Now as much as I dislike harem in my anime, I can’t help but join in this create-your-own-harem business started by certain indivduals who have more free time than even me… (imagine that)

Following the rules defined by the original post on AoMM (1. a limit of six characters, 2. compulsory inclusion of at least one maid, 3. twins and triplets count as one), in no particular order, we have…

1. Madoka Ayukawa (鮎川まどか) from Kimagure Orange Road. They don’t make anime girls like they used to. (Not that it’s a bad thing, just different)

Madoka Ayukawa

2. Lafiel (Ablïarsec Néïc Dubleuscr Bœrh Parhynr Lamhirh) from Crest/Banner of the Stars. As a member of the imperial house of Ablïarsec, Lafiel is not supposed to shed tears for anyone. But she did and we forgive her. <3


3. Kotori Shirakawa (白河ことり) from Da Capo. She’s caring, gentle, popular, cute, fun-loving, so considerate that you could swear she reads minds… and the idol of kazami gakuen. What more can a guy ask for? Jun’ichi doesn’t deserve her. D;

Kotori Shirakawa

4. Tamaki Kousaka (向坂環) from To Heart 2. Nothing can beat Tama-nee’s zettai ryouiki. Nothing. :P

Tamaki Kousaka

5. Lacus Clyne from Gundam SEED. Hey, if I don’t include Lacus here I won’t be able to justify hundreds of dollars worth of figurine expenditure…

Lacus Clyne

6. Saber from Fate/stay night. Enough said.


Well and that’s my list… Wait a minute, there’s no maid in my list you say? Take a look here. There we go. Well, I was thinking of including Kohaku and Hisui from Tsukihime, but I do not have a nice picture of them on hand. Saber looks kind of cute in that costume anyway… XD

That’s it for DM’s Harem List… now to mail it to Santa Claus…

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