From: (Eliot Lefebvre) Subject: [Eva][FanFic] Neon Epoch Evangelion: Episode 26 X-Original-Date: 16 Feb 2003 20:44:37 -0800 Today's the day I stand up to her with a pre-story warning!: This fanfic is an original take on GAINAX's "Shin Seiki Evangelion." It contains alternative characters, plots, and a different overriding internal logic. It is intended, from the beginning, to be different. This includes different Children and different histories. In short: if the mere thought of someone other than Shinji in the cockpit of EVA-01 makes you queasy, you are in -entirely- the wrong place. Any and all flames stemming from this alteration will be mocked mercilessly. You have been warned. I should be getting a new computer soon. This has no bearing on this post except 1) it's currently the major source of stress in my life, and that makes things difficult, 2) it will mean that I'm able to run more advaned software, which makes me happy, and 3) I like to brag. At any rate, there are no mistakes in the next episode quote. Really. ]++[ ]+ ELECTRONIC TRANSCENDENCE PRODUCTIONS +[ presents ]+ NEON EPOCH +[ ]+ E V A N G E L I O N +[ ]+ EPISODE 26: CRUEL THESIS +[ By Eliot "Lostfactor" Lefebvre Based off of "Shin Seiki Evangelion" by GAINAX ]++[ Blessed and holy are those that have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years. - REVELATIONS 20:6 ]++[ [ 2006 ] Naoko Akagi was surveying the boy in front of her with a critical stare, a fact that didn't quite seem to be lost on him as he looked back and forth between the goliath outside the window and his father. "This really isn't the place for children," she said, her voice firm, eyes flashing as she turned towards the boy's father herself. "We still aren't certain of what's going to happen out there. I'd prefer it if he was kept -" "Oh, let him be, Dr. Akagi," replied Gendou Ikari, a smile on his lips as he watched his son look around the room with enthusiasm. His face was almost frighteningly gaunt, his chin coming to what looked like a dangerous point, but there was genuine joy in his features. "It's a big day for his mother - for all of us. He's got as much of a right as anyone else to observe." "Don't say I didn't -warn- you," replied Naoko firmly, provoking a broader smile on Gendou's face. He still felt some vague guilt for everything that had been done to her, but he also felt justified. Even though the teal-gray paint still seemed to be drying on the metallic bulkheads of Gehirn's headquarters, it felt finished, only waiting for the successful activation of their first experiment to be free of any failures. And there was nothing that -could- go wrong. He winced slightly as he remembered his flight from the Katsuragi expedition site, knowing full well what was going to happen, wondering why SEELE had only informed him in enough time to flee. The guilt had been nearly unbearable at the time, but he had come to understand what needed to be done, and as he walked towards the window to stand beside Shinji, he knew that he had done the right thing. "You remember what I told you about that?" he asked the boy, dropping to his knees as he watched the technicians finishing up their final preparations. "That's what your mother and I have been working on here - the artificial life form Evangelion." Shinji stared at it for a moment, then looked towards his father reluctantly. "It looks scary," he replied, eyes wide. "Isn't it supposed to be friendly?" "It's scary, but it's friendly anyways. It's -our- monster." The words sounded oxymoronic to Gendou, but he ignored the thought and stood once again, his white lab coat shifting around him as he stood. "We're using it to keep the bad monsters away, your mother and I. One day, we're going to need it to save us all." "Dr. Ikari?" The tone of Kozou Fuyutsuki's voice was ever so slightly accusatory, as if Gendou was still his unruly student that had to be reminded of his assigments. Another day, Gendou would have been irritated by the tone, but he was too filled with enthusiasm to even let it bother him. "Yui's all suited up, and the technicians are preparing to withdraw. As soon as you're ready, we can begin the activation." Gendou adjusted his glasses, then turned on his heel, stepped towards the gray computer console that Fuyutsuki was standing behind, and flipped on the microphone. "Dr. Yui Ikari?" he asked with mock seriousness. "We're prepared for the experiment. If you would enter the launch chamber?" "Of course," replied the woman, her voice accompanied by the whir and hiss of the doors of the hangar opening. Yui stepped in quickly, her short brown hair bobbing along with her, the long white lab coat covering her blue and white test suit. "We just finished running tests on the new plug suit. All of the receptors are working perfectly. We should be able to achieve synchronization with the machine." "Spectacular. The entry plug is being lowered now. Once you're in, we'll begin the experiment in earnest." He leaned back from the microphone, turning towards Dr. Fuyutsuki. "Have the technicians prepare for the system activation on my cue. The generators should already be up and running." Yui's form slowly climbed into the white cylinder of the entry plug, and Gendou couldn't help but watch, almost wanting to rush over to the microphone and cry out that he loved her. It was inappropriate, but somehow it seemed as though it could be excused under the circumstances. Still, he forced himself to remain in place, watching the hatch close, the automated arms lifting the entry plug as Yui's voice came through the radio once again. "Shinji's watching, isn't he?" "He is. You're going to make all of us proud." The man smiled one last time, then turned towards Fuyutsuki, receiving a nod of approval. Taking a few quick steps across the smooth floor towards the wide class observation window, he clasped his arms behind his back, then cleared his throat. "Activate EVA-01! Full power to docking systems!" "Full power engaged!" came the reply, the technician's voice one that he didn't recognize. He was only listening in the most peripheral sense - it was far more important to him to watch as the back of the Eva split open to receive the entry plug, all of the machinery moving in smooth concert to allow the vessel entry. "Entry plug received normally! All interlocks engaging, prepared for second phase of activation!" "Engage internal cameras!" shouted Gendou, feeling an almost giddy rush as the purple goliath sealed its back once again. He'd almost not believed that it would work, and it was moving like clockwork. "Prepare flood of LCL and power up the synchronization grid! All life support systems should be at full operational status!" A slight flash seemed to move across the pure white eyes of the Eva, something Gendou took as a sign that it was working correctly. "Cameras engaged! LCL is being flooded, synchronization grid is perpared! Pilot's life signs are normal, aside from a slight peak in blood pressure!" Gendou smiled even more broadly, and forcing his hands not to trembled he adjusted his glasses, amazed at the sight of the machine in front of him. "Engage synchronization systems!" he shouted, a rush of adrenaline flooding his bloodstream as he leaned towards the window. "How are you feeling, Yui?" "I'm fine. The LCL tastes a little funny, but I'm not having any trouble breathing it." Her voice was light and optimistic, a tone that Gendou couldn't help but feel burned into his memory. "I'm starting to feel the Eva's presence - this must be what synchronization will feel like. It's a bit painful - and it almost sounds as if -" Yui's voice suddenly fell silent, and Gendou had only a second to frown in bewilderment before he saw the eyes of the Eva flash a bright green. There were no pupils, but he felt as though it was looking at him directly, and in shock he stepped backwards, almost certain that there was something malfunctioning. "Something's going wrong," Fuyutsuki said loudly, trying to draw Gendou's attention. "There's a synchronization spike already. She shouldn't have this level of connection, not yet." Then Yui's voice came back over the speakers, a howling scream of agony that sent Shinji running away from the window in shock. Gendou's eyes flew back towards the Eva, and in his horror he could see the machine straining against its restraints. "Yui!" he shouted, lunging towards the window once again. "Eject the entry plug! Something's gone wrong!" "Ejection systems are not responding!" the technicians shouted back. "Pilot's heart seems to have stopped! Her body mass is down by 20%! Something seems to be eating her alive in there!" "No!" shouted Gendou, watching the Eva rip its arms away from the walls, eyes glowing a brilliant green, the metal jaw tearing itself open and letting out a roar. He could distantly see Shinji still cowering in the corner, rocking on his heels in terror, but his thoughts rested with Yui's voice, still screaming chokingly through the speakers. "Disengage the power! Scale back the synch ratio! Abort! Abort!" "Power has been cut!" shouted the technicians, accompanied by a louder roar from EVA-01 as Yui's scream grew more strangled. "The ejection system still isn't working! Pilot's skeletal structure is undergoing severe decalcification!" "YUI!" Turning, Gendou rushed towards the door that he knew led into the hangar, his mind on his wife as he felt Dr. Fuyutsuki's grip restrain him. "Let me -go-, damn it! She's trapped inside that thing! I've got to get her out!" "There's nothing you can do," replied Fuyutsuki, staring grimly at the Eva as it continued to break away from its restraints, roaring at nothing, Yui's voice choking away to nothing. "Gendou, that thing will destroy you if you go out there. Until we shut it down, you've got to stay inside!" "I don't care if it kills me! I have to save her!" The younger man struggled against his former teacher's arms, his frenzy growing as his beloved's voice grew quieter and quieter. "Yui! YUI! Don't give up! I'm coming! I'll save you, I promise! Let me go! -YUI-!" Gendou couldn't remember how long it had taken before the whole thing was over. He couldn't see anything but EVA-01 raging, its massive and jagged mouth mocking his efforts. He only knew that Shinji had screamed and cried, that Naoko had tried to recover control of the monster, that Fuyutsuki had held him in place as Yui slipped from his fingers. It wasn't until he stood in front of the deactivated goliath that he truly began to comprehend the world around him again. Kozou Fuyutsuki went to console him, something he began to realize as if through a haze. "Naoko is piecing together plans for recovering Yui's soul. There's enough carbon and water in the LCL to allow for her body - if we can reconstruct it, we might be able to bring her out of the Eva again. It's risky, but possible." It was a long time before Gendou turned to look at Fuyutsuki, his eyes wide and filled with pain. "They claimed that we would be protected. You remember that, don't you?" He laughed bitterly, feeling something close off in his chest. "I thought that everything we'd done was worth it. All the sacrifices made in the name of humanity. But now... now something like -this- happens." "She's not gone," replied Kozou, sounding halfway between apologetic and uncertain. "We'll find a way to get her back, I'm certain of it." "Perhaps we will. But..." He paused, then shook his head and sighed. "This is not the way. This is not a path to ascension. This is us following some arbitrary higher power's dictates." An idea was forming in his head, and as he turned towards Fuyutsuki the light caught his glasses just right, reflecting off the lenses as if they were mirrors. "If this is the upshot of their experiment, do you really want any part in it?" "You were the one who convinced me to help them," replied Kozou, sounding somewhat reluctant. "Remember? You approached me after the Second Impact, told me that I was needed elsewhere. You and Yui both." "But if I had known then," replied Gendou, letting himself trail off as he turned up to stare at EVA-01 once again. He could remember looking up at it with Yui not more than three hours before, talking with her and smiling. "I still believe what I said, Kozou. But I don't know if SEELE really knows what it would mean to save humanity. I don't know if their God even leads to salvation." Both men remained silent for a moment, looking at the goliath before them, both fully aware of what lay beneath the purple armor. "You think that there might be another way?" "After what I saw today, I don't think that I can sign over the fate of humanity to those old men." He smiled bitterly, then looked Kozou in the eye. "We will have to make more sacrifices, of course. It won't be easy to save everyone from themselves and from what SEELE has envisioned." A cold air overtook his voice, his chest tightening as he spoke. "You may leave if you wish. We will be forced to save this world through our own means." Kozou didn't reply immediately, his eyes locked on the half-open maw of the beast that loomed above them. "For Yui," he said weakly, turning his eyes halfway towards Gendou. "If you haven't gone completely insane, I can't imagine that I'd deny you." "Thank you." A thin sliver of pain was resting in Gendou's chest, but he ignored it, focusing instead on the barest foundations of a plan slowly coming to focus in his head. "We will bring her back. One way or another, I swear that we will bring her back." ]++[ [ 2016 ] For the first time that he could remember, Gendou Ikari was eschewing his desk in the meeting room. He stood, his face unmasked, simply waiting for the holographic monoliths to come into existence around him as he knew they would. It had been two hours since they had requested the meeting, and the wear of lost sleep was painfully grating on him, but it was worth it for the culmination of ten years' planning. "Whenever you're ready," he whispered into the darkness. Almost on cue, the black slabs of SEELE began to shimmer into existence around him. "The final seal has been broken," intoned the dark voice of Keel Lorenz, rippling out through the darkness from the slab directly in front of Gendou. "Your project has been successful, Gendou Ikari. The Chamber of Gaf is open, and humanity stands prepared on the horizon of eternity." "We lack the Evangelion units necessary for construction of the