light of his own feelings about Eiko. "So if something goes wrong... well, if you lived in a city structured around the Angels, what would -you- assume?" "I live here too, Vash," replied Neil, sounding slightly exasperated as he glanced around the area, the other students giving the four Children more space as though the Angel was targeting them specifically. It was an odd sensation, being so visibly isolated, and Neil felt a pang of something that he couldn't quite place before he turned back towards the group. "So what do -we- assume? Should we head for Central Dogma, or -" The boy's words were cut short by the loud screeching of tires from down the street, followed by a load engine roar that seemed to fill the street and hurtle towards the school like a meteor. Everyone standing in the courtyard of the school seemed to turn towards the source of the noise at once, watching a billowing cloud of exhaust trailing behind the source vehicle as it screamed down the street, finally revealing itself as a red compact car, obviously not designed for the sort of driving it was receiving. The Children watched as the car turned and screeched to a stop, the howl of screeching tires filling the air before it froze in place and the driver's-side door opened forcefully. Smiling broadly, Nieve leaned out from behind the driver's seat, waving at the four Children enthusiastically. "Hey, guys!" she shouted, leaning slightly further and waving the group over. Neil started walking first, followed closely by Ryo and more distantly by Eiko and Vash. "The police are sweeping the city, and they got to us first. It's an Angel attack, but NERV doesn't have power, either. Disabled by the Angel's arrival." Nieve's sudden appearance had shocked most of the courtyard's residents into silence, but the announcement of an Angel attack started most of the students talking once again, Japanese pouring out of their mouths in panicked tones. "They must have recognized the word Angel," muttered Nieve, scowling momentarily towards the ground before turning back towards the assembly. "Hey! Listen! You don't have to worry! The Angel is only headed towards the center of the city! Wait for the police, and they'll help you evacuate towards the edges! You'll be fine!" She paused for a moment, perceiving only a visible increase in the panic of the area at the mention of the word "angel." "Vash, could you translate that?" Vash cocked his head slightly, curious why she asked him, and Neil felt the same curiosity, suddenly wondering if he was getting what he deserved for his actions earlier in the day. Then Vash shouted something in Japanese, and Nieve smirked once again as the courtyard's inhabitants seemed to calm slightly. "All right! Everyone, get in the car now! I've already picked up Niobe, and we're in a rush! There's an Angel on the loose!" The four Children glanced at one another for a moment, then all four ran towards the car, Vash reaching it first with trained muscles and opening the door for the others. Neil prepared to get in, then hesitated and glanced towards Nieve, giving her a somewhat quizzical look. "How did you get the car, anyways?" he asked, giving the car another look and distantly noting that her expression seemed to droop into shock slightly. "Misato took her car to work this morning, and I know you don't have a car here -" Feeling a hand close around his chin, Neil had only an instant to smell the natural perfume of Nieve's skin before the girl jerked his face towards hers, pressing her head close to his, less than an inch between them as her lips parted slightly. "Girls get to have secrets," she whispered alluringly, smiling broadly and making a quick kissing motion with her lips before leaning away from Neil and releasing his chin as she slipped back into the driver's seat. Neil paused for a moment, then sat in the backseat, feeling himself wedged against Ryo. He gave a quick glance towards the pale boy, and the boy stared back, red eyes emotionless as usual. Nieve, only concerned with the fact that all of her necessary passengers had arrived, smirked broadly, slammed the car into reverse, and whirled it around towards the nearest entrance to Central Dogma. Ignoring the shouts of her passengers, she slammed on the gas, letting the tires squeal for a moment before the car went screaming towards the Children's destination. ]++[ Her hand gripping the small red-white plastic card firmly, Nieve swiped the card defiantly through the small scanner at the door once again, then glanced up at the massive gray doors, expecting them to slide open and split the NERV logo painted on them in half as they revealed an entrance to the Geo-Front. "God DAMN it!" she snapped, slamming her fist against the scanner and turning back towards the other Children, all standing near the car and watching as Nieve tried desperately to open the door set slightly into the side of a hill. She knew that an explanation was unnecessary, but more than anything she wanted to give one just to make herself feel better, as though she'd screwed up slightly less. "The scanners aren't going to read our cards," she announced, not even bothering to mask her anger. "Who in the hell designs an emergency power system that seals you off from help?" "We're not cut off," replied Ryo flatly, stepping towards Nieve and gesturing towards the lower corner of the door. Nieve followed the gesture with her eyes, letting them rest on a small square grate that was barely big enough to let a person crawl through. "The air ducts of the base are designed to allow entry during situations like this. We can crawl through there and then make our way to the Eva hangars." Staring at the duct for a moment, Nieve sighed, sounding dissatisfied with the plan. "That could take forever. By the time we find the hangars, the Angel could be done with whatever it came for. And besides, if the doors out here aren't working, I doubt the doors within are going to be much better." She paused and stared for a moment, then sighed loudly once again, shaking her head even as she tried to think of a better plan. "Maybe there's another way in for things like this. I know that the Ireland NERV base had an external entrance that led directly into the Eva hangars... maybe we've got one here, too." "That could take -longer-," argued Vash, speaking loudly enough to draw everyone's attention towards him. He shifted somewhat uncomfortably, wanting more than anything to finally have a chance to do well with his Eva, more than aware of the fact that his performance had been rather lackluster aside from his action against the Seventh Angel and that he still hadn't lived down all of his original bragging. "If we go in through the air ducts, at least we know that we'll get in. Wandering around searching for an alternate entrance might wind up making everything worse." Nieve frowned for a moment, knowing that the responsibility for the group had to fall on her, that she was the most capable of keeping control of the situation. Forcing thoughts of the morning's events out of the mind, she took another quick glance towards the air duct, then nodded. "All right, we'll need to split up, then. Three pilots against one Angel should be more than fair, and with any luck power will be restored sometime soon." She glanced at Neil, trying to figure out whether she was angry with him or herself. "Who's heading into the ducts?" Vash and Ryo both raised their hands in almost perfect unison, and Nieve paused for a moment, glancing at both of the boys briefly before sighing. She knew that neither of them would be able to keep themselves under control, and that meant that either herself or Neil would have to go with them, since she hardly trusted the others to keep the situation stable. "All right, then I'll deal with the ducts, too," she offered, realizing a moment later that Neil and Eiko were winding up in the same group. She frowned briefly, looking towards the boy and staring at him. "We'll search for something outside," Neil offered, taking a step towards Nieve hesitantly, then awkwardly planting his hands on her shoulders. He began to move towards her lips to kiss her, but she smirked and put a finger over his lips, stopping him mid-motion and winking at him. Neil frowned slightly, obviously still feeling bad, but Nieve made another quick kissing motion at him, some little sense of relief creeping into her at the thought that he was at least aware of the situation. "First team to get to their Evas launches first, I suppose." The boy released Nieve's shoulders, then glanced to his left and his right, trying to decide which way to start looking first. At length, he turned to his left and started walking, Niobe following closely afterwards. "Don't worry," called Eiko, putting a little more distance between herself and Neil, her pace indicating that the situation wasn't going to last long. "I'll keep a close eye on Neil for you." Nieve frowned, staring at the group as they walked away, now suddenly wishing that she'd let Neil kiss her before. She'd felt for a moment as though she'd regained control in their relationship, but now she couldn't be sure of whether or not he was simply trying to humor her. "That's exactly what I'm worried about in the -first- place," she muttered at Eiko's receding form, tapping her foot impatiently for a moment before turning towards Vash and Ryo, storming over towards the air duct. "Come on. Let's get this moving." ]++[ Misato's shirt was untucked, one hand lifting her now sweat-soaked purple hair away from her neck and the other flapping the open bottom of her shirt in some attempt to cool herself off. Sitting at the opposite corner of the room, Ritsuko had unzipped her top down about as far as it could go without becoming outright obscene, her makeup beginning to smear slightly from sweat. She was still puffing on a cigarette, and the bitter taste of smoke filling the room combined with the salty taste of her sweat was an unpleasant combination for Misato, especially in the suffocating heat of the elevator. "This is terrible," she muttered. "How long do you think it's going to be before they get us out of here?" Ritsuko stared into space for a moment, then glanced up towards the lights on the ceiling, shifting her body slightly with an audible noise from her shirt. "The emergency power came on about twenty minutes ago," she replied after a moment's thought, glancing back down towards her clipboard almost idly. "As soon as it came back on, they would have sent a request for an alternate power feed from Tokyo-2." She paused. "It depends on how mad Tokyo-2 is with NERV, I suppose." "So we're going to be here for a while," muttered Misato in response, slumping to the floor as Ritsuko gave a quick nod. Inwardly, Misato was cursing at the Japanese government - the war games had done a great deal to smooth over relations with the military, but it had been cited by a large number of anti-NERV groups as reckless endangerment of civilian lives for a purpose peripheral to NERV's creation. And even if the Prime Minister was supportive of NERV, if he rushed in to help them, it could be severely damaging to his chances in the next election. "And I thought that my biggest problem today was going to be Kaji." "Why are you so angry with him?" asked Ritsuko, cocking her head slightly to one side and staring at Misato, a thin trail of smoke wafting out of the corner of her mouth. Misato said nothing, simply turned her head towards the wall, but she had the creeping suspicion that Ritsuko wasn't about to let the situation rest. "After all, you left him, not the other way around. And you said yourself that he's dating somebody else. So what's the problem?" She continued to stare at Misato patiently, a thin smile on her lips as she waited for her old friend to respond. "-Everything-," replied Misato at length, still not turning her head towards Ritsuko. "He's irresponsible, unreliable, self-centered, arrogant..." She sighed, shaking her head and turning towards the blonde woman, surveying her somewhat critically. "Really, why in the name of God would he be thinking about -dating-? It's a step beyond his usual irresonsibility into outright recklessness." Unable to keep herself from laughing, Ritsuko stared towards the light fixtures in the ceiling of the elevator, the same thin smile playing across her lips as though she had a secret. "I'm surprised to hear you say that, of all people. We both know that you're more... amorous than I am." Ritsuko tilted her head towards the other woman, and Misato smirked weakly back. "Personally, I don't see anything wrong with it. It seems like entirely the right time to find some comfort." "But that's not fair to the woman!" replied Misato, slamming her fist against the wall of the elevator with more force that Ritsuko would have expected. "We've got a responsibility to this project, to devote ourselves and our time to it. If he's taking his job here seriously, then he can't take a relationship seriously, and if he takes his relationship seriously he'll fall behind here." She paused for a moment, Kaji's face drifting across her memory, remembering that she'd tried to say much the same thing to her father at one point. "It just isn't right." "You're being narrow-minded," replied Ritsuko rather firmly, a note of resentment creeping into her voice. "Maybe Kaji would find someone that was just as devoted to their work as he was to his, someone who wouldn't feel as though she was being deserted. That could be wonderful, almost perfect." She paused for a moment, and Misato looked towards the other woman, unable to figure out the expression in her eyes, at once wistful and guilty. "Someone like me, for example." The comment struck Misato harshly, and she stared at her friend, trying to figure out what she meant, forcing her mind to continue working through the bitter cigarette smoke and the thick coating of sweat tracing over her skin. "You're enamoured with him?" she asked, cocking an eyebrow slightly, hoping that she'd understood the scientist correctly. Then Ritsuko turned towards Misato with an oddly condescending stare, and Misato suddenly made the connection, her mouth falling partway open as she stared at Ritsuko. "You... you wouldn't." "Don't be naive," replied Ritsuko flatly, sounding even a little insulted by Misato's response as she turned her head back towards the clipboard, ignoring the anger growing across Misato's face. "Even if you don't want Kaji any more, he's a charming man. Certainly more than I ever expected." She paused for a moment, then looked up at Misato disapprovingly, appearing much older as if through a trick of the light. "Or did you want him for yourself, just like before?" Misato frowned deeply, hurling herself to her feet and staring at the other woman, suddenly feeling unspeakably violated. It would have been better, she realized, if it wasn't Ritsuko, if it was someone new, somebody that she couldn't remember Kaji ever having met. But the knowledge that her best friend and her lover from college were together seemed to taint her memories, almost like a backward-spreading cancer. "It has nothing to do with whether or not I want him!" she snapped, trying her best to sound determined. "Ritsuko... how could you? How could you violate me like this, steal someone that I -" "Stop it," snapped Ritsuko, glaring at the other woman with an intensity that Misato couldn't remember having ever seen on the blonde woman's face. She felt a momentary rush of curiosity that both terrified her and intruiged her as Ritsuko pulled herself up to face Misato, trying to remain dignified despite the sweat draining through her hair and the smeared makeup across her face. "In case you hadn't noticed, Misato, it's been -years- since then. Maybe time stood still for you after college, but the rest of us have been trying to -do- something with ourselves." She turned her head away from Misato, eyes shutting. "Or is that really what you think of me? That I'm not even fit to have what you've discarded? A great friend you've turned out to be." "That..." Misato's mouth hung half-open for a moment, wanting to say something but unsure of what, then let her mouth close and shook her head as she turned away from Ritsuko. She wanted to know why it made her so much angrier that it was Ritsuko instead of someone else, why she felt as though she would have been able to deal with the situation otherwise, but all she felt was a growing sense of abandonment in her gut, and the desire to let all her memories burn away in a haze of forgiving alcohol. ]++[ Neil had never quite understood why the field that protected the Angels was called an Absolute Terror field, but staring ath the massive, spider-like beast off into the distance, feeling the summer breeze whip across his body like a harbinger, the name suddenly seemed to seem far more appropriate to the sense that the beasts exuded if not the function of the field. Shaking his head, he turned back towards the small recessed portion of the hill, fingers tracing along the edges of the grass and slipping beneath them, feeling the grass pull away with little resistance to reveal a single door with a metal handle set into it. Neil didn't even have to look at it closely to know that it bore the red NERV insignia, and he turned towards the lower point of the hill where Eiko and Niobe were searching. "Guys! I think I've found something!" Both girls stared at him for a moment, then ran up to Neil's location as he gripped the handles of the door and pulled them out, feeling the harsh resistance of something both designed to be used only in emergencies and something that hadn't been well-maintained. As the two girls arrived, Neil felt the door give, and as the handles finished coming out of the door he heard an audible pop as the door swung inwards. "Yep," he muttered, glancing down the dimly-lit shaft that the door seemed to lead to, the surface of the corridor seeming perfectly sheer. "This is an entrance. Or something." "It's a high-speed entrance," announced Niobe, kneeling towards the black hole and feeling a momentary surge of relief - they would be getting to their machines first, something that she hoped would impress Ryo slightly. "They're usually used as emergency escapes instead of entrances, but I've seen them before. You get in and just slide along with it." She shrugged. "Considering how far down the Geo-Front is, it seems like a reasonable method of emergency entry." "Super Fun Happy Slide," Eiko and Neil said in perfect unison, both glancing at one another and blushing as Niobe looked back at them with a disapproving stare. Neil spoke first, his thoughts temporarily off his continuing regrets with Nieve. "I didn't think that they had that show over here. They translate it?" Eiko sighed, then shook her head and smacked Neil lightly. "I speak English too, remember?" she asked, and Neil's eyes widened with further embarassment as Eiko laughed gently. "Don't feel bad. I think that they've translated most of the show, but for some reason the government didn't want them airing it on television until after the whole thing had been completed. It might have been because of -" "Angel attacking," Niobe said flatly, drawing both of the other Children's attention back towards her as they flushed slightly. She shook her head, then jumped into the chute, and both Neil and Eiko could hear a soft swishing noise as the fabric of her clothes rubbed against the metal of the corridor's walls. Both of the other Children moved to the edge, taking a moment to stare into the darkness before Neil took a deep breath and threw himself into the chute. The tunnel was dimly lit, but only enough to slightly disorient Neil as he felt himself plunge into a black field of nothingness, the tunnel taking turns that seemed nonsensical and sending him hurtling along at speeds he couldn't believe. It reminded him slightly of the Eva launch in reverse, and as the lights continued to flash against his eyes the comparison seemed oddly apt, his body hurtling through the darkness with no way of relating its position to anything, feeling only the insane turns of the tunnel that seemed to conform to no human logic. By the time that the end was in sight, his inner ear had been thrown so far out that he fell to his hands and knees on the padded cushion waiting for him, the entire room gyrating about his head as though he were still on the slide. Less than a second later, he felt something slam hard into his back from a direction that he couldn't quite place due to the continuing sense of vertigo, and as he was having difficulty even staying stable on all fours he couldn't hope to do anything but fall as the soft weight impacted against his spine. He let out a small grunt as he felt his body roll, only vaguely aware of movement, still feeling as though he was descending towards the base. Gritting his teeth, he shut his eyes, forcing himself to remain stable until he felt his balance re- assert itself, his body telling him that he was lying down on a padded something, a warm weight lying on top of him. Still disoriented, Neil didn't even begin to consider what that warm weight might be until he opened his eyes to see Eiko lying on top of him, body pressed against his, one hand clutching at his chest and head resting only slightly below eye level. Her fine black hair fell loosely around him, and Neil suddenly found himself reacting to the girl's presence involuntarily, his hands beginning to move towards her. Guilt surged in the back of his head, and he stopped himself for a moment before grabbing Eiko's shoulders and shaking her gently. "Eiko." Opening her eyes, the girl glanced down at Neil, then her eyes widened and she more or less hurled herself off the boy, acting as though she was absolutely devestated. "Gomen nasai," she blurted, seeming to realize only a second later that she was talking to Neil and that he didn't speak her language. "I mean, I'm sorry." They stared at one another for a moment, then Eiko smiled, laughing slightly. "Heh... it's as though we were dating, isn't it? Wouldn't -that- be something?" Neil wanted to believe that the girl was only kidding on some level, that she really did want to be dating him, but the tone of her voice seemed to suggest otherwise. "Yeah, that'd be something," he replied, half-muttering, rubbing the back of his head and feeling a tightness in his chest as though he'd lost something. He opened his mouth to speak again, then decided against it and stood, glancing around to try and see where Niobe had gone, half-expecting that she'd already forgotten about Neil and Eiko and was trying to get her Eva launched. Instead, Niobe was standing only a few feet away, her stare somewhere between angry and simply condescending. "We have other things to be doing at the moment," she said flatly, tapping her foot softly as Eiko stood, her arms folded across her chest as she stepped to one side of the entrance to one of Central Dogma's mazelike teal-gray corridors. "I recognize where we are. The locker room is just a little ways from here. Take a right at the end of the corridor, and we're there." Eiko and Neil exchanged one last glance, then nodded, and Eiko took off down the corridor, running past Niobe as Neil began to take off after her. Before he even got in the hallway, however, Niobe's arm had come up to block his path, and he froze in place, wondering why the African girl didn't want him to follow. "Is something wrong?" he asked, glancing down the hallway once again, seeing that Eiko hadn't waited and feeling the same tightness in his chest once again. "You have a girlfriend, don't you?" asked Niobe, sounding almost as though she was playing the role of the disciplinarian. Neil looked at her reluctantly for a moment, then nodded, trying to read the expression behind her stern blue eyes, why the girl was so angry with him. "I know full well that you were enjoying Eiko on top of you. I was standing right over here the whole time." She paused. "Don't be an idiot, Third Child." Niobe lingered for a moment longer, then turned on her heel, heading down the corridor that Eiko had gone, leaving Neil in the entrance to the corridor with his eyes somewhat blank. He felt as though he'd lost something from the tone that Eiko had taken with him, that she'd left him even though he knew that he'd never really had her in the first place. The though felt awkward, and he closed his eyes for a second, thinking of Nieve, the redheaded girl's quick expressions, her strong emotions. He thought that she might ease his pain, but he only found himself feeling more guilty even as he though more about Eiko, wanted her to take back her words, wanted even to ask her if them being together was really so ludicrous. "I shouldn't feel this way," muttered Neil, shaking his head as he began running down the hall, trying to lose himself in the simple rythym of his legs hitting the metal floor. He wanted to apologize to Nieve. He wanted to have Eiko. More than anything, he wanted to get inside of the Eva and forget, to try and blot out the day for just a moment, to lose himself in the simple act of moving the machine. ]++[ "Hold on a second." Nieve peeked down from the grate that led down into the corridors of Central Dogma, straining her eyes to try and pick out a definite mark on the corridor walls, the task difficult under normal circumstances and nigh-impossible with little to no light and when staring out from a ventillation duct. Frowning, she gave one last glance, then stared back at Vash and Ryo. "I can't tell. I don't think we've gone down at all since we got here, so I don't think the air ducts are going to get any closer. Maybe we can make the rest of the way on foot." The boys said nothing for a moment, and Nieve frowned, certain that Vash if not Ryo was staring up her skirt. At length, Ryo gestured that he wanted to move forward to look, and Nieve moved forward far enough for him to press his head against the grate, letting his red eyes flick around the scenery and take in the details. "That seems to be a reasonable assumption," he announced at length. "However, the grate is sealed on. We don't have any way to get it off." Vash smirked, and he elbowed his way past Ryo, an admirable feat considering that the ducts were barely large enough to fit a single occupant crawling along. "That's why you've got me here," replied Vash with a smirk, winking at Nieve before slamming his elbow hard against the center of the grate. The sound of straining metal was heard, and Vash slammed his elbow down once again, letting the metal strain again before he hit it one final time and the grate went clattering to the floor. Pausing for a moment, he grinned broadly, gesturing towards himself, obviously expected praise. "If -you- hadn't done it, -I- would have," Nieve announced flatly, shoveing her foot into Vash's face lightly enough to avoid actually injuring him but hard enough to make it perfectly clear that it was time for him to move. He frowned, but she ignored him, pushing him backwards until she had access to the now-opened grate hole, the darkened corridor visible just beneath. Taking a deep breath, she wrapped her fingers around the lip of the hole and let herself fall out of the grate, hanging for just a moment before she released her grip and landed solidly on the floor. It was the sort of training she'd gotten more or less unintentionally after years in NERV, and she smirked up at Vash, the boy's expression no longer so certain. "Are you coming?" Scowling, Vash shoved himself through the hole, falling gracefully to the ground and landing squarely, taking a moment to recover before standing at his full height and glancing around. "I don't recognize this part of Central Dogma," he said flatly as Ryo landed lightly behind he and Nieve, taking a few steps and looking around, arms folded across his chest. "And I've been all over this facility since I got here. We must be going the wrong way." He paused, then smirked back at Nieve. "Looks like you should have let me navigate." "No, then we'd be -lost-," replied Nieve, eliciting another minor glare from Vash as she glanced around, fixing her eyes on the door at the end of the hallway. Storming over to it, she ignored Vash's quick call of protest that the doors were sealed, simply searching for the emergency access panel that she knew was there. Her hands traced along the surface to the right of the door for a moment, then she felt the slight depression, and letting her fingers slip underneath the panel she gave a tug and let the obscuring panel clatter to the ground. "Now, we just need to get this open, and then hopefully it'll be smooth sailing." Behind the panel was the manual crank to open the door, and Nieve grasped the handle firmly in her hands, putting her body weight behind her and forcing the thing to turn. Then she felt it refuse to turn, and she frowned for a moment as she gave it another shove, trying again to make the door start to open. If the door made any movement, it was negligible, and Nieve frowned, beginning to grow irritated as she forced the handle again and felt it refuse to budge. "Damn thing's jammed," she muttered under her breath, forcing it once again, refusing to admit that she'd lost control of the situation, knowing that it was only a matter of time before the door began moving. Then she felt another pair of hands slip in and remove hers from the handle, barely giving her a chance to say anything before they began to strain against the crank and slowly turn it. She glared at Vash, but he merely offered a smile, a warmer sort than the self-confident smirk that she was used to from the boy. "You can't do everything, you know," he said, glancing towards the door and cranking until it was open enough to fit a person through. "You need other people." "I would have gotten it," muttered Nieve, crossing her arms across her chest and shoving past Vash through the door, feeling as though the day was making her useless in every possible way as she walked ahead of the boys through the corridors. She'd lost control of the situation with Neil in the morning, and now Vash was undermining her authority at NERV. Glancing around quickly, she gritted her teeth, trying her best to remind herself of who she was as she whirled to face Vash and Ryo on her heel, face hard. "All right! I've figured out where we need to go! We have to open that door, then we'll be ready to take the stairs down towards the locker room!" She gestured emphatically towards one of the doors slightly down the hall, looking towards Vash and expecting him to say something in protest. Vash simply stared back at her, but Ryo stepped forward, the expression on his face impossible to read as usual. "That would lead us back to the surface," he said flatly, stepping past Nieve even as she stared at him in exasperation, trying to figure out if both of the boys were conspiring against her in this. "The door you're talking about is down here, at the end of the hall." He paused in both his walking and his speech, cocking his head backwards towards the remaining Children. "Vash, could you help open it?" "H-hey! I'm in charge of this operation!" Nieve placed her hands firmly on her hips, glaring at both Vash and Ryo as they headed towards the door at the end of the hall. "You two don't go anywhere unless I say that you should!" She remained in place for a moment, waiting for the boys to turn and return to her, the sinking feeling in her gut confirming what she saw when neither seemed to notice. She closed her eyes tightly for a moment, feeling an intense rush of anger through her body before she started down the hallway, skirt swirling around her hips. "And I'm ordering you to open that door, like Ryo suggested!" Both of the boys seemed only to take peripheral notice of Nieve when she arrived at the door with them, Vash slowly opening the door with obvious effort. Nieve shoved past both of them as the door opened, standing in the doorway for a moment as though she were about to say something, then simply sighing and shaking her head as she started walking in the direction that she knew the stairs lay. She hesitated only momentarily to check that the boys were following her, and she felt her chest tense slightly with the worry that she really had let herself lose control. Shutting her eyes for just a second, she forced the thought out of her head and kept walking. ]++[ "This is better than I'd hoped," Neil sighed, feeling the warm stickiness of the LCL begin to lap at his ankles as the cockpit filled, leaving out his internal appendix that it was also worse of some levels. By the time they'd reached the docks the staff had already detected the Children within the building, the arrival coming just in time as the Angel slowly advanced towards the center of the city. It was, academically, a good thing, knowing that the three Evas were going to be able to engage the Angel, and as Neil felt the Eva's restraints disengage he knew that he was doing the right thing. But on another level, the last thing he wanted to do was to feel the Eva's mind tickling at the back of his own when he felt this guilty, already sensing that distant red haze of battle. EVA-01's retraints snapped away as the LCL finished flooding the chamber and Neil felt the Eva's external form embrace his, waiting only for the telltale lurch of the unit towards the launch bay. It took only a moment of waiting to realize that something was going wrong, that the Eva wasn't moving. "Um... er... Mr. Hyuga?" asked Neil, trying to remember the name of the console tech that had taken over Misato's job in her absence, glancing around the massive empty room in hopes that there was simply some detail that would make everything clear to him. "Why aren't we being launched against the Angel?" "We can't launch you," replied the young man's voice, and Neil frowned, turning his Eva around to fast the closed door that normally slid upwards to allow the Eva motion to the launch pad. The door itself was partially raised, just enough for Neil to kneel down and force it the rest of the way open as the console tech continued to talk to him. "We've only barely got the energy to keep powering the Eva units, much less enough to operate our launch pads. Luckily, the pads are equipped with emergency ladders for your units - you'll just have to climb up to the Angel." As Neil stepped out from his holding bay, he glanced to his right to see EVA-04 and EVA-05 approaching his position as well, Eiko flashing him a quick thumb's up as he began to climb up the launch tube as Makoto directed. It was slow going, and it wasn't until after the Evas were already in the tubes that Makoto revealed they would be using an emergency exit located directly over Central Dogma, explaining that it had the only door that they could open. The launch tubes had always seemed shockingly brief when being launched through them, but as Neil worked his way up the emergency launch tube, hearing the other two Evas climbing behind him, it seemed as though the corridors would go on forever, lit only by the natural glow of the Eva's eyes. Glancing up towards the top of the tunnel, Neil could see the sunlight streaming in, that the hatch had already been opened. "All right," he shouted down towards the other pilots as he picked up his pace. "Looks like it's just a little further towards the surface. Once we get there, we'll be set." He turned back towards the exit, focusing on the shimmering light at the end, hands and feet moving resolutely, almost a pleasingly monotonous action to distract him from himself. Then the light at the end of the launch tube suddenly went dark, and Neil's eyes went wide as he realized the Angel was moving over the tube to block it, as if it had known they were coming. A single eye stared down at him from the bottom of a disklike body, and for a moment Neil wondered if perhaps the Angel could only observe them before he noticed that there was an odd orange rim forming around the Angel's eye. Gritting his teeth, he forced as much power as he could into his AT field, hoping to block off whatever the Angel was about to unleash. Running into the Eva hangars, Nieve could see at a glance that the others had already launched their machines, and she inwardly cursed at herself for not having kept things under tighter control even as she kept herself running down the catwalks that connected the huge chambers, ignoring the empty rooms and heading toward her own machine. "We're late," she muttered to herself, halting in front of EVA-02 and staring at the red goliath for a moment before moving towards the entry plug. The white cylinder was already opened, and trying to suppress her own anger towards herself she hopped into the cockpit, closing the hatch on the top and easing herself against the nylon of the seat. "I've got to keep it together. Keep it under control." As the entry plug began moving towards her Eva, she heard the crackle of the radio's activation, confirming more than anything that the others had managed to get to the hangar first. "I'm glad you three were able to make it," announced Makoto, the voice a slight surprise to all three Children, Nieve able to figure out the implications as she felt her entry plug begin to slide into the back of the machine. "Captain Katsuragi isn't here yet - we don't know what's happened to her. The other three are trying to engage the Angel, but..." He paused for a moment as the LCL began to flood the Eva's cockpit without warning, a slight yelp from Vash coming over the radio. "I think they're having trouble." Still holding tightly to the ladder as though it were the only thing that could save his life, Neil winced as he felt the searing heat of acid inches away from his Eva, the octagonal ripples from the AT field's activation bursting across the air around him as he felt his vision blur slightly. He couldn't see the Angel above him, but he could hear the acid splashing outwards against the wall, corroding through the ladder as his grip faltered. "Eiko, Niobe, get back down to the bottom!" he shouted, trying to give some kind of orders more out of necessity than any idea of what he should do. Struggling to get a clear picture of the Angel, Neil saw the acidic orange liquid part in front of his vision only momentarily, and his eyes widened as he saw that there was a river of the stuff gushing out of the Angel's eye with the force of a tidal wave. For just a moment, Neil felt himself panic, the liquid hissing towards him with a force that he hadn't expected, and his focus left the AT field just enough as the liquid slammed into the field. The octagons rippled out for a moment, then the liquid tore through the field and washed along EVA-01's face and chest, steam rising from the Eva as its armor was corroded. Neil felt only vaguely like screaming, the pain too intense to even think for a moment, and any semblance of a grip he'd had on the ladder vanished as his throat managed a strangled gasp of pain, the Eva toppling off the ladder and falling backwards, slamming its back into the side of corridor as it fell down towards its comrades. Neil distantly heard Makoto shout something to him, but he couldn't make it out as he felt the harsh impact of EVA-04's shoulder flanges against his legs, then felt the weight of the other machine falling away from him as the world went into a hazy blur of yellow, silver, and flailing purple limbs hurtling towards the bottom of a dark gray corridor. It wasn't until he felt the harsh shock of impact at the bottom of the tunnel that his senses seemed to recover, the world slowing down as he felt the force of the other two Evas falling on top of him, forcing himself to ignore the lingering stinging in his skin as he glanced up towards the Angel, seeing the orange liquid beginning to trickle towards them once again. "Activate your AT fields to full power!" he shouted, not sure if Eiko or Niobe was listening as he concentrated completely on the field, knowing that things would be much worse now if the acid hit. As she crawled towards the vertical shaft, Nieve could see a cloud of what looked like steam rising from inside the shaft, and she felt minor surge of panic, then forced her Eva forward faster, trying to reach the shaft as fast as she could, knowing that Neil could very well be in danger. She was vaguely aware that Vash and Ryo were following behind her, hearing the clanging noises as their machine climbed along towards their destination, but she couldn't help but leave them behind as she lurched to a stop just short of the vertical shaft, looking downwards towards the tangle of Evas. "Neil!" she shouted, knowing that he would hear her through the radio regardless of her volume. "Don't come into the shaft!" shouted Neil, hearing the acid hiss against the combined AT fields of the three units at the bottom of the shaft once again, all thoughts of guilt evaporating as he got the unmistakable sensation that he was a fish in a barrel. The orange droplets were far slower than they had been when they forced the three Evas to the bottom of the tunnel, but they seemed to have lost none of their corrosiveness, and the moment the AT fields wore down he knew that they didn't have a chance. "Whatever's coming out of its eye, it's lethal." He grimaced as a droplet splashed against the AT field once again, trying his best to remain focused and fight down the sense of panic growing in his gut. Nieve grimaced for a moment, then felt her hands tighten almost involuntarily around the handles of the cockpit as she glanced over her shoulder towards Ryo and Vash. Both of them had heard the radio conversation, of that she was certain, and she flipped a switch on the handrests, grinning to herself as she opened a private channel to both of them. "All right, guys, we're going to have to deal with this Angel ourselves. Vash, you know how to throw a knife, right?" Vash stared at the girl for a moment, looking somewhat indignant in his little communication window as he nodded in response. "Who put you in charge?" he asked, sounding somewhat bitter. "I did," she replied flatly, giving a quick glance towards Ryo's display and making sure that he didn't seem to have any problem with her being in control. "Listen. On my mark, Ryo, spread your AT field as far as you can and place it at maximum power. I'm going to enter the shaft at that point and wedge myself in place so that if the Angel hits anything, it's going to hit me. Vash, when I'm in place, I'll call to you, and that's your cue to throw your prog knife at the thing. Understand?" Ryo simply nodded, while Vash seemed to suddenly take notice of what Nieve was saying, the plan that she described obviously not the plan that he'd expected to hear. "Didn't you hear what Neil said?" asked the boy, his face growing larger in the window of Nieve's display as his Eva moved slightly closer to her. "That thing's lethal! You should let me block the acid, and -" "-No-," replied Nieve firmly, knowing that she had to remain strong even if Vash protested, fully aware that any respect she had from the boys hinged on that fact. She rolled her Eva over so that it was lying against the bottom of the connection tunnel, facing up towards the Angel, her hands reaching up and gripping the lip of the entrance into the vertical tunnel. "My machine's designed for hostile enivornments, and I'm willing to bet that this qualifies. Ryo has the strongest AT field, so he's got the best chance of spreading it wide enough. And you've got the strongest muscle mass in your machine." She paused for a moment, smirking. "Besides, I've never been good at throwing knives." Opening his mouth again as if to try another protest, Vash hesitated, then simply closed his mouth and frowned, and Nieve closed the personal channel as she gripped the lip of the entrace more firmly, bracing her legs against the floor and letting herself wait just a moment. "Ready, Ryo?" she asked, glancing towards the boy's Eva and receiving a nod. She gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, then let her fingers dig in more tightly and tensed the muscles in her Eva's legs. "-Now!-" With a mighty push, Nieve's Eva seemed to rocket into the vertical tunnel, swinging upwards in a red blur as she distantly heard the noise of Ryo's AT field activating. Slamming her feet hard against the side of the tunnel with the ladder on it, Nieve wedged her heels in, forcing the Eva to remain in place, suspended just above the tumble of Evas at the bottom as the acid began to spray against her back. It was still sore from the prior day, but she forced herself to ignore it, gritting her teeth and digging her fingers in more deeply, reminding herself the acid was only hitting her AT field. The smell of burning metal began to mingle with the blood-scent of the LCL, and she closed her eyes, waiting for Vash's machine to move. Vash hesitated for just a second, trying to keep his hand steady as he deployed the prog knife from his shoulder and gripped the blade between his fingers. Then he nodded to himself and hurled himself forward, letting his machine twist as he lept out of the connecting tunnel into the vertical shaft, the Angel visible at the top, orange liquid spilling out from around its eye. Time seemed to slow down for just a moment, and Vash smirked involuntarily, feeling as though he'd become his namesake for just a moment, just the way that he'd always wanted. "Love and peace," he muttered, letting his arm snap upwards, fingers releasing the blade of the knife and letting it spin towards the Angel's eye. Then time restored itself, and several things seemed to happen at once as the dagger flew upwards without any sign of slowing. Vash's machine hit the opposite side of the vertical shaft hard, and the impact rocked the shaft enough that Nieve's feet slipped, her lower torso swinging back down and away from the wall, letting the acid fall freely towards the Evas at the bottom of the shaft. At the same moment, Neil's Eva stood forcefully, holding 05 and 04 gently and its AT field redoubling its power as the acid came racing towards it. Then a second seemed to finally pass, and as the first droplets of acid splattered against EVA- 01's AT field once again Vash's knife drove straight into the pupil of the Angel's eye, the flow of acid suddenly stopping as though the Angel had been genuinely surprised. Another second passed, then the Angel seemed to jerk upwards as it exploded, the waves of heat from an explosion hitting the Evas assembled in the shaft but none of the actual force managing to touch them. Vash slammed his hands against the wall and shoved his heels against the ladder, his Eva only slipping a small distance towards the bottom before he came to a stop. Then, almost on cue, the lights in the tunnel itself came back on with a flickering glow. "The power's back," announced Vash, smirking slightly and breathing a sigh of relief for all the Children. "Yeah," replied Nieve, hoisting her Eva's legs up and climbing back into the tunnel enough to avoid falling to the bottom, then relaxing her focus on the Eva and smirking to herself. She released the handles of the Eva's cockpit, staring at her open palms for a moment before closing them gently into fists, a warm sense of satisfaction slowly flooding through her body. "It is." Her smile widened, and with one quick glance back towards Neil she let herself relax, confident that her setbacks were only minor ones as the other Evas began to climb their way out of the pit. ]++[ Outro: Neon Epoch Evangelion is based off of -Shin Seiki Evangelion- by GAINAX and company. It is not intended to be a straightforward fanfic, but it is building off the work of others, and as such it is done with the utmost respect for the original works and their authors. Basically, even though this is an original work, it's based off the work of others, and if you read this, you should go to see the original. Special thanks to all of the real Children - you know who you are. Extra special thanks to Joe Augulis for his consultation on the Japanese portions of the story. He might not know much Japanese, but that's more than I know. Copyright 2002 Eliot Lefebvre. NEXT EPISODE: Home is where you can feel secure. Home is where you can feel normal. Home is where you can hide your secrets. NEON EPOCH EVANGELION 12: A NAME LIKE HOME "I just wanted to feel normal again." ]++[ We only have a little time in our lives to waste. Make the most of it. Electronic Transcendence Productions: Producer of, um, stuff for an unspecified time-period. Rants: