Three packages just arrived this week. As usual, I had totally forgotten their existence.


Apparently some time during the past few months, I found it within me the sudden urge to preorder both the PS2 and PSP Haruhi game releases, despite the fact that I didn’t actually own a PSP at that point of time. (I do now.) Wow, this is sort of like receiving a belated birthday present from an unknown stranger who broke into my bank account to pay for it.

More pictures after the break.

Suzumiya Haruhi no Tomadoi

Box front

Box back

Box side


DVD case front

DVD case back (crappy photography alert)

The figurine that comes with Suzumiya Haruhi no Tomadoi (PS2) is pretty damn crappy. I’ve seen better gachapon then this sad pathetic excuse for a collectible. Okay, so it’s not that bad, and I’m keeping it in its packaging anyway so it makes no difference. Feh.

Special preorder disc front

Special preorder disc back

The preorder-only disc that comes with the PS2 game is pretty cool. It’s basically the Hare Hare Yukai dance done in full three dee. It’s not long now before cel-shading filters supersede 2D completely. I had of course already seen the dance video on YouTube beforehand, but whatever.

Suzumiya Haruhi no Yakusoku

Box front

Box back

Suzumiya Haruhi no Yakusoku (PSP) comes in a packaging that totally looks like there’s a PSP inside, but there isn’t. It’s just a bunch of useless trinkets made by underpaid labour that will break within five seconds if you ever attempt to ever use them. I just keep mine in their bubble wraps.

UMD case and useless junk

UMD case back

Gundam 00 Singles

Surprsingly, it seems that I actually bought the new Gundam 00 first press singles even though, according to some, I hate the show and shouldn’t be blogging about it. This must be some kind of terrible mistake!

Ash Like Snow – CD case front

Ash Like Snow – CD case back

Friends – CD case front

Friends – CD case back

Ash Like Snow first press comes with Allelujah’s ID card and Friends first press comes with Tieria’s ID card. Unfortunately (or perhaps thankfully) you won’t get to see how they look like here, because I have a policy of not opening my CDs. Japanese labels could sell me nicely-packaged blank CD-Rs and I wouldn’t ever find out. Then again, not pressing the CD probably doesn’t save Sony that much money, so I’ll trust them on this.

Friends also comes with a B2 poster that uses the same illustration of Setsuna as the back of the jewel case.

I guess I’ll just go set the CDs on fire now since apparently I hate G00 very much.

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