Ark," offered another voice, this one indistinct to Gendou's ears. The age and feebleness of the tone angered Gendou in ways that he couldn't explain, but he forced himself to remain calm. "EVA-02 and EVA-03 have both been destroyed. More units must be constructed to replace them." "It is a matter of little time," replied Keel firmly. "All of the preparations are in place for humanity's judgement." There was a pause, then Gendou could almost feel the weight of the ancient man's attention being placed upon him. "Ikari. Your final task is to use the Father's body to impale Lillith once more, to bring God from His chamber to seal those worthy of ascension." Gendou, at last, allowed himself a smile. He had never smiled before the old men, not once, knowing that even when he could not see them that they could see him. But now he let himself relax his guard at long last, a sense of heady triumph flooding his body. He waited for a few moments, letting the others mull over the smile, and then spoke a single defiant word: "No." Silence was followed swiftly by a clamor of protest, hushed firmly by Keel as Gendou stood without movement. "You overstep your bounds, Ikari," the leader said firmly, his voice more angry than usual. "God will be brought -" "I agree. God will most certainly be brought from His chamber." The smile had not faded, a confident expression brought on from certainty in victory. "But there will be no judgement, not as you envision it. I have not worked so hard to save humanity to witness its damnation." "Don't be a fool, Ikari," replied Keel firmly, obviously trying to keep his fear in check. It was slightly amusing, to hear someone that had so long been assured of his own inviolability having the rug pulled out from beneath them. "This is as it is and as it was always intended to be. You possess no means of perverting the course of justice." "Justice?" Ire was growing within Gendou's mind, and it was taking immense concentration to maintain collected. "You know nothing of justice. The death of humanity is no ascension, and staking our existence on scripture and spiritual ascension is a fool's bargain. I will have no part in it, and I have the means to ensure -true- salvation." He paused, giving himself a moment to restore his calm. "EVA-08 has been completed." Another cacophony of voices filled the chamber, and Gendou couldn't help but take a perverse pleasure in the knowledge of how thoroughly he was frustrating the old men. "That's impossible," shouted one of the voices. "Our reports have shown us -" "Your reports have been doctored. EVA-08 has been completed and transported to Tokyo-3. The orders were confirmed about two hours ago, enough time for the transit to be completed." His smile widened. "There is nothing that you can do. By the time that you could motivate any kind of military force, the Eva will have already been activated." "This is blasphemy," spat another voice, its sound like that of fingernails scraping a blackboard. "God does not bow to suit your whims, Ikari." "Nor yours," replied the man, adjusting his glasses and turning towards where he knew the door lay. He had antagonized the old men long enough, and he knew that despite the futility of their actions he could not simply goad them without expecting retaliation. "Despite what you wish, I will save this world. I thank you for helping me to that goal." More shouts came from the monoliths, but Gendou ignored them, stepping into the hallway to see Fuyutsuki and Rei waiting for him. The girl had already donned her white plugsuit, an almost disturbingly familiar sight. "How did they take it?" asked Fuyutsuki, his face drawn, expression concerned but resolute. "As could be expected," Gendou replied, turning on his heel and beginning to stride towards the elevator. "Contact all branches of NERV, all major governments, and notify them that we believe an Angel has infiltrated the computer networks of the world. If necessary, release the reports about the Eleventh Angel to serve as confirmation. Any orders coming to them to destroy our branch should be seen as suspect." "It will not last," replied Fuyutsuki. He looked older under the dim light of Terminal Dogma's corridors, his brown uniform almost making him appear monastic. "SEELE can't be held off forever, and they can release information about the Seventeenth as well. As soon as it's made clear all of the Angels are destroyed, they will be coming for us." "By the time that would happen, Dr. Fuyutsuki, there will no longer be any need to worry." He smiled, receiving a reluctant nod of acceptance from his elder. "Good. Prepare the Gathering. I will oversee the initial preparation of EVA-08." The doctor turned and began striding down another corridor, while Gendou and Rei continued towards the elevator, the red light seeming to mingle with the girl's eyes. It was stunning how closely she resembled Yui in body, and yet every time that he looked at her Gendou could feel the distance between the two in personality. "Are you ready?" he asked her, trying to push the thoughts from his head, knowing that he had to remain completely focused. "Of course," replied the girl, pressing the button to call the elevator as she and Gendou came to a halt. "This is my purpose in life." "Correct." The man adjusted his glasses, taking a deep breath and forcing himself to relax. "Humanity's fate rests with you, Rei." He stole one last glance at the girl's short blue hair, then turned his gaze towards the elevator, feeling his anticipation growing steadily. It was the same as the day that he had first activated EVA-01 - the culmination of so many years of planning and work. Yet he was certain, this time, that there would be no failures. ]++[ Nieve was almost reluctant to let herself wake up, nestled in the bliss of the first genuine sleep she'd gotten since the Sixteenth Angel's attack. She wanted to spend time with Neil again, to let things return to normal, but as she stretched her arms above her and let her entire body extend itself she couldn't help but wonder if it wouldn't be just as good to spend the whole day in bed with her lover. A lazy smile spread across her face, and she rolled over, expecting to see Neil beside her. She was alone, and as her hand reached out halfheartedly to touch the space where Neil should have been she felt a chill move through her body. It must have been a dream, having him beside her again, and as she pulled the covers closer against her she felt the cold seep through her skin and down to her bones. "At least that means the Seventeenth isn't destroyed, I suppose," she muttered. Exhaustion was overtaking her, and her memories of the prior day's events seemed unbearably spotty. "So I might still -" A loud crash echoed through the house, followed by a light but masculine voice cursing. Nieve's entire body perked into attention, and she threw off the blankets, rolling herself out of bed, feeling an inherent distaste of her body. Grabbing a nightshirt off the floor, she slipped the light blue fabric over her body and stepped out of her room, glancing around for the source of the exclamation. Neil's door was open, and Nieve hesitantly stepped towards it to see the boy sitting on his bed and rubbing his toes vigorously. There were boxes piled around him, most in an orderly fashion, one sitting just in front of him as if it had been dropped there. "Neil?" she asked quietly, her feet cold against the floor. The boy's eyes flicked quickly towards her, then towards the boxes with a sigh. "Nieve," he replied. "I'm sorry. I was trying not to wake you - Misato had told me how much trouble you had been having sleeping, and you looked so peaceful that I... I..." He shook his head. "No, that's not it." "You were packing," replied Nieve, saying the words without malice as she stepped over to his bed, surprised at how much he'd been able to accomplish. Shafts of light pierced the room from his window, falling on his bed and seeming to cast both Children in a sort of halo as she sat beside him. "It's all right. I just... I just was worried, when I woke up alone, that..." "I wouldn't do that to you," replied Neil, shaking his head enthusiastically. "I... I just wanted to get this done before you woke up, so that we could spend our time together. I'm sorry that I woke you up - my hands slipped, and I -" "Shh." The girl leaned towards Neil, resting her head on his shoulder, letting the thin red strands trace across his clothing. Her eyes fluttered closed, and after a moment he placed his hand on her head, slowly rubbing it affectionately, bringing a thin smile to her lips. "I'm just glad that I wasn't dreaming." Neil made a small choking noise, then his arms wrapped around the girl's body tightly, drawing her closer to him with a loving ferocity. It at once excited and scared her, and as he released her he knew that he wouldn't be telling her good news. "Nieve..." He paused, turning his face away from her reluctantly. "We're going to all be leaving soon, you know. You, Niobe, and I... we're all going back to where we came from, now that the Angels are gone." Nieve nodded, the statement hitting her somewhat unprepared. She had known, of course, but hearing the boy say it made her feel something entirely different. "It's going to change everything," she said, trying to maintain her calm. "I... I don't know how we'll manage to maintain a relationship over that kind of distance, but -" "I don't think that we -should-," replied Neil firmly, his eyes snapping shut as tears began to well in the corners. Nieve's eyes went wide, and she recoiled from the boy out of shock as he slowly tried to make out another sentence. "I think - that is, I know - it might be for the best that we're going to be so far apart, that we need to bring our relationship to a close." His words seemed fraught with pain, and Nieve couldn't tell whether to answer that pain or her own first. "What did I do?" she asked at length, her voice trembling. "Neil, I understand that I was too possessive, but please, don't leave just for that. I can - I -will- change, if that's what it takes. I just want you to be happy, to love me, to -" "Don't think that," replied Neil, bowing his head and nestling his eyes in this hands. "It's not you. It's me. It's... I see how I keep hurting you, Nieve, and I -hate- myself for it. And the worst part is that it just keeps happening, that we just keep going back and forth like this." With a raspy sigh, he leaned back and looked the girl in the eye, tears brimming to overflowing about his emerald irises. "I feel the same way about you, Nieve. I want you not to hurt. But that's something that I don't seem to be able to provide for you." A clenching sensation flooded the girls chest, and she slowly lifted her body away from Neil. "So... what do we do, then?" she asked halfheartedly, edging away from the boy as if she was worried he would bite. "Just not talk to one another until we get sent away?" "I was going to try and get sent away early," replied Neil. "I came back because I didn't want you to think that I had just left you without any warning, as if it was on a whim." He sighed, forcing himself to his feet. "I'm sorry, Nieve. I just don't think that we can work, not with the way that we've been so far. We'll just keep hurting each other." Part of Nieve wanted to scream at him that he was hurting her even without staying with her, but she maintained control over her disposition. "All right," she whispered, hating the words. "I... guess it's for the best, after all. It would be problematic, maintaining a relationship from Ireland. Better to find someone closer to home." "Yes," replied Neil, his head bent forward, tears splashing gently against the floor. He was looking away from Nieve, denying her the opportunity to see his pain, as though he was trying to prevent her from feeling sorry for him. "Nieve... I will miss you." "Then don't give up," replied Nieve, feeling a harsh determination burn itself into her chest. She could feel the old flames licking at the backs of her eyes once again, as though awakened from a long slumber. She had fought to keep him from the Angels, from Eiko, from himself, from every possible source of opposition - she certainly hadn't gone to that much trouble to let him go -now-. "I'm going to keep holding on, Neil, whether you like it or not. Even if it -kills- me." The boy's head snapped back upright, but Nieve was already out the door, a blur of motion, her eyes burning with determination as she strode towards her room. Her hair tickled against the back of her neck as she went, and she almost felt as if the color was moving back into it. "I'm not giving up my handle on this now," she whispered to herself. "This is just beginning." ]++[ Niobe took her steps with confidence now, her hands hovering slightly above the twin metal bars that she was intended to use for support. Her feet didn't move swiftly, but they moved with assurance, fueled by self-hatred and a determination to be able to walk once again. With gritted teeth, she reached the end of the path and turned around, cursing herself under her breath as she strode back in the opposite direction. "Got to get something right," she muttered. She had been informed that the Seventeenth Angel had been destroyed almost as an afterthought by one of the nurses, a sniveling Japanese woman that Niobe would have loved to have met on equal footing. It had been all Niobe could think about since then, enough to spurn her into spending nearly her entire day practicing the art of walking once again. Academically, she had known that there was little chance of her being brought out of the painfully white hospital and into the entry plug once again, but as long as the Angels remained there was a thin glimmer of hope still dancing in her mind. Now... "You're doing much better," said Ryo calmly, drawing Niobe's gaze and forcing her off-balance. She stumbled for a moment, then her hands firmly gripped the rails and kept her upright, arm muscles refusing to let her fall. He stood in the doorway, dressed in the same school uniform that he always seemed to wear, his hands jammed in his pockets, blue hair dissheveled and red eyes weak. "The last time I saw you, you could barely make it halfway, and now -" "Too little, too late," replied Niobe with a sigh, releasing the handlebars and walking once again. "You were probably there when the Seventeenth was