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BLOG ________________________________________________________________________________ RSS Feed available here: @/blog/blog.xml - 03/09/2020: - @/blog/20200803a This month in KISS (#4) - @/blog/20200625a This month in KISS (#3) - @/blog/20200525a This month in KISS (#2) - @/blog/20200509a KISS turns 1! - @/blog/20200426a This month in KISS (#1) - @/blog/20200325a This week in KISS (#16) - @/blog/20200316a This week in KISS (#15) - @/blog/20200309a This week in KISS (#14) - @/blog/20200303a This week in KISS (#13) - @/blog/20200224a This week in KISS (#12) - @/blog/20200218a k1ss.org - @/blog/20200217a This week in KISS (#11) - @/blog/20200209a This week in KISS (#10) - @/blog/20200202a This week in KISS (#9) - @/blog/20200125a This week in KISS (#8) - @/blog/20200118a This week in KISS (#7) - @/blog/20200111a This week in KISS (#6) - @/blog/20200102a This week in KISS (#5) - @/blog/20191211a This week in KISS (#4) - @/blog/20191202a This week in KISS (#3) - @/blog/20191124a This week in KISS (#2) - @/blog/20191117a This week in KISS (#1) - @/blog/20191004a I've gone to great lengths for this silence - @/blog/20190828b Why does GTK3 Firefox require GTK2? - @/blog/20190828a Firefox 69 now fully depends on dbus - @/blog/20190827a Python 2 will never die ________________________________________________________________________________ Dylan Araps (C) 2019-2020 Linux(R) is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.