First Post
I finally upgraded to WordPress. First of all, the import-b2.php script sucks. It’s supposed to reformat the b2 database so that it becomes compatible with WP, except that it doesn’t. Maybe I’m doing something wrong here, but I won’t know because the documentation for the import function is non-existent! The official site FAQ points to a Wiki guide which then points to some random guy’s blog entry (which has been taken down) on how he managed to get the import script running.
I’m not going to manually format the entire goddamn b2 database and risk royally screwing the whole thing up, so I think I’ll just leave my old b2 script in another folder and let people read my old entries if they want. I figured that this shouldn’t affect many people, since most of my old entries were rubbish anyway.
Other than this little annoyance, I’m quite happy with WordPress. I’m too lazy to do anything with the theme right now, so I’ll just leave it as it is… More blogging later.
November 3rd, 2005 at 10:00 pm
Hehe, caught the WordPress fever already eh? Well, it’s certainly is really user-friendly. After using for months, WordPress is pure heaven for me.
I would think it would be a good idea to just leave your old entries just like this. It sure beats trying to import it all ;).
Also, why not try to keep back your old layout for you WP blog. One thing I’d always admired about your blog was the layout :).Simple but elegant, to put it in one way.
January 10th, 2007 at 5:47 pm
Your old-entries link 404s me.