Comments on: Israeli Conscription /websites/ Anime, Games, J-Pop and Whatever Else Sun, 05 Jun 2011 14:44:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: בלעדי: בלוגרי העולם מדברים על ישראל והסיכסוך הישראלי-פלסטיני | Yarbua /websites/ בלעדי: בלוגרי העולם מדברים על ישראל והסיכסוך הישראלי-פלסטיני | Yarbua Sat, 08 Aug 2009 11:06:56 +0000 /websites/ [...] שהגיב לבקשה היה הבלוגר שכתב דווקא השבוע פוסט די משמח לכל חובבי המדים בישראל, Darkmirage מהבלוג Ramblings Of [...] [...] שהגיב לבקשה היה הבלוגר שכתב דווקא השבוע פוסט די משמח לכל חובבי המדים בישראל, Darkmirage מהבלוג Ramblings Of [...]

By: lulz /websites/ lulz Fri, 31 Jul 2009 10:24:23 +0000 /websites/ @bigplayalman "I do not see how in the modern world of ours a group of people could come to a populated civilized land and take it for their own. Before the zionists came to palestine it was peaceful and the most liberal islamic state." Also it still stands that these countries DO want to wipe Israel off the face of the plant, many people see Israel as their home. So what do you expect them to do? It would be kind of hyprocritical if we expect them to adopt pacifism. @bigplayalman
“I do not see how in the modern world of ours a group of people could come to a populated civilized land and take it for their own. Before the zionists came to palestine it was peaceful and the most liberal islamic state.”

Also it still stands that these countries DO want to wipe Israel off the face of the plant, many people see Israel as their home. So what do you expect them to do? It would be kind of hyprocritical if we expect them to adopt pacifism.

By: Julius_Firefocht /websites/ Julius_Firefocht Mon, 27 Jul 2009 07:39:31 +0000 /websites/ @bigplayalman "I do not see how in the modern world of ours a group of people could come to a populated civilized land and take it for their own. Before the zionists came to palestine it was peaceful and the most liberal islamic state." You must be kidding me. Look at how America took over Iraq, in this "modern world of ours" no less. @bigplayalman

“I do not see how in the modern world of ours a group of people could come to a populated civilized land and take it for their own. Before the zionists came to palestine it was peaceful and the most liberal islamic state.”

You must be kidding me. Look at how America took over Iraq, in this “modern world of ours” no less.

By: bigplayalman /websites/ bigplayalman Sat, 25 Jul 2009 02:28:20 +0000 /websites/ Junior must be a Jew! I do not see how in the modern world of ours a group of people could come to a populated civilized land and take it for their own. Before the zionists came to palestine it was peaceful and the most liberal islamic state. only one more thing. WARS ARE EVIL! Junior must be a Jew!

I do not see how in the modern world of ours a group of people could come to a populated civilized land and take it for their own. Before the zionists came to palestine it was peaceful and the most liberal islamic state.

only one more thing. WARS ARE EVIL!

By: junior /websites/ junior Fri, 24 Jul 2009 06:39:30 +0000 /websites/ While nationalism has its downsides as mentioned, it's also important to remember the neighborhood that Israel exists in. When your country is as small as Israel is and your neighbors as hostile as many of the surrounding groups are, it helps to cultivate a certain degree of love-of-country in the population. Israel exists in part as a refuge against the anti-semitism that's existed in much of the rest of the world (culminating in places like Auschwitz), and while you can argue how successful it is in that respect given the neighborhood that it exists in, there's no denying that there's a definite argument for its existance if you happen to be Jewish. In any event, I hope that the individual that you met is able to serve his time honorably and leave none the worse for wear when his time in the service comes to an end. While nationalism has its downsides as mentioned, it’s also important to remember the neighborhood that Israel exists in. When your country is as small as Israel is and your neighbors as hostile as many of the surrounding groups are, it helps to cultivate a certain degree of love-of-country in the population. Israel exists in part as a refuge against the anti-semitism that’s existed in much of the rest of the world (culminating in places like Auschwitz), and while you can argue how successful it is in that respect given the neighborhood that it exists in, there’s no denying that there’s a definite argument for its existance if you happen to be Jewish.

In any event, I hope that the individual that you met is able to serve his time honorably and leave none the worse for wear when his time in the service comes to an end.

By: בלעדי: בלוגרי העולם מדברים על ישראל והסיכסוך הישראלי-פלסטיני – Yarbua /websites/ בלעדי: בלוגרי העולם מדברים על ישראל והסיכסוך הישראלי-פלסטיני – Yarbua Wed, 22 Jul 2009 17:08:14 +0000 /websites/ [...] שהגיב לבקשה היה הבלוגר שכתב דווקא השבוע פוסט די משמח לכל חובבי המדים בישראל, Darkmirage מה הבלוג Ramblings Of [...] [...] שהגיב לבקשה היה הבלוגר שכתב דווקא השבוע פוסט די משמח לכל חובבי המדים בישראל, Darkmirage מה הבלוג Ramblings Of [...]

By: bigplayalman /websites/ bigplayalman Mon, 20 Jul 2009 01:46:47 +0000 /websites/ If the guy really wanted to join the army he should have enlisted in the Australian Army! They are the only army in the world that provide free breast implants for female conscripts. This is because it raises the moral of the troops :) If the guy really wanted to join the army he should have enlisted in the Australian Army! They are the only army in the world that provide free breast implants for female conscripts. This is because it raises the moral of the troops :)

By: TP /websites/ TP Sun, 19 Jul 2009 18:08:55 +0000 /websites/ Hm, such is the choice of free will: "you can force a horse to the drinking shed, but you can never force a horse to drink." Let's forget the talk of conscription. It's all about the choices we make: incidentally, some of your contemporaries, DM, are going through the same period of restlessness. (This is also known as "<a href="" rel="nofollow">quarter-life crisis</a>.") Some things should not be equated through rational thought alone. Hm, such is the choice of free will: “you can force a horse to the drinking shed, but you can never force a horse to drink.”

Let’s forget the talk of conscription. It’s all about the choices we make: incidentally, some of your contemporaries, DM, are going through the same period of restlessness. (This is also known as “quarter-life crisis.”)

Some things should not be equated through rational thought alone.

By: Random Otaku /websites/ Random Otaku Sun, 19 Jul 2009 17:59:08 +0000 /websites/ I just want to point out that only non-Israeli Jewish people (as in, YOUNG people) need to serve in the army in order to get a citizenship, without actually being born in the country or have lived in it (and thus received citizenship by law). People born in Israel get their citizenship automatically, with no relation to them doing, or not doing the mandatory army service thingy later on in life. There are a few right-wing demagogues who think that citizenship SHOULD be tied to either a mandatory army service or a mandatory civil service, by they (thankfully) are a moronic minority. I just want to point out that only non-Israeli Jewish people (as in, YOUNG people) need to serve in the army in order to get a citizenship, without actually being born in the country or have lived in it (and thus received citizenship by law). People born in Israel get their citizenship automatically, with no relation to them doing, or not doing the mandatory army service thingy later on in life.

There are a few right-wing demagogues who think that citizenship SHOULD be tied to either a mandatory army service or a mandatory civil service, by they (thankfully) are a moronic minority.

By: JeeChan /websites/ JeeChan Sun, 19 Jul 2009 17:03:10 +0000 /websites/ Wow (sorry for the bad english, too tired from work) but I'm from Israel, and was really touched by your post. Hope the guy's okay. Wow (sorry for the bad english, too tired from work) but I’m from Israel, and was really touched by your post. Hope the guy’s okay.
