I haven’t been blogging much for the past few days… Common sense would dictate that I had been rushing to finish my holiday homework before the new school term begins. Well, common sense is wrong.

The truth is… I have been WoWing. That’s right, I did the unthinkable, I started playing World of Warcraft. Please forgive me. And no, I haven’t done my homework yet. My will is so weak. _| ̄|O

Anyway, look for me on US PVP server Detheroc under the nick Zephiris. Female Night Elf rogue. (No surprises there)


I’ll buy some better-looking equipment when I have the gold, but for now, beggers can’t be chosers. Most important priority now is to save up 100 gold (a shit load of money) to buy a mount at lvl 40, which I am 8 levels away from. I want a black Nightsaber! \o/ (Think Huntress from WC3)

So anyway, it being New Year’s Eve and all (yes, shockingly I haven’t forgotten about that!)… Happy New Years! Well, maybe not for me. Gotta’ start work soon.

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