Comments on: Urusei Yatsura’s Lum-chan /websites/ Anime, Games, J-Pop and Whatever Else Sun, 05 Jun 2011 14:44:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: paul /websites/ paul Mon, 27 Sep 2010 00:52:48 +0000 /websites/ Here's a singing LUM cosplayer group from Japan Here’s a singing LUM cosplayer group from Japan

By: Ike /websites/ Ike Sun, 10 Jan 2010 14:06:06 +0000 /websites/ Despite a common believe, Lum ain't a princess. Her father is a boss, but there's not any mention to her family's royalty. Despite a common believe, Lum ain’t a princess. Her father is a boss, but there’s not any mention to her family’s royalty.

By: stayright /websites/ stayright Sun, 29 Jun 2008 20:42:46 +0000 /websites/ clean stay night black german head clean stay night black german head

By: ryvrdrgn14 /websites/ ryvrdrgn14 Sat, 01 Dec 2007 17:05:30 +0000 /websites/ Lum, Urusei Yatsura is my favorite anime of all time. ^_^ I like #'s 1, 3, 6, 13, and 15. XD Lum, Urusei Yatsura is my favorite anime of all time. ^_^

I like #’s 1, 3, 6, 13, and 15. XD

By: /websites/ Fri, 16 Nov 2007 01:56:56 +0000 /websites/ <strong>Urusei Yatsura - Redux...</strong> Urusei Yatsura 25: Cover of Urusei Yatsura 25, reprint. Taken from It's Deja Vu, all over again. And my wallet is hurting in anticipation of my next spending spree. Still, this reprint has something special going for it: every volume of t... Urusei Yatsura – Redux…

Urusei Yatsura 25: Cover of Urusei Yatsura 25, reprint. Taken from

It’s Deja Vu, all over again. And my wallet is hurting in anticipation of my next spending spree. Still, this reprint has something special going for it: every volume of t…

By: LianYL /websites/ LianYL Wed, 07 Nov 2007 15:21:28 +0000 /websites/ Wait till you see Ito Noizi's new pen name which means Itou Noise Pollution in kanji. Nice try with word play but in any case, it just means more Shanas and Mikurus for us to fap to. Wait till you see Ito Noizi’s new pen name which means Itou Noise Pollution in kanji. Nice try with word play but in any case, it just means more Shanas and Mikurus for us to fap to.

By: Ialda /websites/ Ialda Tue, 06 Nov 2007 12:06:57 +0000 /websites/ If someone has a link to the missing pictures (or just Atsushi Kamijo's one), please post ^^ If someone has a link to the missing pictures (or just Atsushi Kamijo’s one), please post ^^

By: DarkMirage /websites/ DarkMirage Tue, 06 Nov 2007 07:29:00 +0000 /websites/ Ah you are right. It is sorted. XD It looked wrong at first because I missed out a name or two in the middle of the list. Ah you are right. It is sorted. XD

It looked wrong at first because I missed out a name or two in the middle of the list.

By: quigonkenny /websites/ quigonkenny Tue, 06 Nov 2007 07:24:41 +0000 /websites/ <i>"...and it isn’t sorted in the same order as the name list..."</i> Well, at least the mangaka I'm familiar with are in the right order. I never read the manga, so I don't know how close Rumiko-chan's new rendition is to the original, but I can say it's fairly analogous to the InuYasha and Ranma manga when compared to their anime counterparts (of which I am familiar, in Lum's case), and certainly indicative of her distinctive style. I LOLed hard at the Cromartie mangaka's rendition. Looks like one of the "non-fanservice" extras from every 80's chicks-in-prison movie. Right in line with the Cromartie style. Maybe it's a dig at... Noizi Itoh... I love her style. The characters are gorgeous, and the coloring and composition regularly superb... But it'd be nice if she could draw more than 3 or 4 female faces. That's not Lum in that picture, it's Imouto-chan (or Wirlhelmina with different eyes, or Tsuruya-san, or Hecate...) cosplaying as Lum. The Arakawa-sensei version surprised me, as I'm so used to the FMA style, but it's a very cute pic. Arakawa has always been good at drawing cute females, even though I don't think this one is the cutest of the bunch. That distinction would have to go to Yoshizaki-sensei's version. Keroro Gunsou has always been an underappreciated font of moé (even when it's appreciated, it's still <i>under</i>appreciated), and its mangaka is a genius at drawing incredibly cute girls (manga Mois-dono is possibly the most moé character ever, especially if read with Noto-sama's voice in mind...) without resorting to overblown caricature like many other artists. Still, I've got to give credit to Ryouichi Ikegami for going the realistic route (last on the second row, and one of the ones where the name is switched up). Of course, "realistic" is relative, when you're talking about a green-haired, pointy-eared, cute-little-horned alien oni vixen... “…and it isn’t sorted in the same order as the name list…”

Well, at least the mangaka I’m familiar with are in the right order. I never read the manga, so I don’t know how close Rumiko-chan’s new rendition is to the original, but I can say it’s fairly analogous to the InuYasha and Ranma manga when compared to their anime counterparts (of which I am familiar, in Lum’s case), and certainly indicative of her distinctive style.

I LOLed hard at the Cromartie mangaka’s rendition. Looks like one of the “non-fanservice” extras from every 80′s chicks-in-prison movie. Right in line with the Cromartie style. Maybe it’s a dig at…

Noizi Itoh… I love her style. The characters are gorgeous, and the coloring and composition regularly superb… But it’d be nice if she could draw more than 3 or 4 female faces. That’s not Lum in that picture, it’s Imouto-chan (or Wirlhelmina with different eyes, or Tsuruya-san, or Hecate…) cosplaying as Lum.

The Arakawa-sensei version surprised me, as I’m so used to the FMA style, but it’s a very cute pic. Arakawa has always been good at drawing cute females, even though I don’t think this one is the cutest of the bunch.

That distinction would have to go to Yoshizaki-sensei’s version. Keroro Gunsou has always been an underappreciated font of moé (even when it’s appreciated, it’s still underappreciated), and its mangaka is a genius at drawing incredibly cute girls (manga Mois-dono is possibly the most moé character ever, especially if read with Noto-sama’s voice in mind…) without resorting to overblown caricature like many other artists.

Still, I’ve got to give credit to Ryouichi Ikegami for going the realistic route (last on the second row, and one of the ones where the name is switched up). Of course, “realistic” is relative, when you’re talking about a green-haired, pointy-eared, cute-little-horned alien oni vixen…

By: kurotsuki /websites/ kurotsuki Tue, 06 Nov 2007 07:20:07 +0000 /websites/ Hey ! don't call me a Dinosaur ! >_< but anyway , gotta love what Nozoi did , and lets not forget Eiji Nonaka's one XD Hey !
don’t call me a Dinosaur ! >_<
but anyway , gotta love what Nozoi did , and lets not forget Eiji Nonaka’s one XD
