Comments on: The future of anime /websites/ Anime, Games, J-Pop and Whatever Else Sun, 05 Jun 2011 14:44:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: L’Antre de la Fangirl » Bilan de la Décennie, 2ème Partie : suite et fin /websites/ L’Antre de la Fangirl » Bilan de la Décennie, 2ème Partie : suite et fin Mon, 10 Jan 2011 16:55:14 +0000 /websites/ [...] of Japan’s Anime Industry (Japan Today) - Future of Anime Industry in doubt (Japan Times) - The Future of Anime (Ramblings of DarkMirage) - How can the Anime Industry avoid stagnation (Animenation) - Anime group [...] [...] of Japan’s Anime Industry (Japan Today) – Future of Anime Industry in doubt (Japan Times) – The Future of Anime (Ramblings of DarkMirage) – How can the Anime Industry avoid stagnation (Animenation) – Anime group [...]

By: Why illegal copying of DVDs and Movies or actually not illegal but cheap way of watching movies « Peter Road’s Thoughts /websites/ Why illegal copying of DVDs and Movies or actually not illegal but cheap way of watching movies « Peter Road’s Thoughts Thu, 21 Aug 2008 22:42:07 +0000 /websites/ [...] it just sucks cus I can’t figure how to use the lisence.) You might like this post I found: /websites/ .  It is a pretty insane web site to check out: I always lol at DM’s jokes.  Anyway [...] [...] it just sucks cus I can’t figure how to use the lisence.) You might like this post I found: /websites/ .  It is a pretty insane web site to check out: I always lol at DM’s jokes.  Anyway [...]

By: {nemo_fishy] /websites/ {nemo_fishy] Wed, 20 Aug 2008 04:56:28 +0000 /websites/ Legal download and sharing is definetly going up alongside Ilegal trade. Imagine the enjoyment of something you will almost never watch again if you could just download it without hurting your pocket. Movies are not a good industry at the moment because it relies on the revenue it's not getting from dvd's - just like the revolution from videos to dvds - there were major companies relying on the success something that was dissepearing. It's one major advance after the other and we should not stay in the past for there are still many things for us to discover nor should we break the law just because of our own greed/disadvantage. Legal download and sharing is definetly going up alongside Ilegal trade. Imagine the enjoyment of something you will almost never watch again if you could just download it without hurting your pocket. Movies are not a good industry at the moment because it relies on the revenue it’s not getting from dvd’s – just like the revolution from videos to dvds – there were major companies relying on the success something that was dissepearing. It’s one major advance after the other and we should not stay in the past for there are still many things for us to discover nor should we break the law just because of our own greed/disadvantage.

By: Ryuko_Hikaru /websites/ Ryuko_Hikaru Fri, 18 Jan 2008 09:24:11 +0000 /websites/ Well I am not sure on the 30 bucks per month will amount to how much on the forex, but won't that make the anime businesses crash due to losses considering how screwed the US dollar is over there? But I do want that kind of thing though, but hopefully it is worth every cent put it. Well I am not sure on the 30 bucks per month will amount to how much on the forex, but won’t that make the anime businesses crash due to losses considering how screwed the US dollar is over there?

But I do want that kind of thing though, but hopefully it is worth every cent put it.

By: Sumeragi_Tsubasa /websites/ Sumeragi_Tsubasa Thu, 17 Jan 2008 09:28:35 +0000 /websites/ I agree with you on the 30 bucks a month for all the anime you want(hopefully it would become reality). I watch way too much anime and can't afford to buy every show I watch. I agree with you on the 30 bucks a month for all the anime you want(hopefully it would become reality). I watch way too much anime and can’t afford to buy every show I watch.

By: ty /websites/ ty Tue, 23 Oct 2007 03:56:57 +0000 /websites/ tomoko さん> ここに来るのが遅いですが、いくつ尋ねてもよろしいですか。 ガンダムの大ファンのようですが、ガンダムをはじめて見たのは地上放送でですか、それともVHS、LD、DVDを買ってはじめてガンダムの世界に気づきましたか。 現在お金を出していて企業を支えている多くの社会人ファンは学生時代にテレビで見てはじめてガンダムファンになったと思います。VHS、LDを買うお金がない学生は、テレビ放送がなかったらガンダムファンはおろか、存在さえしらなかったかもしれません。それでしたらガンダムも現在の栄光はないでしょう。外国はまさにこの状態です。テレビで放送されない、レンタルもない、みんな知らない、しかもアニメに変な偏見をもつ人ばかりです。それを何とか改善しようと”若者”がネットでボランティアで働いています。お前らお金がないから、お金をかけないから、見るな、本当のファンじゃない、雑魚(ザク)だとは少々ひどくありませんか。すべて正しいとはいいません。作り手にお金が渡らなければ、いいものが作れなければ責任重大です。しかし、彼らがいたおかげて資産としてガンダムが成長したはずです。日本人ファンが海外に行ってもガンダムを知っている人がいて、胸が張れるわけです。もちろんその中に勘違いして生意気な態度を取ったりする人もいますが、それだけで市場を開拓した”若者”のネット派を簡単に馬鹿にしないでください。環境が整えていないが、海外市場が開き始めた現在、助けもせず見たければ自分を変えろ、こっちにあわせろ、お金出せとばかりいってくるのはどうかと思います。国内のファンがいいだけで海外のファンを簡単に見捨てないでください。お金がなければ始まらないが、お金さえあればいいなのですか。企業関係者か何か知りませんが、元々いなかった海外ファンはいりませんといえば、このまま進むのは一番でしょう。個人批判ではありません。日本文化を支えている方々を尊敬しています。単に双方にとって最悪の後戻りにむかついています。間違った日本語ご理解お願いします。 tomoko さん>

