From: (Eliot Lefebvre) Subject: [Eva][FanFic] Neon Epoch Evangelion: Episode 18 X-Original-Date: 16 Dec 2002 05:54:43 -0800 I want you to join the mercenary unit "Pre-Story Warning": This fanfic is an original take on GAINAX's "Shin Seiki Evangelion." It contains alternative characters, plots, and a different overriding internal logic. It is intended, from the beginning, to be different. This includes different Children and different histories. In short: if the mere thought of someone other than Shinji in the cockpit of EVA-01 makes you queasy, you are in -entirely- the wrong place. Any and all flames stemming from this alteration will be mocked mercilessly. You have been warned. Okay, folks - as warned, there will be a lag in NEE's posting. Next week, there will be -no- episode posted. Really. Nothing, nada, zilch, zero, zip. Don't go looking for it, it won't be there. I'll be back home and devoid of Internet access, so it'll be conspicuously absent. There will - hopefully - be a new episode of the series up two weeks from today, but in the worst-case scenario one will get posted on the 6th or so of January. Sorry, but there's really nothing I can do about it. On the other hand, there -will- be some special fiction posted to on Friday as an early Christmas gift... but it's not NEE. (The temptation to do the Tokyo-3 Christmas Special has thankfully been repressed.) Still, you might enjoy it - it does involve lots of gunfights. ]++[ ]+ ELECTRONIC TRANSCENDENCE PRODUCTIONS +[ presents ]+ NEON EPOCH +[ ]+ E V A N G E L I O N +[ ]+ EPISODE 18: DREAD COUNTENANCE +[ By Eliot "Lostfactor" Lefebvre Based off of "Shin Seiki Evangelion" by GAINAX ]++[ His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. - REVELATIONS 1:14 ]++[ Misato's hand gently touched the white bandage wrapped about her head, strips of gauze wrapping around her skull and just barely managing to avoid covering her eyes, her fingertips coming back without blood on them as a minor relief. She could remember when she had been found by the rescue party, how she'd been pronounced "fine" over the radio as soon as it was seen that she could walk and that she was entirely aware of her surroundings and circumstances. The horribly loud noise of the helicopter's rotors and the bandage patching up the wound on the back of her head, however, spoke less to the initial assessment and more to the fact that she was not fine at all. Her eyes flicked across the passenger chamber of the helicopter towards Ritsuko, the woman asleep, her left arm cradled in a sling with the tips of a splint protruding from it. They had, from what the rescue squad said, been among the lucky ones, on the absolute edge of the blast radius when the Angel had first attacked, spared anything but the weakest of blows. That blow alone had been more than enough to tear apart the observation station and send she and Ritsuko tumbling along the ground for at least ten meters, and she had known enough of what had happened to realize that the lucky ones were about the only ones that would escape without being dead or permanently disabled. Of course, she would argue that the truly lucky ones were the technicians that had been in a similar situation, as they didn't have to be air- lifted back to Central Dogma immediately. "We never really thought about it," she muttered to herself, turning her head to stare out the window at the trail of destruction that the Angel had left. Crews were already hard at work trying their best to clean up the devestation, a task that they were poorly equipped for in light of the destruction the beast had wrought. "We always just assumed that we'd be inside of the Geo-Front when an Angel attacked. We thought that the armor would be enough, that we could lock ourselves away from danger." She paused, flicking her gaze towards Ritsuko, wishing momentarily that she had a conscious audience at the very least. "That's what we get for trusting technology with our lives." A beep came from beside her, and Misato glanced down at the unfamiliar cellular phone, its screen flashing that she was being contacted. Her own phone had gone largely unused except in emergencies, but it had been more than crushed in the explosion, and so one of the field staff had provided her with a new one until she was able to request another from Commander Ikari. She'd not been informed that anyone would have the number, although she supposed that it could have someone for the technician. Shrugging, she flicked the phone on and lifted the gauze around the nearest ear, putting the phone against it. "Major Misato Katsuragi speaking." "It's good to hear your voice again, Major," replied Makoto, his voice slightly distorted by the static of the phone but still recognizable. On the other side of the helicopter, Ritsuko stirred slightly from the noise, awakened by the sounds of voices. Misato briefly considered trying to let her friend get more rest, but she knew that the top priority was to get a clear picture of what had happened against the Angel. "Makoto. God, it's good to hear your voice." She paused, biting her lip, resisting the urge to cry as she realized it was the second time that an Angel had nearly killed her, that she'd been saved only by pure luck this time instead of her father's naturally paranoid tendencies. "We're on our way to Central Dogma. The crew said that the Thirteenth had been engaged when they found us. What's the situation?" "Um... the Thirteenth was destroyed slightly after we heard the news about your safety," replied Makoto, an awkward stutter in his voice letting Misato know that something was wrong, something she didn't want to talk to him about. "EVA-00 and EVA-05 were damaged in the battle." He paused again, and Misato could hear the young man swallowing hard. "Neil... EVA-01 destroyed EVA-03. It's gone. Over the Henflick Limit by several thousand orders of magnitude, and even if it wasn't I doubt we'd be allowed to repair a former Angel." "There's something you're not telling me," said Misato flatly, crossing her legs as best she could with the myriad scrapes and bruises along them, further keepsakes of her battle with the Angel that hadn't merited the same level of attention as the wound on her head. "What else happened with the Angel?" Again, Makoto could be heard swallowing hard in the background, obviously doing his best to skirt the issue, giving Misato the barest idea of what he might be hiding. "We... we tried to eject the pilot from EVA-03, but we weren't able to. The Angel held in the entry plug." He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "During... after the battle, EVA-01 took the entry plug and..." There was silence. "He crushed it. Like a bug." Misato was stunned into silence, her mouth trying to move in reaction but doing nothing but mouthing at the air uselessly. At length she shook her head, the beat of the rotors outside seeming to grow louder, her eyes flicking briefly back out the window towards the nightmarish carnage that the Thirteenth had left in its wake. "How..." She paused, then tried again, struggling to wrap her mind around the news. "Is Vash alive?" "Barely," replied Makoto weakly. "The Eva isn't meant to take on human- sized opponents, and the entry plug was designed to be crush-resistant, after all. But between the damage from Neil's... -thorough- destruction of Vash's Eva, the neural feedback caused by the takeover by the Angel, and being crushed and discarded... he's in a bad way." He paused, then sighed loud enough for the phone to pick it up. "The doctors are doing everything they can, but he might lose his left arm, and at the moment it looks like he might not walk again." "Christ almighty," muttered Misato, flicking her eyes towards Ritsuko, seeing the concern on the other woman's face. She momentarily wondered if it was the right time to let the other woman know what was going on, but with a quick roll of her eyes she realized that Ritsuko would probably handle it better than she had. "Hold on a second, Makoto." Taking a deep breath, she moved the phone down, pressing it against her chest, feeling another bruise that she was glad the rescue team hadn't felt for as she stared into Ritsuko's blue-gray eyes. "The Thirteenth was neutralized. EVA-03's entry plug got crushed." True to form, Ritsuko barely batted an eyelid at the news, apparently unworried by the statement. Misato couldn't help but be a little angry at the woman's cavalier attitude, thinking of what it must have been like for Vash inside the sea of blood-scented LCL, wondering if it had been anything like Neil's experience. "Is he alive?" asked Ritsuko flatly, forcing herself back into a sitting position with her good arm, obviously resentful of her own frailty. "At the moment," replied Misato, suddenly losing all desire to continue talking to her former friend, bringing the cell phone back to her ear and flicking her eyes back out to the scar of dirt and ice that stretched across the landscape. "Sorry. Ritsuko just woke up." She paused, unsure of which of the Children to ask more about first, wondering about Neil even as she felt a minor pang of regret for not being more concerned with Vash. "Has EVA-01 been recovered yet?" "We're working on it. The machine..." A pause came from the other end, the same as before, as though Makoto was hiding something from Misato. "We think the machine -might- have gone berserk. It's hard to say, though. We lost all contact within the machine, but it didn't seem about to berserk when it shut off from us..." He paused, sighing heavily, and Misato felt an almost tangible sense of disorientation, of being shoved into the middle of the situation without any understanding of what was going on. "Everyone's wondering if Neil crushed the plug intentionally or not. Nobody wants to think that he did, but from what little information we have..." "I understand," Misato interjected, feeling in the back of her mind that there were no two ways about the problem, that the day had already been too horrific for the best-case scenario to have any chance of holding up. And she knew, as well, that she didn't want to deal with it, that she wanted to be able to fly back pretending that everything would be fine, that she could go home to her little surrogate family without any crisis. It was the first time in a long while that she found herself truly missing the arms of a lover, that all she really wanted was someone to hold her and console her instead of being forced to console others. "Fill me in when I get there. Hopefully, EVA-01 will be back in the docks by then." Before Makoto could say another word, Misato let her thumb press against the button to end the call, hearing an approving chirp from the phone to let her know that it had terminated the connection. Sighing, she flicked her eyes quickly over to Ritsuko, then placed the phone down on the slightly-padded bench of the helicopter as she turned back towards the gash in the landscape, technicians and vehicles visible about it like flies swarming to an open wound. Though she knew that she didn't have the whole story about the battle with the Thirteenth Angel, she already wasn't looking forward to eventually dealing with it, and more than anything she wanted to simply turn the helicopter away towards a destination with less emotional investment. Another sigh passed her lips as she let herself focus on the steady beat of the rotors above her, the even and reliable noise as they cut throught the air. Then the phone rang again, and Misato jumped slightly, her eyes flicking away from the window towards the small phone immediately. She paused for a second, letting it ring again, terrified and excited at the thought that it was Makoto calling again with more news, news that she knew could neither be good nor bad. Closing her eyes momentarily, she reached out and grabbed the phone, flicking it open with her thumb and pressing it to her ear. "Major Misato Katsuragi speaking," she said, aware that her voice had a vague tremor in it now. "Misato, thank God. I thought that one of the morons in the tech center had given me the wrong number for a second." Nieve's voice hit Misato unexpectedly, and for a second she flicked her eyes back towards Ritsuko before she recognized the girl's tone. "I was trying to reach you before, but I kept getting a busy signal." "I was on the phone with Makoto," replied Misato, her mind slowly processing the fact that the girl couldn't possibly be doing well under the circumstances. For the barest of moments, she paused and let herself entertain the fantasy that the girl had called her as a sort of surrogate mother, that she wanted to hear Misato's voice again to know that everything was going to be all right. "What's happening down there right now? Are you all right?" "Fine," replied Nieve, her voice giving her away. "I'm a little wet and bruised from the hail, but I'm entirely healthy." She paused, and Misato knew that the girl was going to ask her something, adding some minor fuel to the woman's slightly-guilty fantasy. "Misato... when Neil is recovered in the Eva, you're going to be going in to see him. I... I want to come, too. Eiko and I both want to come with you." "I see," replied Misato, speaking more as a stalling tactic than anything else. She was almost certain that Nieve wouldn't feel any better if she was there, that it might actually make the girl's situation much worse, but she also didn't want for the girl to be lying in terrified wait. She knew what that was like, knew that it wasn't fair to Nieve to make her go through it. "Are you sure that's a good idea? You might not like what you find out." Nieve's voice was silent for a moment, and Misato suddenly had the sense that the young girl was planning something very different than what Misato had originally envisioned. "I need to be there, Misato. I... I just have to." She paused, the sound of an intake of breath cutting through the phone's static and then petering out, as though she'd given up on the effort. Sighing, Misato shook her head, knowing that the girl wanted to believe that Neil hadn't done anything wrong. It was something she was dealing with personally, but the urge to believe was tempered by the apprehension of the consequences if she was wrong, and despite herself something told her that she was wrong despite everything. "All right," she said, knowing that her voice was giving her away, in no state to try and mask her emotions. "We'll all go down to EVA-01's hangar together." She paused. "Take care of yourself, Nieve." The phone clicked off without an answer, and Misato sighed, her eyes somehow drawn back to the devestated strip of land left by the Angel, as though in the wake of everything else it was perverted into a comfortingly stable feature. To say that it was disturbing would have been understating the situation, but Misato still let her eyes rest on it, even as she noticed Ritsuko moving out of the corner of her eye. "You're trying to believe in him, aren't you?" she asked softly, the barest hints of an emotion creeping into her voice but masking themselves too well to be identifiable. "Would you rather we gave up on all of them?" replied Misato, her voice harsher than she'd intended, slapping Ritsuko into silence. Misato let her gaze creep slightly towards Ritsuko to see the woman remaining completely silent, then she sighed and let her eyes fall back to the gash of land, her heart heavy with the weight of her circumstances. ]++[ Neil's memories were groggy as he felt the Eva move towards the hangar, his video feed shut off, the LCL tasting more sharply than ever of the unique salt of blood, his hands clenched in tight fists as he stared at the blackness of his monitors. In the back of his mind, he felt the nagging question of whether or not he was truly groggy or not, whether or not he simply wanted to be unable to remember what he had done because it made it wasier to live with what he had done. But those thoughts were being pushed from his head as soon as he became conscious of them, his entire mental ability being focused on the steady rush of LCL in and out of his lungs, the dim orange swirls about his emerald eyes. Though Misato had no way of seeing Neil's eyes, she would have argued that there was a disturbing amount of versimilitude between his eyes and the flashing look on Nieve's eyes, focused on the machine as it slowly moved into the hangar, demonic armor streaked with the blood of EVA-03. She was obviously trying to look strong, standing further forward than Misato or Eiko, as though she was trying to intimidate the massive machine while the teal-gray walls closed in around them. "Are you sure you're all right, Nieve?" asked Misato, her voice soft, something in the back of her mind and the bottom of her heart making her painfully aware that what was about to happen would not be good. "I'm fine," Nieve lied, staring at the Eva as it lurched to a halt, the restraints beginning to snap shut around it, a fitting gesture after the savage display it had made on the surface. She was resisting tears with all her strength, forcing herself to remain in control even as it tore her apart from within, knowing that it would do no good to cry as the jets of the nutrient bath began to activate. Her course was set, her thoughts reconciled, and she knew that if she simply said it to herself enough times she would more than believe it. "I just need to see him." Silence reigned over the voices for a moment, the only noise that of the nutrient bath swirling loosely about the bottoms of EVA-01's feet. Then there came the distinctive noise of the Eva's back hinging open as the entry plug slid out, a crane retrieving the plug as it flushed out the LCL and the back of the machine closed once again. A few more restraints slid into place around the Eva as the entry plug swung towards the catwalk slowly, agonizingly slowly, finally setting down after what seemed like an eternity. Neil reached up and gently pushed the hatch of the plug open, knowing full well that it would not be enough to open the hatch. He couldn't know for certain what awaited him outside of the plug, but a hissing voice in the back of his mind warned him that it would be bad. The hatch, unsurprisingly, remained shut, and for a moment he considered remaining within the plug, simply waiting for the next time that NERV decided he was necessary. Gritting his teeth, he pushed again, letting the hatch swing open, the fluorescent light from the teal-gray hangar flooding in like a cold bath. A moment passed before Neil found the strength to climb out of the plug, the sheer impact of the situation not lost on him as he stepped out onto the catwalk, Misato, Nieve, and Eiko all assembled before him. All four remained quiet as the plug closed again and was moved off of the catwalk, LCL dripping slowly from the boy's body and sloughing down into the nutrient bath harmlessly. His vocal cords felt choked by the blood-liquid that he had sat in, and something from his memory tugged at his heart, tried to leap from his mouth into the open air even as he tried to rein it in. "You destroyed the Thirteenth Angel," Misato said at length, unable to wait any longer, wanting to know the horrible truth right away instead of letting it simply hang in the air. The boy stared for a moment, then nodded weakly, some unimaginable hurt showing behind his eyes, only serving to deepen Misato's unspeakable terror about what she would learn about him. "Nobody's even confused about that. But you crushed the entry plug afterwards, after you'd disemboweled the machine. Why?" "I didn't," replied Neil, his voice sounding oddly hollow and shellshocked, devoid of any of the emotion that any of the assembled people knew to expect from him. He wanted to frown, to feel angry, sad, happy, perturbed, frustrated, something other than simply blank, but something was keeping him from it, keeping him from being convinced by his own words. "I lost control of the Eva. It crushed Vash's plug without me." He knew that his voice should sound something other than emotionless. He should be sad. Why couldn't he feel sad? "Is he all right?" Nieve stepped forward before anyone could say anything, her motions slow and awkward, feet falling irregularly and causing her path to sway gently from side to side as she approached the boy. His eyes fixed blankly on hers, and had Misato been able to see her eyes she would have seen the same thing on her face, not that she doubted it was there regardless. Moments passed this way, her steps bringing her within arm's length of Neil, and everyone seemed to hold their breaths as Nieve reached out her arm, letting her hand touch Neil's cheek gently, cradling the curve of the boy's face, his expression beginning to melt ever so slightly. Then Nieve's body lurched into action, the hand seeming to move in slow motion as it lifted away from the boy's cheek momentarily, then swinging immediately back into it with a loud crack, whipping Neil's head to the side as the cracking noise of the slap echoed through the chamber. Nieve remained frozen in position for a moment, her breaths obviously coming harder, and Neil could see from the corner of his eye the same enraged sorrow that he'd seen the day they had first made love. "You're a monster," she hissed, her eyes not flashing with anger so much as utter disgust. A dull ache was growing between her legs, and she couldn't help but feel as though she'd been dirtied, as though Misato and Eiko were both seeing her as some kind of Babylonian whore. "I regret every second that I spent on you, every time that our lips found each other, every second that I let myself believe for a second that you were even -human-. I regret -everything-." Tears were streaming down her face, and she stared at the boy harshly, feeling an emptiness inside her as he remained frozen, unmoving, still reeling from the slap. "Don't touch me again. Don't come -near- me." Neil's eyes fluttered shut, and Nieve felt her tears redoubled, felt the abandonment that had been eating away inside of her begin to claw with greater ferocity, the cruel joke of existence finding an even better punchline. The moment was frozen in time before Nieve pushed past Neil and began running out of the hangar, tears streaming from her face, only the most distant vestiges of control remaining on her body as the door hissed and whirred as it opened and closed. If Neil had gone comatose from the slap, everyone would have believed it, his body remaining rigid and his eyes remaining shut. Only Eiko and Misato remained, and something was obviously bothering Eiko as well as she stepped towards the boy, her eyes wide, her mouth half-opened, one hand brought up near her mouth and the other wrapped around her midsection. She brought herself within an arm's length of Neil, but she lacked the decisiveness to slap the boy, could only gape as he remained unmoving. Neil said nothing as she too moved past him, following after Nieve, obviously just as disgusted and conflicted as Nieve. The door whirred and shut behind Eiko, leaving just Neil and Misato in the room, the steady sound of the rushing nutrient bath substituting for words between them. "Neil," she said softly, trying to snap the boy back into action, taking a step towards him. She still wanted to believe what he had said, but it was becoming more and more difficult with each passing second. "Neil, talk to me. Please." "Let me speak to Commander Ikari." The words had a decidedly different tone to them than his flat speech before, now tinged with obvious sadness, tears beginning to trickle out from behind his eyes. Misato recoiled slightly, surprised, but Neil slowly turned his head to face the woman, letting his eyes open, bloodshot and a brilliant green. "I need to talk with him immediately." Misato paused, biting her lip. The last thing that she wanted was to let Neil talk to the man, knowing full well what Neil was going to say, that there was no possible way he would be willing to keep her few traces of a family together any longer. But she also knew that keeping him from the commander would only hurt him further, and she'd learned that she didn't want to hurt him, that she wanted to let him find some kind of release. It was the mental equivalent of an irresistable force meeting an immovable object, and a few minutes passed in silence, Neil's tears running down from his face and mingling with the dripping LCL, falling down into the bath of liquid that fed the Eva. At length, she shook her head, then turned on her heel, beginning to walk down the catwalk towards the command center. "I'll tell him that you need to see him. Get changed, and I'll meet you outside of the locker room." Neil was alone again, with no onlookers but the merciless purple Eva, a sight that was spared only a curosry glance as the boy stared around at the empty room. The touch of Nieve's hand had snapped him back to his senses, to the horrible realization that he had been unable to avoid no matter how much he wanted to. "The Eva didn't do anything I didn't want it to," he gasped, tears redoubling and vision blurring as he looked back towards his machine, knowing full well what he had to do. "Niobe was right. God damn me, she was completely right." A weakness overtook the boy's knees, and he fell into a kneeling position, his hands folded over his eyes to buffet the tears as he leaned back, wailing at nothing. The Eva simply stared as the boy kneeled as though in prayer, his cries of sorrow and anguish filling the chamber, echoing off the teal-gray metal walls and the stoic gray jaws of the Evangelion. ]++[ It had been perhaps half an hour since Neil had told Misato that he needed to speak with Commander Ikari, but it felt like years, as though he had needed to spend al,l of the interceding time learning to shut himself off. He had managed to regain control over himself since he had started crying, and he stood across the room from the commander managing to look calm, wearing the same blue shirt that he'd come to Tokyo-3 in, his eyes fixed on the commander as the red light of the office glossed over both of them. "Neil Richelieu," said the commander curtly, his voice flat and emotionless. "You claimed you needed to see me." "Yes," replied Neil, forcing himself to feel nothing, to simply stare at the light-obscured eyes of the commander and let his mouth form the words, not to let himself cry again. "I need to talk to you about.." He trailed off, trying to start over, to phrase his case better. "You certainly saw what happened against the Thirteenth Angel." "Of course. You destroyed it and made certain that it was dead. Excellent work." The commander reached and adjusted his glasses, then tented his hands in front of his mouth once again, the distance and the eye-bleeding light more that sufficient to prevent Neil from picking up any facial cues from the commander. "What about it?" "Commander..." Neil paused, then shook his head, not wanting to explain emotional reasoning to the commander, doubting that it would make any sense to the man in the first place. It looked as though the commander had long ago stopped paying attention to emotional urges, and Neil felt more than a little disgusted with himself without thinking of the emotions of what he had done. "Commander, I don't think it's right for me to pilot the Eva any longer. I have reason to believe that I may be a danger to myself and to my fellow pilots." "Nonsense. You attacked a known threat and dealth with it appropriately." There was no resignation in Gendou's voice, and for a brief moment Neil wished that he could blame the whole mess on the silent maliciousness of Ikari, that it was somehow out of his hands. But he knew better, and even as the commander stared at him he knew that Dr. Ikari's uninvolved attitude had hardly turned Neil into a monster. "Nothing that you did was outside of what a normal operation would have done. I have no reservations about sending you into combat again." "I'm aware of that. -I- have reservations about sending myself into combat again." Neil's voice had taken on a sharp edge, a tone that he might not have been willing to take with the commander if he had retained any intention of remaining with NERV. "Whatever you say, I didn't have to nearly kill Vash just to destroy the Angel. I know that." He paused for a moment, lowering his hand slightly, one hand twitching itself into a fist. "Even if you don't approve, I can leave the organization whenever I decide. I have responsibility for my actions, and that includes preventing them." Gendou simply stared at Neil for a moment, showing no reaction to the boy's harsh words other than a vague amusement. "Very well," he said after a moment, remaining stationary. "You will be forced to vacate housing with Major Katsuragi, and a transport plane back to America will be arranged by mid-afternoon tomorrow. You may arrange for transport of your belongings and accomodations for tonight. Once you leave, you will be closely monitored to ensure that you reveal no confidential information such as the nature of the Second Impact or the Evas, and you will no longer be allowed inside any NERV facilities. Are you certain about this?" Despite himself, Neil couldn't stop the tears from streaming down his face, soaking into his shirt as he lowered his head further, everything in his being protesting his actions. But he knew that he had no choice, that if there was no other way to control the horrible monster that he was then his only option was to remove himself from the situation. "I believe that I am more of a threat to the human race than the Angels. I'm certain." "A message will be placed with the upper-level staff. Meet with them and they will deal with the removal of your personal ID and all other important information relative to NERV. You will leave the facility as a private citizen once again." He paused briefly, expression and position never faltering, the shadows crouched around him seeming to grow darker. "In the event that the situation becomes too desperate, NERV may call on you again, but that would require the death of all remaining Children. For all intents and purposes, your career as a pilot has ended." "Thank you, sir," Neil choked out through a haze of tears and suppressed sob, turning and walking as swiftly as he could towards the exit. He hadn't wanted to admit it to himself, but NERV had become his life in a way that he'd never expected, had grown to define who he was and where his place was in the world like nothing else in his life. But he had no alternatives, and he knew that there was no way for him to continue piloting EVA-01, not after what he had done to Vash. Struggling to maintain the barest veneer of composure, he let the door open in front of him for what he knew to be the last time, his tears only growing as it whirred shut behind him. Gendou remained stationary in his seat, simply watching the empty space where Neil had been moments earlier as if the boy was going to return and beg for Gendou not to remove him from NERV, protesting that he'd made a mistake. Instead, he could hear the soft padding of bare feet behind him, his silent observer finally stepping forward. "You are letting him go?" she asked, tone flat and emotionless, the light note that it hit the only indication of her identity. "Neil is not on as specific a timetable as you and your brother," replied Gendou, unmoving, resisting even the urge to flick his eyes sideways towards the girl. "He may well be easier to deal with once the first stage of the project has been completed." He paused, allowing himself a thin and bitter smile. "Besides, the less there is for SEELE to suspect, the better we look under scrutiny. I see no reason to force him to stay." "I understand," replied the girl in the same flat tone, as though she truly could care less about the outcome of events, simply interested in the entire issue as an academic activity more than anything. Gendou let the smile remain on his face as he flicked his eyes towards the girl, knowing that he had only a short time to wait before he was ready to move forward with his own goals. For her part, the girl seemed not to notice, simply staring into the distance emotionlessly, almost as though someone had bound an atomoton into flesh. ]++[ More than anything else, Nieve wanted to cry. She didn't want to get up, didn't want to get dressed, didn't want to read or talk to Misato or bother to eat. She wanted to lay in bed and cry, let her tears soak through her pillow, let everything bleed away in a forest of sobs as she thought about the last words that she'd said to Neil, knowing that it would be the last time that she'd ever see him, wishing that he'd done somthing differently the day prior. But somehow she'd managed to keep herself running on some sort of autopilot through the morning, rising as usual, getting dressed, eating breakfast, blankly watching television in a language she didn't understand and didn't want to understand, waiting for something that she couldn't put into words as the pale yellow walls of the apartment watched her harshly. Now she was eating lunch, under the definition that putting together a sandwich and staring at it with tears in her eyes qualified as eating. She knew that she needed to eat, knew that simply looking at the sandwich was starting down the same road that she'd spent so much time trying to turn away from, but it seemed like a herculean effort to even watch the food, much less actually eat it. The limp white bread and slowly-spreading jelly seemed to be of the same mind as her, sitting on the white porcelain plate as though depressed, waiting for Nieve to eat it but not particularly looking forward to the process. "I don't want this," she muttered to herself, slumping forward slightly and propping herself off the table with her elbows. "What's the point of eating? Why should I bother?" Her words snapped her mind to attention, and she only stared at the sandwich for a moment longer before she slumped fully against the table, sobs wracking her body, tears pooling about her face and mingling with her dissheveled red hair. "All I wanted was for him not to leave me," she muttered through a mouthful of tears and choked gasps, her arms circling her head as she remembered the blank look on Neil's face, as though he didn't care that she was leaving. All she'd wanted was to know that he wanted her, for him to take her no matter how she tried to hurt him. But he'd done no such thing, simply listening to her and then letting her go, unconcerned by her departure. "I wanted him to love me," she muttered, her words almost absorbed by her wailing cry, yellow walls dispassionately surrounding her and seeming to close in as she sobbed. Then a knock came at the door, as sharp as it was unexpected, drawing Nieve's attention after a moment more of crying. She lifted her bleary green eyes to the door, tears still dripping down onto the wood of the table, and in the back of her mind she hoped that simply not moving would be enough to convince the person at the door to leave. Then she wondered if it might be Neil, and hoping against hope she pushed back from the chair and stood, distantly noting that she was wearing the same green dress that she'd wore on the day she had met Neil, walking slowly and irregularly towards the door. "I'm coming," she called, wiping away her tears, trying her best to look as though she was still in control, wanting Neil not to see her reduced to her worst as her hand closed around the doorknob. A deep breath was pulled into her lungs, then she let the door swing open to reveal Ryo in the doorway, holding a small paper bag and standing with his usual rigidity. "Ryo," she muttered, feeling her heart sink at the boy's presence, wishing still that it was Neil. "Come in, I guess. Misato's not here, so you'll probably want to leave soon." Ryo couldn't identify the feeling that was tugging at his chest, knowing little beyond the fact that it wasn't pain despite feeling vaguely painful. He watched Nieve idly as she turned and walked back towards the table, her dress swaying about her smooth legs, red hair a mess but still undeniably attractive, and he forced himself to ignore her movements and follow routine, kicking off his shoes in the small foyer area before stepping into the apartment, bag swinging besides him and lightly tapping against his side. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?" she asked, her tone bored, obviously asking the question out of routine. "Commander Ikari pulled me out of school temporarily," he replied, idly wondering if he was supposed to disclose the information but not thinking of any compelling reason not to. "It's better to focus on the Angels at the moment." The statement drew a brief glance from Nieve before she turned back to her sandwich, and Ryo walked slowly towards the girl, the same awkward not-quite-pain sensation in his chest as before. "How are you doing without Neil around?" Nieve's body suddenly jerked to a stop, as though Ryo had tried intentionally to ask her the one question that she didn't want to hear. She gritted her teeth as she felt the slow trickle of tears try to reassert itself, thinking about leaving Neil behind the day before, about what he must have felt like lying alone in the hotel, without her arms around him. "I'm fine," she replied curtly, now definitely wanting Ryo to leave, unsure of how much longer she could maintain control over herself under the circumstances. "Don't you have other things to do today? Testing? Homework? Practice?" She let her eyes flick towards the boy, watching him slowly shake his head in response. "Why did you come over in the first place, then?" "I have something for you," replied Ryo, feeling the pain redouble itself as he lifted up the bag. Nieve's green eyes moved to follow the bag, briefly flitting back to Ryo and surveying his bland school uniform before standing and taking the bag from him tenatively. She surveyed the bag now, as though it was going to bite if she opened it, and Ryo felt another surge of the tense chest pain that wasn't quite pain, his mind working hard to try and figure out how to alleviate it. "I thought you might like it. I've been working on it for a while now, for you." Flicking her eyes up to the boy one last time, Nieve tenatively opened the bag, her mind still entirely focused on Neil and wishing that the pale boy would just leave. She didn't dislike him, but he'd picked the worst possible time, and she knew that almost any other day of the year she would have simply kicked him out and been done with it. Her hand slipped inside, feeling the rough surface of wood brush against her skin, and curiosity got the better of her as she closed her hand around the object inside and drew it out. She wondered about it for only a moment longer once she'd removed it from the bag, recognizing it as a small statue of EVA-02, almost a photorealistic replica of her red machine aside from the dearth of color. It was photorealistic in a disturbing sense, though, as though it had been machine-produced instead of hand-sculpted, and Nieve noticed a few darker blotches on the surface that gave her momentary pause. "It's..." Nieve paused, trying to find a word that described her reaction accurately, the way that it was well-done to the point of being disturbing. Shaking her head, she looked back towards Ryo, the boy's blank red eyes staring back at her and eerily reminiscent of the absent color on the carving. "You... you must have worked hard on this, Ryo," she said, lost in a sea of still-present sorrow from Neil's departure and the unmentionably disturbing nature of Ryo's gift. "Have you ever had any training in woodcarving?" Ryo felt another surge of the awkward pain in his chest, and he took a step towards Nieve, knowing that it was time for him to do something even though he wasn't entirely sure what that "something" was. Neil was out of the picture, meaning that she could no longer love him - he'd heard more than enough about the way that the two had parted to be certain of that. But something still felt wrong, as though he was making a leap of logic beyond himself, something that he couldn't derive by routine. "I thought you would like it," he said, somewhat softly, knowing that he was supposed to speak softly to someone who loved him. The girl's eyes went wide, and unsure of any other elements necessary he proceeded on to the next step, leaning towards Nieve with his mouth leading the way. Nieve only hesitated for a moment before she let her hand fly, striking Ryo hard across the cheek and sending a crimson flush across the impact point. Ryo recoiled for a moment, then turned his head with disturbing sluggishness back towards the girl, red eyes open and quizzical, as though he truly had no grasp of what was happening. "What the hell do you think you're -doing-?" she snapped, stepping backwards and feeling her breath starting to come more heavily, awkwardly reminded of the first kiss that she and Neil had shared. "Trying to kiss you. I thought that was what we did now." He paused, leaning back into a standing position, head cocked slightly to one side with a quizzical expression on his face. "You no longer love Neil, therefore you're free to love again. I gave you something. Don't you love me now?" "Why, you..." Nieve sputtered in anger, tears beginning to puddle about the corners of her eyes as she remembered the way she and Neil had parted once again, wanting badly to be alone and cry once again. Stepping forward, she grabbed Ryo's shoulders and spun him around, shoving him forcefully back towards the door. "Get out of here, Ryo. I don't want to see you right now, and if this is the way you're going to act to me I don't want you to come around ever again. Get out." Pushing his feet out, Ryo tried to stop himself from moving any further forward, utterly confused as to how the routine had managed to fail. He quickly went through the steps in his mind, wondering if he'd forgotten something after all, if there was some detail that he missed. "What did I do wrong?" he asked, stumbling down into the shoe area as Nieve stopped pushing him, turning around to frown at the girl, his red eyes flicking about the room and trying to pick up on some hidden visual cue. "I thought that I completed the routine successfully. What did I miss?" Ryo's gaze burned at Nieve's skin, and she felt a dull ache creeping through her body as she glared at the boy, as though she'd lost the ability to even control who came and went. "Don't you understand anything, Ryo? Love isn't some fucking mathematical equation, it's an emotion, a state of -being-. I don't fall in love with you just because you give me some creepy little statuette that looks like it's mass-produced." She knew that she was being hurtful again, just like she had been with Neil, but what made the entire situation even more disturbing was the fact that Ryo was simply staring at her weakly, apparently unconcerned with her words. "Get out of here, Ryo." He stared at her, and she slammed her fist against the wall in frustration and terror, worried that he might try something even as she felt herself losing control of her tears once again. "Get out!" Lingering for only a moment longer, Ryo reluctantly slipped on his shoes and stepped out the door, a profound confusion flooding his thoughts as he stepped back into the hallway. He had thought everything through, had made sure that he had all of the steps in place, and yet somehow he must have made a mistake with the routine, must have failed to do what he had set out to do. "Perhaps Niobe knows something," he muttered to himself, doubting that he could speak to any of the other Children, less concerned with solving the problem than with the confusion that hung over his mind like a thick veil. Glancing once out the bay window in the hallway, he began walking towards the stairwell that led out of the building, trying to figure out how he had managed to make a mistake and how he could correct it. Standing inside the apartment, Nieve could hear the wet plopping noise of her tears falling against the floor beneath her, and within moments she sank to her knees, sobbing once again from the horrible recollections that she'd had with Ryo. She felt alone, helpless, and much as she hated to admit it she wanted her mother's arms around her once again. "I can't do anything," she muttered, head bowed and tears streaming forth, running along her skin as she closed her eyes. "I just wanted him to stay." ]++[ It was an antiseptic white room, the sort of color that bled against the dull fluoresence of the lighting to make the physical boundaries seem to sort of melt and slough out of their shapes. Eiko had never particularly liked the way that hospitals looked, and her dislike had only grown since her brother had been put into one, necessitating frequent visits to his bed in the same artificially sterilized tone of paint. She'd idly hoped that NERV would have put slightly more imagination into the way that its infirmary was structured, but as she stepped into the white room she could see that it was exactly the same, that if nobody told you it was impossible to remember that you were underground. Taking a deep breath and smelling the sharp odor of medicine and sterilization, Eiko walked towards the bed, the lone spot of color in the room, pale blue sheets covering a body surrounded by IVs and monitors, an oxygen mask lying against the face of the slowly-breathing boy. Vash's blonde hair was lying limply against the pillow, his eyes closed as he took in slow, obviously-pained breaths, body moving slightly against the sheets. The girl felt a momentary rush of panic, seeing how weakened he looked, as though the simple presence of another human being threatened to break him irrevocably. But she didn't want to leave him alone, and armed with the memory of the head doctor's curt acknowledgement of her visitation pass she continued to walk towards the boy, dressed in a light blue skirt that reached down to her ankles and a brilliant white t-shirt, an outfit that she knew Vash had always liked. Her footfalls filled the room with a new sound, echoing oddly against the steady rush of Vash's breathing and the regular beeps of the condition monitors. Biting her lower lip, she stepped towards the lone chair placed to one side of his bed, sitting down in it and pulling it closer to the boy, surveying him briefly. She had been told that he might lose his left arm, but from what she could see the lump in the sheet was still there, meaning either that they'd saved the arm or that they simply hadn't removed it yet. A sigh escaped her lips, and raising her arm she placed it down on his right arm, trying to find his hand beneath the sheet. Vash's breaths changed frequency unexpectedly, and Eiko gave a slight start as the boy's eyes began to flutter slightly. She watched, trying to remain calm as he opened his eyes with obvious effort, a weak smile managing to pull itself across his face beneath the oxygen mask, eyes concealing an understandable sadness as he stared at the girl. "Hey," he hissed through the mask, cocking his head slightly to the side to get a better look at her. "They said I would be getting visitors." "We're the visitors, dad," she replied, letting a smile creep across her face as the boy managed a weak laugh, sounding more like a cough with the steady hiss of the oxygen mask. Both of the Children remained silent for a moment, unsure of what to say, as though they both knew the obvious topic but also were afraid of speaking any more about it than was absolutely necessary. At length, Eiko coughed lightly, glancing over towards Vash's arm once again. "They were able to save your arm, I see." "No, they weren't," replied Vash, sighing slightly as he lifted the arm from beneath the sheet, an obviously herculean effort in his weakened condition. Eiko didn't notice anything different about it at first, but as she looked closer she could see that it was noticably paler than she remembered Vash's skin being, far lighter than the skin on his face, even under the seeping harshness of the fluorescent light. "The doctors said that they were able to rebuild the arm from the remaining tissue. I only found out about it after I had woken up." He sighed, a harsh raspy noise beneath the mask. "It feels... wrong. It's my arm, and I know it, but... I don't know. They said it wasn't a normal procedure, and somehow I can tell." Eiko wanted to cry in lieu of being able to do anything else for Vash, but instead she simply reached over and touched his arm gently, feeling the soft skin, devoid of any marks save the IV needle that jutted roughly out from around his elbow. "At least you've still got it," she said, moving her hand away as he dropped the arm back to the sheet, her eyes wide and brimming with tears despite herself. "And at least you'll be okay. Things could have been much worse." "You're right," replied Vash, obviously aware that the conversation was beginning to step into rather dangerous conversational territory, as though the two Children were stepping around a landmine. "I was only distantly conscious up until that point, and I didn't even fully wake up when the entry plug started moving. But I remember that it hurt." His smile became weaker and more bitter, his head turning back towards the ceiling, blue eyes flicking away from Eiko. "Kind of ironic, I suppose. I was unconscious before, and then Neil comes along and crushes me right back into unconsciousness." The girl wanted to force a laugh, but all she could manage was a slight choking noise, drawing Vash's eyes if not his head back in her direction. "I... talked to Neil," she said, unsure of what his reaction would be, surprised to see that he simply continued staring at her with the same sort of pained and bitter expression on his face. "They think that the Eva went berserk, and that's what Neil said, too." She paused, struggling to meet Vash's eyes with her own. "The Eva probably just thought that you were part of the Eva. It wasn't Neil trying to kill you, or anything." "Of course. I didn't think he would do something that malicious." Something in Vash's voice spoke of suspicion, a hidden doubt of Eiko's words, as though there was something in the background of Neil's statement that made it impossible to believe. A silence settled through the air between the two Children, Vash flicking his eyes back towards the ceiling, Eiko staring at him and wishing that she could think of something more to say. "Shouldn't you be at school today? I mean, I know I have an excuse, but..." "I do have one," replied Eiko flatly, the question itself feeling vaguely hurtful, as though Vash was resentful of her presence in the room. "NERV gave me a pass out of school for the day. Special circumstances." She paused, trying to figure out the best way to proceed, knowing that she needed to give Vash the news. "It was Misato that did most of the work for that. I think that she's just feeling kind of sad now, considering everything that's happening." Vash tilted his head back towards the girl, his breath coming a little rougher as he stared at her, blue eyes briefly losing their focus before training once again on the girl sitting at his side. "What do you mean?" He paused momentarily, then began to try and struggle into a sitting position, shocking Eiko visibly. "How long have I been down here? Are the Angels already destroyed?" "Nothing so pleasant," replied Eiko, pushing gently down on the boy's chest, feeling him struggle against her hold, his body unable fight against even her admittedly limited strength. He gave up after a moment, though whether it was out of actual trust or the realization that he wouldn't have been able to go anywhere even if he managed to get to his feet. "You've been down here less than a day. No, it's..." She paused, still unsure of exactly what to say. "Neil put in his resignation yesterday. He's leaving for America sometime this afternoon." Silence reigned for a moment, the boy looking at her as though he couldn't believe her words, testing to see if she was telling the truth about Neil's departure. "Oh," he replied at length, sounding rather weak, turning his head away from the girl and flicking his blue eyes back towards the ceiling. "I guess that's for the best, isn't it? I mean, he didn't like it here much anyways." "Yeah," replied Eiko, also sounding entirely unconvinced, folding her hands uncomfortably on her lap and following Vash's gaze, her eyes winding up staring at a patch of dull white on the wall. She felt as though she was being watched, putting on some kind of elaborate play for an unseen and unknown audience, a distant sorrow lurking behind her eyes that Vash would have been able to see had he only looked up. ]++[ Misato leaned against her car, feeling the warmth of the metal beneath her skin, wearing her black dress with its thin white piping, sunglasses on and eyes focused on the door in front of her. She had given Neil a specific meeting time, and as she stared at the monolithic white hotel in front of her, light reflecting off the black-tinted windows to make the entire building almost seem to radiate, she had little doubt that he would be meeting her within moments. In the back of her mind, she half-hoped that he'd chosen not to meet her, that he'd lost his nerve as was instead going to simply remain in his room and refuse to come down. "But that wouldn't bring him back to NERV," she muttered, shaking her head and letting her purple hair brush lightly against the back of her neck. "Nothing will, not now." She had already packed some of his things into the bacseat of her car but knowing without a doubt that she wouldn't be able to unhook the VCR she'd left it, though she was half-hoping that it would be enough of an excuse to get Neil back. She missed the boy already, and it had been a hard night with only her and Nieve in the house, lonely and empty, made worse by the fact that Nieve didn't seem to want to talk about what happened and Misato still wondered if she wasn't in some small way to blame for the whole thing. It had shown on her face all day at work, and Kaji had called her on it, barging into her office shortly before she was leaving. "What are you planning on doing?" he'd asked her, leaning up against one teal-gray wall, the self-righteous smirk finally gone from his face but his expression still implying that he didn't particularly care. At the time, Misato had been upset by his cavalier attitude, but in retrospect she knew that Kaji didn't have any real reason to be worried - he didn't know Neil, at least not in the way that Misato did. He was simply showing concern for a friend and former lover, just wondering how Misato was going to deal with it. As it happened, she didn't think she did a particularly good job dealing with Kaji, letting herself remain silent after he'd asked the question for a good few minutes. "I'm tired of losing people I care about," she'd said at length, the only explanation that she could come up with, knowing that it hardly fit the header of a plan so much as a general desire. She could remember glancing at Kaji then, half-wanting him to take her in his arms, to hold her, tell her that everything was going to be all right, the way that he would have comforted her if she hadn't driven him away. Of course, he'd done no such thing, a fact that hadn't surprised Misato in the slightest. "None of us want to lose something we care about," he'd said flatly, his face turning serious just as he'd turned to leave, hands shoved in his pockets and back slumped just enough to be unusual for him. "Sometimes we don't have a choice about it, though. Sometimes the ones we care about don't want us to hold on to them. You've got to respect that, too." Sighing heavily, Misato adjusted her sunglasses, forcing herself back to the present as she glanced idly at her watch, unsure if Neil was officially running late yet or if she was just getting impatient. He still had five more minutes by the hands on her watch, and she let out another sigh as she tilted her head back towards the hotel. Kaji had been referring to when she'd asked him to leave, and she'd known that at the time, but she'd never let herself stop to think about what it might mean if Neil did the same thing. Biting her lower lip, she tried to push the thought from her head, not wanting to deal with the concept if she could avoid it, not even wanting to acknowledge Neil's departure as a real possibility. Then the doors of the hotel swung open outward, and Misato had to force herself to keep her eyes from widening at the sight of Neil, to keep herself from dropping to her knees and begging him not to leave. He was wearing the same outfit as the day prior, slightly more wrinkled and dissheveled, his eyes the same blank green as he stepped towards the car. A thin bristle of facial hair had sprouted along his face since the day before, although Misato couldn't be certain if he'd not shaved out of necessity or a simple lack of motivation. "This looks like a nice hotel," she said flatly, drawing his eyes blankly towards her, wishing that he didn't look quite so dead in the water. "Must have cost a fair bit. You're making good use of the money NERV's paying you." "I suppose," replied Neil, casting his eyes to one side as he felt a burning wetness behind them, forcing himself to continue breathing regularly despite the temptation to do otherwise. He had promised himself that he wouldn't cry, that he would do what he knew was the right thing with some dignity even if it killed him. But he knew that he wouldn't be able to last long, that even with the exhaustion he felt from the tears of the night before they were still coming again. "Can we leave now? The flight's a long one, and I want to be there as early as possible." Misato frowned momentarily, then nodded, opening the pasenger door and letting Neil step into the car weakly. She shut the door behind him and began walking around the back of the car, glancing in quickly to see him slumped weakly against the seat, remembering the first time that she'd met the boy. Taking a deep breath, she squeezed her eyes closed and forced herself to keep moving, finishing her steps around the car and sliding into the driver's seat, starting it with the twist of her keys and letting it begin moving out along the road to the airport. For a little while, the steady noise of music from the radio substituted for conversation between the car's two occupants, the constant noise of instruments seeming to choke the air and prevent either of them from speaking even if they wanted to. Misato would occasionally glance over towards Neil, flicking her brown eyes at the boy, but each time he was simply staring out the window towards the passing scenery, the white buildings and green hills seemingly plastered next to the black roads. Neil, for his part, was doing his best not to cry, feeling guilty and weak for even contemplating crying more, knowing that he was supposed to be a man and be stronger than the tears, that cry wouldn't do him any good in the situation. It was harder than he'd expected, and it was all he could manage to focus on the scene whipping past, comitting each square inch to memory, knowing that he'd never see the city like this again. At length, Misato frowned, then reached over to the radio and pressed in on the volume knob, cutting the music off just as it began to reach a crescendo. Neil gritted his teeth and turned towards the woman, still trying to keep his eyes focused elsewhere, and out of frustration Misato made a quick signal and pulled onto the side of the road, ignoring the few angry beeps behind her. "Stay," she said flatly, turning towards Neil and ripping the sunglasses away from her eyes, letting the concern flash clearly out of them. "Don't leave. Don't go back to America. Stay here and keep piloting the Eva. I won't deploy you if you don't want to, just... stay here." Neil bit his lower lip hard, trying to focus on the pain instead of the woman sitting beside him, knowing that he had to do the right thing even if it killed him, that he simply didn't have the option of remaining. "I can't," he said slowly, wanting to take back the words as soon as they were out of his lips, wanting to cry on Misato's shoulder and not have to go back to the way that his life had been. He knew that doing the right thing could hurt, but he'd never known that it could be so painful before. "Yes, you -can-," replied Misato, her voice becoming more forceful as she stared at the boy, the blonde hair falling lightly about his head, green eyes trembling slightly in the light as though he was about to cry. "Just come back with me to NERV, and I'll get them to put you back on the personnel records. You'll be a pilot again. If you're that frightened of the Eva... I don't know, I'll make sure that you don't see any more action inside the machine." She could feel the barely-healed wounds from the day prior burning, wondering if her injuries weren't as healed as she'd been told or if it was simply a side-effect of her stress. "Think about Nieve. Think about -me-." "That's why I'm -leaving-," snapped Neil, whipping his head away, forcing himself to focus instead on something, anything to keep him from crying again. He couldn't help but wonder in the back of his mind if part of his sorrow didn't come from the fact that he was such a horrible person, that he truly wanted to stay and hurt the others more. "Misato, I... I can't be certain about whether or not the Eva went berserk." A lie, and he knew it - he had no doubt in his mind that the Eva had only done what he had wanted to, knew that even when his thoughts had become hazy in the first battle the machine as listening to what he wanted underneath everything else. "I... I... I don't think that I'm suited to piloting anymore. I'm afraid... afraid..." He trailed off, mouth unwilling to force out the end of the sentence, his eyes closing tightly and letting a single pair of tears trickle out. Misato stared at the boy for a moment longer, eyes wide, trying to figure out something to say that would convince him that he was still wanted, some perfect combination of words that would let him know that he should stay in Tokyo-3. She wondered, in the back of her mind, if this was what Kaji had gone through the day that she had left him, if he'd been certain there was some phrase that would make things all right again. "I can't force you, I suppose," she managed at length, turning back towards the wheel and pulling the car back onto the road, trying to resist the urge to lean over and take the boy in her arms, to sort out her own feelings about the situation even as she continued slowly through the shining white city. The rest of the ride was made in relative silence, neither Misato nor Neil willing to reach over and turn the radio back on, resulting in a tense absence of any sounds save the car's engine and the minor noises from outside. Neil remained fixated out the window, his mind devising horrible punishments for himself as he stared into nothingness, wanting very much to accept Misato's offer to return and stay in the city, almost surprised with himself at him it had become his home in such a short time. It seemed as though the trip would never end, as if it was some kind of slow-motion torture through the city, reminding him of everything he was leaving behind and everything he would miss, the silence only making everythng worse. Sooner or later, however, the ride had to end. Neil knew that, and as he felt the car ease into a rather definitive stop just outside of the airport he knew that it was the end of the line, time for him to leave forever. "We're here," announced Misato weakly, obviously simply saying something for the purpose of breaking the silence instead of needing to convey the information. Both remained motionless inside the car briefly, Neil staring out over the gray asphalt of the runway and Misato staring at the back of the boy's head, then Misato opened her door and got out, every noise she made echoing inside of Neil's skull. "Come on, then. Let's get your stuff unpacked for the jet." Neil hesitated for a moment, then opened his door and got out, opening the back door and slowly taking out the neatly-packed boxes from the backseat. He frowned almost involuntarily as he unpacked, knowing that something was missing just from looking at the supplies, his eyes darting about and trying to figure out what it was as he tried to avoid looking at Misato or Nieve's neatly-scrawled writing that labeled the boxes. "Is everything here?" he asked at length, deciding that there was nothing wrong with having a last memory of Misato's voice in his head, resisting the urge to break down and cry once again. "Almost," replied Misato flatly, grunting slightly as she lifted one of the heavier boxes and placed it down on the runway, a thin layer of sweat beginning to emerge on her forehead. "There were a couple of things that I left there... like your VCR. I wasn't sure how to unhook it." She paused, taking a sharp breath, knowing that she was grasping at straws as far as ways to keep Neil in the city went. "You could come back and get it, if you like. Nieve is there, and she probably wants to say goodbye." "It's all right," replied Neil, flushing slightly as he remembered the sting of Nieve's hand across his face, the anger and disgust in her eyes, the soft feel of her lips and the wonderful electricity that came from her caress. He'd been doing his best not to think of her or Eiko at all since their last encounter, knowing full well that it would only make the already-difficult farewell nigh-unbearable. "I have another one at home. Maybe after all of this is over, I'll come back and get it from you. But this isn't the place for me if I'm not going to be helping." Misato let her hands wrap around another box, idly noting that it was almost the last one, that in a few minutes she would be saying farewell to the boy that she'd live with for what seemed like an eternity. She'd known, from the beginning, that goodbyes would come eventually, that when the Angels were defeated they would all go their separate ways once again. NERV would become a research organization once more, the Children would return to their lives, and she would find other people and friends, maybe wind up signing on with the UN peacekeeping forces. But she'd always thought that it would be under happier circumstances, something that she'd look forward to. The sweat from her forehead began to drip down to her lips as she put the box on the dull gray runway pavement, tasting salty enough to almost feel like blood. Then she heard the sound of the door on Neil's side closing, and she flicked her eyes back inside to realize that the car was empty. It had gone too fast, faster than she'd expected, and she could feel a vague panic gripping her from within, a knowledge that she no longer had any time left to convince the boy standing in front of her not to leave. For his part, Neil was simply staring at her, the vaguest hints of tears beginning to form at the corners of his eyes. "I guess this is it, then," he said weakly, staring at Misato for only a few seconds at a time before flicking his eyes away towards whatever minor distraction he could find. "I'll keep an eye on the news, and all. Make sure that you're all doing all right." A weak nod was the best that Misato could manage as she walked back to the driver's seat, the keys feeling heavy in her hand, the boy turning away from her as her high heels clicked against pavement. He was closing his eyes, letting the tears begin to seep out from the corners as he wished that he was in a movie, that something would keep him in the city, give him a reason not to leave. He didn't want to leave. Much as he was afraid of piloting the Eva again, he didn't want to throw everything he'd built in the city away, no matter how much of a monster he was. But his jaw remained set, and as he heard Misato opening her door he stifled the urge to cry out, knowing that if he didn't do anything else right he would do this the way he should have as soon as the Twelfth Angel freed him. "I believe you, Neil." The words came from Misato's direction, and he turned sharply to see the woman standing just outside of her driver's seat, sunglasses back on, the vaguest trail of a tear visible on her left cheek. "Even if you don't believe yourself, I believe you didn't mean to crush Vash in there." She paused, lowering her head, feeling guilty even as she knew that the boy wouldn't get back inside the car. "You're just children. It's not fair to entrust you with decisions about life and death, to force you to grow up before you're ready." A momentary pause, and she reached up to remove her sunglasses, letting Neil stare into her eyes and fixing his gaze in place. "I trust you because you're a good person, Neil. And if you think that you're doing the right thing... I don't doubt you for a second." Neil, unable to look the woman in the eye any longer without crying, closed his eyes and turned his head away, wishing above all that what she was saying about him was true. She stared at him for a moment longer, then Neil heard the sound of the door shutting once again. For the barest of moments, he let himself believe that she had closed the door without her in it, but the illusion shattered moments later as he heard the engine start, the car pulling gently away from him, turning around, and driving away from the airport. Neil simply stood in place, tears streaming down his face, staining the blue of his shirt darker tones as he consoled himself with the knowledge that Misato was wrong about him being a good person. ]++[ The entire control room had fallen somewhat silent at the sight of the gigantic black-white beast on the horizon, moving slowly over the waters near Tokyo-3 towards the fortress city. There had certainly been larger Angels, but something about the build of this one simply seemed to exude power, the white bundles where arms would have been and an almost laughing bone-white face somehow combining with the huge black body to make it seem like a messenger of death. "Fourteenth Angel on steady approach towards city," announced Makoto calmly, his fingers dancing across the keyboard, blank readings emerging from each scan but not slowing his motions in the slightest. "Still too far out to get any kind of definite readings. UN aerodrones should be within attack range within twenty seconds." Makoto opened his mouth to speak again, but was cut off by the cool hiss of the elevator door, and he whirled about to see Misato walking in swiftly from the elevator, still pulling on her red command jacket as her heels clicked against the metal of the floor. "Sorry I'm late. The alert hit me when I was driving back from the airport." She hesitated for a moment, frowning as she remembered the way that she and Neil had parted, then stepped up to Makoto's console, surveying the Angel on the main screen. "This is number fourteen, right?" "Right. Nothing solid about its capabilities yet, though." As the young man spoke, the awkward forms of the aerodrones began to swarm about the Angel, and Misato paled slightly as she began to get some sense of scale from their eerie resemblance to ants besides the beast. They were firing on the Angel, but it barely even seemed to notice, letting the tiny octagonal ripples explode across the surface of its AT Field as it continued moving over the water. "Looks like a fairly potent field, though. Most of them at least pretend to care about the aerodrones." "Could just be getting smarter," replied Misato, leaning on the balcony over the level below, glancing briefly down towards the red tops of the Magi out of habit before looking towards the Angel again. She knew that she had a job to get done, that she couldn't be letting Neil's departure distract her especially under the circumstances, but it was a restriction that was easier said than done, and she couldn't help but remember the way that the tears had been coming out of the boy's eyes as she left. "Maya, what's the status of the Children?" she asked after a moment, shaking her head and turning towards the young woman. "Everyone's ready except for the Fourth and..." Maya stopped, her omission glaringly obvious as she blushed and leaned her head closer to the console screen. "Right. The Fourth might be able to get inside of an Eva and pilot it, but his doctors don't recommend it." She paused for another moment, drumming her fingers along the keyboard and bringing up another display. "Dr. Akagi's still supervising the repair of EVA-00 - the arm has been regenerated to the elbow, complete with armor plating, but according to her it'll be at least another twelve hours before the machine is fully ready for operation." Thinking for a moment, Misato nodded, turning towards Maya and trying to ignore the young woman's minor slip-up, less out of anger towards the technician and more out of her own guilt. "All right. Maya, launch EVA-04 and EVA-02 towards the center of Tokyo-3 - until we have a clearer picture of what the Angel is capable of, I want to make sure that they're not in any direct danger." She paused, not wanting to say that EVA-01 was on standby even though she knew it was, the thought of someone other than Neil piloting the purple machine mildly repulsive. "Hold the others on standby." "Standby?" Niobe's voice filled the control room, and Misato couldn't surpress a sigh as the girl's face appeared before her, obviously distraught at the woman's decision. "Misato, put me out on the front lines! I know that I didn't do so well against the last Angel, but if you give me the chance I promise that I'll -" "For the love of God, Niobe, I gave you an order and I expect you to follow it!" the woman snapped, tilting her head slightly forward out of frustration, lifting one hand to massage her temple. "Your machine was damaged during the battle with the Thirteenth Angel whether you like it or not, and we don't know if EVA-01 will even activate with you inside! Nieve and Eiko are going to the surface, you're on standby with Ryo! Is that clear?" A tense silence settled over the control room as the girl's face shifted to an expression of obvious pain, lips tight and eyes wide before the small portrait of her faded into nothingness. Misato sighed, still rubbing her forehead, still feeling the thin layer of sweat lying upon her brow as she leaned forward, the noises from the battle site with the Fourteenth Angel and the aerodrones hitting her hears like jackhammers. "Major?" asked Makoto tenatively, turning his chair slightly towards the woman. "Are you -" "No," replied Misato, shaking her head and knowing full well what the man was going to ask, the tension of the Angel mingling with her underlying tension about Neil as she forced herself to take slow and regular breaths. "I'm not even close to okay. But we can't deal with that right now, can we?" She smiled bitterly, then shook her head and forced herself back to a standing position, trying to convince herself that Neil had made the right decision even as she felt a headache beginning to slice its way into her brain. "Launch EVA-02 and EVA-04. We'll deal with my problems later." The LCL swirling about her as she moved to face upwards, gritting her teeth as the Eva began its upwards motion, Nieve couldn't help but feel a minor twinge of panic, an underlying worry that she wouldn't be able to defend against the Angel without Neil around. She wanted to believe that she wouldn't have any problems, but she felt her confidence lurch along with her machine as the entire tunnel suddenly shuddered, whirling her about in the cockpit and filling her mouth with the dull bloody taste that seemed to always accompany the Eva being injured. "What the hell was -that-?" she snapped, trying to convert her sadness into anger, to be productive instead of sad. On the command level, Misato was staring at flashing damage displays before she answered Nieve, unable to believe her eyes. She had known, on an academic level, that the massive black Angel was getting closer, but she hadn't believed for a second that it was getting close enough to attack Tokyo-3. As she flicked her eyes between the damage display and the main screen, however, she knew that there was no way to deny it, that the Angel had proven itself more than capable of being aggressive. "That was the Angel," Misato said into the microphone, her voice trembling through the communication. "It just blasted the surface layer of armor. It... it sheared through ten levels of armor with a single blast. Another couple shots like that and we're done for." Nieve felt a momentary rush of deeper panic as she and Eiko emerged on the surface, the sun setting behind the huge black beast, her hands tight around the handle grips as she thought about what such power meant in the hands of the Angel. She wasn't equipped to fight something like that, and she yearned momentarily for Neil to still be beside her, for somebody to be protecting her, keeping her safe from the horrific power of the Angel. Then she forced herself into action, her machine springing aside towards the nearest weapon deposit, retrieving a standard-issue rifle even as she saw Eiko moving in the opposite direction. "Eiko, what the hell are you doing? You're leaving yourself wide open?" Eiko was distantly aware of what Nieve was saying, but as she snatched a pair of handguns from the depot she ignored the warning, more concerned with the immediate situation than with the academics of the battle. She'd seen Neil do it before, the way that he would lose himself in a battle rage, and she had more than enough anger, enough rage to direct into the black monstrosity that was slowly turning its oddly-shaped face towards her. "This is for Vash, damn you!" she shouted, letting the handguns fire off as she dashed about the buidings, her machine a silver shadow flitting about, bullets exploding against the AT Field with the standard octagonal ripples. She knew that all she had to do was focus, was to make herself angrier, that she could be an Eva pilot, that she wouldn't fail after what the last Angel had done to Vash. As Nieve watched, the Angel's eyes flared with brief surges of power, and an explosion of energy slammed into Eiko's machine, a brilliant white corona of an explosion that turned the buildings surrounding the silver machine into nothing more than crumbling black outlines. Eiko herself was thrown backwards as the explosion blossomed into the shape of a cross, her Eva's AT Field gone and black sears covering the surface of her machine. "EVA-04 has sustained severe damage!" shouted Makoto over the radio connection, Nieve gritting her teeth at the sight of how easily Eiko had been laid out. "AT Field has been broken completely, armor at less than .5%! Machine has gone into emergency shutdown mode!" The Angel was looking towards Nieve now, and grimacing the young girl opened fire, raking the shells against the surface of the Angel's AT Field, watching the beast's eyes carefully for the flash of light as she dashed through the buildings, a growing panic in her mind. She wanted to have Neil by her side again, and as she saw the quick flash of light she knew that she was getting sloppy because of it, knew that she was losing control of her situation all because of one silly boy. Gritting her teeth more tightly, she flung her Eva to one side as the same blast of energy erupted from the ground beside her, seeming to come out of nowhere and slam into her machine even as she tried desperately to avoid the assault. It felt as though a sledgehammer had been driven into the side of her stomach, and Nieve cried out as her machine was sent tumbling though the air, losing its grip on the rifle as it flew across towards the foothills of Tokyo-3. The pilot cursed at the loss of control as she stumbled to a stop, Eva lying down on one side, the AT field only remaining at the barest level of power. "But I didn't fall for that trick," she snarled, forcing herself back to her feet, turning the red- white face of her Eva towards the Angel defiantly. "Is that the best you've got? Just that energy blast?" Nothing happened for a moment as Nieve stumbled to her feet, the Angel hovering closer but not unleashing another blast of energy. Then the two bundles where its arms would have been unfolded swiftly, revealing two long trailing ribbon-like whips. Nieve's eyes widened as she stared at the Angel, the beast lashing the whips quickly against a pair of surrounding buildings before letting the appendages lash out towards the girl. Both struck the Eva at the knees, and Nieve screamed as she felt her lower legs suddenly go numb, a burning pain shooting through her body as she felt her Eva fall backwards from the sudden lack of legs below the knee. "EVA-02's pilot is going into neural shock!" shouted Makoto, a distant sound for the girl as the Angel carelessly slashed away her arms, leaving her lying against the foothills and screaming in agony. She knew that she had lost control, that the boy she though she loved had left her, and that the Angel was about to kill her for her failure, the LCL choking her nearly to death with the thick taste of blood. A few quick lashes from the beast carved away part of the chest armor, and Nieve was distantly aware of the sight of a large red orb set underneath the armor of her Eva, the core of her own personal Angel clone. Then she looked up to see the Angel's ribbon-arms lunging towards her eyes and her core, and she screamed. Makoto may have said something, but it didn't penetrate the girl's mind as she felt the world suddenly go black and cold, feeling herself suddenly huddling naked against a cold wet floor. Tears were streaming from her face, and she could only sense blackness around her, knowing full well that she was dead, that she'd managed to fail everyone, that she'd lost control. "I did everything wrong," she muttered, letting the tears fall down her bare skin, the despair feeling like a physical presence. "I let mother down." "You never let me down." The voice was one that the girl hadn't heard for what seemed like an eternity, but Nieve forced herself to open her eyes and look up, her eyes going wide at the sight. Her mother was kneeling before her, wearing the same red and orange plugsuit that she remembered from the day she had died, the suit structured like Neil's but obviously made for a female body. The woman was smiling, her short red hair brushing against her neck as she extended a hand towards her daughter. "You made me proud. Everything you did in this machine made me proud, Nieve." Nieve's eyes were wide and disbelieving, but the sense of her mother's touch against her cheek was undeniable. "Mother?" she asked tenatively, reaching out herself, letting herself touch the woman's cheek, her neck, her hair. Then the tears began to flow more strongly, and she launched herself towards the woman, holding her tightly, the tears an odd mingling of distress and happiness. "Ma! You're back! I get to see you again! Oh, Ma, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry about everything that I did back then, I..." "We can't talk." The statement was curt, not angry so much as decisive, but equally cutting to the young girl as she let herself lean slightly away from the woman and stare. Leigh Soryu-Leary's outline was fading slowly, dissolving into the blackness surrounding both of them. "I'm sorry, Nieve. I'd wanted to talk to you, but this is the only chance I'll ever get. The only way that I could keep you safe from the Angel was to give myself." The skin against Nieve's fingers was becoming mroe distant, and she felt the tears quickly changing notes to fully mournful, struggling to hold her mother tighter. "No! Ma, don't leave! Please, don't leave! I'm older now, I've got a handle on things! Whatever's going on, I promise, I'll save you! Please, Ma, don't leave me again!" "I'm sorry, Nieve," replied the woman, her body now almost wholly ephemeral, enough for Nieve to see clear through the woman. "But I couldn't let you die, not here, not now. I want to thank you, Nieve, thank you for being my daughter, for riding in this thing with me. It's been hard for both of us, I know, but we did our best. I hope..." She paused, her voice becoming more distant. "I know that you'll become a fine woman one day. I just wish that I could see it." "-MA-!" The scream was shrill, Nieve's arms tightening more until there was nothing around her, her tears falling into the nothingness around her as she felt her world seem to dissolve again. She regained consciousness in the sea of LCL that was her cockpit, nothing but blackness and blood-orange liquid surrounding her. "Don't go, Ma," she whispered, leaning back against the seat and letting herself cry, distantly hearing the Angel moving through her twisted wreck of an Eva. ]++[ Neil had heard the Angel alarm clearly as it had begun to tear through the city, the wailing siren warning the residents that they needed to evacuate in preparation for another installment of the ongoing siege between the great beasts and NERV. He had chosen to ignore it, to simply sit at the airport and hear the barking warning without doing anything, waiting for the plane that would take him out of the country and back to his real home. Though it was certainly difficult to block out the sound of the sirens along with the growing noise of the aerodrones firing at the thing, he had managed it as best he could, wrapping himself in a ball of self-loathing. "I have to not pilot the Eva again," he'd muttered. "I'm a monster. I can't be trusted." Then he'd heard the sound of the Evas launching, and despite himself he'd been unable to stay seated, drawn to look towards the battle between the Angel and the titanic machines out of a sense of guilt if nothing else. He had walked as close to the battle as he could get while still staying inside the airport, giving him a mostly-clear view of the battle, the massive black Angel towering over EVA-02 and EVA- 04. His heart had quickened slightly at the thought of who would be piloting the two machines, but he'd tried to remind himself that he could be just as dangerous to them, that he needed to wait for the plane to arrive, that trying to do something would only make things worse. He'd smelled the gunpowder and smoke all too clearly from his position, seen as the first explosion blossomed into a cross and sent Eiko crashing against the buildings around her like discarded rubbish. He'd seen the second blast hurl Nieve away, and although she'd been obscured from view at that point, he'd seen enough of the Angel to know that it had then made certain she was not getting back up. Neil doubted that they were dead, but he had no way of knowing, and from the second that he'd seen Eiko get blasted he knew that he had to do something. The Angel was turning now, slowly leaving behind EVA-02, and Neil was struggling to sort out his emotions as he watched the black beast turn, its bony face with half-open mouth seeming to laugh at him for his uselessness. "I'm just as bad as the Angels, though," he muttered to himself, his hands slowly clenching and relaxing. "I could have wound up hurting Nieve and Eiko. I'm an Angel in my own right, and I -" A sudden realization hit him like a splash of cold water, and Neil felt every muscle in his body tense even as tears began to flood from his eyes anew. Guilt sliced through his mind as he realized what he'd done, realized the sort of coward he'd been, saw starkly the way that he was behaving as the sun set behind the Angel. With the last few fingers of the sun's light extending over the horizon, blocked by the massive shadow that the Fourteenth Angel threw across the cityscape, Neil took a brief glance around the land before jumping from his perch at the top of the airport, letting himself fall and tucking his body in as he prepared to roll down the steep hill of the airport. His landing hit hard, but Neil had developed some skill at dealing with pain if nothing else since he'd begun piloting the Eva, and instead of wincing he simply let himself roll, the fall helping to augment his speed as he tumbled down towards ground level roughly. Clumps of grass and dirt tore along his clothes, but he barely noticed, simply forcing his legs into the soft ground and digging his hands in to bring himself to a stop just shy of ground level. Pausing for only a moment to get his bearings, he glanced up towards the airport, realizing as almost an afterthought that it was much further than he'd originally thought, then jumped down to the streets of the city, glancing about for an entrance to Central Dogma. Eyes settling quickly on the nearest pair of metal doors bearing the trademark NERV insignia, Neil set off running, ignoring the growing sense of exhaustion seeping through his body, feet hitting the black pavement at regular intervals as sweat dripped into his mouth in regular salty explosions. The door was his only goal, and as he grew closer he found himself slowing, finally coming to a halt a few feet shy of the actual destination. "My keycard," he muttered, shaking his head as he drew out the small piece of plastic. "It's probably not working any more. They won't let me in." Then an explosion tore through the city, shaking the ground underneath Neil's feet as the world filled with the harsh noise of shattering concrete and asphalt. Neil gritted his teeth, then slammed the card through the reader beside him, hoping against logic that it would successfully let him in. The reader flashed no verification, but a second later the doors creaked open, just sliding far enough apart for him to wedge himself through. Smiling even as his tears continued to flow, Neil hurled himself towards the doors, letting himself slip into the Geo-Front and head towards the machine that he knew he should be piloting. ]++[ Niobe's machine waited patiently beneath the surface of the Geo-Front, Central Dogma several meters behind her as the Angel blasted away relentlessly at the armor that shielded NERV's underground sanctuary from Angel attacks. It had always been a distant possibility that an Angel would make it through to the bottom level of NERV, and Niobe couldn't help but be thankful for that as she further braced the twin rocket launchers against her sides, mentally refreshing in her mind how many shots she would get out of the weapons, her breath quickly taking in and exhaling the LCL, mind completely ignoring the lush scenery around her. "I've got to destroy this one," she muttered, training her launchers towards the spot where chunks of rock were already beginning to fall from the surface of Tokyo-3 into the Geo-Front. "I have to be able to destroy another Angel. It'll make Ryo love me, I'm sure of it." The corona of the explosion burst through the stony ceiling, energy billowing outwards in the shape of an upside-down cross as the Angel began its descent. Niobe took one last deep breath within the LCL of her machine, then waited for the crosshairs on her display to line up and flash an acknowledging green, the launchers trained perfectly on the beast in front of her. "Engaging Fourteenth Angel!" she screamed over the communicator, her hands slamming the handrests forward even as the two rocket launchers she wielded roared to life, plumes of flame jetting outward towards the descending black monstrosity. Eleven rockets spiraled out from the launchers before Niobe even knew it, their plumes of flame arcing about as the first pair impacted hard against the beast's AT Field accompanied by the octagonal ripples that she knew would come. Both rocket launchers feel to the ground, then without hesitation she drew another pair just as quickly from the ground around her, littered with Eva weaponry deployed at Misato's command. She had known she would need more firepower than a single pair of launchers, and in one fluid motion she had brought the replacements to bear, pointing directly at the Angel, the display taking only a moment before it flashed green and allowed her to once again release a series of rockets towards her target. Much to her surprise, the Angel seemed unconcerned with even the effort of dodging, letting the rockets impact against the field steadily while it slowly descended towards ground level, Niobe's assault continuing and filling her ears with the sound of roaring flames. For a moment, she wondered if the beast would attack her early, her leg muscles tensing in anticipation of a necessary dodge, but the Angel did nothing, simply let itself hover down as Niobe discarded the second pair of launchers and quickly scooped up a third in one quick motion. "Angel doesn't seem to be counterattacking!" she shouted over the comm, seeing it move towards her slowly as she tensed and prepared to begin moving herself. "I'm taking evasive maneuvers immediately, as a precautionary measure!" Something might have come over the radio, but Niobe didn't notice it, her Eva launching into movement, her eyes remaining focused upon the Angel and keeping the crosshairs flashing a brilliant green, geysers of flame erupting from the twin barrels of the rocket launchers. Her movements were steady, trained, and as the launchers clicked empty she quickly leaned down and scooped up another pair, letting herself train her eyes immediately back upon the Angel. There was no reaction from the black goliath except the steady ripples of octagons through the air and the slow motion in Niobe's direction, both more than acceptable by her train of thought. "Makoto, how's the Angel's AT field holding up! Will I need to close in and finish it manually?" "Niobe, according to our sensors, you've barely dented the thing!" Misato's eyes flicked up briefly towards the main screen, watching the yellow Eva dart in circles around the hovering black Angel before glancing back towards Makoto's display. There was a tangible tension flooding through the control room simply at the presence of the Angel in the Geo-Front, something that none of the beasts had managed before. "It's not being hurt, it's just ignoring you!" "That's -impossible-!" snapped the girl, forcing her machine to move faster as she let out a series of brilliant red flares, the rockets slamming in an explosive barrage against the surface of the Angel's AT Field, scooping up another pair of launchers as she clicked empty. Her feet slammed hard into a lake, the first time she'd even bothered to notice the scenery, this time more out of the simple fact that she knew she would be fighting from a disadvantage. "I've -got- to be hurting it! That's not -possible-!" Grimacing, she launched her machine forward, the taste of salty blood hard against her tongue as she let out more shots from the launcher, landing and grabbing another pair as she trained her shots back towards the beast. "I'm the best! I'm better than -any- of the other pilots! I can destroy -one- goddamn Angel on my -own-!" Before Niobe could even react, the Angel's arms began to unravel into razor-sharp whips, trailing down to the ground and scraping small furrows, then lashing upwards towards Niobe before she rolled away. She needed to get close to the Angel to hurt it, to try and close with it in order to neutralize the AT Field, but as it lashed the whips about it seemed to be taunting her, like a cat enjoying the terror of a mouse. Forcing her Eva to a stop, Niobe let herself drop the two rocket launchers that she'd been holding, scooping up another pair and bracing herself against the ground, her fingers tightening against the triggers. "I'm not going to be afraid," she muttered, watching as the whips tore against the ground of the Geo-Front, her teeth gritting tightly as her eyes widened. "I'm the best. I can do this. I can do this -easily-." Ignoring the sound of warning shouts coming over the radio, Niobe launcher her machine forward, letting the yellow golem spring towards the beast, avoiding a quick lash of its whips as she spread her AT Field as wide as she could. The Angel lashed towards her again, but she was already moving again, this time letting the leg muscles of her Eva launch her into a run, taking advantage of the naturally enhanced speeds of her machine, letting herself feel as the Angel's AT Field grew closer and closer. Her fingers tightened on the triggers as she watched the octagons start to ripple out, then as they dissolved into nothingness she slammed her machine's fingers down, letting the rockets in the launchers arm themselves and begin to slide out towards the Angel. Then the whips lashed towards her with blinding speed, and before she could react the Angel had stabbed both thin metallic strands through the barrels of the launchers, jamming the missiles in mid-flight and leaving them primed to explode as the whips drew themselves out. Niobe's eyes widened as she realized what the beast had done, and she released the launchers, trying to move away from them before the inevitable happened. She was too late, and she couldn't help but scream as she felt the explosive force of the launchers' entire payloads tear into her arms, chunks of metal mingling with the burning heat of the explosion, ripping away armor and flesh alike. Once the explosion had faded Niobe could feel herself nearly choking on the bloody LCL, her lower arms aching in a way that she'd never experienced, her mind tenatively reaching out towards that of her Eva as she distantly heard the noise of the control room filled with alarmed shouts. She could feel nothing of her left arm below the elbow, and her right arm felt mangled, broken, as though it had begun to bend in ways that it wasn't supposed to. Glancing down quickly, she felt her teeth grit as she saw the ruined bloody stump on her left and the shattered tan armor on her right, both arms useless as anything but clubs. "Niobe," said Misato's voice, sharp in her ear, sounding almost as disapproving as Joseph's. "You're too badly damaged. Withdraw." "-NO-!" screamed Niobe, a blood rage filling her world as she began to launch her machine towards the black monstrosity once again, breath coming quickly, legs thundering across the artificial greenery as the Angel lashed in anticipation. "I'll kick it to death! I'll do something, I won't -retreat-!" She screamed, springing towards the Angel, doing her best to compensate for the lack of balance provided by her arms, wishing that she'd trained more without them for such a situation, her right leg preparing to lash out in a kick as she flew towards the Angel. Before she had even made it halfway to the beast, it had lashed up towards her once again, the twin silvery whips stabbing into the joint between her pelvis and her hips, sending fire along her lower regions and a scream into the LCL of the cockpit. The Eva's legs fell to the ground in an awkward puddle of blood, and the limbless torso slammed ineffectually into the Angel before falling hard to the ground, Niobe's entire body on fire with agony as she cried. "No," she snarled, watching as the Angel began to turn away and head towards Central Dogma. "No! NO! NO, NO, NO! Finish me! PLEASE!" Her pain was fading, and a moment later the visual links was severed as the Eva became a distant memory. "Please... don't leave me like this..." "Severed neural link," announced Maya, the entire command center seeming almost haunted as Niobe's limbless body twitched once before falling still. Maya stared at the main screen for a moment, then back towards the monitor at her disposal, feeling particularly useless. "The good news is that the Second Child isn't dead - her vital signs are a little erratic, but both she and the Fifth are still alive." "The bad news is that if we don't destroy this thing soon, we're all going to be destroyed," muttered Misato, her brow furrowed tightly, trying to force herself to figure out some kind of plan to stop the Angel. It had resisted everything they had to throw at it, every defense and offense, and all that NERV had left was one damaged Eva and one injured pilot. Sighing, she tilted her head slightly forward, knowing that she only had one course of action truly remaining to her. "Makoto, one my mark -" "Deploy the First Child in EVA-00," announced Gendou, the sudden noise of his voice drawing the attention of nearly all within the room towards the top level of the complex. Despite the situation, Gendou seemed to still be perfectly confident about the outcome, his hands tented in front of his mouth, eyes hidden behind his glasses. "Arm the Eva with an N2 mine, for detonation upon contact with the core of the Fourteenth Angel." He paused briefly, then adjusted his glasses slightly, flicking his eyes towards Fuyutsuki for the barest of moments. "Maya, contact the medical wing. Have them prepare Vash for piloting EVA-01." "Vash can't pilot that!" shouted Misato, realizing as soon as the words were out of her mouth that at least part of her apprehension came from the simple fact that she still felt uncomfortable about the thought of someone else in the cockpit of the purple Eva. She knew that it was entirely the wrong time to be thinking about such things, but as the sweat dripped down past her lips she couldn't push the thought from her head. Besides, she knew that she had better reasons for refusing the assignment. "He's in no shape to walk, much less pilot an Eva! If you make him get in that thing, he'll die!" "And what will happen to us if he does not?" replied Gendou, a thin smile managing to creep across his face, hidden behind his hands as he flicked his gaze down towards Misato. "Two Evas remain, and we have with us two Children capable of piloting them. I would prefer to exhaust all of our alternatives before destroying the Geo-Front. Maya, launch EVA-00, and contact the medical department." Misato frowned, glacing quickly towards Maya as the young woman half- turned her chair to stare at the purple-haired woman. She knew, academically, that Gendou was right, that if EVA-00 failed Vash would be just as dead either way. It was a simple decision on an academic level, and as she nodded towards Maya she knew that she was doing the right thing even though it felt like signing the boy over to a death sentence. "Launch EVA-00 on an interception course with the Angel," she snapped, trying to fight down the tension rising within her chest, to forget how close the Angel was getting to Central Dogma and all that was contained within, to not think about the fact that EVA-01 would be launched into battle without Neil at the helm. On the upper level, Gendou nodded as the technicians shouted quick announcements towards one another for the Eva's launch, the same procedure that they would have followed under any circumstances, made commendable by the danger of the situation. Turning his chair, Gendou stood and glanced over towards Fuyutsuki, the elder man staring stoically at the main screen, watching as it switched to show EVA-00 launching into the Geo-Front. "I will go to oversee the activation of EVA-01. The Fourth may need some coercion before he enters the entry plug." "This could be the end," replied Kozou flatly, eyes never twitching from the screen, the display moving back to the slow-moving Angel retreating from the wreckage of Niobe's Eva. "But you already know that, don't you?" He paused, then let a humorless smile move across his lips, the red alarm lights in the command center springing to life from the Angel's proximity. "You still think we can cheat God." "I am not cheating God out of anything," replied Gendou, stepping calmly towards the elevator and letting the doors slide open, the hiss lost in the sudden blaring of alarms throughout the facility. "God is the one that has been cheating. I simply wish to level the playing field." He paused, then stepped inside of the elevator, one hand reaching out and holding the door open for a moment longer as he turned back to look at Fuyutsuki. "This will not be the end. We have too much left to achieve." Below, Neil froze briefly, the sound of the alarm flooding the narrow teal-gray hallway that he found himself in, a distraction as he tried to figure out where he had to go to get to the Eva hangar. He didn't know exactly where the Angel was, but he was willing to bet that time was running out, knowing full well that the alarm hadn't sounded the first time he'd been struggling to navigate NERV's corridors with Misato. Taking a deep breath, he fought down the panic within his gut, turning right down the nearest corridor, feet falling harshly on the metal floor of the hallway, green eyes flicking about for some indication of his location. Sirens were the only noise that penetrated the command room as Ryo's machine burst to the surface, an awkward stump on its left arm, green N2 mine cradled within its right arm as its single red eye turned towards the advancing Angel. Misato knew that the boy was waiting for her to give him orders, but it took her a moment to gather the nerve, knowing full well that the task before him was tantamount to suicide. "Ryo, advance forward at top speed and bring the N2 canister into contact with the core of the Angel. We will detonate the bomb remotely at that time." "Understood," replied Ryo, his voice sounding like the same emotionless tone that he always used, blue machine starting to lurch forward in an awkward loping run. It was only afterwards that Misato realized there had been a note of sorrow beneath his voice, as though the boy knew full well that he was going on a suicide run before he'd even begun to surge forward. Misato bit her lower lip, forcing herself not to say anything as the blue machine continued forward, flashing red lights of the center playing across the monitor in what seemed to be a wash of blood. Ryo's hands clutched the handles of the cockpit tightly, his breath coming quickly and shallowly, focused entirely on the task at hand. He still hadn't figured out what had happened with Nieve, but he knew now that he would have no chance of asking her or trying again, that in all likelihood the black monstrosity in front of him would be the last thing that he ever saw, the final picture that would fade from his bright red eyes. At the same time, however, he knew that he had to destroy the beast, that he was the only pilot left that had the barest chance, and he knew that it fell on his shoulders even if he didn't like it, that it was the one part of routine that had remained stable. He was the one that had to be sacrificed along with his Eva. Frustration boiled within Ryo's head, although he could not have put the name to the emotion as his breaths came more sharply, a grimace slowly twisting across his face. Feelings buried under layers of routine bubbled shallowly to the surface, and as Ryo watched the scenery around him blur he wondered if he was the one responsible for breaking the routine, if perhaps it ultimately came down to him. He'd been told by Dr. Ikari that he was different than the others, but he'd never known what that meant, only known that he had to obey procedure, that steady motions were his universe. The Eva charged forward, AT Field mingling with that of the Eva, octagonal ripples disappearing as the Angel lashed upwards with its metallic whips. Both stabbed through Ryo's torso, and he winced, but his focus remained, the last gasp of routine stinging through his mind as he shifted his grip on the N2 canister. Giving one last push, Ryo swung the bomb up and slammed it against the red core of the Angel, feeling something only for a moment before he watched with mild disappointment as the Angel snapped a bony cover over its core, like a bird closing its protective eyelid. It was too small of a detail for any of those inside the command center to notice it, and all that they saw was the Angel being hit by the canister. "Detonate!" shouted Misato, leaning forward against the rail of the level, watching intently as the red lights flashed over the screen and then faded away once more. The canister exploded outward into a wall of flame, and Central Dogma rocked, the shock of the detonation slamming against the pyramid-like structure and sending Misato falling backwards onto the floor even as she distantly heard the elevator hissing open. Apprehension filled the command center, and Misato only spared a quick glance back towards the elevator to see Ritsuko standing in awe before she scrambled back to her feet, flicking her eyes back towards the main screen and hoping against all odds that the Angel had fallen. A moment later, the dust and smoke of the explosion cleared, just in time for the command center to watch the Angel toss aside Ryo, the blue machine slamming into the ground harshly before the beast continued its advance. "Makoto, status of the Angel" she breathed, flicking her eyes only briefly over to the young man before gaping back at the goliath on the screen. "Unharmed," pronounced the technician, his eyes also fixated on the screen, the fact of the beast's proximity seeming to seep quietly through the chamber even as the alarms wailed. "At this rate, the Angel will reach Central Dogma in five minutes." He paused, then took a deep breath and turned back down towards his console, keying in a quick sequence. "I'll start setting the Omega protocol. If the Angel tries to get past us, it won't survive the attempt." ]++[ Neil had no way of knowing how bad the situation was getting outside, but he did know that something was going seriously wrong as he felt Central Dogma shudder under an assault from outside, sending him stumbling to the ground. Cold metal slammed into his side, but with a slight grunt he forced himself back into a standing position, dashing through the doors in front of them as they slid open, letting his feet fall on the catwalk suspended over the empty bay for EVA-00. The absence of the blue machine clued him in further to NERV's increasing desperation - he knew that Ryo had sustained serious damage, that they wouldn't send out the Eva unless they were grasping at straws - but he forced the thought out of his mind as he rushed in through the last set of doors between himself and EVA-01. Then, exhausted and panicked, Neil stumbled to a stop, the doors to the hangar sliding shut with a hiss behind him as he fell to his knees. The purple golem was still there, staring stoically at nothing, its surface now clean of the blood of EVA-03. "Always drawing me back," he muttered, sweat running in rivers down from his forehead into his shirt, the salty liquid flooding past his lips as he gasped for breath. "Niobe was right." He let his eyes flutter closed, his body aching and yearning for rest, the Eva watching him dispassionately. "You are no longer its pilot." The voice was unexpected, drawing Neil out of his reverie as he snapped his head up towards the small box that overlooked the Eva hangar. Gendou Ikari stood in the window above, black jacket hanging about his red turtleneck, looking for all the world like the way that Neil remembered first seeing him. His face was disapproving, eyes invisible behind the lenses of his glasses. "You chose to no longer pilot the machine. It is no longer your concern." "I made a mistake," croaked Neil, slowly drawing himself back to his feet, fabric shifting uncomfortably around him as he dragged himself to his full height. "I ran away. I was afraid." Taking a deep breath, Neil tensed his muscles once again, holding himself rigid, forcing his breathing to come more regularly. "I'm here now, though. I'm not running away any more." "How nice for you." The commander's tone was critical, and Neil felt his eyes narrowing before he heard the hissing and whirring of an opening door sounding over the alarm sirens. Whirling about, Neil saw a stretcher being wheeled in, a small cluster of technicians surrounding the white bed, lab coats trailing and fluttering as the wheeled Vash into the hangar. It took Neil a moment to recognize the other boy, plugsuit stripped of any coverings on the arm and the boy's hair lying limply around his head, but as he stared it became clear to him what Gendou was planning on doing. Vash coughed, then forced himself into something resembling a sitting position, eyes glancing up slowly to see Neil standing in front of him despite their blurry focus. Neil could only watch in terror as the other boy's eyes met his, blue and green eyes exchanging looks, both Children freezing in place Gendou and the Eva watched. Silence seemed to fill the room, and Neil felt guilt surging in his chest anew, the urge to turn around and run away from the horrific things that he had done almost unbearable. Both remained quiet, waiting silently until the base shook once again. As the hangar rocked from the impact of what was no doubt the Angel's attack, Vash began to tumble off the bed, and Neil's reflexes snapped into action, his body lunging forward and catching the other boy as the nutrient bath around them sloshed. Vash winced with pain, but before Neil could help him back onto the bed he felt the other boy's arm reach up and grab his shirt collar, yanking his gaze down towards the injured Child. "You came back," muttered Vash, voice raspy as blood began to seep through his bandages. "Why did you come back?" "Because I shouldn't have left in the first place," replied Neil, a single tear managing to pull itself out of the corner of his eye as he helped Vash back onto the stretcher. "I'm sorry." He paused, resting his hands against the side of the other boy's bed, the sadness and anger gripping him even as his eyes rested on the Eva for just a moment. Then he turned fully towards Gendou, eyes flashing, hands clenched into fists. "Send me out!" he shouted, taking a step towards the commander, trying to read something into the man's blank expression and hidden eyes. "I'm not going to sit on the sidelines for this. I am..." He paused, head faltering slightly before his neck snapped back up, his jaw set firmly. "I am the Third Child!" Misato stumbled to her feet, still reeling from another assault on the base, the walls of the command center beginning to visibly crack even as the red light washed through the room. "Armor down to 15%!" shouted Makot, ignoring the sounds of technicians on the lower levels panicking and running, the command level seeming to be the only level where everyone wasn't heading for the hills all of a sudden. "That's been only three blasts! We're not going to survive another one!" Glancing up at the main screen, Misato could see the leering grin of the Angel stretching before them, the black monstrosity leaning closer and preparing to tear open the face of Central Dogma. "Thanks for not leaving, Makoto," she said calmly, placing her hand on the young man's shoulder and glancing towards Ritsuko. She found herself strangely unconcerned about the Angel's approach, wondering idly where Kaji was as she managed a smile towards Ritsuko, her eyes flicking back towards the main screen to see the Angel's eyes flashing with energy. "Here it comes!" A flash of light send the entire wall of the base tumbling inwards, and Misato could hear screams fill the room as the Angel glared at the control room, its upper body leaning down and forcing itself into the control room. Misato could ee how close the beast was, but she forced herself not to panic, simply staring at the monster, knowing that she wouldn't be able to escape another Angel. In the back of her mind, she felt something resembling relief at the fact that Neil had left, and as the Angel's eyes flashed she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, wondering if it would feel like it had when her father had been engulfed by the Second Impact. With a roar of rage and sorrow, Neil sent the Eva crashing through the side wall of the control room, his vision only focusing on the Angel long enough to know where it was and slam into it. A great crashing noise filled the air as the purple golem collided with the Angel's AT Field, then a moment later the field dissolved into nothingness and send Neil's shoulder slamming hard into the black monstrosity, forcing it to one side and slamming the thing's leering face against the nearest wall. The beast struggled to bring its whips to bear, but as Neil stepped into the massive pit in front of the main control layer he felt no fear, only anger at the beast in front of him, a burning hatred at the thought of what it had done to Nieve and Eiko. "But that was my fault," he muttered to himself, feeling his anger redouble as he felt the familiar guilt creeping into his mind, his arms forcing the Angel further back as he crouched and sprang at the beast. His cockpit beeped a quick warning to let him know that he was down to four minutes of battery power, but he ignored it, focusing on the Angel rearing back away from the base, his feet hitting ground as he landed and tried to shove the Angel further back. Behind him he could see the red light flashing, oddly fitting as he drew back the Eva's arm and slammed it into the Angel, sending the beast floating backwards slightly out of sheer surprise. For the first time ever the Geo-Front was shrouded in night, the overhead lighting damaged by the Angel's entrance and cut from power when Neil had stepped into the control center, leaving EVA-01 to struggle with the beast in the darkness, the green decorations on the beast and the red core of the Angel the only glints of color that Misato could see. She was still reeling for a moment, watching as the Eva drove back the monstrosity, amazed at the machine's quick response and savage movements. "Maya, who's piloting the Eva?" she shouted, an idea forming in her mind, at once terrifying and exciting. "The Third Child!" Maya shouted back, barely able to contain her astonishment. "Synch ratio is up to 67% and rising! Neural activity is off the charts!" She paused for a moment, hammering a few quick commands into the console at her fingertips. "The Eva's running off of internal power, though! It's only got three minutes left!" Screaming in rage as the bloody LCL washed over his body, Neil felt himself losing himself to the cradling rage of the Eva, his anger at the Angel's treatment of Nieve and Eiko coupling with his anger at himself. The Angel was staggering, its whips flailing uselessly as he continued to drive the beast back, only distantly aware as one of the flailing metal limbs cut deeply into the thigh of his machine. Misato may have shouted something over the radio, but it was lost in the sound of the Eva's fists slamming hard against the beast's dark hide, sending it do the ground forcefully. Neil's eyes only distantly took in the darkened scenery as he sprang on top of the Angel, dropping his Eva into a crouch and letting the fist hammer towards the Angel's core. The impact of the golem's knuckles sent a small spiderweb of cracks along the glowing red orb, and Neil felt his lips curl into a smile as he stared at the damaged core, his arm slamming another blow into the target without hesitation. He would have never admitted it before, but he was enjoying the experience of fighting the beast, the way that it winced underneath his blows, and as one whip moved up to lash at him he simply reached out with one hand, grabbing it tightly, savoring the pain as the LCL grew saltier in his mouth. "Just a little bit longer," he hissed, slamming the fist down over and over, feeling his self-loathing grow, his thoughts drifting back towards the girls involuntarily. "Come on, damn you, break..." Abruptly, the visual display snapped off into nothingness, the connection with the Eva suddenly severed, and Neil knew immediately what had happened, his eyes going wide. "No," he gasped, distantly feeling the Eva lurch backwards and slam into the ground, the sound of the Angel rising once again more than audible through the armor of the Eva. "No. NO! NO, NO, -NO-!" Inside the command center, Misato could only gape at the scene, her view distant but still clear enough to get a clear sight of the Angel returning to its vertical stance, leering face turning downward to look at Neil. There was a single moment of nothingness, then the Angel lifted Neil's Eva, the golem's arm still clutching the beast's metallic whip tightly enough for the Angel to hurl the boy beyond where Misato could see. "Makoto, place the display of the main screen on one of the side walls!" she shouted, turning towards the least-damaged wall as Makoto nodded and keyed in a quick sequence of commands. The Angel's eyes flared for only a moment before letting a powerful blast explode across the chest of the purple machine, sending it flying backwards into one of the sides of the Geo-Front, fingers sliced off as the whip tore through the hand that held it tight. Misato felt herself grow weak as she realized that the Angel had exposed the Eva's core, and a surge of panic went through her as the Angel began to lash its whips against the surface of the core, sending cracks along it. "Neil was still synchronized with the Eva when it shut down," she gasped, taking a step forward. "Come on, Neil, do something." "MOVE, DAMN YOU!" screamed Neil, his arms working the handrests desperately, slamming the mock controls forwards and back, a deep pain striking him across the chest and sending his body into minor spasms ever few seconds. "-WORK-, damn you! Come on! You need to destroy the Angel!" He was sobbing now, blonde hair drifting through the bloody sea around him in front of his eyes, his mind recalling his silent time within the Twelfth Angel. "Is that what you want? I pilot the Eva because -I- -HATE-! I'm a -monster-! Just please, do whatever you have to to make yourself WORK!" Neil thrust the handrests forward one more time, then he felt something touching him from the back of his mind, somthing that felt distantly like the Eva but somehow different. Then his eyes widened, and he felt something new shoot through his heart, a sensation too beautiful to put into words, and within seconds the world had dissolved into light. A flare of white light flooded out of EVA-01's eyes, and as the control room gaped the machine's right arm jerked up and grabbed the approaching metal whip, letting it lash against the hand as if it was nothing. The Angel had only a second to react before the Eva pulled hard, and to the shock of all those within the control room the whip came tearing free of the Angel, the Eva discarding the strip of metal carelessly, its eyes turning a brilliant green as it stood once again. "T-the Eva has reactivated!" shouted Maya, her eyes turning towards her console and then widening. "Synch ratio is at 100%! There's no input from the cockpit!" Everyone found themselves riveted to the display as the Eva reached forward with its damaged hand, the injured flesh bubbling outward for a moment before new fingers burst free and grabbed the Angel's other whip, stunning the beast into stasis as the purple golem's jaws tore themselves open. A monstrous roar echoed through the Geo-Front, but Misato's eyes widened as she realized she recognized the voice, that it wasn't simply a bestial growl. "That's Neil voice," she gasped, gaping as the Eva ripped out the other whip and took it in its hand, forcing the metal into a makeshift spear before leaping at the Angel. "It's lower, but that's Neil's voice!" The Angel fell backwards as Neil slamed into it, saliva dripping from the metallic jaws of the Eva, the slitted eyes glowing a brilliant green as the machine slammed its makeshift weapon underneath the Angel's face. What had seemed before to be a leering grin now seemed like a scream of terror as the purple Eva ripped the spear free, then jammed its hand in the hole it had torn, letting its fingers force underneath the bony face. A horrendous ripping noise filled the air, the Eva tore off the beast's face, blood spurting up and coating the purple machine, a grin seeming to creep across the Eva's face as it tossed the face aside. Seconds passed in relative silence, the Eva simply regarding its opponent, the light within the red core beginning to flicker out. Then the Eva leaned forward, and the gigantic jaws began to tear out the flesh of the Angel, the gargantuan mouth taking huge bites out of the fallen beast as the core dimmed to solid black. Misato could hear Maya vomiting behind her as the Eva happily devoured the Angel, blood washing over its purple faceplate, drawing up only briefly every few seconds as if for breath. After what seemed like an eternity of its feast, the Eva reared back anew, then roared loudly, the voice sounding even more like Neil's as the Eva tilted its head back. Blood dribbled down from its would-be lips, then something surged in its back where the power coupling normally went, the armor around it sloughing off like so much dead skin. "It's repairing itself," gasped Ritsuko, and Misato turned to see the woman staring in what looked to be a mixture of surprise and joy. "He's regenerated his S2 organ. He's recovering on his own." "What are you talking about?" asked Misato, turning back towards Ritsuko fully, her eyes only briefly flicking back to the roaring Eva on the screen. "Do you mean Neil?" Ritsuko smiled in a sort of distant fashion, disturbingly similar to Gendou's smiles. "You know that the Evas are clones of the first Angel," she said, her eyes fixed firmly on the beast on the screen. "But that's not entirely true. We needed some way of keeping the original, and we needed to make sure that it was under control... and we already knew how to bend the First Angel to our will." "You mean..." Misato's eyes hesitantly turned towards the screen, the Eva roaring at nothing, a cold breeze wafting through the shattered husk of Central Dogma. She had always discounted Neil's talk of the Eva having a mind of its own, but as she stared at the beast on the screen she realized that it was the same beast that had helped kill her father, the source of the single event in her life that had haunted her nightmares. "Neil's inside the First Angel," she gasped, eyes focused on the blood-stained monster as it finally returned to a standing position, the implications whirling in her mind as she stared at the flashing green eyes of her savior and her would-be destroyer. ]++[ Outro: Neon Epoch Evangelion is based off of -Shin Seiki Evangelion- by GAINAX and company. It is not intended to be a straightforward fanfic, but it is building off the work of others, and as such it is done with the utmost respect for the original works and their authors. Basically, even though this is an original work, it's based off the work of others, and if you read this, you should go to see the original. Special thanks to all of the real Children - you know who you are. Extra special thanks to Joe Augulis for his consultation on the Japanese portions of the story. He might not know much Japanese, but that's more than I know. Copyright 2002 Eliot Lefebvre. NEXT EPISODE: Far away lies the loved one. Far away lies the hated one. Far away lies the conflict. NEON EPOCH EVANGELION 19: MAKING PEACE WITH DISTANCE "What's lying underneath your words? What are you -really-?" ]++[ We only have a little time in our lives to waste. Make the most of it. Electronic Transcendence Productions: Producer of, um, stuff for an unspecified time-period. Rants: From - Sun Dec 29 10:50:41 2002 Path: lios!!not-for-mail From: (Eliot Lefebvre) Newsgroups: rec.arts.anime.creative Subject: [Eva][FanFic] Neon Epoch Evangelion: Episode 18 Followup-To: rec.arts.anime.fandom Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 08:13:31 +0000 (UTC) Organization: Lines: 2219 Sender: Approved: Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: localhost Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Trace: 1040372011 23301 (20 Dec 2002 08:13:31 GMT) X-Complaints-To: NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 08:13:31 +0000 (UTC) X-Original-Date: 16 Dec 2002 05:54:43 -0800 X-Gweep-Cleanmime: miswrapped=00% Approved-Poster: approved Xref: lios rec.arts.anime.creative:12321 I want you to join the mercenary unit "Pre-Story Warning": This fanfic is an original take on GAINAX's "Shin Seiki Evangelion." It contains alternative characters, plots, and a different overriding internal logic. It is intended, from the beginning, to be different. This includes different Children and different histories. In short: if the mere thought of someone other than Shinji in the cockpit of EVA-01 makes you queasy, you are in -entirely- the wrong place. Any and all flames stemming from this alteration will be mocked mercilessly. You have been warned. Okay, folks - as warned, there will be a lag in NEE's posting. Next week, there will be -no- episode posted. Really. Nothing, nada, zilch, zero, zip. Don't go looking for it, it won't be there. I'll be back home and devoid of Internet access, so it'll be conspicuously absent. There will - hopefully - be a new episode of the series up two weeks from today, but in the worst-case scenario one will get posted on the 6th or so of January. Sorry, but there's really nothing I can do about it. On the other hand, there -will- be some special fiction posted to on Friday as an early Christmas gift... but it's not NEE. (The temptation to do the Tokyo-3 Christmas Special has thankfully been repressed.) Still, you might enjoy it - it does involve lots of gunfights. ]++[ ]+ ELECTRONIC TRANSCENDENCE PRODUCTIONS +[ presents ]+ NEON EPOCH +[ ]+ E V A N G E L I O N +[ ]+ EPISODE 18: DREAD COUNTENANCE +[ By Eliot "Lostfactor" Lefebvre Based off of "Shin Seiki Evangelion" by GAINAX ]++[ His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. - REVELATIONS 1:14 ]++[ Misato's hand gently touched the white bandage wrapped about her head, strips of gauze wrapping around her skull and just barely managing to avoid covering her eyes, her fingertips coming back without blood on them as a minor relief. She could remember when she had been found by the rescue party, how she'd been pronounced "fine" over the radio as soon as it was seen that she could walk and that she was entirely aware of her surroundings and circumstances. The horribly loud noise of the helicopter's rotors and the bandage patching up the wound on the back of her head, however, spoke less to the initial assessment and more to the fact that she was not fine at all. Her eyes flicked across the passenger chamber of the helicopter towards Ritsuko, the woman asleep, her left arm cradled in a sling with the tips of a splint protruding from it. They had, from what the rescue squad said, been among the lucky ones, on the absolute edge of the blast radius when the Angel had first attacked, spared anything but the weakest of blows. That blow alone had been more than enough to tear apart the observation station and send she and Ritsuko tumbling along the ground for at least ten meters, and she had known enough of what had happened to realize that the lucky ones were about the only ones that would escape without being dead or permanently disabled. Of course, she would argue that the truly lucky ones were the technicians that had been in a similar situation, as they didn't have to be air- lifted back to Central Dogma immediately. "We never really thought about it," she muttered to herself, turning her head to stare out the window at the trail of destruction that the Angel had left. Crews were already hard at work trying their best to clean up the devestation, a task that they were poorly equipped for in light of the destruction the beast had wrought. "We always just assumed that we'd be inside of the Geo-Front when an Angel attacked. We thought that the armor would be enough, that we could lock ourselves away from danger." She paused, flicking her gaze towards Ritsuko, wishing momentarily that she had a conscious audience at the very least. "That's what we get for trusting technology with our lives." A beep came from beside her, and Misato glanced down at the unfamiliar cellular phone, its screen flashing that she was being contacted. Her own phone had gone largely unused except in emergencies, but it had been more than crushed in the explosion, and so one of the field staff had provided her with a new one until she was able to request another from Commander Ikari. She'd not been informed that anyone would have the number, although she supposed that it could have someone for the technician. Shrugging, she flicked the phone on and lifted the gauze around the nearest ear, putting the phone against it. "Major Misato Katsuragi speaking." "It's good to hear your voice again, Major," replied Makoto, his voice slightly distorted by the static of the phone but still recognizable. On the other side of the helicopter, Ritsuko stirred slightly from the noise, awakened by the sounds of voices. Misato briefly considered trying to let her friend get more rest, but she knew that the top priority was to get a clear picture of what had happened against the Angel. "Makoto. God, it's good to hear your voice." She paused, biting her lip, resisting the urge to cry as she realized it was the second time that an Angel had nearly killed her, that she'd been saved only by pure luck this time instead of her father's naturally paranoid tendencies. "We're on our way to Central Dogma. The crew said that the Thirteenth had been engaged when they found us. What's the situation?" "Um... the Thirteenth was destroyed slightly after we heard the news about your safety," replied Makoto, an awkward stutter in his voice letting Misato know that something was wrong, something she didn't want to talk to him about. "EVA-00 and EVA-05 were damaged in the battle." He paused again, and Misato could hear the young man swallowing hard. "Neil... EVA-01 destroyed EVA-03. It's gone. Over the Henflick Limit by several thousand orders of magnitude, and even if it wasn't I doubt we'd be allowed to repair a former Angel." "There's something you're not telling me," said Misato flatly, crossing her legs as best she could with the myriad scrapes and bruises along them, further keepsakes of her battle with the Angel that hadn't merited the same level of attention as the wound on her head. "What else happened with the Angel?" Again, Makoto could be heard swallowing hard in the background, obviously doing his best to skirt the issue, giving Misato the barest idea of what he might be hiding. "We... we tried to eject the pilot from EVA-03, but we weren't able to. The Angel held in the entry plug." He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "During... after the battle, EVA-01 took the entry plug and..." There was silence. "He crushed it. Like a bug." Misato was stunned into silence, her mouth trying to move in reaction but doing nothing but mouthing at the air uselessly. At length she shook her head, the beat of the rotors outside seeming to grow louder, her eyes flicking briefly back out the window towards the nightmarish carnage that the Thirteenth had left in its wake. "How..." She paused, then tried again, struggling to wrap her mind around the news. "Is Vash alive?" "Barely," replied Makoto weakly. "The Eva isn't meant to take on human- sized opponents, and the entry plug was designed to be crush-resistant, after all. But between the damage from Neil's... -thorough- destruction of Vash's Eva, the neural feedback caused by the takeover by the Angel, and being crushed and discarded... he's in a bad way." He paused, then sighed loud enough for the phone to pick it up. "The doctors are doing everything they can, but he might lose his left arm, and at the moment it looks like he might not walk again." "Christ almighty," muttered Misato, flicking her eyes towards Ritsuko, seeing the concern on the other woman's face. She momentarily wondered if it was the right time to let the other woman know what was going on, but with a quick roll of her eyes she realized that Ritsuko would probably handle it better than she had. "Hold on a second, Makoto." Taking a deep breath, she moved the phone down, pressing it against her chest, feeling another bruise that she was glad the rescue team hadn't felt for as she stared into Ritsuko's blue-gray eyes. "The Thirteenth was neutralized. EVA-03's entry plug got crushed." True to form, Ritsuko barely batted an eyelid at the news, apparently unworried by the statement. Misato couldn't help but be a little angry at the woman's cavalier attitude, thinking of what it must have been like for Vash inside the sea of blood-scented LCL, wondering if it had been anything like Neil's experience. "Is he alive?" asked Ritsuko flatly, forcing herself back into a sitting position with her good arm, obviously resentful of her own frailty. "At the moment," replied Misato, suddenly losing all desire to continue talking to her former friend, bringing the cell phone back to her ear and flicking her eyes back out to the scar of dirt and ice that stretched across the landscape. "Sorry. Ritsuko just woke up." She paused, unsure of which of the Children to ask more about first, wondering about Neil even as she felt a minor pang of regret for not being more concerned with Vash. "Has EVA-01 been recovered yet?" "We're working on it. The machine..." A pause came from the other end, the same as before, as though Makoto was hiding something from Misato. "We think the machine -might- have gone berserk. It's hard to say, though. We lost all contact within the machine, but it didn't seem about to berserk when it shut off from us..." He paused, sighing heavily, and Misato felt an almost tangible sense of disorientation, of being shoved into the middle of the situation without any understanding of what was going on. "Everyone's wondering if Neil crushed the plug intentionally or not. Nobody wants to think that he did, but from what little information we have..." "I understand," Misato interjected, feeling in the back of her mind that there were no two ways about the problem, that the day had already been too horrific for the best-case scenario to have any chance of holding up. And she knew, as well, that she didn't want to deal with it, that she wanted to be able to fly back pretending that everything would be fine, that she could go home to her little surrogate family without any crisis. It was the first time in a long while that she found herself truly missing the arms of a lover, that all she really wanted was someone to hold her and console her instead of being forced to console others. "Fill me in when I get there. Hopefully, EVA-01 will be back in the docks by then." Before Makoto could say another word, Misato let her thumb press against the button to end the call, hearing an approving chirp from the phone to let her know that it had terminated the connection. Sighing, she flicked her eyes quickly over to Ritsuko, then placed the phone down on the slightly-padded bench of the helicopter as she turned back towards the gash in the landscape, technicians and vehicles visible about it like flies swarming to an open wound. Though she knew that she didn't have the whole story about the battle with the Thirteenth Angel, she already wasn't looking forward to eventually dealing with it, and more than anything she wanted to simply turn the helicopter away towards a destination with less emotional investment. Another sigh passed her lips as she let herself focus on the steady beat of the rotors above her, the even and reliable noise as they cut throught the air. Then the phone rang again, and Misato jumped slightly, her eyes flicking away from the window towards the small phone immediately. She paused for a second, letting it ring again, terrified and excited at the thought that it was Makoto calling again with more news, news that she knew could neither be good nor bad. Closing her eyes momentarily, she reached out and grabbed the phone, flicking it open with her thumb and pressing it to her ear. "Major Misato Katsuragi speaking," she said, aware that her voice had a vague tremor in it now. "Misato, thank God. I thought that one of the morons in the tech center had given me the wrong number for a second." Nieve's voice hit Misato unexpectedly, and for a second she flicked her eyes back towards Ritsuko before she recognized the girl's tone. "I was trying to reach you before, but I kept getting a busy signal." "I was on the phone with Makoto," replied Misato, her mind slowly processing the fact that the girl couldn't possibly be doing well under the circumstances. For the barest of moments, she paused and let herself entertain the fantasy that the girl had called her as a sort of surrogate mother, that she wanted to hear Misato's voice again to know that everything was going to be all right. "What's happening down there right now? Are you all right?" "Fine," replied Nieve, her voice giving her away. "I'm a little wet and bruised from the hail, but I'm entirely healthy." She paused, and Misato knew that the girl was going to ask her something, adding some minor fuel to the woman's slightly-guilty fantasy. "Misato... when Neil is recovered in the Eva, you're going to be going in to see him. I... I want to come, too. Eiko and I both want to come with you." "I see," replied Misato, speaking more as a stalling tactic than anything else. She was almost certain that Nieve wouldn't feel any better if she was there, that it might actually make the girl's situation much worse, but she also didn't want for the girl to be lying in terrified wait. She knew what that was like, knew that it wasn't fair to Nieve to make her go through it. "Are you sure that's a good idea? You might not like what you find out." Nieve's voice was silent for a moment, and Misato suddenly had the sense that the young girl was planning something very different than what Misato had originally envisioned. "I need to be there, Misato. I... I just have to." She paused, the sound of an intake of breath cutting through the phone's static and then petering out, as though she'd given up on the effort. Sighing, Misato shook her head, knowing that the girl wanted to believe that Neil hadn't done anything wrong. It was something she was dealing with personally, but the urge to believe was tempered by the apprehension of the consequences if she was wrong, and despite herself something told her that she was wrong despite everything. "All right," she said, knowing that her voice was giving her away, in no state to try and mask her emotions. "We'll all go down to EVA-01's hangar together." She paused. "Take care of yourself, Nieve." The phone clicked off without an answer, and Misato sighed, her eyes somehow drawn back to the devestated strip of land left by the Angel, as though in the wake of everything else it was perverted into a comfortingly stable feature. To say that it was disturbing would have been understating the situation, but Misato still let her eyes rest on it, even as she noticed Ritsuko moving out of the corner of her eye. "You're trying to believe in him, aren't you?" she asked softly, the barest hints of an emotion creeping into her voice but masking themselves too well to be identifiable. "Would you rather we gave up on all of them?" replied Misato, her voice harsher than she'd intended, slapping Ritsuko into silence. Misato let her gaze creep slightly towards Ritsuko to see the woman remaining completely silent, then she sighed and let her eyes fall back to the gash of land, her heart heavy with the weight of her circumstances. ]++[ Neil's memories were groggy as he felt the Eva move towards the hangar, his video feed shut off, the LCL tasting more sharply than ever of the unique salt of blood, his hands clenched in tight fists as he stared at the blackness of his monitors. In the back of his mind, he felt the nagging question of whether or not he was truly groggy or not, whether or not he simply wanted to be unable to remember what he had done because it made it wasier to live with what he had done. But those thoughts were being pushed from his head as soon as he became conscious of them, his entire mental ability being focused on the steady rush of LCL in and out of his lungs, the dim orange swirls about his emerald eyes. Though Misato had no way of seeing Neil's eyes, she would have argued that there was a disturbing amount of versimilitude between his eyes and the flashing look on Nieve's eyes, focused on the machine as it slowly moved into the hangar, demonic armor streaked with the blood of EVA-03. She was obviously trying to look strong, standing further forward than Misato or Eiko, as though she was trying to intimidate the massive machine while the teal-gray walls closed in around them. "Are you sure you're all right, Nieve?" asked Misato, her voice soft, something in the back of her mind and the bottom of her heart making her painfully aware that what was about to happen would not be good. "I'm fine," Nieve lied, staring at the Eva as it lurched to a halt, the restraints beginning to snap shut around it, a fitting gesture after the savage display it had made on the surface. She was resisting tears with all her strength, forcing herself to remain in control even as it tore her apart from within, knowing that it would do no good to cry as the jets of the nutrient bath began to activate. Her course was set, her thoughts reconciled, and she knew that if she simply said it to herself enough times she would more than believe it. "I just need to see him." Silence reigned over the voices for a moment, the only noise that of the nutrient bath swirling loosely about the bottoms of EVA-01's feet. Then there came the distinctive noise of the Eva's back hinging open as the entry plug slid out, a crane retrieving the plug as it flushed out the LCL and the back of the machine closed once again. A few more restraints slid into place around the Eva as the entry plug swung towards the catwalk slowly, agonizingly slowly, finally setting down after what seemed like an eternity. Neil reached up and gently pushed the hatch of the plug open, knowing full well that it would not be enough to open the hatch. He couldn't know for certain what awaited him outside of the plug, but a hissing voice in the back of his mind warned him that it would be bad. The hatch, unsurprisingly, remained shut, and for a moment he considered remaining within the plug, simply waiting for the next time that NERV decided he was necessary. Gritting his teeth, he pushed again, letting the hatch swing open, the fluorescent light from the teal-gray hangar flooding in like a cold bath. A moment passed before Neil found the strength to climb out of the plug, the sheer impact of the situation not lost on him as he stepped out onto the catwalk, Misato, Nieve, and Eiko all assembled before him. All four remained quiet as the plug closed again and was moved off of the catwalk, LCL dripping slowly from the boy's body and sloughing down into the nutrient bath harmlessly. His vocal cords felt choked by the blood-liquid that he had sat in, and something from his memory tugged at his heart, tried to leap from his mouth into the open air even as he tried to rein it in. "You destroyed the Thirteenth Angel," Misato said at length, unable to wait any longer, wanting to know the horrible truth right away instead of letting it simply hang in the air. The boy stared for a moment, then nodded weakly, some unimaginable hurt showing behind his eyes, only serving to deepen Misato's unspeakable terror about what she would learn about him. "Nobody's even confused about that. But you crushed the entry plug afterwards, after you'd disemboweled the machine. Why?" "I didn't," replied Neil, his voice sounding oddly hollow and shellshocked, devoid of any of the emotion that any of the assembled people knew to expect from him. He wanted to frown, to feel angry, sad, happy, perturbed, frustrated, something other than simply blank, but something was keeping him from it, keeping him from being convinced by his own words. "I lost control of the Eva. It crushed Vash's plug without me." He knew that his voice should sound something other than emotionless. He should be sad. Why couldn't he feel sad? "Is he all right?" Nieve stepped forward before anyone could say anything, her motions slow and awkward, feet falling irregularly and causing her path to sway gently from side to side as she approached the boy. His eyes fixed blankly on hers, and had Misato been able to see her eyes she would have seen the same thing on her face, not that she doubted it was there regardless. Moments passed this way, her steps bringing her within arm's length of Neil, and everyone seemed to hold their breaths as Nieve reached out her arm, letting her hand touch Neil's cheek gently, cradling the curve of the boy's face, his expression beginning to melt ever so slightly. Then Nieve's body lurched into action, the hand seeming to move in slow motion as it lifted away from the boy's cheek momentarily, then swinging immediately back into it with a loud crack, whipping Neil's head to the side as the cracking noise of the slap echoed through the chamber. Nieve remained frozen in position for a moment, her breaths obviously coming harder, and Neil could see from the corner of his eye the same enraged sorrow that he'd seen the day they had first made love. "You're a monster," she hissed, her eyes not flashing with anger so much as utter disgust. A dull ache was growing between her legs, and she couldn't help but feel as though she'd been dirtied, as though Misato and Eiko were both seeing her as some kind of Babylonian whore. "I regret every second that I spent on you, every time that our lips found each other, every second that I let myself believe for a second that you were even -human-. I regret -everything-." Tears were streaming down her face, and she stared at the boy harshly, feeling an emptiness inside her as he remained frozen, unmoving, still reeling from the slap. "Don't touch me again. Don't come -near- me." Neil's eyes fluttered shut, and Nieve felt her tears redoubled, felt the abandonment that had been eating away inside of her begin to claw with greater ferocity, the cruel joke of existence finding an even better punchline. The moment was frozen in time before Nieve pushed past Neil and began running out of the hangar, tears streaming from her face, only the most distant vestiges of control remaining on her body as the door hissed and whirred as it opened and closed. If Neil had gone comatose from the slap, everyone would have believed it, his body remaining rigid and his eyes remaining shut. Only Eiko and Misato remained, and something was obviously bothering Eiko as well as she stepped towards the boy, her eyes wide, her mouth half-opened, one hand brought up near her mouth and the other wrapped around her midsection. She brought herself within an arm's length of Neil, but she lacked the decisiveness to slap the boy, could only gape as he remained unmoving. Neil said nothing as she too moved past him, following after Nieve, obviously just as disgusted and conflicted as Nieve. The door whirred and shut behind Eiko, leaving just Neil and Misato in the room, the steady sound of the rushing nutrient bath substituting for words between them. "Neil," she said softly, trying to snap the boy back into action, taking a step towards him. She still wanted to believe what he had said, but it was becoming more and more difficult with each passing second. "Neil, talk to me. Please." "Let me speak to Commander Ikari." The words had a decidedly different tone to them than his flat speech before, now tinged with obvious sadness, tears beginning to trickle out from behind his eyes. Misato recoiled slightly, surprised, but Neil slowly turned his head to face the woman, letting his eyes open, bloodshot and a brilliant green. "I need to talk with him immediately." Misato paused, biting her lip. The last thing that she wanted was to let Neil talk to the man, knowing full well what Neil was going to say, that there was no possible way he would be willing to keep her few traces of a family together any longer. But she also knew that keeping him from the commander would only hurt him further, and she'd learned that she didn't want to hurt him, that she wanted to let him find some kind of release. It was the mental equivalent of an irresistable force meeting an immovable object, and a few minutes passed in silence, Neil's tears running down from his face and mingling with the dripping LCL, falling down into the bath of liquid that fed the Eva. At length, she shook her head, then turned on her heel, beginning to walk down the catwalk towards the command center. "I'll tell him that you need to see him. Get changed, and I'll meet you outside of the locker room." Neil was alone again, with no onlookers but the merciless purple Eva, a sight that was spared only a curosry glance as the boy stared around at the empty room. The touch of Nieve's hand had snapped him back to his senses, to the horrible realization that he had been unable to avoid no matter how much he wanted to. "The Eva didn't do anything I didn't want it to," he gasped, tears redoubling and vision blurring as he looked back towards his machine, knowing full well what he had to do. "Niobe was right. God damn me, she was completely right." A weakness overtook the boy's knees, and he fell into a kneeling position, his hands folded over his eyes to buffet the tears as he leaned back, wailing at nothing. The Eva simply stared as the boy kneeled as though in prayer, his cries of sorrow and anguish filling the chamber, echoing off the teal-gray metal walls and the stoic gray jaws of the Evangelion. ]++[ It had been perhaps half an hour since Neil had told Misato that he needed to speak with Commander Ikari, but it felt like years, as though he had needed to spend al,l of the interceding time learning to shut himself off. He had managed to regain control over himself since he had started crying, and he stood across the room from the commander managing to look calm, wearing the same blue shirt that he'd come to Tokyo-3 in, his eyes fixed on the commander as the red light of the office glossed over both of them. "Neil Richelieu," said the commander curtly, his voice flat and emotionless. "You claimed you needed to see me." "Yes," replied Neil, forcing himself to feel nothing, to simply stare at the light-obscured eyes of the commander and let his mouth form the words, not to let himself cry again. "I need to talk to you about.." He trailed off, trying to start over, to phrase his case better. "You certainly saw what happened against the Thirteenth Angel." "Of course. You destroyed it and made certain that it was dead. Excellent work." The commander reached and adjusted his glasses, then tented his hands in front of his mouth once again, the distance and the eye-bleeding light more that sufficient to prevent Neil from picking up any facial cues from the commander. "What about it?" "Commander..." Neil paused, then shook his head, not wanting to explain emotional reasoning to the commander, doubting that it would make any sense to the man in the first place. It looked as though the commander had long ago stopped paying attention to emotional urges, and Neil felt more than a little disgusted with himself without thinking of the emotions of what he had done. "Commander, I don't think it's right for me to pilot the Eva any longer. I have reason to believe that I may be a danger to myself and to my fellow pilots." "Nonsense. You attacked a known threat and dealth with it appropriately." There was no resignation in Gendou's voice, and for a brief moment Neil wished that he could blame the whole mess on the silent maliciousness of Ikari, that it was somehow out of his hands. But he knew better, and even as the commander stared at him he knew that Dr. Ikari's uninvolved attitude had hardly turned Neil into a monster. "Nothing that you did was outside of what a normal operation would have done. I have no reservations about sending you into combat again." "I'm aware of that. -I- have reservations about sending myself into combat again." Neil's voice had taken on a sharp edge, a tone that he might not have been willing to take with the commander if he had retained any intention of remaining with NERV. "Whatever you say, I didn't have to nearly kill Vash just to destroy the Angel. I know that." He paused for a moment, lowering his hand slightly, one hand twitching itself into a fist. "Even if you don't approve, I can leave the organization whenever I decide. I have responsibility for my actions, and that includes preventing them." Gendou simply stared at Neil for a moment, showing no reaction to the boy's harsh words other than a vague amusement. "Very well," he said after a moment, remaining stationary. "You will be forced to vacate housing with Major Katsuragi, and a transport plane back to America will be arranged by mid-afternoon tomorrow. You may arrange for transport of your belongings and accomodations for tonight. Once you leave, you will be closely monitored to ensure that you reveal no confidential information such as the nature of the Second Impact or the Evas, and you will no longer be allowed inside any NERV facilities. Are you certain about this?" Despite himself, Neil couldn't stop the tears from streaming down his face, soaking into his shirt as he lowered his head further, everything in his being protesting his actions. But he knew that he had no choice, that if there was no other way to control the horrible monster that he was then his only option was to remove himself from the situation. "I believe that I am more of a threat to the human race than the Angels. I'm certain." "A message will be placed with the upper-level staff. Meet with them and they will deal with the removal of your personal ID and all other important information relative to NERV. You will leave the facility as a private citizen once again." He paused briefly, expression and position never faltering, the shadows crouched around him seeming to grow darker. "In the event that the situation becomes too desperate, NERV may call on you again, but that would require the death of all remaining Children. For all intents and purposes, your career as a pilot has ended." "Thank you, sir," Neil choked out through a haze of tears and suppressed sob, turning and walking as swiftly as he could towards the exit. He hadn't wanted to admit it to himself, but NERV had become his life in a way that he'd never expected, had grown to define who he was and where his place was in the world like nothing else in his life. But he had no alternatives, and he knew that there was no way for him to continue piloting EVA-01, not after what he had done to Vash. Struggling to maintain the barest veneer of composure, he let the door open in front of him for what he knew to be the last time, his tears only growing as it whirred shut behind him. Gendou remained stationary in his seat, simply watching the empty space where Neil had been moments earlier as if the boy was going to return and beg for Gendou not to remove him from NERV, protesting that he'd made a mistake. Instead, he could hear the soft padding of bare feet behind him, his silent observer finally stepping forward. "You are letting him go?" she asked, tone flat and emotionless, the light note that it hit the only indication of her identity. "Neil is not on as specific a timetable as you and your brother," replied Gendou, unmoving, resisting even the urge to flick his eyes sideways towards the girl. "He may well be easier to deal with once the first stage of the project has been completed." He paused, allowing himself a thin and bitter smile. "Besides, the less there is for SEELE to suspect, the better we look under scrutiny. I see no reason to force him to stay." "I understand," replied the girl in the same flat tone, as though she truly could care less about the outcome of events, simply interested in the entire issue as an academic activity more than anything. Gendou let the smile remain on his face as he flicked his eyes towards the girl, knowing that he had only a short time to wait before he was ready to move forward with his own goals. For her part, the girl seemed not to notice, simply staring into the distance emotionlessly, almost as though someone had bound an atomoton into flesh. ]++[ More than anything else, Nieve wanted to cry. She didn't want to get up, didn't want to get dressed, didn't want to read or talk to Misato or bother to eat. She wanted to lay in bed and cry, let her tears soak through her pillow, let everything bleed away in a forest of sobs as she thought about the last words that she'd said to Neil, knowing that it would be the last time that she'd ever see him, wishing that he'd done somthing differently the day prior. But somehow she'd managed to keep herself running on some sort of autopilot through the morning, rising as usual, getting dressed, eating breakfast, blankly watching television in a language she didn't understand and didn't want to understand, waiting for something that she couldn't put into words as the pale yellow walls of the apartment watched her harshly. Now she was eating lunch, under the definition that putting together a sandwich and staring at it with tears in her eyes qualified as eating. She knew that she needed to eat, knew that simply looking at the sandwich was starting down the same road that she'd spent so much time trying to turn away from, but it seemed like a herculean effort to even watch the food, much less actually eat it. The limp white bread and slowly-spreading jelly seemed to be of the same mind as her, sitting on the white porcelain plate as though depressed, waiting for Nieve to eat it but not particularly looking forward to the process. "I don't want this," she muttered to herself, slumping forward slightly and propping herself off the table with her elbows. "What's the point of eating? Why should I bother?" Her words snapped her mind to attention, and she only stared at the sandwich for a moment longer before she slumped fully against the table, sobs wracking her body, tears pooling about her face and mingling with her dissheveled red hair. "All I wanted was for him not to leave me," she muttered through a mouthful of tears and choked gasps, her arms circling her head as she remembered the blank look on Neil's face, as though he didn't care that she was leaving. All she'd wanted was to know that he wanted her, for him to take her no matter how she tried to hurt him. But he'd done no such thing, simply listening to her and then letting her go, unconcerned by her departure. "I wanted him to love me," she muttered, her words almost absorbed by her wailing cry, yellow walls dispassionately surrounding her and seeming to close in as she sobbed. Then a knock came at the door, as sharp as it was unexpected, drawing Nieve's attention after a moment more of crying. She lifted her bleary green eyes to the door, tears still dripping down onto the wood of the table, and in the back of her mind she hoped that simply not moving would be enough to convince the person at the door to leave. Then she wondered if it might be Neil, and hoping against hope she pushed back from the chair and stood, distantly noting that she was wearing the same green dress that she'd wore on the day she had met Neil, walking slowly and irregularly towards the door. "I'm coming," she called, wiping away her tears, trying her best to look as though she was still in control, wanting Neil not to see her reduced to her worst as her hand closed around the doorknob. A deep breath was pulled into her lungs, then she let the door swing open to reveal Ryo in the doorway, holding a small paper bag and standing with his usual rigidity. "Ryo," she muttered, feeling her heart sink at the boy's presence, wishing still that it was Neil. "Come in, I guess. Misato's not here, so you'll probably want to leave soon." Ryo couldn't identify the feeling that was tugging at his chest, knowing little beyond the fact that it wasn't pain despite feeling vaguely painful. He watched Nieve idly as she turned and walked back towards the table, her dress swaying about her smooth legs, red hair a mess but still undeniably attractive, and he forced himself to ignore her movements and follow routine, kicking off his shoes in the small foyer area before stepping into the apartment, bag swinging besides him and lightly tapping against his side. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?" she asked, her tone bored, obviously asking the question out of routine. "Commander Ikari pulled me out of school temporarily," he replied, idly wondering if he was supposed to disclose the information but not thinking of any compelling reason not to. "It's better to focus on the Angels at the moment." The statement drew a brief glance from Nieve before she turned back to her sandwich, and Ryo walked slowly towards the girl, the same awkward not-quite-pain sensation in his chest as before. "How are you doing without Neil around?" Nieve's body suddenly jerked to a stop, as though Ryo had tried intentionally to ask her the one question that she didn't want to hear. She gritted her teeth as she felt the slow trickle of tears try to reassert itself, thinking about leaving Neil behind the day before, about what he must have felt like lying alone in the hotel, without her arms around him. "I'm fine," she replied curtly, now definitely wanting Ryo to leave, unsure of how much longer she could maintain control over herself under the circumstances. "Don't you have other things to do today? Testing? Homework? Practice?" She let her eyes flick towards the boy, watching him slowly shake his head in response. "Why did you come over in the first place, then?" "I have something for you," replied Ryo, feeling the pain redouble itself as he lifted up the bag. Nieve's green eyes moved to follow the bag, briefly flitting back to Ryo and surveying his bland school uniform before standing and taking the bag from him tenatively. She surveyed the bag now, as though it was going to bite if she opened it, and Ryo felt another surge of the tense chest pain that wasn't quite pain, his mind working hard to try and figure out how to alleviate it. "I thought you might like it. I've been working on it for a while now, for you." Flicking her eyes up to the boy one last time, Nieve tenatively opened the bag, her mind still entirely focused on Neil and wishing that the pale boy would just leave. She didn't dislike him, but he'd picked the worst possible time, and she knew that almost any other day of the year she would have simply kicked him out and been done with it. Her hand slipped inside, feeling the rough surface of wood brush against her skin, and curiosity got the better of her as she closed her hand around the object inside and drew it out. She wondered about it for only a moment longer once she'd removed it from the bag, recognizing it as a small statue of EVA-02, almost a photorealistic replica of her red machine aside from the dearth of color. It was photorealistic in a disturbing sense, though, as though it had been machine-produced instead of hand-sculpted, and Nieve noticed a few darker blotches on the surface that gave her momentary pause. "It's..." Nieve paused, trying to find a word that described her reaction accurately, the way that it was well-done to the point of being disturbing. Shaking her head, she looked back towards Ryo, the boy's blank red eyes staring back at her and eerily reminiscent of the absent color on the carving. "You... you must have worked hard on this, Ryo," she said, lost in a sea of still-present sorrow from Neil's departure and the unmentionably disturbing nature of Ryo's gift. "Have you ever had any training in woodcarving?" Ryo felt another surge of the awkward pain in his chest, and he took a step towards Nieve, knowing that it was time for him to do something even though he wasn't entirely sure what that "something" was. Neil was out of the picture, meaning that she could no longer love him - he'd heard more than enough about the way that the two had parted to be certain of that. But something still felt wrong, as though he was making a leap of logic beyond himself, something that he couldn't derive by routine. "I thought you would like it," he said, somewhat softly, knowing that he was supposed to speak softly to someone who loved him. The girl's eyes went wide, and unsure of any other elements necessary he proceeded on to the next step, leaning towards Nieve with his mouth leading the way. Nieve only hesitated for a moment before she let her hand fly, striking Ryo hard across the cheek and sending a crimson flush across the impact point. Ryo recoiled for a moment, then turned his head with disturbing sluggishness back towards the girl, red eyes open and quizzical, as though he truly had no grasp of what was happening. "What the hell do you think you're -doing-?" she snapped, stepping backwards and feeling her breath starting to come more heavily, awkwardly reminded of the first kiss that she and Neil had shared. "Trying to kiss you. I thought that was what we did now." He paused, leaning back into a standing position, head cocked slightly to one side with a quizzical expression on his face. "You no longer love Neil, therefore you're free to love again. I gave you something. Don't you love me now?" "Why, you..." Nieve sputtered in anger, tears beginning to puddle about the corners of her eyes as she remembered the way she and Neil had parted once again, wanting badly to be alone and cry once again. Stepping forward, she grabbed Ryo's shoulders and spun him around, shoving him forcefully back towards the door. "Get out of here, Ryo. I don't want to see you right now, and if this is the way you're going to act to me I don't want you to come around ever again. Get out." Pushing his feet out, Ryo tried to stop himself from moving any further forward, utterly confused as to how the routine had managed to fail. He quickly went through the steps in his mind, wondering if he'd forgotten something after all, if there was some detail that he missed. "What did I do wrong?" he asked, stumbling down into the shoe area as Nieve stopped pushing him, turning around to frown at the girl, his red eyes flicking about the room and trying to pick up on some hidden visual cue. "I thought that I completed the routine successfully. What did I miss?" Ryo's gaze burned at Nieve's skin, and she felt a dull ache creeping through her body as she glared at the boy, as though she'd lost the ability to even control who came and went. "Don't you understand anything, Ryo? Love isn't some fucking mathematical equation, it's an emotion, a state of -being-. I don't fall in love with you just because you give me some creepy little statuette that looks like it's mass-produced." She knew that she was being hurtful again, just like she had been with Neil, but what made the entire situation even more disturbing was the fact that Ryo was simply staring at her weakly, apparently unconcerned with her words. "Get out of here, Ryo." He stared at her, and she slammed her fist against the wall in frustration and terror, worried that he might try something even as she felt herself losing control of her tears once again. "Get out!" Lingering for only a moment longer, Ryo reluctantly slipped on his shoes and stepped out the door, a profound confusion flooding his thoughts as he stepped back into the hallway. He had thought everything through, had made sure that he had all of the steps in place, and yet somehow he must have made a mistake with the routine, must have failed to do what he had set out to do. "Perhaps Niobe knows something," he muttered to himself, doubting that he could speak to any of the other Children, less concerned with solving the problem than with the confusion that hung over his mind like a thick veil. Glancing once out the bay window in the hallway, he began walking towards the stairwell that led out of the building, trying to figure out how he had managed to make a mistake and how he could correct it. Standing inside the apartment, Nieve could hear the wet plopping noise of her tears falling against the floor beneath her, and within moments she sank to her knees, sobbing once again from the horrible recollections that she'd had with Ryo. She felt alone, helpless, and much as she hated to admit it she wanted her mother's arms around her once again. "I can't do anything," she muttered, head bowed and tears streaming forth, running along her skin as she closed her eyes. "I just wanted him to stay." ]++[ It was an antiseptic white room, the sort of color that bled against the dull fluoresence of the lighting to make the physical boundaries seem to sort of melt and slough out of their shapes. Eiko had never particularly liked the way that hospitals looked, and her dislike had only grown since her brother had been put into one, necessitating frequent visits to his bed in the same artificially sterilized tone of paint. She'd idly hoped that NERV would have put slightly more imagination into the way that its infirmary was structured, but as she stepped into the white room she could see that it was exactly the same, that if nobody told you it was impossible to remember that you were underground. Taking a deep breath and smelling the sharp odor of medicine and sterilization, Eiko walked towards the bed, the lone spot of color in the room, pale blue sheets covering a body surrounded by IVs and monitors, an oxygen mask lying against the face of the slowly-breathing boy. Vash's blonde hair was lying limply against the pillow, his eyes closed as he took in slow, obviously-pained breaths, body moving slightly against the sheets. The girl felt a momentary rush of panic, seeing how weakened he looked, as though the simple presence of another human being threatened to break him irrevocably. But she didn't want to leave him alone, and armed with the memory of the head doctor's curt acknowledgement of her visitation pass she continued to walk towards the boy, dressed in a light blue skirt that reached down to her ankles and a brilliant white t-shirt, an outfit that she knew Vash had always liked. Her footfalls filled the room with a new sound, echoing oddly against the steady rush of Vash's breathing and the regular beeps of the condition monitors. Biting her lower lip, she stepped towards the lone chair placed to one side of his bed, sitting down in it and pulling it closer to the boy, surveying him briefly. She had been told that he might lose his left arm, but from what she could see the lump in the sheet was still there, meaning either that they'd saved the arm or that they simply hadn't removed it yet. A sigh escaped her lips, and raising her arm she placed it down on his right arm, trying to find his hand beneath the sheet. Vash's breaths changed frequency unexpectedly, and Eiko gave a slight start as the boy's eyes began to flutter slightly. She watched, trying to remain calm as he opened his eyes with obvious effort, a weak smile managing to pull itself across his face beneath the oxygen mask, eyes concealing an understandable sadness as he stared at the girl. "Hey," he hissed through the mask, cocking his head slightly to the side to get a better look at her. "They said I would be getting visitors." "We're the visitors, dad," she replied, letting a smile creep across her face as the boy managed a weak laugh, sounding more like a cough with the steady hiss of the oxygen mask. Both of the Children remained silent for a moment, unsure of what to say, as though they both knew the obvious topic but also were afraid of speaking any more about it than was absolutely necessary. At length, Eiko coughed lightly, glancing over towards Vash's arm once again. "They were able to save your arm, I see." "No, they weren't," replied Vash, sighing slightly as he lifted the arm from beneath the sheet, an obviously herculean effort in his weakened condition. Eiko didn't notice anything different about it at first, but as she looked closer she could see that it was noticably paler than she remembered Vash's skin being, far lighter than the skin on his face, even under the seeping harshness of the fluorescent light. "The doctors said that they were able to rebuild the arm from the remaining tissue. I only found out about it after I had woken up." He sighed, a harsh raspy noise beneath the mask. "It feels... wrong. It's my arm, and I know it, but... I don't know. They said it wasn't a normal procedure, and somehow I can tell." Eiko wanted to cry in lieu of being able to do anything else for Vash, but instead she simply reached over and touched his arm gently, feeling the soft skin, devoid of any marks save the IV needle that jutted roughly out from around his elbow. "At least you've still got it," she said, moving her hand away as he dropped the arm back to the sheet, her eyes wide and brimming with tears despite herself. "And at least you'll be okay. Things could have been much worse." "You're right," replied Vash, obviously aware that the conversation was beginning to step into rather dangerous conversational territory, as though the two Children were stepping around a landmine. "I was only distantly conscious up until that point, and I didn't even fully wake up when the entry plug started moving. But I remember that it hurt." His smile became weaker and more bitter, his head turning back towards the ceiling, blue eyes flicking away from Eiko. "Kind of ironic, I suppose. I was unconscious before, and then Neil comes along and crushes me right back into unconsciousness." The girl wanted to force a laugh, but all she could manage was a slight choking noise, drawing Vash's eyes if not his head back in her direction. "I... talked to Neil," she said, unsure of what his reaction would be, surprised to see that he simply continued staring at her with the same sort of pained and bitter expression on his face. "They think that the Eva went berserk, and that's what Neil said, too." She paused, struggling to meet Vash's eyes with her own. "The Eva probably just thought that you were part of the Eva. It wasn't Neil trying to kill you, or anything." "Of course. I didn't think he would do something that malicious." Something in Vash's voice spoke of suspicion, a hidden doubt of Eiko's words, as though there was something in the background of Neil's statement that made it impossible to believe. A silence settled through the air between the two Children, Vash flicking his eyes back towards the ceiling, Eiko staring at him and wishing that she could think of something more to say. "Shouldn't you be at school today? I mean, I know I have an excuse, but..." "I do have one," replied Eiko flatly, the question itself feeling vaguely hurtful, as though Vash was resentful of her presence in the room. "NERV gave me a pass out of school for the day. Special circumstances." She paused, trying to figure out the best way to proceed, knowing that she needed to give Vash the news. "It was Misato that did most of the work for that. I think that she's just feeling kind of sad now, considering everything that's happening." Vash tilted his head back towards the girl, his breath coming a little rougher as he stared at her, blue eyes briefly losing their focus before training once again on the girl sitting at his side. "What do you mean?" He paused momentarily, then began to try and struggle into a sitting position, shocking Eiko visibly. "How long have I been down here? Are the Angels already destroyed?" "Nothing so pleasant," replied Eiko, pushing gently down on the boy's chest, feeling him struggle against her hold, his body unable fight against even her admittedly limited strength. He gave up after a moment, though whether it was out of actual trust or the realization that he wouldn't have been able to go anywhere even if he managed to get to his feet. "You've been down here less than a day. No, it's..." She paused, still unsure of exactly what to say. "Neil put in his resignation yesterday. He's leaving for America sometime this afternoon." Silence reigned for a moment, the boy looking at her as though he couldn't believe her words, testing to see if she was telling the truth about Neil's departure. "Oh," he replied at length, sounding rather weak, turning his head away from the girl and flicking his blue eyes back towards the ceiling. "I guess that's for the best, isn't it? I mean, he didn't like it here much anyways." "Yeah," replied Eiko, also sounding entirely unconvinced, folding her hands uncomfortably on her lap and following Vash's gaze, her eyes winding up staring at a patch of dull white on the wall. She felt as though she was being watched, putting on some kind of elaborate play for an unseen and unknown audience, a distant sorrow lurking behind her eyes that Vash would have been able to see had he only looked up. ]++[ Misato leaned against her car, feeling the warmth of the metal beneath her skin, wearing her black dress with its thin white piping, sunglasses on and eyes focused on the door in front of her. She had given Neil a specific meeting time, and as she stared at the monolithic white hotel in front of her, light reflecting off the black-tinted windows to make the entire building almost seem to radiate, she had little doubt that he would be meeting her within moments. In the back of her mind, she half-hoped that he'd chosen not to meet her, that he'd lost his nerve as was instead going to simply remain in his room and refuse to come down. "But that wouldn't bring him back to NERV," she muttered, shaking her head and letting her purple hair brush lightly against the back of her neck. "Nothing will, not now." She had already packed some of his things into the bacseat of her car but knowing without a doubt that she wouldn't be able to unhook the VCR she'd left it, though she was half-hoping that it would be enough of an excuse to get Neil back. She missed the boy already, and it had been a hard night with only her and Nieve in the house, lonely and empty, made worse by the fact that Nieve didn't seem to want to talk about what happened and Misato still wondered if she wasn't in some small way to blame for the whole thing. It had shown on her face all day at work, and Kaji had called her on it, barging into her office shortly before she was leaving. "What are you planning on doing?" he'd asked her, leaning up against one teal-gray wall, the self-righteous smirk finally gone from his face but his expression still implying that he didn't particularly care. At the time, Misato had been upset by his cavalier attitude, but in retrospect she knew that Kaji didn't have any real reason to be worried - he didn't know Neil, at least not in the way that Misato did. He was simply showing concern for a friend and former lover, just wondering how Misato was going to deal with it. As it happened, she didn't think she did a particularly good job dealing with Kaji, letting herself remain silent after he'd asked the question for a good few minutes. "I'm tired of losing people I care about," she'd said at length, the only explanation that she could come up with, knowing that it hardly fit the header of a plan so much as a general desire. She could remember glancing at Kaji then, half-wanting him to take her in his arms, to hold her, tell her that everything was going to be all right, the way that he would have comforted her if she hadn't driven him away. Of course, he'd done no such thing, a fact that hadn't surprised Misato in the slightest. "None of us want to lose something we care about," he'd said flatly, his face turning serious just as he'd turned to leave, hands shoved in his pockets and back slumped just enough to be unusual for him. "Sometimes we don't have a choice about it, though. Sometimes the ones we care about don't want us to hold on to them. You've got to respect that, too." Sighing heavily, Misato adjusted her sunglasses, forcing herself back to the present as she glanced idly at her watch, unsure if Neil was officially running late yet or if she was just getting impatient. He still had five more minutes by the hands on her watch, and she let out another sigh as she tilted her head back towards the hotel. Kaji had been referring to when she'd asked him to leave, and she'd known that at the time, but she'd never let herself stop to think about what it might mean if Neil did the same thing. Biting her lower lip, she tried to push the thought from her head, not wanting to deal with the concept if she could avoid it, not even wanting to acknowledge Neil's departure as a real possibility. Then the doors of the hotel swung open outward, and Misato had to force herself to keep her eyes from widening at the sight of Neil, to keep herself from dropping to her knees and begging him not to leave. He was wearing the same outfit as the day prior, slightly more wrinkled and dissheveled, his eyes the same blank green as he stepped towards the car. A thin bristle of facial hair had sprouted along his face since the day before, although Misato couldn't be certain if he'd not shaved out of necessity or a simple lack of motivation. "This looks like a nice hotel," she said flatly, drawing his eyes blankly towards her, wishing that he didn't look quite so dead in the water. "Must have cost a fair bit. You're making good use of the money NERV's paying you." "I suppose," replied Neil, casting his eyes to one side as he felt a burning wetness behind them, forcing himself to continue breathing regularly despite the temptation to do otherwise. He had promised himself that he wouldn't cry, that he would do what he knew was the right thing with some dignity even if it killed him. But he knew that he wouldn't be able to last long, that even with the exhaustion he felt from the tears of the night before they were still coming again. "Can we leave now? The flight's a long one, and I want to be there as early as possible." Misato frowned momentarily, then nodded, opening the pasenger door and letting Neil step into the car weakly. She shut the door behind him and began walking around the back of the car, glancing in quickly to see him slumped weakly against the seat, remembering the first time that she'd met the boy. Taking a deep breath, she squeezed her eyes closed and forced herself to keep moving, finishing her steps around the car and sliding into the driver's seat, starting it with the twist of her keys and letting it begin moving out along the road to the airport. For a little while, the steady noise of music from the radio substituted for conversation between the car's two occupants, the constant noise of instruments seeming to choke the air and prevent either of them from speaking even if they wanted to. Misato would occasionally glance over towards Neil, flicking her brown eyes at the boy, but each time he was simply staring out the window towards the passing scenery, the white buildings and green hills seemingly plastered next to the black roads. Neil, for his part, was doing his best not to cry, feeling guilty and weak for even contemplating crying more, knowing that he was supposed to be a man and be stronger than the tears, that cry wouldn't do him any good in the situation. It was harder than he'd expected, and it was all he could manage to focus on the scene whipping past, comitting each square inch to memory, knowing that he'd never see the city like this again. At length, Misato frowned, then reached over to the radio and pressed in on the volume knob, cutting the music off just as it began to reach a crescendo. Neil gritted his teeth and turned towards the woman, still trying to keep his eyes focused elsewhere, and out of frustration Misato made a quick signal and pulled onto the side of the road, ignoring the few angry beeps behind her. "Stay," she said flatly, turning towards Neil and ripping the sunglasses away from her eyes, letting the concern flash clearly out of them. "Don't leave. Don't go back to America. Stay here and keep piloting the Eva. I won't deploy you if you don't want to, just... stay here." Neil bit his lower lip hard, trying to focus on the pain instead of the woman sitting beside him, knowing that he had to do the right thing even if it killed him, that he simply didn't have the option of remaining. "I can't," he said slowly, wanting to take back the words as soon as they were out of his lips, wanting to cry on Misato's shoulder and not have to go back to the way that his life had been. He knew that doing the right thing could hurt, but he'd never known that it could be so painful before. "Yes, you -can-," replied Misato, her voice becoming more forceful as she stared at the boy, the blonde hair falling lightly about his head, green eyes trembling slightly in the light as though he was about to cry. "Just come back with me to NERV, and I'll get them to put you back on the personnel records. You'll be a pilot again. If you're that frightened of the Eva... I don't know, I'll make sure that you don't see any more action inside the machine." She could feel the barely-healed wounds from the day prior burning, wondering if her injuries weren't as healed as she'd been told or if it was simply a side-effect of her stress. "Think about Nieve. Think about -me-." "That's why I'm -leaving-," snapped Neil, whipping his head away, forcing himself to focus instead on something, anything to keep him from crying again. He couldn't help but wonder in the back of his mind if part of his sorrow didn't come from the fact that he was such a horrible person, that he truly wanted to stay and hurt the others more. "Misato, I... I can't be certain about whether or not the Eva went berserk." A lie, and he knew it - he had no doubt in his mind that the Eva had only done what he had wanted to, knew that even when his thoughts had become hazy in the first battle the machine as listening to what he wanted underneath everything else. "I... I... I don't think that I'm suited to piloting anymore. I'm afraid... afraid..." He trailed off, mouth unwilling to force out the end of the sentence, his eyes closing tightly and letting a single pair of tears trickle out. Misato stared at the boy for a moment longer, eyes wide, trying to figure out something to say that would convince him that he was still wanted, some perfect combination of words that would let him know that he should stay in Tokyo-3. She wondered, in the back of her mind, if this was what Kaji had gone through the day that she had left him, if he'd been certain there was some phrase that would make things all right again. "I can't force you, I suppose," she managed at length, turning back towards the wheel and pulling the car back onto the road, trying to resist the urge to lean over and take the boy in her arms, to sort out her own feelings about the situation even as she continued slowly through the shining white city. The rest of the ride was made in relative silence, neither Misato nor Neil willing to reach over and turn the radio back on, resulting in a tense absence of any sounds save the car's engine and the minor noises from outside. Neil remained fixated out the window, his mind devising horrible punishments for himself as he stared into nothingness, wanting very much to accept Misato's offer to return and stay in the city, almost surprised with himself at him it had become his home in such a short time. It seemed as though the trip would never end, as if it was some kind of slow-motion torture through the city, reminding him of everything he was leaving behind and everything he would miss, the silence only making everythng worse. Sooner or later, however, the ride had to end. Neil knew that, and as he felt the car ease into a rather definitive stop just outside of the airport he knew that it was the end of the line, time for him to leave forever. "We're here," announced Misato weakly, obviously simply saying something for the purpose of breaking the silence instead of needing to convey the information. Both remained motionless inside the car briefly, Neil staring out over the gray asphalt of the runway and Misato staring at the back of the boy's head, then Misato opened her door and got out, every noise she made echoing inside of Neil's skull. "Come on, then. Let's get your stuff unpacked for the jet." Neil hesitated for a moment, then opened his door and got out, opening the back door and slowly taking out the neatly-packed boxes from the backseat. He frowned almost involuntarily as he unpacked, knowing that something was missing just from looking at the supplies, his eyes darting about and trying to figure out what it was as he tried to avoid looking at Misato or Nieve's neatly-scrawled writing that labeled the boxes. "Is everything here?" he asked at length, deciding that there was nothing wrong with having a last memory of Misato's voice in his head, resisting the urge to break down and cry once again. "Almost," replied Misato flatly, grunting slightly as she lifted one of the heavier boxes and placed it down on the runway, a thin layer of sweat beginning to emerge on her forehead. "There were a couple of things that I left there... like your VCR. I wasn't sure how to unhook it." She paused, taking a sharp breath, knowing that she was grasping at straws as far as ways to keep Neil in the city went. "You could come back and get it, if you like. Nieve is there, and she probably wants to say goodbye." "It's all right," replied Neil, flushing slightly as he remembered the sting of Nieve's hand across his face, the anger and disgust in her eyes, the soft feel of her lips and the wonderful electricity that came from her caress. He'd been doing his best not to think of her or Eiko at all since their last encounter, knowing full well that it would only make the already-difficult farewell nigh-unbearable. "I have another one at home. Maybe after all of this is over, I'll come back and get it from you. But this isn't the place for me if I'm not going to be helping." Misato let her hands wrap around another box, idly noting that it was almost the last one, that in a few minutes she would be saying farewell to the boy that she'd live with for what seemed like an eternity. She'd known, from the beginning, that goodbyes would come eventually, that when the Angels were defeated they would all go their separate ways once again. NERV would become a research organization once more, the Children would return to their lives, and she would find other people and friends, maybe wind up signing on with the UN peacekeeping forces. But she'd always thought that it would be under happier circumstances, something that she'd look forward to. The sweat from her forehead began to drip down to her lips as she put the box on the dull gray runway pavement, tasting salty enough to almost feel like blood. Then she heard the sound of the door on Neil's side closing, and she flicked her eyes back inside to realize that the car was empty. It had gone too fast, faster than she'd expected, and she could feel a vague panic gripping her from within, a knowledge that she no longer had any time left to convince the boy standing in front of her not to leave. For his part, Neil was simply staring at her, the vaguest hints of tears beginning to form at the corners of his eyes. "I guess this is it, then," he said weakly, staring at Misato for only a few seconds at a time before flicking his eyes away towards whatever minor distraction he could find. "I'll keep an eye on the news, and all. Make sure that you're all doing all right." A weak nod was the best that Misato could manage as she walked back to the driver's seat, the keys feeling heavy in her hand, the boy turning away from her as her high heels clicked against pavement. He was closing his eyes, letting the tears begin to seep out from the corners as he wished that he was in a movie, that something would keep him in the city, give him a reason not to leave. He didn't want to leave. Much as he was afraid of piloting the Eva again, he didn't want to throw everything he'd built in the city away, no matter how much of a monster he was. But his jaw remained set, and as he heard Misato opening her door he stifled the urge to cry out, knowing that if he didn't do anything else right he would do this the way he should have as soon as the Twelfth Angel freed him. "I believe you, Neil." The words came from Misato's direction, and he turned sharply to see the woman standing just outside of her driver's seat, sunglasses back on, the vaguest trail of a tear visible on her left cheek. "Even if you don't believe yourself, I believe you didn't mean to crush Vash in there." She paused, lowering her head, feeling guilty even as she knew that the boy wouldn't get back inside the car. "You're just children. It's not fair to entrust you with decisions about life and death, to force you to grow up before you're ready." A momentary pause, and she reached up to remove her sunglasses, letting Neil stare into her eyes and fixing his gaze in place. "I trust you because you're a good person, Neil. And if you think that you're doing the right thing... I don't doubt you for a second." Neil, unable to look the woman in the eye any longer without crying, closed his eyes and turned his head away, wishing above all that what she was saying about him was true. She stared at him for a moment longer, then Neil heard the sound of the door shutting once again. For the barest of moments, he let himself believe that she had closed the door without her in it, but the illusion shattered moments later as he heard the engine start, the car pulling gently away from him, turning around, and driving away from the airport. Neil simply stood in place, tears streaming down his face, staining the blue of his shirt darker tones as he consoled himself with the knowledge that Misato was wrong about him being a good person. ]++[ The entire control room had fallen somewhat silent at the sight of the gigantic black-white beast on the horizon, moving slowly over the waters near Tokyo-3 towards the fortress city. There had certainly been larger Angels, but something about the build of this one simply seemed to exude power, the white bundles where arms would have been and an almost laughing bone-white face somehow combining with the huge black body to make it seem like a messenger of death. "Fourteenth Angel on steady approach towards city," announced Makoto calmly, his fingers dancing across the keyboard, blank readings emerging from each scan but not slowing his motions in the slightest. "Still too far out to get any kind of definite readings. UN aerodrones should be within attack range within twenty seconds." Makoto opened his mouth to speak again, but was cut off by the cool hiss of the elevator door, and he whirled about to see Misato walking in swiftly from the elevator, still pulling on her red command jacket as her heels clicked against the metal of the floor. "Sorry I'm late. The alert hit me when I was driving back from the airport." She hesitated for a moment, frowning as she remembered the way that she and Neil had parted, then stepped up to Makoto's console, surveying the Angel on the main screen. "This is number fourteen, right?" "Right. Nothing solid about its capabilities yet, though." As the young man spoke, the awkward forms of the aerodrones began to swarm about the Angel, and Misato paled slightly as she began to get some sense of scale from their eerie resemblance to ants besides the beast. They were firing on the Angel, but it barely even seemed to notice, letting the tiny octagonal ripples explode across the surface of its AT Field as it continued moving over the water. "Looks like a fairly potent field, though. Most of them at least pretend to care about the aerodrones." "Could just be getting smarter," replied Misato, leaning on the balcony over the level below, glancing briefly down towards the red tops of the Magi out of habit before looking towards the Angel again. She knew that she had a job to get done, that she couldn't be letting Neil's departure distract her especially under the circumstances, but it was a restriction that was easier said than done, and she couldn't help but remember the way that the tears had been coming out of the boy's eyes as she left. "Maya, what's the status of the Children?" she asked after a moment, shaking her head and turning towards the young woman. "Everyone's ready except for the Fourth and..." Maya stopped, her omission glaringly obvious as she blushed and leaned her head closer to the console screen. "Right. The Fourth might be able to get inside of an Eva and pilot it, but his doctors don't recommend it." She paused for another moment, drumming her fingers along the keyboard and bringing up another display. "Dr. Akagi's still supervising the repair of EVA-00 - the arm has been regenerated to the elbow, complete with armor plating, but according to her it'll be at least another twelve hours before the machine is fully ready for operation." Thinking for a moment, Misato nodded, turning towards Maya and trying to ignore the young woman's minor slip-up, less out of anger towards the technician and more out of her own guilt. "All right. Maya, launch EVA-04 and EVA-02 towards the center of Tokyo-3 - until we have a clearer picture of what the Angel is capable of, I want to make sure that they're not in any direct danger." She paused, not wanting to say that EVA-01 was on standby even though she knew it was, the thought of someone other than Neil piloting the purple machine mildly repulsive. "Hold the others on standby." "Standby?" Niobe's voice filled the control room, and Misato couldn't surpress a sigh as the girl's face appeared before her, obviously distraught at the woman's decision. "Misato, put me out on the front lines! I know that I didn't do so well against the last Angel, but if you give me the chance I promise that I'll -" "For the love of God, Niobe, I gave you an order and I expect you to follow it!" the woman snapped, tilting her head slightly forward out of frustration, lifting one hand to massage her temple. "Your machine was damaged during the battle with the Thirteenth Angel whether you like it or not, and we don't know if EVA-01 will even activate with you inside! Nieve and Eiko are going to the surface, you're on standby with Ryo! Is that clear?" A tense silence settled over the control room as the girl's face shifted to an expression of obvious pain, lips tight and eyes wide before the small portrait of her faded into nothingness. Misato sighed, still rubbing her forehead, still feeling the thin layer of sweat lying upon her brow as she leaned forward, the noises from the battle site with the Fourteenth Angel and the aerodrones hitting her hears like jackhammers. "Major?" asked Makoto tenatively, turning his chair slightly towards the woman. "Are you -" "No," replied Misato, shaking her head and knowing full well what the man was going to ask, the tension of the Angel mingling with her underlying tension about Neil as she forced herself to take slow and regular breaths. "I'm not even close to okay. But we can't deal with that right now, can we?" She smiled bitterly, then shook her head and forced herself back to a standing position, trying to convince herself that Neil had made the right decision even as she felt a headache beginning to slice its way into her brain. "Launch EVA-02 and EVA-04. We'll deal with my problems later." The LCL swirling about her as she moved to face upwards, gritting her teeth as the Eva began its upwards motion, Nieve couldn't help but feel a minor twinge of panic, an underlying worry that she wouldn't be able to defend against the Angel without Neil around. She wanted to believe that she wouldn't have any problems, but she felt her confidence lurch along with her machine as the entire tunnel suddenly shuddered, whirling her about in the cockpit and filling her mouth with the dull bloody taste that seemed to always accompany the Eva being injured. "What the hell was -that-?" she snapped, trying to convert her sadness into anger, to be productive instead of sad. On the command level, Misato was staring at flashing damage displays before she answered Nieve, unable to believe her eyes. She had known, on an academic level, that the massive black Angel was getting closer, but she hadn't believed for a second that it was getting close enough to attack Tokyo-3. As she flicked her eyes between the damage display and the main screen, however, she knew that there was no way to deny it, that the Angel had proven itself more than capable of being aggressive. "That was the Angel," Misato said into the microphone, her voice trembling through the communication. "It just blasted the surface layer of armor. It... it sheared through ten levels of armor with a single blast. Another couple shots like that and we're done for." Nieve felt a momentary rush of deeper panic as she and Eiko emerged on the surface, the sun setting behind the huge black beast, her hands tight around the handle grips as she thought about what such power meant in the hands of the Angel. She wasn't equipped to fight something like that, and she yearned momentarily for Neil to still be beside her, for somebody to be protecting her, keeping her safe from the horrific power of the Angel. Then she forced herself into action, her machine springing aside towards the nearest weapon deposit, retrieving a standard-issue rifle even as she saw Eiko moving in the opposite direction. "Eiko, what the hell are you doing? You're leaving yourself wide open?" Eiko was distantly aware of what Nieve was saying, but as she snatched a pair of handguns from the depot she ignored the warning, more concerned with the immediate situation than with the academics of the battle. She'd seen Neil do it before, the way that he would lose himself in a battle rage, and she had more than enough anger, enough rage to direct into the black monstrosity that was slowly turning its oddly-shaped face towards her. "This is for Vash, damn you!" she shouted, letting the handguns fire off as she dashed about the buidings, her machine a silver shadow flitting about, bullets exploding against the AT Field with the standard octagonal ripples. She knew that all she had to do was focus, was to make herself angrier, that she could be an Eva pilot, that she wouldn't fail after what the last Angel had done to Vash. As Nieve watched, the Angel's eyes flared with brief surges of power, and an explosion of energy slammed into Eiko's machine, a brilliant white corona of an explosion that turned the buildings surrounding the silver machine into nothing more than crumbling black outlines. Eiko herself was thrown backwards as the explosion blossomed into the shape of a cross, her Eva's AT Field gone and black sears covering the surface of her machine. "EVA-04 has sustained severe damage!" shouted Makoto over the radio connection, Nieve gritting her teeth at the sight of how easily Eiko had been laid out. "AT Field has been broken completely, armor at less than .5%! Machine has gone into emergency shutdown mode!" The Angel was looking towards Nieve now, and grimacing the young girl opened fire, raking the shells against the surface of the Angel's AT Field, watching the beast's eyes carefully for the flash of light as she dashed through the buildings, a growing panic in her mind. She wanted to have Neil by her side again, and as she saw the quick flash of light she knew that she was getting sloppy because of it, knew that she was losing control of her situation all because of one silly boy. Gritting her teeth more tightly, she flung her Eva to one side as the same blast of energy erupted from the ground beside her, seeming to come out of nowhere and slam into her machine even as she tried desperately to avoid the assault. It felt as though a sledgehammer had been driven into the side of her stomach, and Nieve cried out as her machine was sent tumbling though the air, losing its grip on the rifle as it flew across towards the foothills of Tokyo-3. The pilot cursed at the loss of control as she stumbled to a stop, Eva lying down on one side, the AT field only remaining at the barest level of power. "But I didn't fall for that trick," she snarled, forcing herself back to her feet, turning the red- white face of her Eva towards the Angel defiantly. "Is that the best you've got? Just that energy blast?" Nothing happened for a moment as Nieve stumbled to her feet, the Angel hovering closer but not unleashing another blast of energy. Then the two bundles where its arms would have been unfolded swiftly, revealing two long trailing ribbon-like whips. Nieve's eyes widened as she stared at the Angel, the beast lashing the whips quickly against a pair of surrounding buildings before letting the appendages lash out towards the girl. Both struck the Eva at the knees, and Nieve screamed as she felt her lower legs suddenly go numb, a burning pain shooting through her body as she felt her Eva fall backwards from the sudden lack of legs below the knee. "EVA-02's pilot is going into neural shock!" shouted Makoto, a distant sound for the girl as the Angel carelessly slashed away her arms, leaving her lying against the foothills and screaming in agony. She knew that she had lost control, that the boy she though she loved had left her, and that the Angel was about to kill her for her failure, the LCL choking her nearly to death with the thick taste of blood. A few quick lashes from the beast carved away part of the chest armor, and Nieve was distantly aware of the sight of a large red orb set underneath the armor of her Eva, the core of her own personal Angel clone. Then she looked up to see the Angel's ribbon-arms lunging towards her eyes and her core, and she screamed. Makoto may have said something, but it didn't penetrate the girl's mind as she felt the world suddenly go black and cold, feeling herself suddenly huddling naked against a cold wet floor. Tears were streaming from her face, and she could only sense blackness around her, knowing full well that she was dead, that she'd managed to fail everyone, that she'd lost control. "I did everything wrong," she muttered, letting the tears fall down her bare skin, the despair feeling like a physical presence. "I let mother down." "You never let me down." The voice was one that the girl hadn't heard for what seemed like an eternity, but Nieve forced herself to open her eyes and look up, her eyes going wide at the sight. Her mother was kneeling before her, wearing the same red and orange plugsuit that she remembered from the day she had died, the suit structured like Neil's but obviously made for a female body. The woman was smiling, her short red hair brushing against her neck as she extended a hand towards her daughter. "You made me proud. Everything you did in this machine made me proud, Nieve." Nieve's eyes were wide and disbelieving, but the sense of her mother's touch against her cheek was undeniable. "Mother?" she asked tenatively, reaching out herself, letting herself touch the woman's cheek, her neck, her hair. Then the tears began to flow more strongly, and she launched herself towards the woman, holding her tightly, the tears an odd mingling of distress and happiness. "Ma! You're back! I get to see you again! Oh, Ma, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry about everything that I did back then, I..." "We can't talk." The statement was curt, not angry so much as decisive, but equally cutting to the young girl as she let herself lean slightly away from the woman and stare. Leigh Soryu-Leary's outline was fading slowly, dissolving into the blackness surrounding both of them. "I'm sorry, Nieve. I'd wanted to talk to you, but this is the only chance I'll ever get. The only way that I could keep you safe from the Angel was to give myself." The skin against Nieve's fingers was becoming mroe distant, and she felt the tears quickly changing notes to fully mournful, struggling to hold her mother tighter. "No! Ma, don't leave! Please, don't leave! I'm older now, I've got a handle on things! Whatever's going on, I promise, I'll save you! Please, Ma, don't leave me again!" "I'm sorry, Nieve," replied the woman, her body now almost wholly ephemeral, enough for Nieve to see clear through the woman. "But I couldn't let you die, not here, not now. I want to thank you, Nieve, thank you for being my daughter, for riding in this thing with me. It's been hard for both of us, I know, but we did our best. I hope..." She paused, her voice becoming more distant. "I know that you'll become a fine woman one day. I just wish that I could see it." "-MA-!" The scream was shrill, Nieve's arms tightening more until there was nothing around her, her tears falling into the nothingness around her as she felt her world seem to dissolve again. She regained consciousness in the sea of LCL that was her cockpit, nothing but blackness and blood-orange liquid surrounding her. "Don't go, Ma," she whispered, leaning back against the seat and letting herself cry, distantly hearing the Angel moving through her twisted wreck of an Eva. ]++[ Neil had heard the Angel alarm clearly as it had begun to tear through the city, the wailing siren warning the residents that they needed to evacuate in preparation for another installment of the ongoing siege between the great beasts and NERV. He had chosen to ignore it, to simply sit at the airport and hear the barking warning without doing anything, waiting for the plane that would take him out of the country and back to his real home. Though it was certainly difficult to block out the sound of the sirens along with the growing noise of the aerodrones firing at the thing, he had managed it as best he could, wrapping himself in a ball of self-loathing. "I have to not pilot the Eva again," he'd muttered. "I'm a monster. I can't be trusted." Then he'd heard the sound of the Evas launching, and despite himself he'd been unable to stay seated, drawn to look towards the battle between the Angel and the titanic machines out of a sense of guilt if nothing else. He had walked as close to the battle as he could get while still staying inside the airport, giving him a mostly-clear view of the battle, the massive black Angel towering over EVA-02 and EVA- 04. His heart had quickened slightly at the thought of who would be piloting the two machines, but he'd tried to remind himself that he could be just as dangerous to them, that he needed to wait for the plane to arrive, that trying to do something would only make things worse. He'd smelled the gunpowder and smoke all too clearly from his position, seen as the first explosion blossomed into a cross and sent Eiko crashing against the buildings around her like discarded rubbish. He'd seen the second blast hurl Nieve away, and although she'd been obscured from view at that point, he'd seen enough of the Angel to know that it had then made certain she was not getting back up. Neil doubted that they were dead, but he had no way of knowing, and from the second that he'd seen Eiko get blasted he knew that he had to do something. The Angel was turning now, slowly leaving behind EVA-02, and Neil was struggling to sort out his emotions as he watched the black beast turn, its bony face with half-open mouth seeming to laugh at him for his uselessness. "I'm just as bad as the Angels, though," he muttered to himself, his hands slowly clenching and relaxing. "I could have wound up hurting Nieve and Eiko. I'm an Angel in my own right, and I -" A sudden realization hit him like a splash of cold water, and Neil felt every muscle in his body tense even as tears began to flood from his eyes anew. Guilt sliced through his mind as he realized what he'd done, realized the sort of coward he'd been, saw starkly the way that he was behaving as the sun set behind the Angel. With the last few fingers of the sun's light extending over the horizon, blocked by the massive shadow that the Fourteenth Angel threw across the cityscape, Neil took a brief glance around the land before jumping from his perch at the top of the airport, letting himself fall and tucking his body in as he prepared to roll down the steep hill of the airport. His landing hit hard, but Neil had developed some skill at dealing with pain if nothing else since he'd begun piloting the Eva, and instead of wincing he simply let himself roll, the fall helping to augment his speed as he tumbled down towards ground level roughly. Clumps of grass and dirt tore along his clothes, but he barely noticed, simply forcing his legs into the soft ground and digging his hands in to bring himself to a stop just shy of ground level. Pausing for only a moment to get his bearings, he glanced up towards the airport, realizing as almost an afterthought that it was much further than he'd originally thought, then jumped down to the streets of the city, glancing about for an entrance to Central Dogma. Eyes settling quickly on the nearest pair of metal doors bearing the trademark NERV insignia, Neil set off running, ignoring the growing sense of exhaustion seeping through his body, feet hitting the black pavement at regular intervals as sweat dripped into his mouth in regular salty explosions. The door was his only goal, and as he grew closer he found himself slowing, finally coming to a halt a few feet shy of the actual destination. "My keycard," he muttered, shaking his head as he drew out the small piece of plastic. "It's probably not working any more. They won't let me in." Then an explosion tore through the city, shaking the ground underneath Neil's feet as the world filled with the harsh noise of shattering concrete and asphalt. Neil gritted his teeth, then slammed the card through the reader beside him, hoping against logic that it would successfully let him in. The reader flashed no verification, but a second later the doors creaked open, just sliding far enough apart for him to wedge himself through. Smiling even as his tears continued to flow, Neil hurled himself towards the doors, letting himself slip into the Geo-Front and head towards the machine that he knew he should be piloting. ]++[ Niobe's machine waited patiently beneath the surface of the Geo-Front, Central Dogma several meters behind her as the Angel blasted away relentlessly at the armor that shielded NERV's underground sanctuary from Angel attacks. It had always been a distant possibility that an Angel would make it through to the bottom level of NERV, and Niobe couldn't help but be thankful for that as she further braced the twin rocket launchers against her sides, mentally refreshing in her mind how many shots she would get out of the weapons, her breath quickly taking in and exhaling the LCL, mind completely ignoring the lush scenery around her. "I've got to destroy this one," she muttered, training her launchers towards the spot where chunks of rock were already beginning to fall from the surface of Tokyo-3 into the Geo-Front. "I have to be able to destroy another Angel. It'll make Ryo love me, I'm sure of it." The corona of the explosion burst through the stony ceiling, energy billowing outwards in the shape of an upside-down cross as the Angel began its descent. Niobe took one last deep breath within the LCL of her machine, then waited for the crosshairs on her display to line up and flash an acknowledging green, the launchers trained perfectly on the beast in front of her. "Engaging Fourteenth Angel!" she screamed over the communicator, her hands slamming the handrests forward even as the two rocket launchers she wielded roared to life, plumes of flame jetting outward towards the descending black monstrosity. Eleven rockets spiraled out from the launchers before Niobe even knew it, their plumes of flame arcing about as the first pair impacted hard against the beast's AT Field accompanied by the octagonal ripples that she knew would come. Both rocket launchers feel to the ground, then without hesitation she drew another pair just as quickly from the ground around her, littered with Eva weaponry deployed at Misato's command. She had known she would need more firepower than a single pair of launchers, and in one fluid motion she had brought the replacements to bear, pointing directly at the Angel, the display taking only a moment before it flashed green and allowed her to once again release a series of rockets towards her target. Much to her surprise, the Angel seemed unconcerned with even the effort of dodging, letting the rockets impact against the field steadily while it slowly descended towards ground level, Niobe's assault continuing and filling her ears with the sound of roaring flames. For a moment, she wondered if the beast would attack her early, her leg muscles tensing in anticipation of a necessary dodge, but the Angel did nothing, simply let itself hover down as Niobe discarded the second pair of launchers and quickly scooped up a third in one quick motion. "Angel doesn't seem to be counterattacking!" she shouted over the comm, seeing it move towards her slowly as she tensed and prepared to begin moving herself. "I'm taking evasive maneuvers immediately, as a precautionary measure!" Something might have come over the radio, but Niobe didn't notice it, her Eva launching into movement, her eyes remaining focused upon the Angel and keeping the crosshairs flashing a brilliant green, geysers of flame erupting from the twin barrels of the rocket launchers. Her movements were steady, trained, and as the launchers clicked empty she quickly leaned down and scooped up another pair, letting herself train her eyes immediately back upon the Angel. There was no reaction from the black goliath except the steady ripples of octagons through the air and the slow motion in Niobe's direction, both more than acceptable by her train of thought. "Makoto, how's the Angel's AT field holding up! Will I need to close in and finish it manually?" "Niobe, according to our sensors, you've barely dented the thing!" Misato's eyes flicked up briefly towards the main screen, watching the yellow Eva dart in circles around the hovering black Angel before glancing back towards Makoto's display. There was a tangible tension flooding through the control room simply at the presence of the Angel in the Geo-Front, something that none of the beasts had managed before. "It's not being hurt, it's just ignoring you!" "That's -impossible-!" snapped the girl, forcing her machine to move faster as she let out a series of brilliant red flares, the rockets slamming in an explosive barrage against the surface of the Angel's AT Field, scooping up another pair of launchers as she clicked empty. Her feet slammed hard into a lake, the first time she'd even bothered to notice the scenery, this time more out of the simple fact that she knew she would be fighting from a disadvantage. "I've -got- to be hurting it! That's not -possible-!" Grimacing, she launched her machine forward, the taste of salty blood hard against her tongue as she let out more shots from the launcher, landing and grabbing another pair as she trained her shots back towards the beast. "I'm the best! I'm better than -any- of the other pilots! I can destroy -one- goddamn Angel on my -own-!" Before Niobe could even react, the Angel's arms began to unravel into razor-sharp whips, trailing down to the ground and scraping small furrows, then lashing upwards towards Niobe before she rolled away. She needed to get close to the Angel to hurt it, to try and close with it in order to neutralize the AT Field, but as it lashed the whips about it seemed to be taunting her, like a cat enjoying the terror of a mouse. Forcing her Eva to a stop, Niobe let herself drop the two rocket launchers that she'd been holding, scooping up another pair and bracing herself against the ground, her fingers tightening against the triggers. "I'm not going to be afraid," she muttered, watching as the whips tore against the ground of the Geo-Front, her teeth gritting tightly as her eyes widened. "I'm the best. I can do this. I can do this -easily-." Ignoring the sound of warning shouts coming over the radio, Niobe launcher her machine forward, letting the yellow golem spring towards the beast, avoiding a quick lash of its whips as she spread her AT Field as wide as she could. The Angel lashed towards her again, but she was already moving again, this time letting the leg muscles of her Eva launch her into a run, taking advantage of the naturally enhanced speeds of her machine, letting herself feel as the Angel's AT Field grew closer and closer. Her fingers tightened on the triggers as she watched the octagons start to ripple out, then as they dissolved into nothingness she slammed her machine's fingers down, letting the rockets in the launchers arm themselves and begin to slide out towards the Angel. Then the whips lashed towards her with blinding speed, and before she could react the Angel had stabbed both thin metallic strands through the barrels of the launchers, jamming the missiles in mid-flight and leaving them primed to explode as the whips drew themselves out. Niobe's eyes widened as she realized what the beast had done, and she released the launchers, trying to move away from them before the inevitable happened. She was too late, and she couldn't help but scream as she felt the explosive force of the launchers' entire payloads tear into her arms, chunks of metal mingling with the burning heat of the explosion, ripping away armor and flesh alike. Once the explosion had faded Niobe could feel herself nearly choking on the bloody LCL, her lower arms aching in a way that she'd never experienced, her mind tenatively reaching out towards that of her Eva as she distantly heard the noise of the control room filled with alarmed shouts. She could feel nothing of her left arm below the elbow, and her right arm felt mangled, broken, as though it had begun to bend in ways that it wasn't supposed to. Glancing down quickly, she felt her teeth grit as she saw the ruined bloody stump on her left and the shattered tan armor on her right, both arms useless as anything but clubs. "Niobe," said Misato's voice, sharp in her ear, sounding almost as disapproving as Joseph's. "You're too badly damaged. Withdraw." "-NO-!" screamed Niobe, a blood rage filling her world as she began to launch her machine towards the black monstrosity once again, breath coming quickly, legs thundering across the artificial greenery as the Angel lashed in anticipation. "I'll kick it to death! I'll do something, I won't -retreat-!" She screamed, springing towards the Angel, doing her best to compensate for the lack of balance provided by her arms, wishing that she'd trained more without them for such a situation, her right leg preparing to lash out in a kick as she flew towards the Angel. Before she had even made it halfway to the beast, it had lashed up towards her once again, the twin silvery whips stabbing into the joint between her pelvis and her hips, sending fire along her lower regions and a scream into the LCL of the cockpit. The Eva's legs fell to the ground in an awkward puddle of blood, and the limbless torso slammed ineffectually into the Angel before falling hard to the ground, Niobe's entire body on fire with agony as she cried. "No," she snarled, watching as the Angel began to turn away and head towards Central Dogma. "No! NO! NO, NO, NO! Finish me! PLEASE!" Her pain was fading, and a moment later the visual links was severed as the Eva became a distant memory. "Please... don't leave me like this..." "Severed neural link," announced Maya, the entire command center seeming almost haunted as Niobe's limbless body twitched once before falling still. Maya stared at the main screen for a moment, then back towards the monitor at her disposal, feeling particularly useless. "The good news is that the Second Child isn't dead - her vital signs are a little erratic, but both she and the Fifth are still alive." "The bad news is that if we don't destroy this thing soon, we're all going to be destroyed," muttered Misato, her brow furrowed tightly, trying to force herself to figure out some kind of plan to stop the Angel. It had resisted everything they had to throw at it, every defense and offense, and all that NERV had left was one damaged Eva and one injured pilot. Sighing, she tilted her head slightly forward, knowing that she only had one course of action truly remaining to her. "Makoto, one my mark -" "Deploy the First Child in EVA-00," announced Gendou, the sudden noise of his voice drawing the attention of nearly all within the room towards the top level of the complex. Despite the situation, Gendou seemed to still be perfectly confident about the outcome, his hands tented in front of his mouth, eyes hidden behind his glasses. "Arm the Eva with an N2 mine, for detonation upon contact with the core of the Fourteenth Angel." He paused briefly, then adjusted his glasses slightly, flicking his eyes towards Fuyutsuki for the barest of moments. "Maya, contact the medical wing. Have them prepare Vash for piloting EVA-01." "Vash can't pilot that!" shouted Misato, realizing as soon as the words were out of her mouth that at least part of her apprehension came from the simple fact that she still felt uncomfortable about the thought of someone else in the cockpit of the purple Eva. She knew that it was entirely the wrong time to be thinking about such things, but as the sweat dripped down past her lips she couldn't push the thought from her head. Besides, she knew that she had better reasons for refusing the assignment. "He's in no shape to walk, much less pilot an Eva! If you make him get in that thing, he'll die!" "And what will happen to us if he does not?" replied Gendou, a thin smile managing to creep across his face, hidden behind his hands as he flicked his gaze down towards Misato. "Two Evas remain, and we have with us two Children capable of piloting them. I would prefer to exhaust all of our alternatives before destroying the Geo-Front. Maya, launch EVA-00, and contact the medical department." Misato frowned, glacing quickly towards Maya as the young woman half- turned her chair to stare at the purple-haired woman. She knew, academically, that Gendou was right, that if EVA-00 failed Vash would be just as dead either way. It was a simple decision on an academic level, and as she nodded towards Maya she knew that she was doing the right thing even though it felt like signing the boy over to a death sentence. "Launch EVA-00 on an interception course with the Angel," she snapped, trying to fight down the tension rising within her chest, to forget how close the Angel was getting to Central Dogma and all that was contained within, to not think about the fact that EVA-01 would be launched into battle without Neil at the helm. On the upper level, Gendou nodded as the technicians shouted quick announcements towards one another for the Eva's launch, the same procedure that they would have followed under any circumstances, made commendable by the danger of the situation. Turning his chair, Gendou stood and glanced over towards Fuyutsuki, the elder man staring stoically at the main screen, watching as it switched to show EVA-00 launching into the Geo-Front. "I will go to oversee the activation of EVA-01. The Fourth may need some coercion before he enters the entry plug." "This could be the end," replied Kozou flatly, eyes never twitching from the screen, the display moving back to the slow-moving Angel retreating from the wreckage of Niobe's Eva. "But you already know that, don't you?" He paused, then let a humorless smile move across his lips, the red alarm lights in the command center springing to life from the Angel's proximity. "You still think we can cheat God." "I am not cheating God out of anything," replied Gendou, stepping calmly towards the elevator and letting the doors slide open, the hiss lost in the sudden blaring of alarms throughout the facility. "God is the one that has been cheating. I simply wish to level the playing field." He paused, then stepped inside of the elevator, one hand reaching out and holding the door open for a moment longer as he turned back to look at Fuyutsuki. "This will not be the end. We have too much left to achieve." Below, Neil froze briefly, the sound of the alarm flooding the narrow teal-gray hallway that he found himself in, a distraction as he tried to figure out where he had to go to get to the Eva hangar. He didn't know exactly where the Angel was, but he was willing to bet that time was running out, knowing full well that the alarm hadn't sounded the first time he'd been struggling to navigate NERV's corridors with Misato. Taking a deep breath, he fought down the panic within his gut, turning right down the nearest corridor, feet falling harshly on the metal floor of the hallway, green eyes flicking about for some indication of his location. Sirens were the only noise that penetrated the command room as Ryo's machine burst to the surface, an awkward stump on its left arm, green N2 mine cradled within its right arm as its single red eye turned towards the advancing Angel. Misato knew that the boy was waiting for her to give him orders, but it took her a moment to gather the nerve, knowing full well that the task before him was tantamount to suicide. "Ryo, advance forward at top speed and bring the N2 canister into contact with the core of the Angel. We will detonate the bomb remotely at that time." "Understood," replied Ryo, his voice sounding like the same emotionless tone that he always used, blue machine starting to lurch forward in an awkward loping run. It was only afterwards that Misato realized there had been a note of sorrow beneath his voice, as though the boy knew full well that he was going on a suicide run before he'd even begun to surge forward. Misato bit her lower lip, forcing herself not to say anything as the blue machine continued forward, flashing red lights of the center playing across the monitor in what seemed to be a wash of blood. Ryo's hands clutched the handles of the cockpit tightly, his breath coming quickly and shallowly, focused entirely on the task at hand. He still hadn't figured out what had happened with Nieve, but he knew now that he would have no chance of asking her or trying again, that in all likelihood the black monstrosity in front of him would be the last thing that he ever saw, the final picture that would fade from his bright red eyes. At the same time, however, he knew that he had to destroy the beast, that he was the only pilot left that had the barest chance, and he knew that it fell on his shoulders even if he didn't like it, that it was the one part of routine that had remained stable. He was the one that had to be sacrificed along with his Eva. Frustration boiled within Ryo's head, although he could not have put the name to the emotion as his breaths came more sharply, a grimace slowly twisting across his face. Feelings buried under layers of routine bubbled shallowly to the surface, and as Ryo watched the scenery around him blur he wondered if he was the one responsible for breaking the routine, if perhaps it ultimately came down to him. He'd been told by Dr. Ikari that he was different than the others, but he'd never known what that meant, only known that he had to obey procedure, that steady motions were his universe. The Eva charged forward, AT Field mingling with that of the Eva, octagonal ripples disappearing as the Angel lashed upwards with its metallic whips. Both stabbed through Ryo's torso, and he winced, but his focus remained, the last gasp of routine stinging through his mind as he shifted his grip on the N2 canister. Giving one last push, Ryo swung the bomb up and slammed it against the red core of the Angel, feeling something only for a moment before he watched with mild disappointment as the Angel snapped a bony cover over its core, like a bird closing its protective eyelid. It was too small of a detail for any of those inside the command center to notice it, and all that they saw was the Angel being hit by the canister. "Detonate!" shouted Misato, leaning forward against the rail of the level, watching intently as the red lights flashed over the screen and then faded away once more. The canister exploded outward into a wall of flame, and Central Dogma rocked, the shock of the detonation slamming against the pyramid-like structure and sending Misato falling backwards onto the floor even as she distantly heard the elevator hissing open. Apprehension filled the command center, and Misato only spared a quick glance back towards the elevator to see Ritsuko standing in awe before she scrambled back to her feet, flicking her eyes back towards the main screen and hoping against all odds that the Angel had fallen. A moment later, the dust and smoke of the explosion cleared, just in time for the command center to watch the Angel toss aside Ryo, the blue machine slamming into the ground harshly before the beast continued its advance. "Makoto, status of the Angel" she breathed, flicking her eyes only briefly over to the young man before gaping back at the goliath on the screen. "Unharmed," pronounced the technician, his eyes also fixated on the screen, the fact of the beast's proximity seeming to seep quietly through the chamber even as the alarms wailed. "At this rate, the Angel will reach Central Dogma in five minutes." He paused, then took a deep breath and turned back down towards his console, keying in a quick sequence. "I'll start setting the Omega protocol. If the Angel tries to get past us, it won't survive the attempt." ]++[ Neil had no way of knowing how bad the situation was getting outside, but he did know that something was going seriously wrong as he felt Central Dogma shudder under an assault from outside, sending him stumbling to the ground. Cold metal slammed into his side, but with a slight grunt he forced himself back into a standing position, dashing through the doors in front of them as they slid open, letting his feet fall on the catwalk suspended over the empty bay for EVA-00. The absence of the blue machine clued him in further to NERV's increasing desperation - he knew that Ryo had sustained serious damage, that they wouldn't send out the Eva unless they were grasping at straws - but he forced the thought out of his mind as he rushed in through the last set of doors between himself and EVA-01. Then, exhausted and panicked, Neil stumbled to a stop, the doors to the hangar sliding shut with a hiss behind him as he fell to his knees. The purple golem was still there, staring stoically at nothing, its surface now clean of the blood of EVA-03. "Always drawing me back," he muttered, sweat running in rivers down from his forehead into his shirt, the salty liquid flooding past his lips as he gasped for breath. "Niobe was right." He let his eyes flutter closed, his body aching and yearning for rest, the Eva watching him dispassionately. "You are no longer its pilot." The voice was unexpected, drawing Neil out of his reverie as he snapped his head up towards the small box that overlooked the Eva hangar. Gendou Ikari stood in the window above, black jacket hanging about his red turtleneck, looking for all the world like the way that Neil remembered first seeing him. His face was disapproving, eyes invisible behind the lenses of his glasses. "You chose to no longer pilot the machine. It is no longer your concern." "I made a mistake," croaked Neil, slowly drawing himself back to his feet, fabric shifting uncomfortably around him as he dragged himself to his full height. "I ran away. I was afraid." Taking a deep breath, Neil tensed his muscles once again, holding himself rigid, forcing his breathing to come more regularly. "I'm here now, though. I'm not running away any more." "How nice for you." The commander's tone was critical, and Neil felt his eyes narrowing before he heard the hissing and whirring of an opening door sounding over the alarm sirens. Whirling about, Neil saw a stretcher being wheeled in, a small cluster of technicians surrounding the white bed, lab coats trailing and fluttering as the wheeled Vash into the hangar. It took Neil a moment to recognize the other boy, plugsuit stripped of any coverings on the arm and the boy's hair lying limply around his head, but as he stared it became clear to him what Gendou was planning on doing. Vash coughed, then forced himself into something resembling a sitting position, eyes glancing up slowly to see Neil standing in front of him despite their blurry focus. Neil could only watch in terror as the other boy's eyes met his, blue and green eyes exchanging looks, both Children freezing in place Gendou and the Eva watched. Silence seemed to fill the room, and Neil felt guilt surging in his chest anew, the urge to turn around and run away from the horrific things that he had done almost unbearable. Both remained quiet, waiting silently until the base shook once again. As the hangar rocked from the impact of what was no doubt the Angel's attack, Vash began to tumble off the bed, and Neil's reflexes snapped into action, his body lunging forward and catching the other boy as the nutrient bath around them sloshed. Vash winced with pain, but before Neil could help him back onto the bed he felt the other boy's arm reach up and grab his shirt collar, yanking his gaze down towards the injured Child. "You came back," muttered Vash, voice raspy as blood began to seep through his bandages. "Why did you come back?" "Because I shouldn't have left in the first place," replied Neil, a single tear managing to pull itself out of the corner of his eye as he helped Vash back onto the stretcher. "I'm sorry." He paused, resting his hands against the side of the other boy's bed, the sadness and anger gripping him even as his eyes rested on the Eva for just a moment. Then he turned fully towards Gendou, eyes flashing, hands clenched into fists. "Send me out!" he shouted, taking a step towards the commander, trying to read something into the man's blank expression and hidden eyes. "I'm not going to sit on the sidelines for this. I am..." He paused, head faltering slightly before his neck snapped back up, his jaw set firmly. "I am the Third Child!" Misato stumbled to her feet, still reeling from another assault on the base, the walls of the command center beginning to visibly crack even as the red light washed through the room. "Armor down to 15%!" shouted Makot, ignoring the sounds of technicians on the lower levels panicking and running, the command level seeming to be the only level where everyone wasn't heading for the hills all of a sudden. "That's been only three blasts! We're not going to survive another one!" Glancing up at the main screen, Misato could see the leering grin of the Angel stretching before them, the black monstrosity leaning closer and preparing to tear open the face of Central Dogma. "Thanks for not leaving, Makoto," she said calmly, placing her hand on the young man's shoulder and glancing towards Ritsuko. She found herself strangely unconcerned about the Angel's approach, wondering idly where Kaji was as she managed a smile towards Ritsuko, her eyes flicking back towards the main screen to see the Angel's eyes flashing with energy. "Here it comes!" A flash of light send the entire wall of the base tumbling inwards, and Misato could hear screams fill the room as the Angel glared at the control room, its upper body leaning down and forcing itself into the control room. Misato could ee how close the beast was, but she forced herself not to panic, simply staring at the monster, knowing that she wouldn't be able to escape another Angel. In the back of her mind, she felt something resembling relief at the fact that Neil had left, and as the Angel's eyes flashed she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, wondering if it would feel like it had when her father had been engulfed by the Second Impact. With a roar of rage and sorrow, Neil sent the Eva crashing through the side wall of the control room, his vision only focusing on the Angel long enough to know where it was and slam into it. A great crashing noise filled the air as the purple golem collided with the Angel's AT Field, then a moment later the field dissolved into nothingness and send Neil's shoulder slamming hard into the black monstrosity, forcing it to one side and slamming the thing's leering face against the nearest wall. The beast struggled to bring its whips to bear, but as Neil stepped into the massive pit in front of the main control layer he felt no fear, only anger at the beast in front of him, a burning hatred at the thought of what it had done to Nieve and Eiko. "But that was my fault," he muttered to himself, feeling his anger redouble as he felt the familiar guilt creeping into his mind, his arms forcing the Angel further back as he crouched and sprang at the beast. His cockpit beeped a quick warning to let him know that he was down to four minutes of battery power, but he ignored it, focusing on the Angel rearing back away from the base, his feet hitting ground as he landed and tried to shove the Angel further back. Behind him he could see the red light flashing, oddly fitting as he drew back the Eva's arm and slammed it into the Angel, sending the beast floating backwards slightly out of sheer surprise. For the first time ever the Geo-Front was shrouded in night, the overhead lighting damaged by the Angel's entrance and cut from power when Neil had stepped into the control center, leaving EVA-01 to struggle with the beast in the darkness, the green decorations on the beast and the red core of the Angel the only glints of color that Misato could see. She was still reeling for a moment, watching as the Eva drove back the monstrosity, amazed at the machine's quick response and savage movements. "Maya, who's piloting the Eva?" she shouted, an idea forming in her mind, at once terrifying and exciting. "The Third Child!" Maya shouted back, barely able to contain her astonishment. "Synch ratio is up to 67% and rising! Neural activity is off the charts!" She paused for a moment, hammering a few quick commands into the console at her fingertips. "The Eva's running off of internal power, though! It's only got three minutes left!" Screaming in rage as the bloody LCL washed over his body, Neil felt himself losing himself to the cradling rage of the Eva, his anger at the Angel's treatment of Nieve and Eiko coupling with his anger at himself. The Angel was staggering, its whips flailing uselessly as he continued to drive the beast back, only distantly aware as one of the flailing metal limbs cut deeply into the thigh of his machine. Misato may have shouted something over the radio, but it was lost in the sound of the Eva's fists slamming hard against the beast's dark hide, sending it do the ground forcefully. Neil's eyes only distantly took in the darkened scenery as he sprang on top of the Angel, dropping his Eva into a crouch and letting the fist hammer towards the Angel's core. The impact of the golem's knuckles sent a small spiderweb of cracks along the glowing red orb, and Neil felt his lips curl into a smile as he stared at the damaged core, his arm slamming another blow into the target without hesitation. He would have never admitted it before, but he was enjoying the experience of fighting the beast, the way that it winced underneath his blows, and as one whip moved up to lash at him he simply reached out with one hand, grabbing it tightly, savoring the pain as the LCL grew saltier in his mouth. "Just a little bit longer," he hissed, slamming the fist down over and over, feeling his self-loathing grow, his thoughts drifting back towards the girls involuntarily. "Come on, damn you, break..." Abruptly, the visual display snapped off into nothingness, the connection with the Eva suddenly severed, and Neil knew immediately what had happened, his eyes going wide. "No," he gasped, distantly feeling the Eva lurch backwards and slam into the ground, the sound of the Angel rising once again more than audible through the armor of the Eva. "No. NO! NO, NO, -NO-!" Inside the command center, Misato could only gape at the scene, her view distant but still clear enough to get a clear sight of the Angel returning to its vertical stance, leering face turning downward to look at Neil. There was a single moment of nothingness, then the Angel lifted Neil's Eva, the golem's arm still clutching the beast's metallic whip tightly enough for the Angel to hurl the boy beyond where Misato could see. "Makoto, place the display of the main screen on one of the side walls!" she shouted, turning towards the least-damaged wall as Makoto nodded and keyed in a quick sequence of commands. The Angel's eyes flared for only a moment before letting a powerful blast explode across the chest of the purple machine, sending it flying backwards into one of the sides of the Geo-Front, fingers sliced off as the whip tore through the hand that held it tight. Misato felt herself grow weak as she realized that the Angel had exposed the Eva's core, and a surge of panic went through her as the Angel began to lash its whips against the surface of the core, sending cracks along it. "Neil was still synchronized with the Eva when it shut down," she gasped, taking a step forward. "Come on, Neil, do something." "MOVE, DAMN YOU!" screamed Neil, his arms working the handrests desperately, slamming the mock controls forwards and back, a deep pain striking him across the chest and sending his body into minor spasms ever few seconds. "-WORK-, damn you! Come on! You need to destroy the Angel!" He was sobbing now, blonde hair drifting through the bloody sea around him in front of his eyes, his mind recalling his silent time within the Twelfth Angel. "Is that what you want? I pilot the Eva because -I- -HATE-! I'm a -monster-! Just please, do whatever you have to to make yourself WORK!" Neil thrust the handrests forward one more time, then he felt something touching him from the back of his mind, somthing that felt distantly like the Eva but somehow different. Then his eyes widened, and he felt something new shoot through his heart, a sensation too beautiful to put into words, and within seconds the world had dissolved into light. A flare of white light flooded out of EVA-01's eyes, and as the control room gaped the machine's right arm jerked up and grabbed the approaching metal whip, letting it lash against the hand as if it was nothing. The Angel had only a second to react before the Eva pulled hard, and to the shock of all those within the control room the whip came tearing free of the Angel, the Eva discarding the strip of metal carelessly, its eyes turning a brilliant green as it stood once again. "T-the Eva has reactivated!" shouted Maya, her eyes turning towards her console and then widening. "Synch ratio is at 100%! There's no input from the cockpit!" Everyone found themselves riveted to the display as the Eva reached forward with its damaged hand, the injured flesh bubbling outward for a moment before new fingers burst free and grabbed the Angel's other whip, stunning the beast into stasis as the purple golem's jaws tore themselves open. A monstrous roar echoed through the Geo-Front, but Misato's eyes widened as she realized she recognized the voice, that it wasn't simply a bestial growl. "That's Neil voice," she gasped, gaping as the Eva ripped out the other whip and took it in its hand, forcing the metal into a makeshift spear before leaping at the Angel. "It's lower, but that's Neil's voice!" The Angel fell backwards as Neil slamed into it, saliva dripping from the metallic jaws of the Eva, the slitted eyes glowing a brilliant green as the machine slammed its makeshift weapon underneath the Angel's face. What had seemed before to be a leering grin now seemed like a scream of terror as the purple Eva ripped the spear free, then jammed its hand in the hole it had torn, letting its fingers force underneath the bony face. A horrendous ripping noise filled the air, the Eva tore off the beast's face, blood spurting up and coating the purple machine, a grin seeming to creep across the Eva's face as it tossed the face aside. Seconds passed in relative silence, the Eva simply regarding its opponent, the light within the red core beginning to flicker out. Then the Eva leaned forward, and the gigantic jaws began to tear out the flesh of the Angel, the gargantuan mouth taking huge bites out of the fallen beast as the core dimmed to solid black. Misato could hear Maya vomiting behind her as the Eva happily devoured the Angel, blood washing over its purple faceplate, drawing up only briefly every few seconds as if for breath. After what seemed like an eternity of its feast, the Eva reared back anew, then roared loudly, the voice sounding even more like Neil's as the Eva tilted its head back. Blood dribbled down from its would-be lips, then something surged in its back where the power coupling normally went, the armor around it sloughing off like so much dead skin. "It's repairing itself," gasped Ritsuko, and Misato turned to see the woman staring in what looked to be a mixture of surprise and joy. "He's regenerated his S2 organ. He's recovering on his own." "What are you talking about?" asked Misato, turning back towards Ritsuko fully, her eyes only briefly flicking back to the roaring Eva on the screen. "Do you mean Neil?" Ritsuko smiled in a sort of distant fashion, disturbingly similar to Gendou's smiles. "You know that the Evas are clones of the first Angel," she said, her eyes fixed firmly on the beast on the screen. "But that's not entirely true. We needed some way of keeping the original, and we needed to make sure that it was under control... and we already knew how to bend the First Angel to our will." "You mean..." Misato's eyes hesitantly turned towards the screen, the Eva roaring at nothing, a cold breeze wafting through the shattered husk of Central Dogma. She had always discounted Neil's talk of the Eva having a mind of its own, but as she stared at the beast on the screen she realized that it was the same beast that had helped kill her father, the source of the single event in her life that had haunted her nightmares. "Neil's inside the First Angel," she gasped, eyes focused on the blood-stained monster as it finally returned to a standing position, the implications whirling in her mind as she stared at the flashing green eyes of her savior and her would-be destroyer. ]++[ Outro: Neon Epoch Evangelion is based off of -Shin Seiki Evangelion- by GAINAX and company. It is not intended to be a straightforward fanfic, but it is building off the work of others, and as such it is done with the utmost respect for the original works and their authors. Basically, even though this is an original work, it's based off the work of others, and if you read this, you should go to see the original. Special thanks to all of the real Children - you know who you are. Extra special thanks to Joe Augulis for his consultation on the Japanese portions of the story. He might not know much Japanese, but that's more than I know. Copyright 2002 Eliot Lefebvre. NEXT EPISODE: Far away lies the loved one. Far away lies the hated one. Far away lies the conflict. NEON EPOCH EVANGELION 19: MAKING PEACE WITH DISTANCE "What's lying underneath your words? What are you -really-?" ]++[ We only have a little time in our lives to waste. Make the most of it. Electronic Transcendence Productions: Producer of, um, stuff for an unspecified time-period. Rants: