This section is meant to be for notes only from each of the parts for Rei's Child
Well, C&C is welcome.
Flames will be tolerated.
Of course, any fuck-ups are my fault. :-)
Preface notes:
What was that strange bluish-green liquid next to Rei and in the bucket, it isn't what you think, lets just say Rei was not aware of all of NERVS projects (even the ones involving her). In this timeline Rei has some of the memories from her past self. I decided to write Rei getting "drunk" so quickly because she has not had beer or sake before, so the effect it would have on her body would be different, that's why she woke up so quickly. Last, no, Rei and Shinji did not do IT.
I will try to put out new parts on a monthly basis, but my time is limited right now. I plan on stretching this series out into 10 chapters plus an epilogue, it won't be easy but I'll do my best.
Special thinks to _hotwire_ for the joke "A drunk chick with an AT Field, need I say more?"(This is where Omake 1 came from) And for the MST he wrote on version I of "Rei's Child" (was GOOD GOD, REI'S WASTED then), if you want to see it, just ask (Version I carried extra warnings though, be warned, and don't flame me for it)
Kuniadam-sun Kisaragi Kasugano did the C&C that became Omake 2
Also thank you to _Armadies _ and Neoluka for the rewrite. (Omake 3)
The image was sent to me by Kuniadam-sun Kisaragi Kasugano, It was the best one I saw out there in net-land.
One notes:
Okay, I know that Rei and Shinji were OOC in the hospital, but I had to find some way to change Misato's mind that would work. I do not know whether Rei has had toast before, but I thought it would be a good way to start this chapter. As for the questions, I thought I would use the same tactic that was used in Eva. Yes, I know Rei does too much thinking, just live with it. Anyone that does not know what MEU means, it stands for "Medical Evacuation Unit".
The Omake is something that was sent back in an email for version 0 (zero) of this chapter (the version that is never to be sent) but I had someone that wanted to see some of my works so I ended up sending it out, that was what come back. I have now decided to never send stuff to them again. (That was way too much for me.)
Better Omake's next time, I promise
Special thanks goes to r_ayanami for the detailed info she gave me on Rei's past.
Two notes:
HOLY CRAP. That was very hard to write, but I got it done (though Rei crying my have been a bit too much at this point in time). I hope I didn't mess up the main events too much. I can't wait for the next part myself; this is just too mind bending to wait for.
How come I have left the clones intact, you may ask. Think back to the series when Ritsu pushed the button, that could have alerted Gendo to what was going on, and since Ritsu is important for the continuation of the story, I thought saving the clones would be best.
And Asuka will be making more appearances in the story (She has a purpose here) but I can't say why yet, just look in future chapters.
Omake 1 is something that I typed at random one night when thinking about how nature would deal with Misato's cooking.
Omake's 2 and 3 are ones that came to mind after I finished writing the part where the tanks light up.
Omeke 4 was sent to me by Quick_Man
Three notes:
Hmm...I seem to be building a good story here, but I can't be sure really. I decided not to have Shinji fight in this version because everything was different this time around, so that could have changed how Tabris made his decision, I thought that he was never sure ending everything for humanity was the best thing to do anyway. Rei and Kaoru merging seemed like the best way to set Kaoru aside for now, cause I plan on using him again at the end of the series. Shinji is no coward, I know that, but he did have a lot on his mind when it came to the critical time to fight, he could have been hurt so much that he didn't have the will to fight anymore. Asuka was found, she will be coming back again soon, Rei had to be incapacitated for the battle with the 17th Angel, and I have finally given you the true identity of the unknown chemical that has caused all of these problems in the first place, but, the questions is, what happens now? And the tech is a whole other story, but you will find out soon about him.
Well, don't ask me, I write it, you read it, and I hear about it sooner or later, but I will tell you that I have decided the extend the original length by two more chapters, so this will now take over a year to finish. Be happy about that please. And one final note, after I have finished the series I plan on going back and fixing it up so that it is properly done, but for now, I am giving you everything I can come up with, including questions so that you get the true Eva feel from my writing.
The November Omake was written by Quick_Man (and it makes perfect sense too (heh)).
Well, it's best if I shut up now, so look for the next chapter in about a month. Bye.
Four notes:
Come on now, you don't get that info THAT easily, but don't worry, you get to hear what the gender is next chapter.
Wow, December already, my how time goes by. Well, for all you Asuka fans, you got to see me revive Asuka, so enjoy the gift from me to you.
Now then, I know what you are saying about Shinji's reaction to Asuka slapping Rei, "That is very OOC, Jon!" and you are right, but think of it this way, Shinji holds in a lot of anger, so this was the breaking point. Shinji has become a father in two ways here, He just wants to protect Rei and junior. Next, I must thank Elaine Cardenas for the art she did in Eva:R, without it, Asuka waking up would have bombed BIGTIME, cause when I didn't have an image up, I was lost on how to see it happening. If Elaine is reading this right now, CONGRAD'S go to you, if I could, I would have paid you for those images, but Maher Al-Samkari has the right's to them in Eva:R (great series too). Maher should be happy as well for his drawing of Rei, very well done, it assisted me the rest of the way.
Now, I know that people think the questions are a waste of time, at least that is what I have been told, but the questions also give you a feeling for what is about to come, with the exception of one from Chapter Two (Why is Rei suddenly able to feel emotion?) this question was to make you possibly think about her in general, what she has gone through up to this point, I will tell you now that even I don't know the answer to that one.
Omake 1 was something that popped into my head one night while writing that scene, and the funny thing is, it made sense as well.
Omake 2 came from Quick_Man again, it's similar to the one from Chapter III, but still holds a bit of truth in it.
Five notes:
Okay, allow me to apologize right now for being late.
*Blinks a few times*
Hmm...when I let the story write itself, it sure takes an odd turn. I don't know whether I have done a good job this time or not, I covered everything I wanted to too early on, but I guess a fight will attract some attention. I finally got to see EoE (End of Evangelion) this month (it's December right now) and thought it was a good movie, very well put together. Now then, as for the direction Rei's Child is taking, I have had a few people tell me it's turning out to be the same as EoE, but I promise you, the ending will be better.
Now then, why did I drug Asuka? Well, everyone has limits to what they can tolerate at one time, and even though Rei used to live in a noisy area, I don't think having Asuka up close would have compared, so I just drugged her in the end. ^_^
Hmm...not a whole lot of notes really this time around, I don't really think I need to explain anything I have done since I am not quite sure myself. One minor note, the book Rei was reading is a good book, I originally had Jurassic Park as the book, but that book doesn't have enough of an appeal for Rei, so I chose a book by another good author. (The Case Book Of Sherlock Holmes is written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and is published by many people.) If you like a mystery, then do read this book, I got it as a Christmas present years ago and have enjoyed it ever since.
Before anyone asks me why this is running a bit late, please understand that I have been busy writing another fiction as of late that I have somewhat completed called Alternate Life. Feel free to have a look at it if you wish. Also, I had my directory get messed up on my computer during the month of January, and was finally able to recover this file on the 25th. Finally, I came down with a really bad cold on the last full week of the month that was able to completely shut me down to the point that even writing was impossible. I hope to keep to the schedule as best I can from now on though, so don't worry.
Before I forget, I recently got all of the Eva CD's including S2 Works. The soundtracks are good, Additions is cool, Refrain is okay, VOX is bizarre, Philharmonics is sweet and S2 Works is recommended for the hardcore Eva fan.
As for my Omake, every author will do some kind to insertion, and this is mine. Not that best insertion, but it fits the need. Why did I write Omake 1? I have no clue, I just got writer's block one night and threw it together, and I don't think it really makes any sense, but then, neither does my life.
"Oh, shut up."
Six notes:
I don't know where any of this came from, I swear. The story now has a life of its own.
Well, I guess I should attempt to clear things up. Why was Doctor Akagi let loose? If I am correct, Gendo still needs her to make sure the child is growing properly, even if she is being watched closely by him to be sure she doesn't mess up the plan. Why did Asuka get stuck in the apartment twice? I am not sure, I only planned on it happening only once really, but not this soon. Why did Asuka consider Rei a thing instead of a person? That's easy, Rei doesn't have the experiences Asuka does in terms of interaction, remember that during the series she tended to keep to herself. Though she could have still been a person, Asuka did not see it that way. Why has Asuka and Rei started to get along? Well, part of the answer relies on the fact that she and Rei were of one mind for a while, where they shared memories of each other's past, and taking this into account will provide part of the answer. She learned some of what Rei is, thus giving her a new respect for her. Why not have Shinji help Rei instead? I was going to write it that way in the first place, but I then saw that Asuka could benefit from the experience as well, she did learn that she is a doll. Why destroy the beaker? Now there was something that I did completely plan. Seeing that Rei may have used it as thing that is a representation of her mind, I thought that it could also be the one item that acts as a type of mental block in her mind. If you destroy the beaker you destroy the block. Once that was done I saw nothing holding back her past memories that she was not able to remember, giving her the ability to fall back on her past in full. Why did Misato and Ritsuko not report the activities of the First and Third Children? I am not sure, When I look back on that I see a form of understanding in this case, but I even think it was a little too easy that they did not get in big trouble. What about the Moon? That was something that wrote itself, I am not sure what it means exactly, but I plan on researching that further, but for now I guess it came from Episode 14. How was Misato able to cook something that would not kill someone? Hehehe, I had to make up for the times I have insulted her cooking somehow, besides Omake 1 was part of it. What is the purpose to the Eva test? I think the test was a way to let the pilots have some fun for once, I mean, they are always being watched and have been limited in what they can do, so why not let them have fun. How was it possible for the children to fool Security? Remember back to Episode 4 and when Shinji ran away, how long did it take them to find him again, I would say a few days, and that was when he wasn't trying to hide from them. How is it that Rei has suddenly gained the ability to understand stuff easier? That goes back to the beaker, once she removed the barrier she also gained the knowledge that her previous self had gained and was able to integrate it into her consciousness. What happened to Asuka? Very good question, I have no idea, I am sure it related to the beaker part again, but it may be related to her past coming back to bother her again, I may not know until the next chapter is finished. Why did Asuka help Shinji and Rei escape? She probably wanted to be rid of them for one night, hoping to maybe get away from Misato. What did Rei mean by "Individuality as a person."? Hmm...well, Rei is said to have Lilith's soul, but I find that if she has her soul then she would not be who she is, she would have tried to merge sooner then she did in EoE, Thus I personally think that Rei has her own soul really, a soul that is only partially created from Lilith's soul. Think of it this way, If Rei had lilith's soul, why care for Ikari. Aslo, how did Shinji know what Asuka was going to ask? Two words: Beer and Instant. Well that about does it for the clarifying.
Except for one question that is in a category of its own. What about what happened the night of the camping trip between Shinji and Rei? Ah, this one had many confusing questions run through my mind the night I wrote that part, it wasn't till the next morning that I understood its purpose. Rei had just shared memories with Asuka, so Rei had the origin of the idea in her head that night, Rei had studied about sex before as part of her reading, bringing the second part of the reason into play. Shinji had done so much for her already, meaning that she may have wanted to do something nice for him in return, though this may have been a bit much, but it is still a way of showing her appreciation to him. The setting plays another roll in this, here they were in an isolated place, no one around as far as they knew, meaning they were free to do and say anything they wanted. Add to that Rei was naked and you have Shinji's view (heh). But think about what was happening for a moment, how long was it before anything happened, how many times did Shinji question what Rei was saying, even he saw a change in Rei. Add the fact that their minds may have become synchronized from the test earlier that day. But in the end they came to a mutual decision, one that they thought about before going through with, something that actually fit the story line surprisingly. I think it is for these reasons that I kept it in Rei's Child. I know many will question my reasons, and you have good reason to do so, but I just think that in the end it was the right thing to include.
Well, general notes, I am not really writing the story anymore, I am letting it write itself to see where it will end up, though I still do have the rough outline for the story and will be sticking to it in terms of when things will happen. But for this chapter, all I had written down with SYNC TEST GOOD, and as you read, the first true test of the new entry plug was successful without any problems. But when I thought about it, the camping scene was part of that note, they both synchronized their minds for a brief moment, so that note had a double meaning. It's pretty interesting how this chapter turned out really, I had no idea what would happen. For anyone wondering what the answer Maya was going to give Shigeru before they were interrupted, "Maya, do you know a five letter word for an ear of grain?" The answer was a "Spike"
Before I get to the Omakes, I just want to quickly comment on the question asked for the next chapter. As you saw there was only one question, and it is a question that I asked myself before starting the notes because it was the first one that came to mind and was the one that had the best impact.
As for Omake 1, I wrote it right before I wrote the dinner scene where Misato cooked, thinking that it made a lot of sense in many cases. It was perfect. Omake 2 was done at random, but was pretty good I thought, and Omake 3 was to try and make up for lateness. As for the bonus scenes, I thought I would give a few parts that I did not include for some reason, they did fit, but I thought it was best not to include them.
Seven notes:
Well well well, this is becoming a mystery in itself. This chapter is shorter then I planned but I got everything set for the next. Now, the question that may pop up in my inbox, Why did I send the pilot's away? Simple, if they are not around then they are not in danger like NERV is right now. But this does bring up an interesting point since I debated what may happen if they were to run away, though this isn't running. But I can now say that I am really going into the unknown, NERV has never been without any pilots before. Each time an angel attacked a pilot was ready, but now, what will NERV do? They will sweat until I bring them back the pilots, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Rei's dream seems to be a bit interesting since it was originally Asuka's memory, but as you read it did serve a purpose to what is coming up soon. And I know that things seem really badly done, my problem is I am trying to speed up time so that the next chapters will run smoother. I believe right now that I have neared the end of the fourth month. Anyhow, I know other points may be brought up, and I welcome questions openly, so feel free to ask me if you are confused. I am talking to the 100 people that read this cause I know it isn't popular really, not that I mind.
And, an interesting thing I found out while writing the questions, I have no idea where Pen-Pen is, so I will tell everyone in the next chapter.
Eight notes:
Wow, I think I have totally gone off the deep end here. Ritsuko has been shot. Rei is about to go into labor. NERV is losing the fight. Asuka has opened her mind up. Hikari has entered the picture. All things that when alone make little sense, but when combined they possibly build up to a nice ending.
I chose to speed up the timeline a bit here since I can't really picture a perfect setting if I do follow it, but I am still following the basic part of it. The next few chapters are going to be the key to the final outcome. Just because Rei gives birth doesn't mean it is over, the parents are still in the dark and will also be given the chance to do battle one last time.
I would like to hear what anyone has to say about what I have done, because I know it is very OOC period, but this is also something that holds new concepts. I don't write to please others, I write for the joy of it. I see this as my only hope in my life right now, something that I can call my own.
Nine notes:
I just don't quit. Well, I have finished this chapter early in the morning, I finally got the birth and the name done with, though I had the name when I decided on the sex. If you are wondering where I got the name, Kei is one of the WWWA agents in Dirty Pair Flash, she had a name that just made sense in this story. Well, if you haven't figured it out yet, I have released VI, VII, VIII, and this chapter at the same time to make up for being late, and when I think about it I am glad I did, it means that the final parts have been laid out finally. I am hoping to put out X and XI at the same time as well.
Now then, as you have read, Asuka has come around finally, though I will say it may have been done too well, but then I am not done with her yet, I will still follow up on that second camping trip that she was promised, but I feel I have set her up for the last chapter enough. As for Rei, she finally gained that which was needed, but I still have a surprise to pull in the last chapter that she will do. Shinji and Rei are still in the dark about the reason behind Rei's Child, but that is something to be saved for another chapter.
Well, I see that it is really late here, so I will quit for now and hope that you have enjoyed Rei's Child up to this point. Before I forget, the red book Asuka had was the design notes from the creator of the MAGI, and the omake was a simple one that I knew many wound ponder about or something.
Ten notes:
Eww, that omake was kinda bad...
Well, this has been quite a story from what I hear, I hope everyone is STILL enjoying the story. I have a limit set for how long a chapter has to be in order to be considered long enough, and for this one I had some blocks before I got it this far (Has to be 30.5 pages without the title image, including notes, questions, and omakes) [exception was Preface], but I was able to stretch it out, it was also meant to be part of XI since I think doing a dual release will help speed up the ending line. I want to point out right now that yes I did fulfill the promise made to Asuka, but I may have it revisited IF I do a sequel (Short) to Rei's Child. Well, I have killed Ritsuko, I thought it would be best if I did since she has basically fulfilled the needed requirements.
Eleven notes:
Wow, we are down to the last part finally, this has been a really fun project to do. I have no idea if anyone really reads this but I still hope I have a few at least. This chapter is shorter then normal because I was unable the stretch it enough for a 30 page deal, sorry. Hey, the Final Four was played right here in my hometown this year, how cool that was, except for the 22 drunks I had the pleasure of running into (literally).
Well, the last chapter will seal up the fate of humanity, what will happen, I ain't telling. But I may have it be delayed because of what will be in it, also, I will have an Epilogue written as well, but those details are going to be kept secret. BY THE WAY, if you find ANYTHING bad about chapters 10 and 11 (OOCness) then understand that two things happened. First, I didn't release the chapters to PR's first. Second, the characters have changed to the point that they are different now to the point that they don't seem true to Eva, but that is because they have evolved to a point.
Twelve notes:
It isn't done yet, I plan on revisiting everyone one year later next, I am sure that everyone will be wondering what happens next. I thought about doing outtakes this time around but rejected the idea since the ending was something that I wanted to have unique. Speaking of the ending, this one is NOT meant to be a happy one, many people died for Gendo Ikari, something that I tried to reflect on in the eulogy for Ritsuko. Pen-pen dying was set in stone the moment I hit page 50, I know that it isn't fair but some thing are best left sad.
I am happy that I was able to write this fic, it wasn't easy, but I did it. And I may do a continuation fic in the future, but if ANYONE feels like doing a side story then please let me know. Well, I must now say goodbye to you all, it is late here and I have work in the afternoon. Bye.
One more thing, I apologize for the lateness of this one, it took a long while to get it perfected to this point, I also owe a special thanks to my very special fried who goes by Kei_Ikari on Dalnet, she so the revision firsthand. If it weren't for her, I would have had a weaker chapter. The final part is already started and holds the final results for everyone plus it will tell you if I plan on doing a continuation or not. And I am looking for people to help make images for this fanfic, feel free to help out if you want, original art is preferred but I will accept modified images.
Epilogue notes:
Yes, this ends Rei's Child, the first successful fanfic I have written. My timeline originally called for one year before this would be complete, but as you can see it is done. I am thinking about continuing it under a new story line, but Rei's Child is officially finished. I want to thank everyone who has read it and emailed me about it. It was your comments that helped me some. I also want to thank my love, for it was her that suddenly became my driving force a few months ago, I met her back in winter, and we will hopefully have a nice relationship in the future.
Well, it wasn't very easy writing this fic, I am not planning on making it a career choice, but I will still try to write when I can, for I have come to enjoy it. If anyone wishes to do a side story, please send me an email. So long for now, and Osamu came from Devil Hunter Yohko.