destroyed - you know as well as I do that the Children are no longer useful. I'll be kicked out and sent back home within a matter of days." "I wasn't there," replied Ryo weakly, stepping into the room with slow motions, his eyes flicking about the room cautiously. "It was only Neil. Didn't they tell you anything about the battle other than the fact that -" "Not a word. Just the fact that the Angels were defeated." She reached the end of her path and turned once again, noting distantly that she had taken to interrupting Ryo on a regular basis. "And the whole time I was down here, lying in my bed and feeling sorry for myself. My entire purpose was coming to a head, and I didn't even lift a finger to do anything." Gripping the rails again, Niobe leaned her head forward, closing her eyes and wishing that she could still have the comfort of her long dark hair shielding her face. It barely covered anything now, something she was painfully aware of. "Some pilot I turned out to be," she muttered, resisting the urge to cry. Ryo's hand rested gently on the girl's shoulder, and she started slightly, remembering the heat from the boy's lips during his last visit. "You aren't..." His voice choked, and Niobe forced herself to open her eyes, looking towards Ryo through the fine strands of her own hair. "You aren't the only one who's been discarded, Niobe. I know how you feel." Niobe felt a sudden awkwardness grip her, and she drew herself to her full height, looking Ryo in the eye, suddenly fully aware of his body. She remembered the horrible picture of him within the Angel, remembered the perfect curve of his body, and wondered if it hadn't simply been a flight of fancy. "Nobody's discarded you, Ryo," she said softly. "You're cared for. You're important. You're -needed-." "I -was-," replied Ryo, shaking his head gently. "But... I failed Dr. Ikari, by failing in my routines. I know it. He's always taught me that I should follow the routine, that I was different than others, and then I... I threw it away. He stopped testing me." Extending a hand from the rail, Niobe slowly leaned her body weight against Ryo for support, an added burden that he didn't seem to mind. "What do you mean by that?" she whispered, somehow afraid to speak in anything but hushed tones. "You've stopped having synch testing with the others?" "No. This was different, always." The boy's red eyes squeezed shut, one pale had clenching hard against Niobe's chocolate skin. "He said that he was using me to find out more about what gave us the ability to pilot the Evas, but... I knew that it was more. I didn't know exactly what, but I could feel something in my soul, as if they were peering inside me." He sighed. "He told me never to talk about it to anyone. I shouldn't be saying this." "You're not doing anything wrong," replied Niobe, stumbling slightly as he moved away from her. Gritting her teeth, she forced herself to move towards him once again, stepping out from between the rails, her steps uneasy but certain. "Ryo, you're not under any obligation to do what he tells you." The boy shook his head once more, eyes still squeezed shut even as Niobe's took his hands in her own. "You don't understand, Niobe. I... I don't even think that I always understood." He sighed. "I'm not like you. I'm not a normal boy. I'm barely even a boy at all." A word seemed to catch in his throat as he started once again, and he fell silent. "Don't talk like that. You're just like anyone else, Ryo. I believe that, truly." She took a hesitant step towards him once again. "I wish that I could have met you in a different time, really. I would have liked to have known your parents, your -" "I don't... have any parents," Ryo interjected, voice faltering, tears brimming at the corners of his eyes. "I know that. Commander Ikari told me. I was born... unlike others. I was supposed to be different from the beginning." He stammered for a moment, brow furrowed, breath coming quickly and shallowly. "I was Ikari's tool. I was his path into the Eva unit." Niobe's eyes went wide, and she jerked her gaze up to meet Ryo's eyes. "There was more to it, I'm certain. But... that was why he needed me. That was why I was his favorite." The boy's tears began to fall gently, his hands tightening and forcing blood out of Niobe's skin. "Once he couldn't use me as a tool any longer, he discarded me. I... I'm no better than a tool. I'm just something for people to use when it's convenient." "That..." Niobe felt a rush of guilt at her own selfishness, a deep red flush blossoming upon her cheeks. "Ryo, you're just like anyone else. You're not -" "It's not as though you're different," replied the boy bitterly. "You used me just like the others. I was your basis of comparison, something for you to strive to beat. All the while I hated piloting the Eva, you were trying to model yourself..." He coughed, shaking his head. "I'm sorry. I'm only making things worse." Jerking away from Niobe, Ryo began to leave, and Niobe felt herself lean forward to stop him. Then she felt a momentary rush of weightlessness, and in horror she realized that she'd leaned too far and that she was going to fall. A choked noise escaped her throat, and Ryo froze and turned towards her just in time to catch her full weight as she fell, her body pushing close against his as he staggered backwards to receive her. After a moment, Niobe's concentration returned, and she became painfully aware of the closeness of the boy's body, the soft touch of his arms around her. Her pulse began to race, and her hands clutched at the collar of his shirt, drawing herself up to face him as her chest began heaving gently. "This was what I wanted," she muttered. "You. I... I thought if I... you didn't notice because..." Both Children were moving fumblingly towards a kiss, their lips trembling as Niobe struggled to keep herself upright, blue eyes wide and excited. Then the hiss and whir of the opening doors threw off their rythym, and in shock the two staggered apart before they even looked towards the door, Niobe forcing herself to regain her footing. The sensuality slowly fading from her mind, she turned her attention towards the door, her blush of shame deepening. Two NERV Intelligence agents stood in the doorway, thick black sunglasses obscuring their eyes, a rather devious smile seemingly shared between them. "The First and the Sixth at once. What luck." One of the agents stepped forward, flexing his hands casually. "You're both coming with us. Commander Ikari has need of your presence." Ryo frowned, as if something was tickling at the back of his mind not quite formed. Then, without further prompting, he moved like a dart towards the door, obviously hoping that his small size would make him an impossible target for the larger agents. His optimism proved unfounded as the silent agent drove a quick fist into his side, sending Ryo sprawling on the floor. Niobe felt herself jump slightly, wondering what it was Ryo had figured out even as her eyes slowly leveled towards the agents once again. "Contact Ikari. Tell him that we have these two under control." The silent agent nodded and removed a cellular phone from his pocket while the other agent took a step towards Niobe. "Now, are you going to be more cooperative?" ]++[ Neil and Vash had only been alone together a handful of times, and there hadn't been a single one that was entirely pleasant. The deep shadows of the now-abandoned terrace seemed to accent that fact more than necessary, making it painfully clear that the two were not behaving according to their normal patterns. "Thanks for meeting me," Neil said at length, casting his eyes towards the ruffling leaves above him. "I didn't think you'd want to cooperate with me after everything that's happened." Vash shrugged. The black windbreaker that he wore over his clothes had been zipped up tight to chase off the light chill of the dark day - it had grown cloudy only a few hours into the day, and mingled with the dearth of people in the city it made the day feel like a funeral march. "I don't hate you, Neil. You ought to know that by now." "Yeah. Nieve told me that you came over the night that I..." He sighed, then shook his head, looking towards the gray stones that would have had the light dancing across them any other day. "You know." There was a momentary silence between the boys, then Neil coughed and began again. "I told Nieve this morning that I was breaking it off with her." Eyes wide, Vash let his eyes focus on Neil, half-expecting the other boy to be weeping. Neil was perfectly composed, however, as if nothing new had happened. "Are... are you sure that was a good idea?" he asked. "I mean, you seemed to miss her so much, and -" "I -did-. I miss her already." With weak motions, Neil flopped on the nearest bench, letting his arms and legs go limp. A soft breeze blew his hair into quick flurries of motion, something that the boy didn't even seem to notice. "It just wasn't right. I knew that we would just keep going through the same thing otherwise, unless something changed. You probably know what that's like." He flicked his eyes towards Vash, studying him. Vash ran a quick finger through his hair, feeling the comfortable spikes slowly returning. He was letting the dye bleed itself out, but he had returned to his old hairstyle - the closest compromise that he could think of under the circumstances. "I suppose so. It's not as though Eiko and I had been doing that well when things hit the fan." He sat down beside Neil, looking his fellow pilot in the eye with resolute intensity. "Thanks about that, actually. You shouldn't have had to get involved." "I was involved from the moment I was here. That was the first brave thing I'd done." Neil sighed again, leaning forward and sinking his head towards the ground, his back bent and shoulders slumped forward. "Pathetic, isn't it? I've made one huge mess of everything I could have had here." "Not everything." Vash's tone seemed almost reverent, and Neil turned towards the other boy in surprise even as Vash tried to puzzle out what was going on. "You defeated more of the Angels by yourself than anyone else. And you did it all without regard for yourself. And..." Vash choked on the words for a moment, then forced them out, his body seeming to rock with the effort. "And you made me open my eyes." "Come on. I nearly crushed you to death." Neil's hands tightened into fists involuntarily. "I can still feel it, seeing you standing there, and knowing..." "Yeah, you nearly killed me. But you didn't, regardless of intention." The boy's lips curled into a smile despite himself. "It made me take a hard look at myself, and I'd like to think I'm a better person for it. Would have preferred it didn't involve getting nearly crushed inside of an entry plug, but I suppose we can't always choose these things." "Glad it worked out." Neil hardly sounded convinced. "You're lucky, you know. Once this is all over, you stay here with Eiko. Me, I just go back home as if nothing ever happened." Vash hesitated for a moment, then clapped the other boy heartily on the back, hoping that the gesture was at least slightly reassuring. Neil started slightly, but he seemed to be keeping his emotions guarded. "Come on, Neil. -Everything- happened because of -you-." He paused again, still struggling with the words. "Look, if you hadn't made the choices you did, none of us would be here. You... you're a good guy, Neil. Someday you'll be a great man, I'm certain." "Maybe," replied Neil, still sounding as if he didn't believe Vash. With a heavy sigh, he forced himself into a standing position, letting the wind whip through his hair once again. "Maybe not. Maybe NERV had the right idea in the first place - use Angels to kill Angels. Maybe it says more about me that I am the sort of pilot who -" "Stop." Vash's words were hard, and he rose as well, forcing the blonde boy's attention in his direction. "Look, Neil, I'm not brilliant. But I know that you did something good in your time here. And I'd like to think that's enough to make you at least a -decent- person, whatever you believe." Neil simply stared into Vash's eyes for a moment, and Vash could feel his eyes widen again at the sight. There was something lingering beyond the emerald surface of the Third Child's eyes, something he'd never noticed before, but something he recognized from his own life, a sort of tortured pain. It threw the boy into a new light, and Vash suddenly didn't know exactly what to think even as Neil turned and began to walk away. "I wish I could believe you, Vash," he whispered, words nearly torn away by the wind that caressed the dark green surface of the leaves above them. "But I know that you'll take good care of Eiko." He paused. "Goodbye." His shoulders slumped gently, Neil moved resolutely into the distance, leaving Vash behind to stand alone in the terrace. Shaking his head, Vash turned slowly, ready to go back to Eiko's house, still feeling oddly conflicted. He'd expected something more dramatic and final... the idea that their last exchange was so low-key seemed to cheapen the whole thing. "I guess you can't always have the dramatic ending," he muttered, scuffing his feet against the ground as he walked. Then he realized that Eiko was standing in front of him, and his eyes widened as he saw the large black-suited agent standing behind the girl, the thick black sunglasses telling Vash everything he needed to know in an instant. Behind Eiko's agent were three others, all virtually indistinguishable from one another. "She told us where you were, Fourth," spat one of them, stepping ahead of the others. "Come on. Let's just all get in the car and have a nice little ride." Vash frowned, flicking his eyes between the trio of agents and Eiko, scanning their faces for some cue of what to do. The girl's eyes trembled slightly, and something seemed to snap inside of Vash as he took a casual step back away from the scene. "Sure," he said calmly, letting a smile spread and replace the frown. "Just catch me first." With that, he whirled on his heel and started running, hearing the angry thunder of the agents behind him, his mind racing at the thought of what had happened. They were from NERV, he knew that, but something in his gut told him not to trust them, that their methods were all off. Ducking back into the terrace, he took a quick glance at the group, then flung open the door into the school and let it slam behind him. It was one of the entrances he commonly used, leading only to a stairwell that wove itself upwards, exactly what he needed. Gritting his teeth, the boy climbed a few steps up the stairwell, his eyes watching the small window in the blue door, waiting for the agents to stand outside it. Taking a deep breath, he flung himself forward off the stairwell, kicking the door open forcefully, hearing the decisive crack of the door hitting one of the agents in the chin. Trying to remember what he'd learned inside of the Eva, he tucked and rolled, barely slipping out of the grasp of the other agents, adrenaline pulsing through his body like a drug. "Little punk," snarled one of the agents, extending a meaty hand towards the boy. A quick motion from Vash sent him to one side of the agent's reach, and with a cry he slammed his elbow into the agent's side, hoping to at least manage to crack a rib. The man let out a grunt of pain, and with a expression of triumph Vash moved back once again, certain that he wouldn't be taken by the men, that he would be able to find out for himself what was going on. Then stars exploded across his vision as a thick blow hit the back of his head, and Vash whirled drunkenly to see another one of the agents standing behind him. "Insolent," snapped the man, driving a fist absently into Vash's gut and doubling the boy over, then grabbing the collar of the windbreaker dismissively. "Something about the boys, they just won't be taken peacefully." "Maybe they got tipped off." The agent that had been hit by the door seemed none the worse for wear from what little Vash could see. "I'll give the Commander a call. It's just the last two now." ]++[ Neil opened the door to Misato's apartment hesitantly, as if he was afraid of what might lie within. Part of him wanted to run away again, to not have to face Nieve for another instant, but he didn't entertain the notion for more than a few scant seconds before pushing the door open completely and stepping inside. "I'm back," he announced, kicking off his shoes and stepping up from the small depressed area, remembering the first time that he'd ever entered the apartment. "Heard," replied Nieve, her voice coming not from the den but from Neil's room. Curious, the boy frowned and stepped lightly over to the door, hesitating for only a moment before opening it completely and taking a deep breath. Nieve stood over a half-filled box, the slim black form of DVD cases piled beside her. "You didn't have these organized in any particular way in the boxes, did you?" "Um... no," replied Neil, stepping over and reluctantly touching Nieve's hand. She trembled slightly, but let the cases lie on the bed, releasing her grip on them as she turned her eyes towards Neil. "I... I thought you said that you weren't going to give me up that easily. And now... now you're packing for me?" The girl bit her lip for a second, then sighed heavily, tilting her head forward and letting the bright strands of her hair fall across her eyes. "I did say that, yeah," she muttered. "But I was thinking about things after you left, and, well..." Closing her eyes for an instant, she flipped her head back upright, sending her hair arcing back to where it should be in one graceful motion. "You were saying goodbye to Eiko, weren't you?" "Vash," he replied, a red flush blossoming on his cheeks. "But... I'd half-expected Eiko to be there, yes. Is that so bad? Saying goodbye to the people I've -" "Who do you love?" Nieve's words seemed harsh, almost masculine, her eyes flashing with anger and sorrow at the same time. "Eiko or me?" She took a step forward, placing one hand firmly on Neil's chest, her fingers splayed and her palm resting directly above his heart. "Just be honest, Neil. Please. I won't be angry, I promise." Neil sincerely doubted the truth of Nieve's statement, and in frustration he turned his head away, casting his eyes down towards the drab brown of the half-filled boxes. "I... that isn't a fair question." He sighed. "I'm not even sure of the answer myself. It... it's too complicated." "Try me," replied Nieve, moving her body closer to the boy, obviously trying to make him give a very specific answer. "Please, Neil, just... tell me. Is it me, or is it... her?" "I..." A deep stabbing sensation lodged in his chest, and he forced his eyes shut. "I can't deny the way that I feel about Eiko, even though I want to." He felt the pressure on the girl's hand relax slightly, and inside he wished that he could find some way to express how horrible it made him feel to even think that, that he would change himself if he could. "But that doesn't change the way I feel about you, Nieve. It's... it isn't as cut and dry as one or the other." "You won't even say it," whispered Nieve, moving closer to Neil once again, resting her head gently against his chest, her ear pressed against his heart. Neil started slightly, but the girl remained unmoved, one hand pressed to his chest, the other hanging limply by her side. "Can you even say it? Can you tell me that you love me?" Of course he could. He looked down at the girl resting on his chest, the thin strands like liquid sunlight flowing from her head, the delicate features of her face, the perfect sculpt of her body that she denied. In just one glance he could see all of her strength and her frailty, condensed into one crystalline moment, and as his mouth opened he intended to tell her as much, to say the three simple words that he knew would restore her confidence. "I..." He stopped, faltering for reasons he couldn't explain. "I... I do." "For the love of God, Neil, don't you think I -know- that?" replied Nieve, her eyes suddenly flashing as she pushed him backwards. She had enough strength to send him staggering backwards, his back hitting the wall roughly as she stood with fists clenched. "I don't need to know it, I need for you to -say- it." She bit her lower lip, eyes trembling as her lids closed. "But you can't tell me that you love me. You can't give me that one little thing -" "And what about you?" replied Neil, stepping towards the girl gently, hating himself for what he'd done even as he reminded himself that it was ultimately the best thing to do. It would only continue like this, and it was best to end it as fast as possible. "Can you say it to me? Can you tell me that you love me?" Nieve's eyes opened, brimming with tears, and her eyes traced slowly towards his, one set of emerald eyes meeting with another. "No," she replied at length, casting her eyes towards the floor and shuddering slightly. "I want to say it, but... something stops me. I just can't bring myself to... to..." "Shh." The dagger was twisting in the boy's heart, deepening the wound that he'd inflicted upon himself as he gently lay his hand upon Nieve's shoulder. "I know. That's why I couldn't." He coughed, wishing that he could simply dissolve into the air around them. "You deserve so much better than this, Nieve, and we can't keep going like this. One of us had to say it, sooner or later." The girl said nothing, simply shrugged his shoulder off weakly and headed for the door, her eyes downcast, her entire form slumped as if in defeat. "You're right," she whispered, her hand resting on the doorframe, head tilting forward and pulling the delicate hair along with it. "Maybe we were lying to ourselves the whole time. Maybe we just didn't want it to hurt this badly." "Maybe that's it," replied Neil as the door shut behind the girl, flopping backwards onto the bed, his fists clenching for what seemed like the millionth time, thin shafts of sunlight piercing the darkness of the room in momentary instants. He wanted to rush out and comfort Nieve, tell her that he must have been crazy, that he wanted her back, that he would never leave her, but despite it all he stayed in place. It was for the best, a fact he kept repeating in his mind to nobody. It was all for the best, and that made all of it worthwhile. ]++[ Misato's eyes flicked like sparks between the small screen of her laptop and the doorway, her back pressed hard against the cool metal of the computer housings. Her legs were positioned to balance the small computer, one hand typing away while the other pointed her handgun towards the door, ready to fire at a single sign of motion from the entryway. Around her hummed the fans that kept the components of NERV's network system from overheating, wafting heated air through the room in an effort to keep the more delicate machinery cooled and safe. Sweat beaded lightly on her brow, but she ignored it, keeping her eyes flicking back and forth as she kept working at the computer, her teeth set resolutely. "Come on," she muttered, watching another rejection message pop up on the screen, closing it and trying another tactic. Her computer issued a small beep, and Misato leaned forward ever so slightly to see the wires trailing out from behind, assuring herself that she was, in fact, connected directly to the central database. With a few quick keystrokes, the computer tried once more to penetrate the elaborate security measures that Gendou had cloaked his files in, cursing Kaji for what seemed like the hundreth time for leaving her only the most cursory information to work with. "You tell me what you've found, tell me only the basics of this program, and then you expect me to finish penetrating NERV's buried secrets." She sighed, removing her hand from the computer for just a moment to wipe the sweat gently from her brow. "Idiot." Another beeping acknowledgement came from the laptop, and Misato quickly turned her attention back towards it, striking a few keys in quick succession, smiling broadly as the inner recesses of Gendou's computer were proudly displayed for her investigation. "All right, Ikari," she whispered, leaning closer to the screen, still keeping her eyes in motion. "What are you really planning?" Her fingers moved with swift assurance, passing through information that she'd already uncovered on her own, glossing huge chunks that she simply didn't have the time to read. It was only once he began discussing Ryo and Rei that she began to read with more ferocity once again, knowing full well that it had been one of the few secrets she hadn't managed to penetrate earlier. "Rei should not have been the Seventh," she muttered, speaking aloud almost unintentionally as her eyes scanned. "It was supposed to be -" The name on the page caused her eyes to widen, and she fell silent, her eyes still flipping through the information, now taking it in with greater speed, the whole situation beginning to grow painfully clear. "Of course," she hissed through gritted teeth. "They're not supposed to be normal Children. They're his tools." Her eyes narrowed, brow furrowed and fists tightening. "Good God. He's trying to -" Even through the sound of the fans, Misato could hear the door sliding open, and without hesitation she kicked herself into a crouching position, aiming her pistol and firing as soon as she recognized the silhouette of an Intel agent. The shot hit the man square in the chest, but she forced herself to remain calm, firing again as the second and then third agent tried to step inside. "Neil and Nieve," she hissed, thrusting herself to her feet. "They've got to get out of here." Rushing forward, Misato stepped lightly through the maze of cords on the floor with her heels, edging past the trio of agents and glancing quickly back and forth down the hall. She knew her ammo was limited, but as she saw the path to her left open she made a dash for the end of the hall, knowing more agents would come after her in moments. One hand held tight to her gun as she ran, the other jammed itself into the pocket of her red jacket, searching for the small cell phone. The sound of angry footsteps echoed in the hall behind her, and gritting her teeth she continued forward, her fingers closing around the phone as her eyes fell upon the nearby elevator. Whipping out the phone, she flipped it open just as she reached the elevator, hitting the button and waving her gun back at the hallway she had come from. She could see a pair of agents, and gritting her teeth she fired once, sending one sprawling to the floor and freezing the other in panic. With a ding, the elevator's doors hissed open, and Misato spared a quick glance inside to ensure that it was empty. "Sorry," she smiled, taking a quick shot at the remaining agent before ducking into the elevator and hitting the highest number that she could find. The doors slid closed before she could check on her last target, but she had other concerns, and with fumbling hands she keyed in her number, feeling the elevator lurch into motion. A ring came and went, then another, then another. Panic rose into Misato's throat before the telltale click of reception came on the other end. "Hello?" asked Neil's voice, sounding weak and exhausted. "Neil!" Misato pressed her back against the back of the elevator, pointing her gun out the front, not doubting that there would be someone posted at the top. "Listen to me. You and Nieve have to go down to the airfield where you first came into Tokyo-3 right now. Tell the pilot there that Commander Ikari has ordered your immediate departure for America." "Misato?" Neil's voice had lost the exhausted hint to it, as if he was grasping the situation despite himself. "What's going on? Are you -" "I don't have time to explain, Neil!" she shouted, silencing him simply by the force of her voice. "You and Nieve have to get out of the country right away. I don't know if the other Children are already here or not, but we can't let him have you." She paused. "Commander Ikari - he's trying to -" The elevator wrenched itself to a stop, and Misato gasped slightly before dropping the phone, holding her gun with both hands, realizing that she must not have killed the last agent. Her jaw was set as the doors opened, and to her horror she saw what seemed like a small army of agents standing outside waiting for her. Gunshots pierced the air immediately, felling the most immediate agents and sending the others ducking for cover before her gun clicked an angry and empty noise. Cursing, the woman rushed forward, throwing the gun ineffectually down the hallway, seeing the agents readying themselves to grab at her once again. If she could just make it down to a research area, she might be able to - Her thoughts were cut short as a shoulder slammed hard into her, shoving her back towards the elevator forcefully, leaving her to stumble back through the doorway as another agent shoved her back against the wall. "We've got her now," announced one happily, motioning for the other agents to enter the room. "Get in touch with Ikari. Find out what he wants us to do with her." Misato's mind was racing, but only for a second as her hands balled themselves into fists. Letting out a slight cry, she lashed out with her foot towards the nearest agent's crotch, burying the sharp tip of her heel in just the right spot to double over her opponent. She swung angrily at the next agent barring her path, but he seemed unconcerned, catching her hands casually in his own, forcing her back against the wall once again. "You've got guts, Major Katsuragi," he hissed, obviously not someone that she wanted anywhere near her. "Don't think that we won't hurt you to get you to -" "Commander Ikari wants her alive and unharmed," insisted another agent, apparently the one that had followed the orders of his more unfortunate partner. "She's to be brought to the same room as the Children, at least for now. Just grab her and let's get going." "Hold on." The agent gripping her hands shoved her casually against the nearest wall, his eyes falling towards the small cell phone still obviously active as he drew his gun. "Should have noticed this beforehand." He fired, scattering the phone into small pieces of plastic and wire, then returned the gun the small shoulder holster within his jacket. "All right. -Now- let's grab her." ]++[ For all its monstrous features, Ritsuko couldn't help but seem something angelic in the massive form of EVA-08. The shimmering gold form of the machine was at the center of her vision, vague hints of sparkling white drawing her attention as the light shifter around it, its firm-set jaw and elongated head looking almost noble compared to the similar profile of EVA-06. "All neural interfaces check out," she announced, turning her attention towards the computer terminal beneath her. "Check the nutrient levels." A response came from the holding bay, but Ritsuko's focus had shifted back to the golem standing just outside the observation room, watching as it waited for the preparations to be complete. In the back of her mind, she couldn't help but wonder if the experience was similar to what her mother had felt on the day of EVA-01's activation, the culmination of so much effort. "The savior of the human race," she whispered out loud, resting her chin in her hand as she leaned forward unconsciously. "Only part of it." The voice startled Ritsuko, and she spun around in terror before her eyes rested on Kozou standing in the doorway, a thin and humorless smile on his lips. "It wouldn't be saving anything without Rei and Ryo. And the only promise of true salvation is -" "I know," replied Ritsuko, holding up a hand and turning back towards the Eva. Something about Kozou made her distantly uncomfortable, knowing that he held a secret over her head that she could only grasp at and fumble with. "But Rei and Ryo would save nothing without EVA- 08. It's just... odd, to think that it's so close to one of the Angels." Kozou said nothing, simply stepped up to Ritsuko softly, remaining only a few steps behind her as he watched the technicians himself. "That is ironic, isn't it? Something that nearly destroyed our world, and we're now using it as a savior." "No other way to do it." Ritsuko folded her arms across her chest, unconsciously drawing the white lab coat closer around her. "Isn't this what SEELE claims was written in the Scrolls, anyways? 'God's destroyers become the harbingers of a new order' or something to that effect?" "Yes," replied Kozou, stepping closer to the blonde woman. "But we shouldn't be quoting the scrolls any longer. We're not following their scriptures any longer." Something in Kozou's voice gave Ritsuko pause, but before she could say anything the crackling voice of the technicians cut through the air. "Nutrient levels are optimal. There do appear to be some minor stress fractures along the intake vents from transport." Blushing slightly, Ritsuko stepped back to the console, leaning towards the microphone even as her eyes flicked back towards Kozou. "Repair the fractures as best you can, but stay on schedule. EVA-08 must be ready by 1700 hours." She ignored the reply to the statement, staring dead at Fuyutsuki, her brow furrowed, blue-gray eyes curious. "Do you know something that I don't?" "Ritsuko..." There was something awkward and young in Kozou's tone, as if he was old prematurely and was struggling to recapture himself. "You do know that the Gathering is going on, correct?" "Of course. We have to ensure that the Children are all accounted for. I still stand by retrieving the Children without Evas, but -" A deep shadow passed across the elder man's face, stilling Ritsuko's tongue. "Doesn't that mean anything to you?" he asked quietly, shaking his head. "These aren't adults, you know. They're not even old enough to remember what the Second Impact was like. We're supposed to be making the world a better place for them." "And we -are-," replied Ritsuko, an awkward tightness growing in her chest. She had always respected the vice-commander of NERV, but it seemed obvious to her that something was going seriously wrong with him. "Sometimes, to protect people, you have to steer them in the right direction whether they like it or not. You wouldn't dream of letting a small child loose with construction equipment, would you?" "That's arguing semantics. Ritsuko, just think about whether or not what you're doing is -right-." Sighing, Fuyutsuki turned towards the golden Eva outside the window, watching the technicians swarm over it, his head slightly bowed. "What gives us the right to decide whether or not the world needs to be saved?" Ritsuko took a hesitant step towards Kozou, painfully conscious of the flickering light about them, the distinct scent of LCL slowly seeping into the room as the tecnicians worked over the golem. "It was decided before we did anything," she replied awkwardly. "Everything can't remain the same, not any longer. Either we change, or the Angels destroy us." She began to open her mouth again, then froze, unsure of herself. "We're not infallible. We're not following a script that tells us how to save the world." The elder man slowly turned to face Ritsuko, a deep sorrow etched across the lines of his face. "This is all based off our own judgement, Ritsuko, not that of whatever God we believe in. How do we know that we're not just paving another way to destruction with our actions?" Forcing her fears into a hard ball within her gut, Ritsuko took a decisive step forward, focusing on the humming of the fluorescent lights above them, letting it grow loud enough to drown out every other noise. "I think that you should go now, Dr. Fuyutsuki," she said firmly. "We will save the world, no matter what it might think of us. The righteous always appear monstrous to the damned." "Do they? Or is that just what the monstrous tell themselves?" With quick steps, the old men drew himself directly in front of Ritsuko, looking down at her with penetrating eyes. "For the love of mercy, think about what you're doing. Abducting children, strapping them into machines that torture and nearly kill them, deceiving the -world- about what you're trying to do - I wouldn't trust the fate of the world to your judgement." Ritsuko's hand moved without thinking, striking the old man's cheek harshly and forcing him to recoil slightly. "Major Katsuragi has already been restrained, doctor," she said calmly, daggers of ice rushing past her lips with each word. "If I talk with Commander Ikari, I have no doubt that he will not hesitate to have you -" "Theatening me too, now," whispered the old man, struggling to regain his composure. "You're like your mother in more ways than you'll admit. She could never bear to hear it, either." He started towards the door, then stopped, his eyes falling on Ritsuko once again. "The truth is right in front of you, Dr. Akagi. If you would just open your eyes -" "Get out," she snapped, turning her eyes firmly towards the Eva outside of the observation booth, not even bothering to watch the elder man stalk out of the room. It was only after he had left that she allowed herself to breathe again, her chest heaving in and out, her entire body seeming to slump forward. He was right, she knew. They were relying wholly on their own judgement, their own moral bases, the one thing that they were supposed to be divorced from. Ritsuko's knees seemed to give out beneath her, and she slowly lowered herself to the floor, kneeling weakly, her hands trembling. "Was Misato right?" she whispered. "Perhaps... perhaps I've let myself be..." "Doctor Akagi?" Again, the technician's voice seemed to come just at the right instant. "The fractures have been repaired. What do you want done next?" Flicking her eyes towards the window, Ritsuko caught a glimpse of herself, blonde hair short around her head, makeup elegantly applied, kneeling weakly on the teal-gray floor of the observation booth. "I'm not my mother," she hissed through gritted teeth, forcing herself to her feet on trembling legs. "Misato's just a silly, sentimental little girl." Another harsh breath forced its way into her lungs, and she turned on her heel, walking with brisk steps over to the computer console, mentally refreshing her list of what needed to be done before EVA-08 could rise to meet its destiny. ]++[ "You're certain about this?" shouted Nieve over the squeal of the car's tires, her fingers gripping the steering wheel with what seemed like bone-crushing force. Around them blurred the scenery of Tokyo-3, indistinct shapes and patches of color lost to the car's velocity. "Absolutely," replied Neil, his own hands gripping the seat with the same intensity that Nieve held the wheel. It was just slightly padded, more or less identical to the interior of every other car in Japan, and while Neil distantly knew that holding it would do him no good if they crashed it reassured him slightly as he felt the wheels tear along beneath him. Nieve didn't respond to Neil immediately, instead leaning her body as she sent the car skidding into a turn down another street. The spedometer briefly dipped, then ascended once again as the car's small engine forced it forward with all the force it could muster. "Misato calls, sounding panicked, and tells you to go to America with me?" "Then I hear thumping noises, angry voices, and the whole thing ends with a gunshot," replied Neil. "Something very definitely is going on at Central Dogma." "So instead of doing what she told us to and getting the hell out of the country, we do the exact opposite and race straight towards the one place she probably wants us to go away from?" "That would be the essence of the plan, yes," replied Neil weakly, straining to make out something resembling the NERV logo as the world around them raced past. He didn't like the idea of outright ignoring what Misato had told him to do, but he liked the idea of leaving her to bleed to death even less. For all that he'd inflicted on her, he owed her at least some concern over whether she lived or died. "If I hadn't suggested it, wouldn't you have?" "Probably," replied Nieve, her foot easing off the gas and slamming on the brakes in one smooth motion. Neil's eyes went wide as the car's wheels suddenly locked into position, and the entire vehicle began spinning down the street, gyrating around its center as the stench of burning rubber filled the interior. It was like a momentary burst of madness, the shrieking squeal of the tires coupled with the spinning scenery, and Neil squeezed his eyes shut, struggling not to vomit. It took him a few minutes to realize that the car had finally screeched to a halt, and his breathing was slow as he cracked open his eyes. He could see the large metal gates that led into the Geo-Front sitting in front of him, the car only a few inches short. "We're here," announced Nieve, tapping him on the shoulder gently. "Are we going to go in, or not?" Giving a slow nod, Neil opened his door and stepped out, glancing at the doors for a second before looking back at the red-haired girl with him. "You're not working through some of your personal irritations with this, are you?" he asked, sounding distantly accusatory. "Shut up," she replied, her voice not in the least amused. Her eyes flicked quickly towards the overcast skies before she walked swiftly over to the card reader, removing her ID card and swiping it through decisively. "Let's just get inside and find out what's going on. Misato's not going to be happy with us for not listening to her." Both Children looked towards the door, waiting to hear the typical grinding of it opening. It was a moment before Nieve angrily swiped her card through again, letting out a small grunt of anger as the doors remained stationary. "Did we lose power -again-?" she growled, her head sinking into her hands. "God, I don't need this today of -all- days, I just want to get this -over- with..." "The power's still on," replied Neil, cautiously stepping towards the card reader while he retrieved his own ID card. "See? The little confirmation light is still on. Something else is wrong." Motioning for Nieve to step aside, Neil ran his card through the reader, watching the small yellow indicator light as it flashed off and then returned with a red color. "Yeah. The power's on. We're just not being given access to the Geo-Front." "What?" Nieve asked, exasperated, throwing her card to the ground as she removed her head from her hands. "That's ridiculous! They wouldn't revoke our entry just because we've finished destroying the Angels!" She paused, a look of slow concern coming over her face as her emerald eyes flicked back towards the door. "Right? I mean... we're the ones that are really important to NERV, right? They wouldn't discard us..." "No. Misato told me that we were going to be expected for the next few days, and that would require us to be able to get into the base. There's something else going on." He frowned at the door for a moment, relieved to have something to focus on other than his relationship with Nieve for just a moment. "Maybe... she mentioned something about Commander Ikari. He could have locked us out." Sighing, Nieve nodded, as if she already knew what was going on. "But why would he do that? What could possibly be going on that we couldn't be allowed in for?" Closing his eyes, Neil tried to think, trying to piece together what few fragments of information he knew about the situation at hand. "Maybe he's not trying to keep us out," he whispered after a moment. "Maybe... maybe he's trying to keep something else -in-. They're keeping the Second Angel alive down there, for some reason." Nieve's eyes went wide with realization, her gaze slowly turning back towards Neil. "And EVA-01 is the First. They could have resurrected themselves somehow. If it just takes those two Angels coming in to contact with one another to cause the Second Impact... they could be able to do it again." "Everything's there for Third Impact," whispered Neil, shaking his head in disbelief, only distantly wondering how long Nieve had known the whole story while he'd been kept in the dark. "Good God. Both of them might never have been dead at all. They were just waiting for us to shut down our defenses and leave them alone, and now everything's in place." He paused, casting his eyes away from Nieve's, unable to endure the girl's stare. "But why would Gendou seal off the base?" "Armor," replied Nieve, beginning to pace in agitation, her right hand firmly grasping her chin, left arm wrapped around her chest. "The Geo- Front was designed with enough armor to withstand the blast of multiple N2 mines, to keep out the Angels. And there's a stockpile of N2 weaponry within the base." She gasped. "That's why Misato was trying to get us to leave. He's going to destroy the city to stop the Angels." "Unless we're able to destroy them first." His heart racing, Neil took a step towards Nieve. "We were able to get into the Geo-Front once before when the power was down. Maybe we can get in there and prevent them from coming into contact with one another." A thin smile traced across Nieve's face, and she turned towards Neil fully, her arms folded across her chest. "We might die trying," she replied softly. Taking a deep breath, Neil closed his eyes for a moment, thinking back to his time in Tokyo-3. He could feel Nieve standing painfully close to him, and he wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and hold her tight, to pretend at least for a moment that they could still have a future together. But in the back of his mind, he could see the whole situation from a distance, knew that this was the reason he had come to the city in the first place. There was no question as he opened his eyes. "I'm not afraid of that," he whispered, the monstrous green eye of EVA-01 seeming to loom in his mind. Nieve continued staring at the boy and smiling for a moment, then lunged forward and took him in her arms, pressing her lips against his, forcing her tongue into his mouth, her eyes fluttering closed as Neil simply stared in shock. His arms gently brushed against her back, and then she was gone again, standing a few inches away, wiping her lips with the back of her hand and breathing quickly. "I wanted to do that one more time," she whispered. "Let's go." Fierce adrenaline flooded Neil's bloodstream, and glancing about he started jogging towards the side of the hill in which the entrance was set, his eyes flashing. "There was a high-speed entrance here the last time we had to do this," he shouted, glancing about for the same irregular patch of grass as before. "It'll bring us close to the hangars - close enough." "Got it," shouted Nieve, dashing towards a spot on the hill as Neil followed, falling to her knees and quickly clearing the grass away. Her fingers slipped beneath the metal plate with practiced speed, and planting her feet firmly against the thick greenery of the hill she pulled with all her might. Neil jammed his own hands beneath the plate and pulled as well, his arms beginning to ache as the plate resisted their attempts to open it. Finally, the entrance swung open with a creak, and Neil felt a thick drop of moisture fall along the back of his neck. His hand flew to the spot, and he glanced up at the sky as more drops began to fall, the small orbs of water streaking through the sky as if they were souls fallen from heaven. "Raining," he muttered. "Perfect." Turning his eyes back towards Nieve, he saw that she was already throwing herself down the passage, and gritting his teeth he followed her, his body hitting the slick metal surface as a few droplets of water followed him. Beneath him he could see Nieve already racing along the tube, distant for only a moment before the force of gravity took over and started him on his path towards Central Dogma. Closing his eyes, Neil let himself be simply thrown along by the passage, feeling the cool metal guide him towards his destination, breath coming slowly but regularly. The reality of the situation was only hitting him slowly, but he still didn't feel afraid. "A monster dead by other monsters," he whispered, too quietly for even his own ears to catch it. "It's only right." The fall ended before he knew it, dropping him onto the same soft landing area as it had his first time through. Nieve had already moved, and shaking his head he forced himself to his feet, opening his eyes and glancing around, taking in the teal-gray walls as almost a reassurance. "Nieve?" he said, still feeling slightly dizzy from the fall. "Right here," she replied, drawing Neil's gaze. She stood only a few feet away, but seemed lost in thought, her red hair swinging behind her as her head moved back and forth. "They haven't activated the internal alarm. Everything's quiet." She paused. "It might not be the Angels." "Or maybe nobody's had the time to be activating the alarm in the midst of trying to stop them," replied Neil, a gentle urgency in his voice as he moved around Nieve, striding resolutely down the corridor. "I remember this from when the power had been deactivated. At the end of the corridor to the right are the locker rooms, so if we go left..." "The hangars. Right." Something in Nieve's voice brought Neil to a stop, and he slowly turned to face the girl as she followed behind him. There was the thinnest film of liquid over her eyes, as if she was just sad enough to contemplate crying. "Neil? You're not afraid of dying... with me?" "I don't plan on you dying," replied Neil, closing his eyes for a moment. He wanted not to think about anything but the necessity of the situation, to prevent himself from having second thoughts, and Nieve was making that impossible. "Look, we can't accomplish anything standing out here. If we're the only two Children in here, we're the only ones that can try to stop the Angels. So let's get moving and do what we can." Waiting only a moment for a nod from the girl, Neil set off once again, this time moving faster, his eyes focused on the end of the narrow corridor, the rest of the world blurring together. His feet moved faster unconsciously, and he hurtled around the corner, quickly changing directions and jogging towards the door into the hangars. Closing his eyes as he approached the doors, he could all but feel the LCL around him, the tickling presence of EVA-01 at the back of his mind... The doors in front of him hissed and whirred open, and Neil spared a quick glance behind himself to see Nieve following close on his heels. Nodding, he ran into the hangar, hearing the thin metal clang of his feet against the metal lattice. His eyes registered the lack of nutrient bath within the hangar an instant before he realized that there was an Eva in the hangar, and by the time that he'd glanced towards it the catwalk had already started moving. Caught off-guard, Neil almost tumbled forward to his death, but his hands reached out and grabbed the lattice before he went too far forward, falling on the catwalk but simply staring down towards the bottom instead of rushing to greet it. He could see the outline of two golden feet beneath him, and as he returned to his feet he looked up to see an unfamiliar Eva, gold and shimmering white, its bearing almost regal as it stared down at himself and Nieve hatefully. "EVA-08?" he whispered, the first words to come to mind. "Once again, Third Child, you are correct," announced the voice of Gendou Ikari, drawing Neil's eyes to the skybox above the hangar. "And once again, you have delivered yourself directly to me. I must thank you." Neil's mouth opened to respond, but he was cut short as a door he hadn't noticed at one end of the catwalk opened, causing Nieve to jump back slightly in surprise. Three intelligence agents stood in the doorway, and as Neil's eyes flicked to their hands he could see that they were armed. "Should have listened to Misato," he whispered, his heart sinking at the revelation. "Should have left when I had the chance." There was nowhere to go, and Neil distantly thought that he noticed EVA- 08 moving towards him, as if to even deny him the option of suicide. "The Gathering is complete," announced Ikari, seemingly numb to the Children outside. "Rei, once the Second and Third are taken, you will be ejected from the machine. I will meet with you in the Confessional." ]++[ Gendou stood in the doorway to the darkened room, his eyes focusing slowly in the dimmed light. A few steps behind him stood Rei, still wearing her white plugsuit, like a ghost waiting to be directed back to her grave. "I hope you all understand that this is for the greater good," he said, not bothering to make his voice even distantly sympathetic. "I simply couldn't risk any interference with my plan." "Fuck you," snarled Misato, struggling against her restraints, trying to lunge forward. Her body was suspended like that of the Children against the far wall, her arms head straight out to her sides, legs clamped down beneath her, her entire body fixed almost in the shape of a cross. The restraints themselves were fused to the wall, tight enough that the woman could only move a few inches towards Gendou before she was jerked to a stop. A thin smile curled at the edge of Gendou's lips, and he held up a hand to Rei as he stepped into the dim room, feet echoing in the overlarge room and onto the pale diagram projected by the lights above. "I suppose I deserve that," he replied, glancing around at the Children, all hanging limply on the wall with Misato. Only Rei stood free, silent and unconcerned. "But one has to make sacrifices to achieve good. You understand that, don't you? All of you?" "Doctor Ikari..." Eiko's voice was halting, confused, her head hanging forward and her black hair framing her face. There was the distant sound of moisture hitting the metallic floor, though Gendou couldn't be certain of its origin. "How could you do this? We're all working together to save the world, aren't we?" "No," spat Misato, her eyes burning balefully at Gendou, still struggling against her restraints, obviously unwilling to surrender herself. "Why don't you tell them, you lying bastard? Explain to them what you're really after?" She tried once again to force herself forward, meeting no more success than before. "Why don't you explain that you're trying to instigate the Third Impact!" Rage flared momentarily in Gendou, but he forced himself to ignore it, letting the smile on his face vanish as he adjusted his glasses. "Correct. I am attempting to bring about Third Impact. That is the true purpose of NERV, Project Evangelion, all of the research we have been doing - the Human Complementation Project." He paused, staring dead at Misato, focusing his own buried emotion into the glare. "Do you even understand what the Third Impact is?" "Contact between the Angels," Neil offered weakly, his body held upright but his eyes half-dead. "That was what caused the Second. It's what Kaworu was trying to achieve with Lillith." "Wrong." Gendou smiled thinly, letting his arms fall to his sides, taking a step forward with one foot and casting his eyes towards the ceiling. The light was dim enough that he could clearly make out the etched pattern above, an intricate linked series of circles and lines. "Each Impact is not simply a cataclysm. It is the arrival of part of the Divine on Earth. First Humans, then Angels... and now God." A flush of triumph came over the doctor, and he felt the wave carrying him along, the moment of culmination finally spilling everything out. "We knew that the Second Impact was going to happen long before it did, but the date was too far forward. So we accelerated it. With Adam unearthed by the Katsuragi Expedition, Lillith was drawn to this world to complete her mission - and with her arrival, half of the world was shattered. It was the only way we could be ready to retrieve the First and Second Angels reliably - the safest way to ensure that the Impact did not catch us off-guard." "You evil bastard," muttered Misato, beginning to divert her efforts to finding a way out of the restraints, her eyes still flicking towards Gendou every few seconds. "You killed half of the world. You killed my -father-. You -" "Please, Major Katsuragi. Some of us are trying to learn something." The man's smile widened slightly, his gaze turning down towards the Children once again. "Third Impact is the arrival of God on Earth to judge humanity. If humanity is pure enough to mingle with Angels - if some of its number can defeat His servants - then there would be hope for us yet. If not, we have been weighed and found wanting. Third Impact would come sooner or later. It was either us or the Angels." Clearing his throat, Gendou turned his back on the Children, letting his eyes rest on Rei's thin frame, her piercing red eyes and thin blue hair. "It was only after Yui was taken by the Eva that I realized I was being a fool to believe that nonsense. Human beings do not need to be judged. Humans need to be saved." He sighed gently. "We are weak and fragile. Our only hope is to be made pure once again, to truly rid ourselves of these frailties." "Why don't you unlock these, Commander?" Vash sneered, his entire body seemingly tensed like a spring. "Then we'll see who's so fragile after all." "None of you understand. This is the only way to save the world." He paused, then turned to face the Children, his arms spread slightly. "What keeps us divided from one another? Why do we hate one another? Because we believe it's possible to judge one another. Because we have a moral basis embedded in our minds from the day that we're born. Our only hope of freeing ourselves from hatred and death is to eliminate those morals." "You're insane." Neil's voice was still quiet, but there was the slightest edge behind it. Gendou glanced towards the boy, momentarily tempted to explain his role in the whole affair, but decided against it as he strode towards the center of the room. "God must come to Earth. If we do not instigate Third Impact, it will be instigated for us." He stared Neil in the eye, smiling thinly, the determination of a righteousness visible in his eyes. "But God will not judge. He will free us all. We will all be free of the chains of morality, of being taught what is right and wrong. There will be no hate, because we will not have reason to hate. There will be no lies, because we will have nothing to be ashamed of. There will be only peace." Gesturing towards Rei again, Gendou waited until the girl stood beside him, then clapped her firmly on the shoulder. "The Second Impact did more than destroy the ice cap. It shattered the soul of the two Angels into fragments, mingled and sent across the world. And certain Children were born with their souls intermingled with those fragments." He smiled, for once not a thin or sinister gesture but one of genuine joy. "You all carry part of the Divine within you. That is what allows you to control the Evas - the fact that you hold part of their shattered souls." Turning, Gendou gave Rei a small push on the shoulder, and she accordingly began to walk towards the door. "Rei is the combination of all those fragments. She is the apotheosis of what you use to control the Angels, and at the same time she is unburdened by human morality." He paused, glancing back at the Children. "Do you begin to understand what will happen here today?" "Don't do this," whispered Misato, obviously panicking. "Gendou - Doctor Ikari - this is crazy. You're going to destroy us all. You're going to bring on Third Impact after everything that you've done to stop it -" "Wrong. Rei and I will save the world." He gave one last smile to the group, then turned and followed the girl out of the room, tossing his last few words behind him as the doors slid closed with a hiss. "I will see you again when you have been cleansed of sin." ]++[ "All of EVA-08's systems are fully engaged." There was a sharp tension in Maya's voice as her hands moved across the keyboard, the displays coming up with less than usual speed. "Disengaging all restraints... opening restraining doors." Ritsuko gently brushed her hand against the younger woman's shoulder, producing a slight start before Maya looked up at her. "It's all right," she said softly, leaning towards Maya with a serene smile on her face. "You're doing the right thing. I'm proud of you. All that's left is to just wait for Commander Ikari and Rei to finish their work." Maya frowned, biting her lip and turning back to the display, idly hitting the keys before she noticed something of the corner of her eye. Her brow furrowed, and she leaned closer, bringing up another display. "Dr. Akagi! There's a reaction occurring in EVA-01! It's not fully active, but I'm picking up the beginnings of its systems engaging - the entry plug is loading itself!" "You're kidding," snapped Ritsuko, stepping swiftly over to Maya's console, watching as it displayed a small picture of EVA-01, the hatch on its back opening to accept the white plug. "We've accounted for all of the Children. Who's in the plug?" "Nobody." The answer surprised Maya as much as Ritsuko, and it took the younger woman a few moments before she seemed satisfied that she was giving an honest reply. "The plug is empty. It just... loaded the plug and then shut right back down, as if nothing was happening." Shadows flitted across Ritsuko's face as she stared at the display for a moment longer. "Keep an eye on that unit," she said softly, turning towards Makoto as he eyed her uneasily. "Tighten up the restraints. Whatever happens, don't allow it to leave the hangar." "But -" Maya's words failed her, and she forced herself out of her seat. "There's no pilot inside. It can't possibly go anywhere, not without one of the -" "I -said- to keep an eye on it!" snapped Ritsuko, her eyes stunning Maya into silence for an instant before the younger woman sat back down. A cold fear began to grow at the back of Maya's throat, and she found herself staring at the now-inert form of EVA-01, wondering if there wasn't more that her superior was keeping hidden from all of them. ]++[ The restraints were padded inside, comfortable against the skin, a cold comfort as Neil's eyes traced out the pattern on the floor. "Nothing," he whispered inaudibly, his heart a barren rock, all of the strength drained from his body, leaning forward in the crucified restraints and waiting for the end he knew was coming. "I was wrong. I wasn't saving humanity from monsters... just delivering it to another monster. Even when I try to do right, I do wrong." "Misato, there has to be some way out of here!" shouted Nieve, struggling to tug her arms free of the restraints that held them, her emerald eyes darting back and forth around the room. "Some sort of failsafe! An override! We can't just be -stuck- here!" "We are," replied Misato weakly, her own struggles beginning to weaken and growing more intermittent. "They disabled every aspect of access I have to the system here. We might as well be strangers to NERV." She sighed. "We're not fighting from the inside out any longer. We're on the outside looking in. There doesn't seem to be a thing that we can do." Nieve ignored the woman for a moment, thrashing her body to and fro, her mouth set in a hard line of determination. "NO!" she shrieked at length, her entire body arching backwards before falling limp, exerted beyond what it could take. "No. This can't be. I worked so hard, and now... and now it's all... all..." "Evas," said Ryo after a moment, his voice quiet. "That's what Gendou was denying us access to. We're all imprinted into the Evas, individually. Locked in here... we can't possibly pilot them to stop him. That's why he was making sure that we were all accounted for - so that we couldn't even try to get one of them active." Something in Ryo's tone drew Neil's attention, and he jerked his head upwards, a cold and stinging epiphany bursting through his head. "Ryo, do you know how close we are to the hangars?" he shouted, his hands trembling within the restraints. "Close enough," replied Niobe, lying rigid in place, seemingly dead to the whole situation. "A few minutes of walking, perhaps. Nothing major. If we were free, we would have more than enough time to stop him." "Lovely, Niobe. Make this even -more- infuriating." Nieve let out another howl of anguish, thrashing her head about in desperation, small tears flying from her eyes in rage and fear. After a few seconds, she let herself fall back to limply hanging, her breath now ragged. "Inches away, and we're powerless. I hope that whatever that demon unleashes kills -him- first, if nothing else." The dialogue was only white noise to Neil, his eyes wide, heart racing. He could see the open eye of EVA-01 all too clearly, could remember the touch of Yui and the mocking sneer of his other, all hidden away somewhere within the machine. It was his, he knew, as much a part of him as his arms or legs. Something in him almost seemed to reach out to the machine, and for the barest instant he could feel its monstrous hunger tickling at the back of his mind, begging him to set it free. He recoiled from instinct, but the idea had already planted itself in his head. In his eye he could see every one of the Angels that he had faced, the effort that he'd put into destroying them. "I thought that I was doing the right thing," he whispered, his hands clenching into fists, teeth gritting and eyes narrowing. "But maybe I can undo all my mistakes... maybe I can still fight against myself..." With tenative and nervous thoughts, Neil let himself reach out towards the Eva once again, the rolling red hunger, the demonic impulses that he knew lay just beneath his own skin. A hot breath seemed to wash over his body, scented by blood and fire, the touch of icy crystals somehow caressing his cheeks. "Come to me," he hissed, every muscle in his body tensing. "Give me the strength to defeat Gendou, to avert Third Impact. I give up." Still it danced, just out of reach, and Neil threw his body into thrashing, his eyes furious, fine hair whipping about his head as he forced all of his muscles into the effort. "God damn you, come to me! I give up! I'm a monster, just like you! If that's what it takes to have your strength, -I- -don't- -care-! Whatever the cost to me, I will -not- let it end like this!" The monstrous eye drew ever so slightly closer, and Neil redoubled his efforts once again. "LET ME SAVE THEM!" The sound of tearing metal filled the air, but Neil was dead to them, screaming for the Eva to take him as the others in the room looked around in fear. He had to be able to get his machine before Gendou could initiate Third Impact. All thoughts of himself had vanished, replaced with a burning desire to climb within his Eva once again, whatever the cost. It had to come. It had to listen. It had to... A second later, the hand of EVA-01 ripped through the side wall of the room with a resounding crash. Neil's eyes shut tight, the room shuddering around him from the impact, the massive hand seeming almost as if it was grasping in a box for a particularly desirable trinket. Then the shock of impact faded, and the boy stared at the grasping hand, trying to lunge forward slightly, feeling the restraints give way to his strength ever so slightly. Glancing at the shackles, he realized that they were cracked just enough to allow him to get free. With a cry of triumph, he pulled his arms free, forcing his legs out of the restraints as the great hand withdrew from the room. Stumbling to his feet, Neil looked out the hole to see the Eva standing amid the wreckage of what looked like several levels of the base, its body laced with broken pieces of the thick teal-gray metal. The entry plug protruded from its back, and with smooth movements it retrieved the plug and slid it into the room, letting the smooth white cylinder rest in front of Neil, beckoning and mocking him at once. "Neil!" Nieve's voice was just sharp enough to prevent him from moving forward, and he looked towards the girl, feeling a sharp pang of fear and loss at the look of her emerald eyes. "Help me out. We'll do this together. All of us." "No." He shook his head firmly, then strode decisively over to the plug, flinging the hatch open and staring inside. It was dark within, the chair only distantly visible, the familiar structure seemingly cloaked in death. "You... you all have something to live for. I can't let you die." "Please, Neil." Nieve struggled against her restraints, trying to achieve the same freedom as Neil and falling short. "Please. I'm not afraid to die. Not with you." "I still don't plan on letting you die," replied Neil, stepping inside of the cockpit. His eyes flicked towards the Eva, and he could seen the green glow flashing beneath the white surface of its eyes. It was waiting for him, and he knew it. The monster was waiting to finally receive its own. "Say that you don't plan on dying. Neil, tell me that you don't plan on dying." Nieve's words were more desperate now, as if she was pleading with the boy. "We can do this together, all of us. You... you don't deserve to -" "Goodbye," whispered the boy, slamming the hatch shut and feeling his way to the soft cushioning of the seat, tears forming at the corners of his eyes. He felt the Eva pick him up, could hear the distant mechanical noise of the hatch opening up once again. Another deep breath tore into his lungs, and as the LCL began to trickle into the chamber he felt himself flex his hands against the handrests, the leering Eva holding tight to the back of his mind. Then the LCL rushed into his lungs, and he felt the eye rip through the soft meat of his brain, his entire body arcing in shock, knives of ice embedding themselves in his skin even as he felt his rage growing. His mouth was bound by weak metal, and with all the strength he possessed he reared back, letting his body push aside the metal framework around him. Another flood of strength, and his jaw was free once again, letting out a mighty roar to shake the foundations of the building he stood within, his power growing with every passing moment - "Control," he hissed, focusing his vision once again, taking stock of his position. He - no, the Eva - had torn its way through parts of Central Dogma not meant to accomodate the machines, and he doubted the fesability of trying to return to the hangar and following Gendou and Rei down their own path. "I need to beat them to the punch," he muttered, glancing around quickly. "Need to get down to Terminal Dogma right now." A burning fire of energy tore along Neil's arms, and he let out a scream before coughing blood, forcing the energy down, letting the force shred through the metal that stood in his way, shattering walls and barriers and letting him plummet down a makeshift shaft. The power tore through his body, but he ignored the pain, only letting the energy dissipate once again when he felt the shifting snows beneath his feet, his eyes distantly registering the still-impaled form of EVA-07 not far from him. "GENDOU!" he screamed, letting the power of his voice send ripples through the walls, the power of the Eva flooding across his body in quick and steady bursts. His eyes cast themselves towards the shaft that he knew the other machine would be coming from, his hands flexing into fists. "You will -not- reach Lillith! I will not allow it!" Moments passed in silence like months, the burning green eyes of the purple Eva fixed on the shaft, the boy within panting as blood trickled from the corner of his lip. Then, at last, the outline of the golden EVA-08 appeared, descending with slow purposefulness, its hands cupped around an unknown cargo, silver and golden wings spread on its back as it hovered to a landing on the snowfield. Neil felt himself start slightly, watching the wings fold against the machine's back once again, a burning blue fire visible in its eyes. "Neil," announced Gendou from the cupped hands of EVA-08, sounding disinterested with the boy's presence. "Congratulations. You were able to call your machine. I doubted that you would have progressed this far." "Enough. This ends here." Neil grabbed one of the massive crosses still embedded in the snow around him, drawing it up and letting the thin film of ice shake away. "I will not let you reach the Second Angel, whatever it takes me." "I do not doubt that you believe that," replied Gendou as EVA-08 moved slowly, placing Gendou on a high ledge of the room that Neil couldn't remember having seen before, a door hissing open with obvious purpose. "But you still don't possess the strength to stop me, Neil. This Eva is the pinnacle of everything that the units can be - the strongest and fastest ever constructed. It is everything you are, and more." The machine seemed to punctuate the statement by letting its wings spread, its hands flying towards one of the crosses as well. "Stand down, Neil. This is for the best." Fear struck the boy to the bone, but his grip tightened around the cross in his hand, orienting it to attack his enemy as a thin smile crossed Gendou's face. "So be it. Rei, you know your duty." "Yes," replied Rei, and with swift motions she lunged towards Neil, swinging the massive cross as if it were nothing, the point racing towards the Eva's face. Panic seized the boy for a moment, and he jerked backwards, letting the point scrape across his left eye, shattering the lens and shredding flesh. His grip on the cross faltered slightly, and he stumbled backwards, shocked by the speed of the other machine, certain that Gendou was correct. "Idiot." The voice was his own, but not coming from his lips. "This is the First Angel. You know that. Whatever fearsome visage it might take, do you truly believe that anything less can stand against you?" The pain in his eye subsided to nothing, and Neil could see the green eye that stared at Rei in his mind. His hands gripped the cross firmly and swung it back at the golden Eva, deflecting the girl's assault, matching her speed effortlessly. Letting out a cry, he lunged towards her, the point of his weapon driving towards the girl's midsection. Rei's free hand gripped the cross and wrenched it free of Neil's hands, flinging it across the room and trying to stab him with her own weapon. Slipping to one side, Neil grabbed the cross and forced it into the ground, then let his hands snap to Rei's throat, his fingers pressing hard against the golem's neck, hot breath blasting from his machine's open mouth. It was a moment before he even noticed the burning pain in his gut, another moment before he realized that it was a knife that had broken through his armor. One hand flying to the prog knife in hopes of extracting it, Neil caught a glimpse of the girl going for the other knife, and with swift resources he grabbed the shoulder flange and crushed it with all the strength he had. Then Rei's feet slammed against his gut, forcing the knife deeper and sending him tumbling back, her machine rearing up to its full height as he skidded to a halt. Gritting his teeth, Neil yanked the knife free, snapping it between his fingers before racing towards her once again. A punch aimed at her face was deflected, answered with a swift blow to the eye, enough to leave Rei unprepared for a blow to the chin. Her Eva reeled slightly, and Neil took the opportunity, flinging himself into the air and towards her, his hands reaching for her head. The silver wings of the Eva snapped in front of him, then flung him backwards, sending his Eva flying against the wall, shuddering waves of pain racing along his back. Rei yanked the cross free once again, rushing at Neil, holding the weapon like a spear. Neil remained immobile until it seemed to late, then flung himself aside with the grace of a cat, and Rei embedded her weapon in the wall, fixing her in place long enough for Neil to fall on her back. The golden machine struggled as he tried to pry off the hatch that protected the entry plug, but his strength began to tear free small bits of the armor, sending EVA-08 into spasms of pain. Before it came free, however, Rei's leg slammed against Neil's midsection, awkward but strong enough to give him a moment's pause. Spinning around, EVA-08 slammed its wings against EVA-01, sending it sprawling to the ground, great waves of snow kicked up by the sheer mass of the purple golem. Before Neil could move, Rei was upon him, her hands reaching towards his head with lethal intent, no trace of hesitation in her motion. Snarling, he lashed out with his feet at her midsection, slamming her backwards, one silver wing tearing as it scraped along the edge of the cross still embedded in the wall. Red blood spilled from the wound and splattered the snow a deep color, but Rei seemed unaffected, furling her winds shut and moving towards Neil even as he scrambled to his feet, his breath coming hard and angry, hands flying to his shoulder units and retrieving the two knives stored within. Holding them tightly, he let himself slip to one side of Rei's charge, then stabbed towards her head with one hand, her heart with the other. An almost imperceptible motion of the girl's machine sent one knife out of his hand and into hers, and she deflected the other blow with inhuman accuracy. Her eyes met his, and Neil felt a momentary sense of dislocation, painfully aware of the frail white girl sitting inside the other Eva. There was an emptiness in the eyes of the Eva, enough to freeze him in place for a moment, almost reacting too late to the swinging knife, deflecting the blow with a dulled motion. EVA-08 showed no trace of Neil's hesitation, and the golden machine continued to swing vicious blows in his direction, forcing Neil backwards even as his grip began to weaken slightly. The girl was more skilled with the weapon than he was, but as he watched the smooth motion of her arm he got an idea, and as her arm recoiled from the sharp deflection of her blow Neil's jaws fell open and he lunged for the girl's arm. The great metal teeth of EVA-01 sank into the arm of its opponent, tearing through the flexible armor as if it was paper, provoking the golden machine to drop the knife even as Neil drove his own weapon deep into Rei's chest. His face split into an agry grin as he tasted the other machine's blood on his lips, felt the flesh and metal cracking beneath his grip. "Nothing can stand against me," he hissed. "I have all the power of the First Angel." Something snapped in his mind, and he felt his connection with the Eva fall slack as he recoiled from the damaged golem before him. The taste of blood still lingered upon his lips, and he felt his entire body shake gently at the thought. "I am a monster," he gasped, the meaning of the words sinking in. "I... I don't want to kill her. I don't -" Neil realized his mistake too late as a knife drove into his chest, followed by another dangerously close to the core of his machine. Pain ripped through his body, and he saw Rei standing over him, apparently unconcerned by the damage to her machine, her hands gripping a cross again as blood trickled out of her arm. "It ends, Third Child," she said softly, raising the cross over her head, the point aimed for his chest. Closing his eyes for a second, Neil felt himself sink back into his Eva's mind, hating himself as the hatred encircled him. "You knew this," he snarled, and with one swift motion he raised one hand and blasted the cross to smithereens. Green light poured from the eyes of the purple machine like water, and Neil forced himself to his feet as Rei staggered backwards, ignoring the pain in his body, knowing that it was inconsequential. The golden Eva hesitated a moment, then rushed towards the boy once more, and he stood his ground, raising his hands and lashing out once again, letting the pure white light sear the surface of the other machine, slamming it backwards against the double doors that led to Lillith. "You're right, Rei," he said, letting his energy build like a gathering storm. "It does end now." The girl raised her good arm, and as Neil lashed out again he could see his blasts hit the octagonal surface of her AT Field. Growling, he intensified his efforts, barely noticing the constant mouthfuls of blood that he was coughing into the LCL, only distantly aware of the slow red tint flooding the world around him. It was only a matter of time, he knew. He had more than enough power to tear the Eva's field to pieces, and then he would destroy himself, save the world from what he might do. It was for the best, the only way he could - Pain ripped along the back of the boy's head, a pain that he couldn't hope to ignore, followed quickly by the sensation of drowning. The oxygen seemed to choke itself out of the LCL, and Neil clutched at his throat as the Eva vanished into the distance, his entire body on fire, spasming and thrashing in a desperate plea for air. The world began swimming and going black in the instants before the oxygen returned, and he sucked in a deep breath of LCL, grateful for the first time for the bloody liquid. It was only afterwards that he realized that he could no longer feel his machine around him, that the Eva had vanished into the mists of the LCL. "No," he whispered, thrusting the handles back and forth, struggling to activate it once again. "What the hell is going on? Activate!" "You forgot a critical fact, Third Child. Whatever connection you might have to the First Angel, its body is shattered." Even though Neil could no longer see the world outside of the dark entry plug, Gendou's harsh voice still sounded through the radio. "It only moves and interfaces with you through machinery - machinery that I helped design. Should that machinery cease to interface with the Angel, it no longer has any connection to you." Realization spread across Neil, and he felt his body go numb. "I... I can't..." "Stop me," finished Gendou. "You put up a righteous effort, but it was in vain. Take your rest." With that, the radio snapped off, leaving Neil alone in the dark tomb of blood and metal, his Eva slowly being coated by the artificial snow around it. ]++[ Gendou Ikari let the massive hands of EVA-08 set him down upon the thin black walkway that led towards Lillith, his eyes focused on the crucified form of the Second Angel with a smile. "I've waited so long for this moment," he whispered, slowly walking towards the massive red cross, the LCL around him gently lapping against the sides of the path. "Despite everything, we will be saved after all." Beside him, the golden goliath brought itself around to face Lillith, its arms hanging limply by its sides, blood still falling in slow trickles from its mangled arm. "I am to merge with the Second?" asked Rei calmly, her Eva's gaze never deviating from a second from the Angel. Freezing for a moment, Gendou let himself take in the monstrous profile, the ridged armor, the wings folded with joints that no natural beast had ever possessed, snow slowly drifting out of the mechanical joints. "Rei," he said calmly, closing his eyes and taking another step towards the Second Angel. "Do you think that I did the right thing? I know that Neil was only working under false pretenses, but..." "There is no right or wrong," replied Rei, her voice hollow. Gendou let himself stare at her machine, almost wishing that he could see the girl in front of him. "Theses are only lies we tell ourselves, shackles of our own making. Our purpose is to eliminate these shackles. That is what you have told me from the beginning." Sighing, Gendou nodded. Adjusting his glasses, he focused on the Angel upon the crucifix once more. "Merge with the Second Angel using your wounded arm, Rei. You know what is required of you." Without another word, Rei raised the bleeding arm of her Eva and pressed it against the flabby white chest of the Second Angel, letting the soft white substance react slightly under the pressure of her hand. Then, with a step forward, her hand passed into the body of Lillith, the chest parting and absorbing the Eva's arm, armor and all. Thin white tendrils snaked forth from the place where arm and chest met, seeking the bleeding wreck that EVA-01's jaws had made, slowly wrapping about like bandages, tightening and forming a white outline of the arm. Lillith's head twitched, then slowly raised to level with Rei's. A purple mask lay over her face, emblaxoned with SEELE's insignia, and it seemed to slowly melt off of the giant's face, falling at length into the LCL with a splash, revealing the featureless blank of a face beneath. As Rei pressed her hand further into the beast's chest, the face began to take on an expression, a mouth slowly coming into view, followed by eyes, the vague semblance of hair, a mouth, a nose, the body shifting too as if reminded of its true form. Energy flitted between the Eva and the Angel, and Gendou could see the glow coming from Rei's S2 organ, flooding the connection with energy, answering the Angel's output flawlessly. It began to form a brilliant corona around the two giants, and sparks seemed to fly from it towards the heavens, small arcs of energy that fell back into the growing force between the two. A sound like a trumpet and a voice pierced the air, and a lance of energy burst upward, melting away the ceiling as if it was nothing, streaking towards the heavens. The LCL around Gendou was filled with particles of light, a beautiful ocean of shimmering stars. "The Third Impact," he breathed, falling on his knees despite himself. "Yui. I'm coming." ]++[ Outro: Neon Epoch Evangelion is based off of -Shin Seiki Evangelion- by GAINAX and company. It is not intended to be a straightforward fanfic, but it is building off the work of others, and as such it is done with the utmost respect for the original works and their authors. Basically, even though this is an original work, it's based off the work of others, and if you read this, you should go to see the original. Special thanks to all of the real Children - you know who you are. Extra special thanks to Joe Augulis for his consultation on the Japanese portions of the story. He might not know much Japanese, but that's more than I know. Copyright 2002 Eliot Lefebvre. NEXT EPISODE: End. NEON EPOCH EVANGELION 27: BRING HEAVEN LOW ]++[ We only have a little time in our lives to waste. Make the most of it. Electronic Transcendence Productions: Producer of, um, stuff for an unspecified time-period. Rants: