Flash Anime!?
I was just scrolling through Moon Phase’s list of autumn anime and I came across Hanoka. The official site doesn’t have much information, but a single line in the promo video on the homepage caught my attention:
Japan’s First!!
True Flash TV Animation
“Flash TV Animation”. I think the industry has just hit a new low. I can’t find more details anywhere on the site, but the animation in the promo video certainly looks like it was done in Flash. And it’s going to be aired on TV…
Which begs the question: Why the hell would anyone want to make an anime using Flash!? Anime are all made digitally anyway and I don’t see how using Flash can help lower the production cost. Are the creators aimming for the “new radical idea” angle? Or are they high on crack?
August 10th, 2006 at 1:32 am
I just saw the first episode of this. Indeed, it’s rendered in flash style vector graphics. I guess the idea is that it’s cheaper to do, since there’s less animation?
It looks really really terrible.
August 10th, 2006 at 4:55 am
Er… Venture Bros was (is?) done in Flash. No reason Americans should be the only ones with a monopoly on ultra cheap animation.
August 10th, 2006 at 6:06 am
I downloaded and watched the first episode.. and blogged the summary. The story seems to be somewhat interesting. Definitely going to blog this series.
The animation looks okay. Heck, it looks very good considering the authoring tools they used. It could be better, and I hope that the quality would pick up over time.
August 10th, 2006 at 7:08 am
The tweening thing was quite funny though. Everybody can only walk sideways. A radical new way to save manpower time, if radical means slashing your intestines with an eroge figurine.
August 10th, 2006 at 10:03 am
Theres a first episode? We need the linkie or something to check it out. Based on the trailer, it nt too bad for a flash actually.
August 10th, 2006 at 11:10 pm
Well, here, in Chile, there are currently 2 kid shows in air on national TV (Villa Dulce and Tronia-Colun “ad” – lol), both made entirely in Flash, and they’re EXTREMELY popular. Seems the Happy Tree Friends gorundbreaking at least reached Japan… dunno of it’s good or bad, but I’m certain I don’t want to watch fate/stay night or Black Lagoon in a Flash version.