By: AnimeFreak!!! /websites/ AnimeFreak!!! Sun, 07 Oct 2007 18:25:16 +0000 /websites/ Ah........ == someone change the logo for xedo on wiki... Ah…….. == someone change the logo for xedo on wiki…

By: k68 /websites/ k68 Thu, 04 Oct 2007 14:07:35 +0000 /websites/ I agree with the article. Here is some example: I heard that Air is going to be made into an Anime. I was very excited back then. After some time, they started airing it on TV (in Japan). Great. 12-24 hours later, the first fansubs were available through BitTorrent. Of course I watched them. Then some years later, they announced the English DVDs. I've watched the whole series already 4 times and know basically every detail. Why should I buy the DVDs? The only purpose would be to look at the cover. That's not worth the money. If I could have watched it online legally in english. I'd have done this for sure. But no, that's not possible. So I had to stick to the fansubs. I'll probably buy the DVDs when I see cheap ones. Probably at some 2nd hand anime dealer. The U.S. Distributor won't see a single cent then aswell. Sucks for them. Sucks for me aswell, because I'd love to support them (to get more releases, add it to my collection and stuff). But I wont pay so much for some old anime I've seen 4 times already. I agree with the article.
Here is some example: I heard that Air is going to be made into an Anime. I was very excited back then. After some time, they started airing it on TV (in Japan). Great. 12-24 hours later, the first fansubs were available through BitTorrent. Of course I watched them.
Then some years later, they announced the English DVDs. I’ve watched the whole series already 4 times and know basically every detail. Why should I buy the DVDs? The only purpose would be to look at the cover. That’s not worth the money.
If I could have watched it online legally in english. I’d have done this for sure. But no, that’s not possible. So I had to stick to the fansubs.
I’ll probably buy the DVDs when I see cheap ones. Probably at some 2nd hand anime dealer. The U.S. Distributor won’t see a single cent then aswell.
Sucks for them. Sucks for me aswell, because I’d love to support them (to get more releases, add it to my collection and stuff). But I wont pay so much for some old anime I’ve seen 4 times already.

By: Whatever /websites/ Whatever Wed, 12 Sep 2007 13:54:14 +0000 /websites/ Points by DarkMirage that I can almost certainly agree with: 1) 'I for one certainly do not think that DVDs are worth their price tags, even if I do buy them for collecting purposes.' 2) 'You can air free anime on TV 24-hours a day and I won’t give a damn because I rather watch the shows I want to watch whenever I feel like watching them.' 3) 'And not everything can be solved through legislation either. Sure, you can waste spend money to hire a bunch of people who sit around and do nothing but send out takedown letters to YouTube, but are you then going to lobby for a law that bans people from recording TV shows with DVD recorders too? It is just not possible. And it should be noted that P2P filesharing is not even a blip on Japan’s radar. I know very few Japanese fans who have heard of, much less utilize, BitTorrent.' Anime fans from different countries and hence difference cultures, will have different views on the whole 'illegal anime downloading and copyrights infringement' issue. The only thing we can do is to vote with our money. Whichever camp of the entire downloading issue you belong to or sympathise with. All this talk is good in that different views and points are being aired in public, but ultimately it will be just an intellectual debate at that if we do not put our ideals, values or beliefs into actions. Points by DarkMirage that I can almost certainly agree with:

1) ‘I for one certainly do not think that DVDs are worth their price tags, even if I do buy them for collecting purposes.’

2) ‘You can air free anime on TV 24-hours a day and I won’t give a damn because I rather watch the shows I want to watch whenever I feel like watching them.’

3) ‘And not everything can be solved through legislation either. Sure, you can waste spend money to hire a bunch of people who sit around and do nothing but send out takedown letters to YouTube, but are you then going to lobby for a law that bans people from recording TV shows with DVD recorders too? It is just not possible. And it should be noted that P2P filesharing is not even a blip on Japan’s radar. I know very few Japanese fans who have heard of, much less utilize, BitTorrent.’

Anime fans from different countries and hence difference cultures, will have different views on the whole ‘illegal anime downloading and copyrights infringement’ issue.

The only thing we can do is to vote with our money. Whichever camp of the entire downloading issue you belong to or sympathise with.

All this talk is good in that different views and points are being aired in public, but ultimately it will be just an intellectual debate at that if we do not put our ideals, values or beliefs into actions.

By: T.H.A.T Impz read of the week ~ A little new old thing ~ | Anime Episode Reviews, news and more /websites/ T.H.A.T Impz read of the week ~ A little new old thing ~ | Anime Episode Reviews, news and more Sat, 08 Sep 2007 16:00:02 +0000 /websites/ [...] 2. The Future of Anime [...] [...] 2. The Future of Anime [...]
