Da Capo II (or as I like to call it, “The Nanaka Game”) playable demo is up for download from the official site!

Title Screen

A short introduction: The main character is Yoshiyuki Sakurai. He lives with his two foster sisters, Yume Asakura (younger) and Otome Asakura (elder). Somehow, he possesses the exact same powers as Jun’ichi did, which are snack-conjuring and seeing the dreams of other people. Koko Tsukishima is the shy introverted childhood friend, Minatsu Amakase is the banana-hating tsuntsun girl (i.e. complete opposite of her namesake), Akane Hanasaki is the over-developed classmate, Anzu Yukimura is the creepy under-developed classmate (think Ichigo from Onegai series except less cool) and…


Nanaka Shirakawa is the campus idol + hands down the best character in the game. Good genes from Kotori. *wub*

More stuff and screenshots after the jump.


So anyway, nothing much has changed since the first game. The art feels somewhat different due to the lack of Naru Nanao (original character designer for D.C.) but it’s still of good quality. Especially Nanaka. Moving on…

Main Menu

The game system is still the same old stuff. Well, there is a slight change in that the creators seem to be using character portrait size and angle to indicate the positions of the onscreen characters in relation to one another. It’s not perfect considering all the stuff are in 2D, but it achieves its effects.

Yume and Otome
Yoshiyuki, don’t go to the dark side!

Anyway, Yume sounds somewhat like Nemu. Otome sounds quite different from what I imagined (which was closer to Moe’s voice from the original D.C.). Yume calls you “nii-san” and Otome calls you “otouto-kun”. *shudders*

Choice selection

To get to Nanaka’s events, all you have to do is to select the option with 「渉のクラス」 in it for two times. :P There’s nothing much to talk about for the short demo, so I shall leave you with some Nanaka pics. ^_^

Title Screen
“un. nigeru~”

“konnichiwa kuma-san~”

Nanaka forever~~
Here you can see how her portrait is placed closer to the screen.

More Nanaka~~~

Even more Nanaka~~~~
“au~ tabetai na……”

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