Comments on: Why I Love and Hate Linux /websites/ Anime, Games, J-Pop and Whatever Else Sun, 05 Jun 2011 14:44:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Len Alox /websites/ Len Alox Thu, 27 Jan 2011 23:20:57 +0000 /websites/ Heh, shame I didn't see this earlier. It is still console based, xrandr can do just about any screen set up you want. Also, I imagine since the time this was written, Linux has evolved a lot more. Every Semester at my school I have helped install Linux. In the four years I have been doing it, it has gotten SOOOO much easier. Heh, shame I didn’t see this earlier. It is still console based, xrandr can do just about any screen set up you want.

Also, I imagine since the time this was written, Linux has evolved a lot more. Every Semester at my school I have helped install Linux. In the four years I have been doing it, it has gotten SOOOO much easier.

By: aloe, dream » Blog Archive » Desktop Styling: light and yummy /websites/ aloe, dream » Blog Archive » Desktop Styling: light and yummy Fri, 31 Oct 2008 01:30:17 +0000 /websites/ [...] did a nice little write up on it a while back as well, and keyed on the stock visual effects, which are very nice. [...] [...] did a nice little write up on it a while back as well, and keyed on the stock visual effects, which are very nice. [...]

By: ritchan /websites/ ritchan Sat, 08 Mar 2008 20:31:54 +0000 /websites/ Yes, GIMP sucks Bill Gates's ass. Yes, GIMP sucks Bill Gates’s ass.

By: ritchan /websites/ ritchan Sat, 08 Mar 2008 20:30:14 +0000 /websites/ I've run Gentoo since 2004 (I used a stage 1 install, woohoo for oldschool and -O2 -march=c3 -m3dnow -ffast-math) and I loved it. Since I always run Linux on old computers, though, I've switched to Arch Linux since then. It's easier to conrol what runs in the init levels (just edit rc.conf), and doesn't install tons of crap by default. And doesn't take up as much RAM. One reason why I haven't switched to Linux yet is that in order to operate on files with non-ASCII filenames, I have to use X. And believe me, I have a lot of files with Chinese, Japanese names and some with weird characters. Mostly songs. Unlike most people, I don't leave X running all the time, and I hate firing up X just to go 'chmod 666 ChineseSong.mp3'. Since you're using Linux as your desktop OS, I assume you've already solved that problem? Then there's the fact that foobar2000 is the best audio player on the planet, and nothing on Linux can touch it. Once I get good enough at C this will be remedied, though. The world needs a foobar2000 alternative for Linux. And the PSP. Then there's the issue of VIDIX not working on Intel integrated graphics, and XV doesn't like HD content, so I have to search on the web for an obscure line to put in my xorg.conf so XV doesn't throw an error message. FWIW, I ran Compiz Fusion on a Celeron 600MHz (OCed to 675) with a Radeon 7000. Everything worked great except for scrolling in Firefox... noticeably slower. Once I build my dream 2xQuad system with nVidia graphics (naturally), though, I'll run Linux on it. I’ve run Gentoo since 2004 (I used a stage 1 install, woohoo for oldschool and -O2 -march=c3 -m3dnow -ffast-math) and I loved it. Since I always run Linux on old computers, though, I’ve switched to Arch Linux since then. It’s easier to conrol what runs in the init levels (just edit rc.conf), and doesn’t install tons of crap by default. And doesn’t take up as much RAM.

One reason why I haven’t switched to Linux yet is that in order to operate on files with non-ASCII filenames, I have to use X. And believe me, I have a lot of files with Chinese, Japanese names and some with weird characters. Mostly songs. Unlike most people, I don’t leave X running all the time, and I hate firing up X just to go ‘chmod 666 ChineseSong.mp3′. Since you’re using Linux as your desktop OS, I assume you’ve already solved that problem?

Then there’s the fact that foobar2000 is the best audio player on the planet, and nothing on Linux can touch it. Once I get good enough at C this will be remedied, though. The world needs a foobar2000 alternative for Linux. And the PSP.

Then there’s the issue of VIDIX not working on Intel integrated graphics, and XV doesn’t like HD content, so I have to search on the web for an obscure line to put in my xorg.conf so XV doesn’t throw an error message.

FWIW, I ran Compiz Fusion on a Celeron 600MHz (OCed to 675) with a Radeon 7000. Everything worked great except for scrolling in Firefox… noticeably slower.

Once I build my dream 2xQuad system with nVidia graphics (naturally), though, I’ll run Linux on it.

By: n3dm /websites/ n3dm Fri, 29 Feb 2008 08:52:18 +0000 /websites/ I took the same route as you. First with gentoo, which was when I was 13, I installed it in about 5 days. Haha, then I screwed around with ubuntu. Although I used beryl for the effects demonstrated in that video. Some are useful. Oh, and to tell you the truth Dark Mirage, my mouth dropped on your P.S. note on OS X being overpriced. I'm guessing you weren't comparing it to Vista, which if you were on that note, you'd would be way off. $129 is a fair price for the newest version of OS X in my mind. I see it on a large scale- the OS is a major software choice and I don't see how anyone could expect it to be cheap. Otherwise, good post, I actually found this one more interesting than the animus. :P I took the same route as you. First with gentoo, which was when I was 13, I installed it in about 5 days. Haha, then I screwed around with ubuntu. Although I used beryl for the effects demonstrated in that video. Some are useful. Oh, and to tell you the truth Dark Mirage, my mouth dropped on your P.S. note on OS X being overpriced. I’m guessing you weren’t comparing it to Vista, which if you were on that note, you’d would be way off. $129 is a fair price for the newest version of OS X in my mind. I see it on a large scale- the OS is a major software choice and I don’t see how anyone could expect it to be cheap.

Otherwise, good post, I actually found this one more interesting than the animus. :P

By: Martin /websites/ Martin Sat, 23 Feb 2008 11:21:32 +0000 /websites/ Hey dark mirage, whats your current PC setup? Hey dark mirage, whats your current PC setup?

By: Mr_Bear /websites/ Mr_Bear Thu, 21 Feb 2008 01:44:00 +0000 /websites/ Been running Ubuntu since last year. It's worth the time and effort to learn. Seriously and most problems can be solved by doing some research on the 'net. Been running Ubuntu since last year.
It’s worth the time and effort to learn. Seriously and most problems can be solved by doing some research on the ‘net.

By: Hatori /websites/ Hatori Mon, 18 Feb 2008 13:01:46 +0000 /websites/ Read all of it, although half of it sounded Martian. :-P anyway, i'm sure Linux will be the new force to reckon with once Microsoft decides to focus on Gaming Consoles more Read all of it, although half of it sounded Martian. :-P anyway, i’m sure Linux will be the new force to reckon with once Microsoft decides to focus on Gaming Consoles more

By: extremegunner /websites/ extremegunner Mon, 18 Feb 2008 09:16:46 +0000 /websites/ Somebody should shove this to Bill Gates' @ss. Even my rig can take, I refuse to install Vista, a d@mn resource hogger... Still like my trusty XP Somebody should shove this to Bill Gates’ @ss. Even my rig can take, I refuse to install Vista, a d@mn resource hogger… Still like my trusty XP

By: acw /websites/ acw Wed, 13 Feb 2008 16:25:50 +0000 /websites/ I don't need some unsupported basement-hack as my OS. I'll stick to OSX as my main and dual-boot to XP as my 2nd. I really suggest to all that they try OSX. It really is innovative. Theres no CCCP for it, but VLC and MPlayer do the job. You can also install Perian & flip4mac for viewing via Front Row. You can also expect something called "support", and you wont have to worry about hacking your homemade basement-hack drivers to get anything to work. Thats if it ever works at all. Oh ya, and that whole eye-candy thing was started by Apple back in 2000, so we got some pretty nice eye candy ourselves. *cubes* I don’t need some unsupported basement-hack as my OS. I’ll stick to OSX as my main and dual-boot to XP as my 2nd. I really suggest to all that they try OSX. It really is innovative. Theres no CCCP for it, but VLC and MPlayer do the job. You can also install Perian & flip4mac for viewing via Front Row.
You can also expect something called “support”, and you wont have to worry about hacking your homemade basement-hack drivers to get anything to work. Thats if it ever works at all.
Oh ya, and that whole eye-candy thing was started by Apple back in 2000, so we got some pretty nice eye candy ourselves. *cubes*
