From: (Eliot Lefebvre) Subject: [Eva][FanFic] Neon Epoch Evangelion: Episode 17 X-Original-Date: 8 Dec 2002 21:28:22 -0800 Launch the Special Space Battle Pre-Story Warning: This fanfic is an original take on GAINAX's "Shin Seiki Evangelion." It contains alternative characters, plots, and a different overriding internal logic. It is intended, from the beginning, to be different. This includes different Children and different histories. In short: if the mere thought of someone other than Shinji in the cockpit of EVA-01 makes you queasy, you are in -entirely- the wrong place. Any and all flames stemming from this alteration will be mocked mercilessly. You have been warned. Well, to compensate for last week's complete -lack- of verbosity, I should probably start spouting off at the mouth right now, but I'm drawing on absolute empty for the past couple days, though it's unfortunately not a result of as much writing as I would like. However, there is something important to celebrate: the opening of the Electronic Transcendence Productions forums, located unsurprisingly on (through a readily-accessible link, no less). If you'd like to stop by and offer your opinions on the series, they're more than welcome, and it gives you a bit more of a reason to stop by the site for NEE-related manners. Hope to see you there. ]++[ ]+ ELECTRONIC TRANSCENDENCE PRODUCTIONS +[ presents ]+ NEON EPOCH +[ ]+ E V A N G E L I O N +[ ]+ EPISODE 17: NIGHTMARE +[ By Eliot "Lostfactor" Lefebvre Based off of "Shin Seiki Evangelion" by GAINAX ]++[ That night - may thick darkness seize it; may it not be included among the days of the year nor be entered in any of the months. - JOB 3:6 ]++[ As her hand closed around emptiness and her eyes slowly began to flutter open in the half-light of the rising sun, Nieve Soryu-Leary wondered for a moment if the situation upset her because of her lack of control over it or because of more important reasons. Her emerald eyes lacked focus, but they could see well enough to know that there was nothing besides a vacant space lying next to her in her bed, that only the faintest depression remaining in the blankets made it clear that there had even been anyone else there in the first place. "He left," she muttered, letting her eyes fluttered closed again, as though she could reset the world around her by falling back asleep until it was something that more suited her liking. "He left again." Nieve took a deep breath, trying to catch the last traces of Neil's scent inside her nose, letting herself remember the warmth of his skin as he'd climbed into bed, the unspeakable sadness that had been lying behind his eyes for the days after the Twelfth Angel's attack. It was almost a cruel joke, as though God was laughing personally at her - the day after she had finally given herself to the boy, everything had changed in a heartbeat, and less that a full week later she found herself sleeping beside him as the only proof that he hadn't completely left her. Sighing, she pushed herself up to a sitting position, eyes still closed, burning hair falling about her shoulders and letting the light from the window filter through behind it. She hadn't remembered what happened after she and Eiko had jumped into the Angel, only knowing that she felt something warm in her mind, as though her mother had somehow found a way to touch her from beyond the void. In reality, she was certain that it had simply been a temperature increase in the LCL, though Ritsuko claimed that she'd found no evidence to support that fact. But by the time she had regained her consciousness, Neil was completely passed out and was being brought down to the infirmary for testing, something that Nieve and Eiko also got dragged down for a brief version of. She had wanted to be by his side, but she could still remember the doctors roughly shutting the door to the bright white room on her, the dark and brooding form of Gendou Ikari distantly visible inside, as though he felt some measure of guilt for what had happened to Neil. Rubbing her eyes as she stood, Nieve let her oversized nightshirt brush against her hips, her mouth curling into the shape of a bitter smile as she tried to console herself with the thought that she was hardly built to give birth in the first place. Her pale feet moved across the darkened floor of her room, scuffing over the clothes discarded by both her and Neil as they had gone to bed the previous night, the normal order of the room obscured by recent circumstance. "He could have left a note," she muttered, rubbing the back of her head as she briefly debated between going out to have breakfast and getting dressed first. After a moment, she turned and headed out her door towards the kitchen, trying not to feel weak from the absence of her lover. Whatever the Angel had done to him showed on his face now, deep within his eyes every time she looked at him, a sort of silent sorrow that seemed to seep through to his bones. Even if he had hid his face, however, it was obvious just from his silence, his sudden and unexpected way of seeming to simply move through each day like a zombie, going through the motions without feeling anything. It was painful to watch on any level, but the sudden departure from himself only made the effect made more pronounced, made Nieve worry that he was leaving her despite everything. Shaking her head as she stepped into the kitchen, she forced herself to think of something else, to try and keep her own mind focused on the task from day to day, to wait for the boy to open up to her. She'd managed to get him once, and she knew that she could do it again, knew that it was ultimately still about control. As long as she kept telling herself that, she felt safe around the facts, comfortable with the odd and painful silence that had settled even between the two of them, the rare smile that graced his face despite being laced with overt bitterness each time that his lips curled. There was something lying beneath it, something larger and more frightening, and even though Nieve knew it was there she wanted to avoid it, to shove it into a darkened corner of her mind and leave it alone. Crashing came from Misato's room, and Nieve grinned, almost turning her head to one side, wanting Neil to be there to listen to her, to smile at her, to act the way that he normally did. She wanted him to be back to normal, for that horrific encounter within the Angel to be erasable somehow, and even the one time since the incident that she'd let him reach between her legs for solace he'd still felt off, as though the magic of that one moment was gone forever. The thought brought her a pause even as a louder crash came from Misato's room, and she felt her hands freeze upon the smooth white porcelain of the bowl within the cupboard, as though for the first time she actually realized the actions she was taking. "It's not gone," she whispered to herself, feeling again the oddly bitter sense of being broken, knowing that parts of her body simply couldn't work, wondering if perhaps that had something to do with it. She had no frame of reference when it came to making love to someone, but she had assumed that it would somehow help him, that he couldn't fake the emotions that went into it. "Maybe it's always like that, after the first time. Maybe people just keep doing it to recapture the magic." Another crash came from down the hall towards Misato's room, then a loud shout of something that the girl assumed was a Japanese curse word, then the sound of shattering glass followed by the opening of a door. Misato emerged from the hallway a moment later, Nieve's hand still resting on the bowl in the cupboard as the woman stepped into the room, white blouse over a brown skirt, trying to look strong despite herself. "Morning," she announced, forcing a smile as she stepped over to the kitchen. "Neil still in bed?" "He left again," replied Nieve curtly, freezing Misato in place as well as the elder woman stepped towards the cereal, as though somehow the mere mention of Neil was some sort of tranquilizer. "Misato..." She paused, unsure of how to force out the sentence. "Misato, when is he going to get better? Hell, what in God's name happened to him?" Misato paused for a moment longer, then finished her motion, withdrawing the box of cereal from the lower cupboard with a single smooth motion. "I don't know. For either question." She turned towards Nieve, a pained expression on her face as she brought the cereal over, the girl taking down the bowls in the cupboard automatically, eyes fixed firmly on Misato. "Ritsuko's been trying to figure out what happened, but nothing gives us the slightest idea. And Neil... well, you know. He's barely said five words to anybody since he got out of the Twelfth." Something sprang into Nieve's mind with Misato's comment, something that she wanted to simply ignore and push out of her brain but which refused to leave her alone. "Has he... talked to you about what happened to him at all?" she asked, fixing her emerald eyes on Misato, the elder woman moving with sluggish motions as she fixed her breakfast. Neil had said nothing to her about the events of that day, and somehow Misato's words gave her the feeling that Neil had been holding back information from her, that he had left out something important. It was a moment before the elder woman turned to answer Nieve's question, finishing with the cereal before setting it down upon the bone-white countertop and turning towards the girl with a swish of purple hair. As the woman's mouth opened, Nieve realized as though for the first time just how badly she needed to know that Neil was being silent with everyone, how much it would hurt to know that Neil had been talking to Misato more. The very thought made a vague disquiet grow in the back of her mind and the bottom of her stomach, as though warning her not to eat breakfast for fear of vomiting. "No," replied Misato finally, gesturing for Nieve to move over to the cereal as she stepped towards the fridge. "I would think he'd say something to you first." "Yeah," replied Nieve weakly, stepping over and pouring her own cereal, feeling the stress inside her body begin to snap, like some long- forgotten support in a building trying to bear something beyond its capacity. She didn't like to think about Neil in such terms, but as much as she'd begged him not to leave, and as much as she wanted him not to, it was weighing heavily upon her that he seemed to be staying in name only, something that she simply didn't know how to reconcile emotionally. "But he's been quiet to me, too. Even when we..." She paused, then shook her head. "Never mind." "Sex can't save a relationship," Misato offered, drawing a surprised look from the girl as Misato pulled out a chair from the table and sat down. "Don't think that I don't notice things, Nieve. I've been distracted lately, I'll admit, but I still remember what it was like when I first lost my virginity to a boy." She paused, then cocked her head back towards Nieve with a half-forced grin. "You practically radiate it." Even with the memory of that wonderful night ringing in her mind and her thighs, Nieve somehow didn't want to be reminded of it, least of all by Misato, and she felt her teeth clench unconsciously before she turned towards the elder woman with a mischevious grin. "And who might -that- have been with, Major Katsuragi? Certainly not Ryoji Kaji!" Misato's expression darkened, and while on one level Nieve felt relieved for having deflected the line of discussion, she also felt a minor pang of guilt at the look on the woman's face, as though Nieve had pried something still very painful open gracelessly. "That's none of your business," she said flatly, turning back towards her breakfast as Nieve put the cereal back in the cupboard. Nieve was trying hard not to feel bad, trying to convince herself that she was doing the right thing, but somehow she still felt disturbed by the situation with Neil, still aware in the back of her mind that she needed to have him open up to her. The silence remained between the two for a moment, then Nieve felt her head sink forward slightly, guilt beginning to overwhelm her, something that she assumed was a side-effect of spending too much time with Neil. "Sorry," she muttered, just barely loud and clear enough for Misato to understand, removing the milk and pouring it into her bowl halfheartedly, obviously distracted. "You're right. It's none of my business. I... I just need to find something else to think about, you know? Something to occupy my time." She paused. "I just needed to tease somebody again." Although Misato said nothing in response, Nieve found herself oddly beyond caring, realizing that she needed to put her thoughts to words, leaning her weight forward on the counter and setting the milk down, letting her eyes close even as she felt the crimson strands of her hair brush down to hang about her neck. "I'm worried. I'm worried about what's happening to Neil, about what the Angels are going to do next, about not having any say in all of this. I'm worried that part of Neil is still trapped inside of that Angel, and I'm worried because I can't make him open up to me to let me know what is. And I'm worried because until I do, he might as well still be -in- there!" She slammed her fist down on the counter, letting anger funnel off some of her emotions, a sort of temporary catharsis that somehow made everything feel clearer. "I know," replied Misato a second later, her voice sounding even more tired than before. It wasn't the sound of physical exhaustion, the sort of yawn that would rest just beyond the woman's vocal chords every time she came back from a late night of work at Central Dogma, but a spiritual drain, the sound of a woman left without faith. It was disturbing to the girl, even managing to momentarily surplant her apprehension about saying too much. "We just have to trust Neil, trust that he's doing the right thing for himself and for others." "You don't sound as though you have much faith in him," noted Nieve, retrieving her cereal and stepping over to the table, her steps still slow and slightly uneven, still feeling the same apprehension about Neil even though she'd hope that saying something would make it a little more bearable. Misato stared at the girl for a moment, then offered a somewhat halfhearted shrug before taking another bite of cereal, chewing and swallowing in a smooth mechanical motion. "I don't know," replied Misato, the same exhaustion in her voice, a sort of adult fallibility that only made Nieve feel more apprehensive. Staring across the table for a moment longer, Nieve set to her breakfast despite the vage disquiet in her stomach, still wishing that she would open her eyes and wake up from the nightmare, wanting very much to have a mother's arms to curl up in. ]++[ Niobe was forcing a smile to remain on her lips even as she watched Ryo walk a few steps in front of her, still showing no sign that he was even the vaguest bit interested in showing some affection for her. After all the time that she had invested in making herself the best, she was more than aware that she had failed to do anything meaninful against the Twelfth Angel, andshe knew that Ryo was only ignoring her because of that, that he truly wanted to show that he cared but he simply couldn't risk the girl getting sloppy. It made sense to her, and even if it didn't truly make sense she was convinced that it did. "This is good," she announced to him, cutting through the silence of Tokyo-3's early morning air, trying to start up conversation as she did so often. "We're both going in for testing early. That means more practice. More certainty we'll do our job right." Ryo did not respond, simply walking with accustomed swiftness, wearing his school uniform despite the fact that he had been removed from school for the time being, his light blue hair swinging gently in the filtering sun of Tokyo-3, seting starkly against his pale skin and the pure white buildings. It was at least an hour before the morning rush would truly start for the city, before the various workers would scramble off to make it to their jobs by eight. Then he slowed his pace gently, letting Niobe catch up slightly, a minor gesture that made her heart soar. "I'm not going in for practice or testing. Dr. Ikari requested me for... other matters." "Oh." Gritting her teeth, Niobe forced herself to ignore the minor spasm of sorrow at Ryo's announcement, simply clenching a fist momentarily and letting the anger dissipate. She could distantly feel the eyes of some of Tokyo-3's more inquisitive inhabitants staring at her through the windows, as though they'd never seen a black girl before, though to her it felt as though they were all disapproving of her recent failures. "Well, I'll be there for as long as I can be. When are you going to be going down for synch testing?" "Two o'clock," replied Ryo flatly, lost in his own thoughts, steering consciously towards the entrance to NERV that lay nearest to his apartment, finding his steps falling unevenly despite his best efforts. He had never known what it meant to have your mind somewhere else, but the expression was becoming all too clear to him, something having penetrated his brain despite himself. "I scheduled it to coincide with Nieve's testing time. I am restricted from much personal contact with the girl." Niobe felt her body tense again, inwardly scolding herself at not having maintained more discipline, knowing that she was slipping after recent events, remembering with a harsh sting her most recent conversation with Joseph. He had been critical, but she knew that she deserved it, knew that she had not been nearly living up to the standards that she should have. "So when you're not at the apartment, you want to spend time with Nieve," she said, a thought ocurring to her somewhat sinisterly. "Is that true?" Ryo frowned ever so slightly, unsure of exactly what the question was asking, unclear on the precise meaning of "want." "I... I prefer to see her," he replied, the words feeling awkward as they came out of his lips, tapping something within himself that he had never known before. Something felt as though it was tightening inside his chest, a sensation that he would by routine report to Dr. Akagi as soon as his testing began. "You could say that I want to see her." Hearing the words in the boy's awkward sort of monotone made Niobe smile broadly, a gesture that Ryo couldn't see but that gave her great satisfaction. Her father had taught her time and again that she should try her best to approach a problem from a new angle when it became a struggle, and she was certain that she was about to catch Ryo in his own disapproving trap, that even though he had done everying possible to make it seem as though he was unhappy with her performance she had found a way to cut through the illusion. "Why?" she asked, her tone defiant and triumphant, sure of herself, a tone that she was only dimly aware she had been using less and less with time. "Why do you want to see her?" There was another unknown emotion bubbling within Ryo now, and he brough himself to a stop, giving himself just a moment to try and think about the question, to figure out the answer. It had nothing to do with emotion, and he knew that, knew that it was simple logical reasoning. That was what Dr. Ikari said he had that the others lacked, a knowledge of how important simple logic truly was, how much weight should be placed on it. "She is in control of herself," he replied as Niobe stepped in front of him, his red eyes focused on the tallest point he could find nearby. "She does not lack in her confidence or control, in her ability to keep herself calm and collected." He paused, letting his eyes flutter closed momentarily. "She is completely focused on defeating the Angels. She -" It was no mystery to Ryo what pain felt like, but the distinct sense of a slap was something that he had never experienced before, the way that the skin stung for a moment after the hand had removed itself, the sort of loud and sharp noise that seemed to only augment the pain. Needless to say, however, he immediately let his eyes fly open, the red irises flicking towards Niobe to see her withdrawing her hand, the source of the new pain obvious. Avoiding the temptation to frown, he simply stared at the girl, the deep furrowed frown molded into her chocolate- colored face. "What is wrong?" he asked calmly, knowing that the pain should be ignored as a matter of process. "You..." Niobe shook her head, unsure of exactly what to feel, only knowing that all of her frustration was bubbling further to the surface with each passing moment spent next to the girl. "Some of us are just as focused! Nieve isn't the only one who pilots her machine well! I've got a better synchronization, more practice, more skill, more..." Staring at Ryo, Niobe could tell simply by looking that she'd failed the unpoken test, that she should have remained calm and instead had devolved into hysterics. It was another failure, something that she knew was a massive mistake, yet another mistake that a better pilot would have rectified long beforehand. The boy had seen her failure, she knew it, and she'd done nothing but proven to him that she couldn't be relied upon. Able to stare into the boy's deep red eyes for only a moment, she turned and began walking moer swiftly away from him, feeling the burning heat from them as she strode swiftly towards the entrance into Central Dogma. "I screwed up," she muttered to herself, her legs moving swiftly, feeling the eyes of everyone in Tokyo-3 examining her failure, the sudden intensity of it biting into her as though it was a physical thing. "I shouldn't have done that. I should be better than that. I've -got- to be better than that." Taking slow breaths, she tried to force herself to calm down, tried to keep her mind focused on training, knowing that she would have to work even harder to prove that she deserved Ryo's trust now. "I will do better. I will make him notice me." Ryo, for his part, simply watched as the girl strode off swiftly, her chocolate skin contrasting with the white architecture and green vegetation about her, even with the yellow blouse and light blue skirt that she wore, only visible in brief bursts as her long black hair swung over them. He knew that something had gone wrong, but he had no idea what it could be, what part of his words had been wrong, how following routine had been the wrong thing to do. There was something increasingly weighing on the back of his mind, even though the simple idea of having something weighing on his mind was a new concept, something that at once frightened and excited him. The routine was failing. More than failing, it was falling apart, and despite his dependence on it for the structure in his life, Ryo was still distantly aware of what was happening. Shaking his head, a gesture that he could not remember ever having picked up, he continued towards Central Dogma, unable to even begin to grasp the larger implications of what had happened to his thoughts. ]++[ He knew that he should have still been at his apartment, at least speaking to Nieve if nothing else. He knew that he should have been doing his schoolwork, that it was expected of him if he wanted to continue to be allowed to study under the long-distance learning plan. He knew that he needed to go in for synchronization testing, that he needed to get in touch with his mother, that he needed to have breakfast if nothing else. None of that mattered to Neil Richelieu, however, only the steady slosh of the nutrient bath that filled the hangar of his Eva unit, the purple goliath that he at once hated and respected, the single thing that he could identify that had ruined his life even as he remained convinced that any ruining of his life was his own damn fault. Noise was echoing into the purple machine's chamber, the sounds of routine maintenance going on beneath him, of another Eva - presumably EVA-05 - slowly being recovered from training out inside of the Geo- Front, of his own slow breathing as he stared up at the demonic visage. The teal-gray room felt like a prison from his many hours spent within, a confinement that he felt more than deserving of as he looked into the blank white slits of the Eva's eyes, the curved purple armor, the jagged jawline looking like some baron of the deepest layers of Hell. Even knowing that it was a tool for defense, Neil had never been able to shake the thought that the Eva looked as though it was some horrific demon simply shackled into service by humans. "I guess it is," he muttered to himself, the sound of another voice serving as his only sparse distraction from his thoughts, recalling the way that Nieve had explained to him what Misato had said, that the Evas were clones of the Angels. At any other time, he probably would have been shocked, disgusted, somehow stirred to raction. As it was, at the time and subsequently he'd only been able to manage a sort of dull interest, some vague amusement at the irony of the situation and how it seemed oddly fitting in the end. "Pressing monsters into the service of humans. Nothing they haven't already done with the pilots." The words brought another surge of guilt into him, a newfound wave of self-loathing stacking upon the unabated onslaught within his mind that he'd been struggling to cope with since the time spent within the Angel. He wanted to try and blot out the things that the voices within the Eva had made him say, but the fact remained, and despite his desires he knew that he couldn't simply make the truth of the matter go away just by wishing alone. Even though Ritsuko had said that he was fine, he knew the truth of the matter, could no longer hide himself from his own monstrous nature with simple ignorance. The damage had already been done. He missed Nieve, missed being able to hold her, missed the wonderful night that they had shared together even with the first hints of his own vileness that had followed. But it was a chore for him now to even look the girl in the eye, to stand near her, knowing that he was the sort of person who could think such horrible things, certain that he piloted the Eva for horrible reasons. Horror was the only emotion that he could allow himself to feel, horror at his own thoughts and feelings, a full-scale introspection, a self-evaluation that he felt he turned up severely lacking at the end of. "I don't deserve to be around people," he muttered to himself, shaking his head gently and feeling something familiar well behind his eyes. At one end of the catwalk came the sound of a door hissing open, and Neil instinctively clambered to his feet, looking towards the door, wondering who was coming out. His spirits both dropped and raised at the realization that it was Niobe, disappointed that it wasn't Nieve or Eiko but at the same time thankful that he wouldn't have a chance to make it clear how monstrous he truly was. The girl was in her plugsuit, LCL still dripping from her long black hair as she walked down towards Neil. Something was slightly off about her, as though she'd lost a bit of weight, but it was a minor detail, one that all but escaped Neil's notice in a haze of self-loathing. "Hey," he said, offering a halfhearted wave towards the girl, eyes fixed up on the scowling visage of the Eva. "Words from the great Third Child. I'm honored." Her tone was bitter, and while Neil could tell simply from her expression and the underlying implications that she wasn't truly upset with him he still felt a pang of guilt for it, as though he had somehow become the nexus for everything wrong with the lives of others around him. It would have hardly surprised him to learn that he had, nor would it have invoked any particular bitterness in him. "What are you doing here so early? Your testing doesn't start until two. Like Nieve." "I... I just couldn't stay there," he replied, letting his eyes flick down ever so slightly towards Niobe as she shrugged and continued onward, apparently heedless of the boy standing in her path. Frowning, he felt himself bite his lower lip, wanting to say more even as the back of his mind reminded him that he hardly deserved to be around others. But he needed some human contact, something to avoid madness, something to dull the edge of what he'd learned about himself. "Niobe? Do you have a minute or two?" Niobe froze momentarily, internally still feeling ashamed for what had passed between her and Ryo, wanting a chance to redeem herself in his eyes. On the one hand, talking to Neil would take time that she could spend working on herself, but she also knew that Ryo would not be coming out of testing until an hour or so before his synch testing if that early, making it largely irrelevant. "Fine," she replied after a moment, turning around and looking at Neil once again. "What did you want to talk about?" He paused for a moment, as though he hadn't really expected her to say yes, then flicked his eyes back towards the purple form of his Eva, now feeling guilty about talking to Niobe before anybody else. "I haven't talked to anybody about what went on inside of the Angel, you know," he said softly, the quiet and regular splashing noise of the nutrient bath almost drowning him out as he stared upwards. "I'm still not sure if I'm ready to, but..." He paused, then shook his head, now certain that he wasn't ready to talk about it. "I started questioning why I pilot the Eva. Why I keep getting inside of it." Unexpectedly, Niobe found her pulse quickening as she realized the consequences of Neil's doubt, what it would mean if he decided not to pilot the Eva any longer. One less pilot would give Niobe less competition, and Neil as that pilot would mean that Ryo would no longer be able to avoid dealing with his ruse with Nieve because she was dating someone. On the other hand, she had a sinking feeling that he was willing to carry the act farther, that Neil simply denied him that opportunity. Biting her lower lip gently, she forced herself to focus, knowing that scheming and unraveling the situation would get her nowhere. "Go on." "Well..." Neil sighed, feeling more uncomfortable than ever around the girl, something handing just on the tip of his tongue but holding itself back for fear of driving the girl away, wanting not to show her what a horrible person he truly was. Even though he barely knew her, he was certain that she would be disgusted by the sort of thoughts in his head, would cut the discussion off right away if he opened his stupid mouth. Instead, he turned back towards the Eva, trying to go at things from another angle. "What do you think the Evas are? I mean, really?" "Artificial combat lifeform Evangelion, designed as humanity's only weapon against the attacks of the Angels. The results of sixteen years of research and development from NERV's Project Evangelion. Clones of the First Angel." She shrugged, obviously not understanding where the question was supposed to be leading. "You know what they are, Neil. They're our weapons." "See, I don't believe that," he replied flatly, eyes still fixed on the white slits that formed the eyes of the Eva, wondering almost academically if behind those eyes that green iris of EVA-01 that he had seen for just a moment was watching him, if the metal formation of its jaw was truly a grin at his expense. "I'm starting to wonder. I know that they're technically nothing more than that, but..." He shrugged weakly, still focused on the golem in front of him. "Maybe the Evas are us. Maybe they're the representations of all of the worst parts of who we are, one gigantic lump of all our negative qualities, something that just keeps getting worse the longer we pilot them." He paused, opening his mouth again as though to deliver some kind of cap to the sentence, then closing it idly. Niobe followed his gaze rather idly, the words disturbing even as she forced herself not to be upset by the implications. "I don't think so," she said at length, shaking her head as she looked up at the horned crest of the Eva, her arms folding unconsciously over her chest even as LCL slowly dripped off her plugsuit. Neil turned towards her slowly, cocking an eye slightly at her words, her eyes not deviating for a second. "I think the Eva can represent us at our worst, but I think it can represent us at our best. Think about it. These are the things that are protecting all of humanity, the weapons that we're using against things that would otherwise obliterate us." She paused, then forced a smile as she turned her head towards Neil. "It all depends on what you look for in it." Both Children remained silent for a moment, simply staring at the massive machine before them, Neil almost forgetting himself for a moment as he looked into the Eva's blank white eye. He'd had every intention of piloting again, not thinking of any way that he could make things better by not piloting, but he'd never even given a moment to consider Niobe's explanation, the though not even entering his mind. "Maybe you're right," he muttered, the vaguest hints of a smile beginning to tickle at the edges of his lips, something Niobe probably would not have noticed even if she'd been looking for it. "Sorry. You probably have other things that you need to be doing." "Kind of," she replied with a shrug, feeling more than a little awkward, still unsure of exactly how to end the conversation. It was the first time that she could remember even talking to Neil for anything more than the most utilitarian of reasons, and it was slightly unsettling despite herself. "I'll see you later, at synch testing." She hesitated a moment longer, then turned on her heel and began walking towards the exit of the hangar, sparing only a momentary glance back at the boy before passing through the hissing double doors. Though he was aware that she'd departed, Neil was not focusing on Niobe, instead letting his eyes rest firmly on the machine in front of him, his thoughts suddenly finding new direction and energy with her few simple words. "Could that have been the Angel the whole time?" he muttered to himself, blinking up at the monstrosity, beginning to feel old feelings flow back into his limbs, a sort of well-being that he couldn't remember having occured since the Twelfth Angel. "We see what we expect in the Evas. What did I expect to see?" Neil stared for a moment longer, then shook his head and turned to walk towards the locker room, feeling energy creeping back into his limbs, his vigor renewed and his eyes bright once again. He had a girl at the apartment that he needed to see, a beautiful girl with flaming red hair and smooth skin, a girl with energy and drive. Smiling ever so slightly, he felt the image ofher from his visions disappear, as though things were finally restoring themselves to the proper order. ]++[ Vash had a plan rattling about in his head, and as he watched the scenery of Tokyo-3 flash past the long black car that he rode in he couldn't help but smirk, the sorrow of the previous days gone from his mind. He knew that the NERV intelligence agents around him were keeping a very close eye on his motions, knew that it would probably get him reprimanded by Misato, but as he watched Eiko's pale cyan house cycle into view, set slightly back from the street by a low row of hedges, he also found himself unable to care. "All right, driver, stop the car," he announced, hoping that he'd figured the timing correctly. "I'm getting out here for a minute." One of the intel agents glanced back at him from the front passenger's seat disapprovingly, a lit cigarette hanging out of the corner of the man's mouth with a glowing red ember at the end, but the driver continued to drive, apparently unconcerned by Vash's declaration. It was mildly disappointing, but he'd been expecting as much, and he shrugged gently before reaching down and releasing the catch on his seatbelt, hand moving towards the door, the agent's eyes widening. "Or don't stop. This is going to hurt." In one smooth motion, the driver slammed on the brakes, the agent with the cigarette grabbed the other man's upper arm, and the agent sitting next to Vash tiwsted towards the boy, the shock visible in his eyes even behind the dark black sunglasses. "What the hell are you doing?" asked Cigarette, trying to sound decisive despite his obvious surprise, winding up just outright confused. "Getting out," replied Vash, trying to maintain his most innocent possible expression, eyes wide and smiling broadly as he brought his hand over towards the door handle. "Like I said, I'm getting out for a minute here, I'd like you to stop. You decided not to stop, but that didn't mean that I'd changed my mind about it. So, you keep going, I'll be waiting for you here. Have fun." "Don't even think about it!" snapped Cigarette, jerking forward and grabbing Vash's wrist, nearly pressing the button to de-pressurize his plugsuit as he yanked the boy's wrist away from the handle. His cigarette was perched even more precariously now, on the absolute edge of his lip as he gaped at the boy in a straight mix of shock and anger. "We're bringing you to the testing site!" "No, I'm getting out here," replied Vash, suddenly adopting a much more sinister expression, hoping that he'd made the impression that he wanted, knowing in the back of his mind that he'd reached the more risky part of his plan. "I know that you can't do anything without a pilot, and if you show up without me you're all out of a job. And I also know that I'm going to get out whether or not you stop the car." He smiled more broadly, trying to resist the cold sweat beneath his skin. "And if you try to restrain me, you'll be just as fired. Trust me on this one." Silence reigned in the car for just a moment, all three agents simply staring at the boy, Cigarette obviously the most flustered of the lot and probably the leader of this particular goon squad. Dealing with NERV's Intelligence branch always felt like pulling teeth, and Vash knew that he was bluffing when it came to his last threat, that he would have great difficulty getting any of them fired for trying to restrain him. He was betting on not having to prove himself, on the hope that the agents didn't know what he did. Gritting his teeth, he tried to remain calm, knowing that faltering would destroy the illusion immediately, that his only chance was to remain collected and hope that the lot of them bought it. Then Cigarette released his hand, and Vash happily reached over to the door and opened, it, holding in the release of tension until he was out of the car, knowing that as soon as they saw it they'd realize he had played the lot of them for fools. "Make it quick," one of the agents barked to Vash's backside, their voices too similar by design for him to be entirely certain of which one. The affair only merited a quick wave as he shut the door behind him, taking a moment to breathe deeply before walking towards Eiko's house swiftly. Much as he wanted to believe that he'd gotten past the difficult part, as he stepped towards the front door of Eiko's house he couldn't help but feel a minor convulsion of terror, worried about what might happen once he actually was facing the girl again. He had never wanted to argue with her in the first place, had not wanted to have it be a necessity in order to keep his image solid, to avoid looking like something he didn't want. Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to step up to the front door, bringing his knuckles against it, then immediately shifting to a smile as he heart the door beginning to open. "Okay, listen, I know you're mad at me, Ei-" Vash stopped, then trailed off as he stared at the woman in the doorway, his knees going slightly weak. Though he could see where Eiko had gotten her looks from, it was obviously not her in the doorway as he had expected, and that meant that his plan had officially been thrown a curveball. "Um. Hi, Mrs. Suzuhara. Is Eiko-san here?" "You, young man, are precisely the last person that she wants to see right now," replied the woman, arms folded across her chest, her expression stern as she took a step forward, her relatively plain white dress swishing about her ankles somewhat. "First your irresponsibility during the first Angel attack puts Toji in the jospital - I always told Toji that you were a bad influence, but that boy wouldn't listen to anything - but then you -" A thought occured to Vash, and he held up a hand for a moment, then deftly stepped around the elder woman, heading towards the stairs that he knew led up to Eiko's room. "It's NERV business, ma'am," he said flatly, doubting that she was entirely convinced but also knowing that she couldn't tell him not to go on the chance that he was telling the truth. He glashed one last smile at her as she frowned at him, then dashed up the stairs in a blur of motion, hoping against logic that she would be there, instead of forcing him to go through her father as well. Luckily and unluckily enough, she was already standing at the top of the stairs, staring down at him angrily, her brow furrowed and eyes flashing darkly, arms crossed across her chest. "Whatever you're going to say to me, say it quickly," she snapped, taking a step forward, the loose bottom edge of her t-shirt slightly swishing about her blue jeans. Inwardly, Vash thanked God that she hadn't been wearing a skirt, saving him the difficult task of avoiding the temptation to try and steal a glance, knowing that it was entirely the wrong time. "Look, Eiko, I know you're mad at me about what happened the other night. I acted like a jerk. I know it. And..." He paused, shaking his head. "I don't know if you believe me or not, but I really am sorry." Eiko's mother loudly cleared her throat, and both Children snapped their gazes downwards towards the elder woman, her expression stern and obviously disapproving. "As I remember, you said that this was NERV business," she barked, her right arm beginning to gesture towards the door. Vash sighed, giving a quick glance back towards Eiko before looking at her mother again. "I'm a part of NERV, therefore it's NERV business," he offered flatly, provoking another disgruntled stare that he ignored as he turned back towards the girl in front of him. "Look, Eiko, I'm sorry. There's nothing that I can say to take back the stupid things that I did. But we've known each other for years now. We've always been a couple. We -work- together. I..." He paused for a moment, feeling vaguely uncomfortable about going any further in front of her mother. "I would do anything for you. You know that. I just... get scared." Eiko stared at the boy for a moment, her expression neutral as she tried to figure out what was going on inside her head, knowing that Vash would need an answer of some sort almost immediately. She was still angry at him, and she had to admit that the thought of being with Neil was at least a little exciting, even more anathema to her parents than the boy standing in front of her. But she didn't want to be alone, either, and there was something unspeakably pitiable about the look in his eyes, a sort of lovable honesty that she couldn't help but be attracted to. After a moment more of simple staring, she broke down and smiled, and Vash smiled back. "Promise me you'll handle the Neil thing better, then?" "Of course," he replied, smiling more broadly and taking a step up towards the girl, letting her body brush up against his, ignoring the disgruntled squawk coming from her mother as a result. "I won't even get all jealous and retarded about it. Unless that's what you want. But it ain't what you want, is it?" "Silly boy," replied Eiko, leaning over and letting her lips brush agains his, feeling the familiar comfort in his kiss even as she heard her mother make a louder and more disgruntled noise to coincide with the kiss. Their lips parted after a moment, eyes locking as Mrs. Suzuhara shouted angrily up at them. "I forgot to ask - why are you in your plugsuit, anyways? Did you run out of clothes or something?" "Nope. I've actually got NERV Intel sitting outside waiting in a car." He shrugged, glad to see the girl giggle slightly with his words. "Ritsuko said that we'd be testing some kind of extended- operation battery down in Tokyo-2, so I'm getting airlifted with my Eva so that I can perform the test. Didn't say why they wanted me, though I think it's just because Ritsuko's got a crush on me." "You aren't always as smart as you'd like to think you are," the girl replied with a smile, slapping him gently on the cheek, feeling comfortable standing near him, a fact that made her feel at once relieved and conflicted. "Better get going, then. I can't imagine that the agents are particularly happy about acting as chauffers." Vash was comfortable once again, and as he smiled at Eiko one last time he turned to head down the stairs, unconcerned with Mrs. Suzuhara as she began to prepare some lecture or another. For his part, he was happy that everything had worked out, that despite the odds against him both of his gambles had turned out well. "I'll be back this evening!" he shouted to Eiko, leaning out the door even as Mrs. Suzuhara continued to talk. "And we'll go out to eat! Somewhere nicer than the arcade! Someplace where -" The door slammed shut in his face, but Vash simply shook his head and turned to head back to the car, sauntering ever so slightly, feeling terrifically satisfied with himself. Nobody had wound up thinking any less of him, and his relationship was repaired anyways. For all that things had felt to be hurtling towards a collision, as he walked back to the car and the obviously displeased Intel agents he couldn't help but think that the worst was over. ]++[ Staring off into the distance, Misato could see the Eva transport carrying the black form of EVA-03 in the distance, the black goliath only barely visible on the back of the plane as it flew through an unusually dense patch of clouds, the sky otherwise clear except for the lone concentration. Understandably, it reminded the woman of the day it and EVA-04 had first flown into Japan, and though she was now viewing the approach from a windowed booth high above the testing site it was the same general situation, right down to the only real reason for watching it being the absolute dearth of anything else interesting to do. "I wonder if he's worried," she muttered, leaning her full weight against the frame of the window, letting her brown eyes flick about the landscape, even briefly resting in the valley nearby being used as a testing area. "He shouldn't be," replied Ritsuko, a whirl of activity as she moved about the booth, checking various remote displays and jotting down quick notes on a clipboard. "The Twelfth Angel isn't here. Whatever systemic irregularities caused EVA-01 to berserk simply don't exist in the production models. Every precaution has been taken to ensure that the pilot will be as safe as possible." She paused for a moment, letting her lab coat settle about her, her blonde hair swishing to a stop. "Or are you just wishing that misery had some company right about now?" "Both," replied Misato grimly, sighing heavily and trying to sort out in the back of her head how she was going to deal with Ritsuko. There had been no signs of cracks between her and Kaji - part of that, she was certain, came from the fact that there had only been a limited number of indications that there was anything between them in the first place, even when the three of them went out. But it was still apparently working, and that meant that Misato had to deal with that on top of everything else. "I guess I'm mostly worried about Neil, though." "Understandable. It is your job to take care of him." The blonde woman sounded surprisingly dispassionate about the situation, something that Misato still found vaguely upsetting even though she'd more than known about that particular tendency of her friend from long before the present. "He's mentally fine. No abnormal neural impulses, no cranial damage - if I had to venture a guess, I'd say that he's actually a little better than fine. Long-term exposure to LCL can provide some minor neurological benefits because of the chemicals brough into the bloodstream, mostly an increase in the body's retention of some minerals and an increased reaction speed. If you still don't think he's all right, it's a matter for a psychologist." "I couldn't sent him to one if I wanted to. It's an informal guardianship." She paused, then glanced back towards Ritsuko, watching as her former friend moved dispassionately about the room, wishing that she could distance herself from the situation in the same way. "Besides, it probably wouldn't help him much if he did go. He just doens't want to talk about what happened to him in there, to me or to anyone else." Her eyes fluttered closed as she shook he head gently, distantly hearing the Eva carrier drawing closer with the roar of the engines becoming louder. "This isn't fair to them, Ritsuko. They shouldn't have to pilot these things on demand, to act like adults so early. I feel like we're stealing their childhood." "Our childhood was stolen too, Misato," said Ritsuko flatly, something barely lying beneath her words, drawing Misato's gaze back towards her. The woman didn't falter for a moment in her motions about the room, remaining resolute and unaffected by the conversation on a visual level. "We had to grow up in the aftermath of Armageddon. We were almost their age, a few years here or there, and then we watched everything crumble around us." She hesitated for just a moment, then resuming her motions. "Most of them still have fathers. That's more than either of us can say." Misato flicked her eyes down towards the floor, feeling the weight of Ritsuko's words pressing against her shoulders gently, the roar of the jet engines getting closer and managing to send the seeping smell of burning gasoline into the small control room. "I guess I'm just reminded of how little we can really do to protect them. They have faith in us." She sighed, then looked up towards Ritsuko, wanting to see her friend smile, doubting that it would happen. Certainly enough, Ritsuko's face remained stern, not out of anger or exasperation but simply from her innate drive, as though she was operating the booth alone and someone entirely different was dealing with Misato. "Then have faith in them," she replied flatly, pressing a few buttons and sending the control room into a beeping and flashing flurry of activity, effectively killing the conversation. Outside, the Eva carrier was gently releasing EVA-03, disengaging the onboard power cable immediately as the black golem landed in the center of the valley, workers scrambling about it. "It's time." Nodding curtly, Misato nodded, stepping over to the lone microphone of the room, casting her gaze outwards towards the Eva's surroundings. It was a green valley, almost eerily peaceful in the presence of the alien monstrosity that was Vash's machine, bushes and shrubs broken up by the thin steel-gray constructs that NERV had erected about the Eva's testing area. A few massive cranes were already lifting the object of their testing from near the bottom of the valley, a scaled-up backpack sort of device painted in orange and black stripes along with multiple large warnings. "All right, Vash, we're going to begin the testing," she announced, trying to remind herself that everything was going to be all right, that it would only take a little time. "Gotcha," replied the boy, rubbing the back of his head as he straightened the Eva to its full height, still coming down a little from the amazing few moments that he had spent with Eiko. Though he wanted to spend time with the girl immediately, he didn't outright resent having to pilot his machine for a test, he just didn't like having a headache to deal with on top of everything else. He'd felt fine when he'd gotten in the Eva, but about the time that they'd neared the testing site he'd begun to feel a sort of stinging pain in the back of his head. Still, it wasn't affecting his performance, and he couldn't let something like a headache show. "So, what am I supposed to do?" "We're testing your machine with an external battery system," replied Misato as Vash swung his head about, letting his eyes focus on the odd orange-block device, prongs obviously designed for the port in the back of his Eva sticking out of it. It approached for a moment longer, then Vash distantly felt it plugging into the back of his machine as it beeped an acknowledgement of the renewed power source. "Having to run the Evas off of cords all the time is getting to be a little bit risky, and besides that we want to be sure that you can operate under variable conditions." "Fair enough," replied Vash, hearing a few mechanical noises behind him that he assumed were the sound of the battery fully attaching, letting himself slouch slightly into a more natural posture for the Eva, flexing his hands around the handrests. The slight buzzing of a headache remained, but as he stared out across the empty valley he pushed it from his mind, knowing that he had more important things to be doing. "It's definitely powering my Eva, if that's what you're wondering." Misato smiled despite herself, then shook her head to empty air, the gesture coming even as she knew Vash couldn't see her. "We're more concerned about how the Eva performs with the system attached," she replied, glancing towards Ritsuko and stepping slightly away from the microphone, knowing that Vash would be able to take care of himself for a moment sitting in his Eva. "How's he doing?" "All right. Synch ratio's up to about 51%, still fairly high, but nothing outside of his normal range. All of the armor attachments seem to be functioning correctly." The other woman frowned for a moment, then relaxed her face as though she'd discarded the concern. "Something's interfering with the conduction on the thrity-first cluster, but that's the cluster closest to the armor. Might just be minor interference from the electrical impulses. If he can support the weight comfortably, we might see about increasing the shielding a little." Nodding, Misato turned back towards Vash, beginning to share in the blonde scientist's optimism. "All right, Vash, the first thing we need to do is just evaluate movement. Move out of the main testing area carefully, but once you're out you can go a little nuts. Jump, run, just move around a lot. See how the new battery feels." Vash tightened his grip around the handrests of his Eva, still purposely blinding himself to the nagging pain in the back of his head and pushing his machine forward. "Understood," he replied, letting his fingers clench and release in steady pattern, waiting until the second he was outside of the testing area before pressing donw harder on the handrests and breaking out into a full-fledged run, letting his machine's feet strike the fertile green land and send up clouds of branches and dirt. He could feel a vague weight on his back, but as he dropped to a quick crouch and sprang into the air he almost forgot about it, the added burden minor at best. "Feels pretty much normal," he announced, letting his Eva lurch to a stop, still unsure of whether or not Misato wanted him to continue. "That contamination in the thirty-first is spreading slowly," Ritsuko announced, just outside of the range of the microphone's pickup, as though she was afraid of what would happen if Vash heard her. Misato considered giving Vash a cursory reply for a moment, then decided against it, instead simply turning towards Ritsuko, taking a single step towards the glow of the computer monitor framing the blonde woman's face. Certainly enough, the display was showing some kind of contamination, something she couldn't imagine having noticed without looking for it but there nonetheless. "I'm not sure if it has something to do with the power demand on the battery, though." She let her mouth open halfway again, then closed it and turned back towards the display, trying to analyze the data being relayed. Misato shrugged, then stepped over to the microphone, wishing that she had some easier way of keeping in touch with Vash. "Okay, Vash, proceed back to the testing site and wait for a minute or two. We're going to see how quickly the unit calms down after activation." She paused for a moment, watching the black Eva begin to walk back towards what Misato saw as the center of the valley, the sky around it beginning to grow ever so slightly darker, heavy clouds beginning to move in slowly. It was an unusually fast change in the whether, and Misato couldn't help but think of the way that the Angels had occasionally interfered with weather by sheer virtue of the amount of energy they threw up. "Vash? Are you feeling all right?" Vash wanted to laugh off the inquiry, but he couldn't ignore the vague sensation of the headache in the back of his mind, growing more painful by the second. "Well..." He paused for a moment, stepping back into the main area of the testing site and feeling the stinging bite even more clearly as the clouds rolled in about him. It was unnatural, the speed at which they were approaching, as though something bad was about to happen. "I do sort of have a headache. Since we got close to the testing site, actually, but I didn't want to say anything." He frowned, feeling the pain redouble, and his hands instinctively tightened around the handrests. "EVA-03 is unfolding its AT field!" snapped Ritsuko, drawing Misato's attention away from the black goliath in front of her once again towards the various computer displays. She had barely a moment to step towards the screens before Ritsuko barreled past her, stepping over to the microphone herself and yanking it towards her own mouth. "Koji, what the hell are you doing? You just activated EVA-03's AT field! That's going to interfere with any maintenance!" Gritting his teeth against the growing pain of the headache, Vash remained silent as the woman shouted at him over the microphone, his hand moving to rub the back of his head out of habit. "I'm not trying to activate the field, Dr. Akagi," he protested, letting his hand touch the surface of his head as he tasted the salty LCL more sharply in his mouth. An odd lump seemed to have formed on the back of his head, and he grimaced as the pain increased further, fingers tracing the lump. He realized only a second later that what he was feeling was a growth extending upwards from the base of his neck, and as he felt his eyes widen he traced it down with his fingers, feeling ridges of flesh slowly raising from his body like spiderwebs. Glancing back, he could see the skin rising around what seemed to be blood vessels, the pain increasing in his body like liquid fire, eyes widening more and more with each passing second. Staring at the black golem in the center of the testing area, Misato could hear Vash suddenly let out a scream in the same instant that one of the monitors beeped an angry alert and the sky opened up, darkening with clouds further and further as the precipitation dinged against the roof of the booth. Both Misato and Ritsuko whipped their heads around towards the display and saw the reading with a mixture of horror and detachment, something about them simply being too horrific to contemplate. "Shit," muttered Misato, her mouth working again first, brown eyes wide as she took in the words on the screen. "Pattern blue," whispered Ritsuko. "EVA-03 has become an Angel." Vash's horrified scream became joined by a greater, more horrific noise as the black monstrosity ripped away the battery, hurling it carelessly away as the technicians scurried about in hopes of avoiding the beast's wrath. Unable to do anything but watch, both women saw as the black beast's mouth tore itself open and let out a great roar, the battery crashing against one of the cranes that had raised it in the first place as the Angel grabbed at the remaining crane, ripping it open in a display of raw strength. Misato felt her eyes beginning to tear, realizing in the blink of an eye that she would likely never see Kaji or Neil or Nieve ever again, and she forced herself to focus instead on the window, the hail from the sky ricocheting against it angrily. The Angel's back twitched slightly, and the former Eva's eyes glowed for a moment before a corona of energy formed around the beast for just a second, cast off in a second to release an explosion spreading through the valley with lethal results. The forest and buildings around the Angel burned, and with a resolute expression the massive black golem began to lumber towards Tokyo-3, heedless of the screaming pilot within its chest. ]++[ "Blue pattern detected on the outskirts of Tokyo-2! EVA-03 seems to be right on top of the Angel!" Makoto's voice was as calm as the situation demanded, but the note of panic lying beneath it had nothing to do with the stress of the situation. The thought of Misato being so close to the Angel's attack instead of insulated behind the walls of the Geo-Front was terrifying to say the least, and the knowledge that he could do nothing but report only made things worse. "We've got no visual in the area! Waiting for UN intercept forces to scramble!" On the upper level, Fuyutsuki simply stared at the screen, his hands tightened as he glanced for a moment over towards Kaji, lounging opposite Commander Ikari with the same sort of quizzical grin on his face that he usually wore. "You don't seem particularly worried about Ritsuko," he said flatly, more than a little resentful of the other man's attitude towards the crisis. "She's got Misato with her. The two of them are fairly resourceful." Kaji's expression was unwavering as he stared at the main screen, as though expecting what was coming, waiting cat-like as Makoto shouted the announcement that initial feeds from the UN interceptor jets were established, revealing only a hulking humanoid figure surrounded by flames in the background and steadily falling hail. "Besides, Ritsuko wouldn't want anyone to cry over her. She certainly wouldn't cry over her own death. Probably work straight through it." Gendou said nothing, staring simply at the form before him, suppressing a sigh in the back of his mind. Though he knew that Fuyutsuki would be able to guess at the identity of their opponent if he would stop worrying about Ritsuko long enough to think, he was certain that none of the others had figured out what was going on. It was one of the advantages that he had from what he did know of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and while he'd expected something similar he'd almost hoped that it would come later, when he was better prepared. Resiting the urge to shake his head and sigh, he simply reached and pushed his glasses further up his nose, tenting his hands in front of his face as he watched the fighters being swatted away. "In the absence of Major Katsuragi, I will take control of this operation. Where are our nearest pilots?" The level below fell silent for just a moment, the technicians exchanging quick glances as the video feed on the main screen crackled and died, then switched to one of the remaining aerodrones. Though nominally the commander, Gendou had never truly taken a fully active hand in the operations of the Evas, and the thought that he was doing so now only reaffirmed the worries of what might have happened to Ritsuko and Misato. Then Maya let her fingers begin to move across the keyboard, knowing that Ritsuko would have wanted her to continue working. "The First and Sixth Children are within the facility. The Third is currently departing." Nodding, Gendou thought for a moment as he surveyed the static-speckled display before him, the black beast moving as though it was afraid of coming into full view, limbs clawing away at the aerodrones swarming towards it. "Deploy EVA-00 and EVA-05 immediately, EVA-00 at the farthest edge of our launch perimeter and EVA-05 in the fourth circle. When Neil is suited up, launch EVA-01 to the outskirts of the city." He paused briefly, pushing his glasses further up his nose, then turned his gaze quickly towards Fuyutsuki. "You may organize a rescue team to the test site, if you desire." Kozou frowned for a moment, then flicked his eyes back towards the main screen with a heavy sigh, his answer obvious even though he clearly disliked the options availble to him. "No, that's all right," he replied, watching the beast tear through its assailants as weapons bounced harmlessly off its AT field, knowing that the question was more of a formality than an actual option. "We have more pressing matters to deal with right now." ]++[ With a quick press of the button on the plugsuit's oversized wrist, Neil's suit vacuumized itself and sealed tightly against his skin, a sensation that still made him slightly uncomfortable but one he knew he had no time to contemplate. Whether he liked it or not, he had to pilot his Eva now, to make sure that the Angel didn't level the city around him, despite the fact that he had been pleased with his decision to finally talk to her about what had happened inside of the Angel. "Can't be helped," he muttered to himself, barely noticing the hissing of the doors as he ran from the locker room, hurtling himself through the teal halls of the facility as he approached the Eva hangar. By the time he actually arrived in the area, the fluid had already been drained from around EVA-01, the entry plug waiting in front of him as the purple goliath stared down at him, slit-white eyes seeming to dare him to get inside of the machine. He hesitated for just a moment, staring up at the Eva, feeling the green eye still lurking just behind the slit of its helmet, disapproving and terrifying at once. "No time for that," he muttered, shaking his head and leaping into the entry plug, sliding into the cockpit seat as the white cylinder began to move towards the Eva. "You're later than we expected, Neil," said Makoto, his voice familiar to Neil from the power outage incident. "We've already gotten EVA-00 and EVA-05 out on the surface. You'll be acting as the last line of defense now, until the other two Children show up." He paused for a moment, as though checking something, remaining silent as the entry plug slid into the Eva and locked into place with a chorus of mechanical whirs. "Are you ready to synchronize?" Neil took a deep breath, savoring the sweet taste of the real air, trying to avoid a rising wave of panic at the thought of moving the gigantic machine once again, recalling the horrific taste of blood in his mouth as he'd hallucinated inside of the Angel. Closing his eyes, he nodded, realizing a second later that Makoto couldn't see him. "Ready," he replied, trying to keep his voice upbeat as he heard the LCL trickling into the chamber, waiting to feel it begin to embrace his ankles and creep upwards along his body. "Where's Misato? Isn't she in charge of the operation?" Though Neil wasn't immediately certain of the response, the second that Makoto hesitated he knew that it wouldn't be good, and his hands unconsciously tightened around the handrests, anger tickling in the back of his head at the though of being kept from information. "Neil... Misato was at the testing site of EVA-03 where we first picked up the Angel. We haven't heard from anyone at the site... we think that the Angel might have..." He trailed off, unable to see Neil reacting inside the cockpit. "I'm sorry. We're not certain yet." A shudder went through the boy's body as he felt a tear trickle down his cheek, feelings conflicted on every level, his anger only growing greater as he felt the thick LCL rush down his lungs, salty taste tearing his eyes further. "That's all right," he hissed, grip tightening on the handrests, the presence of the Eva beginning to echo in the back of his mind. "I don't suppose there's any way to get myself put on the front lines to take on the Angel immediately?" "Ryo and Niobe have it covered," replied Makoto as the Eva's cameras snapped to life, Neil's eyes focusing on the new display, his breath slow and steady, rage bubbling just beneath his skin. "Don't worry. We'll organize a team to investigate the site before long. Predicting what the Angels do has never been easy, so for all we know it might have just ignored the humans at the site." Makoto continued to talk, but Neil wasn't listening, simply feeling his Eva move towards the launch pad, his hands gripping the handrests in a stranglehold as though it would have some effect on the machine's operation. He could feel the hatred and anger from his last time in the Eva reasserting itself, but this time he knew that it was for the right reasons, knew that he was seeing the truth in the Eva instead of simply what he wanted. He would destroy the Angel, would tear it apart with all of his energy, would make it pay if it had hurt Misato. It was the right thing, and as he felt his machine begin to lurch towards the surface he didn't even spare a thought to realize how his anger truly felt, how tightly his hands gripped the cockpit. Ryo distantly heard the noise of Neil's Eva rising to the surface, but his thoughts were more focused, watching the horizon for the Angel that he knew was coming. He was the farthest out of the group according to Gendou, and that meant that he would be the first to test the capabilities of the approaching Angel. Other Children would have felt scared, excited, but Ryo knew that it was not his place to do anything but simply act, wait for the Angel to come and then attack it with the shotgun resting in his arms. Still, as he waited, he couldn't help but feel something nagging at the back of his head, a fly stuck in the routine as his Eva's fingers twitched against the trigger of the shotgun. "Evangelion unit 00, moving further out on the perimeter," announced Ryo quietly over the comm line, cradling the shotgun as he lumbered along, taking in the civilian houses and roads he was stomping past, the hail beginning to fall gently around the area and against his machine. He could feel the steady impact of the tiny projectiles, a mild irritation to anyone else, utterly ignored by the pale blue-haired boy, his Eva slowly moving and crouching behind a hill, twisting its head about to look in the direction that the Angel was coming from. "No visual confirmation of target yet. Will continue to hold position for five minutes." It was a standard routine, nothing out of the ordinary, but he couldn't chase the memory of his morning exchange with Niobe out of his mind, recalling how the routines around him had begun to break down. Then, like a flash of lightning, he saw the black beast that he knew as the Angel, lumbering towards him slowly, silhouetted against the small flecks of ice tearing through the air. The form looked familiar to Ryo, but he pushed the thought out of his mind, his grip on the rifle tightening. "Thirteenth Angel sighted," he hissed, hauling himself to his feet, hesitating for just a moment before lurching around and firing twice at the Angel, ice scattering as the massive shotgun released two bursts of ammunition, gunsmoke beginning to flutter about through the hail. Unsuprisingly, the shot simply bounced off of the black monstrosity's AT Field, the octagonal pattern rippling outward with the impact of the first shot, and Ryo felt the uncomfortable resemblance strike him again as a grin seemed to creep across the the Angel's face. Ignoring his thoughts, Ryo stepped forward once again, pumping and firing the shotgun, keeping his machine's lone red eye fixed on the Angel as it crouched and lept skyward, following its path as it came over him and lashed out with its arms, the two limbs extending downwards to slam against Ryo's AT Field. The beast's grin widened, and it landed off to Ryo's side, his gun following its path flawlessly. "Thirteenth Angel engaged," he said calmly into the radio, pumping the shotgun once more for effect. "Backup currently unnecessary." Without hesitation, the Angel lunged at Ryo once again, and the Eva's AT field collided with that of the beast in front of it, the flaring octagons preventing Ryo from getting a clear look at his assailant. A single shotgun blast sent the Angel reeling, and Ryo took the chance to lunge at the beast himself, intending to neutralize his opponent's AT field. Still grinning, the Angel flipped backwards, landing further back on a stretch of open land as the hail continued to fall, Ryo's Eva moving quickly towards its opponent and firing off a series of blasts, hoping to chip away at the beast's AT field at least slightly. The Angel leaned back for a moment, then stepped around Ryo's machine and swung two overextended arms towards him, knocking him to the ground from sheer force. Ryo grimaced involuntarily as his Eva slammed into the ground, sending up a gout of dirt and greenery even as the AT Field flared from the sudden shock of the blow. He grimaced involuntarily as he forced himself to remain moving, knowing that the Angel didn't actually hurt him yet just as he knew it wasn't about to stop trying, that his only true advantage was the fact that EVA-00 had the strongest AT field of the entire line after its reconstruction. A swift kicking motion with his feet sent him into something resembling a standing position, and he fired off a quick blast from the shotgun as he rose, trying to keep the Angel off-guard as he recovered, hoping that it would be possible to have a moment to recover. He saw the Angel moving towards him even before he had pulled the trigger, however, and by the time he had let the Eva's finger slam it down he realized that the beast's momentum alone would send it into him. Certainly enough, the black monstrosity slammed into the Eva once again, sending Ryo skidding backwards further as the octagonal pattern of the AT field flared about him, shimmering lights blinking outwards from both fields. Forcing himself to remember the routine, Ryo reached out and thrust his hand against the monstrosity's field, letting his fingers pry into it, shoving the barrel of the shotgun forward as the field dissipated and he got a clear look at his target. Any of the other Children would have gasped, but Ryo simply stared, his expression remaining fixed as he saw that he was jamming the barrel of his shotgun against the head of EVA-03, the black machine's jaw half- opened, eyes flashing with the malevolence of an Angel, arms distended and scraping against the ground. He knew that the routine dictated he show no mercy, that he pull the trigger and blast the beast's head off, but somehow he found himself hesitating, the routine in his mind faltering. Vash was inside of the Eva, he was certain of it, no doubt being tormented by the beast. It could not be as simple as just pulling the trigger. For the first time that he could remember, Ryo truly went against his routine, simply abandoning it in the heat of battle, his Eva hesitating as the muzzle of the shotgun pressed against the side of the black machine's head. The Angel, however, did not hesitate, and the moment that Ryo took a moment of shock it took the shotgun in its hands and squeezed tightly, crushing the metal weapon firmly, tearing it away from the other Eva and casting it off into the horizon. Ryo staggered backwards, then forced himself to return to his routine, sending a mental command to his machine to deploy one of his prog knives, the shoulder flange popping open. "Shotgun destroyed," he announced calmly, retrieving his knife in his left hand as the Angel approached. "Switching to progressive knife." Lifting one arm, Ryo brought the other Eva to a shuddering stop as it lunged at him, and he brought the knife towards the other machine's gut, planning to try and disable it. He felt the black monstrosity's hand grip his forearm as he stabbed upwards, however, and even as he struggled against it he felt the other hand latch on just as firmly. Ryo struggled, watching as his former ally's arms bubbled with strength, the same way that the limbs of the Third Angel had just before it broke Neil's arm. Ryo felt a moment of terror, and gritted his teeth for what he knew was about to come, unable to re-establish his AT field in time, doubting that it would make any difference if he did. With a horrible tearing noise, EVA-03 twisted and ripped off the left arm of the blue Eva unit, shoulder and all coming off in a single gout of blood and tearing flesh. Ryo, to his credit, resisted the urge to scream as best he could, but his left arm was on fire as though it had been torn off as well, and he let out a small howl of pain as he staggered backwards, his Eva's systems quickly snapping off the blood flow for the machine and ensuring that the unit didn't die. Gritting his teeth, trying to force himself through the pain, he tried to force up his AT field once again, the pain almost unbearable. In the command center, Gendou adjusted his glasses briefly, watching EVA-03 slam its opponent into the nearest foothill, knowing that the Angel would not release Ryo until it thought it had destroyed the opposition. The technicians on the level below were shouting warnings about Ryo's condition, about the synch ratio beginning to lower, the pulse connectors being damaged, neural feedback approaching dangerous levels. "Reverse the synch flow of EVA-00's pilot," he announced flatly, his tone betraying no emotion even as he worried about what might be happening to the boy inside the cockpit. "Shut down all external signs of power. Tell Niobe to be prepared to assault the Angel as soon as it comes within visual range." His machine rocked as the black Eva assaulted it, and Ryo struggled to regain his grip on the machine around him as he felt the LCL swirl around him. Then the cameras abruptly shut off, and one final shudder passed through the blue machine, Ryo knowing immediately what had happened simply by the lack of outside input. Through the layers of the Eva's armor, he could hear the sound of EVA-03 releasing him, the machine storming off towards Tokyo-3, its destination just as certain as that of the other Angels. Ryo stared at the blackness of the cockpit surrounding him, breathing in the bloody LCL steadily, feeling emotions that he'd never known before embrace his mind. He knew why the Angel had gotten a chance to damage his machine and send him crashing to the ground, knew that none of it would have happened if he hadn't decided to be a fool and break the routine. Much as he wanted to justify his actions, he knew that it was his fault, knew that whatever happened for the rest of the battle was a direct result of his own misplaced actions. It was a day of firsts for Ryo as he eased back against the LCL-soaked black nylon of the seat, experiencing guilt. ]++[ "Stupid Japanese," muttered Nieve, her foot pressed down hard against the gas pedal as the small red car screamed down the empty streets of Tokyo-3, white buildings flying past her as she headed towards Eiko's house. She had managed to get the directions from a rather hurried mark on a map she'd found in Neil's room, and while under normal circumstances she would have let it bother her she had other things on her mind. She was frustrated with the boy for not letting her in, annoyed at having to drive out to get Eiko, and worried about Neil out in the Eva at the same time that she was upset with him. It was a poor combination for driving, but with the blaring Angel alert the streets were laregely empty, and even full the streets were at least twice as wide as anything that Nieve was used to driving on. "They couldn't live a little closer to the center of the city?" Eyes flicking along the sides of the street, Nieve could see Eiko running towards what she assumed was the nearest entrance to NERV, an entrance that she knew would be at least twenty minutes away on foot. Screeching to a halt, she slammed hard on the wheel to send the car skidding around in a circle, the front lurching into the opposite direction as it stopped just in front of Eiko. The girl was obviously shocked, and shaking her head Nieve opened the door and lunged out, leaning precariously outside of the driver's seat and gesturing towards Eiko. "Come on, damn it! We've got to get down to Central Dogma before the Angel destroys the entire damn city!" As if on cue, a massive footfall filled the air, the ground around the two girls shuddering, sending Nieve falling from her rather unstable perch towards the ground and landing rather unceremoniously on her back. Frowning as her shoulderblades slammed against the pavement, she frowned, the fabric of her blouse tightening uncomfortably as she shoved herself back to her feet, her gaze scanning the sky for the Angel. "See? This is what happens when you don't listen to me right away." She paused, then noticed that Eiko was already staring off into the sky, at something very specific. "What? What is it?" The Japanese girl didn't even seem to hear Nieve immediately, then gestured upwards, and Nieve followed her gaze, staring off into the distance for a second before her eyes widened with shock. EVA-03 was storming along, but it was obvious that something was wrong with the machine, the arms long and slightly discolored, the jaw hanging open and emitting quick pulses of steam as the hail continued to fall from the sky. Nieve frowned, but Eiko simply stared in horror, seemingly ignorant of the small pellets of ice slamming against her body. "That's Vash's machine," she whispered, staring for a moment before turning and staring at Nieve. "Do you think that Vash is in there?" Nieve wanted to tell the girl that she was being silly, but she wasn't sure herself, had no way of knowing whether or not Eiko's boyfriend was inside the Eva. Before she could say anything however, she heard a loud hissing noise, and she knew instinctively whay was happening as a cloud of smoke rose from the Eva's back. Frowning more darkly, she took a deep breath before hurling herself over the hood of the car, landing gracelessly besides the Japanese girl and grabbing her shoulders. Eiko gaze a quick squack, but Nieve ignored it, simply yanking the girl away from the Eva, another hissing noise filling the air. Half a second later, the black panel on the upper back of the Eva that slid aside for the entry plug exploded upwards in a column of smoke, a certain sign of the emergency ejection procedure activating, a sight burned into Nieve's memory from the day that her mother had died. It was an entirely different experience watching the black monstrosity suddenly freeze against a backdrop of ebon clouds and streaks of ice, the plug disengaging roughly within without even severing the neural connection, followed by another burst of smoke as the plug itself launched upwards. Both girls watched, but the plug did not fly forth as they'd expected, instead stopping halfway out of the ejection port. Squinting her eyes and trying her best to see what was going on, Nieve could see something coating over the plug, something that she assumed to be a secretion of the Angel, some forceful way of keeping the plug inserted enough so that the machine could keep operating. "I guess we know about Vash, then," muttered Nieve, trying to sound confident as she stared at the black monstrosity, entry plug beginning to be shoved back in by the Angel's secretion as its movements resumed. Eiko was still fixated on the black monstrosity storming along the ice- flecked skyline, brown eyes wide and locked on the beast as it lumbered along, a midnight-black mirror of her Eva except for the colors and the obvious difference of not being taken over by an Angel. "How..." She swallowed hard, throat dry and raspy, then turned towards Nieve. "How could that have happened? I know that they're clones of the First Angel, but... but what happened to him?" "A different kind of Angel. The First decided to reassert itself. Vash is having a bad day. Sunspots. Christ, Eiko, I don't have any more ideas than you do!" Shaking her head, Nieve jumped back over the hood, landing awkwardly on the other side of the car before hurling open the driver's-side door. "Either way, we're the only ones who know that he's in there for certain, so we've got to get to base at least to let the others know!" The Japanese girl stared for a moment longer, then opened the passenger's door and jumped in the car, fastening her seat belt quickly as Nieve gunned the engine, the ground and vehicle shuddering around them as ice pinged off the metal roof. "Central Dogma must have tried to eject him, though," she noted, the engine of the car roaring to life. "You don't think that they would have told the others?" Nieve paused for a moment, then spared a glance towards Eiko as she eased her foot over the gas. "It would mean that the pilots might not be willing to destroy the Angel," she said as calmly as possible, pressing down on the gas pedal and letting the wheels spin in the thin coating of hail before the car lurched forward. "No, I don't think that they told the others." She bit her lower lip, something coming in to her mind. "If I was in charge, I don't think I would have either." ]++[ Her eyes were focused, muscles tensed just enough to spring in any direction that was required, standard-issue rifle trained in the direction of the Angel's approach. A wireframe display of the surrounding area and the Angel's position had been brought up on her system per her request, her AT Field was fully deployed, and her eyes flicked across the darkened ice-speckled landscape, swinging the barrel of the rifle ever so slightly, ready to move further in an instant if it proved necessary. Breaths came quickly for Niobe, LCL swirling gently over the yellow plugsuit and dark skin, blue eyes completely focused, her mind refusing to give any quarter to the myriad distractions swirling around her. "I won't fail," she whispered, determined that she would destroy the Angel no matter what, that she had to do right this time. "I won't fail." A red dot flashed on the small wireframe display, indicating that the Angel was getting closer, but while Niobe was tense she wasn't stupid, and she resisted the urge to simply let out a mad hail of fire if she wasn't certain. "Thirteenth Angel moving within visual range," she announced, loud enough for it to be heard over the radio, the blood of the LCL dulling her nose as she moved slightly to one side, presenting less of a target profile to the Angel. Waiting carefully, she tensed the muscles in her legs, watching the black beast move forward, then waited for the targeting system of her Eva to center on the beast, letting the crosshairs flash acknowledgement before she fired off a quick burst from her rifle. Before the rounds had even struck the beast, Niobe had launched herself into motion, and by the time that the shells exploded against the surface of the AT field she was already to one side of the beast, spitting another round before rolling to the side and firing again, black power cord trailing behind her but nearly invisible against the darkened sky. The Angel was aware of her now, but she had no time to contemplate that, flipping above the beast and unleashing another burst from the weapon before landing, spitting a burst, then rolling backwards and pushing herself behind a building. It had gone about as well as she'd expected, and she flung herself towards the nearest obstacle large enough to hide the yellow form of her Eva. Listening in wait for just a moment, she heard the familar explosion of the beast's energy blast, something she'd expected to occur simply from the her experience with the other humanoid Angels. The blast tore apart the buildings and streets around where she'd stood moments earlier, but she spared the fact only a moment's thought, focusing instead on firing a quick round off towards the Angel once again, then moving swiftly between the buildings, keeping her head down, her mind focused, her ears listening to the sounds of the Angel's movements instead of her own. Her father had taught her well, and as she sprang upwards and over, she heard the sound of a blast exploding where she'd stood nearly a minute before, an eternity to her. More bullets spat from the muzzle of her rifle before she landed, the octagonal pattern of the AT field rippling outwards as the bullets impacted. Rolling to one side, Niobe launched herself again, not allowing herself a spare second to contemplate, knowing that she had no such thing, the Angel blasting the space that she'd been in a minute prior once again, obviously lost in the sea of rapid movements that she was making. She spat another burst at the beast, feeling the ice spattering against her machine's back, focusing instead on the sensation of the ground giving beneath her feet as she landed, raking another blast towards the beast's feet before springing away once again. She was making no progress, and she knew that as the confused Angel let out another blast of energy, but she also knew that it was the only way to get it safely disabled. Confuse it, neutralize its AT field, then destroy it. Ryo had been too predictable, and she remebered Nieve's warning to her as the two of them had been flying towards the Eighth Angel, and she couldn't help but smile as she rolled out from behind her cover, spat a quick blast at the Angel, then rolled away, knowing the it was being thrown off balance as she once again felt the ground firm beneath her feet. She also knew, however, that as soon as it began staggering she would be revealed, and with a quick twitch of her leg muscles she sent her machine hurtling away from her position, towards another foothill for cover, then moving faster to spring back into another position. Smirking, she landed amongst another cluster of buildings, finally feeling confident that she would be able to destroy the Angel. Then the world exploded around her, a flare of energy that she hadn't expected erupting against her AT Field and sending the Eva's field into an eruption of octagonal ripples as her machine fell backwards. She had been certain she was moving quickly enough, that she had done everything right, but she knew as the Eva scraped to a halt that she had done something long, if nothing else than simply by letting the Angel bait her into a false sense of security. One hand remained fixed on the rifle, turning it towards the Angel and spitting a wide spray as she rose back to her feet with her other hand. Her AT field had held up, and that meant that she still had one advantage left, that she hadn't been taken out. No sooner had she gotten to her feet than the Angel was coming at her, but she gritted her teeth and flipped away, distantly aware of the black cord of the power feed fluttering behind her. The Angel lunged clumsily towards her position a moment before, but its head immediately followed her path, and she snarled at the thought that it was mocking her, wishing that she could see its face through the hail of debris, smoke and ice from the sky. Her rifle let out another burst of firepower as she landed roughly, her feet sending up another cloud of dust, the power cord slamming to the ground behind her. She had never stopped to consider it for a moment, had known it was there only distantly, but suddenly she realized that she should have been more attentive, that she'd done something wrong by letting it be. As she watched, the Angel smiled broadly, then reached down and grabbed the power cord, shooting a sinister grin towards Niobe. Niobe's heart fell out of her chest, and feeling herself panic she pulled down the trigger on the rifle as hard as she could, letting the rifle spit out round after round, octagons exploding around the black Angel and cloaking its face as the beast's muscles surged and tore through the cord, a few sparks flying out of the severed end as Niobe saw the power countdown pop up on her screen. Her breath ran deep into her lungs, the swirling blood-LCL filling her lungs as she flicked empty with the rifle. She knew that she still had a chance, and throwing the rifle aside she adopted a fighting stance, watching as the Angel lunged towards her, not bothering to draw her prog knife as the beast slammed against her AT Field. There was a brief moment that she felt the field beginning to buckle inward, her mind quickly refreshing all of her hours of practice with her father, then her right fist slammed out through the field and into the chest of the Angel. The next few moments were a blur for Niob, a blur of thrusts and slams, her legs gyrating about, hands slamming into the black skin of the Angel, her eyes moving too quickly to take in the scenery to get a good view of the Angel or the countdown of her internal battery. Her entire world became a smooth flow of lethal action, one heel slamming into the Angel's head followed by another, a quick punch to the chest followed by a knee in the midsection and a rough backhand, smooth motion and deadly intent. Finally, the Angel fell to the ground as she punched it hard with one hand, her other retireving the prog knife at long last and preparing to slam it home. Without hesitation borne of any kind of pain, the beast blocked her knife, holding her arms just far enough away from its head, her eyes finally having a chance to take in the structure of EVA-03. She couldn't help but feel some minor shock, but she forced herself to ignore it, the pressure she leveled against the knife unrelenting as she felt the Angel's arms giving slowly. It was still smiling, and she couldn't fathom why the beast would be greeting its demise with a smile as she pushed against its grip, struggled to destroy it. With a sudden click, the camera view shut off, and Niobe's eyes widened as she glanced down at the battery counter to see her power reading a straight line of zeroes. "No," she gasped, her hands clutching tightly against the handrests, thrusting them back and forth out of disbelief. "No. No, no, NO! I have to kill it! I have to kill it!" She screamed, the salt of the LCL stinging against her tongue, her hands aching as she tried with more and more force to slam the handrests about, hoping that the machine would activate. It did no such thing, instead simply falling to one side, her body shuddering slightly against the impact of her fall. "No. NO! NO!" Niobe felt her body go numb as she heard the sound of the Angel storming away, her body curling up into a fetal position. She knew that Joseph would be disappointed with her, but more importantly she knew that Ryo would be disappointed with her, that she'd made it nearly to the goal and then had proceeded to fail completely. Tears seeped from her eyes, and she pulled her knees closer against her chest, feeling nothing but revulsion towards herself, the salty liquid swirling about her stinging against her eyes. ]++[ "EVA-05 has fallen," came the grim announcement from Makoto, sounding as though he'd delivered a death sentence to the African girl sitting within the machine. Neil could tell that things had not gone even remotely according to plan, and he couldn't help but tense his hands again, feeling only vague guilt for being happy that he would have a chance to take on the Angel himself. He couldn't help but be angry with the beast, knowing that it had more than likely killed Misato, and his anger flooded through his body, sharpening the bloody taste of the LCL, the way that it snapped against his tongue like a razor blade. "That means that the Angel is up to you, Neil." "I understand," snapped Neil, leveling the rifle in the direction that he knew the Angel was coming from, his targeting sensors flashing on the screen as he watched the black form begin to come over the horizon, his eyes narrowed and his grip firm. There was no question in his mind that he would utterly destroy the beast as soon as he could, that he would tear it apart with all the enthusiasm he could muster. He barely even wanted the rifle, but he could feel his guilt kicking in again as he watched the silhouette begin to come into focus, his finger flexing against the trigger gently. "Anything important that I should know beforehand?" "The Angel is EVA-03," announced Gendou, drawing the gazes of all within the command center including Fuyutsuki and Kaji, as though the man had gone completely mad. His expression remained fixed, mouth hidden behind his tented hands, only the vaguest hints of a smile playing across his lips and obscured by the shadows. "It was infected with a parisitic Angel on the test site, from what our scanners have been able to determine." He paused for a moment, letting the smile vanish as though it had never been there, certain that none of the staff had seen the smile. "The pilot was not in the Eva at the time. It is uninhabited." Neil couldn't help but have his eyes widen at the sudden revelation, unsure of exactly how to react to the thought of what had doubtlessly happened to Vash. He took a deep breath of LCL, feeling it simply heap upon the list of the Angel's victims in his mind, his anger burning brighter as he watched the black goliath lumber towards him, his AT Field roaring to life about him as the demented grin on the other machine's face became clear. One more deep breath of LCL sank down his lungs in a thick mass, then he yanked down on the trigger of the rifle, determined to destroy the monstrosity before him, to tear it apart with his bare hands if at all possible. Across the fields of white buildings, the bullets screamed out, slamming into the Angel's field as ever Eva's weapon had, the patterns rippling outwards as the former Eva unit loped towards its purple counterpart. Neil skidded aside as the beast snatched at him, but it casually twisted its arm around as though it had no joints, the twisting rope of an arm grasping the rifle and then tearing it from Neil's hand with a flick of the wrist. "Damn it," muttered Neil, the guilt from his anger rising within him once again as he deployed the prog knife, watching the black machine's arm restore itself as it turned towards him again, flecked with ice from the ongoing hailstorm. His grip on the knife tightened, and Neil lurched towards the Angel, tearing the AT Field of the black monster simply with his motion, sending his body crashing into the other machine. For a moment, he thought he saw a trace of concern on the black Eva's face, something protruding from its back, as though one of the other two had managed to leave a prog knife stuck in the beast, and Neil hesitated, giving the Angel the chance to shove him away, letting his purple machine tumble backwards through a cluster of buildings, landing in an awkward stop near one of the various hills of Tokyo-3. Neil forced himself back to his feet, hands grabbing the narrow road along the side of the hill, crushing the guardrail in the hands of the massive machine, something tickling at the back of his mind. He stared outwards at the Angel as it approached him, the cityscape framed by the falling hail, and suddenly it struck him why he felt as though he recognized the area, why he thought he knew where he was. "This is where Eiko and I met," he muttered, flicking his eyes back towards the hill again. "This is the hill." His head turned back towards the area, seeing the way that the landscape had changed, as though he was now viewing the same scene in a nightmare of blood and hail, the black and purple ghoul of EVA-03 disturbingly close to his own machine. Then the black machine moved with the speed of something possesed, one arm extending to grab Neil's wrist and twist the prog knife out of his hand, the other slamming against his neck with the force of a steamroller. Neil felt the electric surge of shock, the LCL tightening against his neck as he released the knife, then felt the tightness around his neck grow even tighter. Gritting his teeth, he reached his machine's arms up to grab the wrists of the black beast, trying to force its arms open, to get back to the business of ripping it apart. In the command center, the technicians all turned their head as they heard the sound of the elevator hissing open, and a unanimous shocked look came over their faces as Nieve and Eiko dashed onto the level of the center, their clothes still on, dampened slightly by the hail that had fallen around them. "How did you two get up here?" asked Makoto, not sounding angry so much as surprised, while Gendou looked down with obvious disapproval. "The entrance to this level is supposed to be restricted to administration -" "Come on, Makoto, I grew up with this facility. I probably know more about how these things work than -you- do." Nieve strode towards the microphone defiantly, her eyes flicking up briefly towards the main screen to see Neil trying to pulling the black Eva's hands apart from his neck, in obvious pain. Not even sparing a moment to glance up towards Gendou, she grabbed the microphone and yanked it towards her mouth. "Neil! Neil, listen to me! Vash is still inside that machine! Don't destroy it!" Nieve's voice cut through Neil's thoughts like a thunderbolt, his mind suddenly taken aback with the realization that Vash was inside the beast lying before him, that what he was staring at was the face of Vash within the Eva, his fellow pilot, another Child. Staring at the grimacing visage of EVA-03, he remembered the first time that Vash had hit him, the taste of blood in his mouth, the way that the other boy had looked at Eiko. He remembered hating the other boy, remembered how he'd assaulted him simply for speaking to Eiko, the way that he'd wanted to destroy the boy. He could remembere every look of contempt the boy had ever given him, remember the surge of anger he'd felt at learning that Misato had been at the test site, the way he'd wanted to kill the person responsible. Gendou sighed as EVA-01's struggles seemed to weaken, the purple machine suddenly letting its opponent gain more grount and constrict its grip even more tightly around its neck. "Someone please remove the Second and Fifth Children from the command center where they should not have been allowed in at all," he snapped, perturbed at the sudden perversion of his otherwise flawless orchestration. "Maya, prepare the dummy plug system for EVA-01, and activate it as soon as it comes fully on-line." "That won't be necessary," hissed Neil within the cockpit of the Eva, blood-red rage seeping through his eyes and buring in his retinas, his rage uncontrollable as he stared at the black machine in front of him. His arms surged with a sudden burst of strength, a ferocious power rising within him as he yanked apart the arms of the beast in front of him, the Angel seeming genuinely surprised at the turn of events as its prey refused to go quietly. Neil knew only that he was enraged, that the only thing that existed in his eyes was anger, his other thoughts and memories drifting away, even the reason for his anger becoming nothing as he tugged on the beast's wrists and yanked it forward, then hurled it into the mess of buildings of the city. In the control center, all that could be seen by the two girls was the purple form of EVA-01, white flecks streaking through the sky behind it, the black goliath beginning to slowly rise besides it with deadly intent. Both machines were soon standing opposite one another, and the entire control room had entered a sort of collective silence, nobody daring to make a noise for fear of what it might mean for the two opponenes staring one another down. "He knows now," muttered Eiko, simply staring up at the screen with Nieve. "What is he doing? Why isn't he trying to get him free?" Neil might have been able to distantly hear Eiko speaking, but his thoughts were elsewhere entirely, lost in a sea of rage and ferocity, hands clenching tightly enough to whiten his knuckles as he waited for the Angel to move. He could only think of Vash, the boy's contemptuous expression, the way that Eiko talked of him, the mere thought that Vash had gotten an opportunity to touch the girl sexually. Sex and violence flooded through the boy's mind, and as he watched the black monstrosity before him he felt himself losing control, his machine lunging towards the other EVA with lethal intent, a howl escaping his lips as he moved. The boy's movements were clumsy, borne out of anger instead of careful planning, and the beast stepped aside lightly before lashing out towards Neil, letting an arm snake out without hesitation. Neil felt the other grip his arm, but ignored it for a secon, then tugged hard on the connection between the two of them, grabbing on to the arm with his fre hand and pulling the whole thing like a gigantic towline. The beast went sailing over his head, landing roughtly in a patch of buildings, sending up a cloud of debris and hail with its impact. Neil barely even noticed, deployed his prog knife and lunging towards the beast with another howl, feeling the Eva's mind wrapping around him, complementing his anger, almost seeming to feed off it. Both of the goliaths collided with a loud crash and Neil drove his prog knife hard into the shoulder of the black Eva, letting it wince at the unexpected pain. His mind was still filled with images of Vash, and with every passing moment the Eva seemed to feed him another one, one more reason to hate the boy, to want him to pay for what he had done. He had hurt Neil. He had hurt Eiko. He had killed Misato. He was wrong. He was bad. He deserved to be torn limb from limb, to have the life crushed from him like an insect, to realize the power that Neil wielded within the massive purple Eva. EVA-03 raised an arm towards the purple machine's face, but Neil ignored it, swatting it away and then shoving the entire Angel to the ground, ignoring the prog knife entirely. He didn't want or need weapons. He wanted to feel that same pain from the other boy, the sort of wonderful bloody sensation that he knew could only come from letting his hands dive into the blood of his foe. Without warning, the black machine's legs lurched upwards and wrapped around Neil's upper torso, then yanked down and sent Neil hard into the pavement, his anger only redoubling as the black beast let him feel the impact of the road, the feel of stone cracking about his face. It was painful, and he could taste blood on his lips, though whether it was LCL or truly blood he could not be sure. He'd always hated the taste of the liquid in his mouth, but now it seemed comforting, like a mother's milk, like something comforting coming from within the dark machine around him. The Eva wanted him to be angry, he knew it. And, despite everything he thought about who he was, he found himself agreeing with the beast. "EVA-01 has shut off all contact with base!" shouted Makoto, his voice obviously panicked as the black form of EVA-03 began to rise to its feet along with EVA-01, both machines once again seeming to stare one another down. "We've lost all feeds! Communication, synch information - everything!" Gendou let out a miniscule smile, masked by deep shadows, as the girls on the level below stared at the screen below. "He can't do that," hissed Nieve, certain that something had to be malfunctioning in the machine, knowing full well that there was no way to completely cut off any of the Evas. "The entry plugs aren't designed for that. They're like open books. Heck, early tests of EVA-00 didn't have enough shielding to keep anyone within a fifty-mile radius from having access to the results. These things are supposed to be constant -beacons- of information, that can't just -shut- -off-!" "It could have gone berserk," offered Maya, her figners flying across the keyboard in front of her in an effort to try and re-establish some line of contact with the purple Eva. "We only received trace amounts of data from the machine the first time it bersekred, and the Twelfth Angel incident completely shut off our links to EVA-01." She paused, trying to keep herself calm, the way that she expected Ritsuko would have handled herself, her heart sinking slightly at the thought that she might no longer have the help of Ritsuko's guidance. "But the readings we got from the machine before this... they didn't seem to be in line with those of a berserk." Nieve and Eiko exhchanged a quick look, then stared back up to see the two Evas launching at one another, the two titans clashing against the nightmarish backdrop of the city. EVA-01's eyes remained their same dull white as the Angel's eyes flashed a quick burst of yellow, a flare of energy erupting around Neil and sending him skidding backwards. Neil remained standing, retireving the other prog knife from where it had landed and then rushing at the beast in front of him again, slashing madly at the black goliath's chest armor, his movements swift and angry, sacrificing some level of grace for simple power. Nieve wathced as the boy continued to drive against the Angel, wondering if there was something more important that she'd guessed that had happened inside of the Twelfth Angel that he hadn't told her. "Like he's jealous," she whispered to herself, watching Neil stab the prog knife into the chest of the black Eva, the Angel-possesed machine roaring in pain before shoving EVA-01 into a skid along the ground. "He's acting like a jealous husband." She fell silent, flicking her eyes back towards Eiko, wondering what she didn't know about Neil, wondering how she'd let things get so far out of control. The chill and pain that she'd felt earlier returned, her memory snapping back to the painful realization that he'd left her alone in their bed. It was disturbing to a point that she couldn't begin to explain, and as she watched the boy move on the screen something told her he was in complete control of his actions, that she was being given the opportunity to see exactly who he really was. EVA-01 rose to its feet swiftly, then lunged towards the black machine, grabbing the beast's arms and grappling with it, the entire control room remaining silent as the hail slammed against the two golems. EVA- 01 took on a more and more demonic appearance, silhouetted by dark and ice, arms straining against the black monstrosity that was once its ally, then sending the other machine falling to the ground roughly with a twist of its wrists. A cloud of pavement, debris, and ice flew into the air as the black machine fell to the ground, but the purple beast surprised everyone by slamming down atop the black beast, letting its body weigh the other down, pinning the other Eva against the ground. "He's immobilizing it!" shouted Nieve, stepping forward, feeling as though she was trying to excuse the boy's actions more than anything, feeling more nervous than she could remember. She was hopeful, and as she stared at the scene on the monitor, the black Eva struggling unsuccessfully against Neil's grip, she felt certain that she'd gotten it right, that she knew what Neil was doing. "He's going to remove Vash's plug in a second!" She stared, watching Neil on the screen, knowing that she understood him, her entire emotional dilema feeling as though it had been poured into the scene on the main screen. Nothing changed for a moment on the main screen, the black Eva pinned flat on the ground, the purple counterpart holding it down forcefully, clutching the arms of the beast tightly. Then a massive tearing noise filled the air, and everyone watched as EVA-01 ripped EVA-03's right forearm out of its socket, blood gushing forth from the wound as Neil threw the arm aside. The Angel spasmed beneath him, but before the other arm could even try to attack Neil had already taken the liberty of tearing that arm free as well, the blood from the wounds spattering slightly against the purple frame of the Eva. Silence reigned inside of the command center for a moment as Neil paused, then without another moment of hesitation slammed both of his hands down against the beast's shoulders, happily crushing the shoulders beneath his hands, another gout of blood jetting out as the room filled with the noise of cracking bone. EVA-01 became further coated in blood as it contined moving, its right hand grabbing the lower jaw of the howling Angel, the purple machine staring down at the beast mercilessly, hatefully, the Angel looking at him with pleading eyes. Ignoring it, he ripped off the beast's lower jaw, tossing the body part aside. There were no more words, but Neil did not relent, proceeding to reach down and rip off the chest armor of the beast, tossing it aside with vigor, letting it scutter along the streets of Tokyo-3 before he reached up to the Angel's head. Both hands closed with deadly force around the head, and the Eva's eyes flared briefly before he continued to tear into the beast beneath him, letting his hands sink into the now-exposed skin of the black machine, ripping out mechanical units and body organs with vigor, tossing both indiscriminately. Blood flew everywhere from the gigantic Eva, spattering the white buildings and EVA-01, organs slapping against everything near with a wet squishing noise. Maya vomited loudly as the purple machine continued to rip its opponent apart, armor and organs tossed aside as equals, the hands of the Eva closing vise-like and ripping the black beast apart as though it was a biology dissection. Both Nieve and Eiko could only stare in horror at the nightmare of the situation, the blood that seemed to seep out to cover every conceivable surface, organs falling around like a corona from a horror movie, Neil's only face to the two girls the stark and emotionless grimace of the Eva. The entire world seemed to drift away for Nieve, and for reasons she couldn't exactly put into words she felt as though she'd been violated, as though she had made a horrible mistake the night that she had let Neil make love to her. In an instant, the world snapped back into focus as she realized that Neil had finished gutting EVA-03, that there was simply nothing left of the black monstrosity, only a few haphazard bones and armor shards and one very important lump of spine. Though Nieve had only seen quick glances of the internal structure of an Eva, she knew that it was the portion that housed the entry plug. She watched with horror as Neil carefully brushed away the ashen remnants of the Angelic coating around the entry plug, withdrwaing the white cylinder with a care that seemed impossible after his brutal actions against the Angel. "He's rescuing him," breathed Eiko, sounding vindicated. "It's going to be all right." "No," whispered Nieve, feeling a tear begin to drift down her cheek, knowing without having to see anything that something would go wrong, that both she and Eiko would not get the happy ending they wanted. "This isn't a dream. This is a nightmare." Time stood still for a second, the hand of EVA-01 holding the entry plug gently, letting it rest upon its palm with admirable care. Then the horrible sound of crushing metal filled the room like a death knell as Neil closed his fist mercilessly, the entry plug twisting and crumpling and spilling LCL, crushed in the Eva's hand like a roll of paper. Eiko screamed at the sight, but EVA-01 seemed not to notice, drawing itself up to its full height and giving the wreckage of the entry plug one last squeeze before casting the mangled mess heedlessly towards one of the black machine's gutted organs. Eiko's howl of agony filled the room as Maya took the opportunity to vomit again, the rest of the room shocked into silence by the events. Nieve couldn't move, fixed in place, tears streaming down her cheeks, horror written firmly in her eyes as she wondered what she had been a part of, what horror she'd given herself to. "Thirteenth Angel destroyed," choked Makoto, distantly aware of a beeping on his display, waiting for a moment before bringing up the new display. "The... the staff at the testing site has been recovered. Misato and Ritsuko are both fine." "Prepare a recovery team for the Evas on the surface," announced Gendou flatly, his voice echoing in Nieve's ears as her world dissolved into a blurry haze of tears. She wanted nothing more than to undo her past, and as she stared at the screen before her she felt herself spiraling down a dark abyss, her heart rending itself in two. It was a nightmare of universal proportions, an experience made unbearable by the fact that she knew she had no chance of awakening, only of living out a new horror that she knew was beyond her ability to cope. ]++[ Outro: Neon Epoch Evangelion is based off of -Shin Seiki Evangelion- by GAINAX and company. It is not intended to be a straightforward fanfic, but it is building off the work of others, and as such it is done with the utmost respect for the original works and their authors. Basically, even though this is an original work, it's based off the work of others, and if you read this, you should go to see the original. Special thanks to all of the real Children - you know who you are. Extra special thanks to Joe Augulis for his consultation on the Japanese portions of the story. He might not know much Japanese, but that's more than I know. Copyright 2002 Eliot Lefebvre. NEXT EPISODE: The face of a murderer. The face of a monster. The face of a savior. NEON EPOCH EVANGELION 18: DREAD COUNTENANCE "Niobe was right. God damn me, she was completely right." ]++[ We only have a little time in our lives to waste. Make the most of it. Electronic Transcendence Productions: Producer of, um, stuff for an unspecified time-period. Rants: