From: (Eliot Lefebvre) Subject: [Eva][Fanfic] Neon Epoch Evangelion: Episode 16 X-Original-Date: 2 Dec 2002 08:07:53 -0800 Superdimensional Pre-Story Warning: This fanfic is an original take on GAINAX's "Shin Seiki Evangelion." It contains alternative characters, plots, and a different overriding internal logic. It is intended, from the beginning, to be different. This includes different Children and different histories. In short: if the mere thought of someone other than Shinji in the cockpit of EVA-01 makes you queasy, you are in -entirely- the wrong place. Any and all flames stemming from this alteration will be mocked mercilessly. You have been warned. Yep. Another episode. Those of you that like reading this already know the score, and the rest of you don't care, huh? ;> ]++[ ]+ ELECTRONIC TRANSCENDENCE PRODUCTIONS +[ presents ]+ NEON EPOCH +[ ]+ E V A N G E L I O N +[ ]+ EPISODE 16: BURDENS OF THE SOUL +[ By Eliot "Lostfactor" Lefebvre Based off of "Shin Seiki Evangelion" by GAINAX ]++[ I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. - REVELATIONS 3:8 ]++[ Hikari Horaki belonged to one of the few families that had moved to Tokyo-3 almost immediately after its construction that did not have a position within NERV, and was perhaps the only one that was not well- off in the first place. Her mother had been left with three young daughters and a dead husband only a year prior to the completion of Tokyo-3, and while the government had expected a flock of workers to fill the gaps in the city's infrastructure, only a few individuals seemed to actually arrive to make the city run normally, Hikari's mother being one of them. It had taken years for the family to move out of their tiny apartment and into a decent house, and it was still a small one, near the center of the city, barely two floors tall and only equipped with a single bathroom. Vash stood in the bathroom, one arm resting against the smooth white porcelain of the toilet, pants open as though he actually needed to go to the bathroom, thinking about what he knew of Hikari's past simply because it gave him an alternative to thinking about his own situation. His eyes were closed, the only sensory input other than the loose feel of his clothes being the vauge scent of soap and disinfectant, an odd combination with the tight sensation in his chest. If there had been a window in the bathroom, he would have happily climbed out it, but instead he could only stand, trying to think about anything other than the reality of his situation, wishing that he could urinate just to have something to do. Eiko's kiss still was lingering gently on his lips, the warm sweetness of her tongue still rolling about in his mouth, keeping his mind focused on what they had done even though he wanted to deny it. It had been uncomfortable, lying on Hikari's couch and slowly undressing, the passion between them building gently, just as it had before. This time, things had gone even more poorly, and even sooner than last time Eiko asked him to stop, gripping his wrists in her hands and telling him that she wasn't ready. It was an intensely passionate moment, and Vash had wanted, more than anything, to deny her the option of telling him to stop, to give her what he knew she wanted. It was only then, stnding in the bathroom weakly, that Vash realized what he'd actually been contemplating, what it said about him as a person, and he knew that he'd done the right thing by simply storming off to the bathroom, offering only a curt announcement that he had to go as explanation to the girl. He would never have raped her, and he knew that academically, but the thought that he had even considered it made him at once angry with himself and angry with her. "This wouldn't happen if she just made up her mind," he muttered, restraining the urge to hit the wall, feeling almost as though she was playing with him, as though she wanted him to show her that he was decisive enough to take her by force. Shaking his head at the sheer absurdity of the thought, Vash reached down and zipped his pants shut, letting his eyes drift open once again, feeling uncommonly exposed and alone as he stood in the bathroom. He rested for a moment longer, then reached down and flushed the toilet, washing his hands despite having done nothing, wanting to at least keep up some kind of appearance with Eiko, wanting her at least to believe in him a little bit. Sighing heavily, not looking forward to what he knew awaited him outside of the bathroom, he reached over and turned the knob, moving with almost unconscious ease back towards the living room. The girl was sitting up on the couch once again, uniform blouse now fastened as it was before, her hands folded across her knees, a red blush spread across her cheeks, as though she was ashamed to even be near Vash. "Hey," he said quietly, drawing her gaze up towards him, for once unsure of what his own expression was, completely baffled as to what the girl in front of him was feeling. "Sorry about getting up like that... I just really had to go." He tried to force a laugh, failing somewhat but maintaining a distant hope that he'd convinced the girl. "So I guess it's probably better that we stopped, then." "Vash, I'm sorry," said Eiko softly, sounding genuine, her eyes flicking away from Vash to focus on something that he couldn't quite pick out. "I'm really sorry. I'm just..." She paused, then shook her head. "I just don't think I'm ready right now. I know how much we've talked about it, but -" "It's all right," he replied, his voice losing some its usual mirth as he turned away from the girl, not wanting to seem angry even though he felt it. He hadn't really wanted to come to Hikari's house in the first place, and now that things had gone wrong he wanted mostly to simply leave, to go find something else to do, and most importantly in his mind to avoid talking to his father about what had happened. "I understand. Today isn't a good day. That's fine." "You're not listening," replied Eiko, drawing Vash's gaze back towards her, some of his mixed bitterness and embarassment fading away as he looked at the girl. She seemed not so much angry as frustrated, legs closed close together, anxiously wringing her hands together. "It's not just that I don't think today is a good day, it's..." She paused. "It's that I don't think that there's going to be a good day for a long time now. I don't know if I'm going to be ready for a while. I just don't know." "Okay," replied Vash, realizing as soon as the words had passed his lips that he'd said the wrong thing. He'd only meant that the day had gone wrong, not that it was a day poorly suited to their first time, but he knew that he couldn't let the image drop now that Eiko had created it, even though he found the thought distasteful. "Fine. I guess every time that we said we wanted one another, you were lying. That makes sense. That's really -great- to know -now-." Staring at the girl, Vash could see that his words had cut her deeply, that he'd hurt her more than he could remember ever having done before, and he winced internally at the sight. He wanted to simply lean over and take her in his arms, to make her feel better, not to have a fight about something that he truly didn't care about. Gritting his teeth slightly, he steeled himself for a fight that he knew was coming as her mouth opened, reminding himself that there was no other way to keep his image intact. "Vash, I -do- want you," the girl replied, her voice growing slightly angrier even as she looked ready to cry. "It's got nothing to do with that. It's just a really big step, and -" "And you -don't- -want- -to- -take- -it- -with- -me-," replied Vash, spitting out each word with staccato inflection and deliberate venom. He could feel his own ire beginning to rise from the energy of the argument, becoming angry even though he truly didn't care about the subject. "You can't have it both ways, Eiko. You either want me, or you -don't.-" He paused briefly, a thought occuring to him, something that he knew would sting deeply, would make the girl take notice. "Or would you just rather take the step with Neil?" Eiko's eyes widened at the name, and Vash knew that he'd struck the exact nerve that he'd intended, feeling at once guilty and pleased with the fact. "That's not fair, Koji," she said firmly, Vash painfully aware that she was angry simply by the fact that she was using his proper name. She only called him Koji when she was deathly serious, and Vash could feel the argument hurtling towards a conclusion, knowing he was powerless to stop it. "Neil has nothing to do with this. Don't bring him into it." "I think he has -everything- to do with it," replied Vash, sneering now, the darkened walls of Hikari's house seeming oddly suited to his slowly growing volume. "Why not bring him into it? He's already right in the -thick- of it." The boy shook his head and chuckled weakly. "After all, it's only after he shows up that you decide you don't want to go through with something that we'd been planning for -months-, only then that you start hanging out with someone else more than me." Vash's lips curled into a rather sinister grin even as he winced internally, wishing that he could stop, wishing that there was some way he could avoid hurting the beautiful girl in front of him any further. "Would you like him to be here right now? Do you fantasize about him undressing you? Are you turned on just by -thinking- about him sliding his -" Vash's eyes had lost focus in the rush of angry, hurtful words, as though the girl in front of him had simply evaporated so that it would be easier for him to curse at her. It also meant, however, that he hadn't seen her hand racing towards his cheek, his first realization coming as the smooth skin exploded across his face, leaving a stinging red mark on his cheek that matched the anger he felt towards himself. Keeping his jaw set, he glanced back towards Eiko, sneering at her externally as she stared back up at him, her eyes narrow and breath coming quickly. Tears were sitting just behind her eyes, and she stared for only a moment before she began storming for the front door. "Rushing off to see him?" called the boy, following her with his eyes, still sneering. "Want to find out what it feels like to have a gaijin inside of you?" He wanted nothing more than to pursue the girl, to take her in his arms and make her feel better, but he knew that it was too late, that he had to stay the course no matter what. Eiko, to his surprise, froze in front of the front door, her hand resting on the knob as she stared back at Vash. "I'm leaving because you -asked- me that, you god-forsaken little -prick-," she snapped, obviously on the brink of tears despite being absolutely furious with the boy in front of her. "You want to know what I want? Fine. I want to find out what it feels like for you to be -alone-. I want to find out what it feels like for you to try and find someone else to care about you." She shook her head, then yanked the front door open angrily. "I want to see if you can find some other girl like you always say you can. And I want you to -leave- me the -fuck- -alone-." The door slammed angrily behind her, and Vash only glared after her for a moment longer before flopping weakly on Hikari's couch, the soft give of the fabric feeling almost smothering. "This is all your fault, Neil," he muttered, certain that he wouldn't have had to defend his appearance in front of the girl at all if the other Child hadn't arrived. Cursing his fellow pilot, Vash felt a surge of liquid behind his eyes, and biting his lower lip he turned and pressed his face into the cushions as his tears began to flow, wishing that there had been some way to do things differently, that Eiko was still beside him. ]++[ Nieve had not been able to stop smiling. She lay back on her bed, book opened and lying beside her, only a page beyond where she had been the prior day, indicating much less reading than she was usually able to accomplish in a morning. It wasn't that she didn't want to read, it was simply that every time she picked up the book she found her thoughts thinking back to the night before and simply falling apart into smiles and warm memories. There was simply nothing to be done except lie back and enjoy the still-remembered sense of what it was like to make love to Neil, a blush of both joy and girlish embarassment flooding her cheeks each time that she thought of what they had done. "It was perfect," she whispered to herself, clutching at the pure white of her sheets as the sun from her window splayed lightly across her, across the dark green sleeveless blouse she wore and the knee-length white shorts. "It was everything that I wanted." She took a deep breath, rolling onto her side and feeling her hair move against the back of her neck, remembering the way that Neil felt, letting every touch of the previous night burn into her memory, from the brief moment of pain at the beginning to each crystal-clear moment of absolute ecstacy from the boy holding her. There was still a minor ache in her lower body, a reminder of the minor pain of lost virginity, but it didn't dull the memory any, seeming almost to make it seem even more bittersweet. Cradling herself in her own arms, Nieve felt slightly alone without Neil with her, but there was something of him lingering with her yet, something that she assumed came innately with the simple experience of making love. Even though the rush was slowly fading from her body, she still felt uncommonly whole, as though for once everything had gone completely right, as though she'd managed to completely regain control of her life with only one gesture. "But it wasn't really me in control last night," she smirked to herself, unsure about how the realization made her feel, trying casually to push it out of her mind. "I just led him where he needed to go." The sound of an opening door came from the room next to hers, and she suddenly sat bolt upright in bed, knowing that Neil was at least taking a momentary break from his schoolwork. She knew that he had gotten more or less no time to work on it the day prior, which was the only reason she was even pretending to be reading instead of hanging around him as she wanted to. Smooth legs moving in easy strides, she move from her bed to her door in one swift motion, throwing the door open and moving towards Neil without even bothering to pay attention to his emotions, simply hurling herself about him and pulling him tight with a joyous smile. "Hey, hon," she said, voice slightly husky. "It's good to see you." Neil pulled the girl's arms off of him awkwardly, and for a moment Nieve wondered why until she felt him turn around and embrace her, pulling her up and kissing her without any prompting. The pale yellow of the apartment walls seemed to disappear for the girl, the only thing on her mind the simple act of kissing the boy that she'd given her virginity to, feeling utterly safe within his arms, as though everything was made all right simply with a kiss. "I'm sorry," he said softly, letting her down as the kiss ended, his emerald eyes staring into hers, blonde hair falling down around his face. "I should have come over and knocked, but I thought you were reading." In the back of her mind, Nieve wanted to say outright that there was no way that she could get any reading done, that all she wanted to do was lie with him and talk with him and make love to him once again. She knew, however, that there was no way she would be able to maintain any kind of control if she gave in to the impulse, and instead she simply squeezed him gently, smiling broadly at him. "You don't have to worry about that, silly boy," she replied, gently rubbing his back. "We're lovers. You're -supposed- to interrupt me when I'm doing something else. So from now on..." Pausing briefly, she tried to figure out a way to say what she was thinking without losing her control of the situation. "From now on, come right in and start kissing me, all right?" "All right," replied Neil, smiling as he leaned over and planted a quick peck on Nieve's cheek before releasing her and heading towards the door. For a moment, the girl thought that he was about to do something romantic and unexpected, but as she saw him step down into the lowered area with his shoes she realized that something she hadn't expected was about to happen, and she felt a minor twinge of pain in her chest for reasons that she couldn't quite explain. "When I get back, I'll do just that," he offered, glancing over towards her quickly before turning to slip on his shoes. There was something lingering from the night before that prevented Nieve from truly being angry with the boy, something that somehow alleviated the pain of watching him prepare to leave the apartment. She was certain that it couldn't be any kind of abandonment, knowing that he had made a connection with her stronger than anything else, something she found herself almost silently chanting as she watched him. "You're leaving?" she asked, trying to simply sound cute and vaugely upset by the fact, some vague tint of other emotions creeping under her tone. "I had hoped we'd have lunch together. Maybe watch a movie." She paused, shifting awkwardly on her feet. Maybe... we could..." Neil froze, then looked back towards the girl with sorrowful eyes, something that only served to deepen Nieve's confusion. "I'm sorry, Nieve," he said again, sounding as though he'd done something horrible, causing Nieve to unconsciously clench one fist as the yellow walls about her returned to their solid state in her mind. "I... I already made plans with Eiko to meet her for lunch." He paused, forcing an awkward-sounding laugh. "I really don't think either of us expected what happened last night to happen, you know?" The boy rubbed the back of his head for a moment, then his expression drooped to the floor, his green eyes flicking downward. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." Forcing herself to take a deep breath, Nieve tried to take stock of the situation, reminding herself that Neil was at least apologizing, that he realized he had done the wrong thing. One some level, she wanted to order him simply not to go, to enforce her control through a few simple words, knowing now that she had the ability to do it. Somehow, though, it seemed as though it wouldn't fix the problem, that she wasn't going to win this fight. "All right," she replied after a moment, shaking her head gently, trying to keep it just small enough so that her hair like liquid fire swished behind her head alluringly. "But I don't want you having lunch with her for the rest of the week. All right?" A brief silence filled the air, and Nieve wondered if she'd stretched herself too far, the incredible high of the night before fading with increasing speed as she stared at the boy. "All right," he replied at length, shaking his head ever so gently, looking less as though it was a defiant gesture and more as though he simply didn't understand her reasons. She thought she caught the barest trace of guilt on his face as he turned back to tying his shoes, but if it had been there at all it evaporated almost instantly, and she wrote it off in her mind, knowing that it could well be something she was simply too accustomed to. "I'll let her know this afternoon." He paused. "We'll spend the afternoon together, you and I. There's this really romantic movie from around the turn of the century that I want to watch with you." "Sounds good," replied Nieve, winking at the boy as he finished tying his shoes, his hand already resting on the doorknob, as though he couldn't leave the apartment fast enough. Biting her lower lip gently, the girl forced herself to remember that he was simply going out to see a friend, trying to call back the memory of his hands upon her skin from the night before. "But it better not suck." A silence hung in the air momentarily, Neil looking at her as though waiting for her to say goodbye. "Have fun. I love you." "Love you," replied Neil, almost throwing the door open and stepping out, shutting it gently behind him and leaving Nieve standing alone in the apartment. She stood in place for a time, simply staring at the brown wood that formed the door, tensing and relaxing her hands in time with her breathing, forcing herself to remain calm even though she wanted to do anything but. "He's just going to see a friend," she muttered to herself, shaking her head. "Eiko is just a friend. He's mine now. I won." Closing her eyes, Nieve tried to summon up memories of the evening before once again, hoping to blot out the momentary discomfort of the situation with the unspeakably intense ecstacy of making love the night before. It had been more than simply the physical aspect, more than the electrical connection of her body to what felt like a wall of unmitigated pleasure. There was something simply normal about it, a comfortable moment where she'd felt entirely normal, as though there was nothing wrong with her body. "Just a normal girl," she muttered, liking the sound of it despite herself. "Just a normal, healthy girl giving herself to a boy." The girl sighed, then she shook her head as she heard the hiss of Pen- Pen's fridge opening, the small black and white bird waddling out with a characteristic noise. He stepped out from the kitchen and looked at Nieve, his wide eyes seeming naturally inquisitive, and the girl smiled at him, crossing her amrs and squeezing her own shoulders. "You don't know how lucky you are, do you? All you've got to worry about is whether or not we've put fish in the fridge." "Waugh!" replied Pen-Pen enthusiastically, turning back towards the main fridge, as though her comment made a perfectly good suggestion. Nieve shook her head, then turned back towards her room, hoping that she could do some kind of reading to take her mind off the situation, unable to fight down a sense of growing dread knotting itself deep within her chest even as she remembered the pleasure and simplicity of the night before. ]++[ Surprisingly enough, the sun over Tokyo-3 was not particularly glaring, hidden behind an abundance of white clouds that only let tiny bits of blue sky peek out from behind them. It was the sort of day that seemed perfectly suited to taking a walk, and Neil had suggested the same to Eiko once they'd finished their lunch half because of that. The other reason, however, was the fact that the girl was being unusually silent and dejected, responding with only curt sentences to Neil's questions, something that made Neil's internal tension from simply being with the girl only amplify itself. So they walked through the terrace of the school, around the trees and the shrubs, the sparse sun filtering through the vermillion of the tree branches and splaying like a mosaic across the gray pavement. "Nice day out today," he noted, trying to start some kind of conversation with the girl. "I don't think it's been this enjoyable here since I arrived." "Probably not," replied Eiko, her mind elsewhere, the memories of the previous night only amplifying from the proximity to Neil. She remembered how angry Vash had been with her all too well, and despite everything she found herself toying with the notion of his suggestion in the back of her mind. Much as her parents hated the fact that she was with Vash, she knew they would hate her being with Neil even more, and that somehow made the option almost infinitely more appealing. "I'm sorry, Neil," she announced at length, recalling Vash's angry words as she cast her eyes towards a small gray squirrel hiding amongst the bushes. "I'm not being very good company today." "I hadn't noticed," Neil lied, trying to keep his tone upbeat. "Do you want to talk about it?" He bit his lip almost immediately afterwards, and he mentally apologized to Nieve for not doing a better job of cutting himself off from the girl. He'd determined that if he could just seperate from her completely, then he wouldn't ever think of her after making love to Nieve, something that he wanted very badly. Whatever else he felt towards Eiko and Nieve, he'd made love to the Irish girl, and he felt as though he'd betrayed her by thinking of someone else. Still, he knew he would have felt guilty about not asking Eiko what was wrong. Eiko didn't answer the boy's question immediately, instead letting her eyes continue to focus on the squirrel. "Yes," she replied after a moment, coming to a stop just in front of one of the larger trees, running over the brown and gnarled trunk with her eyes simply to distract her thoughts. "No. Maybe. I don't know. I..." She paused, trying to think about whether or not she wanted to talk to Neil about her and Vash, struggling to think about the question without thinking about the situation. "It's kind of personal. You... you might not want to hear it." A brief rush of adrenaline washed over the boy as he stared at the girl, suddenly worried about what she would say. He was lethally afraid that she was about to profess her love for him, and even though he knew how utterly unrealistic the expectation was, it excited him somewhat. Another knot of guilt formed in his stomach, and forcing himself to simply deal with the situation at hand he put his hand on the girl's shoulder gently. "Even if I don't, I'll listen," he replied, biting his lower lip gently, simply waiting for the girl to turn her gaze towards him before he forced another smile. "Vash and I..." She paused, then shook her head. "Vash and I tried to make love last night." Her voice had dropped notably in volume once again, a red flush slowly blossoming on her cheeks as her lids fluttered half-shut. "It didn't go well, and at the end, he said..." She paused, then took a deep breath before staring directly into Neil's deep green eyes, something hiding just behind her own eyes that Neil couldn't quite place. "He said that he thought I wanted you instead. He said that that was why I didn't sleep with him." Neil wanted to run. The instant that Eiko's lips formed the words, even before his ears fully registered the pained melody of her voice, Neil wanted to run for his life, to go back and huddle in Nieve's arms and let himself be consumed by guilt that he could do nothing to prevent. A question pushed to the surface almost immediately in his mind, and for a moment he debated over whether or not to ask it before he decided that he couldn't possibly make the situation any worse than it already was. "Do you?" he asked, his voice only slightly halting. Eiko giggled weakly, somewhat surprised that the boy had actually been brave enough to ask the question at all. She was about to say no when she let herself take in the proximity of Neil, her mind wrapping around the concept. Something inside of her wanted not to say no, as though it would obliviate the possibility completely, as though it was simply an option that she wasn't ready to discard outright. "It's not why I didn't want to sleep with him, I promise you," she said after a moment, knowing it was a minor lie. "But... but he was so angry..." She paused. "I think we might be breaking up." Staring at Eiko, Neil wished that the girl had said no. If she'd simply said that she didn't want him, his life would be infinitely easier, and he wouldn't have to make any difficult decisions - he would simply blot out all memory of the horrible thought that he'd had, simply move on with Nieve. It was that closure that he needed from her, something she'd denied him by not answering the question, and despite himself he found he was angrier with her than he was with himself. That faded within an instant, but still he simply wanted to know what was going on, for the girl to say that she didn't want him. He only noticed at the last moment that she was saying something, and only looked up in time to see a fist hurtling directly towards his face. The blow hit with the force of a freight train against a toothpick by Neil's estimation, and he felt himself fall backwards, hitting the mosaic-lighted pavement roughly and wincing from both the punch and the impact against the ground. His reflexes had changed since he had begun piloting the Eva, however, and instead of simply staying where he was he scrambled to his feet, moving backwards to avoid getting hit again, the whistling noise of air letting him know that he'd barely avoided precisely that. Blinking once, he turned his gaze towards his assailant, the spiky blonde hair telling him immediately who he was facing. "Vash," he said dejectedly, feeling only distantly relieved by the presence of a distraction. "What do you want?" "Closure," replied Vash, quickly stepping forward and letting another punch lash out towards the boy in front of him. He wasn't a trained fighter, and he knew that, but he'd had more than enough practice from EVA-03, and even besides that he was certain that he had more skill than Neil. The other boy stumbled back, but Vash was unconcerned, balancing on the balls of his feet as he removed his black windbreaker and threw it to the ground. "You and I, we have unfinished business from the first day you were here. Toji Suzuhara's still in the hospital, and I still owe you a beating." "Vash, I don't want to -" Neil never got a chance to finish the sentence, distracted by the effort of stepping back away from another one of Vash's punches, the boy's hand flying wide as he glared at the other, Neil's feet moving swiftly as Vash continued to assault him. It was a steady pattern, enough for him to fall into his own pattern of dodging and trying to speak again. "Listen, Vash, I'm sorry about Eiko's brother. But I didn't do anything to her, and I'm not going to fight you. I -" Once again, Neil was cut short, this time by the sensation of Vash's knee firmly lodging itself in his gut, the motion too fast for Neil to dodge without his full attention. It was painful, a fast enough blow to knock the wind out of Neil, but Neil had also still not forgotten the pain of having something rammed through his chest or his skull. Forcing himself to ignore the pain, Neil placed his hands firmly on Vash's chest and shoved the other boy back, a gesture that only served to further enrage him. "I don't want to fight you," he sneered, lunging towards Neil again. "I want to make you -hurt-!" Neil could feel the rage of battle rising in the back of his head, the sort of crimson sensation flooding through his body as he more or less hurled himself sideways, the slight blurring of his vision that he'd grown accustomed to from being inside of the Eva. It was intense, and it took all the focus he had to avoid hurling his fist into Vash, an effort that increasingly felt as though it wasn't worth it. More thatn he wanted to admit, he felt as though hitting the boy swinging angrily towards him would fix everything, would solve all of the problems that he was having with Eiko and Nieve. He hated himself for feeling it, but as he swung aside and away from another vicious blow coming from Vash, he couldn't help but feel his fists clench. Then Vash feinted to the side quickly, forcing Neil to dodge into a momentarily sun-lit patch, the bright light of the sun's golden rays striking and blinding him just enough to blur Vash's form beyond identification. A fist hit him hard in the jaw, then another in the chest, sending the boy staggering backwards, vision whirling about as he tried to pick out his attacker once again. He was only distantly aware of the onlookers gathered about him, catching a glimpse of a boy who might have been Kensuke as he staggered backwards and barely swung away from another punch. "That's it, you little bastard. Bleed. You deserve it." Swinging aside once again, Neil touched a finger to his lip where Vash had struck him, feeling the warm stickiness of a thin trickle of blood. Anyone watching his eyes closely would have noticed something come over them at that instant, but nobody saw closely enough to notice it, and the only gesture of his face was that his eyes suddenly narrowed from anger. Vash lunged at him once again, but this time the boy was ready, and both of his hands shot out, grabbing the other boy's wrists and shoving his fists off of their course. "You don't know what hurting -is-," he hissed, tightening his fist slightly even as Vash angrily tried to yank his arms free. Almost as though it was afraid of what would happen if the fight progressed, the Angel alarm suddenly screamed to life, its loud wailing cutting through the air and stilling all of the onlooking students for a moment. Then the crowd dispersed and began to run for the shelters as Vash and Neil remained locked in place, both glaring at one another, Vash's gaze passionate and Neil's oddly inhuman, almost serene in its fury. Standing a few feet away, Eiko wondered for a moment if the two would break apart, if even the threat of an Angel would stay them from their course after so much anger. The moment passed, and Neil's anger suddenly seemed to evaporate, erased by the same sort of nervous expression that he'd worn when the fight had begun, the realization that he'd let his rage get the best of him driving through his chest like a white-hot spike. Vash took the opportunity to tear his arms away, still glaring at the boy for a moment before turning and starting to walk towards the nearest entrance to Central Dogma. "This isn't over, Neil," he spat, beginning to pick up the pace slightly. "We'll finish this once the Angel is destroyed." Neil might have nodded, or he might have simply stared at his right hand without moving. Either fact would not have surprised him, and either way he was completely focused on his hand, wondering what he had been thinking. He had wanted to hurt Vash, too, not just in the sort of passionate way that the other boy had wanted but in genuine bloodlust. He'd wanted to feel the other boy's jaw slam against his fist, wanted to hear Vash cry out in pain, wanted to make the other Child feel exactly what he wanted. Gritting his teeth and frowning at himself, he took off towards the NERV entrance as well, thoughts of Eiko and Nieve buried momentarily beneath a new regret. ]++[ "It was stupid of me to go in the first place," Misato muttered to herself, flicking her brown eyes towards the elevator as she heard the doors hissing open, knowing full well that it was Ritsuko arriving at long last. She didn't know why she'd thought it would have been good for her to go out with Ritsuko and Kaji, and in retrospect it was outright moronic of her. The night had been fun at first, then quickly had reduced itself to awkward tension painted over by artificial politenes on her part, neither facet something she particularly enjoyed. It made some sort of ironic sense, at least to her, that the Twelfth Angel had chosen the day after to attack Tokyo-3, as though it was mocking her for even trying. "Makoto, do you have anything more concrete on the Angel yet?" Flicking his eyes quickly towards the main screen, the young man shook his head, a few strands of pale brown hair falling against the thin layer of cold sweat on his forehead. All that was pictured on the main screen was a black and white orb, the two colors splaying over one another like a glass marble. It hovered in the air, only slowly drifting towards Tokyo-3, a black shadow beneath it far too large for the small size of the orb. "No data on the target," he replied bluntly, letting his fingers dance across the keyboard. "Pattern is confirmed blue, but the AT Field isn't registering on our scanners above the fourth level. It's as though the Angel hasn't deployed it." Misato frowned briefly, then sighed inwardly and turned towards Ritsuko, the other woman leaning over Maya's console and studying the patterns flashing across the console screen. "Ritsuko," she said, a bit softer than she'd intended, trying not to garner the direct attention of Commander Ikari as the man stared stoically at the scene unfolding on the main screen. "What's the status of the Evas?" "All operational," replied Ritsuko calmly, either not at all concerned with the events of the previous night or simply not caring. It was disconserting for Misato either way, but she also knew that it was hardly the time for her to bring it up. "Niobe's passed 55% synchronization already. Ryo's still at 40% - there's some neural interference that seems unusual, but I can't figure out for the life of me what it might be. It's probably best to just send him out and hope that the ratio corrects itself with a little time." Nodding, Misato turned towards Shigeru, motioning for the communications officer to open a line with the Evas in the hangar, the only real thought going through her head the simple fact that she wanted to be almost anywhere else. Taking a deep breath, she turned towards the microphone as Shigeru flashed a sign of approval, focusing on the image of the Angel in front of her, keeping her mind on the task at hand as best she could. "All right, the twelfth Angel is approaching right now, and we're not certain of its capabilities. We're going to deploy you all near the center of the city, but we're holding half of you back until we're more certain of what the Angel can do. Niobe, Eiko, and Ryo will remain by their launch ports, while -" "Send me in against the Angel!" demanded Niobe, her voice cutting through Misato's with both its intensity and its volume. A small windowbox view of the girl came onto the main screen, her face resolute, something lurking just behind it that Misato couldn't immediately place. "I can do it, Misato. Please." Were the situation not a crisis, Misato would have taken the time to step away and take a few deep breaths, to try and keep herself calm even though the world seemed to be conspiring against her. "Fine," she muttered, shaking her head, knowing that EVA-02 would probably have fared better in close combat but not willing to argue. "-Nieve-, Eiko, and Ryo, you'll remain by your launch ports. -Niobe-, Neil, and Vash, you'll head out towards the Angel and attempt to engage it." Vash's portrait popped onto the screen, and knowing that things could only continue to get worse Misato began to take deep breaths, counting slowly in the back of her mind. "Are you sure want to place Neil's worthless little machine out there?" he asked, an uncommonly sinister grin on his face. "After all, it's just the testbed Eva. It's not a fully functional model. A lot like the kid piloting it." "The hell you would know," snapped Neil, his own portraiit popping onto the screen next to Vash even as Niobe's vanished. There was anger on his face, but the hints of something greater were lurking just beneath the surface, dulled by the size of the picture and boy the boy himself. "You've barely been in combat with the thing, and the first time you go out, you aren't even able to do anything." "At least I didn't destroy half of the city!" snapped Vash, the smug nastiness from before replaced with outright anger as he glared at what Misato coiuld only assume was Neil. "I know -one- person you put in the hospital with your little stunt back then - how many do you think you -killed-?" Misato recognized the look on Neil's face, the wince that he always made when he seemed to find something new to feel bad about, something that Misato couldn't put an exact name to but still recognizable. It faded in an instant, though, and his expression changed back to the same sort of restrained anger as she began counting her breaths again. "Here's an idea, then - how about I just let the damn Angel crush you and your godforsaken hellhole of a city? Or, better yet, I find -you- and crush -you- personally? An empty entry plug could probably do a better job of piloting that machine than you -" "-Children!-" snapped Misato, her patience exhausted and a thin layer of cold sweat already coating her forehead. Both Neil and Vash stopped rather tensely, and Misato waved weakly towards Shigeru for him to cut off the transmission. Both portraits winked out, and Misato shook her head, letting her purple hair flutter slightly behind her. "Maya, launch the Evas into the central port cluster. 01 along route 16, 00 along route 22. You know where the rest should go." She sighed, listening to the young woman at the console hit the necessary buttons, Misato's eyes already focusing on the silver metal of the command center instead of the main screen as she felt her muscles tense. A moment passed, the sound of the Evas launching filling the command center, and Misato half-heard the small intake of breath from Ritsuko's direction that she recognized from their days together in college, a gesture the blonde woman had always used as her own personal way of indicating she was uneasy. Forcing herself back to a standing position, Misato looked towards the woman, only able to see her back as the scientist leaned down towards Maya. "Prepare the dummy plugs for EVA-01 and EVA-03, just in case," she said, her voice sounding a little tired, as though hearing the two boys arguing had sucked the energy out of her. Ritsuko's tone, however, was not the first thing that caught Misato's attention. "What do you mean, 'prepare the dummy plugs?'" she asked curtly, drawing the other woman's attention towards her swiftly. "I thought that the test was aborted." "It was," replied Ritsuko, shaking her head slightly and letting out a small sigh. "But not before we were able to gather some data from the Children, enough to activate the system in its most rudimentary form." She shook her head again, staring towards the screen, divided to show the six Evas as they raced upwards towards their exit ports. "We imagine that the system can reach a maximum synchronization of 25% - enough to keep the machine operational, but it'll more or less be a sitting duck." "What about the pilots?" asked Misato, stepping closer to Ritsuko, unnerved by the woman's cavalier attitude towards the situation. "Will they still be synchronized with their Evas?" She forced herself to remain calm, to try not to lose control in front of her commander, studying the look on Ritsuko's face momentarily and getting all of the answer that she needed. "They will, won't they?" "To be honest, I'm not entirely sure," replied Ritsuko, a forced lightness in her voice as she stared up at the main display, the smallest smile creeping around the edges of her lips. "After all, we've never had a field trial, or for that matter a full laboratory test. If we take over from the pilot, though, I'd imagine that they'd still be able to feel what the Eva experiences." Misato didn't know what to say immediately, and instead she chose to simply turn her gaze back towards the main screen, watching the Evas race towards the surface, their colors blurring with the speed of motion. "You'd do that?" she asked quietly, the direction of her question obvious, tone low enough to be lost amongst the noises of the technicians on the levels below. "You'd replace the Children with machines?" "You saw what was going on with the Third and the Fourth," replied Ritsuko, her tone condescending, as though she didn't feel they deserved to have their names spoken. She had flicked her gaze away from the main screen, down towards the crimson tops of the housings for the Magi. "This is the fate of the planet we're talking about. If we can't rely on the Children, I'd be more than happy to entrust it to something we -can- rely on. Neil had grown accustomed to not liking the way that it felt to have the Eva's mind synchronize with his, to feeling uncomfortable every time he breathed in the blood-scented liquid that flooded the entry plug. Every time he found himself approaching a combat situation, he felt the back of his mind begin to flood with bloodlust, with the desire to simply hurt something, and he hated it. This time, however, the Eva didn't wait for the Angel or even for him to reach the surface, its brain wrapping around his like a bloodstained comforter, a disturbing feeling to say the least. Trying to force his mind to focus, he let himself take in the scenery as he reached the end of the launch tube, letting himself get his bearings as the Eva lurched to a stop and the scenery of Tokyo-3 came into view around him. He could hear the other Evas emerging around him, and taking a deep breath he began to move his machine towards the weapons depot, drawing out the first weapon that he could find. He gaped for the barest moment as he realized that he'd pulled out a gigantic spear before Vash slammed his black machine into Neil's side, just hard enough to force him to stumble to one side, throwing him off- balance. Neil glared at the boy as his mouth filled with the salty taste of blood, but Vash didn't even turn the head of his black golem towards Neil, simply retrieved a standard-issue rifle and turned in the direction of the Angel. "Sorry," he said, his voice leaving no doubt to his true emotions on the subject. "I stepped a little too far." Another deep breath of LCL calmed Neil down enough to ignore Vash, and he began to move towards the Angel along with EVA-03 and EVA-05, trying to fight down the anger in his head lingering from Vash's earlier assault in the schoolyard. Under the cloudy skies, the Angel was slowly coming into focus, the blue-white marble hovering above what seemed to be a black abyss. "Angel within visible range," said Neil, knowing that anger was creeping into his tone despite himself, that his hands were already clenching the handles of the cockpit tightly. "What do you want us to do now, Misato?" "Christ, can't you do anything without Misato's help?" asked Vash with a sneer, cutting off the commander's words before they had even escaped her mouth. Neil whirled the gaze of his machine towards Vash, but the other boy's Eva remained fixated on the Angel, cradling the rifle in his arms. Vash could see him out of the corner of his eyes, and as far as he was concerned that was more than enough, taking some small pleasure in seeing the other boy get riled up. "No wonder you did such a lousy job against the Third Angel. Misato probably hadn't learned to talk fast enough." "Shut up, Vash," snarled Neil, his anger growing, feeling a vague surge of guilt through the back of his mind as his grip tightened further against the handrests. He didn't want to be angry with Vash, and he forced himself to train his eyes on the Angel and the white buildings crowding around the orb, blocking Vash's words as best he could. "Misato, what do you want us to do?" Above him, he could see the clouds beginning to bunch together and grow darker, the implications obvious to him, trying to wash out the smell of blood from his nose and the anger growing in the back of his mind. In the command center, Misato could see Ritsuko visibly tensing, her blue-gray eyes staring with rigid focus towards the main screen disapprovingly. She could hardly blame the other woman, which only made things worse - what she really wanted to do was take both of the boys aside and tell them to behave themselves, as though they were simply being rowdy in a classroom instead of piloting gigantic war machines. "Hold your distance from the Angel, and split up as much as possible," she replied, trying to sound harsh enough to scare Vash into being obedient. "Observe its motions." She paused, then put one hand over the microphone, glancing over towards Makoto in hopes that he'd managed to put together something more concrete about the Angel. Makoto shook his head as he caught the woman's stare, and she sighed as she stared back towards the main screen, watching the Angel move. "Our sensors aren't even able to determine the physical properties of the Angel. No AT field, no discernable substance..." He paused, shaking his head for a moment and drawing Misato's attention back towards him almost inadvertantly. "It's like it's a ghost. Something that doesn't exist to us." Vash had heard and obeyed Misato's order, and he was flanking the Angel, training his rifle on the marble-colored beast hovering through the buildings. His mind was elsewhere, however, still angry at Neil for the situation the boy had placed him in, certain that it was ultimately his fault that there had been a falling-out with Eiko. In the back of his mind, he knew that he was being immature about the situation, but he had no desire to focus on that, instead, keeping his eyes trained on the Angel and watching Neil from the corner of his eyes. "Good job picking a spear there, Neil," he said, sneering slightly as he continued moving. "I'm sure that it's a really good choice over a gun. Because you've had such a great track record when fighting something hand to hand." Had Neil been given a spare moment, he would have at least have been happy with the fact that he had been sufficiently distracted from the awkward situation with Nieve to not worry about it, though he probably would have begun worrying about it as soon as he realized the fact. As it stood, however, he found himself fighting to simply keep his anger below the surface, to avoid doing what he wanted to Vash, knowing that he had a bigger responsibility. "Enough, Vash," he snarled, holding the spear at the ready as best he could, knowing full well that it would be an awkward weapon if the time came to use it. The blood-scent began to fade from his nose as he breathed slowly, forcing himself to calm down even as he felt the mind of the Eva urging him on. Nieve frowned as she watched the Evas in the distance circle the Angel, somewhat worried by the conversation going on between Vash and Neil. It was worrisome enough that she wasn't over there to keep a handle on the situation, but Vash was sounding distinctly unreliable, as though he was somehow jealous of the boy. Thinking for a moment, Nieve reached over and flicked open a private channel with Eiko. "Hey, Suzuhara," she snapped, certain that she was pronouncing the other girl's last name wrong and not particularly worried by it. "What's going on with Vash? He's your boyfriend, isn't he?" "That's open to debate," replied Eiko curtly, her gaze also fixed in the distance, flicking back and forth between 03 and 01, both moving with surprisingly similar caution, as though the two boys were thinking the same even as they shouted at one another. She was worried about Neil, certain that Vash might be willing to do something stupid, but she was also concerned about Vash despite herself, still wanting him not to be so angry with her. "It's probably just more of the fight they were having at lunchtime." Feeling her hands spasm involuntarily, Nieve turned her gaze back towards the purple form of Neil's Eva, frowning and feeling the intense urge to rush forward and defend him. She knew that Neil wouldn't do anything, but she also knew that Vash was probably stupid enough to try something, and she didn't know what Neil would do in such a situation. "Be careful, Neil," she muttered, leaning forward slightly as the clouds above her began to let loose a small drizzle of rain, wet droplets splattering against the back of her crimson machine. Vash and Neil were on opposite sides of the Angel now, both of them slowly circling it in one direction at varying speeds, their paths changing slowly as it moved closer to their original launch ports. "Why don't you make a go for it, Neil?" taunted Vash, feeling better simply by how visibly the boy was becoming unnerved, his steps with the Eva growing less confident, hs motions becoming visibly sloppier. "You don't need to train for it or anything. Just go right in. Rush in and get yourself hurt." He sneered. "Or get other people hurt. Either way, it's not like you don't get to be the golden boy, right? What does it -" "-ENOUGH-!" snapped Neil, finally at the breaking point, unable to see his Eva's eyes briefly flash green as he changed his grip on the spear. He was tired of being heckled, but he knew that it would only make things worse to go after Vash directly, and he knew that he did have an obvious target for his anger. Gritting his teeth, he swung the spear low to his side as he dropped into a crouch, letting the point of the weapon scrape against the pavement slightly. "I don't hurt people with this machine. I -protect- them." Neil could distantly hear Misato shouting something to him, but he didn't care as he launched his machine into the air, the muscles of the Eva coiling and throwing him towards the Angel's position even as it slowly drifted forward. The scent of blood was everywhere, and as he felt his field of vision begin to go red he turned the spear and let the point jut out, his trajectory bringing him directly in line with the Angel, coming towards the orb in just the right way to drive his weapon straight through it. In the back of his mind, he wanted to calm the anger, control it once again, but his thoughts were being buried under the waves of fury that Vash had goaded him into, and without further thought he let out a battle cry and jabbed the spear forward, letting the point break through the black and white surface of the hovering orb. Though he wanted to forget, Neil still remembered what it felt like to stab the schoolyard bully with a pencil, and he'd never forgotten the unique sort of pressure that came from driving something through the body of another. He felt no such pressure as the spear jabbed through the orb, enough to let him know that something was wrong even as the others around him saw the spear pass through the orb as though it was nothing, the long haft whistling through the air as Neil began to descend once more. Some part of his mind knew that he should say something to Misato, but his thoughts were elsewhere as he felt his Eva crash to the ground, dropping to a crouch once again and preparing to spring back towards the orb, the spear now gripped in one hand as the left pressed against the ground between his legs. Letting the muscles in his machine tense once again, Neil gave a mighty push, his eyes focused on the orb hovering above him and intending to go straight through the sphere this time. With a deep breath of blood- salted LCL, he let himself push off once again, expecting to feel his machine launch itself into the air towards his destination without a problem. Instead, he felt a momentary lurch and only a tiny amount of movement from his Eva. Glancing downwards immediately, he stared at the ground for just a second, seeing the black shadow of the Angel beginning to encroach upon his machine's purple surface. It took him a moment to realize what was going on, and his eyes widened in shock as he felt the machine starting to sink down into nothingness, anger forgotten in a moment of abject terror. "I'm sinking!" he shouted, putting all of his force into his left arm and tearing the hand off of the ground. Glancing up once again, he stood to his full height and tried to stab the spear upwards into the orb once again, holding it at the very end of the haft as it drove up. The blade penetrated the black and white surface, but once again Neil could feel no resistance, knowing that he'd done nothing. "The Angel's orb isn't important! It can't be harmed!" Vash felt only vaguely conflicted as he watched the purple golem in front of him whirl the spear about, stabbing it into the nearest building and trying to pull itself out of the blackness even as it sank down to its ankles. Then he looked down to realize that the pool of nothingness was expanding in his direction, only a meter or so away from his feet. "It's growing," he snapped, taking a step backwards before moving back towards the entry ports, knowing full well to move around the black oblivion. "Better get yourself out of there, Neil. It's you're own stupid fault for jumping in there anyways." Neil would have said something, but he was far too concerned with not getting sucked into the void, feeling it creep up the backs of his legs even as he struggled, like some sort of inescapable quicksand. It felt like sandpaper rubbing across his skin, a minor pain that only served to accent his fear of being swallowed by the nothingness. Jaw set firmly, he pushed as hard as he could against the spear, trying to pull himself upwards, only to find that the building he'd driven the spear into simply sank deeper into the mire itself. "I can't pull myself out!" he shouted, wondering if Misato was even listening to him. "Cut Neil off from communications," snapped Misato, feeling a tension in her chest as she said the words, as though she was sentencing the boy to his death. Shigeru hesitated a moment, then did as she asked, his fingers moving swiftly across the console. "We're withdrawing from the situation. Nieve, Eiko, Ryo, prepare for immediate recall. Niobe, Vash, if your ports are inaccessible, head for the nearest available entrance as fast as possible." "Wait just one damned minute!" snapped Nieve, slamming a fist against the nearest handrest, fully aware of what was going on. "Nieve's still trapped inside that thing! We've got to do something!' She paused, feeling tears coming out of her eyes despite herself, feeling the port beneath her begin to open up to bring her back to the lower level. "I plan to, Nieve," replied Misato, taking a deep breath. "I just don't know what." She gestured to Shigeru, and the comm line to the other Eva pilots was cut off, the air silent for a moment as Misato stared at the main screen. "Shigeru, open the lines again, this time with all of the pilots on. Maya, reel in the power cable. Divert all available power to the winch." Though Neil could still see outside of his Eva, he was not glancing behind himself, couldn't see the black cable plugged firmly into his Eva's back begin to tense and then withdraw with surprising speed, the cord vanishing back into the supply port from where it had originated. He did, however, notice the sudden sharp pain in the middle of his back as it began to reach its limit, the cord still straining to tighten further, pulling his Eva ever so slightly out of the black muck. Neil could only distantly appreciate the tug of war between the power cable and the muck around his lower legs, but below the surface in the control cetner Misato couldn't help but smile as she watched him begin to emerge, the purple form of his Eva slowly rising from the shadow. Her smile faded the instant that she saw the cable snap, the Eva's knees quickly sinking back into the oblivion beneath them as Neil's panicked gaze turned downward. "God damn it," she snarled, resisting the urge to hit something. "Maya, set all of the internal charges in the entry port to go off. We need to eject to the maximum possible range." She paused, staring at the Eva as it sank down to the middle of his hips. "Now!" "Ejecting entry plug!" announced Maya, slamming down a button on her console, waiting for a moment as the Eva seemed unwilling to react to the command. Misato felt her body tense as she watched the back of the machine remain stationary, the entry plug remaining within the Eva. "Ejection command rejected! The Eva is refusing all external feeds up to level fifteen!" Neil couldn't hear Maya's voice, couldn't see the panicked faces of the staff on the command level as he struggled, trying to pull himself out of the Angel, all other thoughts evaporating out of sheer terror. "Somebody, help me," he shouted, obviously trying to remain calm as the sensation of sandpaper against his skin spread throughout his body. "Help me. Help me!" No response came, and he could feel it encompass his lower body as he sank deeper, his hands furiously pumping back and forth on the handrests. "Help me! Nieve, Eiko, Misato - somebody! Help me! HELP -" The boy's voice cut off as the Eva's sinking accelerated, and the upper torso of the Eva vanished into the block nothingness, swiftly followed by the head of the Eva as well. For an instant, the twin black shoulder flanges and the horn of its helmet continued to peek out from the midnight-black surface of the shadow, then those last remnants also vanished beneath the surface, swallowed by the nothingness and leaving no evidence that the Eva unit had ever been there. ]++[ Pulsing, screaming waves of blood buffeting against naked skin, oddly comforting in their warmth, striking against Neil with gentle force, the world a haze of red and black wrapped in a fish-eye style about what seemed to be a single green eye. The world was silent as Neil remembered the day he gave birth to his son, the panting and breathing, the hard tension uncut by sedatives despite the insistence of the man at his side, a pressure rippling up along his womb, blood spilling out and cradling the infant, the blood temperature just like the cockpit of the Eva, smooth against naked skin, like silky fire with hidden poison - Within Neil's mind, something railed against the sudden incoherence as his memory unwove itself backwards, every cell in his body straining, the gray matter of his head sparking together and trying to reassert what he knew was true. Gritting his teeth against the strands of flesh left drifting in the blood-red ocean of menstrual fluid and LCL, he forced his eyes open, a momentary wash of red passing over the green orbs befor he found himself lying in a teal-gray metal room, apparently passed out on the floor. He blinked once, then glanced down at his body, seeing that he was still wearing his plugsuit. Shaking his head, he looked about the room, seeing the computer consoles that he'd grown to expect from the testing booths of NERV, a single wide window looking out into a darkened room beyond. Taking a deep breath, feeling a surge of LCL-laced air hit his lungs, he forced himself to his feet, the entire room feeling as though it sloped to one side as he staggered over to the window, past rows of computers, light only falling about him and making the computers look oddly inimical. With uneasy steps, he walked to the window, staring out what seemed to be a contained winter. The boy frowned, then pressed his face closer to the window, trying to get a better look at what was out in the hangar. Without warning, his eyes snapped shut of their own accord, and he felt the ocean of blood about him once again, this time tearing into him with tiny knives of ice, washing down his lungs uninvited and choking him into submission as he screamed without noise. His back arched, his body spasmed, and his eyes flew open once again, lying on his back in the same room as before, the lights this time deactivated within the room but active in the hangar outside. "Hello?" he screamed, feeling the metal begin to chill against his back for no apparent reason, his echo hitting the computers and seeming to take physical form as a shimmering blood-red wave cutting through the silent and darkened air. Shaking his head, he forced himself back to his feet, looking out the window once again, the temperature in the room dropping even further. What lay beyond the silent and darkened and threatening computer room was a massive chunk of ice, the frost from it flooding through the entire hangar, bright lights shone on it from every possible anger. Staring hard, Neil could see the vague hints of a dark outline within the ice, and frowning he pressed harder against the window, noticing the green iris that seemed all too familiar. Something momentarily made him wonder if he was looking at himself in the ice, but a second later the ice suddenly melted, revealing the purple form of EVA-01 sitting in a puddle of water, leaning up against the back wall of the hangar. Once again, without warning, the entire room shook, and Neil felt himself fall away from the window as the metal floor heated up once again, sending small darts of flaming pain through the thin fabric of the plugsuit for a moment before it subsided as Neil blinked. The moment his eyes closed, he felt himself coughing again, this time immersed in water, feeling something rough sticking from his chest, a vague white form in front of him as he bled from a wound that felt impossibly deep. His arms reached up to stop his assailant, then his eyes opened again and he found himself curled in a ball against the wall with the window, still wearing his plugsuit, the suit now smeared with dried LCL despite the fact that he felt none of the liquid in his hair. "Who are you?" The voice was light, almost childlike, but it was angry, and Neil whipped his head around to see a woman standing in the doorway to the room, wearing a white lab coat over what seemed to be another plugsuit, the lights over Neil snapping on just enough to allow him the minor glimpse of her. "Tell me who you are." "I'm..." He paused, then struggled to his feet again. "I'm Neil Richelieu, the Third Child. I - I pilot EVA-01." He paused, then glanced out the window, seeing now nothing but a darkened hangar. "Um... it was out there before, but I don't think you can see it now. To be honest, I don't know how I got in here - I was -" "You are not supposed to be here," the woman interjected, walking towards Neil. As she drew closer, Neil could see that she was indeed wearing a plugsuit, colored and structured like Neil's instead of the standard female suits, navy blue and white interplaying over the suit. "This is not your place. This is mine." She paused, her motions stopping, the light falling short of revealing anything above her waist in any real detail. "Where is my son?" Neil stared for a moment, then shook his head, blinking and briefly feeling the blood wash over him once again. There was soemthing familiar about the woman, something that he felt beneath his skin, something he couldn't put into words. "I... I don't know who your son is," he replied, trying to figure out why she seemed familiar. He knew it wasn't Ritsuko or Misato, nobody that he could remember ever seeing before, but as he backed against the wall with the window he felt as though he should know her name, or at least her presence. "I don't know where he is. Where am I?" "This is not for you!" she snapped, stepping fully into the light. Neil felt even more certain that he recognized the woman as he stared at her, the fragile structure of her face, the thin brown hair falling around her face, the quick blue eyes, but something about her seemed wrong, as though he'd only seen her in different circumstances. "Where is my son? Tell me where my son is!" "Who -are- you?" asked Neil, beginning to grow terrified, distantly aware of a green light beginning to flood through the hangar behind him. The woman was obviously growing distraught, and he could see she was clenching her hands into fists slowly and steadily. "I'm sorry if I'm not supposed to be here, but I don't know what's going on! Tell me who you -" "GIVE ME MY SON!" screamed the woman, her hands reaching up and gripping Neil firmly around the throat, pressing hard aganst his windpipe and lifting him up against the window. Her face was contorted into a fury, but it seemed uncomfortable there, something Neil felt himself thinking even as he felt the warmth of LCL and blood fill his lungs. "This is for -him-, don't you realize it? I did this all to keep -him- safe! If you are not my son, -get- -out-!" Struggling to breathe, Neil felt his lips opening in a silent scream of agony, and as he looked down at the woman he suddenly realized the vague recognition - she looked almost like a female version of Ryo, as though the two were twins. Then he felt a searing pain through his chest, and two holes burst through the center of his chest, geysers of blood erupting from each hole and splattering against the woman's face and hair even as she became visibly shocked. Neil felt his chest tear itself apart, and his eyes flew wide open, distantly noticing a vague light shining from them for just a moment. Then he heard a noise from behind him, and a massive hand tore through the wall, gripping both him and the woman... Before the hand could close on him and the woman, as he had no doubt that it would, Neil felt himself lurch back to wakefulness with a cough, his eyes opening slowly to a dull red-orange sea of LCL surrounding him. "The Angel," he muttered, his memory returning to him as he glanced around the cockpit, wondering if the video feed had simply been shut off or if he was inside the Angel still. Taking a deep breath, he tasted the salt of the LCL distantly before leaning towards the small display of battery time on his cockpit, ssing that it was slowly counting down. "The power cord," he whispered to himself, finding himself slowly reliving the situation in his mind. "That's what the tugging sensation must have been, the thing that was pulling me out. And then it got disconnected, and the Eva was sucked down..." He paused for a moment, the weight of the situation sinking in even as he tried to block it from his memory. "I must be inside of the Angel, still. The Eva's automatically switched to emergency power within the new environment." Forcing himself not to panic, Neil glanced down at the battery life display, trying to determine how long he'd been down in the Eva without human contact. The timer read that he had fifteen hours of power remaining, and while his heart made a momentary leap, he realized that the Eva must have shifted to bare life support, that it had cut itself off in order to conserve power. It was something Misato had discussed with him briefly when he'd first begun training inside of the Eva, and he tried to cast his memory back to the briefing, trying to recall how long the Eva could survive as a simple life-support system. "Each Evangelion unit is fitted with an emergency battery, five minutes of life under normal operating parameters..." He frowned, struggling to recall the exact number that she'd given him, speaking aloud simply to help fight against the loneliness of the cockpit as the waves of LCL washed over him. "Sixteen hours. And considering that I was flailing in the Eva on emergency supplies..." He paused, trying to figure out the math in his head for how much battery power he might have used, then stopped and shook his head. "I probably haven't been down here for very long. Must have just blacked out when the Angel sucked me in." Sighing, Neil idly checked the radio connection for a moment, hearing nothing but silence, a sure sign that he had been cut off from the others. Even in situations where Misato wasn't speaking directly to the pilots, he could still hear voices in the background, Ritsuko's and Maya's and Makoto's, the voices of the technicians that he'd come to take for granted. Another deep breath of salty liquid coursed through the boy's lungs, and he leaned back in his seat, forcing himself to relax. "Nieve, Eiko, Misato, please come," he muttered, slowly clenching and relaxing his fist, trying to figure out what his dream had meant in hopes that it would dull the emptiness around him. ]++[ Ritsuko stared at the display on the main screen almost idly before flicking her gaze back towards the console in front of her, knowing full well that Kaji and Misato were both watching her with questioning eyes. Before the Children had even finished returning to Central Dogma, she had set to the task of trying to figure out what the Angel was, and as soon as the command center was able to be cleared she had taken it upon herself to begin working on the analysis, Makoto and Maya assisting more for speed of processing than anything while Shigeru worked on the lower levels to re-establish contact with EVA-01. What was delaying Ritsuko now, however, was not the lack of an answer so much as the impossibility of it. "I've gotten something," she announced at length, leaning back in her chair. "Maybe." Nobody spoke for a moment, and then Misato stepped forward, obviously unnerved by the cavalier attitude the other woman was taking. "If you've got something, -tell- us," she snapped, crossing her arms across her chest, obviously doing her best to restrain her anger. "'Maybe' is a lot better than nothing, and it's all we've got now." "Are either of you familiar with the theory of antimatter?" replied Ritsuko, half as a lead-in to an explanation and half simply to shut Misato up while she spoke. The purple-haired woman shook her head, and Ritsuko managed to force a wry grin as she looked back up towards the main screen. "Antimatter is the exact antithesis of matter. If matter and antimatter come into contact, they instantly dissolve into energy. That's the theory, anyways - you can understand how it would be hard to get far beyond that stage when dealing with this stuff." She paused for a moment, turning her gaze back towards Misato and Kaji. "One of the early scientists that theorized the existence of antimatter, Dirac, proposed that the universe was created out of equal parts matter and antimatter. But if that was the case, the entire universe would be raw energy - everything would have canceled out." "Fascinating as 'Quantum Mechanics for Dummies' is, I really don't see how it applites to the situation," interjected Misato, frowning up at the screen, the black-white marble of the Angel still hovering over the city, seeming to mock the staff as it sat motionless. "What the hell happened to Neil? And how do we get him out?" "I'm getting there. Be quiet and listen." Ritsuko ignored the other woman's indignant squawk as she turned her gaze back towards the main screen. "The concept of a universe so composed - a universe composed of nothing but energy - was termed the 'Sea of Dirac.'" She paused, then turned back towards Kaji and Misato. "If I'm right, that's where Neil is right now. It's an alternate universe that we can only describe in the most abstract mathematical terms - the laws that we're accustomed to simply don't apply to it. That's why none of our attempts to contact him are working - they're all assuming that the universe he's in still operates the same way." Silence settled over the control room for a moment, and Ritsuko took that as an indication that it was safe for her to continue talking, turning back towards the main screen for a moment. "We've picked up the Angel's AT Field - it's within what we thought was the shadow, an inverted field of a constantly spreading diameter and about a quarter of a centimeter thick. The orb in the sky is the thing's actual shadow. That's why Neil wasn't able to hurt it." "All right," replied Misato, rubbing the back of her head, feeling a cold sweat layer over her forehead, a headache beginning to grow at the base of her neck. She didn't entirely understand what Ritsuko was talking about, but she knew that saying as much would only complicate matters, and more than anything she wanted to simply do her job and make sure that Neil got back into the base safely. "You've gotten a lock on what the Angel is - how do we get Neil back?" Ritsuko paused, biting her lower lip gently, and Misato knew without another word that Ritsuko expected her not to like the answer. It was something else that she rememberd from when she and Ritsuko had been together in college, another gesture that made her wonder if half of the tension between the two women didn't simply come from the fact that they were still working together when they should have gone their separate ways. "The problem is, without any idea of how the physics work in the Sea of Dirac, we don't really have any way of retrieving Unit 01." She paused. "Commander Ikari did have a plan, however. He contacted me a few minutes ago." Misato nodded, then realized that Ritsuko had emphasized part of her sentence awkwardly, as though there was something she was trying to avoid talking about. Giving a cursory glance back towards Kaji, she saw that the man was perfectly content to simply watch, his expression frozen in one of stoic resolution. "You weren't talking about Neil, though. How do you plan on getting -Neil- back?" Clearing her throat, Ritsuko turned back towards the main screen. "In our current situation, we have no way of damaging the Angel. Dr. Ikari has contacted the UN, and they've agreed to make a concerted strike on the Angel, dropping all globally remaining N2 devices partially into the Angel and detonating them simultaneously. The explosive force will probably level Tokyo-3 completely, but as it stands it's the only plan we have. With any luck, everything absorbed into the Angel will be repulsed." She paused. "Unfortunately, there's no way that the pilot would be able to survive. The pain would overload his neural system, and his brain would hemorrhage until he died." "So you're going to kill him," snarled Misato, her teeth clenched tightly, hands tempted to reach out and strike the other woman hard across the face. "That's the best plan that you can think of? Killing the pilot just to save the damn Eva unit?" "Better than losing both," replied Ritsuko, her tone remaining measured even as some anger began to creep into it. The woman's eyes had turned fully towards the main screen, as though she couldn't bear to look at Misato any longer. "Besides, Misato, the plan isn't going to go into action until seventeen hours from now. Even assuming that Neil's operating on full battery power - which he's certainly not - life support would fail sixteen hours from now, and he would choke to death on the LCL once it stops being oxygenated. Unless we get him out of there sooner, he's dead anyways." "And you're not trying to think of any plans!" snarled Misato, taking a step towards the other woman as one hand clenched itself into a fist. "You're just content to wait until he chokes to death like a dog, then bomb his body to pieces, just to get back your precious Eva unit!" She paused for a second, waiting for some reaction from the blonde scientist, knowing distantly that she was getting hysterical and also knowing that she didn't particularly care. Ritsuko said nothing, and Misato reached out to spin her chair around, forcing the woman's eyes to look towards her. "God damn it, Ritsuko, we're supposed to be the people -protecting- these children! We're asking them to risk their lives, the least that we can do is try to keep them alive!" "Trying doesn't always mean succeeding," replied Ritsuko coldly, pushing her chair back around towards the console curtly, her eyes flicking back up towards the main screen. "Commander Ikari wanted to move forward with the plan within four hours, you know. I had to convince him to wait until the pilot was already dead." She paused for a moment, letting the implications of her statement sink in slowly. "If you can think of a better way to solve the problem, feel free. I'm trying to do the same." On the lower level of the command center, Nieve couldn't see the women firsthand, but she could hear the sounds of their voices, the volume just high enough to catch her attention, resounding through the cavernous command center. She'd entered through the lowest level in hopes of being able to find out how they were planning on recovering Neil, but now she found herself with tears gently flooding down her cheeks, a tightness in her chest and bitter determination gripping her. Taking a deep breath, biting her lower lip gently and tasting the bitter salt of the LCL still lingering there, she tried to force herself to think beyond the momentary stress, to try and put together a plan herself. "I've got to go talk to Eiko," she said to herself, knowing that the girl would be willing to help her. Nodding into empty air, she turned around and headed towards the hangar, determined to find the other Child right away. Still leaning back on the upper level of the command center, Kaji simply watched as Ritsuko typed away furiously, Misato standing a few inches away from her, still obviously angry. He considered asking for a moment exactly why Gendou was so concerned about retrieving Unit 01 at the possible cost of the pilot, but after a moment of internal debate he decided against it, certain that Ritsuko either didn't know the answer or wouldn't give it to him. A moment later, he turned and exited through the elevator, heading back down to the lower levels, neither of the women noticing or even giving a second thought to his absence. ]++[ Sleep and introspection were the two things nearly impossible to avoid inside the empty blood-sea of the Eva's cockpit, and as Neil felt his exhaustion grow he though that sleep was the infinitely better option. The last thing he wanted was to think about what he was doing to Nieve, to have to think about the whole mess that he'd gotten himself into and that he couldn't seem to extract himself from again. So instead he let sleep slowly embrace his world, leaning against the squishy darkness of the cockpit seat, trying to relax enough to let slumber wrap about his mind, to push out the doubts and fears that were complicating his mind. "They'll come," he muttered to himself, unsure if he truly believed himself or not as he closed his eyes. He had expected almost anything besides the wash of blood scraping across his skin, the thick sense of bloody noses and bruised bodies tearing across his mind like a razor over the tongue, no more solace in the recesses of sleep than he had originally found inside of the Eva. The feel of the Ryo-woman's hands around his neck snapped back briefly, only too briefly, as he found himself watching his first battle with the Third Angel anew, a disembodied observer watching as the two great titans matched one another blow for blow. "What is this?" The view shifted as the machine drove a killing blow to the Third Angel, now showing him as he forced the prog knife into the core of the Fourth. Something bubbled into the back of his mind, a silent question of why he piloted the Eva. "I pilot the Eva because the others need me." Once again, a sudden shift of the scene he viewed without eyes, this time of the single beam of pure light that he tore apart the Fifth Angel with. Again, the nothingness asked him why. "Because others need me. They need me to protect them." The seventh Angel. Neil and Vash moving together in synchronization, the point of the knife driving towards the core of the Angel, like every other time. Vicious, driving point destroying the beast before him. The question again - why do you pilot the Eva? "Others need me to pilot Eva. Who are you?" Falling from the sky with a crown of flames, the Tenth Angel descending to Earth with destructive force, and again Neil drove the point of his knife into the core of the Angel as though it was a benediction. Even with the help of the others, still he felt the blade in his hands, the wonderful and flawless sense of ripping through the Angel with his own strength. Why do you pilot the Eva? "I told you!" Again, the third. The fourth. The fifth. The seventh. The tenth. Each time, at the hands of Neil, a single stabbing something tore apart the Angel, the blood-sea of LCL washing over him silently as he lay within his cockpit, every second clear within his memory even as he felt himself being overcome by the disembodied memories. Why do you pilot the Eva? Why do you want to pilot the Eva? "I don't -want- to! I pilot the Eva because others need me! I pilot it to protect people! It has nothing to do with wanting to pilot it!" "You lie, Neil." The voice was that of the woman this time, disembodied as well as the images of the Eva's battles continued to flash before Neil's eyes, even despite the fact that he had no eyes, only a brain to feel. "If you didn't want to pilot the machine, you wouldn't. A simple situation, one that even the most foolish of humans could figure out." The voice paused, Neil's mind locked on the image of his weapon driving through the Angels, as though he was some sort of murderer. "Why do you pilot the Eva? Or more accurately, why is it that you -want- to pilot the Eva?" Neil tried to close his eyes, and the images before him blanked out into nothingness for a moment, his mind feeling fully awake. He didn't feel the dreaming state of a nightmare, the knowledege that he would simply snap his head back and awaken, that there was a reset button awaiting him. "I don't want to!" he screamed, flailing his nonexistent limbs, groping for something stable. "I hate the Eva! I hate that horrible green eye, the way that it makes me feel! I see the eye every night in my dreams, and I hate everything it belongs to!" "This eye?" The horrific green iris blossomed in front of the blackness that Neil thought he had under his control, shocking him into stasis as he stared into the sea of emerald eye before him. Shaking his head, he forced his eyes open, feeling as though he was more than willing to tear them open with his fingernails if he needed to, wanting to see the horror of the Angels more than the eye of his Eva. He was standing in Misato's apartment, the walls darkened from lack of light, still wearing his plugsuit for reasons he couldn't begin to fathom, Nieve standing in the kitchen only scant meters away from him, naked and dripping with an orange-red liquid that could only be LCL. Her eyes were opened widely, the green reflecting a nonexistent light brightly, almost looking like the eyes of the bestial Eva that he had been forced into in that horrible moment of clarity. "Eyes frighten you, don't they?" asked Nieve, her voice oddly cold, oddly metallic, sounding vaguely out of tune as she stared at him, her body hanging limply. "What's so scary about them, Neil, lover? What makes you panic at the sight of them?" "Who are you?" he spat, forcing himself to remember that it couldn't possibly be Nieve standing in front of him, that he was dreaming. Stepping backwards, he felt the rouch pattern of the wall, and biting down on his lip he could taste the lingering blood of LCL, as though he truly was standing in Misato's home, as though the girl looking at him zombie-like was truly the same girl that had laid beneath him pulsing as he gave himself to her. "Who are you? What are you doing in my mind?" "Perhaps you don't understand," came Eiko's voice, and Neil whipped his head about to see the girl standing a few feet away, from the hallway that led into the living room, wearing her school uniform and with the same sort of dead pose as Nieve. "You don't know who is in whose mind, do you?" The girl smiled, almost as unnerving as her previously blank expression. "If you dream in your sleep that you are a murderer, and then awaken and kill your beloved, who is truly the murderer? Are you still within the dream, within the mind of the murderer, or is he in your mind?" "Nobody is in anyone's mind," replied Neil's voice, something that terrified him as he turned towards the source. A boy that looked identical to him was standing only a meter away, eyes closed, head hung, wearing the same outfit that he had worn his first day in Tokyo- 3, the first thing he had ever worn inside of the Eva. "Perhaps neither the murderer nor you is taking the mind of the other. Perhaps to dream of the murderer, you simply had to unlock the one within yourself. Perhaps you and the murder are one and the same." Gaping, Neil took a step backwards, then felt the warm embrace of both Eiko and Nieve simultaneously, a flood of panic washing through his body as he stared at the copy of himself. LCL began to drip down from the ceiling as the copy raised his head, his eyes suddenly flying wide open, shining a brilliant green, a perfect copy of Neil's eyes and of the Eva's. "They say that eyes are the window to the soul, Neil," said the copy, a horrific double-pronged red knife suddenly appearing in its hand, Neil's chest beginning to ache. "Whose window are you looking into? Who is the murderer?" There was a moment of peace, then the copy drove the knife firmly into Neil's chest, breaking through the plugsuit and burying the sharp points in Neil, letting the blood burst and pour out as the points drove straight throught the boy's body. "Why do you pilot the Eva?" asked the copy, ripping out the knife and driving it in once again, over and over again. "Why do you pilot the Eva? Why do you pilot the Eva? Why do you pilot the Eva?" Blood and bile bubbled up into Neil's mouth, and he hacked it outwards, his eyes closing as he spasmed from the sheer agony surrounding him. His mouth formed words that he did not know, and the entire world dissolved momentarily into a sea of agony and dischord, everything growing into a hazy swirl of blood. He regained himself, his mouth still tasting of blood but his body healed, drifting in a black and red sea of nothingness, eyes wide, mind reeling, trying to process what had happened. And the woman from before appeared again, hovering in space a few meters away from Neil, as well as if she was thousands of miles away. "Poor boy," she muttered, staring at him as he floated in nothingness, her eyes bearing only pity, none of the hatred of before. "You truly don't understand any of this. You were so afraid of what would happen if you let yourself open, if you went ahead and allowed yourself one damned moment of feeling." "Don't hurt me any more," begged Neil, still feeling the sharp pain of the knife through his chest, the ghostly apparition of the white assailant from his nightmares drifting over his vision, doubtlessly connected in some way that he couldn't peace together, the entire world about him coming undone at the seams. "Please. I don't know your son. I don't know where he is." "I wish that I didn't believe you," replied the woman weakly, sighing and shaking her head, her apparition fading, a light radiating from her as she began to flood out into nothingness once again. "Just let it be, Neil. Let it go. Why you pilot the Eva... let him know. Why do you pilot the Eva?" Neil coughed again, tasting blood coating the back of his throat, then with a slow knot of effort he felt his eyes drift open again. He was drifting inside of the Eva cockpit, the seat a meter or so away, his body lying suspended within the LCL, a rather painful bump on the back of his head. "I was truly thrashing about," he muttering, shaking his head momentarily and pushing himself back towards the chair, glancing down at the time display. It now showed that he had slightly more than ten hours, and he could have sworn that he'd had at least fourteen when he decided to go to sleep. "What's going on?" he muttered to himself, shaking his head and settling back in the seat. "What's happening to my mind?" ]++[ "You've got to be kidding me," sighed Eiko, staring up at the silver goliath as the purple-orange nutrient bath sloshed about its chest, the colors beneath it mingling with its naturally reflective armor to make the surface of its body look almost maleable. "Misato would never allow something like that." She paused, expecting Nieve to say something, then turned her head back towards the girl. "I don't believe you." "Fine," replied Nieve, arms crossed across her chest, her gaze intent as she looked at Eiko, both girls in their plugsuits and still occasionally dripping half-dried bits of LCL from their hair. "Don't believe me. It's NERV's standard procedure, though - when an Angel is beyond our capability to destroy, we're supposed to bomb it into oblivion with N2 devices." "But..." Eiko shook her head, staring back up at the silver golem of EVA-04, her teeth clenched tightly, a slight tremor becoming obvious in her voice. She hardly wanted Neil to die, but things were already bad enough with her and Vash, and it seemed as though agreeing to Nieve's desperate plan would only ensure the demolition of her relationship. "But Misato wouldn't allow that. She would figure something out, some way to get him out." "Christ, girl, have I been talking to myself the past few minutes?" snapped Nieve, fighting hard to keep herself under control, fists clenching and releasing in a smooth rythym simply to avoid her boiling over completely. She knew that the girl standing in front of her was her best chance at making sure that Neil made it out of the Angel safely, that she needed to rely on her even though she found the very thought of it distasteful. "Misato doesn't have a choice. The only way that we can get Neil out is if the two of us work together and go behind her back. She'd never approve of it if we asked her, because it's her job to keep us from doing just -that-." Eiko stared at Nieve for a moment, then back at EVA-04, then at Nieve again. "You think we'll be able to pull it off?" she asked, sounding hesitant, more certain of the fact that she didn't want Neil to die than she was of Nieve's plan to avert it. "How the hell should I know?" replied Nieve, a wry grin on her face as she turned towards the door that led from EVA-04's hangar to her own red monstrosity. "You'd think that six years with NERV would cover stuff like this, but instead we're both on shaky ground. What a coincidence." She started to walk down the catwalk, passing Eiko quickly, affording the other girl only a passing glance. "I'll contact you with the override codes once we've both gotten inside of our machines. Just get in the entry plug and the automated systems will take over." Nodding as the girl stepped through the door towards her Eva, Eiko took a moment to look at her Eva one more time, as though she somehow needed to make her peace with the best before she actually launched. She'd always felt as though it was watching her, but somehow it seemed different this time, as though it was actively waiting for her to get inside, almost excited to climb to the surface with Nieve and plunge into the black abyss of the Twelfth Angel. "It'll make Vash pretty jealous, at least," she muttered to herself, letting a grin eerily similar to Nieve's drift across her face as she started to walk towards the entry plug. "He'll see." "I'm starting to." The voice came unexpectedly, and Eiko stopped so suddenly that she nearly tumbled and fell into the nutrient bath, turning her head swiftly towards the direction of Vash's final stinging remark. He was leaning near the door that led to EVA-05, his plugsuit still on, cloaked in the shadows of the poorly-lit hangar. "What's going on, Eiko?" he asked, standing now, starting to walk towards her. "Why don't you just stay here? Let Nieve handle the problem. It's her boyfriend." Eiko was tempted to simply jump into her entry plug and ignore the boy, but instead she turned to face him, her eyes flashing with something between anger and simple intensity devoid of specific emotion. "You goaded him into the Angel, Vash," she said, trying to remain calm, at once wanting to be mad at the boy and wanting to step over and hold him once again. "Why are you so afraid of him? What makes you think that he poses a threat to you?" Vash said nothing, simply continued walking towards the girl calmly, staring at her intensely, a sorrow contained just behind his eyes. "Did you ever feel anything about me?" he asked, anger tinting his tone, his expression remaining morose but his words suggesting something else entirely. "Or was this just your way of making your mother and father -" "Stop it," she snapped, turning and starting back towards the entry plug, suddenly feeling very afraid of where the conversation was going. "I don't want you around me any more, Vash, and it doesn't have anything to do with Neil. It has everything to do with you." She paused, her hands resting on the edge of the entry plug for just a moment before she tilted back her head to look at the boy again. "I am not yours, Koji. I'm mine." There was a momentary silence between the two Children, but Eiko took the opportunity to jump inside the cockpit, sliding her body against the smooth seat of the cockpit, trying to remain calm, to ignore the unmistakabe surge of panic at what she'd said. She was afraid of what she had said to the boy on some level, and she almost wanted to take it all back, but there was no time as the top of the plug slammed shut. Taking a deep breath, she tried to focus on Neil as the plug began to move towards the Eva, its expectant face occupying the absolute back of her memory. ]++[ Whatever within the Eva was sharing space with Neil's mind, and it was now invading his space, the line between his reality and the world of the horrible apparitions about him fading like so much ice under a blowtorch. His counter showed an even seven hours one moment, and the next he saw it it swam about and seemed to dissolve into the sea of LCL about him, then solidified again. "What are you?" he whispered, knees brought up to his chest, arms wrapped tightly around his legs as he let the warm LCL buffet him weakly. "What are you trying to do to me? What did I do to you?" Once again, the world swam about Neil as though it was all dissolving into LCL, and before he knew it he was lying facedown in a pit of sand, tasting the salt of LCL mixed with gritty and tasteless playground dirt. Something in the back of his mind told him what he was seeing before it even materialized in front of him, but he rose his head anyways, spitting out a spray of pale tan sand before he saw the scene unfolding in front of him, the young blonde boy being thrown roughly across the playground and kicking up a cloud of dust around him. "Aw, lookit him now, he's starting to cry. Go away, kid." Reflexes borne of experience within the Eva kicked in, and Neil forced himself to his feet, letting himself run towards the fallen little boy, knowing full well the pain of being through through the sand, the way that it had ground itself into his eyes and stung like needles of fire, the rage he'd felt boil and burst within himself on that fateful day. As he reached his younger self, however, he felt a surge of righteous anger spread through his body, the knowledge that he was now sixteen against far younger children, that the bullies that had seemed huge to him as a child were now nothing compared to his size. As he looked towards the bullies, however, he felt something else flood through him, something odd and viscous, like honey poured down the back of his throat. It puzzled him for a moment, but then he felt his younger self run straight through him as though he wasn't even there, the horrible pencil gripped in his hand, deadly purpose written on the younger Neil's eyes. "Stop!" he shouted, knowing that he could do nothing as he watched the boy rush towards the bully with the pencil firmly gripped, helpless as the sharpened object slammed through the skin of the other child. Everything froze and went into slow motion, and the playground around Neil turned a single shade of red as his younger counterpart released the pencil, turning towards him with the same inhuman expression as his mirror from before, eyes wide and mouth grinning broadly. "Why do you pilot the Eva, Neil?" it asked, staring at the boy. "Why do you pilot the Eva?" "I do it to protect people!" screamed Neil, his voice ragged as he fell to his knees, kneeling before the smaller him, feeling spattering drops of rain begin to fall against his back, realizing a moment later that the rain was made of the blood-scented LCL and was washing over everything on the playground. "I do it because the world needs me! What's wrong with that? Why do you want to know that?" "Because you're lying," replied Nieve's voice as the scent of blood and salt filled the air, the rain of blood growing thicker about him, the sand beginning to turn into the same bloody mess that had come to Neil on the day he'd nearly killed the boy on the playground. He tilted his head upwards to see the naked, zombie-like Nieve standing over him, seeming to almost laugh at him. "You don't pilot it to protect anyone. You pilot it to hurt people." "No!" snapped Neil, forcing himself to his feet, LCL falling about him like a bloody cape, the droplets running down into his mouth and tasting like the blood of the innocent against his tongue, like some unspeakably evil and delicious meal. "I'm not like that! I only want to make sure that others are safe!" "Liar. You do it because you hate people." Misato was standing before him now, something thin and gauzy cloaking her body only enough to keep him from seeing anything sexual, her eyes wide and expression dead just like before. "Do you hate me?" The view swirled, and it was Eiko before him, in her school uniform. "Do you hate me?" Another swirl, this time revealing the naked apparition of Nieve. "Do you hate me?" Another swirl, bloody LCL gushing into his mouth and down his throat as he stared at the copy of himself from before, knife in hand. "Do you hate me?" Something powerful broke inside of Neil, and he lunged at the duplicate of himself, knocking it to the sinking mud of sand and LCL, ripping the knife from the hand and pointing it towards the hateful emerald eyes, letting the two prongs hover just above the green irises. "I want them to hurt," he choked, sobbing as he pressed his own body down, his teeth gritted tightly. "I admit it. That feeling of power..." "You want them all to die," finished his duplicate. "That's why you pilot the Eva - because it gives you such power to hurt, power to crush your enemies. Does it feel good, hurting them? Does it make you feel human? The knowledge that you're giving pain?" The duplicate smiled more broadly, yanking Neil's face closer. "At night, do you dream of killing them all, of grasping their bodies and crushing them? Do you want to hear their screams one by one?" Unable to control himself any longer, Neil let out a howling scream and drove the double-pronged knife towards the eyes of his double, feeling raw hatred and anger gripping his body with an electric sensation, fists clenching tightly and LCL filling his mouth as he lay back in the seat of the Eva's cockpit. His eyes were wide open, tears streaming down his cheeks, his hands drifting open, the LCL washing about him, no doubt in his mind now that it truly was blood, that even if it wasn't truly blood it was what he wanted it to be. "I'm the monster," he muttered. "Not the Angels. I'm the monster." ]++[ "All safety interlocks have been released! Synchronization is at operational parameters and rising! The Evas are moving towards the launch platforms!" Misato felt her heartbeat quicken once again as the main screen shifted to display the launch tubes, the red and silver machines moving towards their launch pads as though of their own accord. It had been only a few moments since she'd found out that the two had activated, but considering the plight of Neil it seemed to be the proverbial straw to break the camel's back. Though she was doing everything within her power to stay calm, she couldn't help but feel that she'd been thrown into a situation far beyond her ability to handle. "Shigeru, try to open a channel with the two Evas. They've got to have a pilot in them or they wouldn't be able to move." "Very astute, Misato," offered Nieve's voice, her face popping up on the main screen as soon as she began speaking, an odd sort of grin on her face. "Sorry about this - I know that it's grounds for dismissal, and all, but there's only one way to get Neil out of there alive, and you're not going to let us get out there and do it." She paused, then winked at the woman, as though she was simply talking about taking out the trash at the apartment. "Have a little faith in us, okay?" The communication shut off, and a moment of silence reigned over the level of the control booth, all of the staff members stunned by the sheer gall that the girls were displaying. Then Ritsuko flew into action, striding swiftly forward, her white coat fluttering about her as her blue-gray eyes flicked about the room. "Maya, force the synchro rate backwards! Makoto, seal off all launch tube barriers up to Level 20! Get the Magi working on -" "Excuse me, Ritsuko, this is my job," snapped Misato, reaching out and grabbing the other woman's wrist curtly, feeling somehow satisfied simply by being able to make the scientist stop talking. Ritsuko frowned at Misato, but the purple-haired woman simply smiled back before turning towards the main screen. "Maya, launch the two Evas as close as you can to the Angel. Try to give them a minute or two before the Angel reaches itheir position, though. Makoto, I want you to maintain a lock on their position as best as possible, even if they get inside of the Angel." "You could be dismissed for this, too," snapped Ritsuko, ripping her arm away from Misato's grip, staring indignantly. "You're sending those girls into a deathtrap. We have no way of getting Neil out, and you know full well that they're going to get themselves trapped inside there too." "Have a little faith, Ritsuko," replied Misato, feeling vaguely more confident as she stepped forward and crossed her arms across her chest, watching the two Evas streak up towards the surface. She knew, academically, that Ritsuko was right, but somehow she couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to go right when they didn't expect it to, that Nieve and Eiko were indeed doing the right thing. "We barely understand how the Children can pilot the Evas in the first place. Let's give them the benefit of a doubt." Nieve's heart raced as her Eva lurched to a stop, the rain falling and splattering against her machine as she let her eyes focus on the hovering black and white orb and the black abyss beneath it, trying to ignore the terror welling up in the back of her throat. Amongst the forest of buildings, she could see Eik's Eva emerge as well, the silver reflecting what little light still remained in the city, the pattering noise of rain filling the city. "You ready, Eiko?" she asked, looking towards the girl's Eva, still somewhat worried that the girl would back out on her. "Of course," replied Eiko, her Eva's head turning briefly towards the red form of unit 02 before looking back over at the Angel, the girl's voice betraying that she was more frightened than she might have been willing to admit to Nieve or to herself. "Whenever you're ready." Taking a deep breath, Nieve looked back towards the Angel again, her hands gripping the metal handrests tightly, her breath coming quickly. She had to admit, she understood Eiko's terror at the situation, feeling the same way as she stared into the gigantic pool of darkness lightly splattered by rain, the orb seeming to judge her unworthy simply by placement. Gritting her teeth, she forced herself to focus on the still-dull pain in her lower regions, to remember what it had felt like to be one with Neil, knowing that he needed her help now, that she was the only person that could rescue him. "Let's go!" she shouted, taking one last breath of LCL as she sent her machine rushing forward. In the command center, the staff had been frightened into silence as the two Evas raced towards the Angel, their bodies moving in smooth synchronization as the rain splashed off of them. Misato was distantly aware of the other Children filing onto the command level, but her mind was more focused on Nieve's motions, praying silently that the Children would succeed, that Neil and Nieve wouldn't both abandon her in one smooth motion. All she could do, however, was watch silently as the Evas sprang into the air and let themselves dive into the blackness, the puddle of midnight beneath the Angel expanding up to swallow them enthusiastically. Neil lay weakly in his cockpit, head slumped forward and eyes closed, his hands still held weakly with their palms up, tears occasionally drifting out of his eyes as he breathed the suffocating LCL in and out of his lungs. He had been spared of the visions since he had screamed out a confession to the things tormenting him, but he had found no more release in silence than in noise, perhaps even less. All he knew was that he could sense the woman from before drifting in the cockpit with him, simply waiting for him to say something. "Go away," he muttered. "You got what you wanted. I don't know anything anymore." The woman didn't respond, and reluctantly Neil opened his eyes to see her standing before him once again, the lab coat discarded, a smile on her face. She was beautiful when she smiled, though it didn't seem to be a sexual thing - as best Neil could tell through a haze of guily and sorrow, she looked like the perfect mother, the apotheosis of a nurturing woman. "I will not go away," she said softly, simply staring at the boy with her arms behind her back. "They're coming for you." "Who would bother?" he muttered, trying to find solace in the steady breaths of the blood-LCL, waiting for the life support to fail and for the soft embrace of death to wrap itself around his mind. "I don't even know why I pilot the Eva any more. I don't know who I -am- any more. I just want to die now. Let the others..." He paused, sniffling slightly. "Let the others find someone better to be with." "Stop it, Neil. Whether you like it or not, they're coming for you." Neil could feel the soft caress of a hand on his cheek, and looking up he saw the woman crouching on the chair of his cockpit right in front of him, a bittersweet maternal expression on her face. "You can feel them, if you try. Go on. Let your mind go for just a moment, let it ride the existence around you." Breathing deeply once again, Neil tried to let himself sense outwards, as though he was simply synchronizing with the Eva again. For a moment, he felt a surge of fear that the bestial mind of his unit would encounter him again as he tried to obey the woman, but instead he felt a simple touch of oblivion, empty abandonment filling his mind. Then, like a pebble dropping into a stream, something broke the surface, and he could feel the touch of something familiar and female. "Nieve and Eiko," he breathed, half-guessing and half-certain. Nodding, the woman began to fade away into the LCL, as though she had never truly been in the cockpit at all. "You need to decide, Neil. Decide why you want to be with others, whether you enjoy hurting them or protecting them. But either way, you cannot let yourself die now, can you?" She paused, giving Neil one last smile. "I leave this to you, Neil. We will finish this later." Then she was gone, and Neil was by himself within the cockpit once again, his hands gripping the metal handrests, the counter slowly drifting downwards. Though he couldn't be certain, he knew that there was a strong possibility that moving would leave him with no more power whatsoever, leaving him choking to death in LCL. Closing his eyes once again, he took a deep breath, feeling the LCL thickening, trying to decide what to do, Eiko and Nieve grating and caressing his thoughts at the same moment. Central Dogma was silent as everyone watched the main screen, waiting for some sign of life within the Angel, for one of the Evas to emerge. Only stasis was offered to the onlookers as their reward, the constant falling of the rain and the immobility of the Angel, the orb hovering motionless and seeming to taunt them. "They're not coming back," muttered Vash, sounding almost as though he regretted not going himself. "Eiko's never coming back." Another moment of silence passed, then one of the consoles on the main level beeped, a single unassuming noise that indicated a minor change in the state of the Angel. Nobody noticed until it had beeped again, this time more urgently, as though something more important was happening. "What's going on?" asked Misato, turning her head towards the screen, taking a single halting step towards it, terrified that she would find it was the death of the Children. Without warning, a single, deafening, horrific scream echoed through the speakers of the control room, forcing the staff to their knees from sheer noise, hands clamping over ears as everyone tried to keep their gaze focused on the screen. Only the scream came for a moment, but a half-second later the blackness of the Angel's sea began to bubble upwards, as though something was rising from the middle, like an animal tearing itself out from beneath a canvas. Eyes fixed in amazement as the raised spot remained, then the howl died down slightly and the spot seemed to recede ever so slightly, as though it was weakening. Half a second later, the arm of EVA-01 burst through the surface of the black shadow with a shower of blood, the roar resuming as the purple monstrosity seemed to tear free from beneath the shadow, ripping away gouts of blackness in showers of blood, metal jaw tearing open and screaming in rage to the heavens. The rain mingled with crimson blood as the Eva stood in the midst of the Angel, the black and white orb faltering above it, then the machine reached down and pulled something for a moment, an unknown action until it became clear that the roaring golem was pulling EVA-02 and EVA-04 free of the black pit, tossing them gently away before tugging itself fully out of the dying Angel, wasting only a moment before reaching down and tearing at the blackness once again. Though the Eva continued to assault the Angel, it was obvious to all that it had already won the battle as it tore into the black pit, the showers of blood coating and darkening its purple skin like tar, rain doing nothing to wash it clean. "This is what it means to be an Angel," muttered Misato, feeling validated in her faith at the same moment that she felt terrified of the beat on the monitor. "This is the sort of power it grants." Sighing heavily, she felt the stares of the Children on her, and swallowing hard she looked back at the trio, wondering almost idly if the others could hear her as she spoke, knowing that there was no way to avoid telling them now. "The Evas... they're not as artificial as you might think." She could feel Ritsuko's eyes weighing heavily on her, obviously disapproving, but watching Neil turn the Eva on the screen into a ravenous beast was making her wonder what she'd truly sent the Children into, and she could no longer stomach the weight of obscuring the truth. "They're clones of the First Angel, the cause of the Second Impact." ]++[ Outro: Neon Epoch Evangelion is based off of -Shin Seiki Evangelion- by GAINAX and company. It is not intended to be a straightforward fanfic, but it is building off the work of others, and as such it is done with the utmost respect for the original works and their authors. Basically, even though this is an original work, it's based off the work of others, and if you read this, you should go to see the original. Special thanks to all of the real Children - you know who you are. Extra special thanks to Joe Augulis for his consultation on the Japanese portions of the story. He might not know much Japanese, but that's more than I know. Copyright 2002 Eliot Lefebvre. NEXT EPISODE: Sleep brings fear. Sleep brings terror. Sleep brings death. NEON EPOCH EVANGELION 17: NIGHTMARE "We see what we expect in the Evas. What did I expect to see?" ]++[ We only have a little time in our lives to waste. Make the most of it. Electronic Transcendence Productions: Producer of, um, stuff for an unspecified time-period. Rants: