From: (Eliot Lefebvre) Subject: [Eva][FanFic] Neon Epoch Evangelion: Episode 22 X-Original-Date: 20 Jan 2003 08:51:56 -0800 You -spray- pre-story warnings! It's what you do!: This fanfic is an original take on GAINAX's "Shin Seiki Evangelion." It contains alternative characters, plots, and a different overriding internal logic. It is intended, from the beginning, to be different. This includes different Children and different histories. In short: if the mere thought of someone other than Shinji in the cockpit of EVA-01 makes you queasy, you are in -entirely- the wrong place. Any and all flames stemming from this alteration will be mocked mercilessly. You have been warned. There's something profound about turning twenty years old, I suppose. There'd be something more profound if I was posting Episode 20 at this point, but I'm not, and at any rate I hardly feel "equipped" for being this old. Especially since I still laugh periodically at the word "titmouse." But, anyways, you didn't come here to listen to my not-yet-mid-life- crisis, you came here to read about people getting the crap end of the deal of life. Happy to oblige. ]++[ ]+ ELECTRONIC TRANSCENDENCE PRODUCTIONS +[ presents ]+ NEON EPOCH +[ ]+ E V A N G E L I O N +[ ]+ EPISODE 22: CRUCIFIX OF HEARTS +[ By Eliot "Lostfactor" Lefebvre Based off of "Shin Seiki Evangelion" by GAINAX ]++[ We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong. - LUKE 23:10 ]++[ Somehow, the simple absence of one of the Children made the entire testing room seem more empty, even though it was the first time that Misato could remember in recent history, with almost all of the Children testing at once. The simple sight of the five entry plugs in the chamber should have been enough to offset any of her feelings of loneliness, but as she stared at the plugs, numbers bold across the entry hatch, she couldn't help but be painfully aware of the lack of Niobe. "How much longer is it going to take?" she asked Ritsuko, briefly flicking her eyes towards the blonde woman. "I don't know," replied Ritsuko, her eyes fixed on Maya's console, not bothering to deviate for even a second. "We've still got a lapse in data from the stunt you pulled last week. So I have to at least finish putting together enough information for Nieve and Neil to make up for the gap, and then I can start dealing with the rest of the Children." She paused. "Or are you going to object to that, too?" Misato felt her fists clenching tightly, her pulse quickening slightly as she stared at the other woman. There had been an obvious tension between the two of them since the incident with the Fifteenth Angel, as though the veneer of civility had disappeared from Misato at just the right time. It was simultaneously a liberating experience and an irritation - while Misato had little interest in the continued emotional fencing between her and Ritsuko over Kaji, she couldn't say that she was enjoying the new dynamic any more. "Despite what you might think, Ritsuko, we have an obligation to these children," Misato sighed, forcing herself to remain calm. Ritsuko glanced back towards Misato momentarily, then flicked her eyes back towards Maya's display, apparently unconcerned with the other woman's statement. "Nieve's ratio is the only one that hasn't fallen at all since recent events," she noted, speaking to Maya and not Misato. "Even Ryo seems to have tapered off a little." "He's been going down to visit Niobe daily," offered Misato, taking a step forward, finally drawing some attention from Ritsuko as she spoke. "I imagine that he's taken the loss of his roommate rather hard, considering how little he sees of others. Especially the circumstances under which -" "That's a minor detail," replied Ritsuko sharply, turning immediately back towards the testing booth, her white lab coat swishing about her ankles. "Much as it might be nice to worry about Ryo's emotional problems, we have to be more concerned about the reality of the situation. Our pilots are in a downward spiral, and that doesn't bode well for our long-term goals." She paused briefly, staring at the booth before glancing towards Maya once again. "You don't suppose we could try manually increasing the synch ratio and hoping to minimize the feedback?" "You've got to be kidding." Misato stepped forward and forced her heel down firmly, letting the point click hard against the metal floor and drawing Ritsuko's attention just as Maya opened her mouth to speak. The expression on the blonde woman's face left Misato with little doubt that the woman was fully serious, but she allowed her the benefit of the doubt. "Look at what just happened to Niobe, Ritsuko. We can't force these children into that sort of situation in good conscience." "And what of our obligation to be the adults here?" hissed Ritsuko, lowering her voice even as she took a step closer to Misato. Her eyes were flashing with something Misato couldn't quite place, somewhere between anger and simple resentment. "I don't like the thought of it either. But what's important isn't being kind to them, whether we like it or not. If push comes to shove, our first priority is to destroy the Angels, you know that." "Our priorities are -wrong-," snarled Misato, the old doubts flaring in the back of her mind and springing to life. "I've been hearing that since the first time we deployed EVA-01, and it's not -right-. If we can't take care of six teenagers, how the hell can we be expected to take care of the entire planet?" Ritsuko's jaw clenched more tightly, and the other woman forced herself to look away for a moment before stepping closer to Misato and staring her directly in the eye. "Even if our priorities are wrong, we don't have any choices. You should know that, -Major- Katsuragi - this is a military organization at its core. Our responsibility has to be saving as many people as we can. If six children have to die in order to save three billion others, that's an acceptable loss." She paused. "And if you're not willing to make that decision, perhaps it's time you considered another line of work." "What the -hell- has happened to you, Ritsuko?" snapped Misato, stepping closer herself and staring her former best friend in the eye as well, feeling anger build up in her chest. "You're using people as if they were nothing but machines, and you don't seem to care about it. Every time you talked about your mother, this is what you said that you hated about her, and now you're -" "-Don't-," snapped Ritsuko, her right hand jerking up and her index finger pushing hard against Misato's nose. There was only anger flashing in her eyes now, no traces of anything else. "Don't you dare finish that sentence. You have -no- right to talk about me or my mother." She paused, then turned away from Misato, coat and hair swishing gently. "Just like you don't have any right to talk about Kaji." Misato frowned for a moment, then reached out and grabbed Ritsuko's shoulder, yanking the other woman back towards her, a more physical gesture than she was accustomed to making. "That's where you're wrong, Dr. Akagi," she snapped, forcing herself into Ritsuko's face, distantly aware of the pensive look taking hold on Maya's face. "I was with Kaji a lot longer than you have been, and I know more about him than you ever could." "That's what you convinced yourself," snapped Ritsuko, yanking her shoulder away from the other woman with a scowl, straightening her lab coat with a quick tug. "You thought you knew a lot more about him than you actually did. But if you knew the first thing about him, it wouldn't be you alone right now." Glaring, Ritsuko took a step backwards, her gaze still locked on Misato. "Not like you could get him back now if you tried." "I don't -want- him back," snapped Misato right back, taking a step forward to counter the other woman's movement, her anger drawing her along. "I just don't want -you- to have him. You don't have any right, Ritsuko, after the relationship he and I had. We were lovers back then, you know that better than anybody." "You were the only one in love, Misato," Ritsuko said coldly, folding her arms across her chest and letting her blue-gray eyes shimmer underneath the humming fluorescent lights above them. "You want to know what Kaji was going to tell you the day that you left him? He was going to say that he was leaving, that he didn't want to lie to you any longer." She paused, seeming to take some small pleasure in the pain written across her friend's face. "He was only staying with you out of pity, not any kind of genuine love. Once his obligations were finished, he didn't have any interest in you." Before Misato even knew it, her hand was flying along a path of its own, striking across Ritsuko's cheek hard and filling the air with the snapping noise of a slap. There was a momentary pause, the world seeming to slow down to a crawl as Ritsuko's head recoiled, red blossoming along her cheek, her expression returning to the icy and disapproving gaze that Misato had grown accustomed to. Then, shaking her head, Misato turned and stepped away from Ritsuko, her jaw set in a hard line, hand rippling with the sting of the contact with the other woman. Ritsuko watched Misato leave, then raised one hand and gingerly touched the spot where she had been slapped, as though she was afraid it was bleeding. "Ma'am?" Maya's voice sounded worried, and Ritsuko only lingered for a moment longer before turning towards the younger woman, taking in the nervous position of her body. "Are... are you all right? Is there something I should know about?" "No," replied Ritsuko, forcing herself to take a deep breath as she stepped over towards the testing booth once again. "Just me letting my emotions get the better of me once again." She paused for a moment, flicking her eyes towards the booth, then turning back towards Maya reluctantly. "Though between the two of us, we'll need to keep an eye on Misato. I'm starting to wonder whether or not she's fit for her position any longer." ]++[ "You shouldn't be in here." It was a simple statement, enough to rattle Kaji ever so slightly as he leaned back in his chair, a minor look of surprise sweeping over his face as he leaned back and stared at the entering subcommander. Kozou had no doubt that the man took the warning as hollow, but he still felt a vague obligation to say it, to make it clear that he did understand full well what Kaji was doing. "The security room is no place for the head of the Intelligence department." "I disagree. I consider this gathering intelligence." Kaji paused, then glanced back towards the wall of television monitors in front of him, each one conveniently labeled in regards to where the security camera was located. It was dizzying, seeing all of the images flashing at once, but Kaji seemed unaffected, sitting in the chair in front of the screens and leaning back, his legs just beneath the control console for the room. "There's an awful lot to be found out in this building, you know, and a lot of it isn't hidden too well. Or at least, not so well that the security system doesn't look over it." Kozou shook his head, then stepped fully into the room, letting the darkness encase him as the teal-gray metal doors slid shut behind him. The only light in the room came from the cameras and the flashing indicators on the console, a way to keep the room as free of distractions as possible. "How did you even get in here, anyways?" he asked, casting his eyes about the multitude of screens. "I didn't see any damage with the key lock, and I know you don't have the authority on your entry card." The younger man didn't reply for a moment, then tilted his head back towards his elder and smiled broadly. "A girl has to keep some secrets," he offered, drumming his fingers idly along the arm of the chair before looking back towards the monitor. "So, what are you going to do to me today, Commander Fuyutsuki? Heck, for that matter, how did you even know that I was in here?" "You think that we don't have failsafe monitors on this room?" asked Kozou, sounding just the slightest bit incredulous as he stepped over to the younger man's chair, letting himself take in the displays around him. "This was really a more reckless move than I would have expected of you, Ryoji. We've got this room under close surveillance, you have to know that. And you knew that we'd notice the second you entered it." "I'm getting bold," replied Kaji lightly, leaning forward in his chair and looking more closely at one of the monitors, apparently unconcerned by the implications Kozou was making. "Besides, you've said it yourself, you think that NERV has a leak to SEELE. I'm doing my best to monitor the situation and find out who it might be." He paused, then smirked. "Not that NERV has anything to hide." "We both know that's not the truth, Kaji. Who are you trying to convince?" The elder man sighed, looking towards the monitor that looked into the synch testing room, distantly aware of the fact that Misato should have been there. "And you shouldn't take this so lightly. I find you out because I know more about this than you do. My patience is nearing its end. Can't you accept the idea that NERV is benevolent?" "Not really, no," replied Kaji, turning towards the elder man fully, his hands planted firmly behind his head as he stared up. "If it was, it really wouldn't have anything to hide. I wouldn't be finding such interesting little secrets when I dig through old records, just financial information and other things that any organization would keep secret." Sighing, Kozou shook his head, feeling as though he was in a confessional despite the circumstances. "Being a benevolent organization doesn't mean that everyone will agree with your methods," he offered, knowing that he was saying more than he should but also knowing that he wasn't saying anything Kaji didn't already know. "Sometimes, people need to have the truth obscured from them for their own good. That's what differentiates leaders and visionaries from others." Kaji chuckled, sounding more bitter than anything else. "Sounds to me as though you're trying to justify yourself," he said, turning back towards the monitors and leaning back, seemingly unfazed by the tack of the conversation. "Leaders who have something to hide from the public usually have a different idea of what's good for them than the majority. They either make people afraid to question their goals, or they keep them hidden so that nobody can question them. Don't you think people know what is and isn't good for them?" "People just want to stay the same," replied Kozou, shaking his head and grabbing the back of Kaji's chair, forcing the younger man to turn and face him. The motion obviously shocked Kaji, something that gave Kozou some mild satisfaction. "They don't realize that this is a time of change, that someone is needed to guide the changes in the most beneficial direction." He paused, staring the younger man in the eye for a moment before glancing back towards the display of the synch booth. "Ritsuko's more than aware of everything that goes on here, things I'm certain you haven't found out. Does that bother you?" "Not particularly," replied Kaji, letting his gaze follow Kozou's, his eyes resting on the glass monitor and growing slightly wistful. "What's going on between her and Misato bothers me more. I wish this room got some kind of audio feed from the room, something to let me know what they had been arguing about." He paused, biting his lower lip gently. "They were great friends in college. Nothing could come between them." "Obviously -you- could," replied Kozou, a hint of bitterness creeping into his voice even as Kaji looked towards him in surprise. The elder man only glanced briefly towards the younger man, shaking his head. "Come on, Kaji, do you honestly not realize what they're arguing about? Or have you been so busy trying to undermine NERV's ultimate goals that you simply haven't noticed the tension between the two of them?" "I was being optimistic," replied Kaji, shaking his head gently as he stared at the main screen. He was taking the situation seriously, that much Kozou could tell from the expression on his face, but exactly what he was thinking was hidden. "I don't like the thought of doing something to the two of them... but I hardly have a choice in the matter." "Explain that," replied Kozou firmly, distantly aware that his voice was growing more angry. "You decided to begin a relationship with Ritsuko when you arrived, not the other way around. Whatever you believe, I'm certain that you couldn't have imagined that would have a positive effect on their relationship with one another. How could you not call that your own fault?" Kaji didn't reply immediately, instead letting his eyes fall back towards the display of the testing room, a vaguely wistful look in his eyes. "It's for their own good," he said at length, only flicking his eyes towards Kozou for a second as if to see the elder man's reaction to his prodding. "Even if they don't realize it." "You're too hold to be acting like this," snapped Kozou, his patience beginning to wear thin. "And I don't have interest in playing verbal fencing games with you, especially not right now. Those women are in this state because of your actions, and you need to take responsibility for that." "What makes you think I -don't-?" asked Kaji, his expression unchanging as he stood from his seat, standing nearly level with Dr. Fuyutsuki in height. "I take responsibility for all of my actions, Kozou. Even the ones where I don't like the consequences." He paused, letting his words sink in. "What isn't NERV admitting responsibility for, doctor? For that matter, what was it that made you decide to stop trying to find that out yourself, made you decide that you were going to join the organization you'd spent so much time investigating?" A dry lump formed in Kozou's throat, and he kept his eyes fixed on the monitor that looked into the synch testing chamber. "I found out what was being kept secret," replied Kozou flatly. "Just because I was investigating didn't mean that I wanted to tear the organization down, Ryoji. I only wanted to know what I wasn't being told." "I don't believe that for a second," replied Kaji flatly, drawing a sharp stare from Kozou. "Here's what I think happened. I know full well that SEELE contacted you after the Second Impact, and that's when you pieced together enough about the research being performed at the site to know that there was something far more interesting than a meteor impact going on. Except you also knew something more important than anyone else who was curious about the site - you knew Yui and Gendou Ikari, two of the head researchers. And that gave you the momentum to start looking into what the heck Gehirn was doing in the first place." He paused. "But when you confronted your old student Yui -" "Enough," snapped Kozou, stepping between Kaji and the monitors, brown eyes flashing with anger in a way that he couldn't remember happening for years. He was almost always within complete control of his emotions, but something in Kaji's words had tipped him over the edge to anger. "This room is off-limits to you, Ryoji. Leave now, or I'll contact NERV's security personnel, and we can see if they'll be as lenient as I've been with your activities." The two men stared at one another for a moment, as though they were feeling each other out, testing to see which would break first. It was an uncomfortable situation for Kozou, something he could never remember being good at coupled with the fact that he was already nervous about what Kaji might be planning. After a moment, Kaji simply shook his head, turning and stepping slowly towards the exit. "All right, doctor," he said calmly. "No more for today." "No more. Period." Something in the elder man's voice convinced Kaji to turn back around and look at Fuyutsuki, a minor courtesy he was grateful for. "I'm not going to allow this any longer. Enough is enough. The next time that I catch you doing something that you're not supposed to, you'll be called on it." He paused. "I've tried warning you, but you haven't listened. Call this your final warning." Kaji glanced towards the door again, then back at Fuyutsuki, as though he was weighing his option. "This really means that much to you, does it?" he asked, sounding genuine as he took a step back towards the elder man. "I'd thought that you considered me something of a comrade. But protecting NERV comes first?" "For your own good." The words felt awkward coming out of his mouth, a sensation he didn't like in the least, having long assumed that periods of awkward words and self-doubt lay in his distant past. He knew that at his age he was supposed to have a handle on his situation, that he shouldn't be second-guessing himself and his words. "I can't trust what you'd do if you knew everything, Kaji. There's too much risk involved in that. If you're going to keep trying to tear down this organization, I won't protect you." He paused. "And while you're at it, stop playing around with Ritsuko and Misato. They're people, not tools." "So is everyone on this planet," replied Kaji gravely, turning on his heel and heading for the door. The was an oddly resigned expression on his face, as though he intended not to give up so much as simply ensure Fuyutsuki didn't find out what he was doing. "Keep that in mind, professor. You have no more right to play with the lives of the planet than I do." The doors slid open and shut behind Kaji, and Fuyutsuki forced himself to take a deep breath, trying to calm himself down and remind himself that he was doing the right thing. It was an awkward feeling, the doubt coursing through his mind as he gazed back at the display of the testing room, his mind gently toying with the idea of whether Kaji was right or not. ]++[ Eiko Suzuhara was feeling just the slightest bit out of step with her world. That, in and of itself, was nothing particularly unusual to her, having felt as though she'd missed something important ever since Neil's cataclysmic battle with the Thirteenth Angel. It was a different feeling now, though, a sort of creeping discomfort in her gut as she stared at the half-filled glass in front of her, the sound of laughter echoing from the tables nearby, eyes taking in unfocused images of the rest of the restaurant. "Wonder what's taking Vash so long," she muttered to herself, idly running a finger along the rim of her glass. Sighing, the girl let herself shift her gaze about the room, taking in the deep brown furniture and the dim romantic lighting, the slow movements of the fan on the ceiling keeping the place just cool enough as waiters bustled about in perfectly pressed black and white suits. There had been a time when she would have laughed at them for being so caught up in their appearance, but she couldn't figure out whether or not she was so disgusted with them or not. It was a dicomforting thought that she hadn't even intended to have, and casting her eyes back towards the direction of the restroom she tried to push it back out of her head. It hadn't been a good day, even with the fact that Vash had finally lived up to his word and taken her out to someplace nicer than the arcade for dinner. The worst part, though, was the fact that she couldn't put a finger on what it was that was bugging her, what the strange melancholy seeping through her body had come from. It had been permeating everything she did for weeks now, and it irritated her in the back of her mind that it had been Nieve who had noticed it first. Taking a sip of her drink, Eiko let her eyes flicker to the smooth tan pattern running across the ceiling, memory playing the quick exchange between her and the other girl inside the locker room. It had been sudden and unexpected, the other girl pulling her aside just as she was about to leave. "Hey, Eiko, can I ask you something?" she'd asked, her head cocking slightly to one side, red hair falling along the shoulder of her half-buttoned blouse. At the time, Eiko hadn't thought anything of it. "Sure, go ahead," she'd replied, happy to have someone to talk to in the wake of Hikari's impending departure. "What's going on? Was something wrong with your Eva?" "Um, not exactly." Nieve's voice had gone oddly quiet at that moment, the first sign to Eiko that something odd was going on. "Eiko... you're not attracted to Neil at all, are you?" She'd paused then, letting her head roll back slightly, the fluorescent light reflecting into her emerald eyes, an oddly derisive gesture. "I mean, I know the two of you are friends, but... that's all, right?" Exhaling sharply, Eiko shook her head, breaking from her memory for the barest moment, letting herself trace her finger along the rim of the glass as she glanced towards the men's room again, wishing that Vash would return to the table. "She didn't have any right to ask me that," she muttered to herself, letting her fingers move down and drum against the side of the glass, small beads of moisture splattering against her skin. She'd said nothing that sharp at the time, however, and while part of her wished that she had part of her was glad that she hadn't been rude. "We're just friends," she'd said, turning somewhat sharply away from Nieve, her musceles tensing slightly as she felt a red flush seep into her cheeks. "Nothing more than that. Good friends, I'll admit, but that doesn't mean anything." "Right." There had been a tension in the other girl's voice just then, something that Eiko couldn't quite place even as she thought back to it, as though Nieve had seen through Eiko's own doubts on the matter. "Sorry. Just needed to ask." She paused. "I guess it's just because of how lonely this place is now, without Niobe. It was empty enough with only the three of us." "Yeah," muttered Eiko, letting her eyes drift closed momentarily as she tapped her fingers against the glass once again, trying to figure out why the conversation had bothered her so intensely. She knew that it was irrational, that all she'd done was answer a question honestly, but something in the back of her mind wouldn't stop nagging her about the fact that she'd answered it honestly, as though she was lying to herself simply by saying so. Her eyes flicked back towards the men's room idly, and she'd grown so accustomed to not seeing Vash that it took her a moment to fully realize that he was walking towards her. "Hey," she said, trying to sound calm as she straightened her body out in her seat, trying to look proper as best she could. "Nothing yet. We always know what we want as soon as we come..." "...and that frightens the waiters away," Vash finished, smirking towards the girl as he sat down, his blonde hair swishing about his chin. It was a disturbing change that she'd noticed in the boy, the way that he'd stopped caring at all about his hair and his appearance, a change that had only grown more marked with time. She could see the black roots of his hair clearly now, poking out between the dyed-blonde strands. "But that's okay. I'm in no hurry, especially considering how much homework we've got." The remark would have made Eiko laugh under normal circumstances, but with the doubts riddling her mind she simply tilted her head forward and managed a weak smile. "Everyone's moving away," she sighed. "Hikari's mother is moving within a week, now, and Mom and Dad want to take Toji and move out to the fringe of Tokyo-3. I've told them that it's not going to be any better out there, that the Evas would have more trouble getting out there, but..." "I know. Dad's the only one in the city that doesn't seem to be worried." Vash sighed, letting his blue eyes trace across the table for a moment, something hidden beneath his eyes by the dim light of the restaurant. It was gone in an instant, but Eiko knew that it had been there, knew that she would have to figure out what it was sooner or later. "But, then, it's not like his habits would change anyways. Unless the Angels crush all the liquor stores." "At least you can -talk- to your parents," replied Eiko, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. "I mean, I even try to explain to Mom and Dad that they wouldn't be any safer on the outskirts, and..." She paused, realizing that the boy was looking noticably less comfortable with the new topic of conversation. "I'm sorry." "Don't worry. It wasn't intentional, I know it." He sighed, shaking his head, right hand snaking forth and grabbing his fork to tap it gently against the dull brown table. "I just wish that Mom was still around. She'd be able to talk some sense into the man." Another sigh, and Vash let his eyes rest on Eiko once again, seemingly finished with his melancholy on the surface. "Enough of that. How did your day go?" "Okay, I suppose. After testing I finally found that nifty little B- net client that you'd been talking about, then I spent a little time online, got a bit of sketching done, nothing too major." She paused, momentarily debating whether or not to talk about her conversation with Nieve, knowing that she shouldn't have anything to worry about but still feeling slightly nervous. "And I had a kind of weird talk with Nieve today, after testing." Vash's fingers slipped ever so slightly, and the fork clattered out of his fingers unexpectedly, drawing Eiko's gaze towards it momentarily before she snapped her eyes back towards the boy. "Oh," he said, sounding as though he was holding something back but at the same time sounding more normal than Eiko could remember him sounding for some time. "What was it about? Evangelion troubles? Woman troubles?" "I'm not exactly sure," replied Eiko, shaking her head weakly, eyes glancing about the room and wishing that she could see some sign of their waiter, already regretting the direction she'd steered the conversation in. "But she asked me if I was attracted to Neil or not. That was the part that really threw me." Glancing towards Vash quickly, Eiko expected some reaction from the boy, and was rather surprised to simply see a blank expression on the boy's face. He had recovered the fork, letting the thin metal drum lightly against the table, and after watching him for a moment Eiko shook her head and returned to scanning the building for their waiter, glad that the conversation had cut itself off. "Are you?" The question sent a shock down Eiko's spine, all of her muscles tensing in unison as she stared at Vash in surprise. He seemed unidistressed, his voice calm and measured, eye focused on Eiko as he let his fork fall rythmically against the table in smooth motions. "It's not a hard question. Are you?" "You... I... of course not!" Eiko could feel her cheeks seeping full of a burning red flush, her own inability to make a decision about her feelings gnawing at her gut along with hunger. "Vash, I'm with -you-, not Neil. Doesn't that say something to you? Something important?" "It says to me that you're dodging the question," replied Vash, setting his fork down gently and taking a quick sip of his own drink, something hiding within his eyes that Eiko couldn't quite put a name on. "Hon, I'm not asking you if you're dating him or something. I'm just asking you whether or not you're attracted to him or not. It's a simple question." He paused, setting his drink down and staring intently at the girl, arms folding on the table in front of him. "So... are you attracted to Neil or not? What did you say to Nieve?" "I said..." Eiko paused, biting her lower lip gently, knowing what the correct answer was and not wanting to answer the question at all. She had no idea what Vash was looking for, not the slightest clue what he was trying to find out, but most confusing of all was the fact that he didn't look the slightest bit rattled by the prospect of her saying yes. It threw her more than she'd expected, and in the back of her mind she let the concept kick around while she turned back to the situation at hand. "Where is this coming from?" "You brought it up," he replied with a shrug, letting himself lean back slightly in his chair, head tilting back and staring at the ceiling. "You said that Nieve had asked you the question, so I was curious about what your answer had been. Nothing more, nothing less." He paused, then tilted his head forward as the rest of his body remain leaning, an oddly relaxed appearance for the boy. "Why don't you want to answer the question?" "Because it's not the sort of thing that you usually ask," replied Eiko, tone sharper than before, a note of concern managing to slide in. "Because you're acting odd about this, because usually you'd go nuts at the simple concept of me being attracted to Neil." She paused, cocking her head slightly to one side. "Is something wrong, hon? Is this connected to why you haven't dyed your hair again?" Vash's eyes widened noticably, and one hand raised to the side of his head, touching against the thin blonde hairs. "Oh. This." He shrugged, letting his arm drift back down. "Not really. It's just not the way that my hair looks, you know that. Back before I saw Trigun, I had black hair. I barely even remember why I spent all that time dying and styling it in the first place." He paused, then smirked weakly at her, something obviously gnawing at him from behind the grin. "You always said that it was the hair that got you, though. That if I hadn't changed it, you might not have started dating me." Eiko managed a nervous smile, but she knew that the boy was glossing over the issue, that something far more fundamental was wrong. "You've been keeping your hair that way for years now, though," she sighed, shaking her head. "Hon, what's going on? Why do you care about some stupid question Nieve asked me out of the blue, something I shouldn't have evene told you about?" "I'm curious," replied Vash with a shrug, tilting his head back towards the ceiling, dim light still managing to filter through the remaining blonde strands of his hair. "It's a question that I want the answer to anyways." He sighed, then shook his head gently. "Besides, there's nothing that I can do about it either way. You're attracted to who you're attracted to, even if it isn't me." "What are you -talking- about?" asked Eiko, beginning to grow visibly more distraught as she stared at the boy across from her, wishing that he would turn his face towards her. She had no way of knowing what he was expecting or wanting from her, knew only that she was nervous. "Come on. You're really starting to scare me." "Sorry," replied the boy weakly, letting his eyes flutter shut for a moment before slowly leaning back towards Eiko, elbows resting on the table. "I guess I've just been thinking about it a lot, ever since my little duel with Neil, the way that he managed to take me out even with me trying my hardest." He sighed. "Remember how much I said that I was going to fix NERV? How I bragged all that first day that I was going to show all those slackers what it meant to pilot an Eva?" Again, Eiko smiled weakly, but Vash didn't seem to notice, lost in his own words and recollection. "Thing is, Neil's not a slacker. He's done everything right in his Eva... even when he almost killed me, he was doing the right thing for the situation, making certain that the Angel was destroyed. We would all be dead several times over if it wasn't for the way that he piloted that machine." He paused. "I guess... I can see why you were attracted to him in the first place. I don't blame you. I'm even a little upset with myself for not seeing it sooner." "Vash..." Eiko's voice trembled and cracked slightly, her nervousness increasing with each word out of the boy's mouth, something inexplicably damning about them. She wanted to reach over the table and grasp him, to make him feel better, but part of her couldn't help but agree with him, that there was something inescapably attractive about Neil. Torn between two emotions that both seemed oddly foreign to her, she could only shake and hang her head, her hands clenching gently. "Vash." "Forget I mentioned it," replied the boy, shaking his head again as he stared off into the distance, a feeling Eiko couldn't quite place lingering behind his eyes. She had never understood her relationship with Vash perfectly, but the situation only seemed to have made things more complicated. One hand closed around the fork, and she found herself wishing for her sketchpad, for some means of exerting reason on the world before her eyes. ]++[ Misato Katsuragi was crying. She knew that, and she hated the fact that she was being so weak about the situation, that a simple remark designed to sting from Ritsuko had worked so successfully. She took some solace in the fact that her tears were weak, simple minor droplets of water rolling down against her tanned cheek like miniature marbles, her brown eyes half-closed as she walked through the hallways of NERV. On an ordinary day, she would have expected to see more technicians and other employees crowing the streets, something other than the conspicious lack of other human beings. But she knew that she would have the hallway mostly to herself, especially in light of the increasing turnover rate for NERV, the sharp increase in the number of employees resigning from the agency. It was something that she knew she was supposed to be managing on some level, but trying to stop the flow of people out of Tokyo-3 seemed a task akin to turning back the tide. "They don't trust us," she muttered, trying to distract herself with thoughts of the city, fluorescent light going blurry in the tear- filled view of her eyes. "They're probably right, too. We haven't been doing a banner job of keeping the city safe." Biting her lower lip, Misato found herself thinking of the fact that all of the work she was protecting was directly related to her father's research. And her father always made her think of Kaji, of everything she loved and hated about the man, of the harsh words that Ritsuko had uttered. "I don't want him back," she snarled, shaking her head, trying to ignore the tears falling and splattering against the teal- gray floor. "If my father had been alive to meet him, they would have loved each other like brothers. That's reason enough not to want him. Ritsuko doesn't know what she's signing on to." The pressure on her lip increased, her thoughts whirling as she stepped around a corner almost blindly, heels clicking against the metal surface of the floor beneath her feet. She knew that she was right, that her father was a horrible man, but something in her didn't want to believe it, kept her flashing back to the horrible night of the Second Impact, the way that her father had shoved her away from the explosion with no thought for himself. "He just hurt Mom more that way, though. He just let her fare for herself without any concern for what it would be like." She sniffed slightly, the tears beginning to come with more force. "He always was a horrible person like that." She forced herself to take a deep breath, forcing the heavy air down into her lungs, her hands trembling slightly as she resolved to make her way back to her office, knowing that she was lost in the maze of Central Dogma with little hope of extraction. Thinking about her father always made her equal parts angry and confused, struggling to understand the last act that he had taken even, what the look on his face had meant as she shot out of his life and light consumed him. It was better not to think about, and she knew that - a problem without an answer, something she couldn't begin to work through. "You look distraught." Kaji's voice cut through Misato's other thoughts, and she found herself spinning to see the man standing behind her, hands jammed in his pockets as usual, a weak smile on his face. "Poor time for it, too. There's so much left to be done in the day, and so little time with which to do it. Want to talk about it at all?" "Not with you," snapped Misato, squeezing the tears out of her eyes as best she could, glancing back and forth around the hallway, trying to figure out which way would lead to her office and utterly unable to guess. "What in the world are you doing here, anyways? Your office is three floors down..." She frowned, trying to get some sense of her location. "Or up. One or the other. It's not here." "When am I ever in my office?" asked Kaji with a smirk, taking a step towards Misato and extending a hand towards her. She hesitated for a moment, then slapped him away, an act that only seem to surprise him for a moment. "Come on. Talk to me." He paused. "Are you lost again?" "I've got nothing to say to you," Misato snarled back, inwardly wishing that Kaji wasn't himself, wanting very badly to break down and ask for directions. She was lost, and she knew that, but she didn't want to have to deal with admitting that, not as she was trying her damndest to remind herself that she didn't need Kaji's help. "I'll find my way back sooner or later. Anyways, get back to wherever the hell you crawled out of." "Don't think that Dr. Fuyutsuki would let me back into the security room, frankly," replied Kaji, his words almost falling on deaf ears as Misato tried to think of where she was. Then the implications hit her, and slowly she moved her eyes back towards the man, letting herself take in his expression and stance, trying to figure out if he was being sarcastic or not. "He was rather irritated that I was there in the first place. Don't think he's figured out how I managed it, but that's okay - I'll probably let him know sooner or later, just so he doesn't lose sleep over it." "The security room," Misato repeated, drawing a nod from Kaji as she flicked her eyes around the hallway. They were alone, without any onlookers - as far as she knew, there weren't even any cameras in the corridor. "You... you aren't supposed to be in there." She paused, biting her lower lip once again, unsure of whether or not to ask the question on her mind. "Did you see... in the testing room?" "Yep. Nice follow-through on that slap. That would sting." He paused, then managed a smirk, cocking his head slightly to one side. "Were you looking for comments on your form?" He paused, then took a step towards the woman, something hiding behind his deep blue eyes that Misato couldn't quite place. "What were you two arguing about, anyways? There's no sound feed into the rooms, so -" "I need you to tell me something, Ryoji," Misato said, making her tone as grave as she could, letting the man know that she was entirely serious as she forced herself not to cry. As much as she wanted to hate him, it was difficult when he was standing before her, his eyes taking her in and his body uncomfortably close. "Ritsuko said... she said that you never cared about me. And you told me that there was something you wanted to tell me, the day that I left." She paused, taking a deep breath, feeling the air rushing into her lungs. "Was that what you were going to tell me? That you weren't in love with me, you didn't care about me?" Something flickered across Kaji's face, a sort of awkward guilt that Misato had never seen, a stark deviation from his usual air of confidence. It only lasted for a second, however, replaced quickly by a morose frown, eyes downcast slightly as he took a step backwards. "Yes," he replied, his hands finally leaving his pockets, straightening his body up to its full height. "I didn't want to tell you now, because I knew that you'd only be angry, and I knew you didn't need me to dredge old things up again. But if you hadn't left, I was going to." Misato felt herself beginning to brim with tears, the thought hurting even though she'd made the decision to leave Kaji years before, a quiet voice inside her head reminding her that she didn't want him back. "Why did you stay, then?" she asked quietly, her hands tugging her skirt down, body feeling unnaturally exposed. "Pity," Kaji replied, hands hovering awkwardly by the sides of his body, as if they were unsure of what to do without the comforting womb of his pockets. "I felt sorry for you, for the life that you'd had to lead after the Second Impact. It wasn't as though I didn't like you, but I thought that you were in love with me, and I simply didn't feel the same." He shrugged. "To be honest, it was almost a relief when you left - I hadn't wanted to break your heart or anything. You're a great woman, Misato. I just don't feel that way about you, and I couln't bring myself to say that." Kaji's arm raised and grabbed the woman's wrist a few inches short of his cheek, the same sort of resigned sadness written across his face. Misato didn't care, her emotions thrown into a tumult, tears beginning to force themselves forward despite her best efforts. "So that's what you think," she snarled, tugging her arm back, forcing herself not to cry. "You're wrong, you know. I was never in love with you. I stayed with you because you were convenient, that's all." "I know," replied Kaji, nodding slowly, his expression slowly growing more relieved even as it looked forced, stepping closer to Misato. "A shame, isn't it? We spent so much of our time together, time that we could have spent with someone who really cared about us." He paused, then smiled at the woman, her mind too distracted to notice the fact that it was clearly a forced smile. "I'm sorry. I should have told you when we were together so that you could have moved on." "Yeah," replied Misato, her eyes fluttering closed, chest clenching tightly as she remembered the night he had kissed her in Central Dogma. She couldn't forget the perfect electric feeling of that instant, the way that it had managed to mesh perfectly with everything she had wanted. The thought that it was all for her benefit made her feel cheap. "I've got to go back to my office. I have work to do." Kaji simply stood and watched the woman go, his expression unchanging as she walked unsteadily out of the hallway, turning at the first intersection without any clear sense of her destination. Had she been able to see back into the hallway, she would have seen Kaji frown deeply, his body slumping forward slightly as he took a deep breath, one fist clenching. "Damn," he muttered, the clenched fist hitting the teal-gray wall gently, his eyes shut tight as the fluorescent light hummed weakly above him. "This is why you didn't go further, isn't it?" the man asked nobody, drawing himself back to his full height, forcing his expression back to the casual smirk that he usually wore, his hands slipping back into his pockets. "We're too deeply intwined in this place, aren't we? Digging down for the scars is bound to hurt us, too." Shrugging, Ryoji Kaji turned and began walking, looking for all the world as if nothing had happened to him. ]++[ Ritsuko heard the door slide open behind her, but she let herself ignore it for a moment, fully aware of who would be entering her office. Her fingers rested lightly on the white plastic on her computer's keyboard, legs crossed as she shoved her cigarette into the overfilled ashtray beside her, letting her eyes linger for a moment on the small black and white kitten statuettes littering her desk. "I'm busy right now," she announced, hearing the steady noise of footsteps on the floor, her hands twitching slightly in anticipation. "What do you need?" Not a word was spoken as Kaji wrapped his arms around the woman's shoulders, pulling her back towards him as he leaned over and turned his smile towards her. "Nothing much," he replied, managing a shrug as his arms moved down Ritsuko's body and encircled her stomach. "A few half-decent drinks, a cigarette, maybe a little lovemaking later today. Not necessarily in that order." He smiled more broadly, then pecked the woman gently on the cheek. "How are you doing?" "Decently," replied Ritsuko, letting her head fall back against Kaji's shoulder, her blonde hair drifting across the light blue of his shirt, eyes focusing up towards the ceiling as her body soaked in the magnificent warmth of the man's body. "I'm still trying to fill in the blanks for Nieve and Neil after the synch test Misato pulled them from." She sighed, letting her tension ease and melt slightly. "Sometimes that woman is infuriating. If not usually." Kaji gave the woman's body one last squeeze, then released her, stepping around her chair and leaning on her desk, something hiding behind his eyes. "I ran into her, actually. A little before I came down here." He paused momentarily, flicking his eyes towards the door inexplicably. "She said that the two of you had a fight at the synch testing. Do you want to tell me -" "Honestly? No." Ritsuko shook her head rather emphatically, her eyes shifting back to her computer as a convenient resting place for her gaze. "She was being an idiot, and I lost my temper when I shouldn't have. I'm embarassed with myself already." She sighed, folding her arms across her chest. "Frankly, I'm starting to wonder if she's fit to hold such a high position, all things considered." "You're being awfully harsh," Kaji said, shaking his head gently, his lower lip sinking slightly into his mouth for reasons that Ritsuko couldn't place. "The two of you used to be the closest friends I'd ever met. It's hard to believe that so much has changed since college." "We've changed everything since then, Ryoji. Jobs, lives, goals, personalities... the Misato that I used to be friends with doesn't seem to exist any more." She sighed, letting her head tilt forward slightly. "We were arguing about nearly everything, if you must know. The way we deal with the Children, our parents, our goals..." She paused, biting her lip for a second before taking another breath. "You." Her eyes still cast towards the computer screen, Ritsuko missed seeing the look of tension that briefly washed across Kaji's face, her thoughts elsewhere as her eyes turned back towards his. "She's still in love with you, you know," she said, doing her best to sound and remain calm, legs uncrossing and recrossing in one smooth motion, the fabric of her skirt tangible through the thin cloth of her panthose. "I can tell it just from the way that she talks about you." "That's not true," replied Kaji, moving closer to Ritsuko and looking into her eyes. "She said that you told her the truth about my feelings, and she said she didn't love me any more, either." He paused, then shrugged. "We had a little talk about it, actually. It was a good thing. Got a lot of our old baggage into the open air." "Of course she's not going to admit that she'd in love with you," snorted Ritsuko, shaking her head as she leaned closer to Kaji as well. "But you can -see- it, Ryoji. Just look into her eyes. She's furious at me about nearly everything else, but she's angrier than anything else about the fact that you're with me and not with her." Sighing, Ritsuko stared up at the man, her legs uncrossing almost unintentionally. "Trust me. I notice these things." "I suppose you do," replied Kaji with a shrug, kneeling and letting himself lean forward, elbows planted firmly between her legs as he smiled up at her. "What about you, though? Are you in love with me?" Ritsuko managed to force a smile, then leaned forward and let her fingers run against Kaji's hair, moving through the dark strands even as her own blonde hair fell around her face. "I though we agreed never to talk about that," she teased, moving herself slightly closer to the kneeling man, one of his arms falling down to his side as she moved closer. "Really, it's not something that we need to be worried about, not right now of all times. I'm satisfied proving my mother wrong." Kaji's eyes widened for a moment, and Ritsuko's smile gradually softened from forced into genuine happiness. "What do you mean by that?" he asked, leaning slightly closer to her. "Did your mother say that you would never land a man? More importantly, did she say you'd never get one as good as me?" "No, she always pointed to my mole," replied Ritsuko, one hand lifting away from Kaji's hair, her finger gently touching against the small brown mole slightly below her left eye. It was a small mark, easily overlooked if not specifically pointed out. "She said that a woman with a mole in the path of her tears was doomed to unhappy love affairs." She paused. "But she was wrong. The one who had the unhappy love affair was her, after all." Propping himself up slightly, Kaji drew closer to Ritsuko, and she could smell the inexplicably unique scent that rose from his body, feel the warmth of his closeness seeping through the thin fabric between them. "And what affair was that?" he asked calmly, letting himself draw closer to her, one arm wrapping around her body as the other remained limply by his side. "Your father?" "Perhaps, but it wasn't what I meant." She paused for a moment, her expression growing more morose. "It was Commander Ikari. She was obsessed with him from the day that she met him, even though she met him long before Yui's death." Sighing, Ritsuko shook her head, letting herself draw closer to Kaji once again. "But that's not important. This isn't the time to talk about things like that." "Right," replied Kaji, leaning closer to Ritsuko, her body giving a slight electric thrill as his moved against it. "There's nobody else around right now. We've got the office all to ourselves." He smiled, and Ritsuko let herself sink forward into his lips, letting her tongue rub against his, warmth and softness melding together. It was a perfect sensation, and she felt her hands tightening as they wrapped around his back, the thoughts in her head scattered as the kiss ended and he stared at her with a bittersweet smile. "I'm sorry, Ritsuko." The remark surprised Ritsuko for a moment before she felt a pricking sensation in her thigh, a slight pressure that she recognized from her own medical training. Eyes going wide, she glanced down to see a small syringe jabbed into her thigh, Kaji's thumb slowly pressing down and letting the contents seep into her bloodstream. Gasping, Ritsuko shoved the man back as best she could just as the syringe emptied, her hands flying to the small plastic device. "What are you -doing-?" she exclaimed, feeling a dull ache begin to creep through her body as she tried to stagger to her feet. Kaji moved faster than she could ever remember seeing him move before, his hands pinning her shoulders against the chair, an expression she couldn't quite recognize in his eyes. "Calm down. It's just a tranquilizer." He took a deep breath, obviously intending for her to do the same. "You'll be completely fine, I promise. I picked it up during my most recent visit to the hospital area. It's safe for humans, I checked." Struggling against the man's grip, Ritsuko could feel her strength slipping away, her mind too preoccupied with the immediacy of the situation to notice how gentle Kaji was being, hands holding on just tight enough to restrain her without hurting her. "What are you trying to do?" she asked again, letting the syringe fall to the floor weakly. "Are you going to -" "No," replied Kaji, shaking his head and staring sorrowfully at Ritsuko. "I need your access card, and I knew you wouldn't give it to me. Managed to copy some of the encoding off of it, but not enough, though it was enough to get me into parts of the base I'm fairly certain I shouldn't get to see. There's all sorts of intersting things going on here... but you knew that already." "You..." Ritsuko knew that it was the drug affecting her, but she couldn't help but feel tired, her muscles going limp, sleep beginning to cloud her eyes over as she tried to force herself to remain awake. It was a battle between her body's physiology and her own willpower, a battle she had no doubt that she would lose. "You... why did... I don't..." "I didn't want to do things like this," Kaji said, his voice implying that he had the vaguest idea of what she was going to say, hands slipping into the pockets of her lab coat and drawing out her small NERV access card. He only stared at the red piece of plastic for a moment before tucking it into his breast pocket, releasing Ritsuko's shoulders and moving away from her. "But my welcome seems to be wearing out with NERV, and that means I have to find out what I can while I still have the chance." He paused, giving a weak smirk. "Assuming I actually make it back, I assume you're going to want to break up. I understand that." Ritsuko was feeling too tired to speak, her mouth only managing to drift halfway open as Kaji stared at her. "I really am sorry, Ritsuko," he said again, beginning to step away from the woman sitting weakly in the chair. "I didn't want things to end this way... really, I would have been happier if I could have avoided doing anything like this to you. You were my friend, not somebody that I wanted to hurt." He paused, touching his hand to his breast pocket where Ritsuko dimly knew her card lay. "There isn't any other way. There never was. And I'm sorry for hurting you." He sighed, shaking his head. "I wish that I had the time for a better apology." The dull throb of interrupted sex had mingled with the unspeakable exhaustion seeping through Ritsuko's body, and as she slumped further in the chair she found herself unable to even lift her hand as Kaji walked away calmly. Fluorescent humming was all that filled her world, her eyes slowly drifting shut, darkness seeping in around her vision as she heard the noise of the office doors hissing open. "Don't hate Misato," he offered, the words only vaguely registering with her sleep- dulled ears. "Hate me. I'm the one that deseves it." Before Ritsuko could say anything, or at least make some drug-addled effort to make noise, the doors had hissed shut, leaving her alone in the seemingly darkening room. Her mind distantly registered the thought that she should press the alarm, send someone in pursuit of Kaji, prevent him from his goal, but the effort of simply lifting her arm proved far more than she could manage. Her body slumped against the chair, cradled in the arms of a drug-filled sleep. ]++[ Japanese had always sounded vaguely mysterious to Neil, a sort of language that didn't seem to obey any laws he could understand, unlike the snippets of other languages that he'd managed to pick up from school. It had intimidated him just slightly that he would be completely immersed in the language from the day that he was first invited to Tokyo-3 - he doubted that he would start to pick up on it, and the thought of not knowing what anyone was saying was understandably a somewhat stressful idea. However, the wafting noise of Japanese voices coming from the living room arrested his attention for entirely different reasons, more from the fact that he knew the only other person in the house was Nieve, who spoke no more Japanese than he did. Stepping into the living room, Neil's eyes flicked towards the television, taking a moment to absorb the three people shouting at one another, presumably some kind of argument about the woman on the screen from what Neil could see. "I thought you said you hated Japanese television," Neil said flatly, stepping around and sitting on the couch before looking towards Nieve. "Yeah, that was -before- I finished my book," replied Nieve with a shrug, shifting slightly as one of the two men on screen slapped the other one. She was wearing a low-cut red blouse that Neil could remember seeing before, a knee-length plaid skirt riding up to her thighs simply from her slouched position. One elbow rested on the arm of the couch, propping her up as she leaned towards it, the other arm balancing the remote gently on her knee. "Nothing else to read, at least not right now. All of the libraries in this country have nothing but Japanese books." "For no apparent reason whatsoever," offered Neil, drawing a momentarily nasty stare from Nieve and flashing a weak smile in response. She turned back towards the television, Neil's gaze following hers as the participants on the screen continued shouting. "You could always watch a movie, though. Everything I have at least has English subtitles, so you'd know what was going on." "I'm starting to get the hang of this show, actually," replied Nieve, smirking as she gestured towards the screen with the remote. "See, the woman is Rumiko - or something like that - and, um, the guy in the business suit is Hiro-something. I don't remember what the other guy's name is, but I think he might be her husband or something, because I know that he was fooling around with some other long-haired person before." She paused, frowning. "I'm pretty sure the long-haired one was a girl, but I'm not certain. I know their name was something that started with a vowel." Neil nodded reluctantly, his eyes flicking back and forth between the screen and Nieve. "Did you get to see anything?" he asked, turning fully towards Nieve, realizing almost immediately from her expression that he should have been clearer in his statement. "I mean, if you got to see her breasts, or something, you'd know that she was a woman, or... or if..." A red flush spread across his cheek. "Please don't look at me like that." "When you're acting like this, it's kind of hard not to," replied Nieve, the mischevious smirk on her lips growing as she edged her way closer and closer to Neil. "That's all that's on your mind, isn't it? Breasts, breasts, and more breasts." She paused, edging slightly closer, red hair falling alluringly down her shoulders, the television program long forgotten. "It's not as though you'd have trouble getting your hands on them, you know. You could always try -asking-." "That wasn't - I didn't - you don't..." Neil shook his head, aware that he was stammering even as he felt himself sinking further into a pit of incoherence, the red flush on his cheeks growing brighter. "I was just asking if you'd been able to tell if the damn person was a man or a woman. I didn't mean for you to -" "I -know-, Neil," replied Nieve, reaching over and letting the back of her hand brush lightly against Neil's cheek, his eyes turning towards her reluctantly. The traces of mischief had disappeared from her expression, replaced with a smile of simple warmth, her body shifting and turning to face the boy. "You're so cute sometimes, you know? It doesn't take much for you to get all bent out of shape about these things, and..." She paused for a moment, biting her lower lip, then moving quickly closer to Neil, letting her body press against his. "It's just so nice to have you back. I mean... -you-." "Yeah," replied Neil, raising his arm and letting his fingers run through the girl's hair, the flaming red strands slipping through his fingers in a delicate cascade, her smile growing wider and wider. "I missed you a lot while I was stuck inside of the Eva, and..." He paused, then shook his head, taking a deep breath. "I don't know. It feels like it hasn't been that long." "Mm." Nieve paused for a moment, flicking her eyes briefly towards the television screen before moving closer to Neil, her hands closing around his shoulders. "Hey, I just had an idea. Why don't we catch up on something more important than the television, and we'll see if we can't make you blush about something other than -thinking- about breasts." Neil felt almost immediately guilty, knowing that he didn't do anything wrong but feeling as though he'd made Nieve self-conscious, his expression dropping for just a moment. Before he had time to dwell on the regret, however, Nieve had pressed her lips against his, her intent obvious as she pulled him towards her. "Shh," she muttered, letting her tongue dart between his lips, the gently wetness rushing past his admittedly limited defenses. The kiss felt perfect, and Neil felt his arms raising to embrace the girl, her body moving backwards and pulling the two of them towards the couch, the soft padding cradling their bodies as Nieve broke the kiss and smiled up at the boy. One of her hands reached towards the arm of the couch where the discarded remote lay, fumbling for a moment before hitting the off button, letting the voices click silent. "This is much more interesting than anything on television," she muttered, pulling the boy closer, letting the warmth of their bodies mingle. Any reply Neil might have made was stifled by the sensation of Nieve's tongue pushing gently into his mouth once again, eliminating his admittedly minor protests without any further effort. The girl arched her back gently, and Neil felt an electric ripple through his body at the contact, his arms tightening around her as he pressed his hips against her, letting their bodies draw closer even as the kiss lingered. Her scent drifted through Neil's nose as his eyes closed, letting himself surrender to the moment and simply let the process proceed naturally. Her back arched once again, drawing their bodies still closer as Neil ran his hands along her back, lips gently drawing away from Nieve's as he dropped his head slightly. He kissed her neck gently, feeling the muscles within it tense as air rushed into her lungs, the excitement in her body more than tangible. As her fingers wrapped around his head and through the blonde strands of his hair, however, something sprang to his mind, so glaringly that he couldn't help but move away from Nieve's neck and say it. "Eiko -" Before he even realized what was happening, Neil felt Nieve pushing him away, and the realization of what he'd done slammed against the back of his head like a sledgehammer. "Please tell me you didn't just say what I -know- you said," breathed Nieve, forcing herself to take a deep breath, her hands planted firmly on Neil's chest. "Please, for the love of God, have a good explanation for this." "No, no, no, Nieve, it's not what you think," gasped Neil, trying to continue speaking despite the guilt gnawing into the back of his mind, knowing that he barely deserved for Nieve not to throw him off of her simply by virtue of his mistake. "I was saying that Eiko had mentioned she might be moving away. It just sprang into my mind, I don't know why. I'm sorry." He paused, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Nieve, I didn't mean for you to think that, not when we were just about to... you know." "I know. I know, Neil, I believe you." The girl's voice left that more than a little doubtful, drawing her legs closer to her body even as her skirt rode just far enough up to reveal her underwear, any trace of arousal clearly gone from her mind. "It was just... just really sudden, a little too sudden." She paused, taking a deep breath, puling her knees up against her chest. "You had to say that right then? You couldn't have waited until afterwards?" "You're right, I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me," replied Neil, his words coming in a jumble, guilt surging through his body with new motivation. He'd been feeling genuinely good about himself for more than a few days, but he inwardly noted that he should have seen something similar coming, knowing full well that he had a tendency to say the wrong thing at the words possible moment. "It just... it just sprang into my mind." Sighing, Neil squeezed his eyes shut, wanting to crawl into a hole, the realization of what he'd done slowly seeping into his body like water into a sponge. He could remember the night he and Nieve had first kissed clearly, and he remembered the horrible mistakes he had made then as well, as though the whole thing was coming back to haunt him. The problem was that he knew it would take more to fix the problem this time, that it was something more serious. Nieve had been more concerned about their relationship since his return, he knew that, and he couldn't help but wonder if his stupid mistake had put that relationship in danger. "Neil. Neil, look at me." Nieve's voice was calm enough that Neil felt comfortable letting his lids crack open, staring towards the red- haired girl with his eyes wide, a nervousness bleeding through his body about what she would say. There was worry written within her emerald eyes, a tangible sensation that Neil could feel across his skin as she stared at him. "Neil... are you attracted to Eiko?" The boy said nothing for a moment, simply stared at Nieve awkwardly, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. He knew that there was a right and a wrong answer to the question, but he also knew that the answer he was supposed to give wasn't entirely true. Sighing, he hung his head slightly, feeling guilty without saying anything further, his mind fighting itself over whether to tell the truth or say what he knew Nieve wanted to hear. "A little," he replied at length, hands clenching shut. "I guess I am, a little bit." There was no immediate response, and Neil only hung his head for a moment longer before turning his head towards Nieve, hoping that the girl would be taking his response at least vaguely well. To his horror if not surprise, she was simply staring at him, lower lip trembling slightly, sadness sitting within her emerald eyes as she looked at him. "Nieve, that doesn't mean that I'm not attracted to you," he said, moving closer to her, knowing the whole situation was his fault. "I mean, anyone our age would be attracted to her. It's not as though I -" "Enough." Her voice sounded pained, and Neil fell silent, simply watching as the girl hung her head, strands of red hair obscuring her face, Neil wondering what was going on. She sighed heavily, a single tear falling from her eyes and gently splattering against her bare leg. "Neil... do you know what it feels like when you've got an eating disorder? Do you know what it's like to feel as though you're not in control of anything going on around you, that somebody else is scripting your actions?" Neil's mouth half-opened to say something, but before he could utter a word Nieve had sprang from the couch, her hair swishing behind her as she stormed out of the living room, not looking so much angry as mournful. Hesitating for a moment, Neil realized that he needed to follow the girl and sprang off the couch as well, but by the time he had exited the living room she had already put her shoes on. Nieve shot one last glance at the boy, a piercingly sorrowful expression that froze him in his tracks as she opened the door and stepped out. "Please don't leave," Neil whispered as the door shut, his words lost to the noise, his body slumping weakly against the wall behind him as he forced himself to take slow and steady breaths. He knew that he had done something horribly wrong, but he hadn't the first idea of how to fix it. Closing his eyes, he let himself begin to slide down the wall, tears beginning to tickle at the back of his eyes, his guilt eating away at his chest. ]++[ Moonlight was filtering through the windows of the hallway as Misato trudged through them slowly, her lids heavy, body aching with a pain not quite physical but not little enough for simple emotion. She could hear Kaji's words ringing in her ears as she moved, the horrible statements spewing from his mouth without thought. "Pity -me-," she muttered, one hand drifting into her pockets, drawing out the small keyring lying within. "I don't need anybody's pity. Least of all his." Her fingers found her apartment key, her other hand rubbing her eyes gently, exhaustion and irritation melding into an unpleasent emotion. She knew that what she really needed was a drink, a good few beers to bleed the day away, the same way that she always did. It would kick out all the unpleasant thoughts that Kaji had filled her head with, would let her just be alone with herself for a while, something she sorely needed. "It's not like a couldn't find someone else if I wanted to," she muttered to herself, letting the silver key glint in the moonlight for a second before it splipped into the lock. "I just haven't wanted to. I'd have another man in my life, but I'm happy as it is." She sighed, turning the key and listening for the click, trying to force herself to relax. "Shut up, Misato. Just go inside and have a few drinks, fall asleep, have some aspirin ready for a hangover. That's what you need tonight." The door swung open, and Misato could hear the noise of the television echoing from the living room as she kicked her shoes off weakly. Blinking once, she heard the noise of quick footsteps towards the door, her brown eyes flicking towards the hallway to see Neil come out of the Living room swiftly, then stop in his tracks with a rather disappointed expression. "Oh," he muttered. "I thought you were Nieve." "She's not here?" asked Misato, trying to ignore the disappointment in the boy's voice as she trudged towards the kitchen, her entire body seeming to ache. She didn't particularly want to deal with Neil, not in the state she was in - more than anything, she wanted to be alone to get drunk. "No," replied Neil, his voice somewhat weak as Misato half-ignored him, her goal already certain as she moved towards the kitchen. "We had a fight, and she left... I'm not quite sure how long ago. I was hoping that she would be back by now." Misato opened the fridge, reaching in and retrieving a small golden can from within, the cool caress of the metal a precursor to the solace that she knew lay within. "You know, Misato, it really might not be a good idea to get drunk tonight." "You know something, Neil?" asked Misato, slamming the door to the fridge with her foot as she cracked open the can, the bitter smell of the liquid within hitting her nose immediately. "I don't care if it's a good idea or not. It's what I'm doing." She paused, then took a sip, the liquid fizzing harshly against her tongue as it slid down her throat, cool and soothing, promising release from a day that had worn on too long. "It's none of your damn business anyways. We adults make decisions about our lives without consulting you, and there's nothing you can do about it." Another momentary pause, her brain reaching back for a second to try and remember what the boy had been talking about. "What were you two fighting about, anyways?" For a moment, Neil didn't respond, leaning against the wall and shifting uncomfortably on his feet, casting his eyes down towards the floor. "She... she asked if I was attracted to Eiko. I told her the truth, that I was, and then... she just left. She didn't explain anything more to me, just left." Misato closed her eyes momentarily, feeling something build in the back of her head as the alcohol slowly seeped through her cells, dulling the pain that was still throbbing in her chest. "If you're not attracted to Nieve, don't stay with her," she hissed, forcing herself to breath slowly, taking another sip of her beer. "It's not fair to the girl, you know that. Be honest with her." "I didn't say that I wasn't attracted to her," replied Neil, shaking his head and glancing towards Misato momentarily before looking back towards the floor. "I am attracted to her. I'm just attracted to Eiko too. It isn't necessarily a zero-sum equation, you know." He sighed. "She's been so much more sensitive about our relationship since I came back from the Eva. It's getting kind of worrisome, as though she'd have a heart attack if I wasn't with her for a moment." "Why don't you let -her- judge that?" snapped Misato, another burst mof alcohol surging down her throat before she slammed the can on the counter and glaring at the boy, feeling the fizzing liquid splash up from the can as a few droplets landed on her hand. Neil looked shocked at her anger, but she was only mildly concerned by the fact, releasing the beer and taking a step towards the boy. "God, I hate men like you. You think women can't live on their own without your help? You don't think that we can be perfectly happy without interference?" "N-no!" replied Neil, his voice shaky but forceful as he shook his head, green eyes wide and catching the light from the room as his blonde hair swished around his head. "Misato, I didn't say any of that! I was just telling you what had happened between Nieve and I!" He paused, then took a hesitant step towards the woman, obviously unsure of what was going on. "Are... are you all right? Did something happen?" "Like I said before, none of your damn business," replied Misato, shaking her head as her brown eyes fixed on Neil. She'd not wanted to deal with the boy, had simply wanted to have her beer, and he'd made even that difficult. "I'm an adult, and I'm more than capable of dealing with my own problems." She paused, letting herself take in Neil's appearance for a moment, the blonde locks of his hair falling down loosely around his forehead, the way that his eyes caught the light from overhead, the way that he held his body even as he took another reluctant step towards the woman. He was handsome - she'd known that on an academic level before, but it had never truly resonated with her. Now she couldn't seem to take her eyes off of him. "Neil... do you find -me- attractive?" "Oh, God," muttered Neil, taking a hesitant step backwards, the expression on his face changing as Misato continued to scan over his body. She could see the way that the fabric of his shirt was shifting across his skin underneath, the way that his muscles tensed and relaxed with each movement. "Misato, please, I don't want to answer that question any more. Especially considering how horribly wrong each answer that I've given has been." "Just be honest, then," replied Misato, taking another step towards the boy, stepping around the corner as her hand swept across the counter. She had forgotten the beer, but gave the can little mind as it went flying from the force of her hand motion, the fizzing golden liquid splashing out across the floor as the aluminum can weakly pinged against the floor. "Remember the night that I came in to your room, Neil? You wanted to see the rest of my body then, didn't you?" She smiled. "You are attracted to me, right?" "Misato, -please-," replied Neil, his insistent backing away beginning to irritate the woman, his expression looking somewhat awkward. "I really can't deal with this right this instant, okay?" He sighed again, shaking his head, taking another stumbling step back towards the living room. "Look, drink all you want, it's okay. You're right, it's none of my business. I'll just be in my room, and you let me know when you're done, okay?" "Get -back- here!" snapped Misato, something she couldn't quite place rising in the back of her throat, her arms reaching out as she barreled towards Neil. He wasn't expecting the quick flurry of the woman's motion, and with a slam his back hit the wall, Misato pressing her weight against him as her arms pinned his, her expression a harsh grimace. "Don't you dare just -leave- me, Neil. Tell me! Do you find me attractive or not?" Neil's muscles tensed, but they weren't nearly strong enough to push Misato off of him, a small grunt coming from behind closed lips as Misato heard the gentle noise of the beer continuing to flood out of the forgotten can. "I... you're beautfiul, Misato, you know that," grunted Neil, his eyes closed tightly, head turned away from Misato, face twisted into a grimace. "Please, let go... you're hurting me." For a moment longer, Misato stared at the boy, her eyes narrowed and her hands pressed hard against his arms, the warmth of her body mingling with his as the merciful dulling sensation of alcohol continued to permeate her mind. She wanted somebody to hold her, she knew that, and she knew that above everything else Neil was a funadmentally decent human being, that to be held by him wouldn't be a bad thing. Then her eyes widened, and she realized what she was doing, realized the harsh pressure she was placing on the boy's body, the gentle squirming of his body as he tried to escape. Her mouth half- opened in shock, the only sound in the apartment the fizzing noise of spilled alcohol. "I'm sorry," she whispered, releasing Neil almost as an afterthought as she staggered backwards, her mind reeling. Her feet were unsteady, the releasing caress of alcohol unable to dull the growing realization in her mind, motions slowly sending her towards the spilled beer. "I... I don't know what I was... I didn't mean to..." Her foor hit the chilled alcohol pooling and dribbling down into the small recessed area of shoes, and a shot of clarity burst through her head like a ray of dawn, panic gripping her as the pain in her chest returned with a vengeance. "I'm sorry," she said again, stepping down carefully, slipping her shoes on with motions only slightly dulled by beer, her eyes remaining fixed on Neil. "I'm sorry. I'm going out. I don't know how long I'm going to be gone, maybe until tomorrow morning. Don't worry about me." "Wait! Misato, you've been drinking, you're in no state to -" Misato shut the door before Neil could continue, turning on her heel and moving swiftly down the hallway, her eyes beginning to tear gently. She wanted to reassure the boy at the same moment that she wanted to hide from him, but more than anything she knew that she needed to leave, that she couldn't bear to be within the oppressive yellow walls of her apartment for a moment longer. Swallowing hard, she moved towards the staircase, emotions whirling about in her head like boats caught in a storm. ]++[ Nieve's wrung her hands nervously as she walked cautiously down the hallway, her eyes darting about the drab walls and half-expecting something to burst out of them and try to grab her. Ryo's apartment building was unpleasant under the best of circumstances, something that the situation was most certainly not. She was worried, scared, and as she walked down the hallway she couldn't help but feel the vaguest tickle of guilt creeping into her head. Lost in her own thoughs, she almost didn't notice the numbers on Ryo's door indicating she had reached her destination, and it took her a moment of standing in front of the door before she even raised her hand to knock. Taking a deep breath and swallowing hard, she let her knuckles rap against the surface, each motion seeming to take an eternity, here eyes taking in every detail as her hand rose and fell against the door. Then the world snapped back into the normal flow of events, the door clicking from within as it swung open, Ryo revealed in the doorframe. Nieve blushed almost instinctively at the sight of him - he was wearing only loose white pajama bottoms, his naked chest seeming almost reflectively pale in the fluorescent lighting of the hallway. "Nieve," he said, his voice calm but holding a slight twitch of curiosity to it. "What are you doing here? Are you all right?" "No," replied Nieve, pushing her way into the apartment and brushing past Ryo gently, her heart rushing at the slight contact with the boy, mind still whirling about what Neil had said to her. She didn't want to think about it more than she had to, but having to think about it at all seemed like far too much. "I... I was just... Neil and I..." She sighed, rubbing her forehead. "I'm sorry. You were probably asleep." "Don't worry about it," replied Ryo, his voice still sounding awkward, almost sad, as his eyes flicked towards the hallway that led towards the living room, the moonlight pouring in visible even from just inside the apartment's door. He stared at the girl for a moment before he let the door swing shut, turning fully to face her, his bare feet making a soft slapping noise as he stepped towards her. "I... I've been going to bed later, lately." He paused, biting his lower lip for a moment. "It's... my way of coping with losing Niobe." "I know. I know you miss her, and I know you don't need to deal with my problems on top of everything else, I just didn't know where else to go." She sighed, letting herself step hesitantly towards the living room, legs unsteady as her eyes darted around the apartment. "Neil and I had a fight tonight, when we were..." A pause, and she shook her head, leaning against the nearest wall and letting her green eyes follow Ryo walking towards her. "We were fooling around. We do that. Everyone probably knew, I just... assumed... never mind." Ryo hesitated for just a moment, looking as though he was made uncomfortable by the conversation, but he said nothing, simply continuing towards the girl slowly. "I never noticed," he said calmly, his bare chest reflecting the moonlight spilling in from the living room, thin blue hair swishing about his head. "Then again... I suppose I didn't notice a lot of things that would have been obvious to anyone." "Suppose neither of us did," replied Nieve, shaking her head, pushing off the wall and stepping lightly towards the living room, her eyes squeezing shut even as tears managed to begin shoving themselves forward behind her eyes. "Anyways, we were fooling around, and Neil... I asked him if he was attracted if he was attracted to Eiko. Stupid thing to ask, a question I didn't want to know the answer to, I shouldn't have asked it in the first place, but I did anyways." She sighed. "Why do I get the feeling that this whole damn thing is my own fault?" "It's okay," replied Ryo, shaking his head as he stepped swiftly behind Nieve, the speed more or less unnecessarily considering the fact that he was noticably taller than Nieve. He could feel the tension rising his chest, the awkward worry that he was breaking routine - a poor description that he held onto despite the fact that he had let himself begin to release from his routines, a description that he only used because he knew no better frame of reference. "You had every right to ask the question, I'm sure." "Oh, Christ, that doesn't mean that I -should- have," muttered Nieve, beginning to let her own self-resentment begin to seep in from the back of her skull, her eyes only opening long enough to let her find the couch, flopping down on it limply as the moonlight streamed down around her. "Hell, I could be having sex now if I'd just kept a handle on the situation. I'm supposed to be able to keep a handle on myself, least of all the situation that I'm in, especially when..." She sighed. "Don't worry about it," replied Ryo, stepping over and sitting down on the couch, his red eyes focused closely on Nieve as she rubbed her eyes weakly. "What did he say?" "Yes," replied Nieve, her voice beginning to break slightly, every ounce of her willpower beginning to be devoted to the effort to resist crying as best she could. "Would I be here if he'd said no?" She sighed, trying to remain calm, trying to remind herself that she didn't have to worry so much. "Anyways, I just... I... Christ, I can't even talk straight any more." Another sigh. "So I left. So I needed to come somewhere else, and... and I remembered when you had stopped by, after Neil seemed to be leaving." She paused, opening her eyes and looking towards Ryo. "Remember? We all thought that he was going to leave Tokyo-3, before the Fourteenth came and Neil... Neil..." Nieve's tears began to push themselves forward more forcefully, something that even Ryo could notice as the girl slapped her hand hard against her eyes, her mouth drawing into a thin and harsh line as she forced herself to breathe hard. "I know when you're talking about," offered Ryo, the tension in his chest growing larger as he moved tenatively towards Nieve. "What... why do you bring it up again? Do you want to -" "It's what -you- wanted then, that's what concerns me," replied Nieve, another breath drawing into her lungs harshly as she turned her tear- brimming green eyes towards Ryo. She didn't want to say what she was thinking, didn't want to voice the ulterior motives lying beneath her actions as she inched closer to the boy. "I know that you wanted me to love you, then... and..." She paused, then swallowed hard. "Maybe we could both find what we wanted. Together." Ryo's eyes widened slightly as the girl's hands moved towards him, her fingers lightly splaying across his skin, moonligh embracing the two Children as she allowed herself to completely take in the appearance of the boy next to her. A twitch of guilt licked along her spine, the boy looking angelic as the moonlight shone off his pale skin, his red eyes wide and innocent. Taking another deep breath, Nieve forced herself towards him, letting her lips part gently, trying to tell herself that she was doing the right thing, that she had no alternatives left to her. "What are you trying to -do-?" asked Ryo, his voice more forceful than Nieve could remember him ever being, his hands firmly pressing against Nieve's chest and pushing her back. Her eyes flew open, taking in the boy's gaze, his red eyes more curious than angry. "You're not in love with me. I know that." "No," replied Nieve, shaking her head as she let her hands wrap around Ryo's wrists, pulling his arms away, letting her move closer to him once again. "But you want me to be. And I want Neil to want my affection, for him to be mine, completely..." She hesitated, the meaning of her words slowly sinking in for a moment before she pressed forward. "We're using each other for what we want. That's the way that the world works." Once again, Ryo pushed away from Nieve, this time gently flexing his arms and letting his body move away from the girl, her eyes opening again as he began to frown. "No," he said firmly, shaking his head as he wrestled his arms free of Nieve's weakening grip. "No. I don't want to be used by anyone. If you did this to me... you'd be turning me into a tool for your own ends." "You're all I've got -left-!" replied Nieve, her voice cracking as one arm thrashed against the couch, moonlight nearly blinding as she tried again to move closer to the boy next to her. Her body was sending creeping sensations of dirt across her body, as though she was mired in filth and was only working her way further in, her arms aching as she continued to force herself not to cry. "Don't you understand that? I'm not using you out of hatred! I'm doing the best that I -can-!" "No," Ryo repeated, shaking his head as he stood, the moonlight striking him squarely on the chest, blue hair swaying slightly and seeming to filter the light through each individual strand. "I don't want to be used any more, Nieve. I've been used my entire life, and I'm tired of it." He paused, hanging his head slightly, as though the mere concept of speaking out against being used was novel to him. "Please, don't force this. I'm sorry that I tried to kiss you. It was wrong of me." Biting her lower lip, Nieve stared up at the boy, feeling her body begin to tremble, tears trying to force their way through her defenses as they crumbled. "I... I just want Neil to want me the way that he wants her," she sighed, sinking her head, unable to look Ryo in the eye, her own guilt beginning to rip into her from the back of her head. Her hands began to clench into fists, eyes shutting tightly even as the moonlight bled in from the corners of her vision. "I wanted your help, Ryo, and I know it was wrong, but..." She coughed, the only thing she could think of to hold back a sob. "You don't know what this is like for me. You don't have any idea what I'm going through." "I don't," replied Ryo, drawing Nieve's gaze back towards him as her hands relaxed slowly, green eyes taking in the half-naked boy washed over with silvery illumination. "But that doesn't..." He paused, voice faltering as his gaze lowered slightly, red eyes seeming to lose their focus slightly. "I don't know what to tell you, Nieve. If you want to use me, then I'll -" "Please, stop," replied Nieve, rising unsteadily to her feet and stepping around the boy swiftly, the feeling of filth still crawling across her skin. She had done nothing, and she knew it, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she'd surrendered even more of her control simply by going to Ryo's apartment. "Don't... just don't tell Neil that I came here, that I asked you to do... anything. Promise me that." "Of course," replied Ryo, his eyes regaining their focus on the girl stepping away, her legs moving unsteadily as she moved towards the door of the apartment. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you, Nieve. I..." He paused. "I'm still willing to talk if you want to. I won't go to bed for a while, so if you need someone to -" "No, no, no," replied Nieve, opening her mouth to say something more but then closing it again as her shoes slip on. She let her hand find the doorknob swiftly, twisting it harshly and letting the lock click open, her feet moving her out of the door. Ryo's red eyes followed her even as she awkwardly staggered out, letting the door shut behind her before she let herself fall backwards against the drab gray wall of the building, her eyes going blurry as the tears finally refused to stay restrained any longer. She still didn't know if she had truly seen her mother inside the depths of of her Eva or if she had simply hallucinated under the stress, but either way she knew that it had been her mother's machine in her control when the Eva had been destroyed. "I used to have a handle on things," she muttered, wringing her hands once again, tears falling to the floor as she wished she knew how to get control back in her hands, how she could stop being drawn and pushed along by the outside world. A noise came from one end of the hallway, and Nieve forced herself to take a deep breath, to regain control of herself at least temporarily as she turned towards the exit. The creeping sensation of filth hadn't left her as she began walking once again, wanting Neil to hold her, wanting him not to leave, wishing that she had never tested his loyalty even as she knew that she had done what she had to do. ]++[ Japanese pop music echoed from the car's speakers, the noise just loud enough to register on the edges of Misato's brain as her hands gently cradled her pistol. The music itself was the same bland and inoffensive mixture of synthesized chords that Misato could remember from when she was in college - it may well have been a song that was around when she was in college, considering how little the style had changed. It was on because she lacked the heart to turn off the radio, because it had been on when she had started her brilliant blue car from its resting place within the parking lot. Her pistol was the sort of black that only weaponry could be, bland and unattractive and obviously designed for nothing more elegant than the taking of human life. It was standard issue for NERV personnel, and while she knew that she'd learned the model's name in small arms training she couldn't remember it for the life of her. For her purposes, however, it mattered little, her smooth fingers running along the surface of the weapon and sliding bullets smoothly into the chamber, the gold and silver cylinders slipping in nearly effortlessly. Sighing, her legs shifted, kicking an empty bottle of liquor off of the passenger's seat, the glass clinking slightly against the carpeted floor of the car. Letting her eyes remain fixed on the gun for a moment, she flicked her eyes down towards the bottle, feeling the inexplicable sensation to shoot it, to let the glass shatter into nothingness with one simple action. "We're destroyers," she muttered, her voice slurred slightly from alcohol coursing through her blood. "We gain pleasure from controlling creation and destruction, but mostly destruction. Things that we can blow up." Another sigh, and she slid the gun's clip back in, letting her hands shift to hold the smooth and oddly comfortable grip, one finger falling against the trigger while her thumb cocked the gun with a satisfying click. She'd never contemplated suicide before, had never had a reason to, but holding a gun in her hands she couldn't help but think about it if only momentarily, wonder what it felt like to pull the trigger knowing full well the bullet would penetrate your own skin. It gave her a shudder, and shaking her head she pointed the barrel of the gun towards the bottle, doing her best to aim at the emptied container despite the haze of alcohol surrounding her vision. "Bang," she muttered, words slurred as she weakly shook the gun, imagining the glass shattering as she lowered the weapon. She had no idea what she was doing, and even the liquor permeating her world couldn't dull that awareness. She could remember what she had done to Neil vividly, the look upon his face, a mixture of horror and disgust, only barely tolerable at the time and torture after the fact. "Shouldn't have done that. Not his fault that I can't deal with God damned Kaji and his damn lies, he's not..." Rage bubbled within Misato's gut, and snarling she kicked the door to her car open, stepping out into the cool night air, the area around the bluff empty. It was an excellent place to look out over the whole city, but she had chosen it because it was also the perfect place to be alone, something that she more than wanted as she howled in desperation at nothing. Whirling on her heels, she aimed her gun at the moon, steadying the weapon only for a second before slamming down on the trigger, feeling the kick of recoil from the weapon as a plume of explosive smoke seeped out of it. Not caring about the implications, Misato pulled the trigger again, the weapon growing comfortable as it fired again into nothingness, each pull sending out another burst of smoke and flash of light as a bullet tore through the night air. It continued for what seemed like an eternity, until Misato forced the trigger back one final time and was greeted only with an empty click. "That's all of it," she muttered, falling to her knees and sighing heavily, her eyes beginning to tear despite her best alcohol-coated efforts. "Dad and Kaji, all for you. Stupid heartless bastards." The moonlight washed over her, and Misato let her body pitch forward, the dirt and grass folding beneath her hands as she felt her stomach violently reject its contents, vomit mingling with undesired tears as Misato shuddered violently. "Why spoil a perfect evening?" she muttered before another wave of sickness hit her, vomit falling past her lips as she shuddered, her body feeling inexplicably filthy as she knelt in the dirt beside her car. Both vomit and gunshots faded after a few moments, and Misato's ears began to pick up the vapidly lilting tunes of another pop song, dirt pushed up about the red sleeves of her jacket, tears falling weakly on the ground as she tried to force herself back to her feet. "Nothing new," she muttered, trying to dust herself off even as she moved unsteadily. "Just because he saved you instead of himself doesn't make him a good person. Just because he made you feel like a woman doesn't make him worth loving. They're both the same in so many ways." She sighed again, staggering back to her car, gun held limply in her hand, her brown eyes blurrily flicking about the area, something picking at the edge of her attention that she couldn't quite pick out through the haze of alcohol and tears. "I don't really love him. The only reason I think I do is because he was my father, because he brought me into this world and then finally defended me at the last possible moment, because -" Hesitating, Misato realized that the pull on her attention was the gently beeping of her cell phone, sitting on her pasenger's seat amongst the discarded beer cans. She let the phone beep for a moment or two longer, then lunged over and fished it out, her hands curling around the smooth black plastic, gun clattering to the floor as she flipped it open and tried to regain her demeanor, knowing full well that the only people who would be calling her were inside of NERV. "Katsuragi," she said, noticing the slightest slur in her tone, doing her best to ignore it as she shoved herself into a sitting position in the driver's seat. "There has been an incident inside Central Dogma," replied the cool and emotionless tone of an Intelligence agent, sending a minor chill down the back of Misato's neck even as she forced herself to pay attetnion. "Ryoji Kaji has been observed to have penetrated the lower levels of the compound beyond his security access, and is believed to have possibly injured several NERV employees. Your presence is requested at the base for his necessary capture or termination." Misato froze for a moment, shocked, the thought that Kaji had run so squarely afoul of NERV more than a little disorienting. She knew that he was doing things that he shouldn't, that he was pressing his luck, but she had little doubt that he would manage to squirm free of the base's security forces - skilled though he might be, the best he could hope for was likely spending the rest of his natural life inside of a prison cell. Her regret and anger surged upwards, gnawing at her chest as she stared into the darkness outside of her car, the minor benefits of alcohol seemingly shocked out of her system. "I'm within a few minutes of an entrance to the base," she said slowly, trying to figure out the easiest route. "I should be there within ten minutes." "Come," replied the voice on the other end, capping the sentence with the firm and unmistakable noise of the phone hanging up. Misato let herself simply hold the phone to her ear for a few moments before turning it off and tossing it back into the seat beside her, eyes shutting as she thought about the situation, the realization that she was going to be partially responsible for Kaji's capture sinking in. Her emotions were a maelstrom, tossed about and distorted by the sudden news, adrenaline seeping into her bloodstream. Then the expression on her face hardened, and she fumbled on the floor of her car for a moment before she found her gun, a flick of a switch sliding the now-empty clip out as she buckled herself into her seat. Her ammunition was sitting beside her, and with quick movements she slid the smooth bullets into the clip, fingers moving more quickly, spurned by both urgency and desire until the clip was filled. "This is it," she muttered, slamming the clip back into the weapon, letting the weapon arm with a satisfying click, her eyes narrowing as she let her car's engine spring to life once again. "You're not getting away with this one, Ryoji." ]++[ "I screwed up," muttered Neil, his green eyes fixed on the ceiling as he shifted his body uncomfortably, taking in the sheer dearth of interesting activity above him as the only available distraction left in the apartment. He wasn't entirely sure about how long it had been since Nieve and Misato had both left, but he knew that it was too long, that he'd had too much time to think about all the mistakes he had made in dealing with both of them. Sighing, Neil let his eyes close for a moment, the green of EVA-01's eye greeting him within the darkness of his eyelids as he'd grown accustomed to. He could still remember hearing the sound of Vash's voice over the phone, picking up when he'd expected to hear Eiko, something at the back of the boy's voice that Neil hadn't been able to identify and hadn't quite wanted to. "I just wanted to talk to a friend," he muttered, rolling to his side, not trying to sleep so much as trying to chase the thoughts in his brain away. "It wasn't anything more. But Nieve wouldn't believe that." Another sigh, and Neil dug his fingers into the soft surface of the mattress beneath him, unsure if he was trying to convince himself or the night air of that fact. He could remember clearly every moment of sparse physical contact that he and Eiko had shared, each time that their hands had accidentally brushed together and each time the warmth of her body had merged with his own. It was an exhilirating memory, enough to provoke a mild shudder along his skin at the thought. "But that's not right of me," he muttered, forcing his eyes open again, letting them take in the whole of the room around him, blue-black darkness cloaking the room and cut through by piercingly silver moonlight. "I'm with Nieve. I should be thinking about her touch, her voice, the way that we interact." Shaking his head, he rolled again, his arms flopping to his sides as he found his eyes twisting towards the ceiling. "That's what normal people do. Vash sure as hell isn't thinking about anyone else." Momentary silence wrapped around the boy's head, and he let himself think for a moment, breathing deep and trying to assemble the scattered ideas within his head. "Vash doesn't live here, though," he muttered, remembering the way that Nieve had cried the day that they'd first made love, the way that he'd felt a spearing agony for hurting her, the guilt that had occupied his mind that night. He couldn't escape the notion that his guilt had been pulling his hands along with the girl, that the only reason he wanted to apologize to her was because he felt guilty for hurting her. His mouth opened to utter another confession into the night, but he was frozen in place by the noise of the front door clicking open, clearly audible from his room laying almost directly across from it. Both arms pushed him upwards before his body froze, eyes locked on his own door, indecision and worry holding him in place. Part of him wanted to rush forward, to greet Misato or Nieve and apologize, to hope that he could patch up the relations that he assumed were strained. Part of him also wanted to do nothing more than pretend to be asleep and hide as best he could, to avoid dealing with the worries that surrounded his mind. Even the gentle sound of footsteps kept him from moving, his mouth only halfway open as he listened to the unknown person move towards him. Another click came with the opening of his own door, and it took him a moment to recognize Nieve's silhouette, her features obscured by the light behind her that briefly flooded into his room. The girl said nothing, simply stepped in and closed the door softly behind her, moonlight running along her body as Neil stared, her hands lingering for a moment on the doorknob before moving to the front of her blouse. It took Neil's mouth a moment to work correctly again, but he finally managed to kick himself into action. "Nieve, please, you don't have to -" "Shh." The noise was decisive enough to make the boy fall silent as Nieve shrugged the red fabric of the blouse off, letting it fall to the floor as the moonlight caressed her shoulders. She paused for only a moment longer before reaching back and unzipping her skirt, stepping out of the pleated garment carefully and walking towards Neil's bed, her body basking in the moonlight and an inexplicably sorrowful expression on her face. Both Children remained silent as Nieve stepped onto the bed, one hand resting on Neil's chest and gently pushing him down to the surface. He acquiesced, feeling guilt surge within his chest as he surmised what was about to happen. Then, to his surprise, Nieve simply lay next to him and wrapped her arms around him, her body pulling itself closer to him, skin pressed hard against the fabric of his clothes as her hair fell against his arm. "I'm sorry, Neil," she whispered, voice almost inaudible as her lips spoke into the side of his body. "I was out of line." "Don't worry," replied Neil, letting his arms embrace the girl lying next to him, feeling her warm skin shift slightly under the touch of his fingers. "So was I." He paused, then half-opened his mouth before closing it again, settling for simply letting his embrace tighten, the only way that he could conceive of sending the message that he wanted. There was more to discuss, but the two remained silent, holding one another and letting moonlight wrap around them, the soft heartbeats of their bodies echoing in time with one another. After what seemed like an eternity of silence, Nieve moved herself slightly, bringing her face closer to Neil's, her lips brushing lightly against his cheek. "Neil?" she asked quietly, obviously afraid of something that he didn't quite understand. "Do you think that I'm... that I..." She paused, biting her lower lip for a second as the boy's emerald eyes looked towards her. "Do you think that I'm worthless?" Neil was taken aback for a moment, his eyes widening as he took in Nieve's features, his guilt over having hurt the girl increasing as he felt his arms tighten unconsciously. "No," he whispered, shaking his head at the same time, feeling as the girl's lips moved along his face from his own motion. "You're a wonderful girl, Nieve. You're not worthless at all." He paused briefly, feeling her own arms tighten around him. "Nieve, do you want to talk about something?" "No," replied Nieve, shaking her head before nestling it upon Neil's shoulder, exhaustion obviously managing to sink into her body as she clung to him. "I just want to feel clean again." The boy began to ask her what she meant, then decided against it, simply holding her more tightly, thoughts of Eiko driven away by the immediacy of Nieve's troubles. ]++[ Anger burned like a halo around Misato's thoughts, her muscles moving smoothly as she ran down another corridor, her gun held firmly with both hands and prepared to fire as soon as necessary. She had seen Ritsuko, drugged and robbed, and despite the resentment she still bore towards her former best friend the thought of what Kaji had done was enough to spring her into action. Her intentions lethal, the woman let her eyes scan the hallways about her, fluorescent lighting shimmering through the air around her as she tried to pick out a noise other than the sound of her own breathing. There was no other visible life in the corridors, not even the intelligence agents that had called for her assistance in pursuing Kaji. They were patrolling upper levels, performing a methodical sweep downward, a standard routine for pursuing a classified intruder in Central Dogma. "Shame I can't tell them they're doing it all wrong," sighed Misato, still slinking through the hallways swiftly. "Kaji must have expected their moves. He's the head of the their department. Must be expecting to get out of here alive." Gentle beeps coming from the earpiece that she wore provoked a momentary start from Misato, followed by a scowl as she glanced about and pressed against a wall. She had been forced into wearing the communicator in order to keep in touch with the Intel agents, but she'd immediately seen it as a stupid idea, an excellent noisemaker to make it perfectly clear to Kaji when his pursuers were approaching. "This is Katsuragi," she hissed, glancing back and forth, hoping that her former lover couldn't hear her. "Make this fast." "Major!" Makoto's tone was unmistakable, even distorted through the hissing noise of the ear communicator. "I've been fumbling with this thing for a few minutes and thought I'd never get your frequency right!" Her eyes widening, Misato flicked her gaze about once again, still concerned about Kaji hearing her but also baffled by the fact that Makoto was even using one of the communicators. "Makoto?" she asked, her hands returning to her gun as she slowly inched her way along the wall. "What are you doing?" "Looking for Kaji, same as you. Intel wasn't too enthusiastic about a technician piching in, but I was on the late shift anyways, and... well, I didn't want you to be all alone with them." He paused, and Misato could hear him blushing on the other end of the line, enough to bring a slight smile to her face. "Anyhow, where the hell are you? I'm on one of the mostly cleared levels of the facility, and I was hoping to arrange a rendezvous point?" "Can't. I'm too busy trying to find him." She paused for a moment, then let herself step across an intersection of hallways, keeping her gun out and pointing it at the air, determined not to let Kaji past her. "Listen, he's not going to be where any of the agents are. I'm certain of it. I'm almost at the bottom of the facility now, but I'm going to proceed further. If I know him, I'd be willing to bet that he's not going to be headed anywhere inside Central Dogma." "You mean..." Makoto's voice took on an almost reverent tone, as though Misato were unveiling the secrets of the universe to him. "You think that he's heading for Terminal Dogma?" "I'd be willing to bet on it," replied Misato, casting her eyes towards the staircase that she knew lay only a few dozen feet away, knowing full well that Kaji would have to descent through it if he was going to head any further down. "Be careful, Makoto. I can't stay on any longer." The younger man doubtlessly had something more to say, but Misato quickly reached up and snapped off the signal, focusing instead on aiming her gun towards the door to the stairwell, keeping her ears peeled for the slightest hint of noise around her. It was ferociously quiet inside the hallways, and as she listened to the quiet humming of the fluorescent lights about her she couldn't help but wonder if she'd moved to slowly, if Kaji hadn't already made his way lower. "I should keep going," she whispered, eyes fixed on the door in front of her. "Even if he's not down there, I'll cut him off." "Sorry, Misato." The words were unexpected, and the woman had barely whirled her head halfway around when she felt Kaji's strong arms wrapping around her and sending her skidding away, the distorting effects of alcohol allowing her only the barest glimpse of the man's powder-blue shirt as he moved past her. By the time that she had recovered her footing, she could see him moving into the stairwell, the sliding doors already shutting behind him. "Don't move a muscle!" shouted Misato, bringing her pistol to bear and firing without thinking, the weapon giving a loud burst of smoke and light as a single bullet ripped forward. She knew she had missed, but she ignored that, running forward on slightly unsteady feet and forcing the sliding doors open again, standing on the landing and pointing her weapon down towards Kaji, fully aware of his destination. "Stay there, Ryoji! I don't want to have to shoot you!" Forcing a grin, Kaji flung himself sideways as Misato fired again, her bullet pinging against the wall a moment too late. Muttering a curse under her breath, Misato began to descend the stairs as fast as she could, fully aware that he would reach the bottom before she did, his movements already too fast for her to get a solid shot off at him. In the back of her head she knew that she needed to call and get some kind of backup, but something kept her determined to follow the man herself, to keep the conflict just between the two of them. "Don't do this, Kaji!" she shouted, trying her best to catch up. "We're going to catch you!" There was no reply, and Misato's eyes widened with the realization that he had opened the door into Terminal Dogma, the unmistakable noise of the sliding doors hissing open coming from just below her. Gritting her teeth, she flung herself down the stairs, falling awkwardly on her high heels and feeling a jab of pain from her ankle, forcing herself to keep moving forward and down another level to see the doors beginning to slide shut. Her ankle sent another pained protest, but she ignored it, lunging forward and wedging her hands between the closing halves of the door, doubting that her own keycard would open it again. Metal gears whined in protest of her presence for a moment, then the door slid open again, apparently convinced that it was not being left any choice in the matter. The doors rushed open to reveal corridors that Misato had never seen, the drab teal-gray of Central Dogma replaced with a red and black that seemed even more oppressive, the lights above her seeming just the slightest bit dimmer. "Terminal Dogma," she muttered, stepping tenatively into the corridors. "NERV's lowest levels. Even I'm not supposed to be down here." Her thoughts were scattered as she heard footsteps, and flicking her gaze to one side she saw Kaji dashing down the hallway, disappearing into the darkness of the cavernous hallways. "-Stop-!" she shouted, forcing herself into motion as she pointed her gun towards the man, something keeping her from pulling the trigger immediately, his outline only a vague silhouette in depths of the corridor. "God -damn- it, Ryoji, give it -up-!" Exact moments began to lose meaning as Misato chased the man lower and lower, occasionally running through stairwells anew and firing when she thought she had a clear shot, each bullet missing its mark by scant inches. The levels only caught her eyes briefly, just long enough to realize what it meant that she was treading in areas where she was unwanted, where only a few were supposed to be present. She had the vaguest ideas what lay within the rooms of Terminal Dogma, but there was no time or desire to confirm her thoughts, only a single-minded certainty that Kaji had to be stopped. Flipping out another clip, Misato let the spent canister fall weakly to the floor as Kaji continued to run, her mind distantly aware of the fact that they were passing a truly massive chamber. As she slammed the fresh clip into the gun, she saw an opportunity that she hadn't had before, a momentary stumble from Kaji, as though his feet had slipped on something unexpected. "FREEZE!" she shouted, hesitating only half a second before slamming her finger down hard on the trigger. Kaji's entire body pitched forward as a red mist jetted out of his shoulder, the wound slowing him to a halt as one hand clutched at the wound. Misato paused for a moment, her eyes going wide with the implications of what she had done, then began to walk swiftly forward, her gun remaining trained on Kaji, hands trembling only slightly. "This is the end of the line, Ryoji," she said, struggling to remain calm as the man drew himself back to his full height. "You try to run, and I swear to God that I'll shoot you dead." The man said nothing for a moment, then turned slowly towards Misato, his mouth an awkward grin despite the blood seeping slowly out from his left shoulder, one hand clenched tightly around the wounded area. "Good shot," he noted, his breaths coming slowly. "I love you, Misato." Misato's eyes went wider, the thought of another revelation giving her a momentary rush. She knew that she wanted nothing to do with the man, that she didn't want to feel his warm embrace, his soft kiss, his gentle touch, but the thought was enough to provoke a pause before her eyes narrowed again. "That's it," she snarled, cocking the pistol once more. "I've had enough of you playing around with my emotions. You and my father both, you've had enough fun with me for one lifetime." "I'm not playing with you," replied Kaji, his voice carrying an inexplicable air of decisiveness about it, his eyes lacking the sort of impish sparkle that the woman would have expected from some kind of deception. "I love you, Misato. Not Ritsuko. That was what I wanted to tell you the day that you left - that I wanted you to marry me, that I was in love with you." Part of Misato wanted to shoot the man regardless of whether or not he was telling the truth, simply because it was easier than trying to deal with the implications of his words. But she couldn't bear to pull the trigger back and fire on him, not with the expression on his face, with the thought that he was truly in love with her. "Then why did you lie to me?" she asked, her voice trembling, pistol shaking in her hands even as she pointed it towards his heart. "Ritsuko had something you don't, Misato. She had access to this level of NERV, to the place of secrets." He paused, wincing slightly from the pain of his wound. "I lied because the only way to get access to this point of the building was through Ritsuko. And like I told you before, I've been trying to investigate NERV, trying to find out what it's hiding from us." The man paused for a moment, as though allowing Misato a chance to speak, a chance she found herself unable to take before he cleared his throat and continued, obviously in pain. "Something big is going on here, and there are people that don't want NERV to keep obscuring the truth from his." He paused, then slowly drew his hand away from his wound, reaching towards his breast pocket. "There are things in this base that even you don't know about. This is one of them." Kaji hesitated for a second, then swiped the card through the reader to one side of the massive chamber's doors, letting them slide open with a creaking noise. Misato frowned at the man, then let herself look inside, expecting to see nothing of any particular note. As she took in the sight, she gasped, and her hands involuntarily released the gun still pointed at Kaji, letting it clatter to the floor and ignoring it. She was looking into the chamber from the side, and simply by glancing in she could tell that it extended far below them, that it was far bigger than she had expected. However, the size of the chamber was necessary for the massive occupant in the center of the room, nailed to a blood-red cross that seemed more than large enough to hold an Eva unit. It was a white, doughy mass in only the vaguest shape of a human being, but it was obviously patterned after the body structure of humans, even ignoring the mask nailed to its face as its entire body slouched forward. From its chest projected a great red weapon, massive even were it to be wielded by an Eva, a red double-pronged spear with a great whirled haft that stretched almost beyond Misato's ability to see in the dimly-lit room. "Lillith," she gasped, blinking once, her eyes widening. "Yes. The Second Angel. They've been keeping her down here since the Second Impact, exactly like this." Kaji paused, wincing from pain and bringing his hand back up to his wound, Ritsuko's keycard clattering to the floor as he staggered slightly. "The first two Angels are both in NERV's possession - the Second was not destroyed as they'd have you believe. And if that sounds bad... they've got a reason for keeping her here, too." Misato could only stare for a moment longer, her mind struggling to wrap itself around the sight of the great white Angel nailed inertly to a metal cross. She remembered the beast, though only distantly, the one who had been the source of the Second Impact and her father's death, something she at once hated them for and could care less about. Forcing herself to take a deep breath, she turned back towards Kaji. "What's the purpose?" she asked, voice trembling. "Why are they keeping her here?" "That's what I'm trying to find out," replied Kaji with a quick nod, taking a deep breath and a step towards Misato, an odd expression on his face, one that she couldn't quite read. "But I have a few guesses." A pause, then he glanced up and down the hallway, as though he expected someone to come after them at any moment. "Don't trust the Seventh, Misato. They're going to bring her out soon, I'm certain of it, and I promise you that whatever they're keeping the Angel here for is related to -" A gunshot pierced the air, and Misato felt the world seem to go into slow motion for a few second as it pierced Kaji's back, blood blossoming outwards as his body pitched forward, following after what seemed like an eternity by the bullet bursting out of the man's chest. She could only watch in horror as the blood slowly began to seep out of his chest, ignoring the sting as the bullet clipped her ear, more concerned with the man pitching forward in slow motion. Everything stayed slow until the moment her hands touched him again, then she could feel time snapping back to normal, the bullet pinging off the walls of the corridor, blood spilling out of the wound in the dead center of Kaji's chest. "No," gasped Misato, holding Kaji as his breaths became more pained, her eyes flicking up to see Makoto standing with his gun still smoking. For the barest of moments she considered screaming at the young man, but she ignored the sensation in favor of the more immediate fact of Kaji's dimming life, burying her head against his chest. "Ryoji, why didn't you tell me any of this? Why didn't you let me know? I would have understood, you know that!" "Because... I love you," hacked the man, his body shuddering slightly as Misato's arms clutched him tightly, blood trickling out and splattering against the dark gray floor. "If you'd... known... you would... have... followed... me." He hacked again, this time a fine mist of blood bubbling to his lips. "Misato... go to where... we first... kissed. I've left... you... every..." The coughing increased again, his body pitching franticly, voice distorted through the vital fluids seeping out of his body. "I - love -" One last shuddering cough managed to escape the man's lips, then his body fell still, eyes half-closed and blood still slowly trickling out, Makoto approaching almost reverently. Misato stared at the body for a moment longer, then clutched to it with all her strength, letting her tears fall and mingle with the blood covering her former lover, her entire body wracked with sorrow as he gazed blankly into darkness. "You should have told me," she whispered, her hands desperately clutching at the man's bloodstained shirt, eyes closed tightly as the tears continued to stream forth. "It's my decision if I want to follow you or not, even if it hurt me. I..." She hesitated, unsure of what to say, wishing that she had just a few scant seconds more to speak with the man. "I love you, Ryoji Kaji." A moment passed in relative silence before Misato let out a low, wailing moan, her entire body seeming to collapse against Kaji's inert form as her shoulders shuddered violently. Makoto took a tenative step forward, then stopped, tossing his gun to one side, unsure of what to do as he watched the elder woman cry. There were no words left, only tears, only the spreading blood along the ash-gray floor as Misato cried over her lover. ]++[ The air was tense inside of the meeting room, the Children all sharing an awkward silence as Dr. Ikari approached the podium towards the front of the room. Neil and Nieve had both heard about Kaji's death first, directly from Misato, but the other Children had been filled in with varying degrees of sensitivity, something that struck Neil as ultimately being trivial. He had only briefly interacted with the man, but he knew full well that Nieve and Niobe had had the most to do with him, something that was reaffirmed by the state that the girl was in, a sort of disbelief mixed with sadness. Gendou, for his part, was unconcerned with the state of the Children regarding the events of the prior night, although he couldn't help but be mildly irritated by how far Kaji had managed to get before someone had managed to stop him. Mercifully, there appeared to be no signs of sabotage, something he certainly didn't need in light of SEELE's increasing curiosity. He was being forced to play his hand far more quickly than he'd originally wanted to, but he knew that it was for the best as he stood behind the podium, that he was advancing appropriately. "Ryoji Kaji was shot dead during an intrusion attempt into Central Dogma last night," he announced flatly, riveting the attention of the Children with the sheer bluntness of his statement. "It is unknown exactly what he intended to accomplish, but he posed a clear threat to the security of this organization." He paused for a moment, adjusting his glasses. "As you have all been informed, any information that you may have regarding this matter should be divulged as soon as possible." Letting his voice fall silent, Gendou glanced about the room for a moment, knowing full well that whatever Kaji had been doing was independent of the Children. It was something that he had to say, the best way to help keep the man's death uninvestigated. "Furthermore, we have another matter to discuss," he continued, fixing his eyes on the entrance to the room, resisting the urge to smile. "As you may or may not know, Evangelion unit 07 has been completed and is being delivered to NERV for our use. This unit was originally comissioned to restore our forces after the destruction of EVA-02 at the hands of the Fourteenth Angel." Nieve shifted in her seat, made obviously uncomfortable by the mention of her lost Eva. She disliked the thought of what had happened to it every bit as much as she disliked the almost ghoulish sensation of piloting Niobe's Eva as the African girl lay comatose. "We're fully staffed now, though," offered Nieve weakly, almost wishing that she had remained silent. "Why do we need another Eva?" "The unit was comissioned before the incident with the Fifteenth Angel, therefore giving us a surplus of one Eva unit," replied Gendou flatly. "Because of the circumstances, however, it seems wasteful to not use the unit to its full potential. For this reason, we have recruited another Child to utilize EVA-07." As though on cue, the entrance to the room slid open, and everyone turned their gazes towards the door, watching as a girl stepped through almost mechanically. Her appearance was striking in its almost eerie familiarity, her pale skin beneath the fluorescent lights, red eyes blankly surveying the assembled Children, light blue hair hanging thinly about her head. She wore a short blue skirt and a white blouse, and took a moment to let her eyes flick about the room, something about her appearance tugging at the back of Neil's room before she opened her mouth. "Hello," she said, voice cold and surprisingly flat as her eyes rested on Ryo. "I am the Seventh Child. My name is Rei Ayanami." ]++[ Outro: Neon Epoch Evangelion is based off of -Shin Seiki Evangelion- by GAINAX and company. It is not intended to be a straightforward fanfic, but it is building off the work of others, and as such it is done with the utmost respect for the original works and their authors. Basically, even though this is an original work, it's based off the work of others, and if you read this, you should go to see the original. Special thanks to all of the real Children - you know who you are. Extra special thanks to Joe Augulis for his consultation on the Japanese portions of the story. He might not know much Japanese, but that's more than I know. Copyright 2002 Eliot Lefebvre. NEXT EPISODE: The dove flies free from the tree. The animals return to their homes. The hate returns to the hearts of man. NEON EPOCH EVANGELION 23: AFTER THE FLOOD "It's just not the same any more." ]++[ We only have a little time in our lives to waste. Make the most of it. Electronic Transcendence Productions: Producer of, um, stuff for an unspecified time-period. Rants: